PLUNGED IN GRIEF. "ativr of the Hawaiian Island ;ivr Vent to Their Sorrow on Learning of the -alh of Klus; Kalakaua Arrival or th ICt-nialn In llonolula The l-Jt Kites I.lliiiokalaol luatallrd u Ourrn. HdNoi.ri.r, Hawaii, Feb. 7, pr St';ini-r Alaimil:i to S;wi l'VanriM-o.-WorUiiK'n were busily nya;vl in preparations for welcoming Kinr Kala kaua, who wa.s expwtcil to return from the United States improved in health, when the United States flagship i'harh-stoii was sighted early 'I'hnrs lay morning, January 2'.K Now the ilecoralions anl arctics 01 weicom have Im'cii torn down or turned into emblems of iiinvmirij'. The Charleston arrived in Honolulu harlxr with the Hawaiian and American flairs at half-mast. Crowds of na fives and foreigners gathered at the laiiilini to obtain the first news. The United States steamship Mohican and her Majesty' steamship Aympli flew flairs at half-mast and TIIK ROYAL PALACE crossed tlieir yartls as signs of mourn inr. Ilusiness houses and manufactories were closed, schools dismissed and tiovernincnt offices closed. The native women as the Charleston came to an anchor set up a loud wail in"-. At 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon, amid the booming; of minute guns from war-ships in port and the batteries on shore, the King's body was landed accompanied by a gnard of honor composed of sailors from the Charles ton, Mohican and Nymph, beaded by the Charleston's hand playing- a funeral dirge. A procession was formed and moved to the palace. The streets were packea witn people ana tne air was tilled with waitings and lamentations. As the cortege entered the palace Dowager Queen Kapiolani appeared on the balcony and gave way to the most violent demonstrations of grief. Queen Ilegent Lilittokalani also appeared on the balcony and was also greatly moved. 1 lie eojim was placed on a bier in the middle of the throne-room. On it were placed the King's crown of state, his sword and his royal feather cloak That evening the Cabinet met and issued a proclamation declaring Princess I.ilim!:i!atii Queen of the Hawaiian Islands, with the title of Liliunkalani. The IkmIv of the King lay in state in the throne-room of the Iolani palace, and the people of every class and dis tinction were allowed freely to gaze on the face of their dead sovereign. The laxly will continue to lie in state until Suuday. February 15, when a gTand procession will convey the remains to the cemetery. An immense mass-meeting was held at Kaumakapi Church, Honolulu, Feb ruary fi, at which a series of resolu tions was adopted expressing the grat itude of the llawaiians to the United States and California and to Admiral ltrown and the officers of the Charles ton for the "unbounded courtesy and kind attention" offered to the King both before and after his death. Copies of the resolutions will be sent to the President of the United States, the Governor of Cali fornia, the mayor of San Francisco and Aumirai lirown. inesame evening a large meeting in the Chamber of Com merce. was held and similar resolutions were adopted. The Honolulu Weekly Bulletin says editorially: The American Government has ever stood the friend of Hawaii, and the belief in Hawaii that America Is our best and truest friend on principle, without reference to National politics, ha lonjr since become an inseparable part of our popular creed. No' matter how much local or National prejudice has been stirred up amongst us. native llawaiians have at all times felt and expre-ed from the depth of their heart th belief that our ulti mate dependence for autonomy of government lay mainly within the arbitrament of the great Republic." The Ministry appointed by the late King with the approval of the Legis lature is likely to remain in ottice un til another Legislature meets in lb'Ji. HARRISON'S CALIFORNIA TRIP. Will Spend a Month Visiting the Slope at Senator Stanford' Kxpenoe. Washixgtox, Feb. 10. President Harrison contemplates with great sat isfaction his forthcoming tour to the Pacinc coast States. 