PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAI THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1939. Ihe Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, ITERS A SKA Entered at Postoffice, Plattamouth, Neb., aa cond-clam mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscriber lirlDg in Second Postal Zone, J2.60 per year. Beyond 600 miles. $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, 13.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advanca. EAGLE NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. enjoying their C. A. Trumble are vacation camping near Milford. Dean Oberle spent the latter part of last week with his grandfather, li. A. Oberle. Miss Mildred- Pnrbaugh of Lin coln visited the Trumble families here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Nenstiel Fpent the week end with relatives near Clay Center, Kansas. Mrs. Pauline Ollerman returned home Monday evening. She enjoyed a motor trip to California. Guests at the Harry Caddy home last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thomson of Palmyra. Guests at the J. L. Wall home last Sunday were Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur Thomson and sons of Palmyra. Mrs. Raymond Xorris entertained the Trinity Lutheran Aid at the church Thursday afternoon of last v. eek. Mr. and Mis. John Kockenbach. Jr., and sons spent Sunday with Mrs. Kotken bach's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Sexson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright and daughter of Alliance called on Mr. and Mrs. William Hudson on Mon day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oberle motor ed to Lincoln last Sunday, spend ing the day with their son, L. C. CLerle and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Tinker moved to Crete last week, . where Mr. Tinker has charge of the Mis souri Pacifie station. Mrs. Milford Axe and children of Lincoln visited last week with Mrs. Axe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Piersol and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt and family returned from Hershcy on I Tuesday of last week after Saving spent 'a week w ith relatives. " t Omaha spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Anna Klietsch and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones and Jack. Mrs. Frank Deason of Lincoln and Mrs. Talmage Norris of Fairmont visited their brother, William Hud son and Mrs. Hudson last Saturday evening. Word comes to Eagle that Elmer Trumble has sold his meat market at Bradshaw and has taken a posi tion in the meat business at Grand Inland, where the family has moved. HELP STOMACH DIGEST FOOD Without LaiatWes and You'll Eat Everything from Soup to Nuts Tia ffnnurh thouM dtrt two pound of fowl hi if. When ya tat heary, arrasy, cnare or ri'h fnn.l or when you are nrvous. hurried or chew poorly your utomarh often ronrs out too mu h fluid. V'Hjr fnjd doen't digest and you h eras, hfarthurn. naunea. pain or tour atomarh. Tnu feel ur. ill k and upset all orer. Ifcelnrs mt neTr take a laxatlre fi atnmali pain. It U danxernm and foolish. It takes tho linle hla-k Uhlet called n-l!-jna for IniligKtlon to make the rX'T Urm.irh fluid harmleftri, relieve l!vre-i In no time and put you bark on your feet KWIef in o quirk it U amailnc and one use package Korea It Ajtk fur Bull-ana for lndiieation. Will Your Car be Going to School This Fall 2 If you own a car you need Good Insurance Get it now! Tomorrow may be too late! ' CALL OR SEE PHOMJr 16 Plattsmouth INSURANCE- - "Tf- , u- . . 1 ll Mrs. A. JI. Trumble had as her dinner guests on Tuesday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kivett and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilhelm and daughter of Lin coln. Miss Iva Mae Blair returned home last Sunday after having enjoyed a two months' visit here in Eagle. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson took her to Omaha and there they met relatives from Harlan, Iowa, where all enjoy ed a picnic at a park. