The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 03, 1939, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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i I MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1939.
I 5 - -
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Arthur Stander of Louisville was
a visitor in Avoca at the home of
Mr., and Mrs. Fred Marquardt.
Henry Emschoff of Kansas City
has been visiting for a few days at
the hpme of FredBartelle and as
well attending a wedding last Thurs
day near West Branch.
Mrs. Earl Freeman and little
daughter went to Union last Tuesday
evening where they spent a number
of days visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mid
kiff. Claude Hollenberg lias been decor
ating the store room of Win. Mase
man, painting the ceiling of the room
and the wood work, which is adding
much to the neatness and teauty of
the interior of the store.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grauf enter
tained a number of friends at their
home in Avoca last Monday when the
feature of the evening was contract
bridge and pinochle. A large num
ber of their friends were present to
assist in the very delightful evening
which was enjoyed.
John Mohr of Hamlet, in the west
ern part of the state, who is a stu
dent at Peru Normal, was visiting
in Avoca over the week end, guest of
Wm. Gollner and Marion Pittman.
Also Miss Dorothy Gollner, who is
employed in Lincoln was spending
the week end at the home of her
Fred McGrady, who was so ill for
some time and whose recovery was
dispaired of, has been making excel
lent gains of late and is able to be
cut and around and has been doing
some light work about the home dur
ing the past week and is hoping it
will not be so long until he can re
turn (o work at his blacksmith shop.
Celebrated Passing of Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stutt were
celebrating their golden wedding
anniversary last Monday. They make
their home in the neighborhood of
North Branch church, and the event
was attended by a large number of
friends from all over this part of
the county as well as other points,
who were pleased to congratulate
them on this occasion. The happy
couple held open house during the
afternoon and evening.
Meets with Severe Injury.
John Ruhge, son of August
Ruhge, who was moving to another
farm for the coming year, had the
misfortune to fall from a hay rack
which he was using to move his
goods and sustained the fracture of
his collar bone. The fracture was
a compound fracture, a sliver of
bone being detached from the main
bone. An incision was required to
remove the detached piece in order
to bind up the wound. While the
fracture was severe it is expected
Vi nolAnt will m-ilfa iatafaAtnrv
iUC JaVAUfc Kill AAAant. u.. -'-"--'-' J
progress toward recovery. He was
taken to the Bryan Memorial hos
pital at Lincoln.
They Were Married Last Week.
In getting the news of the wed
ding of Miss Enschoff which appeared
last week, we were told it was to
be celebrated on Thursday and as we
received the information on Tuesday,
understood it was to occur the fol
lowing Thursday, but this was not
the case, but was to be held Thurs
day, March 30th instead of March
23rd as reported. However here is
best wishes for much joy and pros
perity for the contracting parties
who celebrated the event with a re
reptlon at the pavilion at Syracuse
in the evening.
Suffers Severe Loss.
While Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bucholz
and a neighbor were in Nebraska
City last Tuesday afternoon looking
after some shopping, leaving the
home in charge of the mother of
Mrs. Bucholz. the. brooder house in
which was housed 518 chickens was
found afire, and it was impossible
for the mother to extinguish and the
building and chicks were burned.
Here's An Excellent Bargain.
We have a 1938 de luxe Ford V-8
whkh has exactly 4,000 miles and
was sold for $803 and in the very
best condition. We arc offering same
for $585. See me for further Infor
mation. John Marquardt, Avoca.
Basketball Boys Entertained.
There was an entertainment given
at the high school auditorium Tues
day evening of last week which was
accompanied by some very fine eats
and an address by Ja.k Dodd of the
University of Nebraska, who gave a
rery fine talk on basketball and other
JIake your stationery distinctive.
Initials or name printed on box sta
tionery purchased at Bates Eook
Store at small extra cost
Journal Job Department
Wall Paper, 5J a roll and up at
Greene's Drug Store, Elm wood.
