SAM GOTMANK & CO, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN rFTXXSE AND THE BEST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELEBRATED MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries Made To any part of the city or ship ped to any place WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Man'f'g Co. 54t First Awards, Being the largest number of awards obtained by aiiy exhibitor and more than double the number received by all other Sewing Machine companies. Awards received on the following: Family Sewing Machines, V. S. No. 2, I F. C. B. and Single Thread Automatic Chain Stitch Machine. Sewing Machine Cabinets, Art Embroideries, Laces. Cur tains, L'pholBtery, Artistic Furnishings, Sewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma chine Work. Also 43 Awards, covering machines for manufacture in every line where a Sewing Machine can te used on Wool, Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods. Leather, etc., for Ornamental stitching. Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over seaming, staying, etc AGENTS WANTED. The Singer Itt'f g Co "All Over the World Branch Offlca Lincoln !. -watches mmmmm Jewelry WS$ Silverware, &c ,'2? Fine Watch Repairing 'j&M JOS. P. FRENZER Oppoaito pt urrioa m w iEiSE OMAHA ED. FITZGERALD, THE OLD RELIABLK Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixlh Street Checked Barn. AND WILL RUN IT IN FIRST-CLASS ST? V, K. Special attention to Funerals. Hack !:1 be run to aU trains. "Promptness anil Fidelity to uus lorn era is ma motto NEW LIFE Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment Is sold under positive written guarantee, by author ized agent only, to cure Weak Memory; Loss of drain ana nerve rower; Loot Manaood; ynlrknees; ta'ervoasnew; Lassitude; all Drains; Ixmsoi Power of the Generative Organs In either sex, canoed by overexertion; Youthful Errors, or Excessive Use of -rooacco, upium or liquor, which soon lead to IX i r . 1 TT . a n V- .1 I. 1 a box; 6 forfsjwith written guarantee to cure or refund money. WEST'S COUGH SYRUP. A certain cure lor lougn. uoidx. Asthma, bronchitis. Croup, Small size discontinued: old. fiOc else, now 2Sc; old F. G. Fricke & Co, druggists. The Plattsnrt Mills, C. HEISEX. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Baa no Superior in America. Give it a trial and be convinced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always, on hand. Orders delivered in city promptly. TERMS Cub or SO days' time. LADIES? DO XU KKOW DR. FELIX LC BRUN'S STEEL BHD FEPYHOYflL FILLS are the original and only FRENCH, safe and re liable core on the market. Price $1.U0; eent by mail. Genuine sold only by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists. WOODS GATHERED IN He Eluded Capture for Three Months But Is Finally Nabbed. THE B. & M. WILL PARTICIPATE The Local Shop Men Accorded the Privi lege of Taking Part in the Monster Industrial Parade on the Fourth Other Items. Gathered In At Pacific Juuctioa. J. W. Woods, one of the local gam- blera who was indicted at the March term of court by the grand jury and who skipped out to avoid punishment, strolled into Pacific Junction Tues day and was Dromply put under arrest by Constable Ballard. He was brought to this city yesterday and appeared before District Judge Chapman, and after pleading guilty was fined $35 and costs. Woods did not have the necessary funds and the court ac cepted Geo. Poisall as surety and gave Woods forty-eight hours to produce. The II. & M. Will Participate. The industrial and trades display parade on July fourth gives promise of surpassing any previous attempt in that line, the committee having re ceived assurances from nearly forty business men that they would be rep resented by floats in the parade. The committee waited upon D. Hawksworth Tuesday and secured his consent and co-operation to the B. & M. making a display of the dif ferent departments of the shops. The men will be allowed the use of all ma terials for building the floats, and the different industries will be repre sented on a scale of magnificence never before approached in any city in the state of Nebraska, excepting. possibly, Omaha. Postmasters' Salnriea Reduced. The postoffice department at Wash ington has announced the result of the annual readjustment of salaries of presidential postmasters in Nebraska as follows: Ainsworth from $1,100 to $1,000, Ashland from $1,500 to $1,400, Atkinson from $1,100 to $1,000, Aurora from $1,700 to $1,600, Beaver