Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 08, 1894, Image 7

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Jlattsmcnth Journal
VLAlTilOU"i H.
One and one are two.
. Two and two are four.
But Khfn we add
The good or bad
We cannot keep the score.
Add a gentle word
To a loving thought
(One and one are two, you say,
And think that I am caught) ;
Eternity alone can pay
The total that is wrought!
Add a wicked tongue
To an evli heart
(One and one are two, you say,
And think to make me start):
Vet you may cipher night and Ly
And only add a pari.
Add a pleasant smile
To loving thought and word
(Two and one are three, you say,
And think that I have erredi;
You cannot reckon anyway
The total Btill deferred.
Add a crafty hand
To cunning heart and lip
(Two and one are three, you say,
And tell me that I tripi:
Go seek the total as you may,
It still eludes your grip.
Add a noble d"ed
To thought and word and smfle
(Three ana one are tour, you say,
"However you beguile";
And yet the sum goes running jo,
Increasing all the while
One and one are two.
Two and two are four,
Hut when we add
The rood or bad
We cannot keep the score.
All red H. Mites, in Golden Days.
Outside was howling windstcrm.
the blinding1 drifting snoir;
Inside was warmth and laughter, while
the firelight's ruddy plow
Drove shadows from the corners in a
merry, fitful chase,
Touched with brightness all the faces
gathered round the chimcey place;
But most lovingly it lingered on a
quaint old instrument
Just a worn old violin 'twas, with a case
all warped and bent
But grandmother touched it gently as
she looked across the snow.
"Twas last played in such a storm,
dears, just two hundrtid years
Then we sat there in the firelight, storm
without and warmth within,
And listened to the strange old story of
Faith Bradford's violin.
In the days when sturdy Puritans,
(strong of heart and stern of Trill,
Made their homes in bleak liew Eng
land. toiling1 on through good
and ill.
Came one Capt. Bradford, sailing from
the land across the sea,
Bringing with him his one treasure a
wee maiden just turned three.
Brave and sturdy was the captain, heed
ing neither want nor ccld;
Foremost in each expedition 'vhere was
need of leader bold;
And his roughly-fashioned dwelling-,
strong- without and plain within.
Had no sign of wealth or b-sauty 6ave
a quaint old violin.
Kaufrht of music knew the captain
never had he drawn the bow
But his brother oft had played it in
their childhood long- ago.
In the old colonial village, swiftly
passed the years away;
Each one saw the captain feebler; each,
one saw his hair more gray.
Though they left so many traces on
his weather-beaten face,
Lightly passed they o'er his daughter,
each one adding some new grace.
Gentle was she like the May flower hid
ing 'neath its leaves of green,
Eut in all the little village was no fairer
maiden seen.
Well she kept her father's dwelling,
deftly could she sew and spin,
But so happy was she never, as with
that old violin.
2Cb one taught her how to use it; she
but echoed what she heard,
"Whispering wind and laughing brook
let, hum of insect, song of bird;
And the stern old captain, listening,
shook in doubt his grizzled head;
Then: "I see no mischief in it. Let the
maiden play," he 6aiL
Meantime had a stealthy rumor crept
around from ear to ear:
'Who had taught Faith Bradford music?
There is something strange, we
Ever louder gTew the whisper, strange
looks met her often now
Looks that made her (why, she knew
not) flush all over cheeks and
One day came the stern-browed elder,
long the captain talked with him;
When he went to call his daughter his
sharp eyes were strangely dim.
Quickly Faith obeyed the summons,
reverent stood before the guest.
Waiting with a gentle courtesy that
she might hear his behest.
"Daughter," said the elder, irravely, T
have heard strange tales of thee
And the instrument thou playest. Are
these sayings true? Tell me."
Faith answered: Of these say
ings, truly I have naught to telL
perchance, the one confession.
that I like the music welL
Rone hath taught me, and my art is
very simple and unskilled,
But it is a pleasure to me, when each
duty is fulfilled."