1 he trip will oc cupy thirty days. The Presidential party will consist of President and Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. "McKee, Secre tary and Mrs. Halford, Mrs. Dimmick, Secretaries Tracy and Proctor, and pos sibly one or two other invited guests. It is understood tnat all tne expenses of the trip will be borne by Senator Stanford. The party will leave Wash ington about the 1st of May in a special train. It is the intention to make the trip by a Southern route, laying over one day at New Orleans and another at San Diego en route. They will spend a week at San Francisco, including a brief visit to Falo Alto, Senator Stan lord's country home, and Monterey. EXCITEMENT IN ROCHESTER. The Commotion Caused by the Statement of m 1'hyalclau. An unusual article from the Roches ter, N. Y., Jimtocrat and Chronicle, was recently published in this paper and was a subject of much comment. That the article caused even more commo tion in Rochester, the following from the same paper shows: Dr. J. H. Heuion, who Is well known not onfy in Itochester but in nearly every part of America, sent an extended article to this paper, a few days since which was duly published, detailing his remarkable expe rieneo and rescue from whi seemed to bo certain death. It would bo impossible to enumerate the personal enquiries which have been made at our ofllco us to tho valid ity of tho article, but they have been so numerous that further investigation of tho subject was deemed necessary. With this cud in view a representative of this paper called on Dr. Ilenion, at his rest' denco, when tho folknviug interview OC' curred : "That article of yours, Doctor, has created quite a whirlwind. Are the state ments about tho terrible condition you were in, and the way you were rescued such as you can sustain!" 'Every one of them and many additional ones. 1 was brought so low by neglecting the first and most simple symptoms. I did not think 1 was sick. It is true I had fro qucnt headaches; felt tired most of tho time: could eat nothing onoday and was ravenous the next; felt dull pains and my stomach was out of order, but I did not think it meant anything serious. "Tho medical profession has been treat ing symptoms instead of diseases for years, and it is high tnno it ceased. Iho symp toms I have jiist mentioned or any unusual action or irritation of tho water channels indicate tho approach of kidney disease moro than a cough announces the coming of consumption. Wo do not treat the cough, but try to help tho lungs. We should not waste our time trying to relieve the head ache, pains about tho body or other symp toms, but go directly to tho kidneys, the source of most of these ailments." "This, then, is what you meant when you said that moro than one-half tho deaths which occur arise from Bright's disease, is it, Doctor?" "Precisely. Thousands or diseases are torturing peoplo to-day, which in reality are Bright's disease in some of its many forms. It is a Hydra-headed monster, and the slightest symptoms should strike ter ror to every one who has them. I can look back and recall hundreds of deaths which physicians declared at tho timo were caused by paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease, pneu monia, malarial fever and other common complaints which I see now were caused by Bright's disease." 'And did all these cases have simple symptoms at first?" "Every one of them, and might have been cured a3 I was by the timely use of the same remedy. I am getting my eyes thor oughly opened in this matter and think I am helping others to see tho facts and their possible danger also. " Mr. Warner, who was visited at his es tablishment on X. St. Paul street, spoke very earnestly: "It is truo that Bright s disease had in creased wonderfully, and we find, by re liable statistics, that from '70 to 'SO its growth was over 250 per cent. Look at tho prominent men it has carried off, and is tak ing off every year, for whilo many aro dying apparently of paralysis and apoplexy, they are really victims of kidney disorder, which causes heart disease, paralysis, apo plexy, etc. Xearly every week tho papers record the death of some prominent man from this scourge. Recently, however, tho increase has been checked and I attribute this to tho general use of my remedy." "Do you think many peoplo aro afflicted with it to-day who do not realize it, Mr. Warner?" "A prominent professor in a New Orleans medical college was lecturing before his class on the subject of Bright's disease. He had various fluids under microscopic an alysis and was showing tho students what tho indications of this terrible malady were. 