City from $1,200 to $1,100, Cambridge from $1,200 to $1,300, Chadron from $1,700 to $1,000, Crawford from $1,200 to $1,100, DeWitt from $1,200 to $1,100, Fairbury from $2,000 to $1,900, Fairmont from $1,300 to $1,200, Falls City from $1,700 to $1,600, Geneva from $1,500 to $1,000, Hartington from $1,200 to $1,100, Hay Springs from $1,000 to fourth-class, Humboldt from $1,400 to $1,300, In- dianola from $1,000 to $1,100, Lyons from $1,000 to fourth-class, Madison from $1,300 to $1,400, Nelson from $1,300 to $1,100, Norfolk from $2,000 to ,900, North Platte from $1,700 to $1,900. O'Neill from $1,500 to $1,400, Orleans from $1,200 to $1,100, Pawnee City from $1,500 to $1,6(K), I'lattsmouth from $2,000 to $1,800, I'onca from $1,200 to $1,100, Seward from $1,000 to $1,700, Shelton from $1,100 to $1,000. South Omaha from $3,000 to $2,900. Stanton from $1,100 to $1,000, Superior from $1,500 to $1,600, Tekamah from $1,300 to $1,400, Weeping Water from $1,300 to $1,200, Wilber from $1,300 to $1,600, York from $2,100 to $2,000. All other offices remain at last year's salary figures. That Asylum Scandal. The Lincoln Call continues in its war against the cruel practices in vogue among attaches at the Lincoln asylum. Its latest is as follows: "The statements made by the Ca 1 in relation to the treatment of Eugene Montgomery at the state hospital for insane in this city have brought to light other facts concerning the man agement of this institution that make more and more urgent an official in vestigation. Many reports have reached the Call of abuses committed by the attendants under the Hay re gime, and of the general neglect from which patients suffer. It may be that some of these rumors are unfounded, but there is enough authentic in formation at hand to establish the fact beyond all question that patients are shamefully abused. There is the strongest possible reason for the con clusion that the attendants at the asylum are brutal and heartless in their treatment of the inmates, and Dr. Hay, by shielding the employes, countenancing the harsh treatment and concealing facts that ought to be public property, in his reports, has made himself liable to the severest censure. Many persons will probably go so far as to state that he deserves immediate removal. "As one of several reputed cases of frightful abuse at the asylum in this city, that of Joseph Brubl, a patient from riattsmouth, may be cited. "Bruhl has been confined in the asy lum for some time, and is still an in mate, though the fact that he is seri ously maimed and disGgured as the re sult of inhuman treatment by one of Dr. Hay's attendants, is known to very few persons, as Superintendent Hay took the most effective precautions to keep the particulars of this outrage . from reaching the public. ' "Something less than a year ago Brubl and an attendant were in the wash room together, and for some reason or other the attendant at tacked the patient. During the en counter the patient was violently thrown against the edge of an iron stationery wash tub and his jaw was broken in two places, it is said. 15ruhl was left in a very serious condition after his encounter, and today carries the marks of the attendant's violence. All of the attaches are enjoined to secresy, and the facts are never al lowed to reach the public. Bruhl's relations may or may not be cognizant of the outrage perpetrated on him. Another denial from Dr. Hay is now in order." The fact that Joe Biuhl was brutally treated by asylum attendants is a well known fact here in riattsmouth, bis former home, and the fight the Call is making against such practices in state institutions is to be commended. AROUND Tilt) COURT ROOMS. DISTRICT COURT. Judge Chapman held a short session of district court last Saturday. One case of naturalization was attended to, and several sales confirmed. The regular term was adjourned until July 12th. CO o NTT COURT. Mr. Alva C. Dugay and Miss Lelia Fitch, both of Union, were granted a marriage license Saturday by Judge Ramsey. Judge ltainsey has disposed of the case of Lau vs. Seacrest, by disolviog the attachment. The case has been pending in county court for nearly a year. Final settlement in the estate of the late Jno. B. Beverage was had in county court Monday between County Judge Ramsey and the administrator, Geo. W. Snyder. JUSTICE ARCHER'S COURT. F. A. Brandt was awarded a judg ment by confession against Geo. A Anderson before Judge Archer Mon day morning, amounting to $31.23. A. U. Wyman, receiver