Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 19, 1894, Image 3

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lock of Clofhin
Spring S
5 1
J eg
And every article was bought at Rock-Bottom Prices. The pur
chaser Will Get the Benefit, and in this particular case it will
be a Benefit of more than ordinary importance.
Everything Will Go at Panic Prices.
A JN'ew g Tasty Lineof SfBIM EQtlCjE SHBT
Just unpacked. Call and See Them. They will Surely Suit.
Dr. U. F. lirendel.of Murray, was in
the city last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark White, of Eagle,
are in the city visiting with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stadel
luatm. Win. Drain, a i miner resident of
I'lattsuiouih, was severely injured in
Omaha on Tuesday by falling down an
elevator shaft.
Geo. W. Ilaishman. of Avoca, eus
tained an injury to one of his eyes sev
eral das ago, and has tone to an Om
aha hospital for medical treatment.
Cuyler Sliul!.. a Grand Island mur
derer, after two trials and convictions,
was landed in the pen at Lincoln last
Friday to serve a twenty years' sen
tence. J. It. Moore and wife, who have
been visiting their niece, Mrs. J. C.
Eikenbary, in this city for a week
past, departed for their home at Dan
ville, Iowa, Friday.
Treasurer-elect L'nruh Oled his of
ficial bond in the sum of 120,000 at the
city clerk's office last Friday. ILis
bond is signed by Messrs. S. Waugh, J.
M. Faiteisi.n. C- H. I'armele and II.
N. Dovey
Hezrkiah Strong of Xehawka was
in the city last Monday. lie reports
that his little boy, w hose eyesight was
all but destroyed some two weeks ago
by the spilling of concentrated lye onto
his face, is on the road to recovery.
The Western insurance company of
Toronto has adjusted the loss by the
burning of Dr. A. ShipmarTs residence,
paying the sum of $1,122. The Home
Fire of Omaha, which had a policy on
the building, will adjust their loss next
A chattel mortgage covering twenty
seven locomotives just purchased by
the Missouri Pacific was filed with the
county clerk last week by the Ualdwin
locomotive works of Philadelphia. The
amount to be paid is $254.053. Lincoln
Henry Ilenkin was bound over to
the district court at Nebraska City
last week in the sum of SttOO on a
charge of embezzlement. Iienkin was
cashier of the defunct Farmers" bank
of Talmage. and is accused of the em
bezzlement of $15,000.
The city assessors have decided to
include bicycles in their list of taxable
property this year, and people who
own wheels will be called upon to pay
their share of the expense of govern
ment. This is equitable and just.
Vehicles of all kinds are taxable
'Tip" Straw, a Missouri Pacific em
ploye at Nebraska City, was held up
by a gang of tramps last week and re
lieved of a small sum of money. Tramps
also stole three coatB from a caboose
of a Missouri Pacific freight train.
Five of the gang were arrested and
Straw identified one of them as the
man who held him up.
The local 13. & M. shops are putting
on new men quite regularly of late.
The force of flue-welders were again
put on in the blacksmith shop Friday,
and the planing mill is also taking on
an occasional workman. With any
thing like a fair business next summer
the railway company will surely in
crease its force quite considerably.
The It"ck Island railway company
is enforcing the anti-drink rule among
its employ i rs w ith a great deal of vigor,
and even employs spotters to watch
them and report the men off duty.
One young man who protested stoutly
that he never drank was shown a
photograph which exhibited him in the
act of drinking beer, and he instantly
Matt GeriHg of Plattsmouth has re
cently discovered why it was that he
was not appointed United States dis
trict attorney lor Nebraska when he
had a monopoly on endorsements.
Matt has frequently been denominated
the silver-tongued orator, and pome
how or other Cleveland cannot tolerate
anything with the ring of silver about
it. Lincoln News.
Hon. John C Watson of Nebraska
City has just returned from the east.
He says the report that work had
Btopped on the great anti-trust dis
tillery at Terre Haute, Ind., in untrue
and doubtless w as originated by the
trust. The contractor is under bonds
to have the building completed by
July 1. and at that date the plant will
be ready to compete with the whisky
The small boy with the sling-shot is
again at large. Monday a large
iron slug, propelled by one of those
bothersome weapons, crashed through
a large window pane at II. N. Dovey's
rer-idence and barely missed one of the
members of the family, while only a
few seconds later n second slug struck
the roof. A hasty search failed to un
earth the lad responsible for the
A Nebraska City husband has
hiought suit for divorce on the ground
that his wife would not mend his
trousers or sew buttons upon his s-hirt.
