The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 24, 1939, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Weeping Water
Week end visitors at Fairbury
were Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lien and
Son, Roger.
The Weeping Water band will go
Jo Syracuse the coming week to help
provide music for the Otoe county
Edward Steinkamp is having a
Hew corn crib erected at his farm
to take care of the corn crop this
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shoemaker
and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Newham
enjoyed a visit to our neighboring
town of Union Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wishart were
Lincoln visitors Friday and Saturday
with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Sor
enson and Mr. Sorenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Buchanan and
the family of south of Nehawka,
were visiting Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askew.
Milford Smith, who is attending
the University of Nebraska this sum
mer spent the week end with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ray Smith.
Earl Oldham was a visitor in
Omaha last Tuesday with a load of
cattle for a number of farmers in
the vicinity of Weeping Water.
Stuart Rough of Nehawka catne
this way and picking up his sister.
Miss Agnes, drove her to Omaha
where she was looking after business.
fcar Hiatt of Tabor, Iowa, was a
visitor in Weeping Water for a num
ber of days during the past week
visiting with his grandmother, Mrs.
Alonzo M. Cole.
Mogens Johnson is looking rather
lonely these days as his wife is visit
ing in St. Louis with relatives. She
left two weeks ago and expects to
return the first of next week.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Chalk (Creda Baker Johnson) re
ceived word this week of the arrival
of a dear little baby girl at their
home at Newman Grove last Satur
day. The City Market which has been
In need of more room is building an
addition in the rear of the store
building for storage space. Julius
Bible School
Sunday, August 27th
Uzziah': A King Who
Forgot od."
II Chron. 26:3-5; 16-21.- !
In King Uzziah we have a man
who had a fine heritage, a godly
mother, and the high priest Zecha
riah was his teacher; his father,
Amaziah, had not many good quali
ties to be commended. (See preced
ing chapter regarding his reign and
untimely death).
At the age of sixteen, after his
father's death, the people made
Uzziah king. What a wonderful rec
ord he had. "He did that which was
right in the eyes of Jehovah." Can
a man do more? And the record says
further that as long as he followed
God, he was prosperous. From this
part of the lesson we learn that it
pays to serve God materially and
materially. This was true in the
Old Testament limes and is taught
again in the New Testament. Paul
writes to Timothy (4-8): "Godliness
i3 profitable unto all things, having
promise of the life that now is, and
of that which is to come. The next
lesson is: To start early in life to
serve God. At sixteen year3 of age
this lad loved and served God. He
had a good mother, Jecoliah. and a
good teacher, Zechariah good home
training that was heeded. When they
reach the age or sixteen, many of our
young folks leave the Sunday school,
and are not often brought back to
church. The injunction of Solomon
(Eel. 12:1): "Remember now thy
Creator in the days of thy youth"
should be emphasized strongly at this
point of the lesson.
This young king had a glorious
future before him. No one knows
what an influence home training may
have on the children by a God-fearing
mother. It is never wasted and
often in after years the seed is found
coming to fruition. This is all we
can do, sow the seed. The wise man
gives us another word from his rich
experience. (Eel. 11:6): "In the
morning sow thy seed, and in the
evening withhold not thy hand . . .
Uzziah held on to God a long
time. For 52 years he ruled and
walked with God; he was one of the
good kings of Judah; his might and
fame was great among the nations
around him. But sad to say, he did
not end In the way he began to
reign. We have cases a plenty of
people who were examples to others
In right ronduct and living during
the time they were in poor circum
stances how fervently and faith
fully and earnestly they serve and
work for God. But as they grow
prosperous, their ardor and enthusi
JNeilson has been doing the carpen
ter work.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hickerson
of Lincoln, were visiting relatives
here over the week end. Mrs. Hick
erson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Chet Maddox. former residents of
our community.
George Wiles has been rather poor
ly with an attack of the summer flu
which has been making it rather un
comfortable for this gentleman, but
he was able to get out and down
town last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dennis are en
joying a visit from their son, Ster
ling Dennis, of Long Beach, Cali
fornia, and daughter Betty, of Lin
coln, and a brother, Harry Dennis,
also of Long Beach.
Leaving for Colorado Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and fam
ily, who expect to spent two weeks
enjoying the beauties of the moun-
tain scenery, and the cooler weather
to be found in Colorado.
