IN AND ABOUND THE TOWN. Hon. A. S. Cooley, of Eagle, was in town Tuesday. C. A. Pankonin of Louisville waa a welcome caller at these headquarters Saturday. ' T. T. Wilkinsoo, who has been serving as a United States juror at Lincoln, is at home. - Mrs. J. F. Polk of Greenwood was in the city Sunday, the guest of her sons, M. D. and C. S. Polk. Mr. ;md Mrs. Chas. Cummins are the proud parents of a new boy baby, which arrived at their home Monday. Mrs. Sarah E. Mclwain,f thiscity, has been granted a pension by the U. S. government, which was issued on Jan.29lb. The Darlington's freight business is continually improving every day and extra freights are becoming quite common. Sergeant llrown of the U. S. regular army with headquarters at Fort llobinson was in the city Monday in eearch of recruits. Christian Metzger, one of TriE Journal's weekly readers at Cedar Creek, was in town last Saturday and called at these headquarters. Miss Alice Eikenbary departed Sun day for Bed Oak, Iowa, to attend the funeral of a cousin whose demise occurred Saturday at Crtston. Will Auderson, formerly of Glen wood, Iowa, was in the city last Thurs day and departed Friday morninz for his new home at Seattle, Washington. The South Bend Times says: "The state fish distributing car was attached to train No. SO Thursday and taken to the B. & M. shops at Plattsmouth for repairs." Mrs. Ilitt, the woman barber, has removed from Mynaid to Plattsmouth and has taken up her abode in one of the Billings houses, on Lincoln av enue, near the shops. D. B. Ebersole, a blacksmith in the local B. & M shops for several years past, has resigned and has purchased the Donnelly blacksmith arid wagon shop on Sixth street. Andrew Darling of Glen wood, Iowa, ha become a resident of this city, and Is receiving instruct ions in the business of abstracting under the efficient tutel age of Thoin. Walling. A train l.iad, consisting of twenty nl s, w-3 Inon n-itti fjrm imnla. V 11C1KUI 1.(113 IAUCU niiu iuipiv raents. passed through town last Sat urday over the B. & M. enroute from the factory at Canton, Ills., to the wholesalers at Omaha. The brainless nincompoop who pre sides over the Louisville Courier Journal is evidently on the pay-roll of Polk's News, if to be such is really worth anything. In poker parlance they make a "great pair to draw to." The Lincoln News says: Hon. Or lando Tefft of Avoca. Cass county, was in the city last evening. lie had just learned that he had been read out of the race for the republican nomination for congress by his home paper, the Plattsmouth News. Jas. Hall of Eight Mile Grove pre cinct jimrneyed to Alvo on Tuesday to take a first peep at a rew grand child, which has put in an appearance in that town. Mr. Hall ha eighteen of such descendents. and he appears entirely willing that it were twice that number. Mrs. Lathrop Ellis, wife of one of the most prominent farmers of Otoe county, died Thursday at her home, aged sixty years. She'was among the county's oldest settlers. Her death was very sudden, she being in appar ently good health to within an hour of her death. Frank Jackson, formerly flagman at the Elm street crossing, but late of Malvern, where he held'a similar posi tion with the Q . has been transferred to this city and will again look after the safety of those who pass the com pany's rieht-of-way at Elm street. Creston Gazette. W. E. Copeland, of Plattsmouth, spent several days in town reorganiz ing the Jr. O. U. A. M. At a meeting held Tuesday evening nearlv all the old memb-'r were reinstated, after whicti four candidal- rode. or"tried to ride, the goat. The boys expert to more than double their membership in a short tim Louisville Courier-Journal. , Abraham Gottlieb, one of the rioted civil engineers ot the west, who built the first bridgf across the Missouri at Omaha, the B &. M. bridge at Platts mouth. the Xorib western bridge at Blair and hundreds ot other bridges throughout the count r , uied suddenly on t!ie steps uf the Bo.ikery in Chicago Friday afternoon, before medical aid could reach him. Heart failure was the cause of his drmi.-e. If .