6till more gravely said the elder: "Thou
art young and dost not know
All the ways the evil Tempter draweth
mortals here below.
And just that which seemeth dearest,
seemeth hardest to give up,
Is the sacrifice that's called for. Daugh
ter, wilt thou drink this cup?''
Slowly answered Faith: "Thou know
est I am willing to obe3
Yet, so ft eble is my vision, is it sure
this is the way?
How can He who sent the west wind.
lie who taught the birds to sing.
Say, whenever mortals touch it, music
is a wicked thing?"
And rebuking said the elder: "Foolish
are thy words and wrong.
The little birds do weli to praise Him
with their voices and their song.
But these instruments are carnaL Thou
dost speak beyond thy ken.
Woman knoweth naught of reason.
That gift is bestowed on men.
The Book sayeth that every woman
should look well to household
Should be humble and submissive, and
should raise her voice in praise.
'Tis a maiden's task, my child, to dili
gently sew and spin.
Tis un maidenly and sinful, if she play
the violin."
He ceased speaking, and Faith stood
there, et'es cast down and cheeks
Then, with loving touch she laid her
hand on violin and bow.
Saying simply: 'l obey thee. If I use
them from this day.
Thou with justice shall rebuke me, and
remove them far away."
Then the elder rose and left her, well
pleased with the duty done:
And Faith watc hed him down the val
ley radiant with the setting sun.
She made no complaint or murmur; she
had sinned, she must atone;
But the day seemed dark and cheer
less, all the light and music
Summer vanished. Quickly faded all
the autumn's fleeting gold.
And the winter, long and dreary, came
with bitter storm and cold.
All the day had it been snowing, and
when early twilight fell.
Scarce a trace could be discovered of
the roads once known so well.
And good Capt. Bradford, standing in
his fire's ruddy light.
Said: "God pity any traveler who is
out on such a night!"
Hark! a sound of muffled footsteps,
and a knock upon the door.
Then the voice of the old elder: "Open,
captain, I implore!"
Quick Faith rose then, from her spin
ning, and the door was opened
And the elder, weak, half-frozen, came
with feeble steps inside.
"Xay," he said, "I must not tarry; I
can but few moments stay,
For old Goodman Dale is dying, and he
dwells a mile away.
"But," said Capt Bradford, gravely,
"hast thou counted well the cost?
Buried now are all the landmarks, and
'tis death if thou ait lost."
And the brave old elder answered,
while his face shone with strange
'In His hands all living things are;
what He 6endeth will be right"
Then returned the captain, proudly:
"Ne'er shall it be said of me
That I shrank from any danger, Goest
then; I go with thee."
All the time had Faith been standing,
though unnoticed, white with
Kow she started to detain them, when
she plainly seemed to hear:
"Just the thing which seemeth dearest,
seemeth hardest to give up,
Is the sacrifice that's called for. Daugh
ter, wilt thou drink this cup?"
And she checked the words unspoken,
and spoke words of quiet cheer,
And she watched them till they van
ished in the 6torm and darkness
Slowly, slowly dragged the hours. She
could only wait and pray.
Two had passed now three. Kind
Heaven! They had surely lost their
Oh! what could she do to save them,
she a girl on such a night.
Whose cold would freeze the strongest
traveler, snow conceal the bright
est light?
Suddenly a thought came to her was
it answer to her prayer?
'Twas "unmaidenly and sinful;" and
her promise would she dare?
But her father and the elder! Aye, to
save them she would tin
And with eager, trembling fingers she
took down her violin.
, Srsv'r;: 'Sir;
Then she cast her cloak about her and
wide open threw the door;
She trembled with strange gladness,
just to hold the bow once more.
And once she softly whispered: "Help
me;" and twice, and yet again,
And then, with piercing sweetness, rang
out the first wild strain.