Miss Janet Snell, who has been
visiting for the past month in Chi
cago, guest of her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jenkins, returned
home last Sunday after having en
joyed her visit there very much.
Frank E. Wood will go to Lin
coin Saturday where he will have
charge of the pari-mutuel betting at
the state fair. He will be assisted
by W. E. Reynolds of Union and a
number of others from that town.
The home of Mr. and Mrs.' Harry
K. Cole was made happy last Sun
day when the stork brought them
a very fine ten and a half pound
baby boy, with the young manand
his mother getting along very nice
ly. The Camp Fire Girls served water
melon on the lawn of the Congre
gational church Friday evening. The
Weeping Water chapter is active and
enthusiastic, under the supervision
of Miss Mayme Michelsen they al
ways prove to be excellent enter
tainers. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen (Julia
Ronne) of Center Point, South Da
kota, have been in attendance at the
Mennonite camp meeting and visit
ing Mrs. Hansen's parents, Mr. and
Lesson Study!
By L. NeitzeL Murdock, Neb.
asm chills, they grow weaker, the
fait loses its savor, and they lose
their first love. (Rev. 2:4). They
still have the name that they live,
but in reality they are dead. (Rev.
Uzziah, who gave promise of be
coming one of the outstanding kings
in Judah of bringing honor and
glory to God and his people became
such a great disappointment that
God's mercy could not save him. The
severest punishment was visited up
on him a living death leprosy.
The cause PRIDE! It was pride
that caused the fall of satan, him
self. Pride always goeth before a
fall. "The pride of life" is not of
the Father, but is of the world the
devil. (I John 2:16).
Assuming the role of the High
Priest, going into the Holy place to
burn incense that was the end of
Uzziah's career. Four score priests
tried to prevent him from commiting
tiiis act of sacrilege, but he persist
ed and the disease struck him like a
bolt of lightning out of a clear sky.
We would make note of the heroic
act of the priest. The king had the
power to have them put to death,
but they would obey God rather than
men even if they should lose their
life for so doing. So should the min
ister of God speak out courageously
against the rich sinner in the church
God would protect them.
Uzziah was bad at the core, his
heart was bad. That is where the
trouble starts. It is concealed and
may deceive the church and even
the world for a long time, but even
tually the leprosy will break out
the church is choken, but the fester
ing of the sore has been going on
for a long time. How true spake
the wise man (Prov. 4:23): "Keep
thy heart with all diligence, for out
or it are the issues of life." King
David realized this alter his fall,
when he came to himself; and then
he cried out to God: "Create in me
a clean heart, O, God!" (Ps. 51:10).
What a sad ending of such a promis
ing beginning; banished from the
house of God, from family and soci
ety, in a separate house a pesthouse
where he ended his lonely life.
This should be a warning to men
in arid out or the church. God will
not be mocked his love and patience
have limits, then justice steps in
and rewards every man according to
the deeds done in the body. "Be
thou faithful unto death." (Rev. 2:
10). "Fight the good fight of faith;
I have fought a good fight, I have
finished my course, I have kept the
faith." The crown of righteousness
is the sure reward.
Mrs. Frank. Ronne for the past ten
days. Mrs. Hansen is the pastor of
the Mennonite church at Center
Miss Eleanor Clizbe, of Lafayette,
Indiana, where she is the assistant
food director at Purdue University,
was a visitor at the home of her
aunt, Miss Edith Clizbe, for two days
last week. She had been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Clizbe
at Ainsworth.
Miss Margaret Jane Robinson re
turns Sunday to Omaha, after a
three weeks vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson.
Part of her vacation she and her par
ents spent at St. Louis, with Jack
Robinson, who is employed in a
bank, and was also having his an
nual vacation.
Mrs. Anna Treat Beemer, of Lin
coln, visited with her many friends
here over the week end. Mrs. Beem
er is the duaghter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Treat, pioneers of this com
munity. They were the former, own
ers of the farm north of town now
owned by Henry Smith, and built
the stone house which Is a land mark
in this part of the country.
GrandPa W. H. Frizzel has not
been feeling very well for some time
and just lately has been rather poor
ly, but is able to be out and around.
Mr. Frizzel is a veteran of the civil
war and has a direct personal mem
ory of the battles of the war and his
many experiences. The ranks of
the boys in blue are now thinning
as there are not many left who re
call this period. However, here's to
you old friend may you live to see
a world of peace and not the world
armed to the teeth against their
It is a pleasure to pass the Dr.
