1 ) I IX AND ABOUND THE TOWN. WEEKLY JOURNAL, J came to his relief shortly after one i o ciuch. x riuay. x uuerai services were hart "sjitnrrlttv nt. t.ivn rt m f mm tlio ' - ""'wo-mfc. Cheer up ! Try Geriopfs Blackberry Balsam. 13 . . - , , 1 . i - l 1 1 a ,1 ' - - anas Liia x.itenuarj aepaneu jus Fred Pevton. chunDion nool Friday for a week's visit with her of tLe 8tat i3 at the Qmaha u IdLLier S SlSlcr at lOIlt. I lmcinit.nl in ft nrf-rarimiti nnnitmn t ho result of a heavy blow on the head.re- was in town Friday and gave TnE I ceived Monday evening in South Om- Journal a call. I aha. His skull is fractured. It is sun I The democratic congressional con-1 posed that the blow was struck by Tom veution lias been called to occur at Galloway, a young man who runs an Tecuiaseh on Sept. 20. I elevator at Cudahy ?s packing house. A Mrs. F E. White and children, Mrs. I few eveniBgs ago Peyton and Gallo- V. C. Minor, Mrs. T. 1'. Livingston I " "J yuanei uer a Xui. xi ia and Miss Amelia Vallery journeyed I u'a,u":u - "-" nu,e niuwjr to Hot Springs, South Dakota, Satur- dnjw revolver on Peyton. The latter day over the B. & M. They will be I ocreu 10 ugut mm vwiu uare kuuckicb. absent for a week. Mondav evening while Commis sioner Thorp of Loup county and the rest of the family were visif'ng their melon patch, some distance from the house, a little daughter, who was left alone, acciJently fell into a barrel of water and was drowned but refused to go up against a revol ver. When Galloway was going to his room over Shenk's restaurant on lower X street, Peyton followed him up stairs. In the hallway the men began fighting and there were uo witnesses to tell just bow the assault was com mitted. The first that outsiders knew silver medal contest at the Christian church one week from next Saturday night, Aug. 25th. The affair will be under the supervision of Mrs. Frank Boot. All are cordially invited. Huw'tt Till ! We offer one bundled dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by U all's catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the'last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and fiu- ucially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale druggists. Toledo, O. Walding. Kinxan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's catarrh cure is taken inter nally, acting diiectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 7"c per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. of the scran was when Pevton fell uoberi iroop,one oi me uesi kuuwd , d stairs. He was knocked sense farmers out in riatismoum precinct, i by the blow aud felI and only raiijed threshed his wheat the other aay ana i at ghort intervals durine the night procured thereirom an average oi i peyton WOrks in a barbershop close to twenty-five bushels to the acre. For a I wuere tne racket occurred. Hiscondi- year which is said to be decidedly poor I tion i3 slightly improved, but the for small grain. Mr. iroops wneai i mau'g injuries are nevertheless seri- crop is a large one. I ous 1 lie etiawKa uegisier says. ..ussi prescriDtions filled at all hours at ilaggie U Kourne, or riaiismoutn. Gerin & Co.'s. 13 Vina arv'untwl a iwisit iuii in the bank at I thu ma,.p. with the view of learning About fifty "commonwealers" ar r I x i t.. m l th. n stol,c ahletotake reu lu rwaus uy j. uesuaj uiinu- linn .1 i -i-k -- f v.-tm PnrK in ret ni Thfiir ohr nf :i hank herself. MlSSl'" xivlim " 'uku- iucJ O Bouike was formerly in the register I Wl"c"cu u luo " auo3U of deeds office, and is an accomplished I St- Loui3 and had one ticket Sood for r t I the transportation of seventy men . irrcoi wasnington 10 m. jouis on me 1 lie IOllOW rl S Ol V-'UIigi rssiuau uijau Always have your prescriptions or family receipts filled at Gering & Cos. Jas. Woodson is in search of the scalp of the practical joker who sent him a package by express this morning containing an old rusty revolver and a note explaining that Jim could use the weapon in defense of Lindsey and Griswold from mob violence. Jim failed to appreciate the joke and vows he can chastise the man who sent him the package. Wasted-A girl to do laundry work. Apply to Mrs. W. F. Hamilton, Hotel Itiley. 