Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 07, 1894, Image 6

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st J
Tlio Flattsmonth Journal
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One copy one year. In advance, by mail... (5 00
One copy six months, in advance, by mail, a 50
One copy one month. In advance, by mail, SO
One copy, by carrier, per week 10
Published every afternoon eicept Sunday.
Single cpy, one year f I Kt
Single copy, alx inonthi 50
Published every Thursday. Payable In advance
Entered at the postoltice at PUtltinouth, Se
braika, as second class matter.
Official County Paper. '
It is everywhere conceded that the
democracy, to be successful in 1S96
nust choose for its presidential candi
date a man from the west. The name
of W. J. Bryan seemingly suggests it
self. But before discussing the sub
ject further, permission must first be
secured from the republican organ at
Nebraska City the News.
Col. Polk says that his News will
support John Davies this fall in case
the latter is again a candidate for the
legislature. Just why he should make
snch a threat is really past all compre
hension. Everybody knows that the
colonel and Mr. Davies have had no
great affection for each other since the
latter gentleman beat the colonel's
little brother out of the nomination
for county attorney four years ago.
And again, the News cannot conscien
tiously support any republican for
office when its editor makes affidavit
that the News is an independent paper
and has the same published in news
paper annuals in order to secure
foreign advertising. The News has
been making such a blow of late about
supporting Mt. Davis, when,as a matter
fact, there exists a grave doubt of the
sheet doing any such thing.
The determination of Congressman
Bryan to retire to private life at the
end of his term causes widespread and
genuine sorrow among his friends.
The announcement was like obliterat
ing the last hope, the breaking of the
last straw upon which hope was foun
ded. That he has made an honest,
earnest, faithful and untiring worker
in the vineyard of the masses no one
will gainsay, and when he retires he
will take with him the benediction of
the people and his name will ever be
cherished for the good he has done.
But now that the people know him it
is altogether probable that he will be
called upon to serve the people in some
other capacity none the less onerous
and none the less honorable than the
one he now occupies. If that time
fvtr conies he will iind the old fires of
love and loyalty still ablaze.- Falls
City News.
Judge J. II. Hkoadv is being urged
by a number of his friends to be a can
didate for congress in this district, and
the Herald sinceiely hopes that he may
et be prevailed upon to make the race,
lie is the ablest, cleanest, and best
democrat in the district that the party
could propose, and one whom the re
publicans would very much regret to
.see nominated . The republicans claim
the district, and under ordinary cir
cumstances it might be conceded, but
this year above all others, when the
main issues are so clearly defined,
t here is not one among them who could
convince the people that the "omniver
ons west' would be fairly represented
in congress by a high tariff monomet-
itlist. Congressman Bryan has con
clusively shown that there is some
thing for a representative to do, and
Judge Broady is just the man to take
up the fight where Mr. Bryan leaves
off. Lincoln Herald.
.secretary Carlisle has an
nounced his intention to issue more
interest-bearing bonds for the purpose
of recouping the gold reserve. The
amount of the proposed issue is taid to
be $70,000,000, and the secretary has
stated his opinion that he has full
M)wer and authority to make it with
out asking the consent of congress.
Further increase of the government's
bonded indebtedness must not be per
mitted. Congress must interpose at
once to prevent a repetition of this
crime against the people. There is no
shadow of reason for another issue of
bonds, and if there is not now a law to
prevent it congress should lose no time
in enacting one. There is gold enough
in the treasury to meet all possible de
mands for months to come and the re
habilitation of silver, even the coining
of the seigniorage, would at once re
lieve any stringency which might occur
pending the going into effect of the income-tax
law, which is sure to pass be
fore many weeks. That $100,000,000
gold reserve is but a fetich and a su
perstition anyway. Let Carlisle pay
silver instead of gold if he finds him
self short of money. He has more au
thority to do that than he has to issue
bonds, which could only be purchased
with gold drawn from the treasury in
exchange for silver certificates.
