Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 05, 1894, Image 5

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I. II. Dunn has disposed of Lis flour
and feed store to S. L. Greeson.
Silas E. Hall, the Sixth street hard
ware man, has been granted a soldiers'
pension by the U. S. government.
The remains of an infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gibson were
brought to this city from South Om
aha Friday and interred at Oak Hill
Several saloons in one city in Iowa
have closed their doors, declaring they
could not conduct their busiuess at a
fair profit under the law. Itcaunotbe
done. Glenwood Times.
A large new barn on the farm of the
Widow Wiles, several miles south
west of town, was totally destroyed
by Ore Friday night. The barn was
struck by lightning.
Geo. l'oisall became security for the
payment of the $3,5 One assessed
against Gambler Woods by Judge
Chapman last week, and Woods de
parted for Omaha.
John Tighe returned last Saturday
from Siusinawa Mound, Wis., where
he went to accompany home his
daughter, who has been attending
school at that place.
O.J.King, the Ouaaha contractor
who built Cass couuty's splendid new
courthouse, has been awarded the
contract for the joint government
postoflice aud court house at Mankato,
The Eluiwood Echo is booming I).
K. 13a it for re-election as secretary of
the republican county central commit
tee. 1). K. is deserving of something
better. A nomination for some office
woulrl be more fitting.
Joe C. Condon and J. Stephens were
arrested at Louisville last Friday,
charged with stealing harness from
farmers in that section. They had in
their possession a couple of sets be
longing to a man living near Gretna.
The Joi'u.val was partially in error
on Monday when we stated that the
Missouri l'aciric system was tied up by
the strikers. The tie-up only extends
to the freight trains, all passenger
trains on this division running as
ine county commissioners were
here yestt-rday testing the new load
grader out west of town, purchased
fortius, the second district, at a cost
of The agent was down from
Lincoln to manipulate the machine,
which does excellent work. Xehawka
The Jacksonian club of Omaha are
getting after Marshal Frank White
and his chief deputy because he ap
pointed a crowd of lepublicans as
deputies to guard the Union I'acilic at
Jule.xburg. The club will ask the
marshal to explain at their next meet
ing, on July Hth.
Harry Stevenson, agt d thirteen, was
drowned Monday afternoon at Ne
braska City while bathing in the Mis
souri river. He got beyond his depth,
and sank before the eyes of Ids com
panions, who were powerless to render
assistance. lie was a sou of the late
Hon. T. II. Stevenson.
Mike Con ley aud Isaac l'lattner had
an altercation at Nebraska City Sun
day morning, and the former
stabbed the latter with a long dirk
knife, inflicting several deep gashes in
the region of the heart. Flattner is in
a precarious condition Both are dis
reputable characters.
Some of the residents of Sout h I'ai k
complained to the police Friday of a
nuisance in the shape of a dance plat
form that i- located in theii midst.
This place has been a resort for a
crowd that uses shot-king obrti-ei:e lan
guage, and the police will see that
such practices are discontinued.
Clay Connor w as in town Monday and
reports that he will soon embark in
the Haln business at Pacific Junction,
having secured the requisite n umber
of signers lo comply with the provi
sions of the new Mulct Jaw. Con
siderable opposition to the openuig of
saloons has been shown by some of the
people of Mills county.
The Weekly Herald claims to have
secured 174 new subscribers, by reason
of a buggy rallle
hood of I'u ion.
.down in the ueighbor-
The purported num -
Iter of suckers sounds very fishy, but
granting it were true, ihk joiminal;
Mtuixls readv to move that it has mote I
..h-.riher for it eek!v than anv
other Plattsmouth publication.
Word comes from across the river! The Dun commercial agency has
that there are three well-devel- '; teen compiling crop statistics for Ne
oned cases of small-pox at Gleuwood. ! braska, as the following is the report
Two of the patients me said to have
t.een ill for over a week, but the Glen
wood papers have purposely failed to
print the facts. The disease has j ist
about run it race at Bethlehem and
Pacific Junction and tbere is not the
slightest danger of i'lattsmouth being
visited by the pest.
Word reached Louisville on Friday
. ,. ., , f n
hold effects by the burning of his
; . . , , ...
. ,
is occupying John Polk's farm south
of that town. He and his wife were1,
working in the field when, at about!
