lock of Clofhin 1 Furnishin r 1 J And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance. Everything Will Go at Panic Prices. G UlH.'.iiLJl!lLM IN AND AROUND THE TOWN. Mrs. Y. V. Shyrock, of Louisville, j was in the city Monday. Win. Jamison of Mt. Pleasant pre-; cinct was in town Friday. Silas Patterson of South 13eua was :i l'iattsuiouth visitor Friday. I... Ii. Drown of Hack Bluffs precinct was a l'i.i t turnout h visitor Friday. j Editor Hirry Race, of the Weeping j Water Eacl. wms in the city Monday. Miss Clara Daltun departed for her ! Lome in Omaha last Saturday, after a j visit here with her cousin. Mrs. Henry llempel. The l'iattsuiouth base tall club will go to Louisville on satuiday. where they will cross b its with the club from Springfield. Uncle Steven ilobson of Mt. Pleas ant precinct was in town last Friday, euroute for a visit with relatives at Glenwood, Iowa. Levi Itustei holtz. one of Cass county's thriftiest rarmers, came up from his home near Murray Monday on his way to Omaha. L. (J.Todd, the well-known inde pendent leader of Liberty precinct, came u; last Monday to take a peep at ttie new court house. O. C. Smith, village treasurer ; J. E. Langston, village clerk: Ii. O. Sleicher and Frank E. Green, all of Ilavelock, were Piattsmouth visitors Satuiday. Editor Chas. L. Graves and family, of Union, were in the city Saturday. Owing to the 'obnoxious' time sched ule now in force on the Missouri Pa cific, the editor came up by carriage. Jos. McVey closed out his business in Council Bluffs on Friday and has returned to his home in this city. Joe Fairfield, who was in Mr. McVey's employ, has also returned to his family here. Wiiat has been done towards secur ing the privilege of the B. & M. of using its old track to Happy Hollow as a road to the free ferry? A month ago it was the general understanding that the road over that route was a certainty. The Adelphian quartette was booked for a concert at Louisville last week, but cancelled their engagement be cause the members refused to pay the license levied by the town board. The sympathy of the audience was with the quartette, and some warm speeches were made. The names of Messrs. E. R. Todd, Wm. Neville and W. II. Cushing, of this city, have been placed on the list from which the grand jury will be se lected for the next term of United States court at Omaha, and P. E. Ruff ner and II. Guy Livingston will have a chance to be drawn on the petit jury. Some thirty members of the local Turnverein society loaded themselves into carryalls and carriages Sunday afternoon and journeyed down to a grove near the ferry road, where they enjoyed themselves in turning and other athletics for several hours. The afternoon was a highly enjoyable one throughout. The South Omaha Tribune is boom ing Matt Gering as the democratic candidate for governor. Matt will hardly be a candidate for the nomina tion, but the fact nevertheless remains that if South Omaha hi.d its full say. Matt would be made nothing less than president, the governorship in that town being really considered as be neath Matt's calliug. Tiik Journal is informed by sev eral members of the school board that the ctit in the salaries of teachers was ordered simply as u matter of neces sity. The finances have been running so low of late that a deficit is a cer tainty, even on the basis fixed by the cut. The members of the board are unanimous in the assertion that just as soon as the treasury will permit, the salaries will be raised to the old figures. Councilman Chas. Grimes returned home Thursday morning from St. Louis, w here he had been in attend ance at the national convention of chiefs of police. He reports having a good time, arrd while in St. Louis he ma fSkiTlm met a gentlemen named Hopkins, who was formerly a resident in this vicinity, and who taught school here in 1S59. Mr. Hopkins inquired regarding some of his old acquaintances here, among them being John I). Tutt and Uncle Jacob Vallery. Friday was the sixtieth birthday anniveisary of Landlord J. M. Wood son, of the Cottage house, and some time durinz the day somebody sup posedly a tramp celebrated Jim's natal anniversaiy by entering his house and swiping his gold bowed spectacles. The specs'" were valued at SS, and Jim will probably give half that amount to get his hands on the man who took them, and we'll bet that he will cause the fellow to think that he is the -huskiest"sixty-year-old rnau that lives in this part of Nebraska. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: Like the Ashland club, the Piatts mouth boys have a large number of admirers, and they all came along to see the massacre. Fven that ever thoughtful and kind-hearted soul.C. II. Parmele. brought his Sunday school class of a dozen or more pretty g'rls, just t induce the boys to do their best and they did it, for every time a ball came in reach when Platt.'mouth was attiiebat.it was sure to go tearing through the air to the tune of a two or three "bagger."' The Kelly army, which started down the Des Moines river the other day from the city of Des Moines, is making rapid progress, but the men are never theless finding it a more difficult mat ter to secure provisions than was an ticipated. At the towns of Dunreath and 15ed Rock, which are close together, when the army had its meal Friday the people at first absolutely refused to sell a tiling. Kelly hunted up a deputy sheriff and flatly informed him that if the army could not purchase food it would take it by force. The deputy consulted with citizens and finally concluded that it w ould be wiser to sell the supplies needed, for the army was numeiotss enough to have captured both towns. The fifth annual meeting of the grand chapter, P. E. O , of Nebraska, concluded its session at Hastings last Friday. The report presented by the committee on chapters showed a total membership in the eleven chapters in the state of 244. Mrs. Jennie Bryant of Omaha was re-elected president; Mrs. Clara A. Crawford, first vice president; Mrs. Kattie Dutton, Hast ings, second vice-president and chap lain; Mrs. Carrie McNaughton, Su perior, recording secretary; Mrs. Houseworth, Piattsmouth. treasurer. A vote of thanks was tendered the Hastings P. E. O., the Elks and the Union club for entertaiment and courtesies extended. This session was one of the most successful in the his tory of the association. 11AVKI.OCK IIAFPKMNGS. From the Mechanic. MissTillie Ohm of Piattsmouth is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Kroehler. Lee Casper and Chas. Cahill, .Bur lington engineers, of Lincoln, were at the shops Thursday morning. Mrs. Jennie Coursey, accompanied by ner mother, Mrs. J. E. Hutchinson, made a business trip to Piattsmouth Saturday. Walter Holmes returned Friday from Beatrice, where he went the first of the week as a delegate to the Ep worth League convention. Try us for light harness. We use the very best of leather and employ only first-class workmen. The prices will please. Fred Gokdeb. & Sox, Piattsmouth. Omaha ain't in it with me now w hen it comes to prices on wall paper, and it is the same way with drugs, paints and oils. IiUOWX's PlTAKMACY. WANTED At once A good en ergetic man in every Township in this county to handle the '"Daisy" Wind Mill Regulator. One who will put his entire time to the business can make good money. Write at once for terms and territory to Daisy Regulator Co., Omaha, Neb. P. O. box 017. A Kew j Tasty Line of BfUlMQ flQJ-IC Just unpacked. Call and See Wave Allen's Latent. Lincoln News: "Wave Allen, who is something of an eccentric genus, and has worked several ingenious patents, has gone after big game. He has nearly completed designs for a fright ful implement of war that will prove an unmitigated tenor ' belligerents if it fulfills his ardent expectations. It takes the form of a war engine and is operated by ste.nn. It travels on four w he Is and w hen leady for busi ness can be headed toward the enemy's camp and left to do its bloody work with the full assurance that i;o call for retreat will ever cause it to turn back. As it goes it will throw intothe enemy's ranks torpedoes that will ex plode at the proper moment and tear everything loose in that vicinity. It i ill carry and discharge several hun dred of these torpedoes as it moves toward the enemy, and to prevent the possibility of capture by the enemy it will blow itself up as soon as its mis sion is accomplished The moment of its explosion can tie timed to suit the distance it will have to travel, and it is so constructed that any effort to stop its forward progress will cause it to explode. Th torpedoes that it throws are ali-o a special invention of Mr. Allen, and can be charged with powder, dynamite hi.i1 other explo sives. They can be made at remark ably small cost, as can also the ma chine or war engine. as the inventor calls it. The invention which he ap plies to the torpedo, he says, can also be applied to vaults and safes in bank ing houses and so regulated that