'And now, gentlemen,' ho said, 'as we have seen tho unhealthy indications, will show you how it appears in a state of perfect health,' and ho submitted his own fluid to the usual test. As he watched the results his countenance suddenly changed bis color and command both left him and in a trembling voice he said: 'Gentlemen, I have made a painful discovery; I have Bright's disease of the kidneys;' and in less than a year ho was dead. The slight est indications of any kidney difficulty should be enough to strike terror to any one." "You know of Dr. Henion's case?" "Yes, I have both read and heard of it." "It is very wonderful is 1 not?" "No more so than a great many others that have come to my notice as having been cured by tho same means." You believe then that Bright s disease can be cured." I know it can. I know it from my own and the experience of thousands of promi nent persons who were given up to die by both their physicians and f riend3." You speak of your own experience, what was it?" "A fearful one. I had felt languid and unfitted for business for years. But I did not know what aded me. When, however. I found it was kidney difficulty I thought tnere was little hope and so did the doc tors. I have since learned that one of the physicians of this city pointed me out to a gentleman ou ths street one day, saying: 'there goes a man who will be dead within a year.' I believe his words would have proved true if I had not fortunately used the remedy now known as Warner's Safe Cure." Did you make a chemical analysis of the case of ilr. H. H. Warner some three years ago, Doctor was asked Dr. S. A. Latti- more, one of the analysts of the State Board of Health, 'Yes, sir." "What did this analysis show you?" "A serious disease of the kidneys." 'Did you tbiak ilr. Warner could re cover?" "No, sir, I did not think it possible." "Do you know anything about the rem edy which cured him?" I have chemically analyzed it and find it pure and harmless " The standing of Dr. Henion, sir. Warner and Dr. Lattimore in the community is be yond question, and the statements tbey make cannot far a moment be doubted. Dr. Henion's experience shows that Bright' disease of the kidneys Is one of the most de ceptive and dangerous of all diseases, that it is exceedingly common, but that it can be cured if taken in time. What a shock it is to find out that the man whoso conversation you have been ul- rniring is not worth a dollar. Indianapolis Journal. Com mendable. All claims not consistent with tho high character of Syrup of Figs aro purposely avoided Dy tuo CaL tie rrvrup Uomnanv. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver und bowels, cleansing tho system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no pre tensions that every bottle will not sub-1 stantiate. It is just as wicked to indulge In mental profanity as to swear rifftit out loud, and much more injurious to the digestion. In dianapolis Journal. A new book for tlnis endorsed by Judd: practical tree planters is the well-known Orange Tho ent ire book is ably written, and gives trusty information for all who grow fruit of any sort or kind. Stark Isros , nurserymen. Louisiana, Mo., will send it free to all in terested. Orange Judd Farmer. The duck takes to both water and land for divers and sun dry reasons. Dallas News. All that we can sav as to the merits of Dobbins' Jlectric Soap, pales into wttMna- tvM before t lie story it will tell you itself, of its own perfect Quality, if you will give it one trial. Don t take imitation, there are lots of them. Nonsense is the straw that tickles hu manity tho world over. Pittsourgn Dis patch. All cases of weak or lame back, backache. rheumatism, will find relief by wcarinzona of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try them. Taken by storm A town swept out of ex istence by a cyclone. Drake s Magazine. BRONCniTis is cured bv freouent small Closes of riso s Cure for Consumption. There's a cood deal of guarantee business in the store keeomsr of today. Its too excessive. Jr too reluctant. Half the time it means noth ing:. Words only words. This offer to refund the money, or to pay a reward, is made under the hope that you won t want your money back, and that you won't claim the reward. Of course. o, whoever is honest m making: it, and works not on his own reputation alone, but w through the local dealer whom you know, must have some thing he has faith in back of the guarantee. The business wouldn't stand a year with out it. What is lacking is confi dence. Back of that, what is lacking is that clear honesty which is above the "average practice. Dr. Pierce's medicines are ua,7'antccd to accomplish what they are intended to do, and heir maicers enve tne money back if the result isn't ap parent. Doesn't it strike you that medicine which the makers have so much confidence in, is the medicine for ycu? THE riEW WEBSTER JUST F02IJS2ED ESTEELT CSV. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY, A GRAND INVESTMENT for the Family, the School, or the Library. Revision has been in progress for over lo Years. More than lOO editorial laborers employed. 8300,000 expended before firs copy was printed. Critical examination invited. Get the Best. Sold by all Booksellers. Illustrated pamphletfrea. G. C. BtERRIAM & CO.. Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. Caution! There have recently been fasned several cheap reprint9 of tho 1847 edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, an edition long since superannuated. These books are riven various names, 44 Webster's Unabridged,' The Great Webster's Dictionary," "Webster's Big Dictionary," " Webster's Encyclopedic Dictiona ry," etc, etc. Many announcements concerning them are very misleading, as the body of each, from A to Z, is 44 years old, and printed from cheap plates made by photographing the old pages. GRATTJTTOUS This species of advice Is not always accept Bible, but la many Instances much benefit would be derived were it acted upon. No section of the country is exempt from disease To know the best means of com battinr thia common enemy, with the least injury to oar pockets and tastes, is certainly a great ad vantage. We most expect Torpid Liver. Con- rested Spleen, Vitiated Bile and Inactive Bowels, and all prudent persons will supply themselves with Tart's Pills, which stimu late the Liver, relieve the tnevreed KnWn. determine a healthy flow of liile, thus reg ilatingthe bowels and causing: all onhnlthr accretions to pass off in m natural manner. An ounce of preventive is worth, a pound of cure.' Be advised and use Tutt'o Liver Pills. Pric,25c CMC, 38.41 Part Mac ILJb The California Limited. The limited express for Kirn Francisco, Los Angeles and Sun Diego, leaves I icurhorn Kiation, Chicago, every day and runs via t he Atchison, Topeka and Santa Ke Railroad. Hotli palace and tourist sleeping cars run through from Chicairo without chancre, and as tho Santa Fe is tho only line iriving this accommodation for all California points, it is enjoying a large patronage from person going to tho Pacific Coast. It is certainly established as tho nreferrod route. Fooos "Every thintr seems to en awrv with me lately!" Van I'clt "Switch off and mix 'rock' with it 1" Brooklyn Eagle. Do not judtro by surface indications. The wearer of a trained dress may herself bo very wild. Boston Trunscript. How Is Your Appetite. If it is not good you need a tonic. Hunger is a sauce that gives your food a flesh -making and strengthening pow er. S. S. S. is fa mous for its health giving and building up qualities. It is the best of all tonics. s. s. s. aids digestion makes you enjoy what you eat and cures you of dyspepsia. TREATISE ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED FREE. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. T4e h&A smaJI skill t? horse flesli who b oughts, goose IS SAFO LI Try A cake of ih&nd be convinced.1 Common Soap and necessitates a great outlay balances any Bavin er in cost. the best and cheapest eoap for Ml rn One two ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline, 13 cts. One two ounce bottle Vaseline Pomade, 15 " One jar of Vaseline Cold Cream 15 " One cake of Vaseline Camphor Ice 10 If vou hare occasion to nye Vaseline In any form be careful to accept only frenuine rronrl r up y " cos. A preat many drupprits are trying to persuade buyer to tako VAKIJ.VK put tip ield to such persuasion, as t he article is nn imitation without value, and will not (five you tli original packages. tnem. ievery result you expect. A bottle of JiLl E rSEAL VASLLLNK Ift !d by nil druexUtu tit ten cent. CHESEQROUCIB flfl'F'C CO., Koch's Discovery and Piso's Cure for Consumption, 1. Under Koch'a treatment many have improved 2. It can only be used in tne early stages of Con sumption. 