The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1939, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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j' f 1
From Thursday's Dally
Dinner for Miss Hendrix
Miss Beatrice Arn entertained at
a six o'clock dinner at her home
last evening In honor of Miss Twila
Fav Hendrix who is to leave for
California soon. Miss Arn was as
Eisted in the serving by her niothetr,
Mrs. Vernon Arn, Sr.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Arn, Misses Laura Mrasek and
Beatrice Am, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Arn, and the guest of honor, Miss
Twila Fay Hendrix.
Gave Reception Last Night
At the Methodist church at Plain
view, Xebr., last evening was held a
very pleasant farewell for Mr. and
Mrs. V. D. Clock, parents of Miss
Dorothy Clock, teacher in the Platts
mouth public schools. Mr. and Mrs.
Clock have made their home In
I. in.,... i '
True American
Carton of
6 Boxes
Staley's Syrup
86 Size, dozen 29
Each 2y2
ORANGES, Juicy California
Large Size, doz. 23
Medium Size, doz. 17
CARROTS, large bunch 5
California Grr Top
Solid T
POTATOES, Early Ohios
15-lb. Peck 29
100-lb. Bag $1.79
line Wt Net when Tacked.
YAMSU. S. No. 1
Porto Ricans 4 lbs. 19
CELERY, large, tender,
well bleached 10
Quick or Regular fl (SQ
Large Pkg il J
Thompson Seedless
4-lb. Pkg., 29i -fl fZc
2-lb. Pkg.
I.ran, Tender Rib
' rare, In Balk
Yoidk, Tender
STEAK, Tender Round,
Sirloin or T-Bone, lb 27
Armour' nrnnded
Uaby Reef
HAMBURGER, 2 lbs. 25
Frefclr Ground
Reef Cnta
FRANKFURTS, lb. 15 ft
I.ara;e, Juicy
Cudahy's, 2 lbs 25
Select Quality
Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs 23
Ileadleaa, I) reward
Santa Clara
Lge. 40-50's, 3 lbs.
, 10-lb. Box, 79
Choice Blenheim Dried
2 lbs., 35; lb. iiO
Avalon Whole Unpeeled
No. 22 Can il
Flambeau Soaked
No. 2 Can P
Fine Granulated Beet
10 lbs.
Sunrise Sweet, Mild
Mb., 15; 3 lbs.riTlCP
Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues. and
Wednesday, Jan. 24-25
(Wereserve the rigtifto- limit"
Quantities of the above items)
Plainview for seventeen year9 where Lewis Reinackle and Mrs. Mable
Mr. Glock has been station agent for Thimjahn in the entertaining,
the Burlington. They have been sin- Circle No. 2 met with Mrs. R. W.
cere workers in the Methodist church Knorr on high school hill with Mrs.
and Bible school and other church Elmer Sundstrom and Miss Helen
auxiliaries. The church there has Franke as the associate hostesses of
as its nastor Rev. B. NV Kunkel, for- the afternoon. Miss Caroline Balrd
mer pastor at Union. A very a p- gave the missionary lesson and Mrs
propriate program was enjoyed but jKnorr and Mrs. L. S. Devoe two very
it was with regret that they saw delightful piano numbers
the friends denart. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry F. Goos was the hos- tess. Mrs. Jah rie assisted by her
Glock who have received a pro-itess ror circle wo. t ana had as ner daughters, Miss Fern Jahrig and Mrs
. i . . - . . ... i
motion are Moving to HavelocK associates .Mrs. wmiam scnmiat- Henry Woster
where they take charge of the Bur- mann, Sr., and Mrs. John Sander. The Gleaners circle met yesterday
lington station with the beginning of jThe ladles had the pleasure of hav- afternoon at the home of Mrs. John
the coming week. Mrs. Glock is ing as a guest Mrs. Nellie Agnew of Hallstrom on S23 Rock street where
dauirhter of W. P. Cook of this city, mmana, tormeriy a member or tneja general business discussion was
local church, with Mrs. Henry Herold held. Mrs. R. B. Hayes had charge
p,-li tr. CfT, ToTnilv and Mrs. Oliver- C. Dovey. of the devotionals. they being in
Mr and Mrs Newton Sullivan en- rcie ao. 4 was entertained at the form of a questionnaire
the pleasant home of Mrs. w. A. Bible characters
Refreshments were served im
which are still favorites of the mem
ory book. The singing was led by
Mrs. Frank Barkus." Mrs. L. S. Devoe
being the accompanist. David Fowler,
music director of the Plattsmouth
high school, was present and played
several violin selections, Mrs. Devoe
acting as the accompanist again.
