The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1939, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    M0I7UAT, JAI7TTABY 23, 1939.
page imirz
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rikli were In
Omaha on business "Wednesday ol
last week.-
Richard Eppings has traded his
old car in on a Ford V-8, Trhich he
is now driving.
E. M. Shatto, who has been living
alone and doing his housework, found
it impossible to care for hiriself dur
ing an attack of flu, but is now con
siderably better and again able to
look after his housework.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelmer, of
Omaha, with Miss Peterson driving
their car, were in town "Wednesday
and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry A. Tool. Mr. Helmer was look
ing after his farming interests.
Members of the E. L. C. E., an or
ganization of young people of the
Murdock church, went to "Wabash
last week where they were guests of
Miss Geraldine Schmidt, who oper
ates the beauty parlor here, at the
home oh her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Schmidt.
E- N. A. Install Officers
Mrs. Emma E. McHugh and Mrs.
Ray Gamlin were hostesses for re
freshments at the regular meeting of
the Royal Neighbors on Tuesday,
January 17.
All the newly elected officers were
present for installation. Mrs. Doro
thy Mills acted as installing officer,
and Mrs. Anna Gustin as ceremonial
marshall. All were pleased to have
Mrs. Ed Brunkow with us for the
first time since her long illness.
" Guest from Missouri
C. S. Cassico, of Bowling Green.
Mo., has been here visiting his old
friend. "W. T. "Weddell and deliver
ing maple syrup made on his farm
there to customers in this part of
the country. Mr. Cassico has some
1S00 acres of his own, which he de
votes to the production cf maple sy
ruy and in addition purchases Bap
from others in that vicinity at from
ten to twelve cents a gallon. He has
built up a good market for his pro
duct. Mr. Cassico's home is in that part
of the country where the share crop
pers have been putting on a, demon
stration, but the crux of the trouble
occurred near Troy, where the "crop
pers" set up a roadside camp, from
which they have since been dispersed
by the authorities.
Mrs. Fred Grousman, president of
the Nebraska State Garden clubs,
with Mrs. Murray of Omaha, were
here Wednesday to visit at the
Plattsmouth Garden club winter
show at the public library. The
ladies enjoyed the showing very
much and the opportunity of meeting
the Plattsmouth Garden club members.
We have Hybrid Seed that is espec
ially adapted to this country. See
samples at the elevator and learn
more about the merits of this new
type corn that will produce 15 to
20 bushels more to the acre than
open polinated varieties. See me at
the elevator about your seed needs.
H. E. Carson, Mgr.
Murdock Farmers Elevator
made to the Department of Banking:.
State of Nebraska, v the MI RDOrK
TION of Murdock. Nebraska. Ft the
close of business Iecemler 31, 1938.
Loans to Members $ 7,219.44
Office Building. Furniture
and Fixtures 315.00
Cnsh on Hand and Due from
Banks 4.D57.23
TOTAL S 12.091.67
fhare Capital Paid in by
Members $ 1.924.00
Deposits of Memiers 10,006.70
Guaranty Fund Reserve for
Contingencies 66.50
Undivided Profit 94.47
TOTAL I 12,091.67
State of Nebraska 1
v sr.
County of Cass J
We. the President, the Secretary
Treasurer, and a majority of the Su
pervisory Committee of the Murdock
Co-Operatlve Credit Association of
Murdock. Nebraska, do solemnly swear
that the foretccinfr statement of the
condition of the said association is
true and correct, to the best of our
knowledge and belief.
tv. j. b. Mcdonald.
Supervisory Committee.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 10th day of Jantary. 19S9.
(Seal) Notary Public
(My commission expires Jan. 21. 1940)
From Saturday' Dally
The Wimpy Inn was winner over
the Hinky-Dinky Grocers last eve
ning 2207 to 1807 and Herbster's
Lisuor store turned back the Fetzer
Shoe Co., team 1901 to 1848. The
individual scores:
Wimpy McClanahan, 485; Por
ter, 375; Ault, 402; Pickens, 443;
Chriswisser, 421.