Fiercely cold the north wind stung her,
but she stood there undismayed.
Louder, stronger, rang the music, and:
"O help them. Lord," she prayed,
On the borders of the forest did the two
lost travelers stand.
They saw but death before them, only
death on either hand.
Freezing wrapped the north winu round
ii M
them, pathless snow concealed
their waj'.
"Now if God doth not. send us rescue,
we must perish soon." said they.
And the elder prayed (while near him
stood the captain, reverent, still):
"Oh! soon guide us home in safety,
mighty God.
If 'tis Thy will."
Then sweetly, clearly through the
forest, stole a strain of music rare,
And faintly distant was it echoed in the
woodland bleak and bare.
And the elder, praying, heard it. and he
said with quickened breath:
"Doth the Evil One entite us, or is it,
is it death?"
Then spoke brave Capt Bradford, as
he reverent bared Lis head:
"Thank God we are saved, for 'tis my
daughter. Faith," he said.
"Of a truth, while we were thinking we
had still a Tar to go,
We had almost reached the village, but
were blinded by the snow."
Eagerly, led by the music, they then
stumbled on once more.
Till at lust, through the thick snow
flakes, streamed a light from
open door.
Why so sudden stopped the music? Why
did cry of anguish ring?
Ah, for life she had been piaying, and
she'd broken the last string;
Helpless sank she in the doorway, and
her sad lips moved in prayer.
Hark! was that a shout that reached
her. piercing through the snow
filled air?
Yes, another, and another! And dim
figures soon were seen,
looking like "strange phantom war
riors with the blinding storm be
tween. Then rose Faith with heart of glad
ness, and set forth her simple
Murmuring softlv: "God is great; so
shall I trust ilim evermore."
Soon they entered numb, half -fain ting.
frozen snow in beard and hair.
But the gentle Faith revived them, min
istering with tenderest care.
Then the elder, looking upward, saw
Faith standing at his side.
In her hands the violin, and on her
cheeks tears not yet dried;
But a kind of gentle courage seemed to
shine fortluin her face,
An air of quiet dignity to mingle with
her grace.
"I have broken, sir, my promise, I have
played the violin;
Of a surety, I know not, even now, il
'twas a sin.
If 'twas wrong to save my father in the
one way that was given.
Then in truth. I'll seek forgiveness, as
I sought his life of Heaven.
But as we have made agreement touch
ing this, I bring to you
My poor violin. 2Cay, shrink notl It
can no more mischief do!
Thou canst see the strings are broken,
and the music all is dead."
And the stern old Puritan took it from
her trembling hands and said
(While looking at the worldly toy he
shook his head in doubt):
"Truly, strange Jehovah's ways are
very strange, past finding outl
I had thought such things were snares,
delusions of the Evil One.
Lo, He makes them as His servants! I
know not what will come.
The Good Book saith babes shall lead
us. Perchance, daughter, thou art
Take back thy violin. Thou surely hast
found favor in His sight"
On the next bright Lord's day morn
ing, many, many years ago,
When the bell had called to worship,
ringing solemnly and slow,
The old elder, from the pulpit, such
strange words of love did pour
That the people said in wonder: "Never
spoke he thus before."
And when the long prayer was ended,
and the people rose to sing.
Clear and sweet above all others did
Faith Bradford's young voice
For not only did her father stand be
side her safe once more.
But she knew sb.3 was forgiven, if she
had done wrong before.
But the violin lay silent Never did
she draw the bow
After that strange, stormy night, so
many, many years ago.
Good Housekeeping.
The distressing state of mind into
which some English scholars are
thrown by the American spelling, so
called, is amusingly hit off by a little
scene imaginary, no doubt at the
world's fair. An English visitor was
talking with a reporter.
"It's really a beastly Ehame," he
said, "the way Court of Honor has
been spoiled, you know!"
