- . ! I I 1 cl tf y. ti rr. p : , tl p. ai . vi io t thl ch , tic pov tee' fits'? SCOURGE SPREADING. Another Case of Small Fox Reported From Near Bethlehem. HAS NOT YET REACHED THE CITY Ann Luce Will be Kclormed The Funeral of Will Long -The A. O. II. Ma tional Convention in Omaha Other New Note. Another Case Reported. Another case of small-pox is reported tbe victim being a Mrs. Backus, who lives a mile north and a mile east of the H. & M. bridge on tbe Iowa bottoms, near the Junction. It is re ported tbat Mrs. .back us assisted in laying out for burial the body of the Sherman child, which died last week. so if the reports are authentic the origin of her case can be traced di rectly to cases in the Sherman family at the Junction. It was reported Sunday that a case supposed to be small-pox had been dis covered in the second ward, but when Dr. Hall and Marshal Grace visited the house it was found that there was no grounds for the supposition, as it was not a case of small-pox at all. The local authorities report that in case we receive a visit of tbe dread disease here the pest-house will be ready to re ceive patients within twenty-four hours. Ann Luce to be Reformed. Ann Luce, of unsavory repute, who has been making life a burden for the police for several years past by baffling all their efforts to rid the town of her presence, will be given a chance to re form. She was arraigned in police court Tuesday morning to answer to a charge of conducting a bouse of pros titution, and the judge decided to bind her over to the district court for trial at the September term, and compel her to give bond for her appearance or have her kept in confinement at the county poor house. Rev. Hull, the evangelist who has been holding meetings in the Palmer block, interested himself in her case and asked. tbat she be sent to an in stitution for fallen women in Omaha. Ann consented to become an inmate of the institution, and will be given a chance to reform her evil ways. Will Long's Funeral. The funeral of Will Long, the young man who was found lying dead in the stable at his father's farm near My nard on Friday evening, was held Sun day and was largely attended. Tbe remains of the unfortunate young man were interred at the Eikenbary ceme tery, south of town. The coroner did not hold an inquest, as it was thought to be unnecessary, the relatives of the deceased being satisfied that death was caused by an over-indulgence in alcoholic liquors and tbat it was not a case of suicide. A. O. H. International Convention. The annual international convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernions commenced at Omaha Tuesday and continues for four days. Delegates from all over the United States, as well as Canada and Ireland, will be in attendance, and altogether the affair promises to attract a crowd of several thousand to the metropolis of Ne braska. Jas. Grace represents Cass county at the convention. See those silver-mounted belts at A. L. Coleman's. 16 School Report for District No. 6, For tbe month ending May 4th: Number pupils enrolled, 24 ; number days attended by all pupils, 419 ; aver age number pupils attending each day, 21 ; average number days at tended by each pupil, 17; total num ber of times tardy, 32. Names of pu pils attending each day: Maud JIc Cullocb, Alice Oliver, Inez Ilesser, May McCulloch, Lena Young, Hazel Cline, Thomas Nix, Gerald Royal, Aithur Young, John Nix, Roy Cline. Number of days taught, 20. Cora Ray, Teacher. Cheap Rates to Oregon. The general assembly of the Cumber land l'resbyterian church occurs at Eugene, Oregon, May 19th, 1894. For tbe above occasion the B. & M. will sell round-trip tickets to Portland, Oregon, at a rate of $65.50. Tickets on sale May 7th to 10th, inclusive, and May 14th to 17th, inclusive, with final limit to July 15th. Stop-overs will be allowed in either direction within the final limit. For further information inquire at ticket office . F. Latham, Agent. High officials of the Nebraska A. P. A. have been interviewisg Colonel Wooster, of the Silver Creek Times, to ascertain if possible where he secured the work of the order which he was mean enough to publish in full. MISTAKES' IDENTITY. R. K. Fox will wear the Police Ga zette diamond belt as postmaster of Plattsmouth for the next few