Herman home these days and see the
transformation which has taken
place there this summer. He bought
the former Seward Day home last
spring and carpenters immediately
began remodelling. When completed
the exterior was painted white, and
green shutters were added. Now the
large old barn at the rear of the lot
is being remodelled with a gym
nasium on the upper floor and garage
and workshop on the first floor. This
has been painted white also, with
green shutters to match the house.
Moves to Own Home.
Mrs. Thomas Murtey who has been
making her home in the Olsen apart
ments north of the Congregational
church, has moved to her own home
a 'short distance south of the east
part of Eldora Avenue.'1 fine" has
been having work done on the house
and has completed the alterations,
and last Monday moved to her .own
home. ..
The apartments will be occupied
by other tenants, and Hallie Perry
of Plattsmouth was in Weeping Wa
ter last Tuesday laying floor cover
ings and arranging the furniture
for the new tenants.
.Here from California.
Mrs. Edna Wolfe, sister of Mrs.
Steele and their brother, A. C. Munn,
who has been making her home at
Rodondo Beach, Calif., arrived in
Weeping Water last Monday a week
and is visiting with her brother and
sister. Mrs. Wolfe expects to remain
all winter. Speaking of the west,
Mrs. Wolfe says that the Weeping
Water, Nehawka and Plattsmouth
contingent of the Nebraska colony
on the coast are getting along very
nicely and are liking their adopted
home in the west.
Has Hand Badly Injured.
Mayme Hillman, who some time
ago went to Louisville where she es
tablished herself in the restaurant
business some time ago while work
ing with the dressing of a cat fish,
had the slippery creature slip and
horned one of her hands in such a
manner that she was unable to use
the hand. However with careful
treatment, the hand is getting bet
ter, although badly swollen and ten
der as yet. Miss Hillman was visit
ing and looking after business in
Weeping Water last Tuesday.
To Make Advertising Tour.
With the local people who have
always been bosters for the county
fair and the Weeping Water band,
this Friday are making a tour of the
towns in the county, dispensing mu
sic, and literature for the advertising
of the fair, visiting all the towns
in the county. At each town addi
tions are made as the booster troupe
is added to by the friends of the
This year there is more to exhibit
and this year the fair promises to
be bigger and better than former
years. The new county fair com
munity building which has been in
the process of building, while Btill
not completed, the basement Is far
enough along to permit its use for
exhibits. '
Every citizen of the county should
come and see the fair and the com
munity building which Is the prop
erty of the county fair and therefore
of the people of the county. There
has been much improvement in
Weeping r Water during the past
twelve months which should be of
Interest to everyone, among which Is
the new school building, which is
ready for the opening of the school
year; the buildings of the Mennonite
church for the state where there has
just been a successful state conven
tion and camp meeting of the mem
bership of the state; a new highway
and a sewer syBtem, besides a change
in the water system providing more
and better water for the city. Come,
do what you can for the benefit of
the fair which belongs to the entire
Two Weddings Last Week.
Two weddings occurred last week
which came as a surprise to the
many friends of the happy parties.
On Monday Miss Ann Kirkpatrick
wag married to Arnold Phillips, and
they left immediately for Califor
nia, where the groom has a position
In the vicinity of San Francisco.
They made a leisurely trip to the
western coast and saw many interest
ing places en route. Mrs. Phillips
is the daughter of Mrs. James Haney,
and has grown to womanhood in our
midst. She is a graduate of the Weep
ing Water high school, and has a
host of friends in this community.
The groom eame to Weeping Water
only a few months agp from Cali
fornia, and made his home at Hotel
Rest Haven while here. He made
many friends here.
Thursday Miss Ella Rhoden, or
Plattsmouth. and Clifford Kirkpat
rick were united in marriage and
will make their home in Weeping
Water, where the groom is employed
at the Hamburger Inn. They left
Saturday evening on a week's trip to
Denver, Ogallala, Cheyenne and the
Black Hills. They were accompanied
by their friends, the Hubert Cap
pens. Clifford is the son of Mrs.
