hiltemoutli Journal C. IV. KIItltMAX. Publisher. NFEILtSIfA. Tlie News Condensed. Important Intelliaence From Al! Parts. CONGRESSIONAL. Ergular Session. In the senate on tiie Hth it was decided that there should l,e no further legislation over which there is a content at this session of cou gress. Tho resolution to appoint Senator AVhite to the vacancy on the finance committee was adopted. A resolution was adopted to In struct the finance committee to report back an amendment to tho free sujiar bill providing for the McKlnley bounky on raw domestic supars. After the passage of the bid for the relief of the Oklahoma settlers, tho Kenate adjourned The house wa.H in session but a Khort time, no business of Importance beint? transited. In the senate on the Si'th. the amended suftir bill and the cod, iron ore and barbed wire bills were reported. The bills placing wool, coal and Iron on the freo list were ordered placed on the calendar. The senate then went Into executive sess;on. but ov.inp to a leck of a quorum adjourned until the 22d No quorum could be got together in the house, consequent ly no session was held. The senate was not In session on the Cist In the house there was not a quorum present when its session besan. but members sought to take up several measures by unanimous con sent. The senate bill allowing an additional $54,000 for tho public building at Little Kock, Ark., was passrd. The senate bill for the ex clusion and deportation of alien anarchists was called up, but objection beinr made to its consideration it went over under the rules. IN the senate on the 23d the members pres ent at the opening session curubervd twenty one less than half of a quorum. The vice president announced his signature to the de ficiency bill. A motion was made that the sergeant-at-arms be directed to request the attendance of atsent senators, which ho did. and an executive session was held. The house was not in session. After an hour's wait the senate on the T3d was unable to secure a quorum, and adjourned. A clerk reached the cap.toi with some impor tant nominations, but owin? to the absence of a quorum they could not be laid beioi-e the senate In the house the chairman of the committee on naval alTuirs presented the pre liminary report upon the investigation of the armor plate and billets furnished to the go ernment by the Carneis i-teel company. The till to give the Hutchinson & Southern Kaii road company two more years In which to build the road through ths Indian territory was passed. DOMESTIC. Fire broke out on the clipper ship General Knox while she was lying1 at her dock iu New York and caused $100,000 damage. Women of Dalton, la., marched to a house in which two disreputables were lodged and after horsewhipping them drove them out of town. Gov. Altgelu visited Pullman and found about 500 families on the verge of starvation. Means for their imme diate relief would be demised. Fokest fires were raging1 in northern Wisconsin and thousands of tons of hay were destro3'ed in the vicinity of Grantsburg. The cases against the assailants of Adjt. Gen. Tarsney, of Colorado, were dismissed, the grand jury having failed to find indictments. Mbs. Mack Abrahams, of Frankfort, Ky., quarreled with her hut-band be cause he went to hear Breckinridge epeak, and took morphine and arsenic with fatal effect. Charles Berkluxd and a companion were drowned by the capsizing of a boat in the bay at Gladstone, Mich. Dcrlsg a thunderstorm near Clay ton, Ala., lightning struck the resi dence of James Houston, instantly killing three of his children. Ox the Wabash railroad a freight train struck a horse 2 miles west of Jonesburg, Mo., ditching the loco motive and nineteen cars and killing the engineer and three tramps. Eight other persons were injured. As a result of a religious revival at Xlammondsville, O., seven women left their husbands because they would not join the church. Profiting by the bitter experience of the present year, many Nebraska farmers were preparing to vote bonds for the introduction of irrigation. Eleven thousand employes of the textile works at New Bedford, Mass., went on strike on account of reduc tion of wages. Gabriel Brock was shot and killed from ambush and Mrs. Mary Edwards wounded while driving near Liot Springs, Ark. The thirteenth annual encampment of the national order of the Sons of Veterans convened at Davenport. Ia. The order has 1,549 camps and a mem bership of 39,859. veterans oi the