THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1939. PLATTS2I0UTH SEMX - WEEKLY JOTJHNAX PAGE F0T7E EAGLE HS ITEMS Mrs. Ira Stall entertained the O. S C. club at her home last Thurs day afternoon. Miss Dorothy Baldwin, of near Talmyra, visited her cousin, Miss Viola Root, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Judkins came from. Lincoln last Saturday evening end visited Mrs. Emma Judkins. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daub left lor their home at Fort Clark, North Dakota, on Thursday morning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey "Wall of West Point visited relatives in Edgle and Palmyra over the past week end. Mrs. Houston Welton, of Rock rort. Missouri, recently visited her Pirentsr Mr. and Mrs. Carl Price and other relatives. Roy Beach, who enjoyed his leave fr-vm the navy with home folks, left for the west coast on Friday morning cf last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobeck and children of Havelock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Trum He and Lloyd. Mrs. E. II. May enjoyed having her father, Charles Gray, Sr., of. Douglas visit her from Saturday un til Monday e vening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith return ed home the first of this week from a a extended motor trip through the northwestern part of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Oberle and daughter, Sherry Lee, of Lincoln spent Monday with Mr. Oberle's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oberle. Miss Iola Jacobsineier returned from California the latter part of lust week, where she attended the fair and visited other places of in terest. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. May and son, Ormond. and Chas. Gray of Douglas motored to Pawnee City last Sun day and visited Mrs. May's brother, T. G. Gray and family. Miss Zelma Waldron of Adams, who has taught Home Economics in tle public schools of Eagle for the rest three years, was in town Tues ; . . i 1 Bible School Sunday, July 23rd "Asa: A Life of Trust" II Chron. 14:2-12. To study this man includes Chap ters 15 and 16; the printed portion ol Chapter 14 would give us only one side of his life the best side. The scriptures give us a complete story of each Bible character, so in this case. There are few men of which the Bible speaks but who had some faults. Asa, the third king of the kingdom of Judah, a direct de scendant of David, had much of his ancestor in Ma make-up; the begin ning of his reign was pleasing to God; his start was such that .we would look for a brilliant career, and if continued would end In a blaze of glory. His simple trust in the almighty God, when forced into a defensive war with the armies of Zerah, king of Ethiopia, with untold cumbers thousands and thousands; Asa could only muster an army of 80,000. This would be an unequal battle,- and the outcome would be the defeat of A3a'a host. In this extremity, Asa had a talk with God, and God heard and gave Asa a great victory. But, as stated above, Asa had pleased God, in that he had a great housecleaning, restor ing the worship of Jehovah. It seems if. has always been so that there comes a slump after a great revival, a relaxation, a reaction hence the everlasting urge of the church for a renewal, a replenishing of the fire upon the family altar an infilling of pentecastal power. It is so human to take a rest after the battle and victory, but Asa did not stop there, he pursued when he had the enemy on the run. Had the dry element pursued the "wets" when they had gained the battle, and utterly routed the booze crowd, there would have been no "rpeal." So, in the Christian life,, which is a warfare, from beginning to the end; the enemy will - not-give -us rest. If there comes a lull In be tween open battles, then is the time to prepare for the next battle. Here Asa gives us a fine example. Where his first ten years as king were a fine example for a king to his peo ple, the next five were better. His reformation nnd abolishing idoletry went so far that he put his mother, Maachuh, In. herplace. . deposed her from being queen because of her idolotroua lifa and bad influence on the life of the nation. Now God gave Asa another ten year of peace. What a wonderful blessing he and his kingdom enjoyed day of this week, arranging to be re leased from her contract here. Miss Waldron has been offered a like posi tion In the Alnsworth public school syttem. J. L. Wall, accompanied by Alton Kaase, of Bonnet, left for Alliance early Monday morning, where Mr. Wall will operate his threshing ma chine again this season. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Rockenbach were honored at a party last Wed nesday evening, July 12, on their golden wedding anniversary, at the heme of Mrs. Rockenbach's sister, Mrs. Witt, naar Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomson end sons of Palmyra, Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Johnson of Alvo, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wall of West Point and Alton Haase of Bennet were Sunday dinner guest3 of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wall and Melva. Rev. Donald Springer arrived home Ijst Saturday after having completed a six weeks' course at Garrett Theo logical Seminary at Evanston, Illi nois. During the absence of Rev. Springer, Marvin Snyder of Waverly had charge of the Sunday services. Free Swim Week Mrs. Bert Lytle, chairman of the local Red Cross organization, reports that about- fifty permits have been obtained by children in the Eagle community and signed by a parent or guardian, thus giving them the opportunity to take advantage of the free swim week and training course during the week of July 19 to 25, inclusive, offered at South Bend and sponsored by the American Red Cross. Either Mrs. Lytle or someone ap pointed by her will accompany the gioup to South Bend each day. . The people of this community greatly appreciate the special train ing that will be given the children from Eagle during the week. Early Resident Passes Away Mrs. Samuel Westlake passed away at her home Monday afternoon of this week at the age of 77 years. Although she had not been in good hot 1th for several years, her death came quite suddenly. She leaves her Lesson Study! .By L. Neitzel, Murdock, Neb. all this came to him because: "Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of Jehovah his God." That is "The Life!" But. too much prosperity is dangerous to the best of us. Adversity brings man a lot nearer to God than prosperity. These peaceful twenty-five years, with the exception of one war, were not Inducive to a closer walk with God just so men live today. They served God faithfully when in poor circumstances, but as wealth in creased their ardor and zeal cooled perceptibly. 13 that treating God fair? "For it is he that giveth thee strength to get wealth." Now come3 the time when the softening period of the time of peace and prosperity show up. The king's enthusiasm in the service, instead of increasing with age, is diminishing. The following incident proves It: Baasha. king of Israel threatens an invasion into Judah, and instead of going to Go.1 with the impending trouble, Asa takes the gold and sil ver of the temple treasure and sends it to Beuhadad, the kng of Syria, bribing him to break his alliance with Baasha, king of Israel and make sn alliance with him. Yes, politics in those days were much like today. And money will buy most men they have their price. But will they stay bought? Can you trunt a nation that is lor sale? Won't they go to the highest bidder? Th?re is no honor In the one who offers the bribe nor in the one who takes it. Asa went back on God, who had given him such . a great victory over Egypt and Ethio pia. Did God forsake Asa? No; he was grieved, but would call him to repentance. Hanani is sent to Asa to rebuke him for rejecting Jehovah. Now we see how far Asa had really gotten away from God he is angry with God's messenger, because he had told him. the truth-and put Hanani in prison. So wjll men get angry if the min ister of God tells them their wrong doing. Man has not changed since the days of Asa. The lesson tor us In this study is to serve God and trust him In good and evil dayj. When we go astray and God gives us a warning, we should thank him on bended knees for bis watchful care; he does not want us to get into trouble -may we teed the voice of warning and thank God for a fearless minister who Is bo4 enough, to tell u,3 ot puf shrt coctfng3. ' . , husband, one son, Jesse, two grand sons, Clinton and Clarence, and one sibter, Mrs. William Norris, in the Eagle community. Snappy Stitcher Club The Snappy Stitchers held their fourth meeting at the home of Etta Mae Blodgett, Tuesday, July 11th. The girls judged their slips which they had made and also set in the sleeves to Etta Mae's dress for her. All were present but Verda Rocken bach. After meeting was adjourned a nice lunch was served and then sev eral games were played. Visitors were Margaret and Roberta Kunx. Doris Bird, News Reporter. Yum-Yum Cooking Club The Yum-Yum Cooking club met with Elizabeth Gardner on July 13. All members except Marlon Dysart and Velma Siekman were present. Elizabeth Gardner and Betty Folk en gave a demonstration on how to cook five minute cabbage. After the meeting, a lunch of ice cream, cook ies and iced drink was served. Following the lunch games were played. Norma Mae Peterson, of Lincoln, was a visitor. The next meeting will be held with Velma Siekman on July 27. Barbara Boren, Reporter. UNION ITEMS. Henry H. Becker and wife were in Omaha Monday of this week looking after some business matters. John Hansen of Nehawka was look ing after some business matters in Union Monday of this week. Visit our funeral home Learning the facts brings peace of mind. Por ter Funeral Home, Nebraska City. Olin Morris and wife were visiting in Union last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Morris and with their many friends here. Olin is en joying a vacation from his work. Postmaster and Mrs. George Leslie Everett, were host and hostess to a number of their friends at their coun try home last Sunday when Theolan Lee and Lucean Croford and their families were guests for the day. Miss Gussie Robb was hostess to the members of the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union Thursday of last week. They looked after 'the business which called them, together and as well enjoyed a very pleasant social time. Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Keedy who is engaged in the pharmacy business in Ashland were visitors in Union last Sunday, being guests while here with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Banning, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Porter, A. L. Bar ker and as well their many friends here. Harold Austin, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Austin and four compan ions of Plattsmouth departed for the mountains in Colorado last Monday where they are expecting to stay for ten days or two weeks. Harold Aus tin is grandson of Wm. Craig of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Clarence, Loy Pell of Union and J. L. Pell and family of Omaha were gathered in a family reunion at Hanscom park in Omaha last Sunday where they enjoyed their all day picnic with dinner and supper at the park and say they participated in all the Btunts which was there for the unwary. Just ask Mrs. Victor Clarence about it, she can" tell you all about what was just done for fun. John Carper Dies in Denver. John Carper, well known in Union and this vicinity, who was born here somo 72 years ago and lived in east ern Cass county for a number of years before departing for the west, has been making his home in Denver for some time, died last Friday. The funeral was held at his late h-nne there on Monday, July 17th. Mr. Carper has many friends and relatives in and about Union. Mr. JCarper was born near Weeping Water. Many friends wen from Weeping HELP STOMACH DIGEST FOOD . Without Laxatives and You'll Et Everything iron Soup to Nut . 7" Vcb thou Id difeit two pound! of fowl 5f l. Wh by. wt. eoana or foodl or whto you it iwrroua. hurried ar i. T. ;kii rm pour out io RlUCll nuid. Tour fnwf iImm'i ... .. iu, hMribarn. uum, pita or . tour Doctor nr nrf uk UUr for tomaati f!.1!1 J,' J? n'w nl foollih. It ult,t tho ItttU bUrti Ublwi called B'J.ri for TndltHon to auk tht nn umcU fluids bmrmleu, rUr oiitreu in no ttm and put rou btrk n our fet..BUr i to Quick it U amialnf and an 23 Fackaga pro It. Aik for BtU-io (ar ladlfaaUao. MEM l6VEVnrn cimswiTH VUlr you are lavue : Bl men cfuit, eirls. When tjiey r to partita tbey rant girls along who re full of pep. So in tas you seed a food general tyttom tonic remember for I generation one woman baa. told another bow to go "smllirif thru" with Lydia . Pinknam'a Vegetable Compound. If belpa bulla up more pbyaical Etance and thua aid in giving you more peppy s fun of fun. met) wd roa to dancea ih parties. 1 rf. it you are eroaa, Uatlma aa4 tfrwj; won't bo-Intercatad Men aWt lik Water to attend the funeral. He was a relative of Cora Hargus and Ma thllde Hargus. The funeral was attended by J. H. Ruhman and daugh ter, Mrs. W. E. Reynolds of Union. Missouri vs. Nebraska. A Missouri baseball team hailing from Watson, and a Nebraska prod uct, this team from Union, engaged in a hotly contested ball game last Sunday In Union. They did not have to play hard to have a hot game for it was 100 in the shade. The Union boys won the game 15 to 9. The boys are rather elated as they have been winning rather regularly of late. They are lslted to play the coming Sunday with Nelson at Union. Entertained Missionaries Wednesday. That is, the members of the mis sionary society of Union and Murray are indeed missionaries, and all were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ray Frans. Mrs. Frans was regu larly entertaining members of the society in Union and as a means of making It more enjoyable had the members of the missionary society of Murray as guests. Funeral of Mrs. Ida Roddy. Miss Ida Davis was born at Wyo ming in Otoe county September 24, 1872, and spent all her life in Otoe and Cass counties. She was united In marriage with John Roddy April 5, 1894. To this union seven chil dren were born, two of whom, Ben jamin, who died as a member of the expeditionary forces in 1918 and Ber nard who passed away in 1921, pre ceded her in death. Those surviving are Mrs. Stuart Earles of Snohomish, Washington; Mrs. A. F. Shelley of Nebraska City, Patrick Roddy of Bea trice, Eugene and Margaret of Union. Mrs. Roddy was a lifelong devoted member of the St. Mary's Catholic church om Nebraska City. She had a large circle of friends who were en deared to her on account of her kind ly disposition and true Christian character. She had been suffering Trora a heart ailment for some time and passed away at her late home in Union Tuesday of last week, July 13th. The funeral was held at Nebraska City Monday morning at 9 o'clock with the interment there. A large concourse of friends cf the departed were gathered to pay their last tri butes of respect to a woman who had by her kindly deeds ever upheld the teachings of the lowly Nazarene. There were many friends from Wyo ming, Nehawka afld Union in attend ance, t POSTAL TO RESUME OPERATIONS The Postal Telegraph and Cable company, operated throughout south east Nebraska since 1933 by the Lin coln Telephone and Telegraph com pany, will resume-complete oper ation of its facilities in this territory on August 1. New office locations for the tele graph company have been secured in Lincoln, Hastings and Beatrice the only telephone company points In which complete telegraph and mes senger organizations were maintln ed. Conditions over which it had no control chiefly matters of national legislation and regulation made it impractical for the telephone com pany to continue to operate the Postal Company's facilities in this