J. Johansen was over near Elm
wood last Monday to dress a beel
for Joy Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rikli were in
Omaha Wednesday of last week look
ing after some business for the day.
Richard Epping was passing bis
twenty-first birthday anniversary last
Thursday, having reached manhood's
Miss Geraldine Schmidt was called
to Lincoln Tuesday of last week to
get Eome supplies for her beauty
shop here.
Wayne Edgar and wife of Wahoo,
Mrs. Edgar being formerly Miss
Wilma Panska, w ere visiting relatives
and friends in Murdock last Sun
day. During the past week Paul Stock
sold a tractor and plow outfit to a
party near Ashland and also shipped
one to a party at Superior, which
is getting out a good distance.
Peter Gradoville, a band instruc
tor of Plattsmouth was a visitor in
Murdock last week and was looking
after giving instruction to the band
Mrs. Wm. Eisle while engaged in
her household duties had the mis
fortune to receive an injury to one
of her feet which laid her up for a
number of days but is better now.
Money saved on Wall Paper is
money saved. Greene's Drug Store,
Elm wood. m27-2w
The Senior class of the Murdock
high school gave their class play last
Friday which was enjoyed by a
large number of the patrons and
friends, both in Murdock and sur
rounding territory.
Since moving to Murdock Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Basack have been busy
jetting their home in the best con
dition, painting and decorating the
entire house inside. They have also
'een doing some landscape gardening,
planting shrubbery about the lawn.
On the property which Carl Buck
recently purchased from E. M. Shatto
he with the assistance of Mrs. Buck's
father, John Eppings and son Rich
ard, built a very nice chicken house
which will be used by Mrs. Buck for
the growing of her flock of chickens.
Vernon Rikli who accepted a posi
tion with a wholesale implement
company in Omaha and has been
there for a number of weeks, was a
visitor over the week end at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Rikli, returning to work early
Monday. Vernon likes his work in
Omaha very much.
The Young Married people's class
of the Murdock Evangelical Bible
school were meeting last Friday eve
ning at the houe of Mr. and Mrs.
John Schlaphoff northeast of Mur
dock where they enjoyed a very
pleasant evening and discussed the
methods and plans of the Bible school
and how to get the most out of it.
Miss Opal Knaupe, who is a gradu
ate nurse, received a call to come to
Falls' City to take over a nursing
ase. She has been caring for Mrs.
Lyons and babe since the coming of
the babe, and with her departure
Mrs. Lawton will care for the pa
tient, Mrs. Lyons, as well as care for
the home. ,
Yes. that was a real lively news
paper published in Murdock in its
earlier days, by O. P. Stuart, who
as well taught school and was post
master. Miss Myrtle Wood, the
mail carried out of Wabash had a
copy in Murdock last week bearing
the date February 14, 1895. Those
who read it said the personal men
tions consisted mostly of people long
cince passed away.
Dr and Mrs. O. R. Piatt of North
Platte visited at the home of Mrs.
McHugh Tuesday and Wednesday en
route home after a month's trip to
Chicago and on east to Cleveland and
New York City. The doctor took in
the clinics and otherwise enjoyed the
other important points of interest.
The return trip took them via Wash
ington. D. C. Louivsille, Ky., St.
Louis and Kansas City.
Entertained the Ladies' Aid.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Murdock Evangelical church were
meting last Thursday at the home of
Mrs. John Thorns with Mrs. Floyd
Williams .as co-hostess. They plan
ned a vigorous campaign for the
benefit of the church and community.
Eats? Sure! and why not? The Mas
ter with five barley cakes and two
small fishes fed the multitudes and
said to Andrew, why not give them
to eat. So why not the Iaadies serve
eats as well? '
Sick at Home in Lincoln.
Grandmother Backemeyer who is
making her home in Lincoln with her
daughter, Mrs. Louis Hornbeck, has
been in very poor health for the
past few weeks and still remains
poorly. A number of friends from
Murdock have recently called on her
giving her cheer, she being pleased
for their company. Among those
who recently called were H. C. Back
meyer and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Matt
Thimgan and Rev. Harvey A. Schwab
and family.
