THT7H3DAY. JUNE 1, 1939. PAGE SIX ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES A number of the Plattsmouth peo ple were at Lincoln Sunday morning to attend the funeral services of Byron Golding, well known Platts mouth merchant, who died at the Lincoln General hospital at Lincoln last Thursday. The services were held at the Hodgman mortuary and the inter ment in the Jewish section of the Wyuka cemetery. The pall bearers were selected from old friends in Plattsmouth, they being: H. A. Schneider, II. F. Goos, William Schmidtman, Jr., County Treasurer John E. Turner, Clerk of the District Court C. E. Ledgway and Henry T. Woster. Others from here to attend the ser vices were Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Stibal, business associates of the deceased, Mrs. Daisy Sherwood and Mrs. Her mie Kubicka, employees of the store, Miss Grace Perry, John V. Hatt and C. K. Bestcr. RED CROSS EXPERT HERE George P. Skillslab, director for the first Nebraska district of the American Red Cross, will be here the last three days of this week at the court house to hold conferences. He will address the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday nocn and in the evening will be a 3peaker at the meeting of the Cass county "ited Cross chapter. Mr. Skillslab is interested in the veteran welfare work in particular and will be at the county court room on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 9:30 each day o consult with vet erans and look into their individual cases. All veterans having problems to discuss are invited to visit Mr. Skillslab. ATTEND GRADUATION Out-of-town visitors and relatives of Virgil Stander, a member of the graduating class of 1939 of the Plattsmouth high schol, here to at tend the graduation exercises were Ike Smith of Salem, Nebr., and daugh ter, Mrs. Ross McDonald of Sabeth, Kans.; Mrs. Carl Windrum and son, Morrell, and Miss Mellicent Stander of Salem, Nebr., and Guy Crook and Eon Bobbie of Lincoln. ILLINOIS GUESTS HERE Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George F. Dovey cf Sterling, Illinois, and B. A. Rosencrans fo. Chicago arrived here for a visit over the Memorial day holiday with their relatives and old friends. They were guests here of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Soennichsen and R. F. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Dovey and Mr. Patterson were at Falls City today to visit with, the John Weber Falter family, Mrs. Falter being a sister of . Mr. Dovey. UNDERGOES OPERATION From Monday's Dally Bronson H. Timm was taken 111 very suddenly Sunday afternoon by an attack of appendicitis and which was so severe that he, was rushed to Omaha last evening for an emer gency operation at the Clarkson hos pital. The young man stood the oper ation in excellent shape and was reported today as showing u very pleasing reaction to the operation and it is hoped in a few days he may be well on the way to recovery. HAVE OUT OF TOWN QUESTS SUFFERS FRACTURED ARM Francis Christensen, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Christensen; suffered a fractured arm Sunday as the result of a severe fall from a wing. He wastaken to the office of Dr. R. P. Westover where the injured arm was taken care of. The fall was the second one that the child has experienced in the last five months, he suffering his first fall in January. VISIT IN CITY ATTENDS GRADUATION IOWA PUBLISHER HERE Mr. and Mrs. Noel Seney, of Tin ley. Iowa, with their family were here Tuesday to spend Memorial day and for a few days visit with the relatives in this locality. Mr. Seney is a newspaper publisher at Tinley where he has been located for the