territory. The Postal Telegraph company will, however, continue to make use of the telephone system for the re ceipt and transmission of messages to and from its offices, and telegram and messenger charges will still be billed on telephone statements, ac cording to Area Manager George DobBon, of Plattsmouth. d&w LEGAL NOTICE In the Matter of the Application of Henry A. Tool, Executor, for License to sell Real Estate: NOTICE OP SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a License to Sell Real Estate and Order of Bale issued by the Hon. V. W. Wilson, Judge of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on the 17th day of July, lt)39. that I, Henry A. Tool, Execu tor of the Estate of Fred Diekmann, deceased, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, that is to say, ten. per cent on the day of the sale and the balance when said sale shall be confirmed by the Court, and deed delivered, at the west front door of the Murdock Co-Operative Credit Association Building, Mur dock, Nebraska, at two o'clock in the afternoon on the 5th day ot August, 1539, the following described real ebtate, to-wit: Lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 3, Village of Mur dock, Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. Possession of said premises to be given purchaser or purchasers upon delivery of deed or deeds. Abstract showing merchantable title will be given purchaser. ; Dated this 17th day of July, 1939. HENRY A. TOOL, Executor of the Estate of Fred Diekmann, Deceased. CAly D. QAN3. ' ' Attorney. Jr. 17-3w WAYNR R. SAWTELl, Attorney Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an Order entered by the DfBtrict Court of Cass County, Ne braska, on June 26, 1939, in an ac tion In which Clara B. Weast, et al, are plaintiffs, and Frank Clement, et al. are defendants, directing and ordering the sale of the land here inafter described, I will, on Saturday, the 5th day of August, 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., at the south front door of the Cass county court house in the City of Platts Kiouth, Nebraska, sell at public auc tion, to tho highest bidder, the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Tho South halt (SH) of the Northeast quarter (NEVi) and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (SE4 of NWJ4) of Section thirty (30), Township twelve (12), Range twelve (12), East of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Ne braska uron the following terms: 10 per cent at time ot sale and balance up on confirmation of sale. Said sale will be held open one hour. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 30, 1939. A. L. TIDD, Jy3-5w Referee. NOTICE OF SUIT In the District Court of Casa County, Nebraska The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Comany, a Corporation, Plaintiff vs. William J. Njwham as Ad ministrator of the Estate of William I. Newham, Deceased, et al, Defendants NOTICE is hereby given to "All the heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives and other persons interested in the estate of William H. Newham, deceased, real names unknown, and, All persons having or claiming any interest in the West Halt of the Southwest Quarter of Section nine, in Township ten north, or Range eleven east. Also that part of the Southeast Quarter ot Section eight, in Township ten north of Range eleven, east, bounded and de scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at the northeast corner of said south cast quarter and running thence west one hundred six and two-thirds roas; thence routh sixty rods; thence east one hundred six and two-thirds rods, and thence north sixty rods to the place of beginning, containing forty acres, more or less. The prem ises in the aggregate containing one hundred twenty acres, more or less, subject to public easement for high ways as now located, Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown."- You and each of you are notified that on the 13th day of July, 1939, The Northwestern Mutual Life In surance Company, a corporation, as plaintiff, filed its petition and com menced an action in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, Ap pearance Docket 9, page 140, the object and purpose of which is to secure a judgment and decree of the amount due plaintiff under and foreclosing a mortgage made by Wil liam H. New-ham and Sarah E. New ham, his wife, both of whom are now deceased, to the plaintiff on the 2Sth day of February, 1931, record ed on the 12th day of March, 1931, in Volume 62 'of Mortgages on page 559 of the mortgage records of Cass County, Nebraska, which mortgage describes: "the west half of the south west quarter of Section nine, in Township ten north, of Range eleven east. Also that part of the southeast quarter of Section eight, in township and range aforesaid, bounded and describ ed as follows, viz: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Southeast quarter and running thence west one hundred six and two-thirds rods; thence south sixty rod3; thence east one hun dred six r.nd two-thirds rods and thence north sixty rods to the place of beginning, contain ing forty acres, more or less. The premises hereby mortgaged contain in the aggregate, one hundred twenty acres, more or less, subject to public easement for highways as now located, Cass county. Nebraska." and was