The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 07, 1939, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1939
Monte Lum drove to Lincoln last
Monday, having business to trans
ect there.
Earl Morley of Auburn and Ralph
Morley of Nebraska City, were brief
visitors at Ihe home of their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morley,
last Tuesday. Rachel Everett was pleased
Jest Sunday when her daughter, Mrs.
George Brinton and husband came
over from their home at Elmwood to
spend the day here.
Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Zasier departed
last week for a ten days visit in Colo-
rado, Estes Park, Pikes Peak and
other parts of Interest.
Mr. and Mrs. Walford (Bud)
Gieenrod and their little baby were
guests last Sunday at the home of
the parents of Mrs. Greenrod, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert McCann.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Zaiser and Mrs.
J. P. Brendel made a trip to Omaha
Tuesday, Mr. Zaiser having business
to transact there and the ladies en
Joying a visit with friends.
Fred Marquardt and family were
at Louisville last Sunday, guests of
Mrs. Marquardt's mother. During
the day they enjoyed a swim at the
Mate park recreation grounds.
Wilber Stoval and wife of Weep
ing Water were here Tuesday even
ing, attending the open air picture
Bhow that is put on here each week
for the entertainment of the public.
A number of friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Swain Neilson called at their
home Tuesday evening to give the
ncwlyweds an old fashioned chari
vari. A very pleasant time was had
ty all. ;
Miss Phyllis Hogenmueller, daugh
ter of Station Agent and Mrs. Hogen
mueller, former residents here, but
now of Brock, was a guest of her
friend. Miss Jean Pittman, here, last
Robert McDonald and family went
to Manley Monday, and from there
with Mrs. O. E. McDonald, mother of
Robert, drove to Plattsmouth to
look after business matters for a
few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hauptman spent
last Sunday in Lincoln as guests at
the home of their son, Prof. L. M.
Hauptman and enjoyed seeing the
new grandson who recently arrived
at the horn of ther son and wife.
Mrs. Clam Kohl, formerly Miss
Clara Jourgeson, arrived from her
heme at Imperial and is visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Jourgeson, as well as re
newing acquaintance with her many
friends in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Thomas, of
Shenandoah, rpent last Sunday in
Aoca, being en route to London,
Kansas, when they had recently
taken their daughters. Misses Aline
and Nadine, for a visit at the home
of Mr. Thomas' parents.
Cards have been received here an
nouncing the marriage of Miss Viv
ian Kuhnen and John Lamb, which
is to take piace next .Wednesday,
- August 9. The wedding will be fol
lowed by a reception at Syracuse,
where the contracting parties reside.
v Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Terrell de
parted last Monday for Omaha,
where they visited at the-home of
Terrell's son, George A. Stites and
family, for a day, and then went on
to Fremont to spend a couple of
days at the home of Mr. Terrell's
brother, Thomas Terrell.
Shower in Honor of Bride
Mesdames Phillis Straub and Carl
Tefft were sponsors of a miscellan
eous shower which was given on las
Wednesday at the Straub home in
honor of Mrs. Gerald D. McCord, the
former Miss Hazel Baier. A large
r-.umber of friends of the bride at
tended and she was the recipient of
many useful gifts. The McCords will
reside in Tekamah, where Mr. Mc
Cord is employed as a linotype op
erator on one of the newspapers of
that city. They were married in
Plattsmouth Saturday evening, July
20th, at the home of County "Judge
A. II. Duxbury, where Miss Baier
resided during a portion of the time
she was employed as a reporter by
the Journal.
Were Married Last Week
Last Wednesday witnessed the
wedding of Miss Charlotte Hauschild
and Floyd Mohr, both residing in
the North Branch neighborhood and
clso that of Marie Angie Kimbell
and Otto Steubendick, which was cel
ebrated at the North Branch church,
followed by a reception. All of the
rartlcipants are well known young
people of the community and best
withes are extended to them for fu
ture happiness and success.
Birthday Duly Celebrated
Archie Hallstrom had a birthday
lart Monday, July 31, and was the
l-onor guest at a birthday party at
tended by a number of his young
friends. During the afternoon, Mrs.
Hallstrom took the members of the
party to Nebraska City, where they
enjoyed attending the picture show.
Refreshments rounded out the happy
afternoon- '
Boom Carsten for Lt. Gov.
