The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 12, 1939, Image 1

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    Netr. ITfctcrical Society
VoL No. LV
NO. 37
Fidac Program
Last Night at the
Legion Building
One Hundred and Fifty Attend Cov
ered Dish Luncheon and En
tertainment of Auxiliary
From Saturday's Daily
The year-end Legion Auxiliary get-
together for Legionnaires and Auxil
iary members and their families held
at the Legion Community building
last night was largely attended. A
number of out-of-town guests were
present, among them Dr. and Mrs. G
I Taylor, of Kearney, who drove
here for the meeting and later went
to Omaha to visit relatives.
June being Fidac month In Auxil
iary circles, the program that follow
ed the covered dish luncheon was
dedicated to Roumania, one of the
eleven allied countries in the World
war that now belonjr to Fidac (Fed
eration Interalliee des Anciens Com
battants). Fidac. coined from the
first letters of the foregoing, is an
organization founded for the promo
tion of peace. The American Legion
and Auxiliary in this country, along
with similar veteran and auxiliary
organizations of the other nations
are affiliated with Fidac, which meets
annually in one of the member na
tions. Last year's meeting was held
at Bucharest. Roumania. which ac
counts for Roumania being- chosen
as the nation to study this year.
Besides the children taking part in
the program, numerous adults were
dressed in Roumanian and other al
lied nations' attire, lending color to
the large gathering.
Following the luncheon, the colors
ot the Legion and Auxiliary were ad
vanced to formally open the program,
over which Mrs. Lora Lloyd Kieck
presided, explaining the why and
wherefor of Fidac and Introducing
the various numbers.
Mrs. L S. Devoe at the piano and
Paul Vandervoort on the guitar play
ed the Roumanian national anthem.
Next number was the Hora dance of
Roumanians, by Legion and Auxil
iary children. Those taking part
were Don Webb. Bill Kieck, Bob
Cappell, Dick Duxbury, Tom Mar
shall. Bill Capper. Marilyn Lutz.
Alice Gradoville, Marilyn Kieck,
Mary Jo Rebal, Margaret Heineman
and Mary Lou Walling. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Devoe and Mr.
Vandervoort. Edna Mae Peterson di
rected rehearsals.
Marjorie Devoe and Dorothy Cap
pell sang a duet. "In Roumania," ac
companied by Mrs. Devoe.
Marjorie Sturm of Nehawka gave
a very clever Roumanian dance that
called for an encore. Her mother
played piano accompaniment.
The Schafer sisters. Ruth, Betty,
Norma. Kathleen and Florine, child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schafer of
west of Murray comprised a quartet
and accompanist, singing two timely
W. O. Samuelson, of Omaha, was
truest speaker, taking as his subject,
"Stressing Peace Thru Friendship."
His interesting and humorous ad
dress was followed closely by the
Fred Koehler on the accordian and
Art Johnson, guitar accompanist, ap
peared next on the program, being
railed back for several encores and
later in the evening providing music
for the dance.
"General" L. S. Devoe acted as
master of ceremonies for the Legion's
contribution to the program, dedicat
ed to the allied nations. Among those
appearing were John Turner, Rou
mania; Ercolo Salerno, Italy; George
Conis. Greece Frank Rebal and John
Hadraba, Czechoslovakia. Even Hit
ler, himself, was present, ably repre
sented in the personage of our own
Frank Smith, who should have little
difficulty in qualifying for one of
the former Austrian paperhanger's
doubles, were he a resident of Nazi
Germany. Frank brought down the
house in his Interpretation and his
promises to further revamp the map
of Europe.
Following this number, Mrs. Kieck
introduced drum corps members and
their co-sponsors, June Marshall and
Leslie Niel: Boy Scouts and their
Scoutmaster, Raymond Larson; Jun
ior Auxiliary members and their co-
sponsors Mrs. Ed Ofe and Mrs. James
Mauzy, Ed Ofe, commander of the
Legion and Mrs. Elmer Webb, presi
dent of the Auxiliary, who are clos
ing their second terms of office this
The colors were retired and the
evening given over to dancing, with
music provided by Messrs. Koehler
and Johnson. It had been intended
to play cards, but available music
made dancing more desirable.
All agreed this was the most suc
cessful of the various get-together
parties of the Legion and Auxiliary
during the past two years, and much
credit is due Mrs. Kieck for the fine
program she arranged for the occa
Wedding Occurs
Last Sunday
Young Couple Take Marriage Vors
m Beautiful Service at Imman
nel Lutheran Church.
