Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 23, 1894, Image 3

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    i'tN,'Mm v
.A. S. Cooley of Eagle was a PJatts
tiiouth visitor Saturday.
Jos. Ilall of Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct returned borne yesterday from
a two months' visit with relatives in
The Weeping Water ttepublican,
with characteristic enterprisers pub
lishing a neat daily edition during the
soldier's reunion.
JJush liobbins of Denver, who was
called hither to attend the funeral of
Lis brother on Wednesday, returned
to his labors Friday.
Church Howe's perfidy to Chapman
will not be forgotten. The next time
Church asks fof anything from Ca98
county he will get it right in the
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Craiz. Mrs.
Perry Walker and daughter, Grace,
and Sarah Baker constituted a party
of pleasure-seekers who journeyed to
Hot Springs, S. D., Friday.
Geo. Anderson, foreman at Pepper
berg's cigar factory, departed for Kan
sas City Monday night in rr spouse to a
telegram received Monday afternoon
announcing the death of his father.
Weeping Water, during the reunion,
is overrun with thieves and thugs, and
house-breaking is unusually prevalent.
Some half-dozen residences were
broken into yesterday and property to
the value f SoOO carried away.
Samuel Chauey, the proprietor of a
hotel at Iiiverton, la., a small town in
southwestern Iowa, attempted to
Bhoot a man the other day for having
eloped with his daughter. He was
disarmed and a tragedy avoided.
Congressman Uiyan left Washing
ton last night and will arrive in Omaha
Friday afternoon. lie will go back
that evening, however, to Atlantic. Ia.,
where he makes a speech for General
Weaver on Saturday afternoon, and
he will be in Lincoln Saturday night.
The public will anxiously await a
report of Councilman Steimker'w in
vestigation us to the late glove con
test, but l he general opinion seems to
be that Mr. Sieimker ill innke no re
port. It was simply a dodge to fasten
blame on the county officials.
The XebrakaC ty News, in its ac
count of the late republican congres
sional convention, makes the follow
ing cruel thrust at h Plnttsmouth
man: "On the G3t u ballot Chapman
lost three votes after a short speech by
Judge Sullivan of Cass county."
Michael Hogan, a well-to do farmer,
living about live miles north of Colum
bus, Neb., accidentally shot and killed
himself about fix o'clock last Friday.
He leaves a wife and family. He was
about fifty y--irs of aee. He was get
ting through a w ire f nee when the
gun was accidentally discharged.
Anton Z mmerer. of Nebraska City,
who a short time auo announced him
self as a candidate tor state treasurer
subject t the action t-f the re-publican
state convention, has withdiatxu his
name.. Mr. Zimmerei entered the
field loo late, and found to Ins sorrow
that g. o p state plums are given out
only v ren one's candidacy is an
nounced acnliiix in advance.
Supt. Ed liiirtiel! of the i;. & M. has
four very large am! magnificent ears
of yellow corn hung above his desk at
the depot, which he is fond of show
ing to the calamity howlers who come
in his olliee with their doleful tales of
woe and of the failure of the Nebraska
corn crop. The ears were secured at
Lal'latte by Claim Agent J. M. Sax
ton Wednesday, while he was up in
that direction scouting around and
viewing the crops. Lincoln Journal.
Collector North of the internal rev
enue department Tuesday received a
letter from the acting commissioner
tiotifying him that the law taxing
playing cards two cents per pack might
pass at anytime. Mr. North is in
structed to ascertain at once from the
dealers exactly how many packs of
playing C3rds they have in their pos
session in order that the tax may be
collected on the day that the bill
passes. World-Herald.
If Mr. Dutton of the county board
does not kick on the cost bill amassed
in the recent coroner's inquest, it will
be altnost the first time during the
gentleman's official career that he lias
failed so to do. Kicking seems to be
Mr. Dutton's chief stock in trade.
Perhaps during the campaign the man
may conclude to drop otlicious airs and
reside in the same sphere with the
common people. No one can tell differ
ent, for a man who needs votes often
.acts queerly.
As h presiding oflieer J udge YVind
liao.'. of Plattsmonth. is par excellence.
A thorough parliamentarian quick, yet
accurate, he seems to have the faculty
-of doing the right thing at the right
time. Judpe Windham made many
new friends last evening and his un
animous el.-nion as chairman in the
fa.'e of such rivalry which although
ntrelv friend!- ;.s. nevertheless,
spirited ami determined, is an honor
lie has just reason to feel prodd .of.
Nebraska City Press.