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hayes of Cali fornia stopped at the J. W. Horn home the middle of last week. They vere en route to Missouri, where Mr. Hayes formerly lived and were accompanied on the remainder of the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Horn. Methodist Aid Meets Mrs. Harry Caddy entertained the Methodist Aid Society at the church on Wednesday afternoon of last week. After the business meeting, the following were chosen as officers for the coming year: Mrs. W. K. Muen chau, president: Mrs. Isabel Jack, vice president; Mrs. Elmer Frohlich. secretary; Mrs. Clarence Slosson, treasurer. Welcome visitors were Mrs. Rose Caddy, Mrs. Gilbert Pettit and Miss Jean Marie Stewart. Mrs. Perry Colbert will be the hostess for the September meeting. Snappy Stitchers Club The Snappy Stitchers held their sixth and last meeting at the home of Doris Bird. The girls worked on their ' dresses so they will be com pleted by Monday the 14th and they can enter the style show at Weep ing Water. They planned to take a picnic lunch along. After the meet ing was adjourned a nice lunch was served. Their visitor was "Wilma Craven, cousin of Etta Mae Blodgett. Doris Bird, News Reporter., ". '- : : . HERE FROM ST. LOUIS Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs of St. Loui3, Mo., and their son. Everett C. Briggs and Donald Briggs and daughters. Mioses I.arTna and Doris, Mr. J." A. Briggs being nephew of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Briggs, arrived in Flattsmouth last Saturday eve ning and are visiting at the Briggs home. They were visiting today at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Franzen of Omaha. Other visitors for Sunday at the M. S. Briggs home were Mrs. Leland Briggs and daugh ter, Bettie of David City. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Briggs and fam ily will depart during the veek for BGlleville. Kansas, where they will visit with other relatives before re turning to their home in Missouri at the end of the wesk. This is the first visit of Mr. J. A. Briggs in fifty years, when his mother, sisters and brothers visited here in 188S. UNDERGOES OPERATION From Monday's Daily Mrs. Rentier Spidell was hurried to Omaha last evening where she was place: :n a hospital there for an appendectomy. She was taken very suddenly ill and an emergency oper ation became necessary. - HERE FROM WAHOO Mrs. Emil Havelka and son, Ed ward, of Wahoo, arc here to spend the week at the home of Mrs. Havelka's -parents, Mr. and Mr3. Ed ward Donat, Sr., as well as the other relatives and old time friends. MEN'S Wool Suits . for Year Round Wear Every Style,; Every. Size Tailored to Order I Wescptt's S Where Quality Counts o - 0 t $2 Richard Cole Attends 4-H Club Camp at Seward Conservation Camp Held as Reward for Honors Awarded as Club Week Attendant. Richard O. Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Cole, was one of the 100 Nebraska young men and women to 9njoy the 5th annual 4-11 club Con servation Camp held in the beautiful park of Seward, Nebraska, August 8 to 11. Richard was one of 50 4-H club members who attended the Conser vation Camp as a member of a prize trip. His was given by the Lever Brothers and was chosen for the honor of having been a well groomed Club Week attendant while at Lin coln last June. This camp was made possible by Mr. diaries L. Horn, Minneapolis. Minn., conservationist and friend of 4-H clubs, who financed registration and travel for 40 club members and 10 local leaders. The camp opened at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning with registration, and the theme for thed ay being Water and Soil." At 11 o'clock, a program of camp was given by F. B. O'Connell, state game forester who stated that $50,000 was Bpent every year for game wardens and preser vation of wild life. Following this W. H. Brokaw spoke on "What Con servation Means to a 4-H Club Mem ber." At noon a most delicious din ner was served on the park tables. Every meal thereafter was served In this beautiful park. In the afternoon Erwin Hutchinson spoke on "Saving Our Soil Is Funda mental." following E. G. Maxwell fold "How Trees Are Being Used in the Scheme of Conservation." Every afternoon of each day recrea tion was held at 2:45. The members were divided into four groups and alternately each day so as to give everyone a chance of participating in the different recreations. Group 1 being "Ilifle Shooting with Mr. Tucker" state game forester; Group practiced "Bait Casting," with Mr. G. E. Ling of Elm Creek, Ne braska who is state game warden; Group 3 learned "Trapping" from Mr. C. L. Licking who is from Omaha, game forester; and Group 4 went "Hiking with Mr. E. G. Maxwell, Jr., extension forester of Lincoln to study "Trees and Plant Life." -. At 3:15 each day was held a dis cussion period to discuss the