In a double ring ceremony at the
Immar.uel Lutheran church, Sunday
evening, June 4, at six o'clock, Miss
Dorothy Mathilda Riester, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riester, of
Manley, was united in marriage to
Mr. Kenneth Louis Roeber, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Roeber of Mur
dock. Rev. II. G. Gattau officiated.
The bride was given in marriage
by her father. She wore a pink silk
floor-length wedding gown. A veil
of matching pink was held in place
by a head-piece worn by the bride's
mother at her wedding. The bride's
jewelry consisted of a cameo brooch
and a gold bracelet, both gifts of the
groom. Jshe carried a large bride s
bouquet of Johann rose:;.
Miss Irene Riester, only sister of
the bride, served as bridesmaid. . She
was attired in a powder blue, floor-
length gown, completed by a match
ing lace jacket. Her only jewelry
consisted of a cameo brooch a gift
of the bride. She wore a shoulder cor
sage of roses and sweetpeas.
Mr. Leonard Roeber, only brother
of the groom, acted as best man.
Both young men wore dark double
breasted business suits.
Mr John Jochim and Mr. Walter
Neuman, cousins of the bride and
groom, were ushers. Mr. Frederick
Stohlman played the wedding march
and accompanied Mr. Herman Vogler
in a beautiful solo.
Following the ceremony, a recep
tion was held at the church parlors
for 150 guests. A two-course supper
was served.
Miss Laverna Gakemeir had
charge of the guest book. Miss Isa
belle Ross and Miss Greta Woitzel
had charge of the gifts. The young
couple received many gifts and also
a large purse of money, the gift of
friends and relatives.
The bride was graduated from the
Louisville high school and for the
past five years has een a successful
Cass county teacher.
The groom attended the Murdock
high school and for the past few
years has been engaged in farming.
The young couple have moved into
their home, the old farmstead of the
groom's grandfather, Mr. Henry
Shirley Ann Hudson, seven-year-old
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. O. C.
Hudson, had the unfortunate and
peculiar experience of suffering a
severe head injury caused by the
hail storm Wednesday afternoon. The
little girl had been over to a girl
friend's home. Miss Phyllis Bourck
and, with the storm coming up, she
was en route to her home when a
large hailstone fell on her head, caus
ing a deep gash. She was hurried
to the Dr. Hudson's office where
medical care was rendered. '
From Thursday Dally
The Cass County Women's Chorus
was at Lincoln today where they
took part in a program given by the
club activities of the extension de
partment of the university. This very
popular musical group is under the
direction of Mrs. J. R. Reeder of this
Death of Mrs.
Dorothea Ruge, a
Murdock Pioneer
Passing: of Loved and Honored Lady
Removes One Long Active in
Life of Her Community.
Mrs. Fred Ruge, long time resi
dent of the Murdock community,
passed away Wednesday. June 7, at
the home of her son, August Ruge,
at the advanced aire of 90 years. 1
month and 13 days.
Miss Dorothea Schlaphoff was born
at Telmar, Germany, April 24, 1849,
where she obtained her education and
spent her girlhood. She came to
America in 1S70 with her parents
and was united in marriage with
Mr. Fred Ruge March 30, 1871. With
the exception of a year spent in Kan
sas, she has made her home in and
near Murdock, and has struck many
a hard blow to redeem this country
from its raw estate and make it one
of the delightful garden spots of
the country- She has ever been ac
tive in civic and religious work. Al
ways with a firm faith In her heav
enly Father she has worked for the
home, the church and the commun
ity. Her first care was for the fam
ily, as eight children came to bless
the home whirh she and her husband
established here, several of the chil
dren passing to the other world in
Infancy. The youngest, August Ruge,
grew to manhood in this vicinity.
one of the highly respected citizens.
like the mother ever ready for any
task however difficult, for the good
of the home, church and community.
The husband, Fred Ruge, passed
away nearly twenty years ago. Since
that time this excellent woman made
her home with the son, who for many
years resided east of Murdock on a
farm but during recent years have
lived in town, although maintaining
the farm just out of the city.
Early in life Grandmother Ruge
united with the Evangelical church,
being a member of the Evangelical
church northeast of Murdock.
She leaves to mourn her departure
the son August Ruge and wife and
one grandson, Daniel Ruge and
granddaughter, Doretta Ruge
other nephews and nieces.
From Friday's Daily
This morning at the Methodist
hospital at Omaha where a few hours
after he had undergone an appendec
tomy, Lee Capper, 14, son of Mrs.
Cleo Capper of this city passed away.
The lad had been operated on very
early in the morning and seemed
to withstand the operation in very
good shape but the condition of the
patient grew worse until shortly
after 10 o'clock he passed away. The
sudden death of the lad has come as
a great shock to the members of
the family and to the mother and
others of the family the deepest sym
pathy of the many friends will be
extended in their hour of sorrow.