At the conclusion of the program
refreshments were served by the hos
torts inert a. number of friends last
1 T rt 1 . I . v. m T-i . ai..
evening in honor of the J. Marlon "UUCI lsu" w'att 8
Stone family of Nehawka. who are associate hostess. The members had mediately following the meeting by
to leave in the near future for as a soc,ai ieaiure or tne aiternoon tne nostess, assisted by her daugn
I f ra Vlrffil Porrv In a rovlonr rf (ho I rra Tnv.r.. nvAi.r
Aurora. Nebraska. w - v iutJ.
naP() ,.: wn tli fhnn iaiK 01 ur- u vv- vveicn, moderator The .Naomi circle met at the cnurcn
X U X W'Mauo . -j- - a -
I V A n-A-n ta 1 n nnArl.ln t in I ...tit. H f t 111!. 1 f
4. rflln. Tti U1 -klT feciicitti ttoacmuij, bcu iii 1 wlii urs. .Minnie inline auu -na
Bernard Klinrr and Mrs. Ralph umana on lueSQ!iy evenl"S- Frances Allbee as
I PimaIa "NTv r. m t 1, If 1 I i r rr a t 1 a. i .1 wnn the high nrize. while " '- ' . i. " was in cnarge 01 wie ue
Mrs. Donald Born and Stanley Har- Pavls Mra" Almda Fleming and Mrs. votionals which preceded the bus!
ris won the consolation prizes.
Refreshments were served hv the
hostess at the conclusion of the r " 0 " .Cov...6 -
lfnrroann(r ronnrr Mra I. fl minor l F i ht.i i.-l. nli ... n r-i vam fn
" f5 I .... .. .. ... I..
mi. Xf wno naa aiienaeu tne synodicai con- spiring.
Those nresent were: Mr. and Mrs. I I 0
- - lnHMnAAfn I- 11 11.. m . . . . . . . .
icitrut-t; 111 uruiaiiu. us wen us inei i ne anernoon was conciuaea wnn
meeting addressed by Dr. C. W
O. C. Hudson being the associate I ness meeting.
hostesses. Mrs. George Lushinsky, Mrs. Joseph Wiles presented
Ralph Gansemer, Mr. and Mrs. Don
aid Born. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Klinger. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wiles,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris, Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. Harris. Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Sullivan and the guests of
honor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Marlon
C. W.I the serving of refreshments by the
Welch, moderator, gave most inter-1 hostesses
esling reviews of these important
Presbyterian meetings. I From Saturday's Dali
Carmen's Party
The BREX Carmen's union and
their families met for a social gath
From Friday's raily
Afternoon Bridge Club
Mrs. John A. Donelan entertained ering at the Eagles hall last eve
ik. rr. 1. . . .1 A r. Y 1 J - 1 . . V- I t . . . ,
Aia. c.;. rirs1s lue uuiBuaj Aiieiuuuii onuge uuu nmg. a large nuniDer were in ai-
mny-tj . 1 . . ,m n. ., , ,..,
The Altar Society Circles Of tneiv i ucui . mc v.uiuuauu 1 tenuuiivc uiiu it guuu nine was uau
St. John's Cattolic church met for J"1"1"" a"
their regular business sessions at The evening was spent in playing
the various Dlaes of meeting- on Wed- SharpnackS Ultertain Dingo and pinochle. The Dingo prize
nesday afternoon. Mr and Mrs- Fred Sharpnack en- was awardedtto Perry MTnniear, the
Circle 1 met at the home of Mrs. I tertained a number of close friends I pinochle award to Kenneth Farris,
Elmer Webb where a business and jat a s'x o clock dinner at their homeland the prize of the evening was won
social meeting was held. A large Wednesday evening. by Elmer Lohnes
number of the Indies were present for following tne dinner, tne group Following the games, refreshments
the firt meeting of 1939. Election I Indulged in several games of pinochlelwere served cafteria style. A good
of officers was the main feature of ana ine 1Dncrs 01 ine evening were ideal or credit and tnanks is due tne
h sftornnnn and Mra FmnHq To- Bernard Meisinger and Mrs. Rich-1 business men of Plattsmouth who
man was chosen president: Miss ard Beverage. donated a large number of articles
I m a.. I.