-my farmer in this section has procured samples of grain from the world's fair agricultural building he will do well to burn it forthwith. It has been found that the whole exhibit has been attacked bi the weevil, a pst whose larva is a worm that burrows in the grain and has done enormous dam age to the crops in south-western Jlus ia and in India; wbence. doubtless, it whs brought to the world's fair. Cade Rogers, the veteran paste board manipulator, was again on the streets Saturday, having completed h.s sentence of forty-five days for assault ing Officer June Black. Over at the jail Cade was a model prisorr. He was particularly cautious that Harry Hill should not get his clutches on anything with which he could escape or suicide, and in this regard he ren dered the jailor and guards no small service. One of Sheriff Eikennary's guests over at the county jail, named Mad den, is suffering from a severe attack of lagrippe. Madden was brought down from South Bend on Wednesday to serve out a ninety days' sentence accorded him by the South Bend jus tice for hurling stones through the windows of the Rock Island depot in that town. Dr. E. D. Cummings, the new county physician, is attending to his wants. One of Saline county's successful farmers says that he has within the past few months fed several hundred dollars' worth of wheat to his hogs with much be ter profit than he could have made by selling it at present prices. He soaked the wheat and fed it to his bogs mixed with corn meal a:id found that they thrived much better than on a whole corn ration. The animals eat the mixture with better relish :md it proves a better flesh producer than corn alone. Ml'KDOCK. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Meeker, cashier of the State Bank of Murdock Jan 31, '94. Mr. W. "Wendt and wife are visiting with Mr. W's parents way up in the northwest. They will be gone several weeks. The first fruit of the gospel meetings is a prayer meeting which will be held every Wednesday evening at the school bouse. L. Neitzel. our hardware man, is re ceiving immense lots of goods for the' xpring trade. He is taking advantage of the present low prices, buys for cash, and will and can sell very cheap. See him if you need anything in his line. II. Kupke is getting figures on his large barn which be intends to build tbisspring. Aug. Pansky is also getting ready for the building of a first-class barn. II. Schmidt will soon start the building of a new house, which will be quite an improvement over the one he erected two years ago. The gospel meetings, w hich are held by the Christian church, at our school house, are of unasual interest; the proof for the above lies in the fact that several heads of families have con fessed their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Itev. A.llen of Elmwood is conducting the ineetirgp. Messrs. W. M. Moore. S. Cox and Leslie Rush were baptized in the Christian church at Elmwood last Sunday and were received into the church. They are some of the con verts of the recent gospel meetings held in our school house by Rev. Allen. The meetings came to a close last Sun day. We know that much good has been accomplished. The wedding of II. Bornemeier to Miss Lena Klemme occurred at the heme of the bride last Thursday. A very large number of friends had been invited, and as the day was exception ally fine, all came. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. H. Althouse of Elmwood, who is the pastor of the yourg married couple. The presents to Mr. and Mrs. Bonemeier were not only very numerous, but also very use ful and valuable. Take Off the Horns. The undersigned is now ready, with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the useless weapons of horned cattle at ten cents per bead. It nver gets too cold to dehorn cattle; any time except fly-time is the right time. If those w ho wish such work done would address me at Uock Bluffs, Neb., they will be promptly answered. S. L. Fcrlono Fits, dizziness, hysteria and all ner vous troubles cured by Magnetic Ner vine. Sold and guaranteed by Fricke & Co. The Burlington railroad, under the circumstances which have existed for a Wpek past, has no patticular cause to complain. Its freight business has shown a wonderful improvement of late, and according to indications the