i THTJTiSDAY, MASCH 2, 1939. Preliminary Plans for the 1939 CMTC Young Ken Allowed to Travel to Camps ty Any Method They May Choose, Under New Kile. OMAHA, Feb. 2S. "For the first time in three years all young men v. ho are accepted for attendance at Citizens' Military Training Camps in the Seventh Corps Area next sum ir.tr will be permitted to go to camp by any method cf travel they wish." This announcement was made today by Major General Fercy F. Bishor. commanding the Seventh Corps Area. "Approved applicants may pay It will pay you to get our rates before you renew your Automobile Insur ance. We offer you . . Dependable Stock Companies Local Agency Service CALL OS SEE - Relieve Their DISTRESS - -This Easy, Quick Vay! To bring speedy relief from the discom fort of chest colds, muscular rheumatic aches and pains due to cold you need more than "just a salve" use a stimu lating "counter-irritant" like good old warming, soothing Musterole. It pene trates the surface skin breaking up local congestion and pain resulting from colds. Even better than a mustard plaster Musterole has been used by millions for over 30 years. Recommended by many doctors and nurses. In three strengths: Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 4Ck. Approved by Good House keeping Bureau. All druggists. THE AWFUL PRICE YOU PAY FOR BEING NERVOUS lj :.'iit"P; "wijhW Quivering nerves can raakf you old and haggard looking, cranky and hard to live with can kp you awake niphts and rob you of good health, good times and jobs. What you may need is a particularly f ood woman's tunic end could you ask or anything whoee benefits are bettrr proved than famous Lydia K. I'inkham' Vegetable Compound? Let its whole some herbs and roots help Nature build up more physical rcrijttnce and thus hel; calm your shrieking dots, (rive moro ecercy and mike Lis Tvortli living gain. More than a million women have re ported benefit why not let Pinkham's Compound help YOU, too, to to "smil ing thru" trying time3 like it has other rratrful wom"n for the tiaft 3 genera tions? IT MUST EE GOOD: For GEM Attention INSURANCE- 7c bonds TuP!? Plattsaouth I .e World's JsSfiK S0IH3Q&GGX35 end Ever-Eeady RAZORS j their own way to camp and be re 'iinbursed at the iate of five cents per jnilii for the distance from their homes to camp or they may be fur j ni:;hed with railroad tickets before j departure from home if they bo de isire," said General Bishop. "This ap j plies also to the return journey after the close of camp. The War De partment recommends to parents, however, that all applicants accept government transportation, for by this method they arrive in camp on time and in comfort and avoid the dangers of overcrowded automobiles and other haphazard methods of transportation. "All who are interested should ap ply to the CMTC Officer, Federal Building, Omaha, Nebraska, or to any CMTC representative. These camps have been very popular in the past, and it is anticipated that the Seventh Corps Area quota will again be reached soon after March 1st, the date of the formal opening of the procurement campaign. Priority for enrollment is determined by the or- jfler of receipt and completion of ap plications." The camps in the Seventh Corps Area will be held from July 6 to August 4 at Fort Leavenworth, Kan sas, and at Fort Riley Kansas, which is for colored applicants only; from July 11 to August 9 at Fort Crook, Nebraska. Fort Des Moines, Iowa, Fcrt Lincoln, North Dakota, Fort ' Snelling, Minnesota, and Jefferson I Barracks, Missouri; and from July 1 20 to August IS at Camp Joseph T. j Robinson. Arkansas. The Seventh , Corps Area consists of the states of North Dakota. South Dakota, Minne sota . Nebraska. Kansas, Iowa, JUis Kouri, and Arkansas. APPEALS CASE LINCOLN. March 1 (UP) Former Municipal Judge John A. Maguire 'appealed to the supreme court today (from a decision of Lancaster county's i four district judges naming Edward 'C. Fisher successor who was elected last November, contending that his (Magnire's) tenure was the remain der of the term to which he had been appointed to fill a vacancy and not until the session's general elec tion after hi3 appointment. He said in his appeal that the district court erred because no vacancy existed at he time of the election and also erred in not requiring Fisher "the real plaintiff" to be a party to the pro ceedings. The plaintiff was the at torney general. ... 