James Haney, and is, a graduate of
the Weeping Water high school. He
hao been employed at the Hambur
ger Inn for the past four years, and
has made many friends by his
friendly and courteous manner with
his customers. Mrs. Kirkpatrick is
quite well known here as she has
visited here quite often, and we ex
tend to her a welcoming hand. To
both of these couples we extend con
gratulations and best wishes.
Moving-to Olsen Apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Wilson are
moving" into the Olsen apartments
this week. They will have the apart
ment vacated hy .Mrs. Thomas Mur
tey, who bought he small house
which formerly belonged to the
Ingerson estate, and has had it re
modelled into an apartment type
house. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harley Thurs
lund moved last week into the house
on Eldora Avenue, 'which also for
merly belonged to 'the Ingerson es
tate, and it has also been completely
remodelled inside. ' Mrs. Thurslund
(Irene Gibson) has remodelled one
room into a beauty'tfarlor, which will
have its separate entrance.
Mennonite Meeting Closes.
The annual state camp meeting
of the Mennonite church closed Sun
day evening, and it lert a fine im
pression on the hearts and minds or
our people. The outstanding reature
we believe is that they show such
great Interest in their young people
and they were a fine looking and well
behaved group to which we extend
a hearty welcome for their coming
again next year. These young people
are receiving excellent training for
their future places in their com
munities. To the adults who attend
ed the meetings we also extend an
invitation to again visit our com
munity. We have been enriched in
spirit by your ten day stay among
Mr. and Mrs. George Hall were at
Griswold, Iowa, Sunday where they
attended the funeral services of Wil
liam Dean, husband of the former
Mary Hall, sister of Mr. Hall. Mr.
Dean is well known here where he
has been a frequent visitor and in
her loss the wife will receive the
sincere sympathy of the many
friei. .
From Tuesday's Dally
Mrs. Flossie Redd was taken to
the University hospital in Omaha this
morning where she was placed for
treatment and observation. It Is
thought that Mrs. Redd may have
to undergo an operation in a few
days to relieve her present condi
Mr arA Mr. Sauerin Kreici and
daughter. Miss Marv. who is on her
" '
vacation, have been in Shelton, Ne
braska since Sunday and have been
guests of their son and brother, Joseph
Krejci and wife. The riausmoutn
nartv exnect tn hirn home tomor
row following: their three-day visit.
From Wednesday's Datly .
Mayor Troy", L. Davis of Weeping
Water, was a visitor in the city to
day to look after some matters of
business and visiting with friends.
From Monday' Dany
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Randall -tof
Omaha were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Howard Davis.
Mrs. Maria Barritt of Union, with
her son, Dr. Lemuel Barritt of Ort
man, Arizona, were here Saturday
afternoon 'to visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Royal of Lin
coln, were here Sunday to visit with
Judge C. L.' Graves, father of Mrs.
Royal and attending the Rock Bluffs
Sunday guests at the W. A. Swatek
home included their children, Mr.
and Mrs. George Swatek of Lincoln,
and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Spaustat
of Omaha.
William and Emil Watts, residents
of south . of Pacific .Junction, were
here for a short time today looking
after some matters ot business and
trading. " ' '.'
The former residents of Nebraska
living in and near Seattle, Washing
ton, staged a very much enjoyed pic
nic at Woodland park in that city
on Sunday. August 13th. There were
more than 500 persons at the picnic
and all were enthusiastic over mak
ing this an annual affair.
The Nebraskans named O. H.
Montgomery, formerly of Stanton,
as the president of the association.
One of the interesting features was
the display or some forty different
weekly papers published in Nebraska
and among these was the Journal,
which was read over by the Cass
county group at the picnic.
The Cass county people that regis
tered comprised Irene Wiliits Arm
strong, Buren, Washington, . Ethel
Wiliits Sample, who came to Wash
ington in 1904 from Plattsmouth,
George A. Leis and Cora A. Lels of
the University of Washington who
came from Nebraska in 1908; D. B.
Lynde and Elma Hall Lynde, for
merly of Union, who left Nebraska
in 1923; R. E. Kinkead, formerly
of Stanton, who had come to Wash
ington in 1906.
Mr. Kinkead will be remembered
by the older resident here as a son
of the late Benton Kinkead, a paint
er and paper. .hanger,, here., for. inany
years. His sisters, Etta and Laura
Kinkead, also are living at Seattle.