past few years. Mrs. Seney was for merly Miss Belle Speck, sister of Mrs. E. E. Gooding. Ben Speck and Harry Speck of this city. CALLED WEST BY ILLNESS From Mondty'i Dally Michael Vetesnik departed today for Tacoma, Washington, called there by the serious condition of his brother, Joseph Vetesnik who has been suffering for some time from a very serious ailment. His condition has become such that little hope of his recovery Is held. The patient is also a brother of Mrs. Joe Libershal and Mrs. Joseph Holly of this city. Evan Noble of this city was at Omaha to attend the graduating exercises of the Nebraska School for the Deaf, his daughter, Loretta, be ing a member of the class. Miss Noble has been one of the most efficient students at the school and her family and friends are pleased to see her successfully completing her work. SEEKS FORECLOSURE From Mn Jay's Daily An action in foreclosure was filed in the district court today in which D. O. Dwyer is the plaintiff and Arn old G. Mast, et al, defendants. The action is to collect on a note dated in February, 1935 and which was secured by a mortgage made by the defendants to their interest in farm lands. Mr. and Mis. L. F. Otto of Au i.urn and Mrs. ii. W. Otto and dauili .er. Miss Pearl, of Kansas City, Mis souri, were hero Sunday to enjoy the i;iy visiting at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fisrie. west of the city. They also visited at the home Df Mr. and llrf. Carl Chriswisser for a short time. The Hamilton Mark home was the scene of a large group of relatives from Omaha, Lincoln, and Wahoo Tuesday to spend the holiday with them". Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Koch and children and Mrs. Hubert Janda of Wahoo were here visiting , with the Edward Donat family, Mrs. Janda be ing a sister of Edward Donat and an aunt of Mrs. Mark. Other guests in cluded Mrs. Edward Donat, Jr. and Anton Bahula and daughter, Marlon of Omaha, and Mrs.'. Howard Scott of Lincoln. . HAS TURKEY FARM Vincent Slatinsky, of Sedalia, Mis souri, who was here for the 60th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Slatin sky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Janda, returned . hom$ Saturday eve ning. Mr. Slatinsky and family have an eighty acre tract near Sedalia and where they have' a 'flock ' of 150 turkeys which have been very sue cessful. NORMAL TRAINING GIRLS The normal training department graduated from the high school this year, four seniors are available for teaching positions in Cass county or any other county in Nebraska. These girls have been under the direction of Miss Pearle Staats, teacher of nor mal training in the Plattsmouth high school, and their instruction has been most thorough and com plete. The girls that are available for teaching positions are: Mary McCar roll, Kathleen Nolte, Kathryn Tschir ren, Vivian Warner. ATTEND HARVARD GRADUATION SEEKS DIVORCE WINS DRAMATIC HONORS At the annual honors convocation held at Doane college Friday, May 2G, Joe Hendrix was awarded a silver D for his participation in Doane college. Guest speaker at the exer cises was R. S. Mickle, principal of Jackson high school and a Doane graduate. TO SPEND HOLIDAY HERE W. W. Moore, of Des Moines, Iowa, is here to enjoy a visit With his mother, Mrs. Adah Moore and with Mayor and Mrs. George Lushinsky, Mrs. Paul Wohlfarth and family and A. O. Moore and family at Ashland. He will remain over the decoration clay holiday. ATTEND GRADUATION From Mon-.lay'n Dally . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wetenkamp and daughter, Jacqueline, accompanied by A. A. Wetenkamp and daughter, Mrs. E. R. Jamney of Norfolk are motoring to Omaha this evening to attend the commencement exercises' of North high school. Miss Betty J Jean Wetenkamp, granddaughter of A. A. Wetenkamp, will be among ' those of the graduating class. SEDALIA VISITORS From Monday's Daily Frank Sedlak and daughters, Betty Lou and Rosemary of Sedalia, Mis-' rouri arrived In Plattsmouth early i this morning to spend the next two' days visiting with Mr. Sedlak's fath- I cr. Joseph Sedlak as well as other friends and relatives. The Sedalia party will be dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Vallery .Decoration day! Poultry Wanted FRIDAY AND SATURDAY HENS Native Hens, all sizes . . . 1 1 Leghorn Hens lb . .9c ROOSTERS, lb. ...7t SPRINGS Whites and Buffs. 14 to 15 Bare Backs Not Wanted Colored Springs, lb 12 White Leghorn Springs. 12 These prices may look low, but you are going to see a 10c price on Native Springs before long I Hot Weather is having its Usual Effect on EGGS Our Cash Price, Sat 11c Wool Market Active. . . . .See us for Prices Truck Service on Your Poultry If Amount will Justify I A. R. CASE - Phon 283-J, Plattsmouth : EE The Season's Big Food . Selling Event A veek of WONDERFUL VALUES starting: now and con tinuing through Thursday, June 8th. Here's a food sale you can't afford to miss! If you have not already received yours, ask for a copy of our 4-page circular which shows many values not listed below! iyTl1-f1f0 TRUE AMERICAN ItidlVllcS Carton of 6 Boxes , Salmon CId Pals Alaska, 1-lb. tall can. . . . HOC F2g BarS Freshly Baked. 2 lbs IQC AmnAr No- 10 (So-Called Gallon) Cans j&IThtm. &priCOtS 3 fcr $1.15. Per can....... f$OC Soap SIftBSr1TsiToafLorw.H,.TE. 35c Crisco or Spsry i.H,?RJfN,N.0 ....... 49c Orxydol or Rinso Large Pkg igc Tomatoes fZA2Dc fJZZTtCi oMiuvr onurau, oucea in syrup XT fZcSITL) No. 2V2 Cans, SI .45 Doz. 2 for.. PCao Sunrise, Sweet, Mild T OXSee 1-lb. Bag. 14c; 3 lbs Lewis Lye 3 cans 25c Pineapple Site's8 SErSrp.p.'? ZQc Lard Cudahy's Pure Rex, in Bulk. 3 lbs 20C Pork Loin Roast ltVVEnd. ...JLOc TlAS)rf U. S. GRADED BEEF r itOaSi Shoulder Cuts, lb . I7C Porll ChopS Selected Quality. Lb 2QC CZ-tfkZifr TENDER U. S. GRADED BEEF ITr v3 iGclik Shoulder Cuts, lb JLjQ Whiting Fish ?s!efs. d 20c Cantaloupes SfneTpenerfor8.1: . .25c Lettuce E355' S! clZ:n&lSeb" ........ .5c Tomatoes ZSS-gr..? .ngc Cntfflff"CS California Green Top gm UrrOl!) Largo Bunches. 2 for.; VC OniOnS New Crop Texas Yellow, 3 lbs.. . .ftOC New Cabbage Fresh, solid, ib 3c Ad for Plattsmouth, Friday and Saturday, June 2 and 3 We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities A petition for divorce has heen filed in the office of the clerk of the distriftt court -by Lydia Price Williams vs. Mack L. Williams. The parties . were married at Lincoln on September 4, 1934 and the base of the action is cruelty that has caused the .injury of health of the plaintiff. The plaintiff is aged 79 and the defend ant 83. ' . " VISIT .AT NEBRASKA CITY Miss Buster Blauvelt, stenograph er In the office of James Markham located in the court house, left Sat urday evening- for Nebraska City and 3ince that time she has been a visi tor, ard guest of Miss Bernice Ward rip Miss Blauvelt will resume her office duties Wednesday morning. Mrs. Julius Hall and son, Carl and son, Bobbie, have returned from Har- vard, Nebraska, where they attended the graduation exercises of the school! .t that place. Miss Betty MeKinsey, i a granddaughter of Mrs. Hall, was, one cf the graduating class, being the salutatorian of her class. The' class speaker was Dr. A. V. Hunter, of Lincoln, former pastor of the local Methodist church. PAID FOR POULTRY EGGS CREAM :. We are in the Market for Springs Special Prices Open Every Evening Bring In Your Produce ! HOME DAIRY Conveniently Located 5th and TfW Center of Business Section wm Ad for Plattsmouth Friday, Saturday, June 2-3 PHONE 93 and 95 WE DELIVER 1 A SUGAR BEET r 10-1 b. Cloth Bag, for y TOMATOES VTX!M Z7 A Slrawber's Red Ripe Mis-.. sour!. Aromas Full Quart Box 2 for 29c A . NEW POTATOES Wh. Shafters 10-lb. Bag for A OMAR FLOUR 48-lb. Bag $1.19 25c Cook Book FREE 17 cntiT CUCUMBERS ,ci2G?;r5c I CnnriC SUNKIST, 300 Size OE. LbltiUlld Fresh, Juicy. Doz......vO onniiGEs saa&is... . . 