Marie Fltigerald, vice-president: Mrs. inose present were: ivir. anu Mrs. ror tne occasion
Elmer Bennett secretary and Mrs. Rov Perkins of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. The following merchants contri-
Elmer Webb treasurer Bingo was I Bernard Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. I buted articles for the good of the
played during the afternoon andJRIcnard Beverage, and Mr. and Mrs. cause: Knorr's variety store, Bestor
prizes were awarded each winner. I Fred Sharpnack. J& Swatek, Mauzy Drug Co., Carl's
Refreshments were served to all Market, Hirz meat market, Carr's
bresenl Immediately following the K. B. Club bakery, George Conis. Warga hard
meeting by the hostess. Mrs. Elmer lfle - C1U mei ai me nome 01 ware store and H. M. Soennichsea.
Webb assisted by the co-hostesses J Mr3- Mollle Gobelman last evening. The committee responsible for the
Mrs. Oscar Sandin and Mrs. Baltz Two guests, Mrs. Lowell Devoe and affair were: Fred Vincent. Edward
Meisinirer - Alrs- ranK Mullen were present. Kohrell. Clarence Price, C. O. Carl-
" l . . 1
Circle 2 assembled at the church Tne Pzes of the evening were burg, and V. E. Handley
filubrooma where an important dis- awaraea to airs, ioweii s. uevoe, wno
From ThurBday'a Dally-
William L. Stine, prominent resi
dent of Union was here Wednesday
afternoon to visit with friends and
attending to some matters of busi
ness. William Oliver, Jr., of Louisville,
was here Wednesday afternoon to
look after some matters of business
and also visiting with his parents, fand
Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver.
Among the entries in the amateur
boxing tournament at Council Bluffs,
la., next Wednesday night, Jan. 25,
are two Plattsmouth lads. Three
boys from here had entered, but an
injury to "Tink" Wiles' shoulder will
prevent him from entering the wel
ter or 147 pound class.
The two, now in earnest training
for the event are Elmer Newton, in
the 160 pound, middleweight, class
Donald McBride in the 112
pound, flyweight division. The two
no money scrappers are working
Hugh Warden, one of the well
known farmers of near Union, was diligently under the directon of Kid
here Wednesday to visit with friends craves, former world's welterweight
pnd look after some matters of busi- champion. The ex-champion pprofes-ness-
sional scrapper puts the Plattsmouth
rrom o-iurimy . a.,, entrants through a stiff course of
Air. and -irs. a. iuii 01 iuur
ray were business visitors in the
city Friday.
Mis3 Patricia Ann McGinn, daugh
ter of .Mrs. Francis T. McGinn of
Cheyenne, Wyoming, is a visitor and
guest here at the home of her uncle
and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Molak.
Thomas Sedlak of Omaha, former
resident of this city was in Platts
mouth yesterday where he came to
look after some business as well as
visit his many friends and relatives.
sprouts and reports the lada are in
first class shep and the spectators
will know there has been a scrap
when these two boys get in the ring
and their opponents will know
they've had one, when its over.