years. Lincoln Call. The appointment of Wm. K. Fox to be postmaster at Plattsmouth was con firmed by tbe senate an Saturday. IS ASCO AROUND TBE IOWX. P. S. Barnes of Weeping Water was In town today. Dr. Marshall, DENTIST Fitzger ald block. Geo. II. Babbitt of South Bend pre cinct was in the city today, and was a caller at these headquarters. Joshua Murray journeyed to Omaha this morning to again undergo treat ment at the hands of an oculist. Mrs. Rose Lachapelle, of Glen wood, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. C. W. Sherman and family. Floyd Harshman, of Avoca, and Miss E. J. Storm, of Fremont, Iowa, were granted a marriage license in Douglas county Tuesday. Congressman Bryan has been invited to deliver an address at the Fremont Chautauqua to the order of Modern Woodmen of America, of which he is a member. Miss Dora Swearingen of Weeping Water arrived yesterday and will make her home in this city during the sum mer season with her brother, W. A. Swearingen, and family. The St. John's society will give a grand ball Saturday evening, May 12, at tbe German Turner hall. Admis sion fifty cents. Everybody invited and a good time guaranteed. 10-St During the summer months Sunday services will be held at St. Luke's Episcopal church at the following hours: Divine services at eleven in tbe morning and eight in the evening, Sunday school at ten a. m. A team belonging to Lawrance Stull, and attached to a hay wagon, ran away from in front of Fitzgerald's block yesterday noon, and for a few minutes had the right of way along the ! streets. They were finally captured up in the third ward. The funeral of Mrs. Geo. Buchel oc curred yesterday afternoon. Deceased was aged seventy years, seven months and twenty-three days, and was born in Berlin, Germany. She had been a resident of Plattsmouth for the past nine years. Her death occurred on Monday evening. Dr. Hart, who removed to this city 1 with his family from Omaha last week, ; has opened his office in the Waterman . building, and it is one of the cosiest and best furnished in the city. Tbe doctor is a heavy owner of Platts mouth realty and has come to make this c;ty his permanent place of resi dence. Above all others the man who has been elevated to public office is the one ( whoshould treat his fellowbeings with absolute fairness. The office-holder who forgets his oath by interfering in private business matters, to the detri ment of one whom he defeated at the polls, is worthy the severest condemna tion. Retribution will surely come. The Louisville Courier-Journal is unusually severe in its criticisms of County Commissioners Dutton and Hayes, while it slings soft-soap at Commissioner Young with a zeal which is on a par with its criticisms on tbe two other members of the board. The general understanding is that all three members of the board agree in the belief that the Louisville bridge is not in need of any repairs. Will the Courier-Journal please explain its stand? The B. & M. railway was the victim of fire-bugs in the yards at Hastings Tuesday. A string of box-cars were tired, and before tbe fire was extin guished one car had been totally de stroyed and several others damaged. Hardly bad the first fire been extin guished when fires were discovered in the company's ice house, a barn close by and another box-car, and for a few minutes the vards were threatened with a general conflagration. The origin of tbe fires is unknown. The"PlanSifter"flour is the popular brand. Ask for it from vour grocer. DRINK A NICE REFRESHING GLASS OF SODA WATER AT BROWN'S PHARMACY. The free lecture to be given by Rev. Jos. Duryea, of Omaha, at the Presby terian church on Monday evening promises to be a rare intellectual treat. The reverend gentleman will discourse on the history of Germany, and it was through the efforts of the ladies' Ger man history class that he was pre vailed upon to come to our city. Platts mouth people should 6how their appre ciation of something fine in the lecture line by turning out in large numbers. Men are made manly, the old made young and vigorous by Magnetic Ne- vlne. bold by x ricse & Co. The cut in teachers salaries ordered by the school board yesterday will make a saving of $1,231.75 during the coming school year. AROUND THE COURT ROOUI. DISTRICT COURT. In the