Hinky-Dinky Lindner, 333; Stoll,
390; Spidell, 457; Hall, 339; Olson
Herbsters Timm, 381; Lohnes,
382; N'ord, 416; Rummed. 342;
Herbster, 330.
Fetzer's Shoes Westover, 392;
Waters,' 394; Long, 361; Schmitt,
402; Scratch, 299.
Old Age Pension
Bill for $30 Less
Earned Income
Senators George Craven of Lincoln
and Sam Klarer of Omaha to
Introduce Measure.
LINCOLN, Jan 21 (UP) An old
apre pension bill which proposes to
guarantee $30 a month less earned
income to eligible recipients will be
introduced in the legislature Monday
under sponsorship of Senators George
Craven of Lincoln and Sam Klaver
of Omaha.
The bill will be accompanied by a
companion revenue producing1 measure
to tax property and securities not now
reached in many cases by the asses
sors. Craven cited as examples cor
poration stocks and paidup stock in
building and loan associations, not in
stallment stock. It is r.ot intended to
affect the surrender value of life in
surance policies
Craven and Kalver predicate the
$30 pension payments on the basis
of a full cent of the gasoline tax and
possible reduction in state and county
administrative assistance staffs. Their
theory is that more funds should be
spent for the aged recipients and less
for administration.
Craven said the plan provides for
judicial review in event of appeal
from decisions of the county board.
Such appeals now go to state assist
ance Director Neil C. Vandemoer.
The program, as outlined, calls for
appeals to the county or district court.
"Under this fixed pension plan,"
Craven said, "decision as to any cer
tain pensioner will stand unless and
until circumstances of the individual
are changed or altered. If thi3 elimin
ates upward of 90 per cent of the
work of investigating doesn't it stand
to reason that it should eliminate 90
per cent of the investigators?"
Arone, 21, meant well when he offered
to teach Phyllis Dittore, 15, to drive,
but now he wishes he hadn't.
With Aronne and another man in
side his coupe, and William Geraci
19, offering suggestions from the run
ning board, the young girl started.
Rounding a corner, she sideswiped
a parked automobile, throwing Ge-
raci against it, injuring; his hip.
Police charged Arne with:
Permitting four to ride in (and on)
a coupe.
Permitting an unlicensed minor to
Allowing a man to ride on the run
ning board.
Using license plates listed for an
other car his father's.
Rules on Power
District Taxes
Max Towle Takes View That Power
District Property Comes Under
General Scope of Law.
LINCOLN, Jan. 21 (UP) County
Attorney Max Towle ruled today
that personal property of the Loup
River public power district and the
Eastern Nebraska public power dis
trict is not exempt from taxation
and should be placed on Lancaster
county tax rolls.
In an opinion requested by County
Assessor Harry Scott, Towle inter
preted the language fo senate file
310 (public power district enabling
act) to mean "that the legislature
intended these power districts should
pay their proportionate share of the
"I am of the opinion whenever a
close question arises as to whether or
not property is exempt or not, that
it is a better practice to place it on
the tax rolls and make an effort to
enforce the tax."
Towle described it as a "border
line" case and said he could not
definitely say what action the courts
will take in regard to the question.
"The matter of exemption shall
naturally arise by reason of section
77-202 of the compiled statutes for
1929, which exempts governmental
subdivisions. I am not satisfied how
ever, in my own mind that an elec
tric power line of the nature of the
one in question can be classified as a
political or government subdivision."
The county attorney said that the
question comes within the purview of
the law which states that property
not expressly exempt shall be sub
ject to taxation. County Assessor
Scot said he would request the two
districts to submit a report of their
holdings in the county at once.
The WPA has alloted and President
Roosevelt has approved more than
$450,000 for improvements to Ne
braska roads and streets and more
than $150,000 for other purposes,
Senator Edward R. Burke was ad
vised today.
