WEEPING TAT1B ROTES. from the Eagle. Tom Perrionet, who has been con ductor on the Missouri Pacific freight between here and Lincoln for years, has been sheWed at last, receiving his g. b. at Union last Saturday night. He has been on the pay-roll of the company for eighteen years. twh Tecnm was called before the grand jury last week to testify in re gard to the operations of the can-can that has been in operation at Platts mouth for some time. ' Ducus made his ignorance of its existence manifest to the jury bysajing that he had of ten heard of the canning factory at that place,but bad never known where it was located until the jury informed him. A. B. Gibson's boy got severely in jured by a mule yesterday. The boy undertook to ride the animal from the fiM fn th barn. While mounting he iv slipped and got tangled in the harness, hich was sharp shod,kicked him several times in the thigh, inflict- in it anmA 11 fflv wounds. I ne ramiiy feel thankful that it is no worse, for TToa a vicious one anu might have killed the boy. Voor Old GlenwoodI The Glenwood Opinion, to offset our free ferry, makes the following appeal tr. tl.P merchants of Glenwood: cood road, during all seasons, to ,,Ar,i frnm thH Missouri valley would insure the farmers coming here to trade even if Pluttsmouth has a free " ,:..v.i maii furry. Iowa temner- unreiiai"' oiiio. j - ----- ance people are not going , tc . cross the turbulent aiissuuneveuu y" ,i tr, their own COUDty seat and they can dispose of produce ana purchase menuiuu. "fcA,,V .Vr heretofore and now given. Our mer chants, as a rule, give better bargains than are obtained in IMattsmouth. Gering & Co's. Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry has no equal as a remedy for coughs, colds, etc. Try a bottle. That dreaded pest, the Russian thistle, is reported to have gained a rr.rtM in the court house lawn, and thereby threatens to exterminate the blue grass, which, through Janitor u.mnei'fl watchful care, had become :ki nar-.-ion f loveliness. The ianitor has been advised to ask an ap propriation from the commission em w fight the pest. Clip the art coupon in today's paper. Call and see the new patterns of wall paper at.Gering & Co's. drug store. When Baby -was sick, o gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. i Guilty of Larceny. I The jury in the criminal prosecution against Oswald Schubert and i.d. Robinson, tried on Friday in district court, decreed that the lads were guilty only of petit larceny, as it could j not be clearly proven the breaking in to of the car wa9 committed on mis side of the river. The verdict nxed the value of the stolen goods at $24. Judge Chapman accordingly sentenced the boys to thirty days in the county jail and to pay the costs of the pro secution. Henry Sitzman was called ii rt an d after pleading guilty to parti cipating in the affair was fined $15 and costs. FAT PEOPLE ! Pakk 0-m.tt.Pili.. will reduce . your welRht PEKMASKM Ll irom i iu w wuira,-----NO STAKVISG. Bickness or lujury ; NO PI B lALl I . i """".''..."."v-r, w5l TV M.KS or breathing surely relieved E. ,lv bVas"'e"lLnA""""c'I n nrdrssuPPlied aiieryerul f"?.-" , - v.; m la,.kane h rAfr rrnm n ir u utr. i i v w w r nr three packages for J5.00 r.y mail postpaid. MmonfflS! .d particular. tledl correripuu,";"'c t"""-v PARK RET1EDY 0., Boston Mass The Morgan Spading3Harrow YOUR CHOICE. LAND FOR SALE Choice selected Land and Iuiprov virnia In Neb- rnl-n. KailMiS and cash payments, ten yearsMme yetract. or farms' cW to on.aha. 5 and ten r. . 1- .nhurtjS 6, pieciaii. n..c? . eotiated. WM. NELSON, lioom Z, w urn., ' . 1 x-V. II , iilocK. umitiia, .-,cw. Don't buy last year's Wall Paper when you have an opportunity to buy the newest thine out In the line, and from one of the finest selections In the city. There has been a fjreat revolu tion in wall paper. Anyona failing to see mv stock will fail to Bee the latest and at prices as low as the lowest. The same rule applies to my stock of Drugs. Faints and Oils. BROWN'S PHARMACY, DKl'tJS. 510 Main Stkekt. This ad changes each week. if s h'. u.cvsnisa, jr. ir. aonxsoy. .TIIK Citizens' Bank, PMTTKMiiL'TH. NEB. Capital paid in $60,000 DIRECTORS: i W.Johnson, W. D. Merriam Win i JVeten kamp, U. c. aiorgau. neiuj ,-v M!W. Morgan and W. 11. Cushiug. a i.nkine business transacted. terest allowed on deposits. In p St MAIXIi-Y .ditom s.it Ab- r t9 " x....i v,-.,n, W.kBriniirNi-no Por cured or taonoy returneJ by 2',n? 5 fr Jav. "d, ftE sore to the dT. Brini monthliee regalar aiithant ia. il noi n; mm rtttrum .mwv.. U.UV LUAMMI , SOU Faraam St.. Omaha. Neb. - . - . -w-arwtf -r e THE LEADERS IN M. l-fc 1 J-V f)& asm WILL HOLD THEIR EASTER OPENING Friday and Saturday, March 23 124 All ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity are requested to call on that date Their stock for the spring season was ordered and pre pared under the supervision of their two expert trimmers, and ad mirers of handsome and stylish millinery will be shown a display well worthy a visit. Kespecuuii) , TUCKER SISTERS, Jhe leaders ir? 5tyli57 W'W- SHERWOOD BLOCK. Or. Marshall. ,jB Tir-T Fitzger ald block. llev. Charles W. Savidfje, of Omalia, ! has been holuine a series of meetiuga at Wabash, and has aroused a deep feeling of religious interest. He has preached five times in two days. Last week at Elmwood he preached on lue street. Large and attentive congre gations listen to Rev. Mr. Savidge,and large numbers have professea con version. Mr. Savidge, like the prophets of old, charges sin home on the peo ple, and convicts them of their in iquities. A full line of perfumeries and toilet articles at Gering & Co's drug store. Klrat-Clnss Seed Potato. Place your orders for seed potatoes with A. II. Weckbach, who win turn ish you with the early Ohio variety Prices low and the potatoes guaranteed SnTnR Hill's dalliance with the Dainted harlot of protection effectually disposes of the story of his engagement to a lady of Louisville, where Colonel Watterson's star-eyed goddness of re form lias always lived. ll.Wr fnrcret the fact that Gorder & Sun carry a line of buggies, which for low prices, excellence of goods ana general assortment, can not be equalled in Cass county. w-tf Rest mixed paints, oils, brushes, etc, at Gering & Co's. drug store. Order to Show Cause. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. '. Iu the matter of the estate of Solomon Wanl, ; deceased : ' , 1 lie IKUBC tame vt ' r- -r ' - , titionof Alfred S. rooley. administrator of the estate of Solomon Ward, deceased, praying for license to sen me uuiu i . . quarter of section twenty CM), in township eleven (11), north, of ratine nine (), In t'asa county, Nebraska, or a sumcient amount oi me same to bring tue sum oi tow.uu t ir ment of debts allowed against said estate and the costs of administration, there not being sufliclent personal property to pay the said (it-Ms and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear before me at the of the of the clerk of the district court of Cass I county, Nebraska, on the Tib day of April, A I., ...... , .f I rt uViftur r.mis. whv m license should uot he granted to said adralnis trator to sen so inui ii ui mc aiu,o unn.:.i real estate of said deceased as shall be neces sarv to pay said debts and expenses. Dated this y4th day of February. A . V . WM. SAM'L. M. CHAPMAN, 11.4 Judge of the District Court. a n m. m T M W 1 rl rill s W! ' ' ' J.. . aw H a r r o w CTcs nontrvK to TIE A MOST REMARKABLE MACHINE And fills a lone-felt need -something you have long been looking for, viz : A machine that will put Ana mis a long ieu nu :c wpr An a n;r. ;nh and not c ocr. For oulvenzing fall or SS riTlL TouSL"" ThV so.d al, iv, .he east J.S year knd, althoUh in- r . o f o , , c- col. -inH rravp unended satisfaction. tmriuced late in tne season, uau tiu cuwmiuuo t- . , ,. ir a uoauccu iiuc in in. . ,m;f,r to nvi in the- "Snsdiner Harrow and. Jacob ralter, jr., is tne nrsr. iannci m nno v.u.i.ii.ui.1 ... ". T7 1 although he has only owned it for a short time, he cannot praise it too highly. The Morgan Spading Cultivator Is also iust as much of a success as the Spading Harrow. It has no equal in the implement market, la j o tnmt avm r Pi,ftcmAtli have th exclusive apencv for these two ma- chines fof hi terStory. and Ca ? county requested to ca!l at our headquarters at Platts- moJh. on Sixth and fearl streets, g''i " claim for them THE VERY BEST IN THE IMPLEMENT MARKET. Meisinger & Lohmann, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Dwilers in all kinds of Farm Implements and agents for the Celebrated Mor gan Spurting Harrow and Spading Cultivator. The Plattsmouth Mills, j C. HEIS2X. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour lias no Superior ir. America. Cive it a trial and be convinced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand. Orders delivered in citj promptly. TERMS Cash or 30 ly' tim. 1M0T AT THE 6t 1 9 Making Harness For 1 8 Years SAUTER'S Ought to Count for Something. YOU CAN TELL::":::"": Celebrated Hand-Made HARNESS BY THEIR GOOD WEARING QUALITIES. . , .j r -d n.i, T an tVi t. TESTED FOR lney are always wauc ui iud w -' , STRENGTH, good solid Stitching and First-Class Workmanship, makes bAU l cts. a names - Prices and Quality Tell the Story. Try me and see. Remember the place First door east of Hatt & Otto's Meat Market. QtA7T? ATf The Patterns are Shapely and Standard, QT DW' aottoo long, too short, too wide, too nar- V J pTJS. (row. Misfits are a nuisance. J FHTT, SAUTER, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Notice. ii. tii district court of Cass county. Nebraska: GeoRue Lohnks. Plaintiff, vs. MaruauetLohse. Defendant. The above named ueienaaiu win me uuuee named plaintiff commenced an action against . .V.. . . .- I 1 Wn ..tftnn .f trio nlurr of said eourt, the object and prayer of which ... nV.l m .Itutrililtirin rf t h llflllds Of matrimony uow existing between plain Utr and deienuftiit. ana 10 uuiuim u un icc un wiv j I . . ..n. ,1 J .1 a ,1 aim tn K- plttlUUU IIU1U Piiv ..viviiuu..., " ehildren, the Insue of aid marriase, to wit: defendant answer nnto said petition on orbe- petltlon will' be taken as true and a decree renaerei accoraingiy. By A. N. Si llivan, nis Attorney. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, I Cass County. f In the matter of the estate of Alfred Kime, deceased: . , Notice is nereoy Riven idii me i-wiun nnu mandsof all persons against Alfred Kime. de ceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth. on the 22d day oi oepiemuer, a. ii..inyi. i iv v .w - ... the forenoon, and that six months from and af ter the 22d day of March, A. D., la the I time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their ciatmaior examination aim a1lhren nnder my hand this 16th day of March, A. D., 1XU4. . . . , 13-4 B. s. jca.msu.1, touniy ouiiKe. BEESON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OKFICK K'Ugfrrald iilock. over First Nat l Ih:iW CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd block. east of the court house. W. A. HUMPHREY. M. D.. HOMCEOPATHIC rHtrrninion and Qurckf nnoiuiQii aim uui-t-.- I'UVr-M'.ir I'll. VKI'.i: - . . I y ,.r 'Ton l I Compound Oxygen TOES' ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, CATAHHH, li'X'O. Send for book free. Three months' treatment for 112.00 Drs. DAVIS & STONE, Room SI. Dotn?las block, Ouialia, Nel). Cor. 16lh and Dodge Sta. ' Millinery Parlors Friday 1 Saturday, March 23 1 24 THERE WILL BE ON EXHIBITION A Fine Line of Patterns, I AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Hats, Ribbons, Laees, j FLOWERS and ORNAMENTS. . , . . TJT?irT?c: to STTTT ALL. Re- All New and Latest oiyics. , , . shaoint Colorin- and Bleaching of Hats done to order. Also MESSMAKING. Will be pleased to see Ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity and will try to please in all orders given. ELSIE MOORE, Bazaar Millinery Parlors, Main St.. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ) gg Casa county. ) ....... In the matter of the estate of Benjamin uriKKB uetcaacu. Notice 1b hereby given that the claims ana de mands of all persona against Benjamin t Brings, deceased, late oi emu mumj uu will be receivta, examineu auu "uiunwu uj . county court at the court house In Plattsmouth, . on the 22d day of September, AD, 18W, at two o'clock in the afternoon; and that six months from and after the 22d day of March, A D, 18SH. Is the time limited for creditors of said ac cessed to present thalr claims for examination Uliu miunniiLC. ...... . ... . Given under my hand this 17th day of March, A V, WM. B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ) Cass County. ( In the matter of the estate of Cornelius Mc canny, aeeeaseu. ... . xntirpiH hereby elven that the claims and demands of all Dersons acalnst Cornelius Mc Carthy. deceased, late of said county and state. will be received, examineu nuu j county court at the court house In Plattsmouth L,nik.i;iti.H..irKntpmliiir A 1). 1H94. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and that Bix months from and after tne aim uay m u, icn. is the time limited f orcreditors of said deceased to prescMit their claims for examination and al lowance. . . , , Given under my hand this l.th day of March, A D, 1894. ol, FOB IITHEB SKX. Til. rBJy f" DDIItl'Q bu IniKMd dinwtlr to the Ml of I t DnUIi O thoMdinasoofUiaOenito-UriaarTOr. Imn. nauins no eban( of diet or nueou,nirt.i. r" - ieinato bo taken uuernauj. i m ini ao A DBPVENTIVE by Itheron It ! impoMiblatooonlirt . mm1 dim ; but in th. cue of iiJL. , raady U ro.Tn .mi Amiens Jipor , w-- r 84 $50 0 Reward! WE will iyt Liver Compl-iir digestion Cns cure with V.s1, the direct ten n aie purely V Beware or co. nt uinemnn.it.n "i; COMPANY, t I. ic above reward for any case of ' '.wicpsia, hicK nnuacuc, ' . : .onllilt i.i.n-.-.'ii or Losuvcu . 1. .' . . i i r i,ii when r.rictlv complied with. 1 1"7 - .t.e. end never fail to give sat , 4--teu. Large boxes, ascent ,.d o,,ly ty THE JOHN C.WfcbT A B e prnoifl's BroEio-Geiety. r - . --ei..r Bplsndid cnratl-e: aRept ror "7""Tinei UMuiiuM. nrain r-iiiMin"."", i - K.r.lo-.: U1SO lor UiUeClUI Mr3..v. n . . 1 . ' .l A dtiecial or Beneral eurllIlo: am" tSSum. Ct. Kidne .piorie. Acid Vy r-o-i.i. AofPtnia. Antiaoto dOtWHOHM. i'rioo.i0.i - THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 161 S. Western Aenue, CHICABO F. S. WHITE, JIaiu Street, Plattsmouth. GROCERIES ALWAY8 PltliSH. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled. Curtice Bros.' Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR k MINNESOTA FLOUR, llest in tne oriu. Pillsbury's The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOVTU. NEB. OFFICK-In the Todd block, east of new court bouse, secouu n. J. Strelght. J. Sattler STREIGHT & SATTLEB, Successors to Henry Boick, Furniture i Undertaking Pianos and Organs, STOVES and RANGES. Our Furniture line Is complete In every detail. An Investigation Is certain to to""""- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, PUITTSMOCTU. NKH.. Capital, paid up $30,000 OFFICERS: s. Wai oh tasnier DIRECTORS: John Fitzgerald. U. Hawksworth F. K. White, jonn r wugh auJ (jeorge E. Dovey . Careful attention Rlten to the Interests of cus tomen. Collection, made and promptly remit ted for niKhest market price paid for county warrants and state and county bonds. ilain Street,