given to secure the payment of one promissory note made by Wil liam II. Newham, now deceased, to the plaintiff in the sum of $7,000.00 of which amount $6,400.00 is due and unpaid with interest thereon at 5 per annum, from February 28th, 1928. Plaintiff also seeks to recover 14 8.97 advanced by it for the first half of the 1938 taxes with interest thereon at 10 from June 9, 1939, and decreeing said mortgage, Inter est and taxes a first lien on said mortgaged premises and directing the sale of said premises described in the mortgage in satisfaction of the amount so found due in the event it is not paid in twenty days, and foreclosing each and all of said de fendants of al right, title, Interest and equity cf redemption in or to said mortgaged premises, and al lowing plaintiff costs of suit and equitable relief. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 2Sth day of August, 1939. and if you fail to answer on or before 6aid date, ths allegations contained therein will be taken as true and Judgment rendered and decree en tered accordingly. THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation, By t Plaintiff. WM. M. HOLT, Its Attorney. jyqo-4w - Subscribe for the Journal. NOTICE OF SUIT To Earl D. Jefferson and Esther Jefferson, husband and wife; Anna Belle Jefferson and James Jefferson, wife and husband; You and each of you are hereby notified that Alma Amelia Heilman as plaintiff, on the 20th day of June, 1.'39, filed her duly verified petition In the District Court of Cass County, 'Nebraska, against you and each of you, together with Harwood M. Penn and others, as defendants, the object and prayer of. said petition being for a partition of the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The South Half of the North west Quarter (Si NW) and the North Half of the South west Quarter (N4 8Wi) of Section Eighteen (18). Town ship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9): and the Northwest Quarter (NW14) and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (WV4 NE4) of Section Thirty one (31), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), all East of the 6th Principal Meridian in Cass County, Nebraska In which real estate it is alleged that Earl D. Jefferson has an undivided one-sixteenth (116) interest and Anna Belle Jefferson has an un divided one-eighth (18) interest; the plaintiff prays the Court to enter its decree confirming the shares of the various parties interested In said real estate, as alleged In said peti tion, and that If said real estate cannot be equitably divided, that the same be sold and the proceeds there of divided among the parties accord ing to their respective rights, and for such other and different relief as Justice and equity may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of August. 1939. Dated this 11th day of July, 1939. ANNA AMELIA HEILMAN, By Plaintiff. G. H. RISSER, Her Attorney. J13-4w SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska 1 88. County of Casa J By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg way. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1939, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court house in said county, sell at ! public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Part of the southeast quar ter ot the northwest quarter de scribed as follows: Beginning 48 links west of the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Sec tion 32. Township 12, North of Range 9, East of the 6th P. M., running thence west 77 rods to the northwest corner of eaid -40 acre tract; thence south 41 rods to a stone; thence east 47 rods to Burlington and Missouri River Railroad right of way; thence in a northeasterly direc tion along said right of way, 51 rods to beginning, except a strip of land 50 feet wide running parallel with said railroad on east side of said land, of Section 32, in Township 12, North of Range 9, East of the 6th Prin cipal Meridian, containing 15.45 acres, more or less, according to the Government survey, in Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of June E. Kyles et al. Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Federal Farm Mortgage corporation, a Corporation, Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 8, 1939. JOE MRASEK, Sheriff Cass County, Jyl0-5w Nebraska. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determination of Heirship In the County Court of Casa Coun ty, Nebraska. Estate of Cosie Blanchard, deceas ed. Estate No. 3418. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested In Eaid estate, credi tors and heirs take notice, that Myr tle A. Blanchard, Geneva J. Tomlin son and Juanita L. Miller have filed their petition alleging that Cosie Blanchard died intestate on or about April 16, 1927, being a resident and inhabitant of Wray. Yuma county, Colorado, and died seized of the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: The north one-half (N) of the northeast quarter (NE4) of Section twenty-eight (28), Township ten (10), North of Range nine (9), East of the 6th P. M., Cass county, Ne- leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to- wit: Myrtle A. Blanchard, wife; Gen eva J. Tomlinson and Juanita L. Mil ler, daughters; That the interest ot the" petition er; in the above described real es tate is as heirs af law of said de ceased, and praying ?