From Wednesday'a Daily
Fred Walliwey, a five-months'
resident of the Nebraska Masonic
Home here, passed away at the in
firmary this morning following an
illness of many weeks.
The deceased was born in Da
kota county, Nebraska on August 9,
1869, and'at the time of his death,
August 23, 1939, he was 70 years
of age. A member of Covert lodge
No. 11, A. F. & A. M. in Omaha,
Mr. Walliwey had formerly made
his residence in Arcadia, Nebraska
for a long period of time. In March,
1939 he was admitted to the Home
where he had lived only five months.
The deceased is survived by one
daughter. Mrs. Evelyn Burke of Ar
cadia, Nebraska as well as several
sisters in Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Funeral arrangements have not as
yet been completed but burial service
will be held at the Prospect Hill
cemetery In Omaha.
Phone Printing orders to No. 6.
To: Stella Boedeker, F. A. Boedeker
first real name unknown; Ger
trude Marburger, Albert C. Mar
burger, Dora Ausmus and Claud
L. Ausmus:
You are each hereby notified
that Ralph N. Opp, plaintiff, has
commenced an action in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and Emma Opp, widow
and others, the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose a mortgage
dated March 16th. 1937. executed by
F. A. Boedeker, executor, on SE
of Sec. 17: NW,4 of SW4 of Sec.
16, Twp. 10, Range 13, Cass Coun
ty, Nebr., (subject to first mortgage
lien thereon): also south 100 feet of
Lot 1 in SWVi of Sec. 18. Twp. 10,
north, Range 13, Cass County
Neb., to secure a promissory note of
S3. 200. 00 to said plaintiff.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before October 9th,
1939, or the prayer of said petition
will be granted.
You are further notified that in
said petition plaintiff is asking that
John G. Hansen be appointed receiv
er of the above described farm lands
for the reason that the security is
not sufficient to pay the first lins
and plaintiff's said lien; plaintiff
proposes as bondsmen for said re
ceiver, Ray Frans and Ralph N.
Opp; and for himself as bondsman,
T. E. Todd and Ray Frans. Hearing
will be had on" such application Oc
tober 16, 1939, at ten o'clock a. ra.,
or as soon thereafter as plaintiff can
be beard.
a24-4w Plaintiff.
. r-ty- '
-runs ONE time only
of Referendum on the Creation of
the Proposed Cass Soil Con
servation District
To All Persons Interested",
Notice 1b hereby Given:
That the tabulation Bet out below
gives a full, correct, and true report
of the results of a referendum held
on August 18, 1939, on the proposi
tion of the creation of the proposed
Cass Soil Conservation District.
(a) Number voting In favor
of creation of said dis
trict 155
(b) Number voting against
m creation of said district- 38
Total Votes cast 193
By H. E. Engstrom,
Executive Secretary.
Dated August 22. 1939.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Jess Terryberry, deceased.
No-. 3338:
Take notice that the Administrat
rix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of her adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on Septem
ber 15, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated August 15, 1939.
(Seal) Special County Judge.
Whereas, Eldon Stege, convicted
in Cass County, on the 20th day o
July, 1938, ot the crime or Forgery
has made application to the Board
ot Pardons for a Parole, and the
Board of Pardons, pursuant to law
have set the hour of 10:00 a. m. on
the 13th day of September, 1939, for
hearing on said application, all per
sons interested are hereby notified
that they may appear at the State
Penitentiary, at Lincoln, Nebraska
on said day and hour and show cause
if any there be, why said application
should, or should not be granted.
Secretary Board of
; Chief State Proba
tion Officer.
State of Nebraska 1
County of Cass
Bv virtue of an
Alias Order of Sale issued by C. E.
Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court
within and' for Cass Countv.' Nehrna-
ka, and to mo directed, I will on the
Kill A A a. . - . A T-fc ft t - L
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said dav at
the south front door of the court
house In the Citv of Plattfimouth in
Baid county, sell at Dublin auction
to the highest bidder for cash the
icuowing real estate, to-wit:
Lots 9 and 10. Block 152,
City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Gailand R.