7t is dangerous, and sometimes fatal. 4. Only a few can obtain the lvmnh. 5. Physicians only can use it. even withrpnt. rarA. 6. It is said that by its use disease is sometimes transferred to sound organs. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187a W. BAKER & CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa from which the excels of oil has been removed, Is absolutely pure and it is soluble. No CJiemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three timet Vie strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more eco l Domical, costing lest than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nonr. ' ishlng, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted lor invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers eTerywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. BOILING WATER OR EPFS GRATEFUL COMFORTIf coco LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. MEN LEADING SORTS. LATEST KEW VARIETIES. LIBERAL TERMS. Labor, Not Experience, Required Live, Energetic Men Succeed. Location Permanent If Desired. LOOK! OUTFIT FREE1 WANTED H"To sell flrrt- ela?9 KimK CROHX by us. buMMM lMs.LETUSCOKKtSi'UIIU. GEO. MOCXSO ft SOS, Lm aamrin, ROtHKOTB, - T. sua XUS riFUm tiaw jsawma. PI.V CKE1M BALM Applied into NostrilalsQuickly Lbonrbed. Cleanses the iiead. Catarrh Restores Taitesnd Smell,qnlck It Relieves c old in aema ai Hrutarhc. fitkv st DrueffiBt nd ELY BK03..S6 Warren SU.N.T. aAJU XH1S PATSavtwy Saw jm nam. Mill 71 1? 1 MILK. GOVERNOR OF MARYLAND BA70: IT EXECUTIVE CHAMBER. IS Annapolis, JTId., Jan. 6, 90. 1 hare often usett STL JjtCOUS OJTfc, ana find il a good, Liniment." ELIHU E. JACKSON, THE Gov. of Md. BEST. Gained 44 Pounds. Mr. James J. McCalley, of Monet, Mo., says ho had dyspepsia for eight years, which made him a wreck, sick and suffering during tho wholo time. After try ing all tho remedies, includ ing all tho doctors in rcarb, ho discarded everything and took Swift's Specific. IIo increased from 114 to 158 pounds and was soon a sound and healthy man. ho ride oBoxfktttte G fails to accomplish satisfactory results in Bcourincr and cleaning. of time and labor, which more than Practical people will find SAPOLIO house - cleaning and scouring'. Sent n lir mail, Tte will dclirrr, free of all char ires, to any icroi In the Initfd States, all tlm rat ioning articlca carefully pacLed iov a neat box: One cake of Vaseline Soap, unscented 10 cts. One cake of Vaseline Scap, scented - 25 " One two ounce bottle of White Vaseline 25 " Or Tor stampc u; alagle article at tfa price. 01.10 : 24 State Street, Wow York. Piso's Cure for Consumption has cured its thou sands, even in advanced staeos of Con sumption. b. It can be use 1 in all stapes, affording- inflnita relief to the c. It is without danger, and cannot be fatal. d. It is within tho reach of all. la not expencivov e. Physicians recommend it. f. Ho evil results from its use. Try it. Only can produce Choice Vegetables and Beautiful Flowers. If you want the BEST Direct from Headquarters, Write to-day, naming this paper, to- W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO, PHILADELPHIA, PA. For a FREE copy of their Enlarged and Klejrantly Illustrated Complete Seed Book for 1891, Well known for many years as Burpee's Farm Annual. Every Live Farmer and Gardener should have It. a-axz THIS PAPEK u tne oen mm bow before tbe public. Ton&f pertupe intend ing to bay et POTATO: Potatoes thia Fpiinc and if 70 are, why not buy the beat wit new and rigorotit lite Omr Catalofve is Terr eemplete en all farm eecds. FKKE. YAXUHA.VS SEED STOKE Box 68, CHICAGO. INDIAN HORRORS Agent Wanted for our New Book. A thrilling ud amntrntic account of bloody wan with the savagea aat life of Sitting Bull. Art quirk, and you ran make i"r money handling thin book. Compare outfit free. &er& ttr. to par poataare. KlTIOSaL PIB. CO., talcs, ML. WHAMS THIS PAPIKa Patents-Pensions-Claims, rarsEOT) fob tn vilhtors- guide. PATRICK OTARRELL, n : rJiU TBIS PAPKB wwmj Daw ua wit DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY? A (Treat opportunity to makr PILVER DOLLARS. ike SILVER DOLLAR: lftU 6th Ave.. N. V. Write to Hani k Eaton. i:3i WHEJT VrniTTJfw" TO ADVEUTIKEKft IT.EA state that ywa saw thw Aavsrtiweaacat ta For One Dollar 1001 SEEDS ton SalesX J0NE8 OF BINGHAMTQNj V N.Y. sj 900 I y Beam Box Tare Beam JL xsizs