The winners of the Council Bluffs
tourney will be entered in thir re
spective classes in the finish of the
Golden Gloves tournamnt in Omaha
in February. Graves predicts that
the two Plattsmouth lads will be
among the Golden Gloves entries.
From Friday's Daily
The members of the Graves fam-
cussion of business was held. Elec
tion of officers was held and the
following ladies were selected as of
ficers for the year, of 1939: Presi
dent, Mrs. Everett Elliott; vice-president,
Mrs. George Downs; secretary,
Mrs. Lucille Chandler; and treas
urer. Mrs. Walter Smith. Plans and
arrangements for a benefit food show
to be held In February were com
pleted. At the conclusion of the meeting,
refreshments were served by the hos
tesses. Mrs. Joseph Bierl, Mrs. Don
ald Harris, and Mrs. Alois Bierl.
Mrs. James Nowacek entertained
Circle 3 at her home on Locust street.
A large group of the ladies were
present at the business and social
meeting of the afternoon. The usual
custom of the election of officers was
carried out and the following women
were chosen to head the group: Mrs.
Maria Haith, president; Mrs. Cyril
Kalina, vice-president; Mrs. John M.
MJelsinger, secretary-treasurer;
Games were played and Mrs. Cyril
Kalina and Mrs. Ray Bryant were
the winners of the afternoon.
Following the meeting, refresh
ments were served by the hostesses,
Mrs. John M. Meisinger, Mrs. Ray
mond Haith, and Mrs. James Nowacek.
To Attend Banquet
Mrs. Lora Lloyd Kieck, county
superintendent of schools, with Mrs.
H. L. Gayer, are to visit at Omaha
this eveping to attend the banquet
of the Alpha XI Delta Greek letter
sorority. The local ladies were mem
bers of the sorority at the University
of Nebraska. The banquet is given
by the Omaha alumni at the home of
Mrs. Eleanor Greene, 727 North 58th
Presbyterian Circles Meet
The circles of the Women's Fed
eration of the First Presbyterian
church met on Wednesday afternoon
at the homes of members of the sev
eral groups where a large attend
ance was reported at each and most
interesting programs offered. The
circles all had their always inter
esting missionary lessons as a part
of the program of the day. The hos
tesses of the circles had arranged
very delightful refreshments for the
social portion of the afternoon. .
Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. John
F. Wolff, vho was assisted by Mrs.
won first prize; Mrs. John F. Wolff,
second prize; and Mrs. Emil Ptak,
tne traveling prize. In the county court Friday a num
Refreshments were then served ber of probate matters came on for
by the hostess. All had an enjoyable hearing before Judge A. H. Duxbury
time. Innd four new ectntea were nffered
for probate and admitted
btltch and Nibble Club In the estate of Edgar J. Burns,
The Stitch and Nibble club met deceased, of Eagle, Daisy Burns was
at the home of Miss Rose Janda last named as the executrix
evening. An enjoyable evening was in the estate of Lyman Walter
spent in stitching and nibbling by Cromwell, deceased; of Elmwood. W.
the young wome. h. Dick was named as the executor.
At an appropriate hour refresh- in the matter of Arive Nelsen, who
men is were serveu oy ine nosiess, died Inteatnte Iho nnmlnotlnn rf
Miss Rose Janda assisted by her Milton H. Nelsen as administrator
sister-in-law, Mrs. Ernest Janda. Vas confirmed hv tlie pmirt
ine next meeting will be wltn in the t.t. r -o,? i- j
ceased, of Union, Clyde Porter, a son,
was named as the administrator of
the estate.
Miss Anna Knieke on Thursday eve
ning, February 2.