they will be perfectlj safe for the man who understands them, but certain death to the man who undertakes to culti vate an unauthorized acquaintance w ith them. The principle can also be applied to any small chest or box or valise in which one wishes to carry valuables, and so regulated that no one stands any show of being injured unless some novice undertakes to open the thing. "Mr. Allen is quite sanguine that he will meet with favor from the au thorities of warlike nations as soon as its merits are explained to them, and expects to make an effort soon to se cure the aid of capital in the develop ment of his invention. He says it will not require a great deal of capital, and he expects to secure it in Nebraska.'" Can you afford to throw away a dol lar? If jou can't, get my prices on w all paper and save a dollar. BUOWX'S PilAUMACr. Cozifciimi'tiou. Bronchitis., Catarrh, and all diseased of the respiratory orcaiiH are of like trerm origin, and it Is only lately that they have bt-eu Buoi-ebsf ully treated. In IItlo. taken ty steam Inhalation. Ameri can scientists have succeeded, w here Koch and 1'astenr failed, in t-erfecting a cure that rrr.Es. r'or particulars address California Chemical Works, omaha, Neb. 13-14 Notice to Creditor. (TATKOV N F.HRABKA, j C'AHK COCSfTY. 8s. ! In the matter of the estnte of Ellzat.eth Ilab bitt. deceased. Notice is hereby Eiven that the claims and dmamW of all persons auainst Klizabeth Bab bitt, deceased, lale of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Piattsmouth on the 17 th day of Novemoer. A D. 18.4.at lno'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and after the 17th day of Iay A. I), li4. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examina tion and allowance. tiiven nuder mv hand this PUh dav of Mav A. V.. K. S. Ka'vset. ' 21-4 Ceunty Judge. Final Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of Joseph rpton deceased : In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that lieorge S I'pton, executor of the last will and testament of the naid Joseph S. Upton deceased, hag made appli cation for final settlement and that said cause is set for hearing at my office at Piattsmouth on the 7th day of June, A. I)., law, at ten o'clock a. m. on said day. at which time and place all per sons interested mity he present and examine snid accHUUts. B. S. Ravsrt. County Judge. Piattsmouth. Neb.. May ltith., i-8 Administrator's Sale. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska; in the matter of the estate of Henrv Mortens, deceased. Notice of sale of real estate. Notice is hereby iiiveti that in pursuance of an order of Samuel M. Chapman, judge of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the 12th day of March. A. I)., ls;t. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at the south door of the court house in Piattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the 18th day of May. A. I.. lHiH. at ten o'clock a. m., at public vendue to the hichest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot twenty (20). in section twenty-nine (29). township twelve il2). ranee fourteen (14). and lot four 4, in the south- ! west iiuarter ot tne south west quarter ( S.W of the SWyi of section seventeen t IT), and lot three 3. in the sou'heast quarter of the south west quarter (SEU of the SWKt of section sen euteeu (17). all in township twelve (12), range thirteen (13). In Cass county. Nebraska. Said ssle will remain pen one hour. Dated this 2d day of May. A. I)., lsyj. WILLIAM MEKTKNS. Administrator of the estate of Ilenry Mertens. deceased. Chas. lirjuis att'y for ailra'r. 19-3 The Fair Graduate Of next June is new pausing oc c isionally, amid her busy studies to look forward to her appear ance on that eventful night when "the narrow walls of the school room will expand and spread away into the kingly palace of the world. She strives with the aid of her friends to solve that vexing problem. "What shall I wear?" We. toe, have been at particular pains to aid her in finding a satisfactroy answer and as a result of our labors can offer the following complete line of beautful White and Cream Silks: J-J inch Cream satin Moire, per 69 24-Inch Cream Brocaded Wash silk, yard .75 Li inch Cream Satin, all silk, per "7C yard I O 22 inch Cream Crepe de Chene, fQ yard 30 inch Cream India Silk, fine grade, yard .75 22-inch Cream Satin Puchesse. QQ j inl sly CD 2; inch Creum Brocaded Satins, QQ va.d t70 22 inch C ream Brocaded Peau de soie, yard 1.25 21 inch