16-tf That oily and rough skin cured and the face and hands beautified by John son's Oriental Soap; medicated and highly perfumed. Sold by Fricke & Co. carried the day in the Lancaster county primaries Tuesday, thus in suring the election of a Bryan delegate to the stare convention. Douglas promises to follow suit, and with the two largest delegations in the state voting for Bryan, the "pie biters might as well fall in line and make it unanimous. A western exchange warbles in this wise: -Backward, turn backward. O time in your tlight ; give us a rip-swat ing rainstorm tonight. Open the heavenly ll md giites, I pray; let the rain pmir for a night and a day ; I am so weary of !kies that are fair, weary of breathing the dirt in the air, weary of sowing to harvest no grain ; give us a rain, mister, give us a rain The Bthiehem bastardy case, men tion of which v.as made in The Jour nal several days ago, will ftiroish ma terial for a church trial over there diir ing the present week. The preacher implicated in the affair is not a regu lar appointee of the conference, but had charge of the Bethlehem congre gation, and will have In appear before the church board fi r trial or lose his standing in the church. In the bicycle races at Nebraska City Friday Tom Patterson won first place in the quarter-mile dash and second in t he mile open. IIarey Hoi loway slipped his pedals in the mi'.e novice, but managed to secure second place, although the mishap lost him fully forty feet. In the five-mile handicap Harvey again had the mis fortune to lose his pedals three times and to it he attributes his failure to win the race Clerk of Court Dearing and wife are called upon to mourn the death of their y oungest child. Mary. The child was in its third year, and its demise was due to a complaint common to children duriug the summer season The parents have ti e sympathy of the entire community in their bereave ment. The funeral was had Satur day afternoon from the residence of the fauiil? on Ninth street. Rev Baird officiated Reynolds of Xehawka and Johnson of Nebraska City had a tiv-niile bi cycle race at Nebraska City Friday for a inire and the Nehawka man won. The time 19:12 was slow. There are plenty of rideis in Platts- mouth who can discount that time Big Four railway, and from St. Louis to Kansas City on the Wabash. When the wealers were marching on to Washington from every corner of the great west they were told at every city and hamlet to "move on." Now that they are returning it is the same thing over again. "Move on" was the com maud given by St. Louis police officers anl "move on" was the command given by Kansas City police officers, and so it will probably be until the great army of the commonweal is so scattered that companies and divisions antl squads can no longer retain their identitv. Dr. MLarab.aH. DBr.'Ti JT 1.1 b'ock. Fitzuei - Aw awful ra Iroad accident occurred on the Rock Island Thursday night in the outskirts of Lincoln. The rails on a high trestle spread and threw an en gine and four coaches of a passenger train down an embnnkment of almost forty feet. The coals from the over turned locomotive pet fire to the oaches, and befoie the imprisoned passengers could be liberated eleven had been burned to death. Many others were injured. It was the most horrible accident within the history of railroading in Nebraska. We can suit all in hammocks. .More than fifteen different styles and prices Lehnhoff Bros. Ml'KKAV NOTES. Another fishing party is dated for the 22d. Mr. Grisel, a relative of Jas. Root, is visiting here this week. Frank and Rob't Root were in Lin coin with apples last week. It is talked that a base ball team will soon be organized in Murray. Miss Lottie Dean will have charge of the Buck school this wintei. Several Murray people attended the baptizing at Rock Bluffs last Sunday We in ticed that Murray was well represented at the old settlers' reunion Will Batterson of Weeping Wate visited friends in Murray over Sunday Mrs. T. II. Hardy was visitin friends in Xernaha county last week Chas. Morrow of Lincoln was visit ing friends and relatives here las week. Several of our wheelmen attended several minutes and Reynolds' claim I the bicycle races at Nebraska City last to the championship of the county I Friday. seems rather nervy. Perhaps the! Dr. Jos. Morrow of Germantow Nehawka people feel like backing I visited his parents last Wednesda their man for a race. I evening. Postal cards must not be mutilated I Rev. Stewart delivered a very abl in any manner. It they are they ie-1 discourse at the Presbyterian church come useless and the postoffice depart-1 last Sunday night. 