1,110 cnonl -I'K.iii.8!..m. Z 1 states senators by" direct voTeTrtrther"'if-
142,6110 -Ihe 1 Ian Sifter floor is 1 tie popular people and in the preSent compaizn necessal
rusal it will be, Been that" brand. Askfor it from you jgrocer. recommend the nomination by theltion. I
- 1 V 1 i IT
From a per
CaB County Independent Convene.
The people's independent county
convention, held at Wabash last Sat
urday, was called to order by G. S.
Upton, chairman of the county cen
tral committee, and on motion G.
W. Peterson was chosen temporary
chairman and B. F. Allen secretary.
The following committees were ap
pointed: On credentials David McCaig, II.
C. Madding, W. J. McAllister, M. O.
Weed, Ed. Dorr.
On resolutions G. S. Upton, Silas
Crabtree, II. Strickland, II. G. Ilace.
D. W. Hill.
Committee on credentials reported
fourteen precincts and wards repre
sented with 10o delegates with creden
tials and entitled to seats.
The following resolutions were
unanimously adopted:
Resolvkd, That we reaffirm the
principles of the people's party as laid
down in the Omaha platform. During
the two years that this famous declara
tion of principles has been before the
people it has proved itself worthy of
the great part)' that formulated it and
its principles is the key-note of the
country from ocean to ocean.
Resolved, That we indorse the
action of our senator and representa
tives in both branches of congress, and
also approve of the action of Wm. J.
liryan,in his faithful work in behaif
of the common people of this country.
Resolved, That the action of the
state officials in regard to the means
and methods employed in caring for
the funds of the state be denounced
and that we insist on a strict perform
ance of their duty, so that the men
fouud guilty of appropriating the
money of the state be dealt with in
strict conformity to law.
Resolved, That when the legisla
ture convenes next January that one
of the first acts of that body shall be
the passage of a bill for the relief of
the droughth stricken people of the
Delegates were elected to the state.
district and float conventions as fol
State convention F. W. Vallery,
Ii. F. Allen. L. G. Todd, A. M. Russell,
G. S. Upton, 11. C. Madding, W.
Waugh. W. D. Hill. II. Elliott, J. He-
Cloud. .1. Hollister.
Congressional convention G. S. Up
ton. H. Strickland. J. A. Rankin, J.
Clark. J . P. Rouse. B. F. Lauchlin.C. S.
Wortman, J. R. Trockmorron. J. Mc-
Cloud. II. Hubbard, W. .1. McAllister.
Float convention Henry Hard
nock. J. M. Carter, II. D. Parr, E.
Norton, Ed. Dorr. .1. Clarke. J. M.
Campbell. L. G. Todd. A. Strickhuid,
I). W. Foster, H. M. Miller.
A. M. Russell was made chairman
and 1$. F. Allen secretary of the
countv central committee, aud each
precinct and ward represented named
a member of t he committee.
Atkinson's famous "WhiU Rose"
perfume at Gering & Co's .
A CsHftolilt KxplohitMI.
What came near being a serious ac
cident took place Thursday evening at
the residence of Mr. II. Ir.tman at
Wabash, this county. While. 1 he family
weie eatins supper t ho gasoline stove
in an adjoining room -xnloded. filling
the room with ilauu-s. spreading so
rapidly as to almost eompletelv shut
off all escape. Fortunately help "ame
in time to extinguish the fast, spread
ing fl-imes and save the occupants and
property .
We can suit nil in lianmiouk" More
thait titt' en ditlereiU sty les andprices.
Lkhniiokf Bkos. of Lrlitrn
Remaining uncalled for in the post
otlice at PlHitsiuouth Aug. 22 lor week
ending Aug. 15, 1S94:
Ho's. J V Clark. Delloe
Conk, Cameron, Eoe
C'arotr, Caroline .Tones, Mrs N V
Johnson, Clara Lewis, Mrs J IS
Kuchler. Bertha.
Persons calling lor any oi the above
letters or parcels will please say ''ad
vertise.!." W. K. Fox. P. M.
Always nuy Gering's German Veg
etable Liver Pills. They st-md with
out a rival.
The everlasting piocession of prai
rie schooners is still wending its weary
way eastward. Next snring they will
wearily wend westward again, and
most of them will be glad to get back.
As a rule the people in the states east
of lis are no better off than those west,
or those in Nebraska, and this ever
lasting moving around hunting for
Utopia isn't what it is cracked up to
be. Nebraska City News.