Friends of Senator Fred L. Car
sten have been talking of him for
Lieutenant Governor on the repub
lican ticket. Senator Carsten has
had extensive experience in state af
fairs and has made a very able legis
lator, both ia the house under the
bi-cameral system and as a member
of the two unicameral legislatures,
lie is not only capable, but a man
of highest integrity and honesty and
hua many friends both at home and
throughout the state. Whether or
not he will consider becoming a can
didate, like President Roosevelt, he
has not yet spoken on the subject.
However the move is under way and
gaining momentum as friends seek
to draft him for this important state
office, that carries with it the re
sponsibilities of presiding over the
legislative sessions.
Eain Benefits Crops Greatly
The rain which came last Tuesday,
August 1, was of generous propor
tions, measuring nearly two inches.
The soil was nicely soaked and the
prospects of a good corn crop greatly
increased. Most of Cass county has
received enough rainfall to insure a
fair crop, but from Eagle west for
a hundred miles or more the corn is
said to be badly burned. Beyond
ILiFtings the moisture has been more
adequate and prospects are better.
Many at Eagle Celebration
A good number of the people of
Avoca went to Eagle to attend the
celebration held there last week
among them being John Marquardt,
Harold Greenrod and Emery Voyles,
who took a car over to enter it in
the hazard race over a rough plat of
newly plowed ground, with many
hazards along the way. While the
race proved very exciting to the
spectators, the dangers were consid
ered so great that life insurance
companies required a waiving of the
right of benefits for injuries or death
that might tesult from such fool
hardy participation.
Clyde Skinner, who is recovering
from a broken arm, has his arm out
o' the cast now.
Miss Margaret Jean Stroemer is
spending the week with Miss Louise
McPherson of Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mickle were
Sunday afternoon visitors at the
Robert Miek'.e home at Avoca.
Lee Copple took part in the ama
teur hour program at Eagle Thurs
day. He was heard in a violin solo.
Mrs. William Limbeck of Lincoln
is visiting relatives here a few days.
She is the former Miss Josephine
Ay res.
Miss Margaret Jean Stroemer and
Miss Katherine Edwards spent the
week-end with Miss Grace Muen-
chau at reru.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards are
leaving for a few days' vacation, to
be spent at the home of their son,
Boyd and wife, in Denver.
Mrs. Mary Stout visited her
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Klyver of Lin
coln from Friday of last week until
Wednesday of this week.
Mrs. Harvey Hires accompanied
her brother, Paul B. Johnson, to
Omaha Tuesday afternoon when
IV. ul B. took in a truck load of
Nadine and Harold Dickerson of
Lincoln returned home Sunday after
several days visit with their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hanna Mogensen of Omaha, little
niece of Mr. and Mrs. Rehmeier and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor return
ed home after a week's visit with
relatives here.
Several farmers have had trouble
with sick hogs. H. L. Eornemeier
had the misfortune to lose ten nice
ones and thought he possibly would
lore a few more. Harold Tirhblin has
also lost several nice hogs. j
Departs for Home
Mrs. Mildred Brown Vanasse of
Worcester, Massachusetts, daughter
of Mr. John Brown, who is ill at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. A. B.
Stromer, left for her home in the
cost after a two weeks' "visit with
her father and sister.
j Working at Big Springs
Victor Miller and Forrest Hard
nock, who started out lor a trip to
th ? western part of the state, as well
as Utah and other places, have been
at Big Springs for several days,
where Rev. and Mrs. , Wallace, who
were at Alvo last year, helped the
boys secure work. Victor reported
to his folk3 that he will still hv
a couple of weeks' work there, while
Forrestt will soon be through , with
his work.
Forrest was planning then to go
to Fort Morgan, Colorado, where he
would visit relatives and possibly
secure more work for himself and
Victor. The boys reported that they
were well and enjoying their trip.
Moved to New Location
Mr. and Mrs. Sherrell Fifer, who
recently moved into the Hoffman
pioperty west of town, moved to the
J. B. Elliott, Sr., farm Saturday,
where they will make their home.
Sherrell will farm the Elliott farm
the coming jear.
Entertained Rope Club
Darrell Kinney entertained the
Rope club members at his home last
Thursday evening. After the regular
lesson and Lusiness meeting, the
boys played g;imes. Delicious refresh
ments were served by the host.
Garage is Destroyed
The garage at the Buttenbauch
home in town burned Saturday
morning. The origin of the fire was
not known, but it was thought that
it possibly may have started in a
pile of slack coal in the garage.