If it is ever judicially determined that
this is sufficient ground for divorce in
Nebraska it will give well-meaning
but patchless and buttonless husbands
a powerful lever to secure their rights
and their patches and buttons. Lin
coln News.
Will Predue. a farmer near Cam
bridge, hired a man to work on his
farm. The man stole his wife's affec
tions and finally the two skipped out
together. Predue obtained a w arrant
for their arrest, but w hen the tw ain
were found and protessed to love each
other with a love that could not be
measured, he relented, withdrew the
suit, paid the costs, gave them his
blessing and went home.
From the Republican
Mrs. Dvid Miller came out from
Plattsmouth Saturday and spent the
Sabbath with her husband.
J. W. Sperry, a tew days since, ad
ded to his collection of war relics the
ball (a grape) with which General
Lyons was killed. It was loaned to
him by a friend in Lincoln.
(ieo. Harsbman, sr., while nailing up
a barbed wire fence, received a severe
injury to one of his ejes, caused by a
staple pulling out and striking the
ball. He w ent to Omaha for treatment.
Flmer Wilcox met with a painful ac
cident Saturday afternoon. He was
riding a bicycle in Fred Gorder's im
plement house and fell off, running a
sharp knife into his hand, cutting it
badly. He went to Dr. Thomas' office
and had the wound dressed.
Fred Gorder has been a resident of
Weeping Water for more than ten
years, he voted for county seat removal
and against the court house bonds, and
if we remember rightly, he did not give
Herrmann very enthusiastic support
twice when he wanted to be the demo
cratic treasurer of Cass county. If
our new mayor is a Plattsmouth man,
the News can find lots more of the
same sort iu this part of Cass county.
. See Brown and save money this year
on your wall paper, paints and oils.
One of the most shocking murders
and suicides known in that section of
the country for years was committed
near Hiawatha, Kansas, Sunday.
James T. Watkins, a wealthy and
highly respected farmer of Brown
county, shot and fatally wounded his
wife and then took poison himself,
from the effects of which he died soon
after. Watkins has not been living
with his wife for some time on account
of domestic unpleasantness. Sun
day morning he went to her house be
fore anyone was up and shot her twice.
The woman at last accounts was dying.
It is the supposition that Watkins bad
brooded over his family troubles untij
his mind had become deranged.
Omaha ain't in it with me now
when it comes to prices on wall paper,
and it is the same way with drugs,
paints and oils.
Brown's Pha it mac y .
A very clever scheme to effect a
wholesale escape from the peniten
tiary was nipped in the bud last week.
It appears that some seven of the con
victs, with the notorious Doc La
Motte of Omaha as their leader, had
succeeded in saw ing through the bars
at the bottom of their cell doors, so
that they could at a moment's notice
easily pry aside the bars sufficiently to
afford an apeiture large enongh to let
them escape from their cells. The
Bc heme comprised the overpow ering of
the eight guard, whereby they ex
pected to gain po-sessioii of keys that
would enable them to get out. The
project would doubtless have led to a
desperate effort to escape had not one
of the crowd informed the penitentiary
officials of the situation.
: v
Can you afford to throw away a dol
lar? If you can't, get my prices on
w all paper and save a dollar.
Brown's Pharmacy.
.l niiiilr.t rut r' Suit-.
In llie district court of ( ass county Nebraska,
in the matter of the estate of lietiry Meriens,
deceased. Notice ot Mile of real emate.
Notice is hereby civco that in pursuance of au
order of Samuel" M. Chapman jmlue of the
district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made
on the U'tti day of March. A. I.. li4. for the
sale of the real estate hereinafter described,
there will be sold at the south tloor of the court
house in Piattsuiomli. 'as county, Nebraska
on the th day of April. A. U , Ii4. at 10
o'clock a. m.. at public vendue to the highest
bidder for cash, the followins descrilcd real
estate, town: Lot twenty. C'tn iu section
len;v-nine C-.n. township l2. rni;e fourteen
(1. and lot four i4. iu the south west ijiiarier
ot the southwest iiuarterSW H of the s W t, i
of section seventeen IT and lot three 3 in the
southeast quarter of the southvesl quarter,
( K '4 of the W f of section seventeen ill),
all iu township twelve I lij. rmiiie thirteen.
in ass county Nebraska,
"aid sale will remain open one hour.
Tbiled the "lay ot April. A. 1 . 1SS4.
Administrator of the estate of Henry .Meriens,
deceased .
t hus, tirimes. atty for n.lminislriitor. lt-3
Notice of l'robate of Will.