Japanese Pile Cuie is the only one
that can be truaranieeil. :is it is the
only cure. Soid by Fricke ..V Co.
Iuy the improved Singer sew ing ma
chine. Anton Trillity, local agent,
office iu Unruh's furniture store
Window glass of all sizes at Gering
& Co.'s.
When traveling, always take a cake
of Johnson's Oriental Soap with you;
diseases are often caught from using
hotel soap. Sold by Fricke & Co.
Consumption. Bronchitis, Camrrli. . anl all
Ciseases or the respiratory oruurus are of lite
term origin, and It is only lately thiit they Lave
tieensnt'cesstiilly treated.
Id IItlo. luteii by Kteam inhalation. Anieri
an scientists have siic -eecied, w here Koch ami
I'asteur failed, in pertectiuz a cure that ci bis
For particulars a.idrc'HS California Chemical
'1'orks, Omaba, Neb. li-14
Box Butte la In tlie Swim.
j Alliance, August 15th, 1894.
I Editok Joukxal Rux Butte county
is under water, lut neaviest rain
during the past five years fell here
yesterday, and for about three hours
this level prairie had the appearance
ot a vast sea of water. Box Butte
county soil will now go into winter
quarters in the best condition ever be
fore known, thus insuring a good start
for all kind of cereals the coming
season. J udging from the present and
future crop prospects. I predict that
those who bartered their land away
for a mere nothing, and left here a
few yeais ago, will in the near future.
tear their hair and gnash their teeth
and say: "O, what fools we were."
W31.T. JonxsoN.
Cases of forty years standing where
operations have failed, have been
cured by Japanese File Cure. Guaran
teed by Fricke & Co.
Mixed paints at Gering & Co.'s.
Don't buy a bicycle until you see us.
The "fifty-dollar ladies' " is certainly
a sensation. We are sole agents for
them. Leukhoff Bkos.
When Baby was sick, we pave her Castorla.
When she vas a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Legal Notice.
S. O. Leeson. whose first name is unknown,
John L. Parsons, Jesse L. Koot, Edwin M.
Parker, Frederick W. Fowler. W. U. Pickens,
whose tirst name is unknown, and C. J. Hoff
man. whose first name is uuKnowu. will take
notice that on the itih day of July. lh4. Alex
ander li. Kobertson. trustee of the estate of Ella
V. Davis, deceased, as plaintiff, tiled his petition
in the district court in and for Cass county,
stale of Nebraska, against Michael O'Donohoe,
AnneO'Doiiohoe. -Milton D. Polk. Kate Polk,
John F. Polk, Martlssa E Polk. S. u. Leeson,
first name unknown, Kraut t'arruth. John 1).
Parsons, Kichey Brothers, Jesse L. Koot, Wil
liam 11. Anderson, executor of the estate of
William Wheeler, deceased. E'iwin M. Parker.
Frederick W. Fowler, tieortte W. Coveli. W. II.
Pickens, tirst name unknown, William Neville,
Thomas swobe. C. J. Hoffman, tirst name un
known. Peter McCann. Mary A. Doyle and E. T.
Hartley, tirst name unknown, as defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain luortyaire executed and delivered by
the defendants. Michael O'Donohoe and Anne
O'Donohoe, his wife, to the plaintiff. Alexander
11. K bertson. as said trustee, on the 11 th day of
December. 1S5. upon the following described
real estate, situated in the countv of Cass, and
stateof Nebraska, towit: Lots one (1) to six ri,
inclusive, in block two i2i and lots four 4 . five
5) and six ;. in block eitrbtv nine wi. all in
the city ot Plattsmouth. and also upon the south
one half of block five ("' and jots four 4j, tove
l."! and six ( in Mock eitht si. in White's a 1
iiiiion to the city of PlattMii'.uth. which wort
irae wasexecuted and del ivered to secure the
payment to said plaintiff of tiiree certain
promissory notes, dated December 10th. Isjo,
and lusde by said defendant. Michael O'Dono
hoe. to the order of said Alexander 11. Kobert
son. trustee, each for the sum of one thousand
dollars, and due nnd pa? able respectively on or
before December Huh. 1-, December Iota. 1WS7.
and December loth. lsss;that the tirst of said
notes has been paid, and that there is now due
upon said other two notes and mortgaged the
urn of one thousand dollars, together w ith in
terest thereon at the rate of 7 er cent r an
num from the lmh day of December, and
the further sum of eiu'ht hundred seventy-three
and 15 UK) dollars S73.15). together with in
terest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent perannum
from March 0th. ls.7. for which sums audio
terest said Alexander H. Kobertson. as said
trustee, prays for a decree that the defendants
be required to pay the same, or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
due. nnd that H of said defendants be fore
closed and forever baried of all equity of re
demption or other interest in said mortgaged
premises. You. and each of y on. are required
to answer sail petition on or before the lUtli
dav of September, Ism
Dated Plattsmouth . Neb.. A"e Oth. IVM.