Cream China Silk. yard. QC only mtKj 33 inch Cream China silk, yard, only .... iOs 21 inch washable Uabutal Silk, QQ yard, only .OI7 21 inch washable Habutai Silk. tine quality, yard w J 27 inch washable Japanese silk, 4.Q line quality, yard T'J? 24-inch washable Japanese Silk, CQ line quality, yard .'Viinch Cream washable Japanese ' CQ Siik, fine quality, yard JJ7 as-Inch Swivel wash Silk, yard, A f only m-TJ Samples of these sent on ap plication. Besides this special line our stock includes complete lines of Kai Kai, India, China and Moire Silks, and Dress Goods of all descriptions. We are headquarters for Silks and Dress Goods. tut i r n We have the most lTiclll Ul QGl S. order department in the city and samples are mailed promptly. Be careful to state just WHAT you want to buy. jrffWe have no traveling agents or representa tives. All claiming to be such are frauds. HAYDEN BROS., OMAHA, NEB. Dry Goods, House Furnishings and Groceries. Compound Oxygen CUKES ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, CATAHIUI, IS'X'C. Send for book free. Three months' treatment for 12.00 Drs. DAVIS STONE, Room 3K. Douclas block. fimarta' Hoh Cor. lt.th and Dodge Sts. vUIdlia, flCU. Katrajr Notice. 'TAKEN up by the undersigned, three miles south of Platts-mouth. on April ltith, two bay mares, supposed to be five or six years old, weight about eleven or twelve hundred. One witn a colt about four montha old, the other lin- white marks in the face and has found a colt since comine to my place Wire marks on left front foot of each, owner is requested to call, pay charges and take them nwav. BODFREY FICKLE R. P. J. HANSEN, DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY Groceries, Crockery A . I Glassware. FLOUR AND FEED A Specialty. One door North of Postoffice. Them. They will What is w r- ? m i i i Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yer3' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "CMtorlsisso well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Arch ir, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, ". Y. "The use of 'Castoria.' is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within e&sy reach." Ctwjrm Makttk, D. D, New York City. Thk Centaur THE EVER ITVTf ItMEWT ttOUSE OF OF PLATTSMOUTH, Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the Farthest. We lead, as ever, in Buggies and Carriages, This year's line is larger than ever and the prices cannot fail but suit. As to Implements, Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement market. Special attention is called to our "Boy Riding1 Cultivator" and our "New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator, Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing their equal can be found in the market. SPEAKING OF TT Q yny We Manufacture -LJ.C11 llCOOj The Very Best For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money. FRED GORDER & SON, 307-309 Main Street, Plattsmonth, Xeb. W. A. HUMPHREY, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIO Physician and Surgeon, PLATTSMOUTH. NEKKASKA. "' 'ti Ity nr 'i.imr PmnioMv A ttwrw Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland, HOMEOPATHIST. Special attention to Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Woman's Surgery. Office: 19eTh"Timeet' Omaha, Neb SflpT Surely Suit. Castoria. Cum tori cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhasa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, "Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwtj F. Fardkx, M. 125th Street and TthAveKew York City. Ookpact, 77 JIurkat Strut, New York Cm - RELIABLE P nnillMA ruK EITntE StX. This rmadr IF HHllf J St" ifir to th Motor HwH W tbo duuMii of Uinito-Lrinai-y Or- rnoini no chanc of dtt or nauufHia, mwenrial or poraonoos m4. ftciiMato b taken lotsrnallj. iikta ased AS A PREVENTIVE by either gx ft Is impossible toeontrset mnj veneres! dtseeae ; but in the ease of those eireedy Vguoiermx,e Armcne with Ouoorrhcf and Uleet, we c-jaro-tee a our. Pries by mail, pottage pMe 1 1 per box, or boxes tar f $500 Reward! WE will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache. In difrestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, pnd never fail to give sat isfaction. Sujrar Coateu. Lanre boxes, ?s cent. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen nine manutactured only bv THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY. CHICAGO. IU.. I d) AY , f.,rtr -W MWMHUt I -r .. j amhori ftrtpnennsr tue ue ui t . t r