-r a determina tion of the time of the death of said Cosie Blanchard and of his heirs, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belong ing to the said deceased, in the State of Nebraska. It is ordered that the same stand for bearing on the 4th day of Aug ust, 1939, before the County Court of Cass County in the court house at Plattsmouth, , Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. . - Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this Sth day of July, A. D. 1959. A. H. - DUXBURY", (Seal) . jy!0-3w . County Judge. Deeds, Mortgages and all sorts of legal blank for sale at the Journal offloa. NOTICE OF PROBATE In the County Court of Casa Coun- ' ty. Nebraska. TO an persons mierosicu m estate -of Elizabeth Carr, deceased. No. 3415: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate or an in strument purporting-to -be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of Marvin ! Carr as' Executor and Meryl E. Ben der as Executrix thereof; that said ' Detition has been set for hearing be fore said Court on the 21st day of July, 1939, at 10 a. m. Dated June 23rd. 1939. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) J26-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE In the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Application of CHARLES STREETER, Executor of the Estate of Lucy Johnson, de ceased for license to sell real estate. Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of the order of Hon. J. H. Broady, one of the Judges of the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska made on the 1st day of July, 1939 for the sale of real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wft: The North Half of the North west Quarter of Section 2 6, Township 10, North Range 11, Cass County, Nebraska, and Northeast Quarter of Section 35, Township 10, Range 11, Cass County, Nebraska, subject to whatever encumbrances, If any, existed at the time of the death of said Lucy Johnson. Said sale to take place on the 29 th day of July, 1939 at the hour of 2 o'clock p. rn. at the Northeast Quar ter of Section 35, Township 10, Range 11, Cass County, Nebraska. Terms of Bale are as follows: Ten per cent (10) of the purchase price to be paid at the conclusion of the sale and the balance upon con firmation. Dated this 6th day of July, 1939. CHARLES STREETER, Executor of the Estate of jy6-3w Lucy Johnson, deceased LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of the County of Case, Nebraska In th matter of the Ap plication of W. G. Boedek er. Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Ar te inda J. Graves, Deceas ed, for Decree Authorizing ORDER and Directing said Execu tor to Execute a Convey ance to the State of Ne braska in accordance with Contract of Arminda J. Graves. Now, on this 26th day of June, 1939, there was presented to the court the petition of W. G. Boedeker, executor of the last will and testa ment of Arminda J. Graves, deceas ed, showing to the court that the said Arminda J. Graves is bound by contract in writing to convey to the State of Nebraska, the following de scribed property, to-wit: A strip of land lying over and across the nor thern part of Lots 8 and 9 in Block 3 of the original village of Murray, Cass county, Nebraska, described as follows: Referring to the northwest corner of said Block 3; thence east erly on the north line of said Block 3 a distance of 175.0 feet to the point of beginning, said point being also the northwest corner of Lot 8 in said Block 3; thence continuing easterly on the north line of eaid Lot 8 and Lot 9 a distance of 69.9 feet to the northeast corner of said Lot 9; thence southerly 99 degrees 26 minutes right, and on the east line of said Lot 9 a distance of 25.3 feet to a point; thence westerly b'4 degrees 6$ minutes right, a distance of 66.0 feet to a point on the west line of said Lot 8; thence northerly 85 degrees 39 minutes right, and on said west line, a distance of 20.0 feet to the point of beginning, con taining 0.035 acre, more or less. That the said Arminda J. Graves de parted this life prior to the making of said conveyance and praying this court to enter a decree authorizing and directing said executor to make, execute and deliver a conveyance of said property to the State of Nebras ka, upon the payment of said con sideration. And it appearing that a time and place for hearing should be fixed and notice thereof given. It is therefore Ordered that hear ing upon said petition be had on the 24th day of July, 1939, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the District Court room in the court house In the City of Plattsmouth, Casa county, Nebras ka; that all persons havlnar objec tions thereto appear at said time to show cause, if any there be, why me prayer of said petition should not be granted, and that notice ot said hearing be given by publication oi mis oraer lor at least three suc cessive weeks before such hearing la the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi weekly newspaper published and In general circulation In the County of Cass, Nebraska. By the Court. W. W. WILSON, ' Judge of the District iy3-Sw Court. . 8ea the gooes you tuy. Catalog out how about the aooda when description are alluring enough. ou get themT v l?OOOOGCGCCOOOOCOOCOOOCOacO J. Howard Davis Attorney at Law j PlatUmouih 1 J