Trustee of estate of Ella V. Davis, deceased.
By Isaac K. Conc.kos, Attorney.
Notice of Probate of Will.
State or N kbraska, I
Cass Col STY. "
In county court -In the matter of the last will
ami tes'tament ot Philip Paul Khtiufrauk. de
ceived :
Notice is hereby given that on the loth day of
September. A D, 114. at the office of county judge
in Piatt"inotith. Cass county. Xebra-ka. at tiie
Lour of 10 o'clock ill the forenoon the follow
ing matter will beheird and considered :
The ietilion of Joseph Cook to admit to pro
bate the last will and testament of Philip Paul
kbeinfrank. deceased, late of Plattsmouth pre
cinct, in said county, and for letters of ndmin
istrHtioii with will annexed to Jo-eph Cook.
Dated tills 14! h day tf Au::iist, A D.,1S'.4.
By order of the court.
:U . B. S. RAMSEY. County .ludve.
Filial Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Mattes Akeson,
deceased :
In tiie county court of Cuss county, Nebruska.
Notice is "hereby given that Isaac Wiles,
executor of the estate of the said Mattes Ake
son. deceased, has made application for
final settlement and that said cause is set for
hearing at my office at Plattsmouth on the lsth
day of s.eptemler, A. I).. 1SS4. at 10 o'clock a. m.
on said day, at w hich time and place all per
sons interested limy I e present and examine
suid accounts. B. S. KiU'ET, County Jud;re.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. Aug. 10th. Isw4. 34-5
To John W. A. Bird, noil resilient defendant:
You are hereby notified that ou the 4ih day of
August. l-!'l. "osta E. Bird filed her jetitiou
against you in the district court of 'ass county,
Nebraska, the object nnd prayer of which are
to obtain a divorce from you on the ground
that you have wilfully abandoned tne plaintiff
without just cause for the term of two years
la-t past, nnd asking for the custody of the mi
nor child. kie issue of her marriage with you.
You are required to answer said petition ou
or liefore the 10th dv of !eptemler. ls!4
OSTA K. BIRD. Plaintiff".
33-4 ISyt'UAs. L. Graves, her attorney.
Application fwtr Liquor Licue.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
have tiled their petition and application before
the county commissioners of ( ass countv. Ne
braska, asking that a license be pranted them
to seli malt, spirituous and vinous liquors with
in the village of Cedar Creek, said county and
state, for a period of one year, and that the
said matter will be heard and considered by the
county commissioners at their regular session
In Svptember, 194.
! Cor. 1616 aad Farnam Sts., OMAHA
Parti stmnitthfn.
um or Tc"wtivi
01 Tirnu!nritM Ml
mn V enk iri t or Nrvw
ttvy return 1 l.y usim
04 ( H(uiM. 41tMx,6fr
t'liarm', UiumIim. a
rOiT cartel or c
t0 $ubmail. Haiit.
inCQ Turfcwii Ty Ami Pn- X
W W nyrojnl rilin nvtr fmi. m
ar to the Jt Hnntt momhlit rrular
W waliout pua. 41 box hy mail. Asniewaawd. W
ii-VMB f HA KM AC 1,
3012 k arntm St., Omaha. Neb.
From January 1st to June 30th, 1894.
Ft" XDS.
Mate general fund
" school "
university fund
" relief fund
reform school fund
" In9't'n for Feeble Minded Children
" penitentiary fund
insane f nnd
" live stock indemnity fund
' capitol fund
" school land principal fund
' school land interest fund
" school land lease fund
County general fund
' bridge fund
' sinking fund
' poor fund
" railroad bond fund
" court house bond fund
' soldiers' relief fund
" advertising fund
" road fund
District road fund
' school fund
' school house fund
" school bond fund
Teacher's fund
Eaton judgment fund
County insaue fund
South Bend precinct bond fund
Louisville " " " . ...
Plattsmouth " " "
Plattsmouth city fund
Weeping Water city fund
South Bend village fund ..
