THTJE3DAY. HAY 25, 1939. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WZEEXT JUTJRNAL PAGE THREE SOCIAL From Monday's Dally Guests at Ramge Home Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Meisicger of Omaha were in Plattsmouth Sun day where they spent the day with Mrs. Meisinger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramge. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas of Los Angeles were al?o guests Sunday at the Ramge home. Serve Coffee The altar society ladios or the Holy Rosary church were hostesses at a coffee luncheom served in the church club rooms Sunday afternoon. Serving began at 2 and concluded at 6 p. m. A large number were pres ent at the event. The committee in charge of the af fair were: Mrs. Ilermie Hvoboda, Mrs. John V. Svoboda, Mrs. Frank Slasin sky, Mrs. Louis Svoboda, and Mrs. fl. J. Ferrie. Pearl street was the scene of a de lightful family gathering Sunday, May 22 when a dinner served at the noon hour was held, the event honor ing Mrs. John Jaske, sister of Mrs. Zitka who is here visiting. All of Mrs. Zitka's six -hildren and their families were able to be present at the dinner. During the afternoon Mrs. Zitka's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Gruidel of Omaha were here to spend the day with the family. Hold Picnic Party Sunday a very pleasant picnic party was held along the Missouri river near the Sam Gilmour place by a group of Plattsmouth and Murray people. A fine fried chicken dinner and all the trimmings added to the pleasure of the occasion. Those at tending were Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sedlak and son, Robbie, Mr. and Mrs. John Wondra, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wondra of this city and Misses Mil dred Wilson and Efiie Paynter of Murray. Enjoy a Steak Fry The summer camp of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Starkjohn located in the hills near the Platte bottoms northwest of the city, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering of friends Sunday. The party spent the afternoon in visiting and as the evening came on a ine steak fry was enjoyed by tne members of the party. Those attend ing were County Treasurer and Mrs. John E. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sund etrom, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullen ind Mr. and Mrs. Starkjohn. as host and hostess to two tables of pinochle at their home Saturday eve ning, the odcasion honoring Mr. Zitka's aunt, Mrs. John Jaske who is here visiting with friends and relatives. The evening was devoted to play ing pinochle and the highest honor of the evening was awarded to Ed ward Remar of Omaha. The evening was concluded with the serving of refreshments by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Edward ie car of Omaha. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Knoflicek, Mrs. Anna Zitka and daughter, Dorothy, Misses Mary Ann and Theresa Sedlak of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Remar of Omaha, and the guest of honor, Mrs. John Jaske of Los Angeles, California. delicious refreshments were served. The next meeting on June 12 will be a program meeting and Miss Flor ence Hathaway of Van Sant School 3f Business will be the guest speaker. Miss Waunitta Johnson and Miss Anne Knieke will have charge of the program arrangements. Family Gathering Sunday The Anna Zitka home on 1727 Entertains at Dinner The home of Register of Deeds and Mrs. Ray F. Becker was the scene if a very pleasant family dinner on Sunday when the relatives from Union were here to enjoy the de lightful repast that had been ar ranged by Mrs. Becker. Those from out of the city to attend the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker, parents of Mr. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bec-l;er and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ehlers and daughter, of Union. Entertain for Omaha Guests Mr. and Mrs. James Zitka served c HE'S G3EMAW U Where Quality Tells and Price Sells Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat., May 26 and 27 PHONE 93 and 95 WE DELIVER A Sfrawber's Red Ripe Mis souri Aromas Full Quart Box 2 for 25c -- ----y flftrWIC Plain Assortment 2 lbs. for. 19c I CTTIinC Solid, Crisp Iceberg LblJUVb Good size Heads, each...UU ORANGES Sunkist, 252 Size 0(l Sweet, Juicy. Doz fcUw NEW POTATOES Red Triumphs Wh. Shafters 10-lb. Bag for 25c I CP?rt!IC SUNKIST, 300 Size resh, Juicy. Doz. 25c FLOUR OMAR, 48-lb. Bag and Cook Book Free $1.29 PftFFPF BUTTER-NUT, Drip or tf). UUrrELL. Reg., 2 lb. Tin or Jar. . . OUU A FLOUR Lighthouse 4S-lb. Bag 7)c SOAP P & G, Crystal White or O-K, Giant Bars, each... 4c CORN FLAKES MILLER'S 3 Pkgs. . . . 