Here from California
Last week Mr. Ed Stone surprised
relatives and friends when he ar-
lived from California, where he has
been making his home for the past
three years, for a few weeks' visit.
Mr. Stone is enjoying the best of
health and :.t having a grand time
calling on relatives and old friends.
Passes Away
Mrs. Richard Williams, who had
been so seriously ill the past few
weeks, passed away last week and
funeral services were held at Cer
csco Sunday afternoon. The Wil
liams family, who were former Alvo
people, have been living in Ceresco
the past three years. The family
have the heaitfelt sympathy of their
Alvo friends.
Drive to Iowa
Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Thompson left
Tuesday for Iowa, where they went
Jo look at a farm to rent. They had
also made a trip into Iowa the week
Here from Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ayres, Ruth
and Mary Lou and Mr. and Mrs.
Euell Hart, all of Bobina, Texas,
arrived here Sunday evening for a
few weeks' y'.sit with relatives. The
Ayres family moved to Texas last
September. Mrs. Hart is the former
Miss Maxine Ayres.
Depart for Home
Mr. and Airs. Buck Ellison and
three children of Bobina, Texas,
left for their home in the Lone Star
slate Friday morning after a ten
days' visit with relatives here.
Car Sideswiped
Reese Williams of Riverside, Cali
fornia, who is here visiting, met with
an auto accident Sunday afternoon
three miles north of town, when his
car was sideswiped by another car
as he and some of the relatives were
returning home from the funeral of
Mrs. Richard Williams of Ceresco.
Senator H. Styles Bridges, R.. N. H
said today his chanre that the Nc
braska hydro-electric development
was not feasible was based on the
report of an army board of engineers
to congress in 1933. a renort of the
bureau of reclamation in 1923, and
a report of a PWA engineer named
Oldberg in 1934.
Bridges yesterday introduced a
resolution asking an investigation
into the entire hydro-electric setup
There have been no army engineer
reports since 1933 but engineer?
said a current survey is now under
way. In its 1933 report the army
board said: "The board is, there
fore, of the opinion that the Im
provement of the Platte river for
navigation in connection with powr
development control of floods or irri
gation or combination therefore is
not advisable at the present time."
LINCOLN, Aug. 3 (UP) The
state railway commission announced
today that railroads would establish
the same rates as motor trucks on
shipments of fresh apples from
Falls City and Shubert to Omahn.
Lincoln, Grand Island and Hastings.
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
3 (UP) History's second attempt
to ascend into the stratosphere using
a cluster of fifty small balloons end
ed last night just ten feet above
the ground, A strong wind thwarted
the attempt of Captain Earl Bar
rows to go aloft and the aeronaut
himself narrowly escaped Injury.
Barrows attempted to ascend last
night after his ground crew had
filled the five-foot rubber balloon
with hydrogen. Several hundred
spectators saw the cluster of bal
loons propelled by the wind, drag
ging Barrows along the ground foi
forty or fifty feet, then rise about
ten feet and sweep toward the State
Fair park grandstand. Barrows leap
ed to the ground from his feet swing
ing below the packs unhurt. The
balloons disappeared in a cloud.
Professor Jean Pickard made the
first multi-balloon flight near
Rochester, Minnesota in 1937.
LINCOLN. Aug. 3 (UP) Nate M.
Parsons of Lincoln, who was elected
as short-term lieutenant governor
last year, filed today as a demo
cratic candidate for the lieutenant
gubernatorial nomination in 1940.
Parsons completed an unexpired
term of former Lieutenant Gover
nor Walter Jurgensen last year. Ho
is the first candidate in either party
to enter the race for that post. He
said he believed his "life-long ac
tive connection with the democratic
party, my having served as vice
chairman of the state central com
mittee during the 1936 campaign
while at the same time serving as
treasurer of the Lancaster county
central committee, and the approval
of me at the last election, entitles
me to this recognition."
The national labor relations board
today ordered General Motors Cor
poration to cease alleged espionage
upon the activities of its employees
at its Delco-Ramy subsidiary plant
in Andatson, Indiana. It also direct
ed the company to disestablish the
Del-Ramy Employees Association,
inc.. an alleged company union.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Byron Golding, deceased. No. 3410:
Take notice that the time limited
fur the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Decem-bf-r
4, 1939; that a hearing will be
hod at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on December 8, 1939,
at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated August 3, 1939.
(Seal) a7-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Charles E. Cook, deceased.
No. 3421:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Raymond C. Cook as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
1st day of September, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated August 1. 1939.