topics taught in the day's program. At 4 p. m. every member of Conservation Camp had the thrill of swimming in Seward's municipal pool. Every eve ning at 6 p. m. supper was served after which vesper services were held on the west bank of the park it sundown. After vesper services Mr. G. W. McCulloch representing Mr. C. L. Horn gave "Conservation Pays Dividends." At the close of the program, colored pictures of na ture in her beauty were shown by fl. W. Wheeler, chief lecturer of the U. S. Forest Service. At 6 o'clock Wednesday morning the theme "Bird Day" was opened by "An Hour with Nature." Hikes were taken before breakfast and "Bugs" were studied with Mr. Bare, "Trees" with Mr. Maxwell and "Birds" with Mr. Sharp. Fallowing the hikes all returned for breakfast after which Mr. Ward Sharp gave a lecture on "Birds, Our Friends." At 9:45 recrea tion was carried on in the group form, followed by E. H. Hoppert who lectured on "Trees for Beauty." He told of the uses and proper places of native trees and shrubs in landscap ing the farmstead. After dinner Mr. V. C. Conover gave an illustrated lecture on "Ducks" which was very interesting. At 2:30 Mr. Lloyd Vance spoke on "Game Propagation' This included the food and shelter for quail and prairie chicken and distribution and protection of pheasants to all part of the state. A new game fowl called "The Chucker" is being introduced into Nebraska to take the place of the quail which is becoming extinct. After recreation, group discussion on the day's topics was held at 3:15. At 4, svvim; 6 p. m. supper; 7:15 Oj vesper services; and at 8 o'clock j trying to pass and the driver of the 8 .moving pictures of "Nebraska the truck brought his truck onto the S Beautiful" and "'Bird Travelogue" 3houlder of the paving to avoid a Q were shown. sollislon. The truck slid on the mud O On Thursday all went to Lincoln and water and turned over onto the 8 at 8:15 a. m. in autos furnished by paving. It was soon righted and A"v, ucnaui 1 wiuuiuiiii.) . iiiieresiiug O I tours were made through the Pioneer ana Anteiope parks, where the ani mal life was studied. Dinner was served at 12 noon at the Antelope Thomas Walling Company f Abstracts of Title 4- X Phone 324 - Plattsmouth park shelter. At 1:45 Miss Mar jorle Shanafelt conducted a tour through Morrill Hall, the University Museum. On these tours attention was call ed to the species of the wild life that especially needs conservation at this time. After returning to Seward in the late afternoon all enjoyed a swim at the municipal pool and then Bupper at 6 o'clock, vesper services and clos ing the day with the moving pictures, "CCC and Conservation" by E. II. Doll. At 6 o'clock Friday morning a fishing contest was held at the lake which had been stocked with fish from the state fisheries. During the contest 268 fish were caught. At 8 o'clock breakfast was served. A fish exhibit was explained by Mr. J. M. Merrlt and he talked on Why Is a Fish a Fish. At 10:45 'Bugs" was the subject given by O. S. Bare and after dinner Mr. Bare gave a very interesting talk on In sects and their control. After the recreation, discussion period, and swim, the day closed with a delic ious fish supper. At 7 o'clock another camp was history. MY. L. I. Frisbie of the agri culture college at Lincoln had full charge of the camp activities and programs. He made it possible for every member to get the most out of his time spent in camp. By RICHARD O. COLE. AN OLD SUBSCRIBER George Albert, of Sidney, Mon tana, writes to the Journal to re new his subscription as he has been a subscriber for the past thirty-five years, lie is a son oi Mrs. jonn Al bert of this city. Mr. Albert states that this has been the busiest sum mer since living in Montana, as the state water board has been building an Irrigation ditch on the south side of the Yellowstone river which covers 400 acres of his river bottom land. While there Is a lot of work j preparing the ground for irrigation, the residents were pleased to see it come as feed had been quite a prob lem to the Montana farmers In the last few years. Mr. Albert is prin cipally engaged in raising cattle and the residents of that section were menaced this spring by the threat of grasshoppers which pests were very numerous, but spreading poison ton after ton has helped clear up the menace, the government and local people co-operating in this work. Two airplanes were used in scatter ing poison over a wide area and the hoppers were either poisoned or left that section. With considerable rain the grass and grain has done well altho the late grain has shrunk con siderable owing to ripening too fast. EIVEBVIEW CLUB Riverview club held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Arthur Sullivan on Tuesday, August 8. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Robert Patterson, as . our president, Mrs. Greely Bell was absent and Vice President Mrs. Slagle has been absent for several meetings on ac count of illness. .. The meeting was opened by singing "Love's Old Sweet Song." The business was taken care of and minutes were read and ap proved. Roll call was answered by nine members present and four visi tors, they being Mrs. Merle Rainey from New York; Mrs. Frank Cross from Chicago; Mrs. Herman Tiekot ter from Plattsmouth and Mrs. Ralph Sullivan from Plattsmouth. After the business the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Creamer, entertainment leader for August meeting, she having each one read different articles, and playing bingo. Mrs. Rainey from New York won the most games and the prize. The meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Creamer Sept. 12. A delicious lunch was served by our hostess. CLUB REPORTER. TRUCK TURNS OVER Late Tuesday afternoon as the Bond bread truck, was coming north on highway No. '75 near McConkey hill, it was turiied over, but for tunately the driver was not injured or the truck seriously damaged. The truck was ccming down the hill, at the same time two cars coming and 3ent on its way. MAKE A QUICK TRIP Monday afternoon Mrs. Flora Wells with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wells, arrived from Los Angeles, called here by the death of Mrs. George Alwin, sister-in-law of Mrs. Flora Wells. The California visitors arrived to attend the funeral ser vices held this afternoon. The party are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Alwin while here. Death of Mrs. George Alwin Late Saturday Dies After Hlness of Some Duration; Funeral Here Tuesday Well Known to Many Here. Mrs. George Alwin, 45, died at 6:15 Saturday evening at Omaha where she had been 111 for some time and just recently underwent a very serious major operation. The de ceased lady was well known to many here as the family had been visitors here at the John Alwin and W. A. Wells homes in the recent years, al tho they have been making their home In Omaha. Catherine Sarah Gould was born in Washington county, Kansas, in 1894 and was married to George S. Alwin on February 14, 1912. The family came to Nebraska some twenty years igo and have since made their home in this part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Were the parents of two sons, William and Loyal, the sen William passed away at the age of 13 while the son. Loyal was at the bedside of the mother when she passed away. There is surviving, her husband, George; one son. Loyal; mother, Mrs. Ann Gould; sister, Lottie, brothers, Winston, Orval, John, Joseph, Har lan, Hallie. FUNERAL OF MRS. ALWIN The funeral services for Mrs. George Alwin of Omaha, was held on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the Sattlcr funeral home at Fourth and Vine streets and attended by a large number of the friends, from here as well as Omaha to pay their last tributes to the memory of the de parted. Rev. J. W. Taenzler, pastor of the First Christian church had charge of the services and brought words of comfort to the family and old friends. Mrs. Hal Garnet t and Mrs. M. S. Kerr, gave two duets, old and loved It mil;). inn 11 liter v j and "Home of the Soul" with Mrs. D. C. Hudson as the accompanist. The ' interment was at the Oak Hill cemetery and the pall bearers were friends of the family from Oma ha. Max Turner, Mack Anderson, Bob Brodeson, Ralph Lochspeech, William Boone. Luddy Panick. The out-of-town relatives here for the funeral were Mrs. Anna Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Gould. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Gould and two children, Hallie Gould, all of .Morrowville, Kansas; Joseph Gould, Washington, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harschel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Alwin, Mor rowville. Kansas; Winston Gould, Omaha; Mrs. Flora Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wells, Los Angeles. CARD OF THANKS Gratefully we wish to express our appreciation to the friends here and in Omaha for the kindly sympathy and aid in the hour of bereavement in the death of our loved one. We wish especially to thank those taking part in the funeral services and also for the beautiful floral- remem brances. Gleorge Alwin and son. Loyal, Mrs. Anna Gould and Family, Mr. and Mrs. John Alwin. MEET AT CEDAR CREEK The Crippled Children's society members met at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Franke at Cedar Creek. The purpose of this meeting was to or ganize different units in this county. President Harry E. Dickinson, pre sided at the meeting and the min utes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary S. O. Perkins. Mrs. John Albert, stenographer and secre tary for County Supperlntcndent Lora Lloyd Kieck, was among the six who attended the meeting. HERE FOR SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hein rich had as Sunday guests Miss Irene Williams of Lincoln and Miss Williams' father, John Williams and her aunt. Miss Evans all of Lincoln. Miss Williams will be remembered here as a former school teacher in the local schools, and she is now located as a teacher in the Lincoln schools. DEAD ANIMALS WANTED For Prompt and Dependable Ser vice call Market 3541, Omaha The Fort Crook Rendering Works Ft. Crook, Nebr. (We Pay All Phone Calls) HOLD FAMILY REUNION pn Sunday, August 13, 1939 a family gathering was held at the Ira B. Green home at Louisville. All brought well filled baskets and a de licious dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jennings, Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Jennings and son. Union; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Green and son, Omaha; Heston Green, Sedalia. Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lorence and son. Auburn; Mrs. James A. Persinger, Auburn; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Urwin and fam ily, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Green, Louisville; Ival Landis, Louis ville; Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Franke and family, Cedar Creek; Hillery Green, Louisville; Miss Rosalie Jennings, Larned, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Green, Louisville. KEEP TREASURER BUSY County Treasurer John E. Turner was kept busy Sunday by reason of a large caravan of cars and trucks In tow that were passing through this city en route from South Bend, In diana, to California. The treasurer was called from his church early in the morning and although able to get time out for church and the Sunday dinner toiled at the office until late in the afternoon. There were some fifteen of the acrs in transit to be handled and granted licenses. SPENDS WEEK END HERE Miss Jessie M. Robertson, who is engaged in the office of the state library commission at Lincoln, was here over the week end to visit her mother, Mrs. James M. Robertson, as well as her sisters and brother and their families While here Miss Rob ertson was able to meet a number of the old friends. CLASS HAS PICNIC From Monday's Dally The Sunday school class of the Christian church this afternoon were entertained at a picnic party at the state fisheries at Gretna, arranged by their teacher, Reuel Sack. A large number of the class who comprise those of high school age were in at tendance. RETURN BOYS FROM CAMP From Wednesday' Daily Deputy Sheriff Emery Doody drove to Crete today where he visited at Camp Oakwood, summer recreational camp for boys and brought back from there 'the three Plattsmouth ' boys who have attended the camp. Tommy Doody. Wilbur Eaton and Terrance Bennett. RETURNS FROM CHICAGO Mrs.. Theodore Yelick. who has been spending the past month at Chicago at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ptacek, return ed home Sunday morning. Mrs. Yelick was delayed as her train was held back by the Burlington wreck at Ottumwa, Iowa, where two freight trains crashed on Saturday night. VISIT BR0WNVILLE Mr. and Mrs. James Bridgewater, Sr.. were at Brownville Sunday to Visit v.lin iiieir icidutco aim accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James Bridgewatrr, Jr.. of Omaha and Mrs. Maggie Mason of this city. They re port that the fruit in that part of the state is in excellent shape and a very large grape crop Is in prospect. RAIN STOPS GAME Last evening the rainfall stopped the softball game between the Mar tin Pathfinders and Timms Terrors at Athletic park, which was a good thing, as