'THE FARMER'S FRIEND' Rehmeyer Elevator 17 Years of Eeliable Service at Alvo Al-xzys in Market for Your Grain The Rehmeyer Elevator has always enjoyed a splendid business from the Alvo community. They have always criveii their customers the highest prices for grain and have sold feed and other merchandise at RIGHT PRICES. They are extensive buyers of grain. Few. if any elevator compan ies in Caes county have attained the prominence the Reymeyer ele vator has. They maintain an up-to-date establishment for the accom modation of the public and have an enviable reputation for fair prices. Their elevator is of large capacity, with the result that they are in the market at all times for unlimited quantities of grain. It is reliable in every way and the fact that it i3 tested many times during the year is evidence of its reliability. Every inducement is offered tit"? farmers of this section to .market I heir products here and not export ihem to other markets.- The best prices are paid and the farmers may be assured of a square deal when dealing with the Rehmeyer Elevator at Alvo. The proprietor, Simon Rehmeyer, is an outstanding business man. His reputation for honest weight and square treatment i3 unquestionable. Mr. Rehmeyer is among the first thought of in connection with any v.ertfcy project for the good of the community and he is fully deserving j'. every farmer's support. i ' i3S! -!3T--' til'1 ' A Link Not a Chain! A Link Which Has Always Been Con nected With the Furthering of Agriculture's Best Interest Throughout Our Community We refer to the Farmers Union Elevator of, Murdock. This firm is owned by citizens of this locality, and community people who are inter ested in this section's progress. This concern pays the high dollar for grain and sells supplies at money saving prices. It is home owned and co-operative for the community's citizens. They depend on a small margin of profit, on a large volume for their earnings and do not attempt to make all the profit on a transaction. This policy has resulted in an increased number of customers, both in selling grain and in buying supplies. Farm ers, it is to ycur best interest to patronize this home industry. Agri culture has had some tough breaks, but v.e have had our "innings" and history will repeat itself. Consult the manager, H. E. Carson on your grain marketing, feed or coal prob lems, his experience is at your ser vice. H. Schweepe of Wabash, is presi dent; Dan Schlaphoff. Murdock, vice president; A. Ruge, Murdock, secre tary; II. Kupke, Murdock, treasurer; O. Miller, Murdock and Wm. Stock, Murdock, directors. In its years this firm ha3 been conducted upon high business prin ciples and provides a superior ser vice. Wo heartily recommend this firm to our readers. Ycu'il Have Less Trouble if It's an ALUS CHALMERS Stock Implement Co. "3 Years of Good Service" Phone 2111, Murdock Mr. Stock will appreciate it il you will call at his place of business when you are in MURDOCK and give him a chance to demonstrate the ad vantages which are yours exclusive ly in the Allis Chalmers line before you dcal. When ycu need farm machinery it'll pay you to see the Stock Imple ment Co. at Murdock, first! They are in a position to give you as gen erous a trade-in allowance on your used equipment and as liberal terms as any dealer in this section. They do not feel that their obliga tion ceases with the sale, but endeav or to see that you receive satisfac tory service from each piece of ma chinery they sell. For many years Allis-Chalmers has been a recognized leader in farm implements and tractors. With an Allis Chalmers you can do the w ork quickly and efficiently, saving you time and money. Mr. Stock wants to call your at tention to their repair service. When you call on them for a repair job, eTpert workmen install. Their work will bo done correctly, completed on time, AND THE PRICE WILL BE RIGHT! They want to thank you farmers of the community for jour business in the past and hope to merit a fair share of it in the future. JUNIOR CHAMBER MEETS From Wednesday's Daily The Junior Chamber of Commerce met last evening at 8 o'clock at the Recreation Center. Due to the bad weather conditions, causing many of the farm members to be absent, and illness cf the secretary, Ordell Hen uingf, the organization held a quiet meeting. The problem of "The Public Rest Room" which the local organization is planning to undertake was dis cussed very thoroughly. James Mark ham, head of the local WPA project's office, was present and gave the mem bers many