4:3il, they saw smoke in the direction
of the house, which is hidden from the, livered in car-loads only. Also bur
field by a dense grove. They went to ' oak post. Address L. E. Williams,
the house at ouce, but the flarces had
gained such headway that, the wind
being strong, the buildiDg, an old
structure, was beyond hope and soon
was totally destroyed, together with
all its effects. No insurance.
Miss Geralda Hayes, daughter of
Commissioner Hayes, closed her first
term of school near Cedar Creek last
Friday and so well were the directors
and patrons pleased with her services
that they insisted on her signing a
contract to teach the next term, and
as an evidence of good faith gave her
a splendid raise in her salary. Miss
Hayes is an Eluiwood girl and we are
proud to say that she has nobly up
held the high standard of the Elm
wood educational course. Miss Hayes
will remain at home during vacation.
Elm wood Echo.
For summer complaint use Geriug's
Blackberry Cordial.
For several years W. S. Furdy has
been subject to attacks of "locomotor
ataxy," and for a long time was only
able to get around with the aid of
crutches. During the past j ear his
condition has wonderfully improved
by electrical treatment, but on Satur
day he suffered another attack while
on Main street and was forced to ride
home. His condition has since im
proved and Thk JoUKN'AL hopes that
before many days he will be ab!e to be
around again.
Drop into Lehn boll's and drink a
glass of cream soda water.
The Nebraska City Fresssayss Mem
bers of the turn-verein are looking for
ward with much interest to theturners
picnic, which is to be held in Metcalf's
grove, north of the city, on August 12.
The I'lattsmouth verein, which is re
garded the strongest in the state, will
be present and will give an exhibition
in gymnastics, which is certain to be
exceptionally good. Hon. John C.
Watson has been invited to address
the members.
It never falls Geriug's Blackberry
Cordial for summer complaint.
For the first time since its organiza
tion nearly a year asro. t he Omaha pas
senger association squarely cinched a
member last week for cutting rates.
The victim was General Agent Nisu of
the Milwaukee, v ho owned up to sell
ing a Chicago ticket tor iH when the
regular fare was $12 75. He leaded
that he did it to meet competition, but
he paid the association the $2-5 forfeit
all the same, like a little man.
Forsi The finest soda water in
the city at Gering & Co's.
Mrs. Adelia Boyd died last Monday,
June 25, 1S94, at her home at the old
South Bend bridge. Mrs. lioyd has
been toll-gate keeper on the bridge
across the Platte both at Ashland and
South Bend for a dozen or more years,
andenjojed a lar;e acquaintanee in
eastern Nebraska. She was between
5i and t.j years old, and leaves no im
mediate relatives in this vicinity.
Papillion Times.
All legal business given prompt at
tention, D.O. Dwyer, attorney. Platts
The rumor is current at Nebraska
City that FatherCoiLett.havinggrown
weary of the d!av in getting a final
healing in his case against Bishop
Bonacum, has decided to make a pil
griinaire to Home to lay bis grievences
befoie the Vatican in person. As n
means of raising funds for his mission
C rbeit hns arranged a lecturing tour,
se!-rt inn ";Vs his th'-me the significant
tot-it-. - V, h it is so Haul to be Good."
$! Urmil, $ioo
The readers of this paper will be
pltaaed Lo learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that science has
beeu able to cure in all its stages and
that is catarrh. Hall's Catarih Cure
is ihtf only positive cine now known to
th- fraternity. Catarih being
" wwia.iut.iM. ;""'" ;
COlis.UUllonui ueiiiuieiit. linn a ill
aril. Cure is t tken internally, act-
in directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the sstni, thereby
destroying the foundation of the dis
eise, and giving the patient streLgtl
uv building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith
in its curative powers, mat tney oner
j one liundre I dollars for any case tbat
' " tn nrt for "t f tti-
1 Toledo O
jfc-Mold by Druggists. Toe
! The" Plan Sifter" flour is the popular
i Ask for it from your erocer.
. from Cass county:
Plattsmouth -Prospects for com op excel
lent. Com unusually clean and well advanced
for time of year. Oat, wheat and hay will fall
short owing to early dry weather.
Weeping Water The acreage of corn will be
jiaew hat greater this Tear than lnt. Crop al
mot certain. Small grain is nearly a failure.
CA 111) OK TH A N KS.