The body was brought to this city
to the Sattler funeral home to await
the funeral arrangements.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kunsmann
and son. Hershel, of El Paso, Texas,
are here to enjoy a short visit with
Mr. Kunsmann's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Crl Kunsmann and family.
The Kunsmann family are return
ing home from a trip to the west
coast which has Included a visit at
Los Angeles with old friends as well
as the San Francisco exposition. They
also stopped at Boone, Iowa, for a
visit with relatives and friends be
fore coming on to this city for a visit.
They expect to leave at the week
end for Kansas City and thence on
to their home in southwest Texas.
From Thursday's Daily
This morning B. G. Wurl and Geo.
Conis of this city, with Paul Wurl, of
Pomona, California, were at Omaha
where they spent a few hours with
their friend, E. H. Schulhof at the St.
Joseph hospital. Mr. Schulhof was
feeling much better and. in the best
of spirits and able to enjoy to the
utmost the visit and chat with the
friends. This was his first visit with
Paul Wurl for a number of years.
Stephen G. Wiles, member of the
graduating class of 1939 of the
Plattsmouth high school, has received
a very well deserved and pleasing
recognition of his excellent work in
the school and high standing in the
scholastic attainments.
Mr. Wiles has the Sears & Roe
buck scholarship award for 1939-40
at the college of agriculture at the
University of Nebraska.
This award is based on the schol
astic attainment, personal character
and natural ability, making it a very
distinct honor for the well deserv
ing young student.
Mr. Wiles is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Wiles of near this city and has
been one of the popular and highly
esteemed students in his four years
of high school work. -
Enjoy a Trip on
Missouri River
Launch Convevs Commissioners and
Their Wives to River Craft to
Watch Work Program.
Thursday afternoon t:.e members
of the board of county commission
ers and their ladies, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Backemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Xorris and Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Farley and T. II. Pollo(k enjoyed
several hours on the Missouri river
in inspecting the river going craft.
Vr. D. R. Thornton, of the local
U. S. Engineers office, arranged the
trip and had the launch "Manawa"
at the Plattsmouth dock early in the
aiternoon where the party boarded
the craft and were taken up the river
where the other river vessels are
The party boarded the "Chitten
den" where C. J. White, superin
tendent in charge of the work, show
ed them a very interesting time in
the inspection of the boat and the
line of work that the dredge is per
forming in making the river a per
manent navigable stream.
From the "Chittenden," the party
visited the "McGregor," one of the
large boats that has been used in
the river work and which has spent
several months in this territory, look
ing over the finely equipped boat
and the methods that are used in the
dredging of the river.
The trip was one that all of the
party enjoyed very much and gained
a new conception of just what the
river improvement program is doing
by the first hand information and
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Todd, mem
bers of a pioneer Nebraska family.
who are now living in Calgary, Can
ada, are in Omaha to visit with the
relatives there and at other sections.
Mr. Todd is a son of the late Levi
Todd, a pioneer of Liberty precinct
and long an active political leader
In the state. John B. Todd is the
last of his large family of brothers,
two of whom, L. G. Todd and L. C.
Todd, died Just recently and another
brother, Harry G. Todd, died several
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Thomas,
of Los Angeles, the former a nephew
of Mr. Todd, were at Omaha Thurs
day to visit for the day with the
uncle and other relatives.
The Todd family left Cass county
in 1910 and have since made their
home in western Canada.
From Saturday's Dally
This morning at an early hour
H. A. Schneider, County Treasurer
John E. Turner, R. W. Knorr and
Henry Starkjohn, departed by auto
for the Minnesota lake country where
they will enjoy a week of fishing.
The party will make their head
quarters at the Starkjohn camp at
East Battle Lake, near Henning,
S. S. Gooding of this city, returned
Friday from Marshalltown, Iowa,
where he has been visiting at the
home of an aunt for a few days. The
aunt, who is eighty-eight years of
age, is in very poor health.
Pretty June
Wedding Held
at Madison
Miss Myrtle Rottler of That Place
Is Married to Eldon Panska of
Near Manley Sunday.
In a very impressive candlelight
service on Sunday, June 4th at the
parlors of the Methodist church at
Madison, Nebraska, was celebrated
the nuptials of Miss Myrtle Rottler,
daughter of William Rcttler of Madi
son and Mr. Eldon Panska, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Rhinehold Panska, of
The altar was arranged very beau
tifully and the glow of the lighted
candles added a pleasing touch to
the scene as the bridal party ap
proached the altar. The candle light
ers were Lucille Panska, sister of
the groom in a gown of blue and Miss
Phyllis Dooley, of Green, Iowa, who
wore peach colored chiffon.