4nent will not handle them. The trimming of a card, for instance, in order to yet it in an envelope for an answer is prohibited. A day or two ago a CJuiiicv business liim sent to the postoffice IO.ikmi cards that, had been trimmed for convenience sake, and the postmaster refused them. The Grin lost a cool SUM by the tiimming operation. Wru. Spencer, aged twenty-nine years ami tlteson of II. G.Spencer, died last Friday at the home f his father, on North Twelfth street. The deceased since childhood bns been afflicted with epileptic fits, brought about by a seveie attack of brain fever. His ailment served to weaken bis mind. Thursday his collapse was complete and after the atfiicted young man had suffered untold agonies for for over twenty-four hours, death Clear to the Hilt GOES THE KNIFE INTO THE PRICES OF SUMMER CLOTHING, TAIjQ FURNISHINGS, Etc, at J UJtj U. This is no Cheap Advertising Fake. The claim is Absolute and Genuine. Cash will buy More and Better Summer Clothing of JOE than mor tal man could fairly ask. Perhaps you doubt this C!aim. There's but one way to be convinced Call and inspect the Goods. JOE The People's Popular Clothier. Legal Notice. S. O. I.eeson. whone first name is unknown. Jotm 1. Parsons, Jesse L. Knot, Edwin Jl. Parker, r reuenck . rowler. . U. I'ickeiis, whose first name i unknown, and C J. Hoff man, whose tirst name is unknown, will take notice that oil the th day of Jul-. IsiM, Alex ander H. Hotertson, trustee of the estate of Ella V. lias'is, deceased, as plaintiff, tiled his petition in the district court in and for t'ass county. state of Nebraska, atrainst Michael O'Donohoe, Anne llonohoe, Milton 1. I'olk. Kate I'olk. John F. Polk. Martissa t Polk, s. O. Leeson, tirst name unknown. Frank t'arruth. John 1). Parsons, Kichey Itrotliers. Jes L. hoot. Wil liam H. Anderson, executor of the estate of William V heeler, deceased, Edwin M. Parker. Frederick W. Fowler. Georire . t'ovell, W. It Pickens, tirst name unknow n, William Ntville, 1 humus swobe. . .1. lineman, first name un known, Peter McCann. Mary A. Doyle and E. T. Hartiev, first name unknown, as defendants. the object and prayer of w hich are to foreclose a certain mortnasie executed and delivered la th-defendants, Michael '!. ncdioe and Anne O'iiuiiohoe. his wife, to the plaiutill'. Alexander H. K 'bertsoti. as said trustee, oil the 11th day of December. ls'. upon the following described real estat". situated in the county of l ass, and stnte of Nebraska, to w it: Lots one 1 1) to six inclusive, in block two C'i and lots four H, five 5) and six it;i. in block eighty nine (".. all in the city of Plaitsmouth. ami also upon the south me-halt of block live " ana lots roiir 14 1. five 5i and six IH! in block eiu-hl Isl. in White's ad dition to the city of Plattsnmuth. w hich mort eatze w as executed and deli vercd to secure the payment to said plaintiff of tnree certain nroimssorv nous, oaten December liitn. isj. and made by said defendant. Michael O'Dono hoe, to the order of said Alexander H. Ilobert son. trustee, each for the sum of one thousand dollars, and due and payable respectively on or before December loth. inxj. December nun. IN., and December loth. lse: that the tirst of said notes has been paid, and that there is now due upon said other two notes anil mortsapesthe una oi one thousBiKi uoiiars. touetner w itn in terest thereon at the r.tte of 7 per cent er an num from the loth day of December. ls.". and the further sum of eiu'iit hundred seventy-three ami 15 loo dollars sT3.1ft. together w ith in terest thereon a: the rate of 7 per cent perannum from March 10th. I.ss7. for which sums and in terest said Alexander U. Kobertson. as said trustee, prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, or thnt said prem ises ma v he sold to satisfy the amount found due. and that all of said defendants be fore closed and forever baned of all equity of re demption or other iuierest in said mortsraeed premises. You. and each of you. are required to answer said petition on or before the loth day of feptemf-er, I-vm Dated Pluttsmouth . Neb.. Aue 9th, W.. 34-4 ALEXANDER H. KoBEKTSON. Trustee of estate of Ella V. Davis, deceased. 