Greenwood " "
Louisville " "
Avoca " "
Elmwood " "
Eagle " "
I'nion " "
Disputed Interest fund
Redemption fund
Fee fund
The demand for reduction in the
cost of necessaries, we have made,
for the month of
Great discounts on our former
prices. inrougn an our depart
ments the knife has been un
spairingly used and its result is
we are offering many tempting
Clothing Department.
The '"leader" here is a 57.50
Suit. This lot is made up of all
the broken sizes in our men's
light suits. There are cheviots
and cassimeres, in tan, grey and
other colors. Not one of these
suits ever sold before for less than
$12.50. Your choice for August
S7.50. (Send measurement.)
A good pair of IS. ever Rip pants
at 95 cents.
A fine line of all wool pants in
cheviots and cassimeres that have
been selling at $3.00 and up, now
All wool Jersey cheviots and
children's worsted knee pant suits
at SI-4S.
Finest made light summer knee
pant suits at $3.25. These are
worth $5.50, $6.2$ and 57.00 per
The largest line of
and the best values. Note the
following sample prices:
liest tomatoes. Sic per cau ; etioicest
sutritr corn. 52c per can; Golden
l'liuipMu. tie per can : mixed pickles
an-l cliow - chow. 5c ; l'renri. mustard,
2ic per bottle ; larce pails j!lv, 35c;
oil sardines, 3c per can ; sweet choco
late. :c per cake ; linker s chocolate.
17c per package; pure corn starch,
Mie; one Ih. can pure l tk inir powder.
10c ; xf atul-tid soap. 3c per bar ; Japan
tea. l!c ; sun-cured'c and up;
I Tfiken Java coffee, 17c; Golden Itio
coffee, 2oc per lb.
Send for samples of our silks
and wash dress goods, and prices
on furniture, hardware, jewelry,
music, or in fact anything you
may need. Prompt and careful
attention to all mail orders.
C. O. D.
Anywhere, - - - $ 25 Uicycle $12 50
To Any one - - - 50 Bicycle 25.00
All St j les and Prices, 75 Bicycle 37.50
Save Dealers' Prolits 125 Ilirycle 62.50
Send lor illustrated catalogue. 00.,
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
Special attention to Ubntetrlco, Diseases of
Women and Woman's SurjrerT
Office : ,9aeVh e"? i?1' Omaha, Heb
to-aeiay me paper b puDiica-iDy wuicu iniscan do accompiisuea is I he found his cow with a shot In
Balances Amount I transf'd transf d Disbnrse OverpuidjBal ances
JV8t J:nriP ReCtipU 225S?t mentg. Ju ylst. Jun.
IW- Jln1' ! road f'nd gen fund lb. I
30Til 5 116511 33 114058 47 1 5504 44
HI 3U H99 76 63 62 53
SiS Itf 22X3 5H 145 75 7H5 W
233 3.4 1372 72 114M 35 4r7 7
72 41 449 VI 372 95 14! 37
ft 53 7 44 9 2 3 t
TO 38 45 62 3X) 80 151 60
8 IT 9sl 17
SO 44 ( 30 44
67 07 1 57 65 60
169 Ut 13 S3 li5 b3
2oi 00 1153 00
32 1502 2S 132 76 207 M
S3 30 16116 1N9 63 63 Kl
14733 51 28105 34 21116 85 1722 00
120 66 150 44 035 60 83V5 50
5 47 6 47
1 73 1 73
T06 24 705 24
5241 12 6U3 53 4120 79 715S H6
1451 73 24 11 421 48 14 36
74 3d 74 35
2t 79 2063 49 254 08 3! 20
41U2 66 1697S 78 f 2023 10 14MJ1 1 4257 14
6000 01 3474 J 43 29769 00 9973 44
75 26 16 14 Ml 40
9H86 53 3232 W 13C.1 49 117.18 02
1974 48 14357 73 9277 18 7055 03
18 18
SI 21
2494 38 221 76 214 H4 2501 30
343 20 767 99 365 66 S41 63
687 01 1027 57 324 35 1 230 23
1103 02 15K60 25 13420 22 3543 05
168 76 14U4 47 1118 09 455 14
47 T2 241 17 241 74 46 65
379 80 60S 65 775 02 i3
115 70 307 19 210 14 2ia 75
6 73 3 04 6 79 2 98
27 08 163 74 88 27 l'rt 55
49 85 157 26 3 15 24 06
15 27 83 42 36 67 62 02
2064 82 34 00 20MK 82
10115 5540 98 4318 04 1124 09
1 2035 91 91
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Man'f'g Co.