German wars met in annual convention at Pittsburgh, Pa., and the parade witnessed by en thusiastic thousands. Ax ammonia tank belonging to the Ileidreiger Ice company exploded at St. Louis, killing an employe named Wilson Sanders. "Walter Fisiter, a divekeeper at Day ton, O., was shot and killed by his brother Robert, aged 15. From an area of 2,071,354 acres Illi nois has produced 41,315.099 bushels of wheat, a yield which has been but thrice exceeded. Mrs. Coxrad Youxga and her niece were killed in a runaway at Rose bud, 111. Failing in his efforts to induce the car company to relieve the distress at Pullman, Gov. Altgeld issued an ap peal to the people for contributions. Thomas Harper, a well-to-do busi ness man of Esplenborough, Pa., re turning home from a short vacation found his wife murdered and his two children, aged 2 and 4 years, nearly starved to death. J L'Luts de M arcus and Juliette Four rier were found dead in Central park, New York. It was supposed they com mited suicide. Ax engineer was killed near Colo rado City, Col., by a freight train wreck. The Big Four freight depot and ad joining buildings were destroyed by fire at Cincinnati, causing a loss of from 300,000 to S500.000. The United Brothers of Friendship, the greatest negro organization in the country, began its triennial national convention at Little Kock, Ark. Many .prominent educators were jpresen. It "ot trie irge wm.m MM:nenfyeTnW'u;i"; lBhel of potato for the best looking I departed Tue8day mining for a The annual convention of the Society of American Florists convened at At lanta City, N. J. Five men were arrested at Sedan, Kan., charged with the murder of J. B. Frazer four years ago. Mrs. Kate Litbekry and hero-year-old son were burned to death in a fire which destroyed their home at Newcastle, Ky. Charles McCor, an architect, and Miss Josie Calwell, aged 20, were drowned in Peoria lake at Peoria, 111., while out boatiug. By the explosion of a traction en gine on the farm of Hiram Bcrksmith near Byron, 111., two men were killed and four boys fatally injured. Rev. I). F. MacDoxai.d, D. P., died at Gilbertsville, N. Y. He was a chap lain under Gen. Lee during the war. Catholics who refuse to recognize the temporal and spiritual power of the pope met at Cleveland and organ ized the American Catholic church. Late rains have improve.1 corn and vesretation generally throughout the country, though iu certain sections drought was still complained of. Fire in Chicago destroyed the Chi cago & Northwestern freight huse with all its contents. A hoire which was being torn down in Worcester, Mass., collapsed, bury ing a dozen children and three men. Seven were rescued, severely injured. AiorsT Lisifr, of Merrick county, Xel , got drunk and shot his wife in the temple, his daughter in the hand and himself in the head. All three were fatally shot-Tin-; American Bar association con vened in annual session at Saratoga, N. Y., the opening address being de livered by the president. Judge T. M. Cooley. W. T. Thompson was taken from jail at Klamath falls, Ore., and lynched by a mob. Thompson was held in jail on a minor charge, but had a bad reputa tion. Gov. Matthews, of Indiana, bor rowed from a bank S-il.000 with which to pa3" the Indiana militia for their services during the recent strikes. By the explosion of a traction boiler on a farm near La Mourn, N. I., John Lind and Louis Burg were killed and four others injured. L. O. Loffer was killed and Matt Goschet seriously injured by a fall from a scaffold at Omaha, Neb. William McCormick, aged 21. deputy postmaster at Wordsworth, O., was drowned at Lake Brady. The entire business portion of Tal mage. Neb., was wiped out by fire. Bexja.mix Remer, aged 21, son of Maj. A. M. Remer, ot Omaha, Neb., was run over and killed by a Rock Island train near his home. The Society of American Florists, in session at Atlantic City, N. J., selected Pittsburgh as the place for holding the convention in lS'Ja. Fritz Brinkman, a Nebraska farmer, committed suicide at Mankato, Minn., by hanging. Miguel Couciiarty, a full-blooded Seminole Indian, was sentenced to death by the Seminole council for the murder of Dan Brooks. As A north-bound express train of the Paducah, Tennessee fe Alabama railway was nearing Hazel, Ivy., it struck a, wagon loaded with people, killing live of the occupants. Bowlixg Gkeex, Ky., suffered a loss of 8200,000 by fire, two entire blocks being burned. Joux W. Coburx, of New