Many Win Prizes.
At the guessing contest as to how
long the baby Allis-Chalmers trac
tor would run on a quart of gasoline
at the opening sale of the Paul
Stock implement demonstration last
Saturday, the guesses ranged from
seven minutes to over two hours.
Two tests were conducted, one in
the afternoon, the prizes went to
Martin Bornemeier, Arlo Stock and
Antone King. In the evening the
winners were Fred Corden Chick
Miller and M. R. Lund. Lyle De
Moss of WOW was here in the eve
ning and did a very fine job of en
tertaining. In all it was a gala day
for Murdock.
Appraising Board Visits Here.
The board of appraisers in the case
of the Loup River public power dis
trict who are to serve electricity for
.ill farming and domestic purposes,
visited Murdock last Wednesday,
looking over the land. Many of the
farmers are not satisfied with the
price offered for the use of land for
r.etting poles of the company and
so the board of appraisers was ap
pointed to make an appraisal. The
board consists of William A. Ost and
Raymond C. Pollard of Nehawka,
W. G. Boedeker of Murray, John F.
Wehrbein and Henry F. Nolting of
At Bryan Memorial Hospital.
While Mrs. Julius Reinke has so
far recovered that she is home and
making good progress, for which the
family are very well pleased, altho
she was very seriously ill for many
weeks, news comes that their daugh
ter,' Mrs. Bertha McKee is at the
Bryan Memorial hospital at Lincoln
receiving treatment for some ear
disease with which she has been
troubled. She is getting along only
fairly well.
Now Located at Phoenix, Ariz.
Rev. and Mrs. George P. Clarke,
the former pastor of the Christian
church, formerly of Riverdale, Mrs.
Clarke a sister of A. H. Ward, were
visiting in Murdock for a few days
the past week, but departed for
their new home at Phoenix, Ariz.,
where Rev. Clarke is to be pastor
of the First Christian church. Rev.
Clarke has many friends in Platts
mouth where he was the resident
pastor for the Christian church for a
number of years, but many years ago.
He, however, has many friends there
Pleasant Visit Last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillespie of
North Loup were visiting in Mur
dock last Sunday, guests at the homes
of Lacy McDonald and Bryan Mc
Donald, where they enjoyed a very
pleasant day. The day was made the
more enjoyable by the fact that Gayle
McDonald and family of Hampton
were members of the happy house
party. Mrs. Gillespie, who was so
3eriously injured in an auto wreck
near York when Mrs. W. O. Gillespie
lost her life, is now entirely recover
ed. Greenwood
Mrs. Glenn Peters and Mrs. Irene
Gumbel werein Lincoln Saturday.
Andy May's father passed away at
his home in Ashland Friday morn
ing. Miss Dolly Lac hard of Lincoln was
a week end guest of Miss Lucille
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thon-pson
moved in the Sanborn property re
cently Ramon Newkirk attended a meet
ing of oil dealers in Omaha Friday
Mrs. Mattie Armstrong is spend
ing a few days visiting at Gordon,
Several families have been very ill
with the flu lately. Most of them
the improving at this time.
The high school and faculty en
Joyed another dance in the school
luditorium Friday evening.
Mrs. Irene Gumbel of Eugene, .Ore
gon has been visiting at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Glen Peters.
Harlan Wolfe of Lincoln risited
U the Lincoln Dimmltt tome the
.'a at of the week. He is a cousin of
Mrs. Dimmitt.
Mrs. Lloyd Jefferys and Mrs. Wm.
Franks entertained the Dorcas society
in the Christian church basement
Friday afternoon.
Owing to illness Mrs. John Vant
was unable to have the cemtery as
sociation meet with her Wednesday.
They met with Mrs. Ben Howard.