54 First Awards,
BelDK the largest number of awards obtained
by any exhibitor and more than double the
number received by all other Sewing; Machine
com jmnlea. Awards received on the following :
Family !ewinff Machine, V. S. No. 2,
1. F. C. 11. and Sinule Thread Automatic
Chain Stitch Machine. Sewing; Machine
Cabinets. Art Embroideries. Laces. Cur
tains. Upholstery, Artistic Furnlshines,
Sewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma
chine Work.
-m nvwnaui,, . U 1 1 1 11 Ilia' .'.L. ,
for manufacture in every line where a ;
Sewing Machine can te used on Wool, ;
Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods.
Leather, etc., for Ornamental Stitching,
Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over
seaming, staying, etc. j
The Singer M'fg Co
"All Over the World."
Branch OHice Lincoln Neb.
Mrs. J. Benson,
Ladies' Skirts from 75c. to $14.40.
Ladies' Waists from 50c to $8.60.
Narrow Val. Laces from 15c per
doz. up.
Butter Cream and Black Laces in
Iiordon aud oilier styles Irou: 10c a
yard to tlie tluest quality. Our stock
is very large and lu old ooda on our
We make a specialty of Ribbons and
Good quality Gloria Silk Sun Um
brellas from S1.00 to to .00.
Specially low prices on Ladies' and
Children's Iloiseiy and Underwear.
We have many lines of Ladies' Fancy
Goods, not kept in other stores.
We are giving special prices in
In short, we make special prices in
every department.
Come in or order by MAIL. We
will give your order prompt and care
ful attention.
1519 Douglas St., near Kith,
Main street, riattsmouh.
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled.
Curtice Bros.' Celebrated
ItcHt iii tli" World.
The "XXXX" and "Ik-sl" Brands.
v. k. nasi m neno anu Drain treatment
Is sold under positive written guarantee, by author
Ized agents only, to cur Weak Memory; Loss of
Brain and Nerve Power; Lout Manhood; Quickness;
Klptit Losws; Kvil Dreams- lAck of Confidence;
Kervoomeas; Lassitude; all Dm In; Doss of Power
ot the Generative Organs in eithr sex. caared by
over-exertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Cp of
Tobacco, Opium or Diquor, wairh mno lead to
Miiwry, Conouniptirm, Insnnity aud IoulU. By mal,
(1 a Uix; 6 for$0: wiih written puaninie to cure or
refund money. WEST'S CvlCGlI SYKl'P. A certain
cure for C --uph". Colds, Athmn, Uronrbitl, Croup, Viuph, Kr ThroAU Fleant to take.
Snmii uicontinaed; old. sin;, eizo, .wjc.: old
f 1 6ize, tow SUc G UAILlNTEUri IsbumI aulj by
F. a. Fricke & Co, druggists.
I for the fair to be taken to some
221 33 t95606 28
Less S21 33
.&.13S4 95
is stamped in the best watch
cases made. It is the trade
mark of the Keystone Watch
Case Company, of Philadelphia,
the oldest, largest and best
known factory in the world
1500 employees, capacity2oco
cases daily. Its products are
sold by all jewelers. It makes
the celebrated yas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, now fitted with
the onlv bow (rine) which can
not be pulled off the case the
Park Obesitt Pills will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month.
No STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PCB
LICITY. Thev build up the health and beautl
fy the complexion, leaving No WRINKLES or
ttabblneas. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price t2.00 per package
or tnree packages for t5.00 by mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed S cents.
fAU correspondence strictly confidential.
Pi UK RET1EDF CO., Boston. Mass
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. "W. McKinsey, rxistmasterof
Kokomo, Ind., and a brave ex-soldier,
says: "I had been severely troubled
with heart disease ever since leaving
the army at the close of the late war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. 1 could not
sleep on my left side and had pain
around my heart I became so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
I decided to try it. The first bottle
made a decided improvement in my
condition, and five bottles have com
pletely cured me."
G. W. McKLNSET. P. 1L, Kokomo, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cur Is sold on a pcwltl're
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
AU druggists sell It at II, 0 bottles tor to, or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. allies Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Sold by all druggists.
Sneceaaora to Henry Boeck,
Furniture ! Undertaking
Stoves, Kan gen, Pianos, Organ.
Our Furniture line Is complete In every detail
An Investigation Is certain to convince.
No Inconvenience- Simple, i
from any injurious substance
W GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your hnmmt..
Price ajs.oo per bottle. Sand 4c tor traatis.1
" 1
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other! bod v.
iou 1 uiikca aw;
beriouiet rest i
Fricke & C
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