"What's the matter with it?" asked
the reporter. "Isn't tb architecture
"Isn't the color scheme appropriate?
Don't you like the statue?"
"Certainly, but"
"Nothing wrong with the fountains,
eh? Obelisk is graceful, isn't it? And
the Administration building i3 impos
ing? WelL then, what is it that troub
les you?"
"Oh," 6aid the Englishman, "every
thing's pretty, y' know, and all that,
but think of spelling the word 'honor'
without a u'!" Chicago Herald.
Calcutta has 081,500 population and
2,873 police, who in 1891 made 47,802 ar
or iar
mi HHtjj
rort. 4mh,.Jeuw-..
Final Argument of the Chairman of Ways
and Means Committee.
During the closing debate on the
Wilson bill in the house on 1 hursday,
February 1, Mr. Wilson, chairman of
the committee on ways and means,
made an exhaustive and pointed argu
ment in defense of his bill, closing with
the following forceful remarks:
"It was but two hundred years ago that men
were willing to tight for the Idea that govern
ments were made to serve the governed and
not for the benefit of those who Kovern. Not j
yet in all the world, have men advanced to j
that point where the government is operated j
exclusively and entirely in the interests of all
the govcrnei'-. That la the goal of perfect free
dom. That is the achievement of perfect law. j
And that is the goal to which the democratic ,
party Is courageously and honestly moving in ;
Its tight to-day for tariff reform. Whenever that t
party and whenever the members of it are able :
to cut loose from local and selfish interests ,
and keep the general welfare alone in their
eye, we shall reach that goal of perfect free- .
dom and will bring to the people of this country .
that prosperity which no other people in the
world has ever enjoyed. j
' I remember reading, some time ago, in a
speech of Sir Robert 1'eel s, when he was be
ginning his system of tariff reform in England,
of a letter which he had received from a 'canny
Scotchman' a fisherman in which the man
protested against lowering the duty on herring,
for fear, he said, that the Norwegian fisherman
would undersell him: but he assured Sir Hub
ert, in closing the letter, that in every other re
spect except herring he was a thorough-going
free trader. Now, my fellow democrats, I uo
not want any man to say that you are acting
in the cause of herring, not in the cause of the
people. I do not want herring to stand be
tween you and the enthusiastic performance of
your duty to your party and your duty to the
American people.
"If time permitted I would like to take up
some of the arguments against the bill uinouz
my democratic friends. The first argument ;
is that the bill will create a deficit, and there- '
fore ought not to he passed. In the name of
common, sense how could you ever pass a
tariff reform bill if you did not reduce the
taxes under the existing laws that you seek
to reform? Have gentlemen forgotten that
there may be a system of tariff taxation under
which the government receives little, and the
protected industries receive much, and that
there may be a lower system of taxation
under which the government receives a great
deal and the protected industries receive but
"The McKinley law is constructed on the first
line, and the pending bill is constructed on the
line of revenue. If you take up the history of
the free trade movement in England you will
find that nothing so surprised the tariff reform
ers as to see that the more they cut down taxes
and the nearer they approached free trade the
more the revenue grew, in spit-- of tnem At
the beginning of that movement there were
1.3J0 articles taxed and at the close of it only
seven; and the revenue was as great on the
seven as it had been on the 1,'JMU. I have here
' the report of Kobert J. Walker, as secretary uf
the treasury, showing that in the first year of
the operation of the Walker low tariff of ists
the revenues went up from ?io,5JU.oou to 531,
"Hut I cannot dwell on that matter. The
next argument which mv friends on this side
are usii;g among themselves against the bill, or
to hesitate, at least, in voting for the bill, is
that the income tax has been added to it 1
need not say to my brethren on this side that I
did not concur in the policy of attaching the in-
come tax measure to the pending bili. I had
some doubts as to the expediency of adding the
income tai measure to the pending bill. But
' when the committee decided otherwise I threw
in my fortune, loyally and earnestly, with that
amendment, because I never have been hostile
to the idea of an income tax.