25c Guests From Washington Miss Olive Jones, local librarian, had a fortunate surprise Sunday when her nephew, Douglas Ralston of Seattle, Washington stopped in I'lattsmouth early Sunday morning to spend a few hours with his aunt. With him was a friend, Howard Johnson and the couple were en route to the San Francisco Fair, this being preceded by visits at Kansas City, and Joplin, Missouri. A fish fry was feted at the noon hour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V'al Burkel in honor of Miss Jones guests, and Mrs. Burkel's cousin, Mrs. Agnes Chapman. All spent a very enjoyable time. Hold School Picnics Rural school District 6, of which Mrs. Dora Trively is the teacher, held their picnic Sunday afternoon, May 21 at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Guy White. The occasion was held in the form of a covered dish luncheon, the luncheon being served at noon. A large number were in attendance. The afternoon was spent in play ing games of all kinds and at a late hour all departed for their homes. the guests present. At the conclusion of the party the hostesses served refreshments. Out-of-town guests 'at the shower Included Mrs. Karl Roessler of Chi cago, and Miss Elinore Havelka of Wahoo. Hold Birthday Party The attractive country home of Mrs. Georgia Creamer, south of this city was the scene of a most delight ful birthday dinner Sunday when the relatives came in to celebrate the passing of the anniversary of Mrs. Creamer. They came with well laden baskets and with the good things provided by Mrs. Creamer made a most sumptuous feast. After the dinner party the grand nieces and nephews Joined in sing ing birthday songs to Mrs. Creamer, little Marlyne Albin being the ac companist at the piano. Mrs. Forrest .-Shrader played a number of the popu lar songs in which the children join ad and which was appreciated very rauch. The members of the group ar ranged for a family reunion on Aug ust 27, 1939, which will be a get to gether of the children of George W. and Isabel Shrader at the home of Mrs. Lula Wolfe and to which all of the family is invited. Those to enjoy the birthday of Mrs. Creamer were: Mrs. Alma Yardley, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Yardley and family. Mrs. Georgia Creamer, Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rea, Mrs. Thelma Rho den and children. Mrs. Vesta Clark. Alex Campbell. John Nottle man, all of riattstnoutii : Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Shrader of Mondamln. Iowa; Mrs. Lulu Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rhoden and family. Shrader Rhoden. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rhdeu and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kaf fenberger and family, Murray. Honor Mr. and Mrs. Green Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hucke ot Kansas City, Mo., entertained at a lovely wedding dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Green of Platts mouth Saturday evening. The apple blossom theme was carried out throughout the whole dining room and table. A beautiful wedding cake baked by Mrs. Hucke made the centerpiece of the table and silverware, linen I and all decorations used were the same used at the wedding dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Hucke. The bride, Mrs. Green, was seat , cd in the same chair and same ribbon (decorations that Mrs. Hucke was j seated in at her wedding. The guests were 'the bride and j groom, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Green of Plattsmouth, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs. jR. T. Shrontz and son, Robert Green of Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Har old Hucke and children Robert nd Edward. Mrs. Harold Hucke is an aunt of Wilson Green and a sister of Mrs R. T. Shrontz, mother of the groom and also a sister of Mrs. H. R. John ston of Plattsmouth. 7 GRAPEFRUIT Fla. Seedless Large, 6 for . 25c 0. SUGAR BEET 10-lb. Cloth Bag for 4J3 MUSTARD Yellowstone Quart Jar . . 10c PICKLES Yellowstone Sweets Quart Jar Yellowstone Dills. 