case of Frank A. Blanchard vs. Knotts Bros, and C. E. Wescott, application for restraining order taken under advisement. In th case of Cyrus K. White vs. Herman D. Crooker and Andrew Fac tor, demurrer and special appearance heard and submitted. District Judge Chapman listened to some of the testimony in the Halmes- Dovey case this morning, but through I the non-arrival of some important witnesses, adjourned the hearing over until tomorrow. COUNTY COURT. The case of Ethridge vs. Carries, a suit for breach of covenant on war ranty deed, was being heard yesterday afternoon. License to wed was issued in county court Monday to Mr. Chas. S Hart, of Elmwood, and Miss Mary Marx of Lincoln. Judgment by default was rendered in two cases against Cross Bros, and Arthur E. Cross in favor of the Com mercial bank of Weeping Water for $632.65 and $850.66. The case of E. II. Wooley vs. Os wald Baier was heard Tuesday on a motion to set aside judgment. Appli cation over-ruled and defendant ai lowed ten days to prepare bill of ex ceptions. In the contest case of Tutt vs. Haw kins for a seat in the council from the fifth ward, counsel for contestee submitted a motion objecting to juris diction of the court for tbe reason that the court has no proper answer day. Motion overruled, contestee to answer or plead on May 12, at ten o'clock a. m. County Judge Ramsey, Administra tor Barnes, of the Rosan Decker es tate, and II. D. Travis, attorney for tbe latter, were windiDg up the final settlement of that estate in county court this afternoon. The manage ment and settling up of this estate has been a tedious task for all parties con cerned, and tbe three gentlemen men tioned are doubtless glad that a final settlement has been effected. Haywood vs. Marshall is the title of a contest case which comes to the countv court from Weeping Water and a seat in the city council is the bone of contention. Tuesday after noon Attorney Byron Clark, on behalf of the contestee, submitted a motion to quash service of summons on the grounds that the officer making the service had failed to makp the pi oper endorsements, which motion Judge Ramsey overruled and gave Marshall until May 20th to file answer. JUSTICE ARCHER'S COURT. Judge Archer on Tuesday ren dered his decision in the case of te Butler paper company vs. Blanchard & Potter. The decision gives plaintiff a judgment for $S5.90. The amount sued for was $98 00. Oswald Guthmann appeared bofore Judge Archer yesterday and filed a complaint against Wm. Mccarty, al leging that Wm. had threatened to kil him. A warrant was issued and Wm will be arrested as soon as he completes the jail sentence he is now Bervicg. Mel Jean occupied a bunk at tbe Pearl street jail Monday night. Officer Woodson had him placed there be cause young Jean had swiped him with a club over tbe forehead, cutting a large gash therein. Lawyer Sulli van appeared and went on the young man's bond in police court on Tues day and the hearing was postponed un til Saturday morning. COURT ROOM NOTES. County Commissioner Hayes and wife came in from their home in Stove Creek precinct Monday morning, and departed on the Burlington flyer for a two weeks' visit at their old home in Ohio. Amended articles of incorporation for tbe Commercial bank of Weeping Tr n-ja fsv,,f rMnrb- uaici ncio uicu nitu vuuuij vicm Dickson today, tbe capital stock being reduced thereby from $40,000 to $25,000, but every cent of it, however, is paid in. The bank in question is a credit to Weeping Water and its stability is unquestioned. Ann Luce has not yet been taken to the institution for fallen women at Omaha, but is in the custody of tbe county authorities. Unless she is taken to Omaha, and tbe officers hope that she will be, she will have to await trial at the September term of district court on a charge of conducting a house of prostitution, and in the meantime must give bond or remain in custody. Rev. M. D. Myers, a noted evan gelist of Omaha, will arrive tomor row to assist Rev. Hull in the revival meetings which the latter is holding on the streets and in tbe Palmer building. Johnson's Oriental soap is far su perior to all other so-called medical soaps for beautifying the 'complexion. Sold by Fricke & Co. Stem-winding gents' watches, $1.75 and upwards. A. L. Coleman. WEEPING WATER