! "John Sherman has boon quoted as saying
that an income tax is class taxation. It is
nothing of the kind. It is simply tas the gen
tleman from Georgia, Mr. Crisp, declared I an
effort an honest effort to balance the weight
of taxation in this country. During the fifty
years of its existence in England it has been
j the strongest force there in wiping out class
i distinctions. It was a doctrine taught by Sum
ner, Walker and other New England tron
I omists that an income tax was the most simple
form of taxation New England taught that
j doctrine to the south and west, and she has no
' riht to come up to-day and complain because
her own teaching has been used against her. In
! all my conferences on the subject of this bill I
have heard no man protest that we have been ac
tuated by an unworthy motive, or that this great
scheme of taxation was undertaken in any class
or sectional spirit
"Gentlemen (addressing the republican side of
the house) 1 doubt not your sincerity. I doubt
not the love of your fellow man which impels
you to champion your side of the question any
more than I doubt that which impels my asso
ciates on this side. I agree with the gentleman
from Maine (Mr. Keedi that the question of
general welfare and the question of wages of
the workingmen are after all the vital ques
tions in this controversy. We are trytajr an
experiment whether, in God's name, we can
establish a country where every man torn into
It will be born with the possibility that he
can raise himself to a degree of ease and com
fort and not be compelled to live a life of de
grading toil for the mere necessities of exist
ence. That is the feeling which animates all
who throuch danger and ilefeat have steadily
lulored for tariff reform. We wish to make
this a coumry where no man shall be taxed for
the private benefit of another: but where all
the blessings of free government, of education,
of the influences of the church and of the
school shall be the common, untaxed heritage
of all the people, adding to the comfort of all,
adding to the culture of all, and adding to the
happiness of all.
"And now one word mora We are about to
vote on this question, if I knew that when
the roll was called every democratic name
would respond in the spirit of that larsrer pa
triotism which I have tried to suggest, I would
be proud and light hearted to day. I wait to
say to my brethren who are doubtinir as to
what they thall do that this roll call will not
only be eutered on the journal of the house, but
! it will be entered on the history of this country,
I and it will le entered in the annals i,! freedom.
I ' This is not a battle expressly on this tax
' or on that tax: it is a battle lor human free
j dom. As Mr. Burke truly said: The great bat
j ties of human freedom have been waged around
i the question of taxation. You may think to
' day that some -herring' of your own will ex
cuse you in opposing this great movement;
! you my think to-day that some reason of lo
' caiity. some desire to oblige a great interest
I behind you, may excuse if. when the roll is
j called, your name shall be registered among
' the opponents of this measure: but no such cx
! cuse will cover you.
j "The men who had the opportunity to sign
the declaration of independence and refused or
neglected because there was something in it
which they did not like I thank God there
were no such men but it there were, what
would be their standing in history to-day? If,
on the battlefields of Lexington and Bunker
Hill thrre had been men who became dissatis
fied, wanted this thing and that thing and
threw away their weapons, what do you sup
pose would have been their feelings in all the
years of their lives when the liberty bells rang
on every coming anniversary of American
freedum? And in the uame of honor and in the
name of freedom 1 suminuo every democratic
member of the house."
! The top of a cloud is always bright.
The easiest thing for a fool to do is
tell how little he knows.
It is impossible to travel far with
the man who rides a hobby.
What true man would not rather
die for truth than to live a lie?