helpful hints and sugges tions as to the starting of the newly formed project. The matter was held up until the next meeting which will be held on Thursday, March 16 when i mere complete discussion will be held and plans laid out. See the goods you buy. CataToq hyt how about th ooods when descriptions aro alluring enough, ou get them? IF RATS 7 77 PrU or PctjI- TiZS,' Jtf& ITX J,m'c jf SA'vZr?ZJr K-RO im made 1 "K'tiiif from H.J S.o.71. a V rmttdOt wctniiKiiiM II .' fj U. S. Dept Act. (BuL I N 1533). Ready-Mixed. ot 1 I homei. S5, nd 1.00 Pow. Il I I der- T 7S. AU I V Drue and Scad Stan. I ?''Damteach Ta doaa ct Jrau a 1 W-SJV, year. K-R-OCoX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUENAI Bible School Sunday, March 5th "Peter Preaches to Gentiles" Acts 10:1-48. We have advanced in our studies of the development and spread of the Christian church.established at Pentecost at Jerusalem, to the time where she must, in fulfillment of the command . "to teach all nations, ' take advanced ground; an epoch is before her, and we see the hand of God in the movement, how he i3 shaping events to the end to bring Jew and Gentile together. The time is ripe, the Holy Spirit ii preparing the soil in Cesaria a Centurian and his house are awak ened, ready to receive the new re ligion at Joppa, Peter, a Jew is being prepared to carry the message of God's redeeming love to the Gen tiles. What epoch making events were in the making can better be imagined than told. We will have to know the Jew in his orthodoxy, narrow, cramped religious outlook on religion; to break through that bar- rier that separated him from all the world, was, what Peter had to do before God could use him as a mes senger. The struggle is graphically pictured in verses 9 to 16. God used an object lesson to brin Peter to see things as God sees them. We are agreeably surprised about tho Centurian. (Centurians are mention ed twenty-five times in the New Tes tament, and all are favorably spokea of). So we find men everywhere that seek and fear God. All men have deep in their soul a longing for God. God dealt differently with Cornelius than with Peter. The question may be asked: "Why did not God con vert Cornelius direct?" That is not his way. God uses human instru ments to deal with humans; it. is sharing responsibilities with the. joys of redeemed souls. The question may be asked: Why does not God send angels to fill-our pulpits each Sunday? An angel could not preach the Gospel of redeeming grace, be cause he has not experienced thi joy of sins forgiven. So Peter is ready to go the 30 miles to preach, and open with the keys of heaven the kingdom to the Gentiles at Cae sarea as he had to. the Jews at Pen tecost at Jerusalem. - Three servants from Cornelius, six brethren and Peter.ten in all, start cn their journey. Peter, expecting to have to account for this unprece dented act of his to the church at Jerusalem, takes six witnesses in stead of two or three, so he is well fortified when he must defend him self. He acted wisely, for what he expected did happen. (See Chapter 11). MUST USE NEBRASKANS LINCOLN. March 1 (UP) The legislature today by a vote of 37 to 2 resurrected a measure which provides that 90 per cent of those employed on public Works projects in the state shall be Nebraska residents. The committee on public welfare had killed the bill, 4 to 3 but Sen ator R. M. Howard, who introduced the measure, urged the the legisla ture not concur in the committee's action. He contended Nebraska labor is entitled to more consideration on public works construction, asserting that men from nearly every state are employed on the Tri-County dis trict Kingsley dam near Ogallala. Senator Lester Dunn, committee chairman, agreed with Howard that the bill should have floor consider ation. Senator Frank Sorrell of Syracuse and Senator John Doyle of Greeley opposed the bill. Doyle said it would provoke retaliatory legisla tion by other states. STORK BEATS DOCTORS GRETNA. "Neb., Feb. 28 (UP) The snow storm last night failed to stop the stork which delivered a baby girl at the home of Joe Plumback, Jr., near here although two doctors, i aided by all available hands of, the state highway department failed to arrive in time. Dr. C. W. Hickey of Bennington was first called. His ear .was stalled at Millard. JtMI) It' good sense to relieve a cough due to a cold with Smith Brothers Cough Drops. Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the enfjf drops co.1t2ir.ing VITAMIN A This is the vitxnia , 01 toe mucous membranes or tne oo&e and throat to cold infections. Lesson Study! By L. Neitzel, Murdock, Neb. On the fourth day they reach their destination. The congregation awaits the preacher. After the introduction, Peter asks the purpose of the call. Cornelius gives a resume cf what has preceded and adds: "Now, there fore, are we all here present before Gcd, to hear all things that are com manded thee of God." Would to God that every class in Sunday school, and every congregation in church be in that spirit and mood; how much more could be accomplished. "Here before God . . in his pres ence . . to hear all things" etc. Two things we observe, first a prepared preacher, and second a prepared and expectant people. Could the result be anything else than what hap pened? Then we notice something that is significant. Peter opened his mouth. 'How oft do we miss even the text, because the preacher wont open his mouth. Jesus opened hi3 mouth. (Matt. 5:2). And what a i sermon! Many a preacher would do well, if he is a fisher of men, to take a pattern from this sermon. Christ, the living bread is offered to hun gry souls. And while Peter was speaking, the Holy Spirit manifested his power, filling the empty vessels, and praises to God resounded heav enward, and Glory filled the house. Many a time have we been inter rupted in preaching, when sinners would cry for mercy and the saved .shouted for joy. That was the old time religion. Alas, those days seem to be past. This phenomena astonished even Peter's companions that the Holy Spirit should be given before bap tism. But none can dictate to God in His work of salvation! The male- factor on the cross was saved with out baptism. God moves in myster ious ways. The genuineness of the conviction of these Gentiles was at tested to when they had received the gift of speaking with tongues and glorifying God in the ecstacy of their new religion; that is one infallible proof that the heart is right when it gives expression of the new life and joy that fills the soul. We never had much faith in the still Aorn'V converts." Today emo tional religion' is frowned upon; but we still believe and teach and preach that there is motion, emotion and even commotion in true religion. The heavens resounded with shou's of praise to God; it is the jubilation of the redeemed, the new song learn ed here on earth. We would have been glad to have been at Caesaria in the aftermeeting, their testimony meeting. THE CRITERION For Over a Century John Deere Im plements Have Led the Field The sign of the John Deere line has always stood for quality machin ery. This equipment has always given satisfaction. The John Deere lines is ably repre sented in the ALVO community by J. B. ELLIOTT who specializes in service and repairs. He is always ready to serve you and you are al ways welcome at his place of busi ness. Large volume and small profits is his system and has resulted in an increased number of customers: Agri culture has always been the most important industry in the community and J. B. ELLIOTT OF ALVO has done his part in furthering its best interests during the six year3 he has been in the implement business there. He has alwas'S handled the John Deere line during this time. He car ries a complete stock of genuine fac tory replacement parts. He has built hi3 business on service and expects to continue along these lines. ; Now is the time to get your trac tor or implements in shape for spring work. Elliott's feature an outstanding repair service. Fcr real service call on J. B. EL LIOTT OF ALVO and you will not be disappointed. We heartily recom mend him, knowing that any trans action with him will be satisfactory. Phonn new itnm to Ho. . that raises the resistance 7 ) MARK Stranger Makes Big Haul at Alvo Store He Loaded His Car With Quality Merchandise From the Jordan's Store. HE APPRECIATED THE VALUES THEY OFFERED; SO WILL YOU At the JORDAN'S STORE you are always assured of the best and at a price you are glad to pay. Here you can be served quickly and to your satisfaction This store is well known to the community for a complete line of meats, groceries, fresh fruits, vege tables or nearly anything you may need in food, and is exclusive head quarters for many people of this community as their food center. At the JORDAN'S STORE they are very well equipped to care for the splendid business which they enjoy iu the community and you will find that they feature