'as ( orsu. i
In county court In the matter of the last will
and testament id itenjauiin Tiukham, tie
Notice is hereby given that on the 2slb day of
Aprii. A. !.. 114. at the otlice of the county
jnae in I'latt-nioutb. 'ass county. Nebri-.ska at
the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the fol
low int matter ill be heard and considered :
The petition of Sarah A. Tiukham to admit to
probate an attested copy the last will ami testa
ment of Benjamin Tiiikiiain. deceased, late of
W arren county, slate of Illinois, and tor letters
testamentarv to sail Sarah A. Tiukham.
Dated this''Ji day oi .March A. 1.. 1SV4.
Ky order ot the court.
1" j U. S. Uam-f.y. County Jud-e.
Notice of l'robate of Will.
State or Nebraska,
Ca County. '
In county col' rt In the matter of the last will
and testament of Elizabetn Babbitt. deceased :
Notice is hereby el ven that on the 3d day of
May. A li. 184, at the otlice of the county judge
in Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, at the
hour of IU o'clock ill the forenoon the follow
ine matter will be hesrd and considered :
The petition of Cieorge H Babbitt iodinit to
probate the last will and testament of Eliza
beth Babbitt, deceased, late of tireenwood
precinct, in said county, and for letters testa
m-ntarv to t.eorpe II. Babbitt.
Dated" this 6lh day ef April, A. IV, 1S'.4.
By order of the court.
1G. B. S. RAMSEY, County Judue.
Notice to Creditor.
State or Nebraska,
Cass County. 1 "'
In the matter of the estate of Bennett W. Pierce,
Notice is hereby (liven that the claims and
demands of all j-ersons asrainst Bennett V.
Pierce, deceased, late of said county and state,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
county court at the court house in Plattsmouth.
on the lith day of October. A. !., lsi4. at Pt
o'clock in the forenoon. And that fix months
from and after the 12th day of April. A. 1).,
is the time limited for creditors of said de
ceased to present their claims for exnmination
and allowance.
liiven under my hand this 7th day of April,
A. I., 1W4. B. S. I'.AMHET.
1; 4 County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
Statkok Nebraska, I
titwCorNTT, as. I
In the matter of the estate of Anna Mary
Kern, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and
demands of all persons against Anna Mary
Kern deceased, late of said county and slate,
will be received, examined and adjusted by the
conn tv court at the court bouse in Plattsmouth
ontheSthday of October. A I. ISM, at lo o'clock
in the forenoon. And that six months from
and after the 5th day of April A. I..
lm. is the time limited for creditors of said
deceased to present their claims for examina
tion and allowance.
(iiven tiiider mv hand this :th dav of March,
A. 1).. 18SM. ' B. S. liiMsiT,
County Judge.
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Harriet Burns
In the county court of Cass county. Neb.
Notice is hereby given that A. W. White
administrator of the estate of the said Harriet
Burns deceased, has made application for
final settlement, and that said cause is set for
hearing at my otlice at Plattsmouth. on the 3d
day of May, A. D , 1SV4. at teu o'clock a. in
on said day : at which time and place all person
interested may be present and examine said
B. S. Kamset. CountyJudge.
Plattsmouth, Neb., April 2, )sa4. 5 3
: A
(5650.) 1371,
w ill be kept for service tbis sea
son at ttie following places:
Mondays. Tuesdays and Wed
nesday, at Pittinan's livery
tarn. Neliaw ka ; Thursdays and
Fridays at Tom Fulton's shop,
four miles west of Murray, and
Saturdays at Jack Shaw's barn,
Murray. a
This famous horse has in bis
veins the blood of t he most cele
brated sires of England. He is
a perfect representative of the
Lnelish Shire Draft Horse breed
and his colts prove how abun
dantly he marks his get with
manv eood points. lie stands as
the finest animal in the state to
breed to.
Service Reduced to $10.
C.E. WESCOTT, Sole Owner
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Every article sold is guaranteed. It is your
f 'in i t if you keep any tiling that does not suit
you . We want your good w ill and will strive to
gain It by tairdeallng
.ilen's ('lolliini; Sale.
For well wearing, stylishly finished, good for
high grade tailor workmanship or in the pur
chasing (tower of a dollar, this &ale has never
hud Hii equal. These are a few specials from
our immense assortment:
Mrn's Suits.
I.ot No 1 175 men's stylish suits for spring.
fr7 PO values at 4 .
I.ot No 2 -iiil nobby sprits, elegantly tailored,
worth s 25. now H 75.
I.ot No 3 Fine mahackemo cassimere suits.
i'.i 0U values at 5 75.
I.ot No. 4 Genuine black and blue worsted
suits, round and straight cut, perfect workman
ship, worth til 0U, at 7.50.
I.ot No. 5 Men's stylish spring suits in swell
effects, at f 15 ou: house value, tio.t).