A pkttdent man doesn't tell every
thing he knows every time he opens hi9
One of the times when a woman ha9
no mercy on a man is when he comes
to her store to buy a bonnet tr his
wife. Carar llorr
Contradictory Declaration of the Panlc
Vawplnc Protectionists. -Almost
ever since the adjournment
of the special session of congress very
many of the beneficiaries of McKinley
ism and nearly everyone of their organs
have been exerting themselves with in
creasing energy to deepen the depres
sion necessarilv following the silver-
protection panic I
Employers have attempted to reduce j
wages, sometimes with success, and j
threatened to reduce them further in
the event of the passage of the Wilson '
bilL They have suspended work in
many instances and threatened to sus
pend in many more without good rea- :
son and for no other purpose than to j
coerce their employes into protesting
against the passage of that measure,
and to frighten the majority in congress
into the abandonment of even their
small beginning of tariff reform. They
have taken every advantage of the situ
ation resulting from the panic to op
press their men and if possible create
another panic Their organs are en
gaged in the same despicable work. ;
Day after day they groan for the poor
working man. They tell him that the
present industrial depression is all ow
ing to the Wilson bill and that his
wages must go down, down until
"labor in this country and Europe will
le on the same plane and level, having
the same hours of work and the same
pay and poverty." They even say that
the panic of last summer was caused
b3 the prospect of tariff reduction, and
that it is stiil "raging."
That they know better is proved con
clusive by the fact that their utterances
are now in flat contradiction of their
utterances from four to six months
ago, when the panic really was raging.
Then they admitted the truth that
manufacturers were not alarmed by
the result of the elections of Jsoveni
ber, lS'Ji, although they knew what
that result meant as well then as now.
They admitted the fact that manufac
turers continued to increase the num
ber of their establishments and to en
large their plants for eight months af
ter the election. Like Thomas Dolan,
president of one of the most rabid as
sociations of protected manufacturers,
they admitted that the panic was
caused entirely by the silver-purchasing
policy, and that the coming reduction
of the tariff had nothing whatever to
do with it. They admitted that it was
a money panic, and not a tariff panic
at all. They have no way of escape
from the conclusion that they are now
deliberately lying everyday when they
call it a tariff panic, and when they
attribute all its necssary and unneces
sary consequences to a very moderate
tariff bill which cannot g'o into effect
for five or six months to corae.
The3 ought to be able to see by this
time that they are not accomplishing
their purpose by pursuing this course.
They do not make friends of working
i men by lying to them; workingmen
have memories and know what these
same would-be panic breeders said a
few months ago. They do not frighten
congress at all. On the contrary, the
house has shown itself more coura
geous and radical than its ways and
means committee. The overwhelming
' majorities by which amendments cut
. ting the committee's rates are adopted
6hould teach the McKinley organs that
. the scare policy is a flat failure.
I If they cannot see it now they will
; see it at no distant day, when events
I falsify all their calamity predictions
regarding employment and wages.
; They will not earn public confidence
' and good will by inciting employers to
; acts of cruelty or by lying about past
events, or by endlessly reiterating
; false prophecies of disaster. Chicago
I Herald. "
The Promised I -and of Protection Ablase
with Incendiarism
IJe it understood that this riot in the
Mansfield coal region of Pennsylvania
is a republican riot, a high tariff riot,
a McKinley riot. The rioters are Iiuns,
Slavs and Sicilians, the very dregs and
offscourings of southern and south
eastern Europe. They were imported
to this country (duty free) by the coal
barons, and, in the name of "protection
to American labor," substituted in the
mines for decent American, English,
Irish and German labor. The coal
barons had no use for decent labor, for
self-respecting labor, for labor that
knew its rights and demanded to live
as a white man should. They brought
in these convicts and fugitives from
justice (duty free), and, having in
stalled them in filthy hovels, stripped
them of their names, numbered them
like convicts and then paid them what
wages they liked, chiefly in store truck.
They supplied them with cheap whisky,
and, in a word, snpplied all the ac
cessories of a pandemonium on earth.
That is what the coal and coke re
gions of Pennsylvania have been made
by these rascals who are now insult
ing American labor by denouncing the
Wilson bill in its name. These are the
fellows who, forsooth, must now cut
down wagos to 'the European level."