The undersigned desire to exteud
their heartfelt thanks to the many
lr endj who so faithfully assisted us
... i
n our late bereavement, and assure
i t hem that the obligation will be re
Mas. W.
L. Wells and Family.
1,004) cords of wood for sale. De
Glenwood, Iowa. d&w-tf,
Our Boy Win Prizes.
The class of turners from this city,
who were in attendance at the district
tournament at Omaha on Saturday
and Sunday, returned home on Mon
day flushed with victory. The tourna
ment was one of the greatest successes
ever achieved by the Nebraska turn
bezirk, Lincoln, Fremont, Omaha and
Plattsmouth taking part and acquit
ting themselves well in physical
prowess. The Plattsmouth class cap
tured a total of five prizes.
In the class prize-turning the Omaha
team made an average of 4:i.G7 points;
Plattsmouth averaged 42.S3, and Fre
mont 35.S4, thus giving Omaha first
Putting the shot was one of the ac
complishments in which Paul Wurl of
Omaha distinguished himself. He
threw a thirty-five pound weight
eighteen feet. Tony Plambeck of Fre
mont followed next with seventeen
feet six inches. Third came Fletcher
Robbins of Plattsmouth, throwing the
ball seventeen feet five inches.
In the individual apparatus exercises
on the parallel uars uuo tut oi
Plattsmouth won first prize on 55.27
points; Ernest Elsener of Omaha mak
ing 54.53; Emil Wurl, Plattsmouth,
52.5; Louis Boldt, Omaha, 52.61;
Henry Both, I'lattsmouth, 43.47, anil
Oscar Nast, Fremont, finishing with
In the sub-tournament, comprising
dumb bell exercises, lifting of heavy
weights, high jumping, hop, step and
jump, pole vaulting and rope climbing,
in which all the turners were engaged,
the highest average was made by Otto
Wurl, the Plattsmouth athlete, 4S.08
points being awarded to him. John
Krage of Omaha stood second, with
45.75, and Paul W url, also of -the
Omaha team, made 44.03. In the in
dividual apparatus turning Otto Wurl
of Plattsmouth again captured first
prize by averaging 5-5.03 points. He
was closely followed by Ernest Elsener
of Omaha with 54.17.
Buy the improved Singer sewing ma
chine. T. J. arbrough, local agent,
one block north of postoflice. d&w
l oil il in li l on. EruiM. in us, . ninrru, aii'x mi
i: ... ..... ....... .. .... ;1-..
illiicp ii me iri'iiBwij 'i,iiun aiv u.r
Mftm uriKi... and it Is only lately that they have
u- .. n -.... t ... !
urrn i'm rri ujjj
It. II. -1 . lub.ii hv iittkum IntmlnflAli Ameri
can seienlitt have succeeded, here Koch anil
Pasteur failed, in pertertiliK a cure that i i ko.
ror particulars aiiures. i aiiiornia neiuu;ai
'.VoriS. Omaha. Neb. 13-14
Legal Notice.
To llodoli.lf Pecker. Henrietta Harlow gild
Hansom Pecker, lion resident heirs at law of
ito'-aii Pecker, deceased, von and each of you
are hereby notified that on Friday the 15th day
of June A. !., ls.ii. Charles i 11 ungate, Harrison
llunirate. .lohn llunuate. .Urv S. Kolrerts, Cyn
tnia J. Keed. James A. Huu'ate. Nancy K. IJob
insoii. I. ilia It. luurahin: Kdith Cal.ier and Myr
tleCalder infants by next I riend and guardian.
John lluiiKa-e: t red mitigate. Kulli UniiKate,
Hessie tluugate aud Eimerie iluneate, infants by
next friend and guardian. Julia A. Huniratt-,
am) Susan Oroselaude as administratrix of the
estates of Theodore Pecker and Nathan W.
Humiate, deceased, tiled theirapi bcatiou in the court of Cass county. Nebraska, in the
estate of Kosan Pecker, deceased, the object
and prayer of which are to modify the order
made lv me county linwe in tins estate on me
2d day of May. lsw. so that as to two uinthsof
Hie et-ite of Uoshii Pecker, deceased, the same
t.e held to await an accounting between the es
tate of .lett'erson Pecker, deceased, ami thees
tate of liossn Pecker, deceased, and to have the
estate of Kosan Pecker, deceased, charted with
tJU.iO0.O0 as as-et of the estate of Jefferson
Pecker, deceased, arid to only eriiiit seven
nintiis id the estate of Kosan Pecker, deceased,
as repotted by the administator to be distributed
t.i joti and to S. P. pecker, ftosa Itarnes. Susan
tiroscUude and Jefferson Pecker ns the joint
property of the estates of Jenerson Decker, de
ceased, and Kosan Pecker, deceased, and to
claim all the estate of Kosan Pecker, deceased,
as t ho property of Jefferson Pecker, deceased,
and his devisees, and for equitable relief .