improvement should continue. A heavy freight traffic means the hiring of workmen to repair rolling stock, end work for the laborer means more prosperous times. By all means let the improvement in railroad business continue. I. Jut of Letter Bemaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth Feb 13, for week ending Feb. 6: Conant. Arthur Eans, T W Hall. T W McCampbell, Henry Mudge, 3 W Schoner. Paul Walker. U J Davis, John Everetts. Win E Jones, Mrs W Miller. E N Paul, John (3) Thomas, Mrs Mary F (2) Welger, Jno ltirms calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please sav "ad vertised." H.J. STREIGnT. P. M. Bhetimarlum Cowl in a Iy--"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days, lu action upon the system Is re m-trkable and mysterious, it removes at once the cause and the disease Immediately disap pear. The first dose greatly benefits. 7n cents, feold by P. G. Fricke fc Co., druggists Platts mouth Nab. 12-8-ly A Fwm at A action. The undersigned will sell at public auction on the premises, 2 miles west and H miles south of Ashland, and 3 miles north and 2 miles east of Green wood, on W edne-day.Feb. 8, JSI, be ginning at 10 o'clock a. m., their im proved farm consisting of the south half of the southwest quarter and south half of the north weta quarter, of section 10, town 12, north of range 9, in Saunders county. Nebraska, and the north half of the N- W. quarter of section 15, town 12, north of range 9. east of the 6th principal meridian in Cass county, consisting of 240 acres. Said farm is well fenced and has 190 acres under cultivation, 30 acres of pasture land, with running water, 20 acres of good hay land, and has 100 fruit trees in bearing and a quantity of small fruits. It is known as the W. A. Johnson farm. The house is nearlv new containing six large rooms and has a good cellar. There is a large new barn with stable room for 22 head of horses and hay room to feed same, one double corn crib, capacity 4000 bushels, granarv with capacity. 1500 bushels; a good well with wind mill and pump covered with a large reservoir, capacity 7o carrels. and also a small tank; also a pood chicken house, and a 10.000 lb. Fair bank's wagon scale with stock frame This is one of the verv choicest and best improved farms in eastern Ne braska. Terms. $3,000 cash and balance on time at reasonable interest. E. A. WlGGEXnOK.V, II. SCIITLDMEYEtt. Col. J. K. Clarke. Auctioneer- I'oblic Kale. Henry Jasper will sell at public auc tion, at his farm on Tuesday, Feb. 20 one nign-orea stallion, two wore . . . . i horses, two colts, five milk cows, thir teen heifers, two lumber wagons spring wagon, road cart, plows, culti vators, and other implements. lliieuniatism, neuralgia, headache and pains of every kind instantly re lieved by Johnson's Alrgnetic Oil Sold by Fricke .t Co. A Lincoln man told a burglar w ho entered his home the other night that all the money in the house was in the pocket of his wife's dress. The burglar began searching for the pocket, but it was daylight before he found it, and he was arrested on leaving the house. It. & M. Stockholders Will Meet. Notice is heieby given that the an nual meeiinc ot the stockholders ot the Burlington S Missouri ltiver railroad company in Nebraska will be held at the oiuee of the company in I'latts- mouth. Neb., on Thursjay, th 22d day of February, 1S94. at live o'clock p. m. The meeting will be held for the election of nine directors of the com pany to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of anv other business that may legally crime before the meeting W. J. Ladd, Sec'y. Jan. ISth. 1SA4. English Spavin Liniment removes all bard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney. ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of on bottle. Warranted the most wonder blemish cure known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Platts mouth. SO Mystic Life Kenewer. This wonderful Health Builder and Constitu tion Restorer is indeed a renewer of life: be cause it possesses such marvelous powers to cure all forms of Indication. DyspepMa. Nervous Diseases. Heart Affections. Female Weakness and Wasting Diseases. Every bottle warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Kree bottle ut F. H. Fricke A Co. 