25c Jar. 25c 7 PEAHUT BUTTER Rare Treat 2-lb. Jar . 25c r.iuLLErrs meat department Phone 95 and 93. We have Four Deliveries Daily 1 8:30 a. xa. 10:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. BEEF ROAST, extra fancy quality, lb . .17 PLATE BOIL, 3 lbs. for 25cj BEEF STEAK, Shoulder, lb.. 20 HAMBURGER FRESH CUT X lbs. 25c . PORK STEAK FRESH, LEAN 2 lbs. 35c LEG OF LAMB, lb 25 LAMB CHOPS, lb 25 PORK BRAINS, lb. 10$ Sunlight, American or Brick CHEESE Z lb. Box s VEAL BROWNIES, per. lb 25$ BEEF TENDERETTES, per lb I 30$ PORK TENDERETTES, per lb 30 We also Carry a Full Line of Cold Meats and Freshly Dressed Chickens From Tuesday's Dally Helson-Stockton Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Lin coln, announce the approaching mar riage of their daughter, Marie, to Melvin Stockton or Seminole, Okla. The marriage will take place Wed nesday at 8 p. m. at the Havelock Methodist church, with the Rev. G. A. Moon officiating. Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, of this city, the former a brother of the bride, will attend the ceremony. Shower for Recent Bride Mrs. Wilson Green, formerly Miss Mary Jane Mark whose marriage oc curred at Papillion on December 10, 193S, was an honored guest at a kitchen shower last evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Mark. Mrs. Gene Suess, Mrs. Hamilton Mark of this city, and Miss Evelyn Meisinger of Omaha were hostesses. The evening was spent in playing games of various sorts, the prizes for the evening being awarded to Mrs. Geraldine Hirz and Mrs. Mark. The recent brtde received many beauti ful and useful gifts as greetings of congratulations from her many friends and guests. At the close of the party the hos tesses served refreshments, they be ing assisted by Mrs. Harold John ston of this ity, an aunt of the grocm. There were thirty guests present at the occasion, the out-of-town guests being Miss Elinore Havelka of Wahoo, Mrs. Gladys Ofe and Miss Evelyn Meisinger of Omaha. From Wednesday's Dally Bi-Monthly Cluh Miss Helen fcmetana served as hos tess to the Bi-Monthly Pinochle club at her home at 221 Vine street last evening. Mrs. Eleanor Christensen was the only guest present. Mrs. Herman Tiekotter received the first prize, and Mrs. Lorine Urish was given the second prize. Refreshments were served at the close of the party by the hostess. Tuesday Afternoon Club The Tuesday afternoon pinochle club met with Mrs. Fred Mumm at ler home in the north part of this city. All of the club members were present. Mrs. August Roessler was awarded the first prize, and Mrs. Val Burkel received the second prize. Following the party the hostess served refreshments. nkler's Club Mrs. Henry StarV.. .in served as hostess to the Ink'er's card club at her home Tuesday afternoon, this Uib r.lso reporting all of its members in attendance. The first prize of the afternoon went to Mrs. John Woest and the steund prize was captured by Mrs. Fred Lugscb. Refreshments served by the hostess concluded the afternoon entertainment. C. D. of A. Meeting The Plattsmouth Catholic Daugh ters of America met for a social jathering last evening at the home of Mrs. William Woolcott with a large number of the members in at tendance. Two guests, Mrs. Paul Lemke of Omaha, and Miss Helen Woolcott, were present. - The evening was devoted to play ing cards, bridge and pinochle being the chosen games. In the pinochle Mrs. John Kubicka was awarded the highest honor, and Miss Minnie Guthmann received the highest bridge score. Following the party the hostesses comprising Mrs. Thomas Wall ing, Mrs. William Nelson, and Mrs. William Woolcott, served refreshments. J Junior Woman's Club The Junior Woman's lub had a very delightful party at Hotel Platts mouth last evening with Miss Marie Nolting, Miss Alice Hiatt, Miss Helen Smetana and Miss Genevieve Pohl man as hostesses. The party began with a tap dancing program followed by "Pro fessor Quiz" and card games. Shir ley Burcham, Jeanne Hudson, Irene LaHoda and Deloris Ruse accompan ied by Shirley Seiver gave several solos as well as group dances. In the "Professor Quiz" the north side won. In the bridge and pinochle games, prizes were won by Miss Fern Jahrig, Mrs. Kenneth Schmitt, and Mrs. Edgar Glaze. As a fitting climax to the party Shower for Mrs. Wiles Tuesday afternoon the ladies of the Federation of the Methodist church entertained at the parlors of the 'church, the occasion