Washington, D.C., May 29, ISOl.
The draping of monuments of war's
heroes by thoughtful Wasbingtoniaus
today, in advance of Memorial day,
brings trooping up into our minds mem
ories of the long-ago, when war's dread
alarms filled the nation from the lakes
to the gulf and from the Rockies to the
eastern shore of our distracted country.
It brings to the mind, too, the tall,
gaunt figure and kindly face of the
back-woodsman president, as he stands
before that audience at Gettysburg and
tells how it was not possible for them
to dedicate that 'glorious field by valor
won," but that it was for those present
to be dedicated to the cause of restor
ing the union, to see that the "govern
ment of the people, iiy the people and
kok the people should not perish from
the eaith," and one cannot forget that,
while Edward Everett, the great
orator, scholar and statesman, had
given a finished oration which merited
the plaudits of the college-bred scholars
throughout the laud, not a thought, a
sentence, or a word of it can now be
recalled by one in ten thousand of the
American people. The short speech
of the homely backwoods rail-splitter
is remembered and is cherished in the
hearts of all lovers of their country
and their kind as a classic in the litera
ture ot its time, and a noble inspiration
to patriotic endeavor for all the gener
ations to come.
Tomorrow the beautiful and pa
triotic ceremonies of Decoration day
will be observed here not only at Ar
lington, where thousands of the union's
dead lie buried, but at all the ceme
teries about the city, and the veterans
will again show their interest in its re
membrace. And, while on this topic, one is often
asked why it is that the old soldiers
seem to think of and adore the country's
flag so much more than do the younger
and rising generation, but nobody is
enough interested to tell why it is. I
want to say that it is from no false or
mawkish sentiment. The man who
has followed "old glory' through the
leaden hail of battle; who has, perhaps,
felt the "plunk' of a bullet, and saw
his own warm blood trickle down his
garments to enrich the soil beneath his
feet; who has seen the old flag carried
to the front and has followed it into
the enemy's lines amid the cheers and
shouts of a glorious victory; who has
seen the life of his comrades go out
with a smile of sweet content upon his
face siuh a man, I say, has a love for
the tlag which no one else can appre
ciate. I once visited the state armory
at Des Moines, where the batt le Hag
of my old regiment and of every
other from the state is stored, and as
I gazed upon its folds and read the in
scriptions of battles in which it had
been carried with honor to victory, the
memories its contemplation aroused
well-nigh got the mastery of my nerves.
Tears came unbidden, and it seemed
that the Hag was a thing cf life an
entity which could respond to my own
quickent-d pulsations. While I was
there another came in and asked to see
his old regimental colors. They were
pointed out to him in a small room at
one side. He entered and partly closed
the door after him. By-and-by I heard
a noise as if some one was crying in
that room. I stepped to the door and
looked in, when a sight met my gaze
which I shall never forget. Kneeling
upon the floor in one corner of the
room was this veteran, crying as if his
heart would break, while he twined the
tattered remnants of that old flag
about his hands and wiped away the
tears upon its folds. Do you wonder,
my reader, that the average old soldier
loves the flag of his country V
The battle over the retention or
abolition of the ten per cent state
bank tax is on in the house now the
Brawley bill having been reported for
passage. Speeches pro and con an
hour long or more each will now take
up the time for a week or more, and
the Itecord will bo burdened with
pent-up wisdom of various doctrinaires
on the subject of local or state bank
money. In my judgment it is worse
than nonsense it is criminal folly t
pass the Brawley bill. In these times
of continued depression, six months
and more after the repeal of the pur
chasing clause of the Sherman act
which it was so confidentially prom
ised would bring us good times it can
scarcely be regarded as impious to
suggest that possibly those who favored
that course as a remedy were mistaken;
and in this line I am pleased to notice
the calling of a conference of free
silver democrats in Nebraska for June
21st The date, I think, was unfortu
nate because congress will surely not
be ready to adjourn by that time, and
I notice that Messrs. Bland and Bryan
are expected to be present. The con
ference will hardly be well attended
because of the enforced absence of
Tobias Castor and his free pass brigade,
but I hope they may be able to do
without that contingent. To a man
who is a genuine democrat, w ho doesn't
make his democracy play second fiddle
to the behests of a railroad corporation,
it seems to me the demands expressed
in the call for that conference ought to
meet with a favorable response. Surely
the. financial depression has continued
long enough to biiugmost men to their
senses. When they see the dollar con
tinue to grow larger and harder to get.