Mrs Mae Gribble entertained the
Deal-a-Deck club Thursday after
aoon. Mrs. Dudley Clonoe and Mrs.
Vivian Cope were guests. Mrs. Katb
ryu Layman won first and Mrs.
Myrtle Cameron second.
Elmwood News
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hollenbeck
were Sunday dinner guests last Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Shellhorn.
George Wilson ,and L. V. Davis,
the well men, have been busy sinking !
& well on the farm of Mrs. F. R.
ilutbman over near Cedar Creek.
James Currant, a former resident
of Elmwood who has been in the west
for some time passed away last week,
the remains being brought back to
Elmwood, the funeral and burial be
ing held last Monday.
Edward Penterman who was taken
to severely ill some weeks ago still
remains in a very bad condition and
seemingly getting weaker with each
passing week.
Many Elmwood people- were over
to Murdock Saturday of last week
attending the opening of the season
for the sale of the Allis-Chalmers
farming implement sale.
George Eidenmiller was called to
r tnnnln TuocHav nf List 1 n 1
lJ til V. Will A ..VSUAMJ " ' - " -
look after some business matters,
driving over to the big city and was
accompanied by the family.
Mesdames Wm. Flaischman and
Clifford Preston were called to Weep
ing Water Tuesday of last week
where they were looking after some
business matters for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. William McLean were
guests for the afternoon and evening
last Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Verna Olsen, where all enjoyed a
very fine visit. They are former
residents of Elmwood, making their
home in Lincoln.
On account of the very severe
change in the weather, accompanied
by a cold biting wind, the workmen
engaged on the Raymond Eveland
new barn layed off until the follow
ing day and were back at work with
the warmer weather.
Mrs. L. A. Tyson who has been
visiting in the west and who returned
first to Lincoln and later to Elm
wood, vistilng after driving here, at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mar
lon McCrory, began keeping house
for herself one day last week.
The bridge club of Elmwood which
s known for their playing of the fas
cinating game of contract bridge,
.net last Monday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Clements where
f.hry enjoyed their usual games and
also a very fine luncheon. Messrs.
A.rley Clements and Ronald Schlicte
meier were winners of the two high
Wm. Flaischman who has been in
rather poor health and has found it
aecessary to undergo an operation
svent to the Veterans' hospital last
Monday where he will remain for a
time and undergo both an operation
and treatment. He is at the same
place as Albert Kunz who went a
week ago and is still there receiving
medical treatment.
Responded to Fire Alarm.
An alarm of fire was sounded last
Monday week when the flue at the
home of H. E. Barber was burning
out, and before whatw as really
known about the fire the alarm was
given and the department Immediate
ly, responded with the result that
when they arrived at the scene of
the supposed fire, to find that the fire
had been extinguished and there was
no need of their services.
Wm. Deles Dernier Property Sold.
The estate of former Attorney AVm.
Desles Dernier, which has changed
hands a number of times and as prop
erty of an insurance company of
Lincoln on which they had allowed
the taxes to lapse, was sold last
week to Orville Wyricsk for $282.50
and which will be retained for a
home by this gentleman. He has
been residing in the home and does
rot have to move.
All Having the Flu.
At the telephone exchange the
operators, Mrs. Lucy Lyle, chief oper
ator. Misses Opal Thimgan and Clara
Lee Belle Dennis have all been hav
ing a siege of the flu. However they
are all feeling better now and have
worn out the malady.
Visited With Brother-in-Law.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles West were
visting in Beatrice last Sunday,
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. S. Grant. Mrs. Grant being sister
cf Mr. West. They found the father
of Mr. Grant, who is well advanced
in years, very poorly and being cared
for by the son and wife.
Visited in Elmwood Sunday.
Harry Massie and wife of Calloway,
accompanied by Mrs. Charles Spang
ler, arrived In Elmwood last Sunday
and were intending to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hollenbeck for
the day but as they had gone to the
country to visit the party continued
on to near Nehawka where they visit
ed the father of Harry, Frank M.
Massie for over night and returned
to Elmwood where they visited with
a number of friends including L. H.
Hollenbeck and family until Tues
day when they returned to Calloway,
but expect to return in a week or so.
The father. Frank M. Massie who
is quitting the farm has arranged
to hold a sale April 6th when the
eon and wife will return to assist with
the sale, as the father is not feeling
the best and has been quite ill for
i number of months.
Eeceived Substantial Prcmcticn.
Leland Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Dennis who is making his
home in Los Angeles, a few days ago
was given a very nice promotion
by-his employers, the Owl Drug com
pany, when he was promoted from
assistant manager to manager of one
of their stores.
Nancy Streight has been ill and
under a doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Merril Nannon and
family were in Lincoln Saturday.
Ben Weaver was visiting his fath
er, Fred Weaver and Glen Sunday.
F. J. Knecht and Wm. Blum call
ed at the J. L. Carniclc home Friday
W. J. O'Brien returned Friday
from Minnesota where he had spent
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roeber were
Sunday afternoon visitors at the
B. O. Mooney home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Frahm and
son of Ithaca visited at the J. L.
Carnicle home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carniclc and
son were Sunday evening callers at
the George Vogel home.
Mrs. Albert Blum was a business
visitor in Omaha Monday, returning
home Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs Oscar Dill and Bern
ard Dill spent Wednesday evening
at the Charles Campbell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thimjahn and
Ruth and Eldred spent Sunday eve
ning at the Ida Thieman home.
Mrs. F. J. Knecht was a business
visitor in Omaha Friday. Her father,
J. Wundcrlich of Nehawka , ac
companied her
Sunday evening dinner guests at
the Wm. Blum home were Mr. and
Mrs. Merian Christensen and son
JVjUard of Elmwood.
Fred Weaver and sons, Glen and
Ben and Miss De Lorn a Seott were
Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. F. J. Knecht.
Mr. and Mrs. F.zra Neben and chil
Irtn, and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Neben
and baby spent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs F. Cordes.
Miss Margaret Thieman of Om
aha spent Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. Ida Thieman, returning to her
work in Omaha Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Campbell spent
Sunday at Chester Campbell's where
a birthday dinner was served, hon
oring Dave Campbell on his birth
day. Saturday callers at the F. J.
Knecht home were Bruce Rosencrans
of Portland, Oregon, Mrs W. E.
Rosencrans of Plattsmouth and Rob
ert Walling of Plattsmouth.
Quite a number of children are ill
and out of school this week includ
ing Archie Carl and Charles Finney,
Donald, Allen and Darlene Buett
genbaugh, Doris Nelson. All are un
der the doctor's care.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peters and
sons of Omaha were Sunday dinner
guests at the Albert Blum home.
Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Duerr and Marie Ane, Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton Jones, Martin Blum
and Ed Wellensiek.
Aksarben Bird Club
The Aksarben Bird club held their
first hike Sunday afternoon. The lo
cal leader, B. O. Mooney and assist
ant leader, Wm. Blum, with eleven
members and Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Carnicle, Mrs. B. O. Mooney and
Larson Vogel as visitors, thoroughly
enjoyed the afternoon.
Aksarben Forestry Club.
The Aksarben Forestry club met
Saturday, March 25 at the school
house with their leader, B. O. Mooney.
Due to the absence of their president
;he vice president, Billy Mooney,
conducted the business meeting.
The members received their 4-H
pins, songs, and yells. The leader
brought twigs for study, and Wayne
Carnicle gave a demonstration on
"How to Plant a Tree Properly."
The next meeting will be held
April 8th at 1 o'clock at the school
hpuse. Everyone welcome. Ken
neth Carnicle, news reporter.
GOSHEN. Ind. (UP) Thieves
broke into Daniel Leer's car three
times in one niyht but when he re
turned to his automobile after chas
ing them away the last time, he
found they had returned his over
coast, stolen earlier in the evening.