quality merchan dise at all times. In meats, groceries, fruits and vegetables they offer selection, and j you will find just what you want in this line at this popular store. Eat more fruit and vegetables for your health's sake. Come in and see what a dollar will buy at this popular store. They are always on the alert for quality mer chandise at right prices and their ex perience has enabled them to offer wonderful quality at reasonable prices. The prices here are such that it does not necessitate traveling to larger towns. Do your saving here at JORDAN'S. TRACY PRESENTS TROPHY OMAHA, Feb. 2S (UP) Spencer Tracy, motion picture actor who won the academy award for the hest in dividual acting in 1938 among Holly wood stars, has sent the trophy com memorating the feat to Monsignor Edward J. Flanagan founder and head of F:.i.her Flanaga i's home for hoy here. The award was based on Tracy's uicting in the motion picture "Hoys Town" which depicted life ,at the homa. In an inscription accompanying the statuette, Tracy wrote: "To Father Edward J. Flanagan, whose great human qualities, time ly simplicity, and inspiring courage were strong eiiough"to shine through my humble effort." Father Flanagan praised the ac tor's "magnanimous spirit." "Tracy," the clergyman said, "i3 always try ing to give credit due him to some body else. If he gave away 100 such trophies the world would still ac claim him as one of the greatest actors." ! HELP .YOUR FAVORITE RURAL SCHOOL PILE UP VOTES IN Playground Equipment. Contest! BY SUBSCRIBING TO The Piaitsmoufli Journal Double te Scheduled number of votes shown r-ciow on Subscrip tions turned in cn Wednesdays! L f. isawf ! Voles Given on New, Renewal and Back Sub scription Payments as Shown in Table Below! Vote Schedule 3 VOTES to the Penny on New and Renewal 9 VOTES to the Penny on Back Subscription 500 in Playground Equipment Given Away V . . DOUBLE YCUR VOTES by bringing this ad when ycu pay (or S h fac simile copy) and we'll sign It for you. so it may be at- Jj 5 t ached to ycur Vote Coupon for double the number of votes! t 8 PAGE SEVEN Dependable, Accomodating Farmers & Merchants Bank at Alvo, Neb. F. C. BOYLES President CARL GANZ - - -Cashier A strong bank instills" confidence in a community. Grow with this growing bank. This strong financial institution is not only able but also willing to care for every reasonable want of its customers. It is a mem ber of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insures each de positor up to a maximum of 15,000. Our readers w ill find this bank a friendly bank, providing all the facil ities of a city bank, together with a perccnal , interest in each fcnd every one of its customers. Be prepared to take' advantage cf this opportunity by depositing a reserve in this strong bank. A great deal of credit is due to the efficient officers and directors of this institution who have done their best toward developing the agricultural and livestock industry of the community as well a3 the commercial and educational inter est:; of the county. The officers, directors and stock holders of this bank are all home people. They are fine public Fpiriud men, who believe in the advancement of Alvo and Cass county and terri tory and feel sure there are better days ahead for the energcti; farmer who works with a plan backed by round judgment and reasoning. When in need of financial Fervice r.ee this bank. We are pleased to recor.;mend thin bank to our leaders in thU 19C9 re view of the county's leading busi ness firms. MOTHER HAS 103 DESCENDANTS LONDON, (UP Mrs. Mary Clack ncy, 92, of Wimb'eeon, has raalized the greatest ambi'.icn of her life she has become, with the birth of her fourth grreat-jrreat-grf.ndchild, the "mother" of one hundred descendants. WOULD your Insurance square your loss if fire ruined your property to night? Would your claims be handled expertly? It'3 a good . idea to . MAKE SURE NOW! Searl 3. Davis OFFICES I 2NU KLOOH Platts. State Bank Blag. THE o 8 8 ( i) 8 8 8 1 8 I 8 8 i t 8 I! 8 .) : it w A Both DAILY and SEMI-WEEKLY Three votes on every penny pail on New or Ileaewal subscriptions; Nino voles on every penny paid on Hack Subsr-riptiDn! A wonderful opportunity to lu-lp out your favorite rural school in the t.i? contest at no ertra cost. Mall subscription rates in Ncbranta and nearby states, an follows: Semi-Weekly Journal $2 a Year Daily Journal 55 a Year 1C00 Bonus Votes on Club of Five Tie or Renewal Subscriptions . ( I 1 iiari'.M -