11 y Isaac E. Conuook, Attorney. Notice of Probate of Will. State op Nebicaska, I Cahs Cot: sty-. f s In county court In the matter of the last will und testament of Philip Paul liheinf rank, de ceased : Notice is hereby civen that on the loth lay of September. A D, Ism. at the office of county judge in Piattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, at the hour of lu o'clock in the forenoon the follow ing matter will beheird and considered : Tne petition of Joseph Cook to admit to pro bate the last will and testament of Philip Paul Hheinfrank. deceased, late of Piattsmouth pre cinct, in said county, and for letter? of admin istration with will annexed to Joseph Cook. Dateii this 11th day of August, A. D. , ls'.4. Py order of the court. :i4 3 II. S. KAMSEY. County Judie. - ss .1. II. JoLnson received a severe cut on liis hum" tlie otlier day. while work iDK willi a corn-cutter. The indt'peritlentH held a caucus Saturday niglit. ami will send delegates to the cimrity convention. Miss Anna Younu returned last week from Omaha, where she has beenviait iii? relatives for the past two weeks. The Misses Hessic Walker and Ad die Pitman will attend school at one of the Lincoln universities this winter. The farmers have turned their at tention to cutting corn for fodder. Notice of Probate of Will. State of Nf.i-.iiaska, Cass Cot STV. t In county court In the matter of the last will and testament of Ilirnm A. Waterman, de ceased : Notice is hereby given that on the IMth day of Aut'iisi A. l., at the o nice of the county jmi;:e in Piatt-mouth, t'ass county, Nebraska at tin; hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the fol lowing matter will be heard and considered : The petition of John Waterman to admit to p-.b.ite the last w ill ami testament of Hiram A Waterman, deceased, lute of Piattsmouth. in said county, and for letters testamentary to John Waterman. Dated this .list day of July A. I).. 1S4. l!y order of the court. 32-3 H. S. Kamset, County Jtnle. Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of Mattes Akeson, deceased : In the county court of Cass county. Nebrasku. Notice is" hereby Riven that" Isaac Wiles, executor of the estate of the said Mattes Ake son, deceased, has made application tor final settlement and that said cause is set for hearing at my office at Piattsmouth on the 18th day of September. A. D.. lrtsrt, at 10 o'clock a. m. on said dav, at which time and pIhcc all per sons interested may I e present and examine suid accounts. F. S. Kawset, County Judiie. Piattsmouth. Neb., Auk. loth. lrM. 3-13 Nut ice. To.lohn V. A. Bird, non-resident defendant : You are hereby notilied that on the 4th day of Atmust. l-'.'i. tlsta K. I!ird tiled her petition aifiinst you in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, the obj .ct and prayer of w hich are to obtain ii divorce from you on the jrround thnt you have wilfully abandoned the plaintiff without just cause for the term of two years last past. Riid asking for the custody of the mi nor child, the issue of her marriace with you. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lutu day of September, ls:4. OSTA E. BIRD, Plaintiff. 33-4 By Cbas. L. Graves, her attorney. RECOGNIZING The demand for reduction in the cost of necessaries, we have made, for the month of AUGUST Great discounts on our former prices. Through all our depart ments the knife has been un- spainngly used and its result is we are offering many tempting bargains. Clothing Department. The "leader" here is a S7.50; Suit. This lot is made up of all , the broken sizes in our men's, licrht suits. There are cheviots and cassimeres, in tan, grey and other colors. Not one of these j suits ever sold before for less than J S12.50. Your choice for August) $7.50. (Send measurement.) I A good pair of Never Rip pants ! at 95 cents. A fine line of all wool pants in cheviots and cassimeres that have been selling at $3.00 and up, now Si-95- All wool Jersey cheviots and children's worsted knee pant suits 1 at $1.48. Finest made light summer knee pant suits at $3.25. These are worth $5.50, $6.25 and $7.00 per suit. The largest line of GROCERIES and the best values. Note the following sample prices: IJest tomatoes. Sic per can ; cuoicest sucar corn, oic per can ; Golden Pumpkin. Gc per can : mixed pickles atisl t bow chow, 5c ; French mustard. 