Nemaha county received the largest
allotment, $214,838 for improvement
and construction of county-owned
roads. Other allotments included Ne
braska, state-wide, $50,485 to assist
in preparation of a new record of
households receiving: public assist
ance in all counties as of Novem
ber 1, 1938.
Western senators sought today to re
store the $6,000,000 deficiency approp
riation for cricket and grasshopper
control. The appropriation was cut
to $2,000,000 by the house.
Senators Joseph G. O'Mahoney, D.;
Wyoming1, and H. Schwartz, D., Wyo
ming conferred with B. E. Groom of
the insect control conference concern
ing' moves to restore the cut.
EDMONTON, Alta., Jan. 19 (UP)
Radio reports from the north last
night stated that two exhausted men
reached Yellowknife mining town on
the shorea of Great Slave lake, after
battling 350 miles across the ice
choked surfaca of the huge sub
arctic basin.
The men, whose names were not
mentioned in the brief radio message,
reached the settlemnt just as search
ers were preparing to organize par
ties to track them.
They told how they had attempt
ed to cross the lake in a two-ton
truck, and how they had been forced
to chop miles of "road" over the
ice, when huge up-ended floes barred
their way. Time and again during
the past week, they were forced to
build precarious bridges across
crevasses in the ice with planks, and
carefully guide their truck across the
shaky boards.
Both were suffering from exposure
and hunger when they finally reach
ed safety.
The pair left Fort Resolution on
Jan. 10 to blaze a trail for a proposed
truck road between the two towns.
rrom Friday's Dally
One of the largest crowds that
were ever present filled the Recrea
tion Center last evening when the
weekly pinochle tournament was
held. Many were turned away be
cause of the lack of room. The awards
of the evening went to Mrs. August
Kopp and Joseph Kvapil. The follow
ing is the Isit of names and. the
totals of all that were present:
Joseph Kvapil 8380; Mrs. August
Kopp 7870; Jerry Konfrst 7880; Al
bin Chovanec 78C0; John Richard
son 7830; Donald Wall 7SJ.0; Thomas
Solomon 7810; Adolph Koubek,
7750; Phyllis Robbins 7700; Edward
H. Gradoville 7700; Joseph Phillips
7570; Mrs. Lee Phillips 7530; Mrs.
Adolph Koubek 7420; Maymie Men
denhall 7410; Frank Kvapil 7400;
Ronald Lester 7250; Arley Lester
7250; C. O. Carlburg 7240; Mrs.
Harry Walters 7190; Mrs. Joseph F.
Kvapil 7170; Hiram Batten 7140;
Miss Edna Carlburg 7100; Lee Phil
lips 7080; Mrs. Frank Konfrst 7030;
Mrs. Lois Bailey C940; Frank Kon
frst 6 990; Mrs. Charles Manners
6990; G. H. Manners C930; William
H. Puis 6920; Mrs. C. O. Carlburg
6880; Florence Rhoades 6860;
Charles Manners 6570; Mrs. Dooley
6550; Harry Walters 6490; August
Kopp 6390; John Seitz 6400; Virgil
Urish 6350; Bernard Kubicka 6200;
Kenneth Durrell 4930; Lester Reeves
Other guests present were Miss
Mary Jane Kvapil, Doris Leesley, Ar
lene Zimmerman, Peter Gradoville,
Harley Streets, Dale Jackson, Dan
Jackson, Dusty Rhoades, Elmer Sund-
strom, Mr. Gray, Allan McClanahan,
Matthew Sedlak, Beulah Seitz, Fay
Spidell and Clyde Jackson, who acted
as supervisor.
The next session will meet again
on Thursday evening. January 26 at
the Recreation Center, jyi inter
ested are urged to ome. A good
time is always assured to all present.
ttignt games win ue piayeu again
at the next meeting.