NOTES, From the Eagle. Fox of Plattsmouth had been out fishing and meeting with wonderful success, lie sent an account of the same to Grover, relating his methods of getting suckers to bite. The story had a wonderful effect on our national fisherman; that Fox wants the post office at Plattsmouth, and he shall have it. He's a genius with a rod and a man that is not afraid to go fishing on Memorial day. Here's the post office, Kelly, and good luck to yon. The Courier-Journal ot Louisville says that the county commissioners cannot see a hole in the Platte river bridge tbat is big enough for a man to fall through. The fact of the business is just this: The bridge was built by Louisville precinct at theirown option. Now they ask the county to take charge of it and keep it in repair. This they might consent to do if they could be released from having to re build it when it is worn out. Judge Chapman says they must repair it; the county servants say they will not, and Sam will have to take a tumble. Warden Beemer says that J. Benwell Karnes, one of the Akeson murderers. while working in the cooper shop, cut off one of his fingers. Proper medical attention was not given it immediately. and blood poisoning set in. On Sun day it was necessary to amputate the finger above the second joint, and as yet there is no indication of it healing. If Hill could be hitched to the end of a rope for awhile, the world would be rid of a pair of assassins tbat long ago should have ornamented a hangman's rope. Now that Matt Gering has got a job, it is hoped that justice will not be delayed much longer. The Council khould Take Warning. ice i lattsmouth city council can not refuse the two applications for saloon licenses now on file on any ground other than sheer bull-headed- ness. The applicants have the money to pay for their licenses, and if they are willing to make the investment when the business promises such poor returns, the council should certainly be willing to grant the licenses. The laws provide for the revoking of licenses, and if at any time the appli cants violate the laws and lay them selves liable to such action, the council can not then be blamed if the licenses are revoked. The city treasury needs money too badly to admit of any bull headed action on 1 1 part of the coun cil, and thf latter b--lv will do well to take cognizance of that fact. A party of a dozen bill players lcfi this inoi n nig for Louisville, where t hey will r ptitertained lv a c!iii from that villain wit !i a hot game t his afternoon. Jones carryall and a four horse team tin nihil d the conve ance. and Sam Archer officiated as driver. Gold and silver hair ornaments 16 A.L.Coleman. Iloiurnnt kern l iruralon The B & M. will sell tickets May Sth and 29th, 1S!4 to all points in Ne braska. Kansas. Colorado, Wyoming. South Dakota and Utah at ore fare for the round trip. The minimum round trip selling rate shall be $7.00. For further information inquire at ticket office. F. Latham, Agent. watcnes and jeweirv repaired in a first-class manner. A. L. Coleman. San Gutnian&Co. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN EXJ"T2.E AND THE BEST Cigars. Sole agents for the CELEBRATED Pabst Beer. Deliveries To any part of the city or ship ped to any place. Made WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. Jas. P. Antill's New 0 j ster Parlor Opposite Waterman Block. Oysters In all styles. Fried oysters a specialty. For a (food Steak or Lunch call on Jim. WI1M Met aft::u o- Down They ONLY $21.00 HEAVY Team Harness EVERY STITCH WARRANTED. One and one-half inch traces, perfection pads, three-fourth inch bridles, round side reins and winker braces, 1-inch turn backs and hip straps, 1x20 flat lines, including wool faced separable collars. The best team harness in Cass county for the money. PHIL SAUTER, 3Iain Street, - - When Baby was stele, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Going To Buy a Watch? If so, bay one that cannot be stolen. The only tbicLfvoof Waicies are those with BOWS. Here's the Idea: The bow hat a groove on each end. A collar 1 K runs down inside the Vjjj YXLS pendeat (stem) and awa tit a into the grooves. nrmiy locking tne iv to the pendent, that it cannot be To be fore of getting a Non-pull-out, see that the case is stamped with this