Coach Hoffman, during the period
of physical education for the Junior
high school, has created a great deal IIy in lhig community received word
of interest by dividing his teams today of the death of Mrs. Mayme
into several divisions, playing a tour- Lowry. 5S. who passed awav on
nament each day. The teams are January 17th at her home in Oak
T A. A. . - T . I
cuoseu up accoruing- 10 meir respec- nand, California. Mrs. Lowry has
tive ability and winners are declared" been in failing health for the past
at the end of each session. The teamjfew years.
of Raymond Evcrs, Troy Qotner, Mayme Graves, daughter of the
Jimmy Blunt, Cloid Brizendine and hate Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Graves, was
Robert Grassman won three straight born in Rock Bluffs in 1881 and
games Thursday morning. They de- made her home there in her fhild-
feated the team consisting of Vro- hood days, the family moving to
man. Austin, iieroid, fanort and uasn- plattsmouth in 1890 and where the
ner by a score of 8 to 2. Following deceased made her home until some
this they defeated Dow, Bruce, Mc- thirty-five years ago when she re-
Bride. Weber and Shryock 10 to 0. moved to Lincoln and later to the
Then they defeated Troudt, Jacobs, West coast.
Richards, Dashner and Rice 8 to 5. The deceased ladv received her
n the finals this team was defeated education in the Rock Bluffs and
by Highfield, White. Larson, Step- Plattsmouth schools, graduating from
pat, and McMaken. the schools here.
Each day comprises a complete The funeral services were held at
tournament in Coach Hoffman's phy- Oakland and the interment in that
Death of Mrs.
Mary Wilcox at
Denver Thursday
Body Being Brought Here for Fun
eral Services at Horton Chapel
' Lived Many Years.
Mrs. Mary Wilcox, 82. a resident
for many years of Plattsmouth, difd
at Denver Thursday where she has
made her home for several months
with her son, Clyde Dare.
Mrs. Wilcox was the widow of
Harry M. Wilcox, many years cus
todian of the local government build
ing and who preceded the wife in
death a number of years ago.
In recent years Mrs. Wilcox has
not been in the best of health owing
to her failing health and had gone
to Denver to spend the winter sea
son with her son.
She is survived by two sons, Clyde
Dare of Denver and Edward Wilcox
of Palm Beach, Florida.
From Friday's Paily
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cross are
leaving Sunday for Miami, Florida
where they will make an extended
tour through Miami as well as the
whole state. Mr. and Mrs. Cross plan
to be away for about a month.
The Mynaod Community club will
hold their regular meeting on Fri
day evening at 8 o'clock. The west
side committee will have charge of
the program. All are urged to at
sical education class.
From Saturday's Dally.
A number of Plattsmouth people
drove to Omaha last evening where
they witnessed the Creighten Prep-
Thomas Jefferson basketball game at
the Creighton University stadium.
The Plattsmouth party that mo
tored there were: Mr. and Mrs.
George Jaeger, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Schuetz, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Molak.
Mrs. Lowry was a niece of Judge
C. L. Graves and Mrs. Mary Burnett
of this city.
From Friday Daily
Francis Toman, who is engaged
with the Missouri Pacific at their
shops at Sedalia. Missouri, came in
this morning to enjoy a visit with
his family. The shops are taking a
vacation until the first fo February
and Mr. Toman took advantage of
the occasion to return home for a
Phones 95 and 93 - Delivery
Ad for Tues.-Wed., Jan. 24-25
(Bring Ad for Double Votes)
Reg. or Drip, 1
Ib. Tin or Jar
Ad for Tues. & Wed.
Ask for Your Rural School
Votes Bring Our Ad
for Double Votes
Honor Miss Hendrix
Miss Laura Mrasek entertained at
a handkerchief shower at her home
last evening in honor of Miss Twila
Fay Hendrix, who, with her aunt,
is leaving for California soon. A
large group of the young people were
present at the farewell gathering.
The evening was spent in playing
bingo and the awards of the eve
ning went to Misses Margaret Ann
Vallery, Phyllis Hennings, and Twila
Fay Hendrix.
Following the games, refreshments
were served by the hostesses, Miss
Laura Mrasek, assisted by her sis
ter. Miss Margaret Mrasen.
Those present were: Misses Veda
Capps. Shirley Selver, Margaret Ann
Vallery. Beatrice Arn, Laura Mrasek,
Margaret Mrasek, Marlynne Hen
nings, Phyllis Hennings, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Hennings, Mr. and Mrs.