(Seal) a7-3v County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Elisabeth Spangler, deceas
ed. No. 3422:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
Anna Wiles as Administratrix; that
so id petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 8th day
ot September, 1939, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated August 2, 1939.
(Seal) a7-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
Ttv virtue oi an
Alia3 Order of Sale issued by C. E.
Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, xseDras
ka, and to mo directed, I will on the
26th day of August. A. D. 1939, at
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth in
said county, eell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash the
following real estate, to-wit:
Lots 9 and 10, Block 152,
City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Gailand R.
Rhoden et al, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska,
a municipal corporation, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 19.
A. D. 1939.
Sheriff Cass County,
jy24-5w Nebraska.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska. . . , .
To all persons interested in the
estate of John Henry Herold, deceas
ed. No. 3226:
Take notice that the Executor of
said estate has filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
counts, determination of heirship,
assignment -of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said
petition and report will be heaTdbe
fcre said Court on September 1, 1939,
at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated July 24, 1939.
(Seal) Jy31-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Elizabeth CaTr, deceased. No. 3415:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Novem
ber 20, 1939; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
I lattsmouth on November 24,. 1939,
at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated July 24, 1939.
(Seal) jy24-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Clara M. Searle, deceased.
No. 3116:
Take notice that the Administrator
of said estate has filed his final re
port and a petition for examination
a id allowance of his administration
accounts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said peti
tion and report will be heard before
said Court on August 18, 1939, at
ten o'clock a. m.
Dated July 21, 1939.
(Feal) Jy24-3w County Judge.
on the Creation of the Proposed Cass
Soil Conservation District
(Embracing Lands Lying in
Cass County, Nebraska)
within the proposed Cass Soil Con
servation District, comprising terri
tory in Cass County, Nebraska, de
scribed as follows:
NE'4 Sec. 1; S Sec. 12: all of
See. 13; KM NE'4 and SBU Sec.
21. all in Township UN, Range 9E;
All that part of Sections 10. 11,
and 13 lying south of the Platte
river, except all town lots within the
limits of South Bend. Nebr.; Sec
tions 14, 15. 22 to 27, incl.. W
Sf-c. 31. all of Sec. 34, 35. SM Sec.
3t-". all in Township 12N, Range
10E; and
All of Sec. 1 to 29. incl.. N& N
Sec. 30; E'4 NE'4 Sec. 33; all of
Sec. 34. 35, 36, less all town lots in
Mi.rdock and Wabash, Nebr., In
Township UN, flange 10E; and
KV6 Sec. 5 and 6; all Sec. 7 and
S; WMs Sec. 9: NV '4 Sec. 16, all
Sec. 17. 18. 19. NW'4 and N NEU
and N4 SWU Sec. 20; N and
SW'4 Sec. 25: NH and SW'4 Sec.
2C-; all Sec. 27. 28. 29, 30; NE',4
Sec. 33; NVt Sec. 34; NW'4 Sec.
35. all in Township UN, Range
HE; and
Sec. 2. Si J Sec. 3,. NW'4 and SM
Pec. 4. all of Sec. 5 less all lots
within the limits of Cedar Creek,
Nebraska: that part of Sec. 6 lying
south of the Platte river: all of Sec.
7. 8, 9. 10. NW'4 and W SW'4
Sec. 11; NW'4 NW4 Sec. 14; N
NE'4 and NW'4 Sec. 15, all See.
16. 17. 18, 19: Nii N' and SW'4
NV.M4 Sec. 20. W', NW'4 Sec. 29,
all Sec. 30. E', Sec. 31, in Town
ship 12N, Range 12E; and
NEVi and NA SE'4 Sec. 6, all
Sec. 29; N and SE'4 Sec. 30, all
in Township UN, Range 12E; all
in Cass county, Nebraska.
ou the 18th day of August, 1939,
between the hours of two and eight
o'clock p. m., a referendum will be
held in the above described territory
upon the proposition of the creation
of the Cass Soil Conservation Dis
trict, as a governmental suDdivtsion
and a public body corporate and po
litic, under the provisions of the
Soil Conservation Districts law of
tris state.
For the purpose of the said refer
endum, voting places will be opened
at the following described places:
1 The Woodman Hall, in
Murdock, Nebraska;
2 The School House, in Ced
ar Creek, Nebraska;
3 The Fred Rehmeier resi
dence, in K NE4 Section 34,
Township UN, Range HE, in
Cass county, Nebraska.