York, was elected grand master of the general grand chapter of Royal Arch Mason at the triennial convention at Topeka, Kan. Johx T. Callahax, a member of New Orleans city council, was con victed of receiving a bribe and com mitted to jaiL Jake Morris, aged 17 years, fel from a freight train at Mexico, Mo. and his head was severed from his body. Four persons were injured and much valuable property destroyed by an ex plosion of dynamite which was being used in excavating in New York. By a decision of the attorney gen eral women will hereafter be allowed to vote for superintendent of public instruction in North Dakota. Ohio miners who have been on strike for an advance in wages would resume work September 1 at the operators prices. J. M. Wixstead, a bank presi dent, committed buicide by jumping from a balcony on the fourth story of the city hall at Greensboro, N. C. Henry R. Pearsox killed himself in Kansas City. He was short in his ac counts with the Piano Manufacturing company. James Hale was murdered by white caps near Pennington Gap, Ya, His offense was the whipping of a boy. Lieut. Johx R. Rathbox, U. S. A., committed suicide at Perry, O. T. Georoe Baldwix was foully mur dered in the presence of his family by Deputy Sheriff Jackson Lily and a posse in the Choctaw Nation. The national encampment. Sons of Veterans, in session at Davenport, la., elected Col. William E. Bundy, of Ohio, commander in chief. Three men were killed and three seriously injured in a wreck on the Chicago & Northwestern road near Fort Atkinson, Wis. Squire William Biiakd, a prominent citizen of the Conemaugh, committed suicide at Johnstown, Pa., while mel ancholy from business reverses and drink. A. S. Tucker, a prominent board of trade broker at Chicago, committed suicide. Unfortunate speculation was assigned as the cause. Prof. Charles J. Hixkel, who for years occupied the chair of Latin and Greek literature at Vassar college, died from heart failure at Amagan sett, L. I. 3iAV and negro miners indulged in a fight at West Overton, Pa., diving which one man was fatally shot. The great textile strike has devel oped into a lockout, and as a result 25,000 mill operatives of Fall River, Mass., are idle. Henry Hexrici, jobber in wcolens at New York assigned with heaw liabilities. i Omaua at TTwrprmr ni ;pk Before the American Bar associa tion Moor field Storey said public honesty and trust had reached a low ebb. Adam Stivetts, father of John Stivetts, the Boston baseball pla3'er, was accidentally killed in a coal miuo at Ashlands, Fa. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tennessee republicans in state con vention at Nashville nominated H. Clay Evans for governor. Hon. Norman L. Freeman, reporter of the Illinois supreme court, died at his home in Springfield. lie was the oldest court reporter in the United States. Nebraska republicans in convention at Omaha nominated a ticket headed by Thomas J. Majors for governor. Congressional nominations were made as follows on the 22d: Massa chusetts, Sixth district, John S. Wil liams (dem.). Missouri, Third district, A. M. Dockery (dem.). Texas, Twelfth district, A. W. Houston (dem.). Wis consin, Sixth district, Riley Bishop (pop.). Kentucky, Second district, K. G. Sebree (rep.). Michigan, Fourth district, Dr. L. F. Weaver (dem.); Ninth district, Koswell 1. Bishop (rep.). Iowa, Third district, Rev. S. 11. Basher (dem.); Eleventh district. Bernard Graeser Fourth district, W. Tenth district. Dr. California, Second Caininetti (dem.); (dem.). Indiana, S. llolman (dem.); J. J. Hatch (rep.), district, Anthony Sixth district. George S. Patton (dem.); Seventh dis trict, W. II. Alvord (Jem ). Nominations for congress were made as follows on the 2:'d: New Jersey, First district, II. C. Loudenslager (rep.) Tennessee, Third district, Fos ter V. Brown (rep.). Nebraska, Sixth district, Omar M. Kern (pop.). Kansas, Third district, W. T. Sapp (dem.). Pennsylvania, Fortieth district, I). S. Walton (rep.); Twenty-eighth district, Aaron Williams (dem.). North Caroli na, Sixth district, J. A. Lockart (dem.). New York, Twenty-third dis trict. W. T. Foote, Jr. (rep.). Missou ri, Seventh district, C. IS. Wisker (pro.). Virginia, Fifth district, Claude Swan son (dem.). Sixth district, O. C Rucker (pro.); Tenth district, Edmund R. Cooke (pop.). Missouri, Fifth district, I!. 1. White (pro.). Florida. Second district, C. M. Cooper (dem.); Mont Atkinson (pop.). FOREIGN. Many cases of cholerine have ap