20c CADDAGE SSaJS?..-. 3c PnriTCC BUTTER-NUT, Drip or Cfr UUrrCll Reg., 2 lb. Tin or Jar... vUU Oft DM Tomatoes or .Green Beans OQ UUltll No. 2 Cans...... ...4 for fcwU HftMlflV Pork & Beans or Sauer QC. IIUUINT Kraut, 3 No. 2Vz cans.. COOKIES ar"LAl.' ... .25c conn FLARES 'g!ay?.....25o ULLEU'S MEAT DEPARTMENT Phone 95 and 93. We have Four Deliveries Daily 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. BEEF ROAST,, extra fancy quality, lb. 17 PLATE BOIL, 3 lbs. for 25 HAMBURGER FRESH CUT 2 lbs. 25c SAUSAGE PURE PORK m. as FRESH PORK STEAK, 2 lbs. for. 35 PORK BUTT ROAST, lean, lb. ..17$ PORK BRAINS, lb. 10$ VEAL BROWNIES Hud. 2Se LEG OF LAMB, lb 25$ LAMB CHOPS, lb 25$ WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF Cold Meats - - Dressed Poultry - Dill and Sweet Pickles Fresh Milk and Sweet Cream "Eat Fleischmann's Yeast for Health" -" ' ' '. 1 '-""i"m -i jJs I I - A larf?e variety of tMnptlnp, rzf Lfc V i t I delicious soups to fit every teiJtull ill menu. Serve soup, often dur- : ill km I X I I lnS liot summer month?! ufffljn Ready-to-Serve WjMT SOUPS )Qmm 2 Cans 25c Al I I t&xt jr especially good with oup 1 1 1 ' ,JAJ !f an Mlad for lSht lummer meals. 'M7 Sunshine KRISPY 1 jpLSr GOACRERS Lji mi I. I 1 lb Boji 15c will 2 Bog 27c km i Hawkeye Assorted Preserves 1-lb. Jar KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes He Per Pkg Musselman's Pure Apple-Orange Marmalade A Delicious Spread OC 2-lb. Jap..: Wheat Flakes 10c KRAKLKRISP Large Pkg. . Bisquick SJc Large size. Each. . . SHURFINE Beverages ORc 3 Giant 32-oz. Bot..Al-' (Plus Deposit) CAOCO BUTTER Solids Per lb. 2&C WILSON'S CHEESE 2-lb. Box I G A SOAP GRAINS GIANT DOX 4JQs "bF,tft4 irWjS U"k SILVER GRILLE BARTLETT Pears No. 2.V2 can J5c Peanut Butter LINKO 5SC 2-lb. Jar TRIUJWPH, Flour 48-lb. Bag BQc Marshmallows KAMO ;. (RC 1-lb. Cello Pkg MORTON'S Blackberries Qc No. 10 Gallon i FAIR PLAY WHOLE Apricots No. 2 Vz Can ISC OUR JOY Catsup 14-oz. Boltle gc 2Sc Wocdbury's Soap 3 Bars fop 10o Rottle Hand Lotion FREE - IDEAL" Pog Food pc 3 1-lb. Cans Oleomargarine SAVORY Offc 2 lbs. fop Sliced op Halved Peaches IWo. 10 Tin 39c MARSHM ALLOW Cookies 2 lbs. fop 2Sc IBfA5aflP jBarsiSJC Solid, Ripe Tomatoes, lb. ...... . 15c Fresh Cucumbers, 5c each, 3 So 10c Good size Cuban Pineapple, ea.;12c Fresh home grown Peas, 4 lbs.. . . .25c New Cabbage, per lb 3c jNew Potatoes, 10 lbs. . . 29c Bananas, yellow ripe, 4 lbs. . . . : . 25c Fed Shouldep rfTTft Choice Corn II VI III Per lb U 1&J Shoulder Steak Ib. 21e POUK CHOPS PORK STEAK PORK ROAST CUDAHY'S or WILSON'S fj rp IWany buy this Economy Pkg. 1 "7) O End Slices.. 5-lb. Box WJVJ Ring Bologna, per lb 15c Mode Chicken Legs, 6 or. 25c A Complete Assortment of Choice Luncheon Meats Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens . Fresh River Cat Fish AD FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Wife Our Delivery Serrice:-fiix outgoing trips dally. Truck leaves the store for territory north of Main street at .8:30, 10:45, 1:30 and 4:30. For territory south of Main street at 9:30 and 3:00 o'clock. 'Eat Fleischmann's Yeast for Health" C