1 on are neretiv reuulreil to answer or object
to aid application on or before Monday, the
-loth day or July, is'1, or saul application win
be taken as confessed and true and said orders
ehter"fl and said estate be compelled to account.
t hari.bsii. Hi siiATK. et al..
l$y their attorneys, Byron Clark and Beeson i
Koot. -Jt 4
Notice of Adjourned Sale.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska;
in lii.; in itter of the estate of Solomon Ward,
deceased .
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Sainuei M. chapman, judise of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made
on the 7th day of April, A. P., lsin, for ilia
saleof :he south hlf of the south west quarter
of t-ection twenty I'-io), In township eleven ill)
north, of ramie nine Iv, Cass county, Ne
bra-ka. aud in pursuance of a nolie of the
time and place of sale of said lauds, given and
published according to law, 1 ottered said above
described lands for sale on the litli day of J line.
A. P., is., as in said notice provided, and held
the same open for more Uian one hour and hav
inn received no acceptable bid for said lands, I
adjourned said sale to the 21st day of July, A.
P.. 1S1U. at which time snid abov described
lands will be ort'ore-.l for silt- to the highest bid
der for cash : snlil sale to lake placeat the south
door of the court house In Cass county, Ne
brsk ii. a t 1 ::!0 p. in . of said -jtst day of July.
Is'.' I, and t remain open for one hour.
AI.KKKP S. I nil. KY,
Administrator of the estate of Solomon Wxrd,
deceased. 27 3
Main street, I'lattstuou li.
A1VWAY.- I- 1 1 I I.
Teas and Coffees Unexcelled
Ojrtke rrt.' Celebrated
1 ho liest in the World.
The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands,
Park Obesitt Pills will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from 12 to 1.1 pounds a month.
NO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PUB
LICITY. They build tip the health and beautl
fy the complexion, leafing No WltlNkLES or
flabbinesa. STOVT ABDOMEN'S and difficult
breathiiiK surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only
after vears of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our ofice. Price ti.lKl per package
or tnree packages for ."i.oo by mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed Scents.
A 1 1 c nrrpsr.oiidencft strict !r pnn tidentlnl
I PA UK REMEDY CO., Boston Mass
Are you
Contemplating a Trip ?
If so, JOE, The People's Popular Clothier, can
suit you to a nicety in the way of a TRUNK or a
A Carload of
Trunks and Satchels
just unpacked. Bought at Rock-bottom Prices
and at a big saving in freight, which reduction
will be accorded to purchasers.
Children's Clothing
The People's Popular
in looking around for the best
GOODS can do no better than
immniT nnnn
Leaders I.i Lare Af-sort-
Leaders in liood Oualities
Leaders in. Low Pi ices.
need look farther than
our great establishment,
as he can here find all
the late tt styles anil standard makes at the low
. . . . . . .
est prices in uinaiia, tiur hoci oi mm
Clotliiiig Is complete in every enae of the
word. In Mraw tiitta we. as usual. ieu. in
Klilee and Ore islilrta anil JUen ror-
uishinir we can save you money every time
you trade with us.
ffcg- Remember, a Coupon goesj
free with every purchase.
would pass our
seasonable and
tasty arrange
ments In Warm Weather Goods without an ex
atnination. In Laoies' Wrappers, Shirt
Waits, Ktc, our prices are the lowest In the
city. In Millinery we bhow the tiiiesl lines
west tit t'hicano.
All Mail Orders Receive
Our Prompt Attention.
FREE A Coupon with
Every Purchase.
We carry almost every
thing necessary for per
sonal or domestic use, and
always, when in Omaha,
lGlh :md ixl Sis.
.. .muxsox ,
ricr- frrmiftrnt.
Citizens' Bank,
Capital paid in
J. W. Johnson. W O. Merriam, V.'m. Weten
k a m p. I. Morgan. Henry El!;enbary,
M. W. Morgan and W. II. Cusidnt?.
t. general tanking business transacted,
terest allowed on time deposits.