peared in Paris, while cholera con tinues to spread throughout Germany and'Hollaiid. Rio Janeiro advices states that by the explosion of a gunpowder wagon in Largo do Sanidad thirty-two per sons were killed, many more were wounded, and several houses were de molished. Forty Moorish rebels were killed by the sultan's troops at Azimoor. Heavy rains in Mexico have caused the overflow of the N'assas river. Fif teen persons were drowned and many families were made homeless. A thrashing machine in William II ay ward's barn at Forest, Ont., broke the cylinder shaft and fired the straw and two men who were in the mow were burned to death. Barox Mr.NDAr, founder of the Sal vage society, committed suicide at Vienna by shooting while insane. A CAVE-IX occurred in one of tha mines near Duranirn Mm hnrvino mines near iurango, ;uex.. ourj ing n. ii iuiuc-rb. oii nie uica were res cued alive, but the others were dead when found. British Coxsrt, Hatch and several Americans were deco3-ed to prison by Spanish authorities at BlueGelde. LATER. Ix the United States senate on the 24th the house joint resolution was adopted for a final adjournment Au gust 23 at 2 p. m., after which an ex ecutive session was held, and all nominations to which no objections were offered were confirmed. In the house a joint resolution was adopted for a final adjournment on the USth. The anti-anarchist bill was brought up and an amendment to it offered, but objection being made to its con sideration the bill went over. William Day, former champion cross-country runner of the country, hanged himself because he had been accused of embezzlement. Miss Madgk Howe, of Springfield, 111., was elected ' president of the La dies' Aid societ3-, auxiliary to the Sons of Veterans, at the national encamp ment at Davenport. Nehraska populists nominated a ticket headed by Silas A. Ilolcomb for governor. A plot to assassinate President II ip polyte, of Hayti, was exposed by the sweetheart of one of the conspirators, most of whom were captured. Democrats in state convention at San Francisco nominated Congress man James Budd for governor. Ahvises from Corea state that in a battle between Chinese and Japanese ; 1,300 of the latter were killed. j Two mex were killed and eleven in- j jured by an explosion of gas' in the Oilberton colliery, near Ashland, Pa. Ax explosion of gas in a mine at Franklin, Wash., imprisoned sixty-two men, thirty-seven of whom were taken out dead. Kiley Walker and Richard Jordan, two negroes convicted of murder, were taken from a train at Mitchell's Sta tion, Ala., and lynched. Anderson Boyd (colored) was com mitted to jail at Knoxville, Tenn., on the charge of murdering Ed Uhl in Marion county, O., ten j-ears ago. Carl Lower, an ex-employe, fatally wounded Alois Mehetretter, a tailor, at Buffalo. The presiffnt has signed the general deficiency appropriation bill, the last of the appropriation bills of this ses sion. Philip Peters (colored), was hanged at Helena, Ark., for killing his wife. At Ashland, Wis., an entire block of business buildimrs was destroyed by fire. Lightning struck an emigrant's Wi gon near Columbns, Tex., killing husband and wife, but leaving their babe unhurt. headache per DIDN'T SEEK PEACE. Manager Kfran Made No KfTort to Set tle the Strike Amicably. Chicago, Aug. 25. The General Managers association, represented by General Manager John M. Kfan. submitted its views of tho strike to the . labor commission at Friday's session. Mr. Ean was interrogated rather sharply by Commissioners Worthinnton and Keruan and the situation was quito interest In? at times. Tho witness told the story of the proposed conference to bo held by the mayor, representatives of the Amer-an Hallway union and of the managers' association, lie said ho bad no authority to take part iu such a conference. He had re turned the document left at his office by the mayor because the managers' association had directed him to return it. He would not state whether the docu ment In question was offensive afiu Insulting to tho association. Witness said that at that time the strike had not been settled so far as tho American Railway union was concerned. It was "settled" on the part of the rallreads because they had employed other men In place of those who went out. The General Managers' association had refused to recognize the American Railway union. When tho mayor presented the document signed by Messrs. Debs. Howard and Keliher Mr. ilKan said to him