's, druugists. Platts mouth Neb. 13-8-ly Administrator's Sale. In the matter of the settlement of the estate of Jesse B. Ryan, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable aniuel M. Chapman, Judge of the Second judicial District of Ne braska, in and for Cass county, made on the 7th day of December. 1(J. for th sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south doot of the court hou-'e of Cass county, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on Saturday, the the 3d aay of MtrcU. lol4. at 2 o'clock p. m., at public vendue, to the highest bidder: $oiM cash in hand, balance of the purchase price to be divided in thiee equal payments, payable In one, two and three years, and to bear interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum, payable annually, to be secured by first mortgage upon the premises hereinafter described, and being the same premises hereiu offered for sale. The north half (Nil of the southeast quarter, SE1. section twenty-six. 26).townehi;eleven. 111. range nine 19, east Cth P. M., in Cass county. Nebraska Said sale shall 'emain open for one hour. Dated this 5th dsy of Februsry. lSi4. Charles R. Jordan, Administrator of the es tate of Jesse B. Ryan, deceased . H. D. Travis Attorney for Administrator. Notice to Creditor. State of Nebraska, f Cass County. f fcB In the mutter of the estate of Stephen McC. I.loyd. deceased: Notice is hereby given that ihe claims and de mands of all tersnns against Stephen McC. Lloyd, deceased, late of said county and stute. will bs received, examined and djusti-d by the county court at me court house in t'liittsmout'i, on the 1.1th day. of August. A.D.. lsi'4, at two o'clock in the afternoon . i ml ilmt six months from and nf ier the "th dn of Keormirv. A. 1) , lsW. is tne time limited for creditors of said de ceased to present their claims fur examination and nl owHi.ce. Given under m - hand this 10th day of Feb ruarv, A. D., 1N 8-4 B. S. R AsET, County Judge. Notice lo Creditors. 8tatko Nebraska, CAwCorxTV. as. In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Guth- mano, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands of all persons against Elizabeth (uth mann. deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted by the countr court at the court house in Plattsmouth on the'gth day of August, A D, I8!'4. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six mouths, from and after the 8th day of Fetruary, A. !., ls'.U. ii the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examina tion and ullowance. Given under mv hand this 2d dav of Feb ruary, A. D., 1894." B. S. Ramset. 7-4 County Judge. Notice to Creditor. State of Nebraska, i CassCol-xtt. f In the mxtter of the estate of John Slrlegel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims ond demands of ull persons against John Strie icel. deceH-ed. late of said county and state. will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house iu Plattsmouth. on the 8th dxy of August. A. D., 1-H4, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six mouths from and after the 8th day of February, A. D., 1!4, 1 the time limited for creditors ot said de ceased to present their claims for exiimination and allowance. Given under my hand this 3d day of Febru ary. A. D., l!4. B. S. Raxsey. 4 County Judge. Legal Notice. Michael Cooney will take notice that on the 1st day of February. Thomas J. w llburn, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition In the dis trict court of Cubs county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title of the land hereinafter described in safd plaintiff, to-wit: The northeast quarter INEJ4 of the south east quarter SE$) of section twenty SO in township number twelve MJ, range nine ft, east of the sixth P. M., lu Cass county, Ne braska. That said defendant's deed of record, bearing date of January 2ttth, 1KT4, Is a cloud upon plaintiff's title, who holds said land under a quit claim deed of August 31st, 12. the basis of said quit claim deed resting upon a tax deed, bearing date of Sept. 14th. 1875. That said plaintiff further sets up In his said petition against said defendant