All persons, firms, and corpora
tions who hold title to any lands
lying within the said territory as
owners are eligible to vote. Only
such persons, firms, and corporations
are eligible to vote. Where title to
land is held by a corporation, a duly
appointed officer or agent of the cor
poration may be given a general or
special power by said corporation,
which shall be in writing, and may
cast a single vote in its behalf.
Agents of private individuals are not
privileged to vote, as said . individ
ual? may vote either In person or by Non-resident landowners may
vote by mail upon making request
for ballot from the Executive Secre
tary of the State Soil Conservation
Committee at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Mail ballots must be postmarked no
later than midnight of the date of
' Dated this 1st day of August,
10' 3 9
By H. E. Engstrom;
a?-3w Executive Secretary.
In Ihe County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska. . .
, Te all .persons, interested In the
estate of Fayette Kested, deceased.
No. 3420:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administra
tion of said estate and appointment
of Wm. J. Rau as Administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing 'before said Court on the
18th day of August, 1939, at ten
o'clock a,. . m.
Dated July 18, 1939.
(Seal) jy24-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
t.u. Nahrrmka.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Ambrose M. Searle, deceas
ed. No. 3071:
Take notice that the Administra
tor de bonis non of said estate has
filed his final report and a petition
for examination and allowance of his
administration accounts, determina
tion of heirship, assignment of resi
due of said estate and for his dis
charge: that said petition and re
port will be heard before said Court
on August 18, 1939, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated July 21, 1939.
(Seal) jy24-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
The Northwestern Mutual
Life Insurance Company, a
William J. N3wham as Ad
ministrator of the Estate
of William H. Newham,
Deceased, et al,
NOTICE is hereby given to "All
the heirs, devisees, legatees, person
al representatives and other persons
interested in the estate of William
H. Newham, deceased, real names
unknown, and. All persons having or
claiming any interest in the West
Half of the Southwest Quarter of
Section nine, in Township ten north,
or Range eleven east. Also that part
of the Southeast Quarter of Section
eight, in . Township ten north of
Range eleven, east, bounded and de
scr:bd as follows, viz: Beginning at
the northeast corner of said south
east quarter and running thence
west one hundred six and two-thirds
rods; thence routh sixty rods; thence
east one hundred six and two-thirds
rods, and thence north sixty rods to
the place of beginning, containing
forty acres, more or less. The prem
ises in the aggregate containing one
hundred twenty acres, more or less,
subject to public easement for high
ways as now located, Cass County,
Nebraska, real names unknown."
You and each of you are notified
that on the 13th day of July, 1939,
The Northwestern Mutual Life In
surance Company, a corporation, as
plaintiff, filed its petition and com
nienced an action in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you. Ap
pearance Docket 9, page 140, the
object and purpose of which Is to
secure a judgment and decree of
the amount due plaintiff under and
foreclosing a mortgage made by Wil
liam II. Newham and Sarah E. New
ham, his wife, both of whom are
now deceased, to the plaintiff on the
2Sth day of February, 1931, record
ed on the 12th day of March, 1931,
in Volume 62 of Mortgages on page
559 of the mortgage records of Cass
County, Nebraska, which mortgage
"the west half of the south
west quarter of Section nine, in
Township ten north, of Range
eleven east. Also that part of
the southeast quarter of Section
eight, in township and range
aforesaid, bounded and describ
ed as follows, viz: Beginning at
the northeast corner of said
Southeast quarter and running
thence west one hundred six and
two-thirds rods; thence south
sixty rods; thence east one hun
dred six and two-thirds rods
and thence north sixty rods to
the place of beginning, contain
ing forty acres, more or less.
The premises hereby mortgaged
contain in the aggregate, one
hundred twenty acres, more or
less, subject to public easement
for highways as now located,
Cass county. Nebraska."
and was given to secure the payment
of one promissory note made by Wil
liam. II. Newham, now" deceased, to
the plaintiff in the sum of $7,000.00
of which amount $6,400.00 is due
and unpaid with interest thereon at
5 per annum, from February 28th,
1928. Plaintiff also seeks to recover
$48.97 advanced by it for the first
half of the 1938 taxes with interest,
thereon at 10 from June 9, 1939,
end decreeing said mortgage, inter
est and taxes a first lien on said
mortgaged premises and directing
the sale of said premises described
in the mortgage in satisfaction of
the amount so found due in the event
it is not paid , in twenty days, and
foreclosing each and all of said de
fendants of ail right, title, interest
and equity of redemption in or to
said mortgaged premises, and al
lowing plaintiff costs of suit and
equitable relief.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 2Sth day of August, 1939, and
if you fail to answer on or before
said date, the allegations contained
therein will be taken as true and
judgment rendered and decree en
tered accordingly.