that he "thought the mayor should not act as a messenger boy for such parties." Ho (Egn) had advised all in dividual strikers comim? to him to go back to work. Ho had had no negotiations with tho strike leaders. He had authority to make all arrangements to flht tho strike, but did not consider ho had any authority to confer with the mayor or others regarding an amicable settlement, therefore he declined to do so. "Did you make any effort whatever to effect an amicable settlement of the strike'r" "I did not." "Did you, during the whole time of this strike, make any effort to settle the trouble by any means except force?" "I did not." "Was it the policy of tho railroads to crush the strike?" "I think It was the policy to crush the strike." "You refused to receive communications from the AiuerlcanKallway union or to treat with it in any way?" "I believe so."' "It was the policy of the companies to crush, the American Railway union?" "I dont know that." Mr. Ktfan llnally admitted that the railroad companies would have nothing to do with tha American Railway union people. "It has been stated in testimony given here." said Mr. Kernan. "that you furnished money to be paid to men for overturning and burning cars, and for doing overt acts, in order that prejudice against the strikers might be cre ated." Mr. Epan swung back in his chair and deliberated awhile before making his answer. Then ia evident anger he replied: "My at tention was Brst attracted to statements by whit I read in the newspaiers. Considering the source from which it came I think all I need say is that it is the veriest rot. It is on a parity with numerous other state ments of Debs, Howard and other leaders of the American Railway union to influence tha men they had duped." General Superintendent Dunlop. of the Rock Island road, was the lirst witness ia the after noon. He told of the difficulties at Blue Island and the mobs which prevented the company from moving trains. Among those using vio lence were several ex-employes of the road. Referring to the list of discharged men kept by Ray. the assistant yardmaster at Rock; Island, Mr. Kernan asked whether it was cus tomary to keep such a list. Mr. Dunlap said the only record kept was In the division super intendent's ofllce, where the clenrance cards were issued to discharged men. Ho had had a talk with Ray after he was discharged; he had told him he could not go back, because his work was not satisfactory. Superintendent of Police IJrennan was the next witness. He was asked to tell how the disorder growing out of the strike was handled. He said: "As soon as the strike was declared I called in the police and kept them subject to call for aid from the railroad compan ies. Thttir business was to protect prop erty, disperse mobs and prevent vio lence. My personal knowledge is derived principally from reports. On June 'M the mayor directed me to use the entiro force to protect property and prevent violence. Until tho arriviU of "oops on July 3 the force had hantlled lt wUhout a.ay Kreat violence and prac- tically no destruction of property. When the troops arrived the police, 3.1KH of them, had been in constant service for nice days. The calls of railroad companies had grown so nu merous as to absorb the whole force. I speak of this because it was the only time I left headquarters to go out on the track. I want to say here that at no time were the po lice sent out unable to clear away any mob they met." Q. "Complaints were mado that policemen did i.ot do their full duty In repressing lawless ness. How about that?" A. "The mayor di rected me to discharge Immediately any po liceman who was found lukewarm or Inefficient. Indeed, wo did suspend several ofllcers on com plaints, but when we came to investigate wo could tind no responsible author. In one case we did tind an officer had been overzealous in compelling railroad companies to keep tracks clear. "So far as I have been able to learn, the rail road men had very little to do with the dis turbances and destruction of property. The rioters were hoodlums, mixed in with crowds of women and children. It was the opportu nity of the 'tough' element, and they took ad vantage of it- I do not think the average daily arrests during the strike iw any larger than the regular average. The police were massed along tracks or held In reserve at stations, and so did not pay as much attention to the crim inal classes of the city as usual." The chief said