Preceding the bridal couple was
I little Betty Faye Rottler, strewing
roses along the aisle over which the
bridal party was to make its way to
the altar for the plighting of the
marriage vows. Betty Faye wore
dress of blue organdy and carried
the basket of pink roses.
Vernon Rottler, brother of the
bride, sang "At Dawning" as the
bridal party approached and "I Love
You Truly" during the reading of
the marriage lines. During the re
mainder of the ceremony Miss Helen
Roberts played very softly and also
assisted as the accompanist for the
The bride was beautifully dressed
in white silk, inset with lace with
a short train effect. The finger tip
veil was of white net with a pearl
crown. The brides bouquet was
pastel roses and sweet peas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter, the
latter a sister of the bride, served
as best man and matron of honor.
The bride was given in marriage
by her father and the marriage lines
were read by the Rev. John El wait,
pastor of the church.
Following the wedding ceremony
a reception was held in the base
ment of the church for the imme
diate families of the young people and
those who had come from Cass county
to attend the wedding.
The bride has made her home at
Madison where- she Is a member of
one of the prominent families. She
is a graduate of the Morningside
college at Sioux City and for the
past two years has been engaged in
the teaching profession and is a
young lady of charm of personality.
The groom was born and grew up in
Cass county and is numbered among
the energetic young farmers of the
county. The young people will make
their home in the future on the farm
near Manley.
The many friends will join in their
best wishes for the future happiness
of the young people.
In the commencement exercises
held at the University of Omaha on
Wednesday a former Plattsmouth
young man was given his degree of
Bachelor of Arts. This was Fred P.
Trilety, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton
J. Trilety. of this city. Mr. Trilety
has made his home in Omaha largely
since his graduation from the local
high school in the class of 1925 and
has taken advantage of the oppor
tunity of completing his work neces
sary for a degree.
From Saturday's Dairy
This morning Henry Horn and
daughter. Miss Helen, Mrs. W. A.
Becker, sister of Mr. Horn and Ben
Speck departed for Creighton, Ne
braska, and other points in that sec
tion of the state. They will visit at
the home of the J. J. Horn family
and also with Mrs. Marie Bergman
and family for a few days.
P. A. Horn returned home Thurs
day from Omaha where he has been
for a short time undergoing hospital
treatment: Mr. Horn was operated
on for appendicitis and has had a
fine recovery and returns home very
much improved, which will be good
news to the many friends.
Thursday evening Plattsmouth
aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles
held their installation of officers for
the ensuing year and a very pleasing
number of the members were in at
tendance at the meeting.
The installing officer was W. H.
Woolcott. past president, with John
E. Schutz assisting as the marshal
for the ceremony.
The officers installed were as fol
President Lester Gaylord.
Vice-President Fred H. Vincent.
Chaplain John E. Seitz.
Conductor August Kief.
Secretary Edward Gabelman.
Treasurer B. G. Wurl.
Trustee George McFarland.
Inner Guard Ernest Porter.
Physician Dr. W. S. Eaton.
Death of Anna
Hofacker After a
Long Hlnes:
Brought Home Friday Afternoon Long
Suffering Patient Is Brought
Relief by Death.
From Saturday's Darty
Death last evening at 6:45 ended
the long illness of Anna Hofacker,
22, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hofacker of this city. She has been
at Waverly, Nebraska, at the home
of a friend for a considerable period
and just recently suffered a stroke
and was brought home Friday after
noon and died Just a few hours later
as the result of the long illness from
lung trouble and the complications
that followed.
She was taken ill five years ago
and while given all possible medical
aid has been gradually failing. She
was interested in the programs of
"The Little Minister" from radio sta
tion KM A and enjoyed correspond
ence with her for a long period,
through this program Miss Hofacker
had received a radio that was a great
comfort to her in the long days of
affliction. Through the radio talks
she made the acquaintance of a lady
at Waverly and who had her come
and be a guest there for some time.
The deceased is survived by the
parents, two brothers and three sis
ters as well as a large number of
friends and acquaintances.
The family formerly lived In the
Cedar Creek community, but for the
past two years have resided in
Funeral services will be held on
Monday afternoon at 2:30 at the
First Christian church, Rev. J. W.
Taenzler conducting the services and
the Horton funeral home will be in
charge of the services.