being a shower honoring Mrs. Ralph M. Wiles, one of the active members of the organization. Mr. and Mrs. Wiles recently had their home destroyed by fire and the ladies of the church had arranged the shower to present many very lovely and useful gifts to Mrs. Wiles, articles that will have a place in the new home and reminders of the kind friends. Mrs. E. II. Wescott had charge of the program and many interesting features were enjoyed. Guests were given envelopes and from which they drew stunts that they were called upon to perform, which with games and several pleasing musical numbers served to pass the time. A committee from the three circles of the Federation served refreshments at the close of the program which aided in making it a very pleasant time for all. Shower for Mrs. Green' A miscellaneous shower was given last evening at the Hamilton Mark home in honor of Mrs. Wilson Green, this being the third shower given in her honor, and second to be given at the Mark home. The hostesses last evening included Mrs. Vern Hen dricks. Mrs. Henry Donat, and Miss Elinore Havelka, the two former ladies being aunts of Mrs. Green and ; the latter a cousin. The Mark home 1 was beautifuly decorated, large bou-! quets of roses and peonies forming i the floral decorations. The evening was taken up by the playing of games of all kinds,; Mrs. Philip Hirz and Miss Mary Holy winning the prizes for the games. During the evening the re cent bride, whose wedding announce ment came as a complete surprise. was forced to open and display the many gifts that she had received from foods for "Ar DECORATION DAY The most important part of any holiday outing is the food. Hinky-Binky will serve you with finest foodsat prices that save you money! p,atlsmouth Frl Sal Mont 26-27-29 s Mile High DILL Pickles Quart Jars 2 for 25' lion. Jnr, H.-4T, Glenn Valley CATSUP tt.3 for 25c Sunrise Mustard 4 Ar Quart Jar Sunrise Fresh, Fluffy Marshmallows Mb. Cello Bag: 2 for 25c 1 "I 'o O Cudahy's Tender Process, auuvvuu iravsiiiiavsw moieor Hib...:... Cudahy's Pure Rex Brand. a in Bulk 3 lbs. AUL, ROAST. Tender, Juicy U. S. nn Lard DaaC Graded Beef. Shoulder Cuts, lb. Spare Ribs Sn&. me.aty 25c Ctntfr Tender U. S. Graded Beef OUScIi. Shoulder Cuts, lb XG Pork Chops ?ehrol,cbe: L.ean 21c Bacon Squares iudr-'b l0c Cold Meats SPEvT-TErEnvE Thuringer Summer Sausage, lb 190 Assorted Baked Loaves, lb 22 C Spiced Luncheon Meat, vacuum cooked, lb.25 Frankfurts, large, juicy, lb 15c Minced Luncheon or King Bologna, 2 lbs..25C Del Monte Sliced or Half Del Monte Crushed Armour's Star PEACHES PINEAPPLE Corned Bce Sn2K2. 15c ssi-S for 20c "sr 2 for 35c Fnuaeaipipfle ...iLT&c Fresh Cuban. Can them now! Case 36, $2.98. CtmennnimlbeirG ?0ruc Texas Long Green, for Slicing. ureemi Beaimo ib. 75c Fresh, Crisp Louisiana Bound, Stringless iiaipe5iiiiDut "r, 2Qc Juicy Florida Marsh Seedless, each 3c Firm, Red-Ripe Texas. New albfoage Lb. . 3C Fresh, Solid Mississippi Heinz Ketchup .-.17c Large 14-oz Bottle CLAPP'S Strained Foods 4t2-oz. Cans Doz., 89c Chopped Foods 2 IVz-oz. Cans. 2 for !5c 25c PnCCnA Sunrise, Sweet, Mild A" LOSlCC 1 ib.. 15c; 3 lbs 43C Royal Flour Sack 031c Tomato Juice gfin7,4n6t-eozBr IQc Hire's Root Beer iEE. BB0o.,D3eDfor.25c Bread Fresh Sliced White, 16-oz. Loaf Qq Olives Magic Circle Queens, quart jar 2yC Peanut Butter i-u,2.saEr BRAN.D.....21c Winder ? .Easi.'.y.! I5c RitlSO Washes Clothes White, large Pkg 2&C LiSebuoy ifitiilFiSF for 25c Omar Flour. Ill1- $1.29 Salad Dressing Qua;07". 33c Chipso FlaUes ar?eRPIfgULE.s: 22c LaVa Soaf? Medium bar, 6c; Large bar. . GC Cracker Jack A Delicious Confection! 3 for 10c 'JUNKET' 11 iif It n nr mud l) llrtouM Georgie Porgie EXPLODED WHEAT Cereal -fl ffjc Reg. Pkgs 2 for iLP SOIL All Water Softener and Cleanser ! Large Pkg. 191 IVOry Soap Guest Bars, 4 for QC Pillsbury's Flour SS-ifr .$11.59 BiSqUidl Ideal for Shortcake. Lge. Pkg.-3QC Gold Medal Flour. II 85c. . .$11.59 Hits Butter Craclierc p;,ab;...:22c PearS No. 10 cans, 3 for $1.25; per can. .jjw SUgar Fine Granulated Beet 10 lbs. 50C Butter-Nut COFFEE Specially Mellowed (Eegular or Drip Grind) 1-lb. Can or T)PC Glass Jar 2-lh. Can ylC or Glass Jar. KUS French's MUSTARD Qc 6-oz. Jar 9-oz. jar 12 Waldorf TISSUE ...6for25c WHITE III1IG GRANULATED SOAP Giant Pkg., 49 "fl C Large Pkg. iu Ji. WHITE KIHG TOILET SOAP .4fbrl9c " WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES