f APE WTO Wabash News ' Frank' Reese and John Cardwell 'were looking after business matters Jn Manley last Monday ' In observance of Flag day, 'Wa bash was outdone by none,, as Old Glory floated proudly in front of every business house in town. William Walters, who is employed at Weeping Water on the sewer job, strained his back last week, and has been kept from work several days. Miss Mildred Stanley, who was so seriously ill and underwent an op eration for appendicitis at a Lincoln hospital, is getting along nicely and will soon be entirely well. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendt in Lincoln last Sunday. The young man has been named Lyle. Mother and child doing nicely. The newcomer is a grandson of Gus Wendt. : Frank Reese is rebuilding his home and making iome important changes in the structure. He has placed a new shingle roof on it and ib making other changes which add to its appearance. A small son of Wm. Walter, while playing around the old church that has caused much concern over the announcement it would be sold, found a few pennies and an old fashioned watch chain of the type worn back in the gay nineties. Frank Marshall, the elevator man, was able to make a car lot shipment of corn last week. This is the first carlot in a long time, as what little corn is being sold is trucked to the city markets by the elevator instead of waiting for enough to make up a carlot. ' Millard Sutphin, who has visited here and at Murdock numerous times in past years, when coming to Ne braska from his home in Norfolk, Va., this year is spending much of his time at Lincoln, to which place his nephew. Homer H. Lawton, has moved since he last was here. Elect School Treasurer At the annual school election last Monday evening, reports were given of the past year. There were nineteen present and voting and in the elec tion of treasurer, August Wendt was named, polling ten votes to nine for his opponent. Now all those who voted for him claim they cast the deciding vote. Anyway he was elect ed and will serve during the coming year.' "' ' ' Visited Brother Here Mrs. Mary Nogle, of Mound City, Mo., sister of our townsman, Frank Reese, spent a number of days here as a guest at the home of her broth er. From here she went to Hot Springs, South Dakota, where she is visiting a sister, Mrs. Velda Reese who married a man of the same sur name as her own. She will remain there for some time. Other guests of Frank Reese in cluded Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Reese of Nebraska City and Mr. and Mrs. John Cardwell. While here, Mr. H. L Reese has been assisting Frank with work on his house. MANLEY NEWS Rev. Father Kreamer of Lincoln was a guest of Rev. James Hennessy last Sunday. Frank Rhoden was visiting over the week end at the home of Grover Rhoden and wife. n f : a - . ."sues tsauers is spending a couple of weeks in South Dakota, a guest at the home of her aunt. Mrs. George Giles, of Nebraska Don't Neglect Them I Vlture deimd the Uihm t A m tnarvdovs Job. Their task la to ktcp the flowing blood Btreara free of una of toxle imparities. The rt of tiring Ufa iltif te conetanUy producing wuto natter th kidney enuet reraore from the blood II rood health la to endure. When the ktdneva fail a fnmi - - Nature Intended, there te rufli hi of waste that asay eauae body-aride die tree. On may suffer naning backache, peraietest headache, attache of dtaxtneem. ratline up nifhta. welling, paffloeaa adr the eym (erl tired, Dervoua, aU worn out. Frequent, acantv or entrain nuaa tnay be further video ee of kidney e Madder disturbance. The reeoenizad and ttrnwe baimiat la a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys J et rid of eieeae potaonova body ermete. ' Doau't PilU. They have kmA than forty years of public approval. At ndonad the couatry over. Immt e uomn . txa at au drug etoraa. 'INSIOfl $1.19 City was a vjsitor at the Harold Keckler home in Manley Sunday. Miss Katherlne Sheehan has been visiting at the home of her sster, Mrs. Paul Meyers and family, of Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Keckler enter tained at a family dinner on Friday evening in honor of the guests from South Dakota.. Special services in honor of the Feast of the Sacred Heart were held in St. Patrick's church last Friday morning, "June 16. Thor Hansen and Julian Neilson and families were in Omaha last Monday, where they enjoyed the show at the Ak-Sar-Ben den. William Sheehan was re-elected as a member of the Board of Education of the Manley schools at the school meeting held last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rau were In Lincoln last Wednesday evening, calling on friends and looking after business matters., driving over after banking Lours. The Birthday club celebrated with a picnic in the State Park at Louis ville on Sunday in honorof Mrs. John Sheehan, whose birthday oc curred on that day. Mrs. Wm. Sheehan, Sr. and Mrs. John Sheehan entertaned at a social afternoon Wednesday, June 14. This is a monthly affair given by the women of St. Patrick's parish. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tighe, son John and daughters Patricia and Mona of Homer were week-end guests of their sisters, Mesdames Walter Mocken haupt and John C. Rauth. On Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. Mockenhaupt en tertained at dinner for the visitors and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth. Rev. James Hennessy was in Avoca Monday, where he attended the cele bration in honor of the Rev. E. C. McFadden's 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Father Hennessy also served as toastmaster at the banquet that was tendered in honor of Father McFadden by the parishioners. Sisters Mary Daniel and Mary Mat thew of the Blessed Sacrament par ish n Lincoln are conducting vaca tion catechism school for the child ren of the parish and also for the children from St. Mary's parish at Elm wood who drive here to attend. About forty children are in attend ance. The morning session opens with Mass at 8:30 and continues throughout the day until 3:30 p. m. The three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauers, Mrs. Herman Bradenfeld. Mrs. Will Baker and Mrs. William Keckler, together with the tatter's husband as driver, pro longed their visit until Sunday, in stead of leaving Friday for their homes near Gardner, North Dakota. They started out at an early hour in the morning expecting to reach home (a distance of about 600 miles) that night. Last Monday night was southeast ern Nebraska night at the Ak-Sar-Ben den show in Omaha and a number from here attended, among them Henry Vogler, Herman Vogler and wife, Harold Krecklow and wife and Don Giles of Nebraska City who was a guest at the Harold Krecklow home during the past week. Redecorating Manley Sank Harold Krecklow, who is a hustler, has the job of painting and decorat ing the interior of the Manley State bank and after the closing hours last Wednesday washed the walls and painted the ceiling, which took him until late in the night. Another evening he went ahead with the com pletion of the work and now the in terior of the banking house presents a most pleasing appearance as a re sult of the paint and varnish that has been spread. Well Attended Card Party Mrs. Wm. Sheehan, Sr., and Mrs John Sheehan entertaned at an Altar Society card party in the hall on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Irene Cook receved high prize and Mrs. I rank Riester consolation. A lunch ceon was served by the hostesses at the close of the afternoon. t Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title Phone 324 - Plattsmouth 4- POCKET AND WRIST WATCHES 1.00 to '3.95 ALARM CLOCKS 1.00toS2.95 lOOK FOR ON THE DIAL Greenvood Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peters were in Omaha Wednesday ecening. Star Kensington met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Norma McNurlin. Friends are glad to hear that Mar ian Hartsook s somewhat improved at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burks and daughters were in Lincoln Wednes day afternoon. A new 16-foot white cooler display case has been installed at the E. L. McDonald store. Helen and Dorothy Maher of Lin coln were home over the week end vth their parents. Frank Kyles, of Spaulding, Nebr., is here for a short visit and to at tend the races at Omaha. Mrs. Lou Newman of Riverside, Calfornia, arrved Wednesday to visit friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Urban Kyles were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kyles. Mrs. Dr. Wallace of Friend visit ed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kyles Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kinney and children of Alvo were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kyles. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott and fam ily of Elmwood were Sunday after noon callers at the Elton Keller home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Osterholm and Miss Lois Gumble of Omaha were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welton were in Colon Sunday visiting their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Welton. A circus clown with his tricks and animals entertained before the free movie Wednesday night. Everyone enjoyed it very much. The next meeting of the Dorcas Society will be held next Friday, the 2Srd. Mrs. Brokhaga and Mrs. Ellen Kirk are the hostesses. The Ladies Card Club was pleas antly entertained Thursday at a one o'clock luncheon by Mrs. Mabel Boucher at the Downing home. Little Dickie Bond, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bond, of Lincoln, i3 spending two weeks at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welton, while his parents are enjoying a trip to Ohio. ' PROVES A HEAL ' FRIEND Tuesday evening the telephone at the residence of Sheriff Joe Mrasek shiiJled its call, the sheriff, expect ing a call for a mad dash after some traffic violator or something, an swered the phone. The call was from the vicinity west of Mynard and where a friend was reported as be ing stranded without gas. The sheriff jumped to his car, threw in the clutch, reefed the mainsails and away over the shiny strand of silver roadway to the vicinity of the Platts mouth suburb. Far over the hills rang the echo of the siren of the sheriff and his cargo of John D. s product rushed to the rescue. The sheriff was surprised on ar riving at the scene to find that the parties in distress was the genial county attorney, Walter II. Smith and Mrs. Smith, who on a trip out to a friend in the country had found their car dry and far from the near est station. The cargo of gas was transferred and as the story goes, "all's well that ends well." STITCH IN TIME CLUB The "Stitch in Time" learning to sew club is still increasing its mem bership. Each meeting day has add ed one or more new members. Donna Jean Embury joined the .jilub Tues day afternoon, June 13 when it met with Patty Heebner, making a mem bership of 20. The girls have made some very useful and pretty kitchen hand towels. They are now making and equipping the sewing boxes. Velma Edwards, roll call chair man, planned the roll call "Why Like 4-H." Joan Krapp, president appointed i program committee to plan a pro gram for each meeting. They are Doris Midkiff, Mary Lou Taylor and Gwen Burton. The next meeting will be June 27 at the home of Gwen Burton. We will have installation of officers and our assistant leader, Marie Ander son, will tell of her trip to club week at Lincoln. CLUB REPORTER. MOVE TO NEW LOCATION air. and Mrs. Fred Lugsch, who have resided in their property on Pearl street between 12th and 13th streets, are moving to their other residential property on Pearl street between Sth and 9th- Mr. and Mrs V. T. Am, Jr., are moving into the Lugsch property just vacated. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAL Elmwood News I. C. McCrorey of Murdock was a business "caller in Alvo last Tuesday. Mrs. Emily Gonzales, during the past week and was assisting the latter with her work. Miss Phyllis Rudolph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rudolph of Eagle, was visiting at the home of her aunt, Guy Clements, president of the American Exchange Bank, attended the meeting of the Southeastern Ne braska Bankers' association and transacted business in Syracuse Mon day of last week. A card from Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene, who are en route libme from a visit in Florida and at New York City, postmarked at Allentown, Pa., stated the party were having an ex cellent time and would be home the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stalkley were recent guests at the home of Mrs. L. F. Weigart. They were long time friends of Rev. Weigart and wife in the years when Rev. Weigart was minister both at Elmwood and other charges over the country. Sunday guests at the Lewis Hol lenbeck home were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Clock of Summerfield. Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hollenbeck and two sons Irwin and Cherryl Lee and Mr. Edward Renner, of Beattie, Kan- as. They report wheat looking fine there. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schlichte- meier and the children were guests at the home of Mr. Schlichtemeier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlich temeier, near Murray, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Koch, of West Bend. Iowa, were also there, and a most enjoyable family gathering was held. . t Many Attend Ben Show For its size, Elmwood was the best represented southeastern Nebraska town at the Ak-Sar-Ben den show in Omaha last Monday night. Besides the Elmwood band; a large number of citizens of the community went, all enjoying the show. Elmwood re ceived much favorable comment on its band, and was represented by a speaker during the intermission be tween acts. It was well after mid night when the grrtup from here ar rived home. The truck of Emil Bor nemeier was used fi to help provide transportation for Vhe large number who. desired to attend. Attending CSan Francisco Fair Thor Boyles recently purchased a new late model Chevrolet and with Mose Rodaway left for California, where they will take in the sights ot the San Francisco World's Fair. They expect to be gone for some time and in addition to seeing the fair, will also see mue-li'iof the country, coming and going. fI:" Enjoyed Family Night at Hall The Daughters 6f Rebekah lodge have been making a practice of hold ing what is termed family night, on which occasions, after the regular business has been completed, they observe open house and a social time for all with plenty of refreshments. Mesdames Herman Penterman and Morris Penterman comprised the refreshment committee for the meet ing last week. Home from Kansas Mrs. C. D. Quellhorst, who has been visiting for several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ward of Paola, Kansas, returned home last week end, Mr. Quellhorst driving down after her. Mrs. Quellhorst en joyed a very fine vacation visit there and returns rested and refreshed. They were accompanied home by another daughter, Miss Andrea, who has been making her home in the Sunflower state, having employment there. She will spend a wo weeks' vacation at the home of her parents hero. Suffered Severe Injuries While Donald Hollenbeck and his younger brother Victor were making hay one day last week, Donald suf fered severe injuries. Victor was driving and Donald pitching the hay from the winrows onto the rack. The team became unmanageable and Don ald sought to aid in controling them by going to their heads, but they pushed on out of the hay meadow and 'into the torn field, where Don ald stumbled over the rows and was thrown under the horses and wagon. One front and one rear wheel pass ed over his chest and he suffered other severe bruises. The young man was brought to town and given a critical examina tion by the family physician. Luck ily no bones were broken, but his in juries were so severe that he was left in town for treatment. Fortu nately Victor got hold of the 4ines and was able to stop the team before they ran far into the corn field, prob ably saving the hayrack from being overturned with serious injuries to himself. At latest reports, Donald was rest ing nicely and will probably suffer no permanent injuries. Attended Telephone Picnic Mrs. Lucy Lyle and Miss Opal Thimgan, employees of the telephone company here, were at Nebraska City last Monday night, where they at tended a picnic of telephone company employees from various towns in this area. Sister Dies in Wisconsin George Blessing, Sr., editor of the Leader-Echo, received- the sad news last week of the death of his sister, Mrs. C. R. Lowe, at her home in Monroe, Wisconsin. ' Her husband. Rev. C. R. Lowe, is a minister, and they have been located at Monroe for some time. They visited here about two years ago. Mr. Blessing and his son, George, Jr., departed by auto for the Wis consin city to attend the feuneral. As they started rain began falling and they drove through rain most of the way. They remained for a day following the funeral, before start ing home. Mr. Blessings says things were looking fine in that vicinity, where dairying is carried on exten sively. Every farm has a large herd of pure bred dairy cattle and in the towns there are creameries and pro cessing plants turning out cheese and evaporated milk. Mrs. Lowe was 56 years of age and the last surviving sister of Mr. Blessing. whether your printing job fa large or smaii. it will recelvo our prompt attention. Call No. S. Rubber Stamps, Targe or small, at right prices at the Journal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 7n the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Axel Nelson, deceased. No. 3406: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is October 2, 1939; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on October 6, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. ti .. t. .'