2ic per bottle ; large pails jelly, 3oc ; oil sardines. Sic per can ; sweet choco late. 3c per cake ; Uaker's chocolate, 17c per package; pur corn starch, 3c ; one lb. can pure baking powder. 10c ; standard soap. So per bar ; Japan tea. Hie : sun-cured Japan. 23c and up; I. roken Java coffee, 17c; Golden Rio coffee, 25c per lb. Send for samples of our silks and wash dress goods, and prices on furniture, hardware, jewelry, music, or in fact anything you may need. ' Prompt and careful attention to all mail orders. HAYDEN BROS., OMAHA. NEB. Application For Liquor License. whi.'li nil! .t n-i.l mrwtlv ihi aini.r otice is neret.y civen thnt the undersigned ..... .... jlHV as com and hajr will be scarce. Elder Iieed will occupy the pulpit at the Christian church next Sunday at the regular ho jr. Y.P. S. C. E. meets at seven o'clock p. m. The W. C. T. U. will give another e tini their etitinn anil application lefore , the county commissioner of fass county. Ne j braska, askine that a license le cranted them l, rtTI !..., C 'l 1 .11 Vlin Dllll , lllllll IKJIIU1S V 1 Lll - in the village of Cedar Creek, eaid county and stale, for a period of one year, and mat the said matter will be heard am) considered by the county commissioners at their regular session in September, 1SSH. JACOB J. HORN'. 1IEKMAN L11LF1CEER. 1894. HIGH GRADE SHIPPED C. O. D. BICYCLES Anywhere, - - - $ 25 Kicycle $12 50 To Any one - - - 50 Bicycle 25.00 All Styles and Prices. 75 Bicycle 37.50 Save Dealers' ProGts 125 Bicycle 62.50 Send for illustrated catalogue. OMAHA. NEB. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aschxb, M. P., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " The use of ' Castoria la so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reax-i. CmnB SLikt-yn, I). D 'ew York City. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, rvur Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial resulta.'n Edtta F. Fabdeb, M. D 125th Street and 7th Ave, New York City. Thz Ckmtaub Compact, 77 Mtra&AT Stkxkt, Kkw York Crrr SHBLOH'S Consumption cure The Great (MqXXure 72 Great groupHitre ! The Great lung- Restorijy Isod by evjry druggist dri- ,he continent of America on k f osttive aranteeat 50c rtd $ pr bottle a lest so wonderfttj ;and severe that) norOwrgti lor ng Remedy vet discovered fyaa successfully sto6d, refpf;SiLOi Cure. A dose in time will $je you epess aoxiety anc troubl Mothers, keep a bottle at yolMed;.uf it indiatelyrlievei Croup, and you ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR HILOH'S CUR Goingfo Buy a Watch? If so, boy one that cannot be stolen. The only taieproof Watches are those with Baajjfldt 'r 1 BOWS , Here's the Idea: The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down inside the pendent (ttemi and fits into the grooves, firmly locking the bow to the pendent, ao that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, see that the case is stamped with this trade mark. It cannot be had with any other kind. Sena a pettal far a oaten cats apaner te tlx tanous Bats Filled Case makers. KevstoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Piattsmouth. AL.WAY8 PUEHII. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Curtice ltros.' Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillsbury's MINNESOTA FLOUR, Th Bent In the World. The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands. LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER RtX. Trt wtmrnAf ba)inc inject a4 directly to th ml at those daiami of tM Uenitw-U rinary Or Raviis, raquira no chnr of dit or BMueoua, rueremiA or putsotaoua mo kiMto bm Ufccn interzkaUij. lwa AS A PREVENTIVE by cither hi It Is impoMtbt to oontnet any iiw I dnim ; bat ia tb cm f thaw si radyl; mmumi Inum with OooorrhcM and UlcM, wnir tawsenr. fneebrnil.FUtln( $1 per bos. or boxes lot f. Total. 142,811.20 The "Plan SiftPr"ftnnr , ..i- tlfr sF.Aa-a.nM.1 : a. -It . ..! a vu. . ixiusn 11. iu uepeo mai urana. ivsfcfor it from vou 'jgrocer. 1 A r TKtatea fienatbfsTy" direct voTe-nnbe recommend the nomination by theltion. people, and in the present corapaiarn necesiai'V to delay the paDer'a nnblica 1 pf Ibv which thi. ran Ha 9fvnmri;ot,oi t n I . ... xwutio'J'l&lTTca'aWSy I Fricke & Co.