trade mark, It cannot be had with any other kind, fend a aastal far a witch cisa spanar to tte famous Bast Fllltd Cat aiaksrg. KevstoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. The Plattsmouth Mills C. HEISEL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with .Machinery of the best manufacture In the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior in America. Give it a trial and be convinced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand. Orders delivered in cltj promptly. TKKMS Cash or SO days' time. BIZ MANLY ZSlXtrzA u or exce.ive ne of vtiratilnntH. Effect ae once. Nieht KminKinns, Weak Bmioor Nvrre Pow.r cured or money returned bj lining Turkinh Lost Man hood Caimules. $1 box. 6 far $5b7mail. Hahn's I'hMrmacj. Omtba. J f f O Turkish Taasr and Pen LmfKLJI CO nrroral HI I. nerer fail. are to ths dar Hringa monthlies regular withaat paia. $1 boi hr mail . Afcenta waatad. HAHN'8 PHAHMACY. SOU Faraam Hi.. Omaha. Neb. FAT PEOPXE ! Park Obksitt Pills will reduce your weight I PERMANENTLY from Xi to 15 pounds a month. NO STARVING, sickness or Injury; NO PUB LICITY. They build up the health and beauti fy the complexion, leavine N WKINkLE or flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but asc'lentiflc and positive relief, adopted only after vears of experience. All orders supplied direct from our office. Price fc!.00 per package or tnree packages for $5 00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed Scents. 47 All correspondence strictly confidential. PARK HE TIED? 0., Boston .Mass WALL PAPER 4c Per K-oll Only l OO required to paper walls of room lSxl.V indudiug Lorder. Send 10c postage and get FREE 100 Beautiful Samples and guide how to paper. Agents large sample booktl.00; FREE with a Sd.UO order, w rue quick. II R N It Y LEHMAN'S, 11 12 1610 84 Douglas S Omaha, Neb. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal. Mendota coal f 2. Hard coal 10 no Canon City coal.. 7.60 Go ! FOR Plattsinoulh. Nebraska. illinery and Hair Goods All tbe Latest Novelties. Wo Roceivo New Goods Daily. The Only Children's Mill nery Department in Omaha. it hid pnnn urHair0oodDeprt,t LalH UUUilO always has the latest and most ap proved styles. Mrs. R. H. DAVIES 1520 Douglas St., OMAHA. 3D. FITZGERALD, THE OLI KKLI ABLE Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checked Darn, AND WILL RUN T "- FIRST-CLASS ' 1 special attention to Funerals, llackt : 1 be run to all trains. "Promptness an i fidelity to Customer lhlsno'-o W. D, JONES. Cass County's) Oldest LIVERYMAN.. Has purchased the Parmele & Ruther ford stock and will run both the Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns, RIrs of all descriptions, from a Saddle horse to a Sixieen-passenger Wagon. Cabs, Pall Bearer W'axon, Carryalls anil everything for picnics, weddings and funerals. Traill rl prs AT REGULAR RATES. Telephone 7(1. Prices Reasonable. No credit over 30 days. Old and new customers are in vited to call, when satisfaction is guar anteed. W. D. JoNES CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd block, east of the court house. A HiDGld's Bromo-Dsier. Srlmidid cnrnttTO aent for Nerrooa of Sick Hun ead ache. Brain Ezhaagtion, Sleepleesnwa, Lspet'ial or trnoeral Neuralgia; also ior aoea- matism, (.iont, biooey uiaoraers, acki vy pepsia, Ann-mia. Antidota for Aloooolio and other exoewiea, trioe, 20, 25 and 60 csnut. Ederrosoent. i THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL C(X 151 S. Western Avenue. CHICAGO. G FOR SALE ss Choice selected d and Impnved arms In Nebrtska Kansas and uth Dakota, on fr. m one tenth to one tiftrritsb pay ments, ten year's time. Largo tracts of ln for colonics or speculation in Texas. 40 ltrms, closeto Omaha, five and ten acre tracts in sub urbs a specialty. Trades of all kinds n-oti ted. WM. NELSON, Room 2, ucueu lock. Omaha, Neb. 1' ;" L APIES DO YOU KSO'ii DR. FELIX LE BRUN"S STEEL 0HD PEPYBOYfll PIES aretheoriKinaland only FRENCH, safe and.; liablo cure on the market. Price $L0U; eeflUby maiL Genuine sold only by i F. G. Fricke & To.. Dnursists. BEESON & ROOT. Attorneys at Lav, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFICE Flug-fcrald block, over First Nat'l tuik 0 f i 'i r 3 t .. jt-w-aft-nil ii Ha. n Mm. 1 .... . . -f-- ' - 1 - ' - ' - --- - ' - . ' m