and the price of all farm and other
products decrease in value, does it not
seem about time to call a halt to the
present policy and try something else?
If there is to be no change democrats
might just as well join the republican
party, in name as well as in fact, and
march under the banner of gold bug
gery and McKiuleyism at once.
But I don't believe in that foi t of
submission and abject slavery. Ne
braska democrats can at least show
their colors and prove to the world
that they are true to their interests
and their convictions. A bold and
manly course, expressing their opinions
freely but without unnecessary offense,
would give them the courage of lions
in the coming campaign, and the Ne
braska democratic banner would no
more be dragged in the dust of defeat
and disgrace.
Let them be true to themselves and
the victory will be theirs.
Washington, D. C, May 31, 1S94
Washington celebrates Memorial day
on a scale of grandeur consistent with
her position as the capital of a nation
that venerates the memory and loves
to display its regard for the deceased
soldiers of the republic. All the militia
of the district, all the bands and all the
Grand Army posts of the city turned
OHt in an organized capacity, making a
marching column of several thousand
men, including some cavalry and artil
lery. The celebration at Arlington
the principal national cemetery was
participated in by some 20,000 people,
and was grand, imposing, beautiful.
An unusual feature was the presence
on the platform of President Cleveland
and his cabinet, generals of the army,
representatives of the navy, and many
of the members of both houses of con
gress the music being furnished by
the celebrated marine band. In such
a presence it was that Congressman
Bryan made a patriotia and eloquent
address of twenty minutes, which was
by odds the best delivered. Speaking
on a new subject, entirely extempore,
Mr. Bryan had the happiness to present
something new both in form and
method, and completely won the hearts
of bis auditors, both soldier and civilian
men and women. One of his best
thoughts was that the address of Presi
dent Lincoln, delivered at the (Jettys
burg dedication, would be read at every
Memorial day service with the. same
appropriateness as the reading of the
Declaration of Independence at a
Fourth of July celebration and then
he read an extract from it, with great
effect. He urged that this ceremony
should be kept up yearly, all over the
land, not for any good it might do the
dead or the living soldier, but for the
good it would do the new generations
coming on. The new generations
should revere the memory of the dead
heroes, because they could thus ex
emplify the patriotism that calls armies
from peaceful pursuits at the first de
maud of patriotism. The garlands
laid upon the graves of the dead soldiers
were a tribute to the patriotism of the
living. The essence of patriotism was
the willingness to sacrifice lor one's
country. Sacrifices were made alike
by women and men in time of war.
The mother who sent her sons, the
wile who bade godspeed to her husband
when their country called, were patriots
alike with those who bared the breasts
to the storm of battle. There were
patriots in peace as well as war those
who did their best to perpetuate good
government and this W9S the duty of
all. We need no standing army and
will need none so long as the great
mass of people did their duty in time
ot peace.
He was in splendid voice and more
than fulfilled the expectations of his
friends. Mr. Morton was among those
who tendered his congratulations upon
having made a "splendid speech." It
was a speech well belittirjg the occa
sion, the presence and the man .
Mr. Bryan spoke at a picnic of Mary
land farmers later in the day at the
historic "Uurnt Mills" on "Money,"
and scored a second triumph. The
member from this district, Mr. McCaig,
is a monometallist and the farmers
don't like him for it, and wanted to
hear Bryan because he stood up boldly
for bimetallism free silver and it is
unnecessary to say they were delighted
with kis speech. C. W. S.