Wheat allotments are now being
determined for wheat farms in Cass
county. Farms which did not plant
wheat for harvest in any of the three
years 1937-1938 or 1939 will receive
a zero allotment, unless request is
made by the owner or the operator
of such farm. These requests must
be made in person to the county com
mitee of the Agricultural Conser
vation Association of Cass county.
The deadline for making such appli
cation is two weeks from the time
of the publication of this notice. No
more than 3 of the county wheat
acreage allotment can be assigned to
new wheat farms. ltw
Members of the Rambler patrol of
the Girl Scouts of this city have
added to the magazine table of the
public library, "The American Girl,"
they donating a three-year subscrip
tion to the magazine and which will
hereafter find a place in the library.
The members of the patrol are Mrs.
James M:izy, leader; Elizabeth Ann
Wiles, Betty Gayer, Ellen Cloidt,
Billie Sylvester, Alyce Rea, Margaret
Rea, Mary Ann Winscot, Ruth Low
son, Dorothea Duxbury, Margaret
Fricke and Ruth Westover.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knaup of near
Wabash are the parents of a daugh
ter, Roberta Gene, born May 30 th
at the Dr. Kunkel hospital in Weep
ing Water. Mrs. Knaup was for
merly Miss Gene Ola Fitch of Elm-wood.
Richard Cole
Honored During
4-H Club Week
Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Cole of
Near This City and Graduate of
Plattsmouth High School
Richard Cole, farm lad who gradu
ated from Plattsmouth high school
with the class of 1938 was one of
six young people voted by their fel
low club members as outstanding in
the activities of the 4-H Club Week
which was held on the agricultural
college campus at Lincoln during
the last week in May.
Richard was assigned to the class
A group of boys, and was chosen ly
the members of this group for the
honor. He was one of three to be
interviewed over the radio cluiir.g
the week.
As a result of the honor voted him.
he will attend the conservation camp
at Seward during August as the
suest of Lever Bros.
Richard was one of twenty-nir.e
boys who attended as guests of tLe
Omaha Union Stock Yards company
and was chosen for the honor because
of his last year's record in Corn club
work, when he won first prize at the
Cass county fair. Only five corn win
ners from the entire state were thus
erognized, although a total of 1S5
free trips were given to young people
from 71 counties.
After registration on Monday at
the Agricultural Hall, quarters were
assigned and each individual went to
his quarters and set up army cots.
tt 9:30 pictures were shown in
the Agricultural Hall and group sing
ing wa3 held in the Dairy building.
Then at 10:30 all boys went to the
Agriculture Engineers building and
enjoyed by Mr. Runnalls on the kinds
of Iron and their properties. Follow
ing this both boys and girls went to
the College Activities building where
the Lincoln High School Boys' Glee
club directed by Hugh Rangeler gave
a thirty minute concert.
At 12 o'clock noon all were lined
up for dinner at the College Cafe
teria in the Home Economics build
ing. At 1:30 pictures entitled "Let's
Go Fishing" and "Beautiful Nebras
ka" were shown In the Agriculture
Hall. Following the pictures Mr.
W. H. Brokaw gave an address on
"Our Responsibility to Our Rural
Heritage." Mr. Brokaw brought out
the ideas of the Pilgrims and such
statesmen as Washington and Lin
coln on political, re'igious and social
problems. With faith and courage
he emphasized the numerous oppor
tunities of today despite the presence
of depression and drouth. Alter a
Tew minutes of group singing a mas
terful demonstration on Livestock
Loss Prevention was given y two
Hamilton county boys. The day was
very warm and ice cream was served
to all while the Douglas county 4-H
band played, led by James Hanson
of Omaha. After the band concert
boys and girls met in groups A. U.
and C and were assigned to their
quarters where all prepared for sup
per which followed.
In the evening the University of
Nebraska 4-H club presented the pro
gram with Eric Thor acting as mas
ter of ceremonies. An addrer.s of wel
come was given by Dean W. W. Burr.
At the close of the program pictures
of nature were shown and II. N.
Wheeler, chief lecturer of the IT. S.
Forest Service, spoke.
On Tuesday and every morning
following the 4-H'ers were "up and
doing" at f a. m. and breakfasted at
6:45. Group discussions regarding
rural and consolidated schools, rural
Continued on Page 3)
Mrs. George K. Petrlng of Nor
folk, was here Thursday for a short
time en route to Nebraska City where
she will be a visitor at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Borchers. Richard, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Petrlng, was one of the honor
students of the Norfolk high school
at the commencement this year, re
ceiving a scholarship in the Lake
Forest college of Lake Forest, Illi
nois. While here Mrs. Petrlng was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Searl S.
Davis and family.
You can get Rubber Stamps at
lowest prices at Journal office.