190 men's black English clay and corkscrew
worsted suits, bound, in sack, and cutaway,
1 Vliu and (lti.-Vl values at flu. 00.
Hoys and Children
27 children suits, assorted double and single
breasted, light and dark shades, well made,
t-i.W values at tl ir.
:fc!S children suits, some trimmed with braid,
double and single breasted, worth tJ 60 and
j W.Wl, at tl.Un.
Something new at Hayden Bros, in children's
suits, a large line of junior combination and
reefers at half of regular clothing house prices.
Ail we ask is for the ladies to call and see for
Hoys' strong and neat kiice pants go at Sc.
Hoys' durable long pants at test prices go at
Cue and 05c.
We have fully ei)iiiped our cloak and milli
nery departments and they are now showing a
most complete, attractive and seasonable line
of these goods. We invite special atlention to
these departments.
Final Settlement Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Uosau Decker,
deceased :
In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that Phiueax S. liarnes,
administrator of tiie estate of the said Kosau
Keeker, deceased, has made application
for final settlement and that said cause is set for
hearing at my otlice at Plattsmouth ou the lh
day of April, A. P.. 1M, at ten o'clock a. ni.
on said day, at which time and place all per
sons interested may te present and examine
said accounts. B. S. It am set, County Judge.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Afril Sth, 1WM. 16-8
Filial settlenieut Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Jesse B. Ryan, de
ceased. In the county court of Cass county Nenraska.
Notice is hereby given that t harles R. Jordan
administratorof the estate of the said Jesse 11
llyan deceased, has made application for final
settlement, and that said cause is set for hearing
at tnv olhceat Plattsmouth. on the 'M h day of
April. A. 1 , lsl. at 10 o'clock a. m. on said
day: at which time and place all persons inter
esteil may be present and examine said ac
counts. B. S Rahset, County Judge.
Plattsmouth, March 31st. im. 15-3t
Free ! Free ! !
We have just begun a couton system whereby
each purchaser receives coupons for the amount
purchased, and when these coupons amount to
tJ5.uj they will entitle the holder to one of sev
eral handsome gifts which are on display in our
store now.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Hayden Bros
16th and Dodge Sts.,
Compound Oxygen
Send for book free. Three mouths' treatment
for 112.00
Kooin 33. Douglas block, Dm ah 9 Voh
Cor. ltitii and Dodge Sts. WiUOlia, HGU.
What is
i m 2
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
Cutoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di-
"Caatoria, is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." XI. A. Ascbcr, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
' The use of 'Castoria1 is so universal and
its merits so -well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach."
Ctmr.w Hakttn, I. D.,
'ew York City.
Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your Castoria,1 and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwih F. Faroes, BL D.,
125th Street and Tth Ave New York City.
Thk Ckmtacb Compact, 77 Mcskat Stsxr, Kkw Tobx City
Is distinctively the place where the Farmer's Dollar Goes the
Farthest. We lead, as ever, in
Buggies and Carriages
This year's line is larger than ever and the prices
cannot fail but suit.
As to Implements.
Our two large store-rooms are brim-full of the BEST and
MOST PERFECTED to be found in the Implement
market. Special attention is called to our
"Boy Riding1 Cultivator" and our
"New Departure" Tongueless Cultivator,
Both of which will bear out the assertion that nothing
their equal can be found in the market.
We Manufacture
The Very Best
For the Money, and are the only firm using "Old Fashioned Oak
Tanned Leather" in Cass County. Consult your own interests and
Deal with an Establishment which conducts Business on the Plan of
Giving Real Worth in Return for the Buyer's Money.
307-209 Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Physician and Surgeon,
in iiy or nir I'rnmpiW Anwr.r
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
Special attenUon to Obstetrics, Diseases of
Women, and Woman's Surgery.
Office: 19eTe"e"e5t Omaha, Keb
MAaaaaaA FOB ttTHIB SIT. This
K Kill 1 X hmiu Inpctml dirmlr to tM iw of
of Um 4nito-U nn&ry Or
gans, rquirs no ebanc of det or
mermriAl or pmmmoo mw-
to Lo takta auterxutUj.
by xtbr mx it H im pew he to contract
tor veoerwJ dmui ; but in tM cu mt
tfaofMr iIitVtI'"' ' ' riiiiii Ammo
Tea m enm a - j nssus sw
f I per Uax, or Uj tor f.
$500 Reward!
WE will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In
digestion Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver rills, when
the directions are strictly complied with. They
are purely Vegetable, end never fail to give sat
istaction. SuparCostea. Larfre boxes, 5 cents.
Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The (fen
nine manufactured onlv bv THE JOHN C WEST
A '4
M t
' V r, ti f