They have done what they could already
to debase labor below any known Eu
ropean leveL 2ot in Siberia, not in
the quarries of Carrara or the vine
yards of Sicily is labor at a lower ebb,
mentally, morally or physically, than
in the hilly fastnesses of these robber
barons of Pennsylvania.
It is their riot a McKinley riot.
They brought this mob element into a
peaceful land and planted their con- I
vict colonies. The convicts (duty free) 1
, i i , , i '
nave uronen loose unu are spreaumg
murder and arson ovtr the region.
The very center and promised land of
MeKinleyism is lighted up with in- j
cendiary bonnres irom tne torcnes oi
the wretched creatures whom McKin-let-ism
has brought (duty free) into the
land. It is a notable triumph for the
McKinley party. Chicago Times.
The charge that Mcjvinley has
one speech will no longer hold
good, lie fit-er the northern heart b- de
claring that the Wilson bill was framed
by rebel brigadiers, and then he in
forms the southern people that the
measure is especially designed to ruin
their particular industries. This
streak of versatility is a f innova
tion for McKinley. 2s. Y. World.
of tio!5c e clrlastice co-ar i.
Effect of
Protection on
the Eastern
Woolen Mill.
One of the proudest boasts of the
author of the McKinley tariff a boast
which has gone th rounds of the pro
tection press and had innumerable
changes rungr on it is in these words:
"I know every factory was running and
running on full time irom the date of
the passage of the present tariff law up
to the election of the present adminis
tration." It was a ridiculous boast on
its face and has been so shown to be a
score of times; but the Springfield lie
publican exposes its absurd untruthful
ness so clearly and convincingly that
its showing is entitled to the widest
publicity in the interests of truth and
A correspondent of the Republican
takes it to task for certain statements
in its columns relative to the effect of
the McKinley act on factories and prac
tically reiterates the McKinley boast,
declaring there was but one failure of
a woolen niill after the passage of the
McKinley act until the present year.
Thii declaration is made on the au
thority of a New England expert; and
the Republican "goes for" expert and
correspondent in the most thorough
manner. To refresh the memory of
the former and further enlighten the
latter as to the remarkable nature of
McKinley's claim, it says: "We have
taken from the files of the American
Wool and Cotton Reporter a few items
of mill news for the 6ix or eight
months succeeding the enactment of
the McKinley law." These it then
gives as follows:
"Home 'U oolen Mamufacturing Co., of Lew
lston. Me, failed about ten days after the Mc
Kinley law tJok effect About the same time
the Bel Air woolen mill at I'lttslield shut down
-The next month, or in November, 1?90. the
Alexander & Co. knitting works at Decatur,
I1L, tailed for ?Si,0OU,
"In December, ls), came the big Ritten
house Woolen Manufacturing Ca's failure with
liabilities of Ssoj,ulj, made more conspicuous by
j the fact that Edward IL .Ammidown, president
! of the American Protective Tariff league, was
the chief owner and that the failure was pre
j cipltated by Ammidown's speculations bised
on his confidence m the wonderful curauve
effects of the McKinley law.
"The same month brought further failure
and distress to the woolen industry. The
Kinsley, Davis &. Co. mills at Braintree,
Alien Woolen Co., of Hanover, Conn., East
Dover (Me.) woolen mill and Kockford (111.)
woolen ciill all shut down indefinitely. Wil
liam Furnelh woolen manufacturer, of Wilton,
Me., failed with liabilities of f70,0ja The Har
ris woolen mill of Woonsocket, K. L. shut down
for an indefinite period. The Rankin Knitting
Cot, with the "oldest, largest and best
equipped" knitting mill in Cohoes, N. Y.. shut
down and went into receiver's hands; liabili
ties. S15J.0UU.
"The Union Manufacturing company's mill,
at Manchester, Conn., was in the same month
reported idle and looking for purchasers. E.
P. I'arsons & Co., woolen manufacturers of
Tilton, X. IL, were announced as embarrass 3d.