many of the complaints made against tho police were made by deputy mar shals, who were more in the way than of serv ice. To show tho character of some of those men the chief offered to introduce tho records of three deputy marshals who had been ar rested for highway robbery. TLe commission excluded the records as irrelevant. John T. Norton, a locomotive engineer re siding in South Chicago and formerly em ployed by the Illinois Central railroad, gave his experience with the "blacklist." After the strike ho secured u position with the Calu met & Hlue Island road, which was to run over the Rock Island tracks part of the way to get out of South Chicago. He made one trip and on his return was informed that the Rock Island officials had barred him from their tracks, and he was therefore discharged. He, with a witness, called on Superintendent Dun lap, of the Rock Island system, and was told that he could not run on their tracks because he belonged to the A. R. U., and for no other reason. He continued: "1 only speak of this now because Mr. St. John testified the Kock Island had no black list. I was a member of the American Rail way union and president of a local union, but there was no charge against me of committing violence. Hut tho Kock Island threw me out of a position with another company using some of Us tracks after I had passed its ex amination for competency and had a letter of recommendation from its assistant general su- j perintendent. After several other witnesses had been heard on matters of minor impcrtai.ee the omrjis ion adjourned for the day. IN A NUTSHELL. Rubies are manufactured. Agatk is successfully imitated. The snail's mouth is in its foot. Camphor grows on trees in Japan. The first alphabet had but sixteen letters. New Brunswick has a small leper colony. TnE title rabbi means master or teacher. Dramas in India are played in the open air. The smallest known microbe ia that of influenza. FIXED THE DAY. Both Branches of Congress Decide to Art Journ Tuesday. Washington', Aug. 2. A joint reso lntion has been adopted by the housu providing fo final adjournment on Tuesday, August 2S, at 2 p. m. Th res olution was sent forthwith to the senate and that body adopt d in promptly. The open session of the senate lasted only four minutes. There was no question raised as to the presence of a quorum. On motion of Senator llar- I ris the senate proceeded to the consid eration of executive business. After remaining in executive session about an hour the senate adjourned until Monday. Washington, Aug. 25. Tresident ! Cleveland's purpose on tiie tariff bill was the main reason for the resolu tion passed in the house for final adjournment at 2 o'clock next Tues day. Representative Cat.'hings, of the committee on rules, caLied on the president, and on reaching the capitol : conferred with Speaker Crisp as to adjournment. The resolution was thereupon framed and introduced with the authority of the rules committee. It is understood that Mr. Catchings outlined this plan to the president and it met with his approval. Mr. Catchings would say little as to his talk with the president. He re garded it as settled, however, that the bill would become a law next Mon day midnight without the pres ident's signature. Mr. Catchings also inclined to the belief that the presi dent would send a message to congress upon the subject. It is said that while a message on a measure not signed or vetoed would be unusual it would be entirely regular. If any positive action on the president's part had been contemplated soon the house managers would not have bound them selves to postpone adjournment until Tuesday next. SLAIN BY A BANDIT. Murder Committed Near Chicago by n Train Robber. Chicago. Auk-. 23. At 10 o'clock Fri day night a north-hound freight train on the Chicago, Milwaukee fc St. Paul road was held up by two masked men at Deerfield, a small station just north of the line between Cook and Lake counties. One of the de tectives of the road, who was riding on the train, was shot and killed and the watch of Conductor Larzen, who was in charge of the train, was taken from him. This was the only plunder secured by the robbers. The train had stopped to allow the engineer to take water from a tank, and within thirty seconds after it had come to a standstill the two masked men climbed into the caboose and ordered the conductor and one brakeman. who were in the caboose, to throw up their hands. The men were forced to