A number of 4-H clubs have already
embarked upon the 1939 journey and
other clubs are planning to organize
soon. Livestock clubs should be or
ganized now, particularly baby beef
clubs, in order to get the full benefit
from the bulletin material prepared
for them. Swine clubs, especially sow
and litter projects, should be organiz
ed so that the members will have the
sows in time to fulfill requirements
may be organized later.
4-H Forestry clubs are becoming
popular and one club is already or
ganized in the county. They should
perfect their organization right away
if they wish to become eligible to re
ceive seedling trees furnished by the
State Extension 'Service. Material if
now available for a standard 4-H
bird club and the manual contain?
some very worthwhile and interestinp
information, pictures etc.
Anyone wishing information, or as-
or girls for 4-II work may contact
the county extension agents or tlie
farm bureau office and it will le
gladly given.
Mrs. Elmer Sundstrom, Leland
Lnase, and Paul' Vandervoort wire
at Lincoln Thursday where they at
tended the meeting of the South
eastern Nebraska Welfare afifioci.i
tion held at the Y. V.. C. A. build-
for this project. Market pig clubs sistance in organizing a group of boys ing.
From Thursday's Daily
The National Consumers' Tax com
mission met last evening at the Hotel
Plattsmouth where a large group of
the citizens of the community gath
ered for a round-table discussion on
taxes. It was learned that 20 per
cent cf the purchases made in the
United States there were included
hidden taxes. A complete and thor
ough discussion of the topic was
held last evening and one that was
very inspiring and much enjoyed by
all who partook of it.
The organization will hold meet
ings each month and all the citizens
of Plattsmouth are welcome to par
ticipate in the discussion.
LONDON (UP) Many more
babies are being born in England
and Wales.
According to the report of the
registrar general, 164,256 babies
were born, 480 more than that re
corded in the corresponding quar
ter of 1937, and 6,000 above the
average for that quarter during the
last five years.
There were 84.166 boys born and
80,091 girls, giving a proportion of
1,051 males and 1,000 females.
For two years we have consistently
preached to farmers that their only
chance to get ahead is to get back
into the hog raising business. Dozens
of farmers in this and surrounding
counties are now THANKING US
enabling them to get double price
for their corn and feed.
Right now is the time to buy sows
for spring farrowing. Each month
later the cost will be higher. We
sell them to you on time if desired.
We have Hamps, Spotted P. C's. and
Reds. Piggy sows do not shrink like
corn in the crib, but Increase In
value many times more than the feed
they eat. Grain fed to such sows
and their pigs brings you twice as
much as the market price. Why not
come and talk It over?
NOVAK AUTO CO. - Nebraska City
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sharpnack
of Lincoln and Mrs. Guy Starkey of
Denver were visitors and guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sharpnack Thurs
day, they being parents and an aunt
of Mr. Sharpnack.
Jess Green, one of tlie old time
residents of the city, is quite poorly
at his home on Main street. Mr.
Green is a sufferer of heart disease
and has been quite ill for the past
two weeks.
iood Buys at
Miatt Furniture Co.
126 Sculfi 6th St.
Two piece wine Velour living
room suite $42.50
Four piece bedroom suite,
Waterfall design . $54.00
Studio couch, helical tied
spring units $27.50
Jenny Lind bed, walnut fin
ish, full size $7.50
Spring center 180 coil
mattress $10.35
Par layer fancy tick, 50-
lb. mattress $5.45
Rug Pads, 9x12, waffle
weave, 32-oz. weight $4.95
Piano, medium size mahogany
finish Kimball $15.00
Oak dinette set, 4 chairs,
table and buffet $14.50
Gas stove, ivory and green
enamel $18.00
Kitchen cabinet, ivory
enamel, like vnew $11.50
Slinger sewing machine,
box model $4.50
Dining room suite, 8-piece,
walnut finish : $23.50
Dabed with practically
new mattress $10.50
We Give Rural School Votes
Bring Ad for Double Votes
UfOim! Equipmemt tgji(j
Sponsored By Plattsmouth Merchants and the Plattsmouth Journal
No contest ever announced has created greater interest than this one. Nothing to
Duy or sell! Just do your ordinary everyday shopping with co-operating stores
and save the sales slips and other vote mediums use home made products, sell
your produce in Plattsmouth and subscribe for your home town newspaper to get
those extra votes. Then turn them over to the school of your choice and help it
to win some of the valuable playground equipment that is being given away free.