The woolen manufacturing business was re
ported by the Boston Commercial Bulletin as
dull at Blackstone, Mass., and nearly one-half
of the operatives are out of employment
"Three months of the McKinley law found
things in January, 1 f-f 1 , in about the same
state. II W. Lewis & Son, of Ansonia, Conn.,
woolen manufacturers, failed for HO.uOd ;w. F.
Spink, woolen manufacturer of North Kings
ton, K. L, assigned. The embarrassment of
the Forbes satinet mill, at ast Brookfield,
was announced. The Troy Manufacturin; com
pany of Cohoes, N. Y., denied that their mill
was to Btart up. The Thompson & PettengU
knit mill, at Amsterdam, X. Y., was sole, at re
ceiver's sale.
"Most of the hands of the American Worsted
company, at Woonsocket, were reported idle
in February, lt&i. McCauley & Pell, of Staf
fordville. Conn., woolen manufacturers, as
signed; one hundred persons thrown out of
work. The Essex yarn mill, at Newark. N. J.,
"In March, 1S21, six hundred weavers at the
Wanskuck mills at Providence struck fcgainst
reduced waces. A strike for the same cause in
the big Atlantic mills involved twenty-one hun
dred hand;!. The Fonda (N. Y.) Knitting com
pany failed and went out of business.
"During April and May, the Peninsular knit
ting worta at Detroit were sold at receiver's
sale. Glover, Sanford & Sons, of Bridgeport,
Conn., shut down and offered njill for sale. The
woolen mills at E.mvilie and .Kiliingiy, Cono,,
shut dowa and the help begun to move away."
Concluding, the Republican says:
"And, without going' further into de
tails, we may add to the testimony of
the American Wool and Cotton Reporter
that this was a bad time for the woolen
business, the statement of the Boston
Commercial Bulletin, a McKinley pa
per, that 'the year 1S91 will long be re
membered as one of the gloomiest
years the wool trade has known.' And
at the end of the year the Bulletin re
ported: 'The situation among the wool
en mills is anything but encouraging.
This all ought to prove sufficiently fill
ing for our Ohio reader. Gov. McKin
ley is describing how such conditions
of manufacturing as he expected would
exist after his law took effect not
what actually did exist. What this
matter lias to do with a statement of
the relative demand upon the woolen
manufacturing business just before and
after the panic, nearly three years re
moved from the enactment of the Mc
Kinley law, we are at a loss to under
stand." Detroit Free Tress.
The new issue of government
bonds ought to be known as the rt pub
lican deficiency debt. N. Y. World.
Neither injunctions, nor filibus
ters, nor Boutclles, nor o; her pestilence
must divert the democratic party from
its purpose to relieve this country as
rapidly as possible from the effects of
republican misgovernment. Louisville
Courier-J ournaL
When Gen. Harrison comes to fig
ure up the expense of his next swing
around the circle it will be well tc re
member that he has no earthly chance
of getting a pass over the 2sew Eng
land road while Boss Tlatt is its re
ceiver. Detroit Free Press,
The revival of business is an
j omen of good, and the intelligent ob-
: 1 T . . 4 1. a . . 4l,o4- witVi tha
Bin 1 T 114 UULC Llic: 4taib kua, -
prospect of the passage of the Wilson
bill an impetus has been given to trade
everywhere. Doubt is giving way to
certainty and the signs of the times are
propitious. Toledo Bee.
An extravagant republican ad
ministration left the country in a con
dition bordering upon bankruptcy,
and now its wire-pullers are striving to
make trouble over the plan which Sec
retary Carlisle has adopted to meet the
demands of the emergency. Whether
on the aggressive or defensive the re
publican managers of these latter
years are invariably in the wrong and
opposed to the best interests of the r
ple. Detroit Free Press.
;"Ucat odor in
pentt tne xaiaw . ana wa delreTed to