of the Ne braska and Iowa insurance company, has commenced suits before Judge Archer to recover the sum of $27 from A. F. Itobb, of Wabash, and $17.65 from W. II. Vallor, of Eagle, both amounts being due on promissory notes given for insurance. COURT ROOM NOTES. The office of the clerk of the district court was closed Tuesday on account of the funeral of the late W. L. Wells Judge Chapman presided in district court of Holt county at O'Neill Mon day, and set the date for the trial of Barrett Scott, the defaulting county treasurer, for August 27th. The bar association met at Judge Ramsey's office Monday evening and after perfecting arrangements to at tend the funeral of the late W. L Wells, appointed a committee, com posed of Lawyers Windliaru, Root Ramsey and Sullivan to draft suitable resolutions of condolence for presenta tion to the bereaved family. Or. Marshall. Ol'.WT Fiti aid block. Huy your Drugs at Brown's Pharnacy. Buy your Patent Medicines at Brown's. Buy your Toilet Articles at Brown's. Buy your Hair Brushes at Brown's. Buy your Clothes Brushes at Brown's. Buy your Tooth Brushes at Brown's. Buy your Wall Paper at Brown's. Buy your Paints and Oils at Brown's. BROWN'S PHARMACY, 510 MAIN STREET. It never fails Gering's Blackberry Cordial for summer complaint. Matt FerlH Confident. Lawyer Matt Gering was in Lincoln Tuesday and on behalf of Murderer Harry Hill argued against the dis missal of Hill's appeal before the su preme court. The court will pass on the question today and Mr. Gering feels confident that the court will rule his way inasmuch as his brief is a bulky one, requiring considerable time to prepare it, and was in the hands of the printer prior to the filing of the at torney general's motion to dismiss. Mr. Gering holds to the belief that the court will not consider the case until the September term. Drop into Lehnhoff's and drink a glass of cream soda water. Special Fourth of July Kates. The Burlington will sell tickets to all points within two hundred miles at the rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets sold on July 3 and 4, and are good for return until July 5. F. Latham, Local Agent. TheullanSifter"flouristbe popular brand. Ask for it from your grocer. Journal, subscribers who fail to get. their papers regularly will favor the management by reporting same at this office. COLLEGE HILL NOTES. The school election held at Louis ville was the hottest ever witnessed in that burg. It was life or death to Killen, and, as I predicted a year ago, Killen will be killed and he was killed in good shape. The women seemed to be deeply interested, for I met dozens of carriages leaded with ladies hauling their friends to the school house. Now let Louisville see to it that no one man shall bulldoze the people hereafter as Killen has done. He will shake Louisville dust from his shoes now and leave for Greenwood. It is to be hoped the school board will select fi competent man to conduct the school at Louis ville. The schools have been a dis grace there for the last three years under Killen's reign. The school meeting at the College Hill school was largely attended. William I'ankonin was re-elected treasurer. He is a fine officer. The question of building an additional school room came to a vote and was de feated. The poor kickers could not afford to spend a few hundred dollars for the comfort and betterment of their children, but would rather crowd seventy-five scholars like herring in one room. Of course they think one man can do justice toso many children, and kick like a mad steer because the late teacher was dissatisfied because he could not do justice to the over crowded school. The board will again select John C. Current, our former teacher, for a term of nine months. C. S. The members of the local turn- verein society will picnic at Nebraska City on Sunday, August 12th. Don't buy a bicycle until you see us. The "fifty-dollar ladies' " is certainly a sensation. We are sole agents for them. Lkiinhoff Bros. When Baby was stele, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When the bad Children, she gave them Castorla. The County Fair affords an excellent opportunity for the. pick-pocket to get your watch. If you would be proof against his skill, be sure that the bow (or ring) is a This wonderful bow is now fitted to tha Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, which are made of two plates of gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as solid gold cases, and cost about half as much. Guaranteed to wear 20 years. Always look for this trade mark. None genuine without it. TSjf Sold only through watch dealers. watch case ooner which make a handsome Charm sent tree on request. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. The City Hotel, Corner Main and Third Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN EVERY RESPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-Class Bar Jr., In Conner- CLEAN ROOMS AND TABLE Rates $1 Per Day. H. H. GOOS, Prop'r. w. n. cvs 11 tsa. Flow- rYMW"ii. 'I'll IC Citizens' Bank, PLATTSMOUTU, NEB. Capital paid, in - - $50,000 DIKECTOKS: J.W.Johnson. W.D. Merriam, Wni. Weten kainp. I. C. Morgan, Henry Eikenbary, M. W. Morgan ami W. 11. Cubbing. A general banking business transacted. In tertssl allowed oil time deposits. BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTU. NEB. OFFICE Second floor or the Todd block, east of the court house. BEESON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTU, NEB. OFFICE -Fltzefcrald block.over First Nat'l bank Special Clearance Sale FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. 50,000 WORTH OF At 60 Cents Men's all wool Cheviot Suits " Blue Cheviot Suits " Fancy Cassimere Suits " Fancy Cheviot Suits " Fancy Worsted Suits Over IOO Styles to select Boys' Long Pant Suits, $5, $6 and $7. BOY'S SHORT PANT SUITS: Fancy Cheviot all wool Suits. : . . . . $ 1 95 wortll $3 OO " Cassimere all wool Suits 2 OO tt 3 50 li Cheviot all wool Suits 2 25 4. 3 50 " Cassimere all wool Suits 2 75 . 4 OO Boys' Short Pants, 25c, 38c and 50c. Boys' Straw Hats, 15c, 30c and 25c. WE MAKE ALL OUR OWN GOODS. NO SHODDY OR TRASH AT ANY PRICE. Continental N. E. Cor. 15th ona The Continental is the building with tower and clock. Beware of run ners for cheap clothing houses who accost you o-. the street. Come straight to the Continental, we hire n runners. Cut tli'i al out and bring it with ) ou. C 'J-' JtajEaXCJrS I IN LADIES' Red Oxfords, worth $1.50, now $ .75. Tan Oxfords, " 1.50, " l.OO. Black Oxfords, " 1.25, " .75. Black Oxfords, " 1.50, " l.OO. -mi 8l! :: Dressing for Tan Shoes. :: Rob't. Sherwood W. D. JONES. LIVERYMAN. Count yn HiX8 purchased the Pnr'nel.' fc Ruther ford btoek and will run t-oili the Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns. KIrs of all descriptions, from a Saddle horse to a Stxteen-passeiiKer Wagon, ruhs. Pall Hearer A'(on, ('nrryalU and everything for picnics, weddings nd funeral. Train wler AT HEUl.l.AK KATES. TclcplKino 711. Prices ReHsonable. No credit over .til davs. Old ami new customers ure in vited to call, when satisfaction is guar anteed. W. 1. JONE 1894. HIGH GRADE i SHIPPED C. O. D. BICYCLES Anywhere, - - - $ 'J-5 Uicycle f 12 50 To Any one - - - o0 Uicycle 2-5.00 All Styles and 1'rices, 75 Uicycle 37 50 Save Dealers' Profits 125 Uicycle (i2.f0 Send for illustrated catalogue. KC- TZ.TZ13?r 35 OO., OMAHA. NEB. t ! or ne of iiniuiinn. i.n'-ci i our. Niicht Kroi-Hian. Wk Hr .111 or Hrva gi fnoar cummI or i-i."'-V relurowl !.r ' Turkish Lut MaiiIi.hxI 'psalm. Tlhox.6far W 5 by mail. Hulm's l imrmc. OiuhIi . . r TurktMh J r nd Pen- P L-MLJi CO nyn.THl neer fnil. nre to the ilr. Hrinir roonililir rpffular f Without p..B. I?-'ASPi- W 2012 f'rani St , Omitha, Neb. MEN'S SUITS on the Dollar. g 5 OO wortll tlO OO 6 75 " 11 OO g 5Q 2 OO 9 OO 13 50 1( OO 15 OO from in Sacks and Frocks. This is a bona fide Cash Clearance Sale, at which you can buy honest Clothing at Co cents on the dollar. CLOTHING HOUSE, and Douglas Sts. HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Could not5Ieep, Wind on Stomach. 'For a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered al most incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I would be compelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stomach until 1 thought every minute would be my last. There was a feeling of oppression about my heart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. I could not sweep a room without resting. My husband induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say it has cured me. I now have a splendid appetite and sleep well. Its effect was truly mar velous." MKS. HARRY E. STARR, TottsviUo, Pa. Dr. Milea Heart Cure Is sold on a positive puarantee that the first bottle will beueBt All druggists aell it at II. 6 bottles for5, or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Milea Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Sold by all druggists. OXfOBDS