John Grubcr and family moved to
the place where Joe Sheehan lived
when he moved to the country.
Mr3. Wm. Sheehan, Sr., has been
visiting the past week in ()mafca:a:. werk.
with her daughter , Margaret,
Creighton Hall.
Mrs. Frank Riestcr and Mr. and !
Mrs. Edward Jochin were visiting ,
and looking after business matters
in Plattsmouth last Monday.
August Krerklow who was very ill
for a number of weeks lately has
been at work at the filling station,
which has been a pretty heavy drain
on his strength, was not feeling so
well the latter part of last week.
Mrs. W. J. Rau was feeling quite
poorly for a number ol elays last
week and was compelled to remain
it home ajul in bed, b'.'t tince ha:
been feeling much better and was
down to the bank again doing her
A party of friends cf Miss Lorcta
Sheehan surprised her last Monday.
her birthday, and provided a very
pleasant evening for her, extending
Jest wishes and a3 well a number of
eautiful gifts, token of their esteem
for her.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rohrdanz
nnd Mr. r.nd Mrs. Waldo Minford
.vere guests lor the day last Sunday
ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Rohrdanz where a very pleasant visit
was had and an excellent dinner
provided by the host and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sehlelfert
were host and hostess at their home
west of Manley last Sunday when
they entertained for the day and
dinner Mr. and Mrs. George Vogei
ind son of Scuth Bend, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Ktipke and family of Mur
Jock ami Orris Schlcifert and iani
ily. A most' pleasant day and an ex
cellent six o'clock dinner was -in-joyed.
A Pleasant Surprise.
A group of relatives and friends
gathered at the Wm. Shehan, Sr.,
home and surprised Miss Loretta on
Lor birthday, last Sunday evening.
Knochle and pitch were played and
pr;zes awarded. A lovely " lun-chcon
was served late in the evening.
Has Unique Barometer. -
Theo Harms bad a birthday last
Monday and among other things
rece ved as remembrances, is a uni
que tarometer, which is a glass re
ceptfcal holding about a half pint
of v ater, which is colored by any
mean so as to tell its action, that is
Sasiir seen. This is claimed to be
anexact replica of what wa3 used
near;v 2,000 years ago. Mariners
used it even before for navigation.
Whcu the water is placed in the glass
glob which has a spout coming
fron the bcttom and extending to
the top. The probability of rain is
indicated by the height that the
fiuic rises in the spout on the outside-
and when it i3 very rainy the
water overflows.
Last Wednesday when it was snow
ing water oozed out of tho end ol
the spout. When it is dry and no
indication of rain the water sinks
in the spout
Eeceived Very Severe -Kick.
While working about the stock,
Herman Bergman was kicked in the
ctomach by one of the horses which
placed this gentleman in very ser
ious condition for a number of days.
He is, however, feeling better, but
docs not want anything like that to
happen again.
Gets Thrill on Birthday.
Theodore Harms was passing his
53rd birthday Monday of last week.
His Avife prepared a very fine dinner
nd he received congratulations from
many of his friends. However, the
greatest thrill was when his two sons,
Pete and Otto, who are in Los An
geles, called the father up over long
distance telephone and congratulated
him, wishing him many more years
of happy, useful life. The accents and J obtained unanimous co.isenc yestcr
tone of voice as they greeted him told J day for reproduction of a news r i?
of the real interest the sons had in jture in that document. Only two other
the father, although 2,000 miles sepa-
rated them.
Entertained Meeting; of Board.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth were
host and hostess to the members of
the board of the Plattsmouth D. C.
C. W. and was assisted by her sister
Mrs Walter Mockenhaupt, when
they entertained 18 of the members
of the board from Plattsrnouh and
arranged for a meeting in Tlatts
mOuth on April 18th.
NASSAU, N. Y. (UP) A fist fight
between two schoolboys in the School
3 gymnasium eost taxpayers $100
Frank Andrew's, 13, charged he was
Injured an a struggle resulting from
a game of volleyball. A suit was filed
but the school settled.