one spectator remarked, or the Martins might have been batting yet. The Discoverers scored thirteen runs in one inning for the 1 3 to 2 decision. Semi-Weekly Journal delivered to subscribers twice weekly at a . X 1L 1 L . cost no nreaicr nictu tue smallest. weeiuy papers in inis territory j cnarse t per year. i After a fire, a burglary, or some other misfortune . . . will you find that your insurance was not sufficient to cover your loss? If you are concern ed with real insurance protection we can help you ... and will gladly do so. Scarl S. Davis OFFICIOS: a.XO FLUOR Platts. State BanK Bldg. ft! Carlsons Have a Fine Trip to Eastern States Return This Morning From Visit to New York Fair as Well as Penn sylvania and Washington. From Widnmday'a Darty- Thi.i morning Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carlson returned home from a trip of several weeks that had taken them into the eastern states where they visited many places of interest. They had made the New York fair one of the main objectives of the trip, finding this great exposition and its theme "The World of Tomor row," a wonderful experience in the wonders of all lines of human ac tivities and development of invention and electrical and machine age fea tures. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson also had a very interesting visit in Pennsyl vania as they stopped at Philadel phia to look over the Independence hall and other landmarks so closely connected with colonial history of the nation and its birth of freedom, also visiting at York, cue of the attractive cities of historic Pennsyl vania. They also stopped at Harris burg, state capital and then on to the Gettysburg battlefield, a niecca of the eastern traveler and where one of the greatest chapters of American history was enacted in IS 63, mark- jlr.g the apex of the civil war as far as the Eouth was concerned. Their visit at Washington wa3 filled with interest and among tho most interesting spots visited was Mt. Vernon, the home of George Washington and where he is buried. They report the weather as hot ind dry and the eastern states hav ing one of the driest years on record, causing losses to crops and water courses drying up over the states of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. CHILDREN UNDERGO OPERATIONS Vivian and Leonard Kalas'k, chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kalasek, underwent tonsilectomy operations at the St. Joseph hospital Saturday. Dr. L. S. Pucelik. local physician, performed the operations. . Both daughter and son are recuperating very nicely. VISITING IN THE CITY Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Roscncrans and daughters. Nancy and Mary Jane, of Chicago, arrived Sunday to vi3it here with Mrs. W. E. Rosen- crans. the mother of Mr. Rosencrans and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldemar Soennichsen and family and at the C. A. Rosencrans home. Cass county's nreaiest news paDer value Semi-Weekly Jour nal at $2 per year! OVERLAND Theatre . Nebraska City Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues.- THE ADVENTURE THAT THRILLED THE WORLD Spencer Tracy (Star 'Boystown') Nancy Kelly (Star 'Jesse James') and Richard Greene in 'STANLY&LIVIMGSTONE' Three Shows Saturday Night Balcony 206 AL&O GCOD SHORT SUBJECTS FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY not in. k 1'ioATt it : Mrlvvii nui-ln n ml I.oiiIm- Piatt iai 'Tell No Tales' A hurricane, of sensation uml thrills! Tony Marlla and ;iria Slnxrl u 'Winner Take All' A walloping Son of the Wild st meots th (.iorKonus Kast. Also Popove and Daredevils of the lied Circle" Ser- 11 tai. Matinee Hat. at 2:30. Nites, 7 and 9 Adults . 25c Children 10 SUNDAY - MONDAY ulM-rt Donat and a llltf Cat In Goodbye, Mr. Chips' That Orippinsr Irama of Testinv Micrlity in its nie.ssaire tender In it3 romance. Also Comedy and latest News St.Ml.W MATI.KI2 AT 2:311 . JS lit Muina, 7 ami ft Matinee, 10-25c Nights, 1C-30c TUESDAY ONLY Unritnln nnyThe Mnrx Hrotlierx In 'A Nicht at the Ooera Special return enpapement of the fn. niest picture in ten vems ....,.'. Comedy and Spotlight. Matinee at 2:30. All Shows, 10 and 15o WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY noilll.K FKATI'RR Jane Kryuu ami Charley ;rn.el In 'The Man Who Dared' Amazins story of a man who dared' Si'iUiroIeT BU'1 H,t"' Corte In Charlie Chan in Reno' Hl8 most SDfctainlar olr. I hits tor the price of one. a3c ; and 10c.