By Plaintiff.
i Its Attorney.
jy20-4w ,
To Earl D." Jefferson and Esther
Jefferson, husband and wife; Anna
Belle Jefferson and James Jefferson,
wife and husband:
Yon and each of you are hereby
notified that Alma Amelia Heilman
as plaintiff, on the 20th day of June,
1339, filed her duly verified petition
in the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, against you and each of
you, together with Harwood M. Penn
and others, as defendants, the object
and prayer of said petition being
for a partition of the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The South Half of the North
west Quarter (S'4 NW'4) and
the North Halt of the South
west Quarter (NVfc SW'4) of
Section Eighteen (18), Town
ship Eleven (11), North, Range
Nine (9): and the Northwest
Quarter (NW'4) and the West
Half of tlfe Northeast Quarter
(W NE'4) of Section Thirty
one (31), Township Eleven (11)
North, Range Nine (9), all East
of the 6th Principal Meridian
in Cas3 County, Nebraska
in which real estate it is allejred that
Earl D. Jefferson has an undivided
one-sixteenth (116) interest and
Anna Belle Jefferson has an un
divided one-eighth (18) interest;
the plaintiff prays the Court to enter
its decree confirming the shares of
the various parties interested in said
real estate, as alleged in said peti
tion, and that if said real estate
cannot be equitably divided, that the
same be sold and the proceeds there
of divided among the parties accord
ing to their respective rights, and
for such other and different relief
as justice and equity may require.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 21st day of
August, 1939.
Dated this 11th day of July. 1939.
By Plaintiff.
Her Attorney.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will
on the 12th day of August, A. D.
1939, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in said county, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Part of the southeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter de
scribed as follows: Beginning
48 links west of the northeast
corner of the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter of Sec
tion 32, Township 12, North of
Range 9, East of the 6th P. M.,
running thence west 77 Ts rods
to the northwest corner of said
40 acre tract; thence south 41T
rods to a stone; thence east 47 '4
rods to Burlington and Missouri
River Railroad right of way;
thence in a northeasterly direc
tion along said right of way, 51
rods to beginning, except a strip
of land 50 feet wide running
parallel with said railroad on
east side of said land, of Section
32, in Township 12, North of
Range 9, East of the 6th Prin
cipal Meridian, containing 15.45
acres, more or less, according to
the Government survey, in Cass
county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of June E.
Kyles et al. Defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation,
a Corporation, Plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July S,
Sheriff Cass County,
Jyl0-5w Nebraska.
on Petition for Determination
of Heirship
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Estate of Cosie Blanchard. deceas
ed. Estate No. 3418.
The State of Nebraska: To all mr-
sons interested in said estate, credi
tors and heirs take notice, that Myr
tle A. Blanchard. Geneva J Tnmlin.
son and Juanita L. Miller have filed
their petition alleging that Cosie
Blanchard died intestate on nr nhmit
April 16, 1927, being a resident and
inhabitant of Wray, Yuma county,
Colorado, and died seized of the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
'ine north one-half (N'4) ot
the northeast quarter (NE'4 )
of Section twenty-eight (28),
Township ten (10). North of
Range nine (9), East of the
6th P. M., Cass county, Ne
braska leaving as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named persons, to
wit: Myrtle A. Blanchard. viifo- r:.,,-
eva J. Tomlinson and Juanita L. Mil
ler, daughters;
That the interpst of tho
- vn IVll"
ers in the above described real es
tate la as heirs at law of said de
ceased, and praying for a determina
tion of the time of the death nf cairi
Cosie Blanchard and of his heirs, the
degree of kinship and the right of
descent of the real property belong
ing to the said deceased, in the State
of Nebraska.
It is ordered that ih sama tn
for hearlnsr on th 4th riv nf
ust, 1939, before the County Court
of Cass County in the court house at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, nt th nn,,r
of 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated at Plattsmouth. vhmct..
this 8th day ot July. A. D. 1939.
(Seal) Jyl0-3w County Judze.
Deeds. Maptnn an 1 1
of legal blanks for sale at the
Journal office.