Millinery and Hair Goods 1 Fa! All the Xatat Novelties. We Boely Now OoodB Daily. The Only Children t Millf nery Department in Omaha. TTITT3 finnnCJ 0 Hair Goods Department IlAiu llUUilu always has Ue latest an J most ap proved styles. Mrs. R. H. DAVIES 1520 Donglas St., OMAHA. SAM GUTMANK & CO., WHOLESALE and EETAIL DEALERS IN JPTJ JrCJE! AND THE BEST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELEBRATED MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries To an Part of the city or ship 1V1 ad e ped to any place. WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is Ike now famous BOW, the only bow (ring) which caauaot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Caa oetfy be -5f had on cases contaiaJagtkis trade mark. Jf -urn t Keystone Watch Cue Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, largest, and aooit eoaaplete Watch Case factory ia the world 1 500 employees; aooo Watch Cases daily. Oae of its prodactt is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are jut as good as solid cases, aad cost aboat oae half less: Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge tor Noa-pull-out bow. Tko amoaofaoimraro wtU mi ya watoh aoao troo. II. J. Strelgbt. J. Sattler STREIQHT & SATTLER, Successors to Henry BobcIc, Furniture I Undertaking Pianos and Organs, STOVES and RANGES. Our Furniture line Is complete In every detail An Investigation Is certain to convince. BEESON fc ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. OFFICE -Fltzgkrald block, over First Nftfl bank FAT PEOPLE ! Park Obbsity Pills will reduce your weight rttttaAMiiaTLi rrom i to 13 pounds a montn, NO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PUB LIC1TV. They build ud the health and besuti fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or tlabblnesB. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders sunolled direct from our office. Price SJ.00 per package or tnree packages ror 16.00 by mall postpaid Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents. Es7AU correspondence strictly confidential. riBK REMEDY CO., Boston. Mass ED. FITZGERALD, THI OLD KELIABLtt Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checkered Bain. AND WILL RUN IT IN FIRST-CLASS ?:.., K. Special attention to Funerals. Hacks !:! be run to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to Customers Is his motto mqmm IN AND AROUND THE TOWN. Attorney John A. Daviea will de liver an oration at Weeping Water on Memorial day. A petition was being circulated for signatures this afternoon protesting against any removal cr re-location of the postoffice. The Flattsmonth-Springfield game of base ball at Louisville on Saturday afternoon resulted in a victory for Springfield by a score of nineteen to Ave. Perry Walker is shipping his house hold effects back from Chicago, where his family has resided for a year past. They will soon take up their residence on West Pearl street. F. E. White is marketing the grain stered in his elevators along the line of the B. Jb M., and during the last few day a half dozen cars have been loaded at his elevator here and several at Cedar Creek. The tickets for the school excursion to Ashland on Saturday are now on sale. Price, fifty cents. The tickets are limited in number to one hundred and twenty-five. After that number have been disposed of the price will be seventy-five cents. At the shooting match near the depot Tuesday afternoon W. D. Jones won the match with Gus Ilinrichs by break- ng eighteen out of twenty-five Peoria blackbirds to Ilinrichs' fourteen. Harry Kuhney, who was not in for the $10 purse, broke nineteen out of twenty-five. Field Day at Ashland. Supt. McClelland and Prof. Halsey of the city schools are making arrange ments for an excursion to Ashland on Saturday next, the occasion being field day for the Ashland and Plattsmouth schools. Arrangements have not yet been completed, but two coaches will probably be secured for the early morning train at 7:15 returning in the evening. A low rate of fare will be made and everybody invited to go, and a large number of parents will no doubt accompany the children and enjoy a day's outing. The pro gramme of the exercises of the day will include a number of games and sports between members of the two schools. The fact that fishinsr is re ported to be good around Ashland will probably induce a number of the des ciples of Walton to go along and cast in a line. DRINK A NICE REFRESHING GLASS OK SODA WATER AT BROWN S PHARMACY. A Wise Suggestion. If the Cass county agricultural so ciety had any get up in it, the $G00 of fered for the best county display at the staie fair might easily come our way. County exhibits to compete for premi ums