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
Special attention to Obstetric, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office: ,9JTeTe"h"n?net'OmaJia1l(eb
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria bi so well adapted tochQdrenthat
I recommend it an superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. Asthcb, M. 1.,
Ill So. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. Y.
" The use of Castoria 1 ia so universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not kef p Castoria
within eajiy reach."
Carlos Maktyn, D.
New York City.
Tu CmrTAL'a
Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Troj'mont
under positive written irudrantee, hjt iiulHur
tzed iit'i nl- nuly, lo cure Muk jle.-mirj; Ijiss of
Brniu and Nervo Power; I1 Mahiaxl; Viui.-kue.-;
NU'!t Lm-; Kvil Dreams; of O-uii.lem-e;
Nervou-in .s; Lussitude; all Dri-iu-; ixw-sot l'wwer
of the li-neralive tlnnm in eillr-r fcx, enured by
ovi-r-exei tinrj; Voutliful Krrors, or .usve Vt of
Tobucco, Opium or Lnjuor, hkh s.ia lend to
-Ml--r, Cnii.uii'ptin, lusuuify m. l l-:it!i. liy mail,
ft ii b:'t; li fr $."; with writ In. iriiM-imfe i.kicc or
relun money. Wl'.ST'SCUi Gil SYlti'P. A.vitain
cuti, li.r Ciiiurhs 'i:d., A-tlmia, lir.'ucl.iii.-', Cn.up,
A liim;.iiu eolith. Sore Throat. P.'e:iiiit I o take.
Sumll i:-. diujiiiLoiifi; ft.1. ww-.c-.( n. w'iK?.; old
il Hte, ijow 6oe. O HAitAM tlij 1 ac.l uly li-
F. . Fi irke & l o, druists.
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Man'f'g Co.
54: First Awards,
Being the largest number of awards obtained
by any exhibitor and nioro than double the
number received by all other Sewing Machine
companies. Awards received on the following:
Family Sewlnir Machines, V. S. Xo. 2.
I. K. V. It. and Single Thread Automatic
Chain Stitch Machine, Sewing Machine
Cabinets, Art Embroideries, Laces. Cur
tains. Upholstery, Artistic Furnishings,
Sewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma
chine Work.
Also 43 Award, covering machines
for manufacture in every iine where a
Sewing Machine can te used on Wool,
Cotton aud Silk Cloth, Knit (ioods.
leather, etc., for Ornamental Stitching.
Hutton boles. Eyelets, Barring, tiver
seaming, staying, etc.
The Singer XtTfg Co
"All Over the World."
Branth Office Lincoln Neb.
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICK-FlUgkrald block.over First Natl bank
jp m NEW"
'..Klk LIFE.
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria, and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Enwrw F. Pabukk, M. D
LSlh Street and 7th Ave,, New York City.
Company, 77 Muuuir Kttulkt, Hkw Yokk Crrr
Right Arm Paralyzed!
Saved from St. Vitus Dance.
"Our daughter, Blanche, now fif
teen years of age, had been terribly
afflicted with nervousness, and had
lost the entire use of her right arm.
We feared St. Vitus dance, and tried
the best physicians, with no benefits
She has taken three bottles of Dr.
Miles' Nervine and has gained 31
pounds. Her nervousness and symp
toms of St. Vitus dance are entirely
gone, she attends school regularly,
and has recovered complete use of
her arm, her appetite is splendid."
MRS. R. R. BULLOCK. Brighton. N. Y.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
" Dr. Miles Nervine is sold on a positive
guarantee tbat the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell it at f 1,6 bottles for $5, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Ur. Hi lea Medical Co.. Elkhart, lnd.
"-" . ilwn -
Sold by all druggists.
Arnold's Bromo-Celeiy.
9plendl1 carativ aerat tor Karroo or Sick
IiMducbe. i4r&.in KihaiMtion. HlaeulemnwM.
Lspectal or frneral earaltfia; lo ior liheo-
matLsm, lioat, maaey inoraerm. Acta i
pepaia, Aiupmia. Antidote for Alcoholic
and othr exoMuec Vrioo, UK 2&aud&)ottut.
161 S. Western Aienue. CHKAfiQ.
1 1
m v
H.f ;j