Rhoden et al, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
a municipal corporation, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 19,
A. D. 1939.
Sheriff Cass Countv
jyZ4-5w Nebraska
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Estate of Cosie Blanchard, deceas
ed. Estate No. 3418. ,
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons interested in Baid estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Myr
tle A. Blanchard, Geneva J. Tomlin-
son and Juanlta L. Miller have filed
their petition alleging that Cosie
Blanchard died intestate on or about
April 16, 1927, being .a resident and
inhabitant of Wray, Yuma county,
Colorado, and died seized of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
The north one-half (N) of
the northeast quarter (NEi)
of Section twenty-eight (28),
Township ten (10), North of
Range nine (9), East of the
6th P. M., Cass county, Ne
braska leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Myrtle A. Blanchard, wife; Gen
eva J. Tomlinson and Juanita L. Mil
ler, daughters;
That the interest of the petition
ers in the above described real es
tate is as heirs at law of said de
ceased, and praying for a determina
tion of the time of the. death of said
Cosie Blanchard and of his heirs, the
degree of kinship and the right of
descent of the real property belong
ing to the said deceased, in the State
of Nebraska.
It is ordered that the same stand
for hearing on the 4th day of Aug
ust, 1939, before the County Court
of Cass County in the court house at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 8th day of July, A. D. 1939.
(Seal) jyl0-3w - - County Judge.
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested In the
estate of. Joseph John Stanek, de
ceased. No. 3423:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Emil L. Stanek as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
9th day of September, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated August 4, 1939.
(Seal) al4-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Charles E. Cook, deceased.
No. 3421:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Raymond C. Cook as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
lt day of September, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated August 1, 1939.
(Seal) a7-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Elizabeth Spangler, deceas
ed. No. 3422:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Anna Wiles :is Administratrix; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 8th day
of September, 1939, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated August 2, 1939.
(Seal) a7-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Byron Golding, deceased. No. 3 410:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is. Decem
ber 4, 1939; that a hearing will be
hud at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on December 8, 1939,
at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated August 3, 1939.
(Seal) a7-3w County Judge.
, In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of William Leesley, also known
as William 1L Leesley and W. II.
Leesley, deceased. No. 3389:
Take notice that the Administrat
rix of said estate has filed her final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of her adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for her discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before Sjaid Court on Septem
ber 8, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated August 11, 1939.
Special County Judge.
(Seal) al4-3w
To Rudolph W. Heil. Joy Heil,
Arthur Hell, Norma Hell, Elizabeth
Meisnest, Frank Meisnest, Charles W.
Meisnest, George Meisnest, Etta
Meisnest, administratrix of the Es
tate of John Meisnest, deceased,
Laura Blazer, Fred W. Meisnest,
George Stoehr and Randolph Stoehr
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in Lot 455 in the Vil
lage or Louisville, in Cass County,
Nebraska, real names unknown, de
fendants: You are hereby notified that Gret
chen E. Heil, as plaintiff, has filed
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, her petition against you
and others as defendants, praying
for the decree of said court fore
closing a mortgage given by W. H.
Hell (the same as William 11. Heil)
and Dora Heil (the same as Dora
Anna Heil) to Lizzie Heil, dated
August 3, 1934, on Lot 455 in the
Village of Louisville, in Cass County,
Nebraska, to secure the payment of
a note oi saia aaie io saia lizzie
Heil for $3,500.00, which said mort
gage is recorded in the office of
Register of Deeds of Cass County,
Nebraska in Book 6 5 Mortgages, page
661 of the records of Cass County.
Nebraska, and which said note and
mortgage were assigned to and are
now owned by plaintiff, and to de
termine the amount due plaintiff to
be the full principal sum of said
mortgage, with interest thereon rrom
the date thereof at five per cent Per
annum to May 12, 1935, and at nine
per cent per annum thereafter, and
to bar the equity of redemption of
all defendants except Home State
Bank of Louisville. Nebraska, as to
its first mortgage on said real es
tate and for the sale of Bald mort
gaged premises in the manner pro
vided by law for the satisfaction or
the amount found due plaintiff, and
to bar and exclude the defendants
designated as all persons having or
claiming any interest in Lot 455 in
the Village of Louisville, in Cass
County, Nebraska, real names un
known, from all interest in said real
estate and to quiet the title thereto
In the present owners.
You may answer said petition in
said court in the City of Plattsmouth.
in . Cass . County, Nebraska, on or
before September 25. 1939.
By Plaintiff.
Wm. H. Pitzer and
Marshall Pitzer,
al4-4w ,