must be made in the name of the county society. Hence the necessity for Plattsmouth to take the initiative step in this matter. Weeping Water Republican. Mr. Cade Rogers, of Plattsmouth, a brother of our townsman, M. W., was over Saturday looking over the scenes of his childhood. He says he went up to the old place, now the Record farm, and looked it over and tried to climb a big elm which be scaled forty-three years ago. As he is quite lame he dia not get to the top. He says forty-three years ago, with a yoke of oxen, he broke the road through to where the Williams fruit farm now. is. It was then a thick grove of hazel brush. The change from then to now, with the fine fruit farms in a high state of culti vation, is great, but he recognizes the old land marks. Mr. Rogers has a nice home in the vicinity of Plattsmouth, where he lives comfortably, but he has a hankering to end his days where his boyhood was passed, and we would not be surprised to see him again some time in the Bear future a resident of our city. Glenwood Opinion. D. O.Dwyer, attorney, Plattsmouth The reported damage to the beet crop in and around Norfolk on account of frost has been greatly exaggerated. The damage is but slight and there is plenty of seed on band to replace any of the plants which may be injured. It is the opinion of many farmers that warm weather and sunshine will bring them out all right without replanting List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth May 22, for week ending May 16, 1894: Anderson, C M Esterman, Benj Henry, Elaer A W Jones, Miss C O Moats, J J Paul, Jobn-2 Raluoy, Dick Shaw, A E Sberet, A A Smith, F S IT right, Miss Mattle. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." H. J. Streioht, P. M. AKOCND this court rooms. DISTRICT COURT. In the case of L. 13. Williams vs. W. II. Schildknect, Judge Chapman ren dered judgment Friday in favor of plaintiff. Judge Chapman fixed the amount of alimony due the plaintiff in the di vorce suit of Stewart vs. Stewart at $500. It is understood that the de fendant will appeal Judge Chapman entered a decree of divorce Monday in the suit of Thos. J. Keckler vs. Eliza Keckler. The defend ant, however, was allotted the custody of the infant child and in addition was allowed alimony in the sum of $100. Judge Chapman has entered a decree n the plaintiff's favor in the di vorce suit of Stewart vs. Stewart, the testimony having been submitted yes terday. The question of alimony will be decided later. Districtcourt was adjourned Monday morning until June 18, and in the meantime Judge Chapman will jour ney to O'Neill to sit at the trial of Barrett Scott, Holt county's default ing treasurer. He will depart I burs day, and will be accompanied by his reporter, Tom Chapman, who will keep official tab on the proceedings. Judge Chapman did not go to Holt county today to try the Barrett-Scott embezzlement case, as was anticipated. The case has been indefinitely con tinued. COuNTY COURT. An effort was being made today to secure the release of Andrew Fator on bail from the county jail. County Judge Ramsey will fix the bail bond. B. A. Gibson vs. Chas. Philpot, a suit on a promissory note for $235 for the purchase of some Weeping Water lots, was occupying the attention of a jury in county court Monday. The de fendant is hardly to be blamed for re sisting the payment of a note given for the purchase of such undesirable stuff as Weeping Water lots. Albert Welton vs. Samuel Atkinson, a suit on account for some $300, was on trial in county court Friday before a jury of six. The parties to the suit live near Greenwood. A rather pecul iar fact in connection with the suit is that the plaintiff, although a man sev enty-five years of age, is possessed of a marvelous memory and keeps a set of books for his farming business which would do much credit to a merchant for their correctness. The jury re turned t. verdict in favor of plaintiff for $16C. The amount sued for was over $400. JUSTICE AKCnUK's COURT. The case of assault against Mel Jean was set for trial Monday in police court, but has been continued until June 2d. The Holmes-Morrisey replevin case was argued before Judge Archer yes terday, and the case taken under advisement until Saturday morning. In the case of Christina Johnson vs. the Peoples' Building Loan and Sav ings association, Judge Archer yes terday gave plaintiff a judgment by default for $150. Frank J. Morgan commenced an ac tion Friday in Judge Archer's court against A. M. Russell of Weeping Water and H. I). Travis, a suit on ac count, with Russell a9 principal and Travis as security. COURT ROOM NOTES. Ex-Commissioner A. C. Loder of Greenwood was a court house caller Friday. The