obey. The detec tive entered and showed fight and he was shot and instantly killed by one of the bandits. Both of them jumped from the train and disappeared in the darkness. There is no clew to their identity, and the railway men were unable to tell in what direction the murderer and his companion fled. A special train carrying a number of special officers of the road was sent out at midnight to run down the rob bers if possible. It is reported that the name of the detective who was murdered was Pat Owen. Deerfield is 4 miles west of Fort Sheridan and on the direct north branch of the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee &. SL Paul road. CARNAGE IN COREA. JpnncM Land fi.OOO Men. Are Attacked and 1.30 0 Soldiers Are Killed. Shanghai, Aug. 23. A letter from Chemulpo, Corea, received at Chee-Foo reports that nineteen Japanese war ships and thirteen transports arrived in the Tatting river on the lblh inst. They lauded 0,000 men, who, proceed ing inland, were attacked by 1,000 Chi nese eavalay, who succeeded in divid ing the Japanese force into two parts. The Chinese artillery.located on an emi nence, poured a heavj- fire into the ranks of the Japanese, making great havoc. The Japanese were compelled to retreat to the sea shore, where th guns of the fleet prevented further pursuit by the Chinese. The Japanese loss is reported to have been over LI'OO men. Tien-Tsin reports say that a tel egram has been received from Ping- Yang stating that the Chinese troops at Chung-Ho were reinforced by 10,000 men from August 18 to August 20, swelling the army there to 34.00J men. A council of war was held on the 20th and it was decided to attack the Jap anese on about the 22d. The Japanese are holding a pass 8 miles southward from Chung-Ho. It is reported that they are reembarking their heavy bag gage in Tatting bay. Chinese cavalry are scouring the countrj- and have cap and beheaded 100 stragglers. MET AN AWFUL FATE. Planlng-Mlll Hand Mangled Almost Be yond Semblance to Iluiuauity. Hagerstown, Md.. Aug. 25. In Em mert Bros.' planing mill a belt slipped pulley and George W. Breeder climbed up to put it in its place. The belt caught his arm and he was drawn up between the revolving pulleys. It was some minutes before the machine ry could be stopped, and Breeder's body was mangled almost beyond sem blance to human form. He was SI vears of a"'1 and unmarried. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. An exchange reports that gTas weed which is invading the country from the north is likely to prove al most as damaging as tho Russian thistle. If tho grain shocks are allowed to Btand very long in tho fields which were sowed to clover last spring they are liable to kill the plants they cover and thus create bare spots in the fields. A plowxnq match is announced as one of the features of the Iowa state fair this year. This method will be adopted for determining the relative merits of the implements placed upon exhibition. SILVER SHOULD BE FREE. So Suv Resolutions Introduced in tho House of Representatives. Washington, Aug. 23. Representa tive Hartman (Mont.) presented in the house Tuesday resolutions for the free coinage of silver, which are regarded by the free-silver associates as one of the most significant expressions in favor of their doctrine which have been elicited by the agitation of the last 3ear. The resolutions have been considered and adopted during tha present session by the most powerful labor organizations of the country, ire strongly worded and are signed by the chief ollicers of the various unions. The signers are: J. II. Sovereign, general master worlrman, and John W. Hayes, secretary and treasurer, Ot the Knights of Labor; Samuel Uompers. president of the American Federation of Labor: Marion Butler, president of the National Farmers' alliance; Henry IL Trenor. president, and P. J. MeGuire, secretary, of the Ilrotherhooo. of Carpen ters and Joiners: I M. Arthur, chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineers: C. A. Robinson, president of the Farmers' Mutual lienetit association: Frank Sargent, grand master workman, and F. W. Arnold, secretary and treasurer, of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen, and John McBride. president cf the I'nited Mine Workers of America. Accompanying the resolution is an address "to the members of organized labor and all other producers and toilers throughout the United States," which led to their adoption. The ad dress declares that "iu view of the general distress, at a time when granaries are full and in the natural order of things producers and toilers should be enjoying the fruits of their labors, it seems that the time has come for united action on the part of those who create the wealth of the country." The re-solutions are as follows: "We demand of the present congress the im mediate return to the money of the constitu tion as established by our fathers by re.