Your courtesy In ortonina news
to No. C Is appreciated.
W abash" News
Doanie Stark of Elmwood wa3
looking after sonic business matter.!
in Wabash Wednesday afternoon t
Many of the people of Wabash
were over to Murdock last Saturday
for the demonstration by the Paul
stork company.
Jarpcr K. Golden last Sunday re
ceived a shipment of tome 300 baVy
rhick3 which he had made due pivpar-
ation to give an cx:ellent hnnc.
John ( Cardwell who h;3 been
poorly for a number of we ks niul
has been kept to hi? home mid h d
.i good portion of the time is rti'l
feeling poorly altho slightly better,
.ut i:ot able to work yet.
Wabash Loses Family.
Wabash, which ceuid ii'y a.7-rd
the loss of a single citizen,
just lost an entire family, Mr. and
rs. liny iiiiuis lamuy.
i,ona t,,o
lo-s of gome students, but the tov n
has lost a family which ho:i takei
jan active part in all the social fes
tivities and ever worked for the bet
terment of the community. However
.t 3 the desire of all that they wi!l
';nd most pleasant surroundings in
Weeping Water where they will mak;
their home. The 'Missouri Pacific,
fc.r whom Mr. Hinds works, insists
that their employees live within t:;sy
calling distance when extra v. ork is
required by the company.
Gave Farwell Eeception.
As an expression of the hih es
teem in which the family of Mr. ar.d
Mrs. Guy Hind3 are held by their
friends in Wabash, a farewell recep
tion was tendered the family, soon
to depart to make their home in
Weeping Water. The farewell was
held at the horns of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Weyers last Monday evening.
The time was pleasantly ppent in
Samc3 and 6oeial conversation and
.it the closeo f the evening a very de
lightful covered dish luncheon was
Those rrcscnt were Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Hinds and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Weyers, Mr. and Mrs. Lois
Schmidt and children, John Woest
nd family and Clifford Browne and
Sink a New Well.
With A. B. Stroemer as the en
gineer directing operations and Clif
ford. Browne as the foreman of the
operating crew, a well was sunk last
week at the property of John C.
Browne. The former well had failed
to supply the needed amount of wa
ter, hence the new one. The new well
has some eight feet of fcood pun;
water and promises an abundant and
continuing supply.
Home From Hospital.
John C. Browne who has been in
i Lincoln hospital for some time re
ceiving treatment and for a time was
in a very serious plight, has been
?howing good recuperation and was
able to leave the institution lapt
week and return to the borne of
hi3 daughter, Mrs. A. B. Stroemcr in
Alvo. It is good news to the many
friends here and over the county that
he is showing good improvement.
See Eed Foxes Here.
A number of residents cf Wabash
and vicinity have repeatedly seen
"ome red foxes along the creek and
while they are rather difficult to
hag, thej' think that if someone wh.-i
knows fox hunting ould secure some
fine pelts for their trouble were they
to set after the animals.
Vice President John N. Cl.irncr's pic
ture will not be printed in the Co.-j-srcsional
Sen. Robert R. Reynolds D., N. C,
senators were on the floor and neither
Later, however, the parliamcrt-irinn
called attention to a law of TS;t." which
prohibits reproduction of ; cw:? pre
tures in the conprressior.el record with
out the consent of the joint committee
on printing.
Reynolds insisted thi.t t:io re ralo
had waived the law by its unar.irr.ou5
consent to hi3 request.
The picture was one ct Chief fi
nnan J. Edgar Hoover r.nercrprlntir
Garner. Garner laughed heartily at
Reynolds' unsuccessful vocal effort a
on his behalf.
The new Self-Seal envelopes with
Hammeraill cabinet stationery. A
special price during February, in
cluding printing of name or initials.
Ask to see them.
Journal Job Department.
Subscribe for the Journal.