as a cause of action exclusive adverse possession of the above described lands for the full extent of the statutory limit vesting said plaintiff with complete title in and to the above described lsnds. Wherefore plaintiff prays that the cloud cast upon his title So said laud' by said defendant's aeea 01 recorn as aroresala may oe removea and that the title to said lands may be quieted and confirmed in plaintiff, and for all and such other a' d further relief as justice and equity mav require. You are required to answer said petition on or betore the 19th aay ot March, A. u.. ipih. Dated. this 31st dav of Jaiiuarv, 1W. T1IOMAS J. WXLBUKN. 6 4 By Geo. W. Clark, his att'y. Order tn Show Cauae. lu the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, In the matter of the application of William Merteus, administrator of the estate of Henry Mertens. deceased, for an order of license to seil real estate of said deceased: This cause ca i-e on for heaiug upon the pe tition of William Mertens. administrator of the estate of Henry Mertens. deceased, for an order of license to sell the real estate of aaid de ceased, to-wit: Lot twentv 20 in section twenty-nine (291 section twelve U-- range fourteen (14) and lot four t4 in the southwest quarter of the south west quarter (S. W. i of theS. W. hi) of section seventeen ( 17 and lot three 31 in the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter IS, t. ot tne s v. of section seventeen ll., all In town ship twelve 121. range thirteen 131. in Cass comity. Nebraska, containing in all sixty-eight and M loo acres more or less, or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the sum of tl, 000.00 for the payment of debts and expenses of ad ministering the estate of the said Henry Mer tens, deceased, there not beiDg sufficient per sonal property of said deceased to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persona inter ested in said estate- appear before me In open court at the district court room in tne county court house in Plattsmouth. Cass county. e braska. on the tenth (l(tth) day of March, A.D., IS'.tl. at Hi o'clock a. m. of said day to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much of above real estate as may be in ctssrr to pay said debts inn expenses. Dated this "1st day of January. A. D., SAMUEL M. CHAPMAN, Judge of the District Court. Cuas. GaiMEs, Att'y for adm'r. 0 4 Notice. In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska: sa n ah conrau. plalntitt, Vrt. Sijios P. Ssvder, et at., defendants. simon P. Snyder, as guardian of Mary M. Con rad: John II. Conrad, as guardian of Nellie U. I'oHrdd, Howard S. Conrad. Koy E. Conrad and Muss h Conrad: h.lias t brlstmau. as guardian of .Melvin Christman, Mary Christman, Roy Christman and Klorence Chnstman. minors, uinl Solomon II . Conrad, executor of the last wi.l Hiid testa Tien t ot Jacob Conrad, deceased and Mary M. Conrad, Nellie G. Conrad. Howard s. Conrad. Roy t. Conrad, Ross E. Conrad. Meb vin Christman. Marv Christman. Koy Christ man and Florence Christnixn, minors, all being tiou-resiuent uelendants and residing in tne siate ot unio, ana interested in tne e late of Jacob Conrad, deceased, will take notice thut on the 22d day of Jan uary. 1SW, Sarah Conrad, plaintiff herein. widow of Jacob Conrad, deceased, late of Holmes coutitv, Ohio, Cied her petition in the county court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are that the judge of the court of probate shall issue his warrant to three discreet and disinter ested persons, residents of Cass county, author lzing and requiring them to set off the dower of plaintiff by meets and bounds in the west half of section seven 7). township eleven (11). range ten ( loi, east of the sixth P. M., lying and being in tne countv oi cass. and state ot Nebraska, and that the same may be adjudged and decreed to be her dower in the lands aforesaid, and that the same mar be confirmed unto her. You are required to answersaid petition on or neiore tne.itu any ot March liy order or the county judge Dated at Piattamouth, Neb., Jan. 23. SARAH CONRAD. By Maxwell t Sharp and U. D. Travis, her Attorneys. 