William Lindner and children, Mary
Ann and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mrasek, and the guest of honor, Miss
Twila Fay Hendrix and Mrs. Thomas
M. E. Circles Meet
The Dorcas circle of the Meth
odist church met Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. R. C. Jahrig,
there being a very large attendance.
The afternoon was taken up with a
short business meeting and later a
delightful program was rendered.
Mrs. Robert Patton had charge of
the devotionals.
Following the business session the
Program consisting of. musical selec
tions and group singing was heard.
The group all sang old-time songs
MIlo Price was well received in
his address before the Nebraska City
Rotary club Wednesday noon, Jan
uary 18. A large group of Rotarians
were present to hear the talk on
"Communism In Democracy' which
was so thoroughly, outlined by Mr.
Price. Varro Tyler, prominent at
torney of Nebraska City, spoke after
the meeting, stating that it was one
of the best analysis of the social
problems of the times that he had
ever heard given.
From Saturday's Dally
Last evening Sheriff Joe Mrasek
had a call from two Omaha young
people who were seeking to secure a
marriage license and have their nu
ptials performed. Judge A. H. Dux
bury had gone to Nebraska City tc
attend the basketball game, and thr
sheriff invited the parties to await
the return of the judge but believing
in the old theory that procrastination
is the thief of time, they hied them
selves away to Papillion.
Mrs. Earl Redd, one of the well
known women in this city, is la a
serious condition at her home where
she has been 111 for the past several
days with a heart - ailment. Her
daughter, Mrs. Raymond Adkimt Is
earing for '- the-mother-' during her
On Thursday afternoon Judge
A. H. Duxbury performed the cere- I 10-lb.
mony that united the lives of Sarah Cloth Bag
Jane Wells and Arthur Parks Ash
croft, both of Omaha. The wedding
was witnessed by Miss Minnie Hild,
clerk in the the county court and
Miss Minnie Kraeger, of Cedar Creek,
who was in the court at the time.
Morning Light Garden Run
3 Cans 20
12 Cans $1.15
Case of 24 Cans $2.25
Juice U0c
50-oz. Tin &VW
MILK 9ftc
Tall Cans 4 for-
Matches tf7c
C Box Carton
Macaroni or
Spaghetti OQc
5-lt. Box -1
Granulated Beet
Sugar 4gc
10 lbs Pv
Mrs. H. G. McCIusky is attending
the administrative board of the Ne- j
braska City Presbyterial. She was
accompanied by Miss Pearle Staats
who will visit with relatives for the
Phones 95 and 93 - Delivery
Ad for Tues.-Wed., Jan. 24-25
(Bring Ad for Double School Votes)
Miss Anna Altschaffl, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Altschaffl, was
an Omaha visitor Tuesday where she DANISH PRIDE
was u guesi ui uei oiaici , iui i j CartOll
Altscnaiil in uunaee ana wuere one
is located permanently.
From Thtiradav'a Dallv
Miss Helen Warner was in Om-LLAiixtiij or iituJi.
aha trhrlav wliora sVlA U'flU at the St.
Joseph hospital during the surgical eT Co
operation on her niece, Mrs. Arthur
40-50 size, 3 lbs. . .
10-lb. Box, 70
90-100 sizo. 4 lbs..
10-lb. box, 59o
Thompson Seedless
2 lbs., 15c; 4 lbs.. .
White or Yellow
Pop Corn
2 lbs. for
48-lb. Bag
Plattsmouth Garden club wish to
thank all the firms and individuals
whose kind co-operation have made
this--their record annual, winter
flower and weed show possible.
Brick or
2-Lb. Box .
Pancake Flour
3-lb. Bag ilU
Omar Flour
48-lb. bag and a C!
5-lb. bag, both..
Heat Department
Wilson's Full Cream
Cheese JVzC
Porlc Steak HQc
Per lb
Minc'd Ham c