A pointer for the rampant middle-of-the-road
leaders, who are criticising
W.J.Bryan. If Bryan is nominated
for governor he will be elected by dem
ocratic, populist and republican votes.
This is as certain s fate. He occupies
Still Grabbing
For $15 Suits at $7.50 at WES
COTTS. Over 300 Suits already
passed out to the maddening crowd.
The question is, how can Wescott
stand it?
Well, these are peculiar times and
require peculiar methods to do bus
iness. Wescott is bound to keep
the wheels going round, though it
takes a whole lot of sand to do it.
Perhaps every day will be Sunday
bye and bye.
Bring your wealth, as these Suits
will not be charged. Come a-run-ning
and secure one whilethey last.
All other goods sold at very close
prices. It pays to trade at Wescott's
these hard times.
C. E. Wescott,
The "Boss" Clothier.
a place in the hearts of the people of
Nebraska that no man or set of men
can supplant. You can't prevent the
rank and tile of the populist party from
voting for him. The more ou do and
say against hnu the more voles ou
are making for him. We have heard
a number boldly assert, the past week,
that they and their neigbors propose to
vote for Bryan for governer if he is
nominated .and they don't care whether
he is on the populist ticket or not, he
will get their votes anyway. They
urged the writer to do all he could to
secure hi- nomination. There is the
same feeling existing in the western
part of the state. We have it from re
ports and from personal interviews
with farmers and town people as we
traveled over more than seventy-five
miles of country in a buggy. We speak
of this early in the season so that there
will be no bridges burned or broad as
sertions made of what will be done.
Many republicans declare they will
vote for Bryan because he is honest and
his heart is with the people, and be
cause they want a change in the man
agement of state affairs till the Mosher
Outcalt scandal is cleared up; and
they believe it would be better for an
other party to do it than the one under
whose management it grew. That 09
in every 100 democrats will vote for
Bryan for governor is true, and Omaha
would give him a bigger majority than
it gave to Boyd. These are a few facts
we have gleaned in the last thirty
days, and they might as well be pub
lisbed now as later. Crete Democrat.
ale Muslins.
There is more catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other dis
eases put together, and until the last
few years was supposed to be incura
ble. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treat
meat, prouounced it incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's ca
tarrh cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It
is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
J-ay-Sold by Druggists, 75c.
You will be pleased with the mild
and lasting effects of the Japanese
Liver Pellets. Try them. Sold by
Fricke & Co.
Having made a special purchase of
these goods, are offering them at a
Great Discount. Listen, while we tell
you the price on
Unbleached sheeting, 2 yards wide I'lc bleached 19c
Unbleached sheeting, 1.1 yards w ide lic--bleached 15c
Unbleached pillow case muslin, -15 inches wide.... 11 c bleached 11c
Unbleached pillow case muslin, 42 inches wrde. ... 10 c bleached ldc
asTyAll the best grades of yard-wide muslins reduced accordingly.
Our Shoe Department is chock
full of bargains and comprises a
nice line of Tan Goods, in Men's,
Ladies'. Misses' and Children's.
Also everything in black.
Early to bed and early to rise.
Mind your own business and tell no lies
Don't get drunk or deceive your wives;
Buy your shoes of every size.
The best assortment under the skies.
Summer Dress Goods.
Irish Lawns, Dimities, Ponges,
Printed Duck, Lace de Laines,
India Linens, Sateens, Ginghams,
Cotton, All-Wool, etc. A nice
assortment of Insertions in Cut
ter Color, ecru, black and creanu
Our popular 48c Summer Cor
set is going so' rapidly that we
have had to double our order, but
we will have about 25 dozen pairs
on ice.
49c SILKS.
Our Summer Silks are gone,
but we have an elegant line of
Moire Antique Silks, in colors,
at 49c. .
Curtains and Carpet De
partment. A new line of Fringed
Window Shades just received.
Rugs and Japan Mattings. Prices
cut to suit the times.
f t