6-3 Notice to Creditors. State or Nebraska, Cass County. t SB. In the matter of the estate of William Lloyd, oeceased : Notii e is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persona against William Lloyd, de ceased, late of said county and siate, will be received, examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in Plattsmouth, ou the 15th day of August. A. D.. 181. at 10 o'clock in the for; noon, and that six months from and af ter the 15tn dsy of February, A. P., 18SM. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their c alms forexamination and allow ance. Given under my hand this 10th day of Feb- runry. A. D., 1W4. n-4 B. S. RAMSEY. County Judge. Administrator's Appointment. State of Nebraska, I Cass County. - ss In county court To all persons interested in the estHte of Benjamin (. Briggs. deceased : Notice is hereov given that on the 3d day of March. A. P., Ifi4, at the hour of 10 o'clock n. nr., at the county judge s omce, in Plattsmouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the ap pointmentof John U.Beckerasadministratorof said estate, will be heard and considered: at which time and place all persons Interested may appearand show cause, if any they have, why ne snouia not db appointed as aucn adminis trator. Dated this 8th day of February, A. D. 1P84. 8-3 B. S. Ramset, County Judge. Administrator's Appointment. State of Nebraska, i Cass COUNTY. ( - In oountv court To all persons interested in the estate of John Ritchie, deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the 1st dav of March. A. D , 1HSH. at the hou' of 10 o'clock a. in., at the county Jir'ge's office, in Platts mouth. in said county, the petition, askingfor the appointment of A. Baxter Smith as ad ministrator of said estrtte. will be heard and considered : at w hich time and place all jicrson interested may appear mid show cause, if any th?v have, why he should not be appointed as su'-h administrator. Dated this 7th dnv of Fehurv. A. D. 1HJ1. 7-s H S. H VMsEV County Judge. I I ii i.l Settlement Notice. In the matter of the estate of W. H. H. Penn, deceased. In the county court of Cass county. Neb. Notice is hereby given that R. Z. Penn, administrator of the estate of Uiesaid W. H. H. Penn. deceased, has made application for final settlement, and that said cause it set for hearing at my office at Plattsmou h. on the 1st day of March, A. P . 1SSU. at two o'clock p. m., on said day : at which time and place all persons in eresied may be present and examine said accounts. B. S. Ramset, County Judge. Plattsmouth. Feb. 6, Ifitl. 7 3 jS. ?rcw pr.d C-vrite OTcatmont, comrtstlng of (s ij-fiOS I TOKIES, Capites of Ointment and two b isea of Ointment. A novr-faiilug Core for Pile of r-very nnrrsre and derrrec It mukes an operation with Use knil or Injections of corbollo acid, wkica aro painf id and soldom a permanent care, and often renl:ii4tt fa dauih, unnecessary. Why endure this terriblo disftaao? We guarantee buxca to curs env cass. Vou on'.y iay for bcr.M.ts received. (1 a box, ii for f". by Bj&lL temple frft. Ctunmctees issued ' wur agents. P.ll W i 3 L. 7 1 fJN Cu,etl' p,,e Prevented, UU - Oil rilluMb, Japanese Uer Pedant thi crvest LTVEP. and BTOM AVH KEtiOLATOK and III OOD Pl'KinEli- Small, mild and pleasant to take, especially adapted lor chUdran'a oso. (Uboaet V cente. firrAp.ft vri-'ia issued only by F. G. FRIlKE & CO,, DRUGGISTS, S pie agen t Piattamouth .Neb, PREPARE II POR THE Grand oom ! BABCOCR'S Real Estate Agency BARGAINS ! A Big Bargain: 8o acres, 5 miles from Union, Cass county ; timber will pay for land. Nearly every foot could be farmed if cleared. Easy terms. 100-acre Farm, adjoining Platts mouth; 70 acres under cultiva tion ; good buildings, etc., etc. If you want a bargain on easy terms come and see me. This is smooth land. 160 acres south of Plattsmouth ; no acres under cultivation, at 32.50 per acre. 160 acre improved eastern Colo rado Farm good soil near railroad Price 800 150 down, balance long time. A nicely improved 80 acre Tract near Plattsmouth $$o per acre Easy Terms. 5, io, 20, 30 and 40 acre tracts adjoining Plattsmouth, $$0 per acre easy terms. Worth $7$ to 5100, and could not be bought for any less adjoining any town of like size in this state. An improved 90 acre farm near Murray Fruit Living Water, etc., etc. Price $35 per acre. A highly improved Clark county, Kans., farm fos good acre prop erty. This farm is clear and improvements cost 2,000. I will make some man a big bar gain on this farm. Good improved farms and wild lands for sale and trade in nearly every county in this state, Kansas and eastern Colo rado, and parties contemplat ing moving west will do well to see me before going as I can discount any price offered you by others. Quick loans made on Improved farms at lowest rates. Don't forget that I also write In' surance. C. H. BAB COCK, Real Estate, Loan and In surance Agency. UNION BLrOCK, PLATTSMOUTH. B THE ST, LOUIS REPUBLIC TWICE-A-WEEK-16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. A GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY 81A YKAIl. Any reader of The Weekly Jour nal can get The Twice-a-week Re public free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The Repttblic witb $3.00. Iu addition to obtainiDg the greatest news weekly in America, every sub scriber to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or more, every year by the Bpecial offers made subscribers from time to time. Sample copies of The Rf public will be sent anyone upon receipt of a postal card request. Address all or ders, THE RErlELIl , St. Louis, No. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Plattsmouth. GROCERIES ALWAYS FHEN1H. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled. Curtice Bros. Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE agent for Pillsbury's MINNESOTA FLOUR, Tb liest in the World. The "XXXX" and "Best' Brands. TUf UtKT NATIflNAI MM 1 ml 1 II1U 1 linilUHrtL umii) PLATTSMOUTH , NEB. Capital, paid up . . . . 850,000 OFFICERS: John Fitzgerald President F. E. White Vice-president S. Wiuaa Cashier DIRECTORS: John FItzeerald. I. Ilawksworth. F. E. White, S. Waugh and George E. Dovey. Careful attention given to the Interests of cus tomers. Collections nmde and prompt!-remitted for. Highest market prire paid for county warrants and state and county bonds. II. J. Strei?ht. J. Nattier STEEIQHT & SATTLEE, Succeftftor to Henry Itoerk, Furniture I Undertaking Pianos and Organs, STOVES and RANGES. Our Furniture line Is complete in every detail An Investigation is certain to convince. E. E. BONNELLE, Manufacturer and Dealer In MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS AND ALL CEMETERY FIXTURES. 8015 O Street, Lincoln, Xebranka Jas. P. Antill's New Ouster Parlor Opposite Waterman Block. Oysters In all style. Fried ovsters a special ty. run guuu sieaa ur luucu can on iiid. EEESON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFJCE-KiURfcrald block. over First Nafl bank H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DEALERS IN Lumber and Coal. Mendota coal 14.25 Hard coal 10. 00 Canon City coal 7 50 These tiny Cat&ules are superior to Balsam of Copaiba, s Cubebs and Injections, f tfJTN J core in 48 hours the V same diseases without any incon venience. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Celebrated French Gore, Warranted 11 APHR0D1TINE " Mely tocmre Ts Bold oh a POSITIVE CUARANTEE to cure any form oi nervous dlaeaa or any disorder of the generative organa of either aex,, whether ariainjr.. fI.MfWl.filHlJ BEFORE tim. of Btlmulanta. Ar I Ur Tobacco or Oplmm, or through youthful Indiscre tion over Indulgence, ate, such an uw oi xnuu Power, Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains In the back. Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros tration, Nocturnal Emissions, Iucorrhaa. I'--sine-a. Weak Memory, Low of Power and Impo tence, which if neelected often lead to premature old a'se and insanity. Price Jl-00 a box. 6 boxes for a 00. Sent bv mat! on receipt of yrice. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE is given for ever 15.00 order received, to refund the money if . prrmanrnt core is not effected. We have thoB anda of testimonials from old and young, o. both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the of Aphroditine. Circular free. Ad oxen THK APHRO MKI)I( lB CO.. Western Branch. Box 27, PortaK d, Obv, FOB SALE BT Goring & Co.. Druggists Plittsmouth, Nebraska lif riney