following applicants for teach er's certificates were being examined by Superintendent Farley on Satur day: E. B. Taylor and Mary Taylor, Union; Cora Fowler, Wabash; Lottie Dean, Murray; W.R. Woodruff and E. G. Woodruff, Weeping Water. All legal business given prompt at tention, D. O. I) wyer, attorney, Platts mouth. Cass County Stone All O. K. The Omaha World-Herald lately has been endeavoring to make it appear that stone taken from the well-known quarries in this county will disinte grate after a few years, and altogether is a poor article. The object of the W-H's complaint is that the commis sioners of Douglas county have ar ranged to use Cass county stone in laying the new macadam roads in Douglas county, and the W-H. urges that the necessary stone be imported from another state. As a matter of fact Cass county stone is by all odds the very best in Nebraska, and a Plattsmouth citizen who knows where of he speaks, has written the follow ing to the Bee requesting its publica tion, which tells some facts as to the subject: "In reading the Omaha World-Herald a few days ago 1 see that those who are oPDOsintr macadam road have used evidence which does injustice to the men who have invested largely in stone quarries in Cass and Sarpy counties. They show letters from the B. & M. showing it had used stone bal last and bad quit using the same be cause Nebraska stone disintegrated or went to dust from the action of the weather. While I am willing to ad mit the truth of this statement, the writer should have added that this was from a large body of stone lying just above the Platte river, and, so far as I know, all of that stone used has not been good but the stone lying above this stratum and farther iroiu the river, from which all stone at Louisville and Cedar Creek is now taken, is good, durable stone, and, so far as has been tested, does not disintegrate, but stands the weather just as well as granite or sand stone. and in Umaha on Tenth and other streets, curbing and gutters put in eighteen or twenty years ago are just as good as when put in, except wear on same. I have yet failed to find any of this stone that has not lasted us well as any stone used. The stone on the Weeping Water has been used for years, and, while some different and perhaps not tested as well, has given good satisfaction so far as I know, and I can't see why Douglas county should not give this matter a fair trial and leave the money in these counties in place of buying from another state and sending the money paid for labor all away from home. This question of macadam road is no experiment. All your board of county commission ers should want to know, is: Is the stone durable ? I think twenty years of actual test should be good evidence. Is it fair to make the public believe our stone is not good, when such is not the case ? I defy any one to show any foundation put in out of the stone referred to that has not stood the test as well as any other material used. If we can get this material so near home. in our own state, should we not have the preference, and give men here the labor ? Decoration Day Kxerolses. Decoration day exercises will be held at White's opera house on Wednesday of next week, under the auspices of the C A. R. The following is the pro gramme. Son ;lee club Invocation Uev. J. T. Halrd Song Male quartette Ritual service O. A. It. Song Glee club Address Hon. E. P. Holmes Address Will Coolidge Song - Cuartette The exercises will commence promptly at two o'clock, and when th exercises are over the procession will form on Main street and march to the cemetery, where the graves of departed comrades will be decorated with flowers. .Memorial Services. Joint memorial services will be held on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock at the Presbyterian church. Rev. Davis of the Methodist church will preach the sermon. It is the desire to make this service a true union service and all churches are requested to join in the services. Everybody is invited to attend. Rev. Davis extends a spec- cial invitation to old soldiers and their families to attend, as his remarks will especially interest them. People who like to make up their clothes at home will do well to call at F. Dressier. 's tailor shop for good wearing cloth. The stock on hand will le closed out at about half cost, in any length desired. Sherwood block. Fifth street. Plattsmouth 22-4 Can you afford to throw away a dol lar? If you can't, get my prices on wall paper and save a dollar. Brown's Pharmacy. The Plan Sift el flour M the popular brand At-ktoril from our irrocer. When Baby w-as sick, we pare her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children, she them Castorla, F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Plattsmou;h. ALAVAYK FltKHII. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Curtice Bros Celebrated CANNED G- O O D S. sole agent for Pillsbury 's !p MINNESOTA FLOUR, The llest in the Worm. The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands. ?.tiFineWatch Repairing JOS. P. FRENZER Opposite Poet Offloe OMAHA m m-- um or xrMtT um of tfoiDlanl.. cnnci ai oae. faifht Emimiona, Wak Hrnia or Sum, fuwur cured or nioosj returned by utnoc Turkish Lost Manhood CaiMules. tl box. 6 far S3 by mail. H aim's t'harmacr. Omaha. I I rT O Turki.u Tansy and Pen L.ALJI C O nrroral Pill "' '. are to the day. Hrine monthUea regular villioat pun. (1 bos br mail . Ajront. wantad. HAHNH PHARMAC'V. SOU FaraamSt.. Umaaa.Meb. Watches mZ&mm Dlamondsi; Jeweiry fii Si V.; AFTFIt N2 rr Down They ONLY $21 HEAVY Team Harness EVERY STITCH WARRANTED. One and one-half inch traces, perfection pads, three-fourth inch bridles, round side reins and winker braces, 1-inch turn backs and hip straps, 1x20 flat lines, including wool faced separable collars. The best team harness in Cass county for the money. PHIL SAUTER, Main Street, CASS COUNTY'S LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS, Handle AH the Leading FARMING MACHINERY, Mich as the Celebrated "Iader'aiid "Spalding" Riding Cultivators, WAGONS, BUGGIES, SEWING MACHINES, SAFES, PUMPS and WIND-MILLS. Come and examine our immense assortment at our warehouse. A Feed liarn for farmers is kept in connection with the establisment. Charges Ten Cents per Team. CORNER SIXTH AND PEARL STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH. 7 1 ' mmmmimmmmmmmi2mimm saWl nnssnsssnWas B -in. A S H I LO Consumption cure The Great pffugb Cure ! Great &oup Care T Great l jg lung Restorer ? Is sold by every dru&rlsi dn he continent of I'sst Vf I.'-"' t- - so wonderfift and severe thatf nftHOrnrgti or Remedy vet discovered successfully stow xtptSiiLOiVji Cure. A dose in time will $.e you endless anxiety ancjtfoubr Mothers, keep a bottle at yorbedsi' it indiatelyrelievei Croup, and you ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR HILOH'S OUR mil The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best nmnufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Hab no Superior in America. Hive it a trial and be convinced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand. Orders delivered in tit) promptly. TEH MS ChmIi or 30 days' tim. WALL PAPER 4c Per Roll iitvdv I VIIMtW 11 12 1010 24 DoukIbh S Omaha, . SPEEDY cvnl LASTING RESULTS. TNFAT r'tUh'l.t. ... M No InconTenlcnce. Simple, f cta stjyl ASQ3LUTZL? TitiV . 'M Wthla. M from any injuriouasubstance. ikn"T s tASOX ABDOHIOT UDTCZO. ass Vs GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. TBHUT oaa.iv" A HrDoW' Bromrtleiy. I HMHtltWUH, I J In I U fciliawiwu, ,1 ii . SESir Ana-mi.:" AntWoT. I W Alcohol io a?dotheresc. trice, hi. ISauUfiUOBau. KUttrvtwoent. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 61 S. Western Avenue. CHICAGO- G Only 4ll .OO required to paper walls or room 15X15. including bonier, .send 10c postage and Ket FKKK 100 Beautiful samples and pui.le how to paper. Acents large sample book Si. 00; FKEE with aW.OO order. rite quick. f: yJ.J - i . Iks H a s 'V ssaaa tanar same ARE THE " Go ! .00 FOR IMattsmouth, Nebraska. 9 NEW LIFE Or. E. C. West's Nerve and B-ain Treatment If cold umlcr punitive written ruarnntee, by author ized ntreins tnily, to cure Wt-uk Sieniory: Iaxm of Drain and f erve Povrer; Loet Manhood; yui-!uite; KiKht I-se; Evil Jreams; i.ack of Coiifiilnuce; Nervoo-iies-; Ijissitude; all Drains; Loss of Power of the Oeiieiative Orriun in either sex, cuuh1 by over-exertion: Youthful Errors, or Excessive IVh of Tobacco, Opium or I.iiuor, which soia lead to Miser, Consumption, Insanity aud Death. By mail, fl a Ixix; t! forf.r-: with written sruiiniiitce to cure or refund i:ioney. WEST'S rofOil SYKI'P. A certain cure for t'cuivhs, t'olils, A-thnia, Urouchitis, Croup, W hoopint; Coutrh, Sore Throat. Pleasant to take. Hiimll Un discoDliimei!: old. ftc. size, now2fc.; ol'i U size, now 5oc. ti I'AKAN TEES issued only by V. C. Fricke & Co, drusRists. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, HEALERS IX Lumber and Coal. Metidota coal Hard coal dm on city coal.. . . . 4 2 10 no .... 7. .' CJ5AS. GRITJEI?. Attorney at Law. PEAT'l'SMi il'TH. NKIS. j. t OFFICK: Second flo:rof the Ttvld tdork. rant of the court house. LADIES do 100 ksow DR. FELIX LE BRUM'S STEEL BHD PEHHYEOYBl PILLS arethe original and only FBENCH. safe and re liable cnr on the market. Price $IM); 6cat t) mail. Genuine sold only by A F. (.. Frifke & Co., Omslsts; H'S BEFORE AFTER'-