. Dated June 2, 1939! A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) jo-3w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska Maxine Cowden, Plaintiff. vs. I NOTICE Raymond Cowden, Defendant. TO THE DEFENDANT RAYMOND COWDEN: You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of January 1939, the plaintiff filed her petition and com menced an action against you, the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of divorce, the restitution of her maiden name Max ine Hanni, and for such other and further relief as may be just-and equitable in the premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the tenth day of July, 1939, or the al legations of said petition will be taken as true and a decree rendered in accordance therewith. MAXINE COWDEN, Plaintiff. By W. A. ROBERTSON, m29-4w Her Attorney. ORDER OF HEARING and Notice of Probate of Foreign Will In the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. State of Nebraska ' 8S. County of Cass To the heirs at law and to all persons interested in the estate of J. F. Wortman, de ceased. No. 3401: On reading the petition of Harold VV. Richards praying that the instru ment filed In this Court on the 10th day of June, 1939, and purporting to be a duly authenticated copy of the last will and testament of J. F. Wortman, deceased, that said instru ment be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Harold W. Richards as administrator with the will annexed for the State of Nebraska. It is hereby ordered-that you and all per sons interested in said matter, may, and do appear at the County Court to be held in and for said county on the 7th day of July, A. D. 1939, at 2 o'clock, p. m., to show cause. If any there be, why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper print ed in said county, for three consecu tive weeks prior to said day of hear ing. ' Witness my hand, and the seal or said court this 10th day of June, A. D. 19S9. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) J12-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Case Coun r Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Arminda J. Graves, deceased. No. 3407: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is October 16, 1939; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on October 20, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. for the Durnose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting, all claims or objections duly filed. Dated June 13, 1939. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) jl9-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRA TRIX' SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the District Court of the Ctunty of Cass. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Amelia Monroe Wynn, Deceased, 9769. Doc. 9, No. 81. In the matter of the application of Nettie Ackerman, Administratrix of the Estate of Amelia Monroe Wynn, Deceased, for leave to sell real estate. NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Hon. W. W. Wilson, Judge of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, made on the 12th day of June, 1939, for the sale of real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real cttate: The West One-Half (W) of Lot Four (4), Block Thirty three (33), City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, a busi ness block; and Lots Thirty (30), Forty-seven (47), Seventy-one (71), seven- ty-two (72) and Ninety-seven (97), all in the Southwest Quarter (SW'i) of the South west Quarter (SW1), Section Eighteen (18), Township Twelve (12), Range Fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. M., Cass County, Nebraska; said sale to take place on the 8th day of July, 1939, at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. at the south front door of the Court House in Cass County, Nebraska. Terms of sale as follows: tor cash, twenty-five percent of purchase price to be paid at the conclusion of the sale, and balance upon confirm ation. Dated this 12th day of June, 1939. NETTIE ACKERMAN, Administratrix of the Estate of Amelia Mon-jl2-4w roe Wynn, Deceased. NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of the "County of Cass, Nebraska Robert M. Painter and Edna Mae Painter,. ' - Plaintiffs, ' " YS.' J. V. Hinchman, first real name unknown, Mrs. J. V. Hinchman, first real name unknown, Mathew B. Boyd, Mrs. Mathew B. Boyd, first real name un known; the heirB, devisees, legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons interested in the esates of J. V. Hinchman, first real name unknown. Mrs. J. V. Hinchman, first V NOTICE real name unknown; Mathew B. Boyd Mrs. Mathew B. Boyd, first real name unknown, and Man ley W. Greene, also known as Manly W. Green, and M. W. Green, each de ceased, real names un known, and all persons having or claiming any interest in and to lot nine (9), in block fifty-nine (59), in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real names un known, Defendants. TO THE DEFENDANTS: J. V. Hinchman, first real name unknown, Mrs. J. V. Hinchman, first real name unknown; Mathew B. Boyd, Mrs, Mathew B. Boyd, first real name un known; the