-toring the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the present ratio of 1(3 to 1. the coins of both met als to be equally full lef-'al tender for all debts, public and private, as before the fraudulent demonetization of silve,- in IS-7.5. "We also condemn the increase o? the na tional debt in the time of peace and the use of Interest-bearing bonds at any. time." ON THE RISE. TBnsiucKS in Chicago. A holesale and Re tail, Has a Little Itooui. Chicago, Aug. 25. During the last week the business improvement has been so rapid and the volume of trade bo much increased in nearly every liDe as to bring expressions of astonish ment from many of the old-time busi ness men of the city. Everybody is buying now. The great wholesale houses are crowded with orders, and buyers from tiie country are clamoring to have long bills of goods shipped by the next freight. And they are ready to pay, too. No talk about long-time paj'ments. They are out of stock, and have been running "short" during the hard times to be prepared for any commercial cataclysm which scant confidence might precipi tate. All this is chanced. A visit to I uny of the wholesale houses massed in the region of Monroe and Franklin streets show the reaction from he the stagnation of trade. tireat improvement in the retail trade is also evident. One of the largest retail establishments in the city reports the business of the last two weeks equal to any like period be fore the panic, and all indications point to a continuation of this encour aging condition of general improve ment. The steamer lines are doing more business in general merchandise both to and from the Atlantic seaboard this week than at ant time since the panic betran in the spring of 15l3. The movement of freight is not confined to any particular line, but ever3thing seems to be on the move. KILLED IN A WRECK. A Broken Axle Causes a Fatal Disaster in Wisconsin. Milwavkke, Aug. 25. A Daily News Fpccial from Fort Atkinson, Wis., says three men were killed in a wreck on the Chicago & Northwestern road near that place Thursday morning. Three others were badly hurt. The train was a freight. No. 5sG, and was running at the rate of 20 miles an hour at the time of the accident. The men killed were in one end of a box car, partially filled with hard wood lumber, and they were buried under the debris. The names of the killed are: Thomas Ingalls, 40 years, lived at 427 west Madison street, Chicago; Charles Klein, aged SO. whose wife lives somewhere in Chicago; Stephen Ontke, 40 years.of Austin, Tex. The injured are: S. W. Waterman, 02 West Polk street, Chicago, badly injured about the head, will recover; George Plant, Chicago, bruised, not se verely. James (I. Eggleston, Chicago, long gash in side. The accident was caused by the axle of the lumber car breaking. The dead and injured were brought to this place. THE COLUMBUS SCALE. It Is Adopted by Illinois I'nited Mine Workers. Spring FiEii.n, 111., Aug. 23. The state convention of the United Mine Workers of Illinois concluded its business Wednesday. The most im portant action taken was the adoption of the Columbus scale of prices, which, it is said, is about 10 per cent, below the Springfield scale adopted iu Jnue last, which is now in force in many of the mines of the state. The Colum bus scale, as far as it applies to Illi nois, is as follows: Streator ftl'i cents per ton for summer, TO cents for winter. Wilmington 77 cents for summer. S." cents for winter. La Salle and Sprinjr Valley "J'i cents for summer, ho cents for winter. ether sections in the Illinois field at price relative to the above. bfiiouuccil by Corea. Tokio, Aug. 23. It is officially an nounced that on June 30 the king of Corea declared himself independent of China and appealed to Japan to assist him in driving the Chinese from Asan. This was done with the assistance of the Corean troops. The official an nouncement also says that on the same date, June 30, Corea denounced all treaties with China. i V i I 1 I