heirs, devisees, legatees. personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estates of J. V. Hinchman, first real name un known, Mrs. J. V. Hinchman, first real name unknown, Mathew B Boyd, Mrs. Mathew B. Boyd, first real name unknown, and Manley W. Greene also known as Manly W. Green, and M. W. Green, each de ceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claiming any interest in und to lot nine (9), In block fifty-nine (59), in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, real names unknown. You and each of you are hereby notified that Robert M. Painter and Edna Mae Painter, the plaintiffs filed a petition and commenced an action in the District court of Cass County, Nebraska, on May 18, 1939, against you and each of you; the ob ject, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of court quieting the title to lot nine (9), in block fifty-nine (59), in the City. of Platts mouth, Cass County, Nebraska, in plaintiffs as Joint tenants, and tor equitable relief. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 10th day of July, 1939, or the allegations contained in said petition will be taken as true and a decree rendered In favor of plain tiffs and against you and each of you according to the prayer of said petition. Dated this 24th day of May. 1939. ROBERT M. PAINTER and EDNA MAE. PAINTER, Plaintiffs. W. A. ROBERTSON. Attorney for Plaintiffs. m29-4w Subscribe for the Journal. MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1939. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Case Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested In the estate of Edgar J. Burns, deceased. No. 3376: Take notice that the Executrix of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examination ana allowance of her aaminisirauon ac counts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for her discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on July 7, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m-. Dated June 6, 1939. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) jl2-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of John W. Barrow, deceased. No. 3380: Take notice that the Executrix of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examination and allowance of her administration ac counts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for her discharge; that said petition and report will be heard be fore said Court on July 14, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. i Dated June 13, 1939. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) jl9-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF PROBATE In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested In the estate of Byron Golding, deceased. No. 3410: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of H. A. Schneider as Administrator thereof, with will annexed; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 30th day of June, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated May 29, 1939. A. I DUXBURY, (Seal) J5-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska t 88. County of Cass J By Virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1939, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., of said day at the South Front Door of the Court House, In the City of Plattsmouth in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: .Commencing at a point 353.7 . feet West of the S. E. corner of the S. W. M' of the S. W. i of Sec. 18, Twp. 12, Range 14, East of the 6th P. M.; running thence North 190 feet; thence West 73 feet; thence South 190 feet; thence East 73 feet to the place of beginning, the same be ing a part of Lots 27 and 28 of said Section 18, Twp. 12, Range 14, East of the 6th P. M., afore said, Cass County, Nebraska; Lot 9, and the W. of Lot 10, Block 9, City of Platts mouth, Nebraska; Lot 12, Block 30, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; The W. of Lot 4, Block 34 City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; The West 36 ft. of Lot 2, Block 50, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Lot 4 and the West hi of Lot , 5, Block 25, Young & Hayes Addition to the City ot Platts mouth, Nebraska; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 42, Young & Hayes Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; , Lots 7, S, 9, 10 and 11, Block 4, Duke's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; The West of Lot 3, and all of Lot 4, Block 11, Duke's Ad dition to the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska; Lots 25 and 26, Block 9, Thompson's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; The East 55 ft. of Lot 47, and all of Lots 48 and 49, of Wise's outlots to the City . of Platts mouth, Nebraska; . ; Lot 1 of Streitweisser's Ad dition to the City of Platts . mouth, Nebraska; Lot 12, Block 167, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Lots 9 and 10, Block 152, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; The West 3 ft. of Lot 4, and all of Lot 5, Block 18, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; The North 69 ft. of Lot 12, Block IS, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Lot 2, and the Northeast 14 feet and 3 inches of Lot 3, Streitweisser's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska; Lot 5, 6, and 7, Block 13, Townsend's Addition to the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Nels Steel, et al. Defendants, to satisfy a judg ment and decree of said Court re covered by the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, a Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff, against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 27, 1939. JOE MRASEK. Sheriff of Cass County, m29-5w Nebraska. J. Howard Davis 0 Attornev at Law I Plattsmouth