in Weekly Prizes
EACH WEEK the school
that turns in the greatest
number of votes during that
week, takes its choice of
A $25 Standard
Official Outdoor
Basket Ball Set
CKLY ONE weekly prize tc
a school so " TEN different
schools will share in this
weekly prize distribution.
in Grand Prizes
You can't Lose, a Prize
for Every School
SCHOOL getting the great
est total number of votes
during contest takes first
choice; second high school,
second choice; third, third
choice, and so on down the
line, of following prizes
$87.50 Standard
$60 Swing and
$37 K. D. Whirl
$25 12-ft. Slide
24 Bats and Balls
12 Kitten Balls
Catch Ball to All
Bouble'uote lays
Beginning Wednesday, January 25, and continuing each Wed
nesday throughout the contest DOUBLE the usual number of
votes will be given on all transactions consumated that day of
the week. Sales slips, vote coupons, duplicate receipts and
produce slips must bear a Wednesday date line to be counted
as double votes. Trade in Plattsmouth Wednesday for double
votes and bring merchant's ad to be signed for double-double.
1 Trade with sponsoring merchants (listed be
low) and save your sales slips or other vote
coupons. You get one vote for each penny on
cash purchases made at participating stores.
2 Watch co-operating merchants ads for special
votes. You get TWO votes to the penny on
purchases made from the ads, providing ad (or
fac simile copy) is signed by merchant and the
sales slip attached to show amount of purchase.
3 Get a duplicate receipt for all money paid on
old accounts (60 days past due). THREE votes
to the penny on all such payments.
4 Sell your produce to a co-operating firm and
receive THREE votes on each penny.
5 Buy home made products and turn in wrap
pers. 100 votes on each Casco butter carton;
1 50 votes on each bread wrapper or slip from
Plattsmouth Bakery products and 50 votes for
each baby chick from Brink Hatchery.
6 THREE votes given on each penny of new or
renewal subscriptions to Plattsmouth Journal
(Daily or Semi-Weekly) and Job Printing. A
bonus of 1000 extra votes on clubs of five
Semi-Weekly yearly subscriptions turned in at
one time or an order for farm sale bills. Triple
the regular number of votes on all back sub
scription payments, Daily or Semi-Weekly.
7 Sales Slips or Receipts must be claimed at the
time of purchase or payment. Teachers, ask
merchants how you can get unclaimed slips.
&--Turn in ALL sales slips, vote coupons and
wrappers to the TEACHER of your school,
who will bring or send them to Contest Hqrs.
Get School Votes of the Following Merchants:
Knorr's 5c to $1 Store
Ask Vs for School Votes
H. M. Soennichsen Co.
We Always Help the School
Black and White Grocery
Save Our Adding Machine Strips
Joe's New-Way Grocery
and Mullen's Market
School Votes with a Smile
Hiatt Furniture and
Cappell Electric
r.emember "We Give School Votes
Weyrich & Hadraba
School Votes for the Children
Lugsch, the Cleaner
Always Look Tour Best
Hinky-Dinky Store
Bring Our Ad for Double Votes
WurFs Grocery
Good Grocery Headquarters
Glen Valiery, Implements
Trade Here Help Tour School
Brink Hatchery
50 Votes on Each Baby Chick
Hollywood Beauty Salon
Trade Where Vou Get Votes
Ladies Toggery
We Appreciate Tour Patronage
Plattsmouth Journal
School Votes with Subscriptions
Bates Book Store
School Headquarters
Fetzer Shoe Company
Where the Good Shoes come from
Plattsmouth Bakery
A Home Bakery Extra Votes
Mauzy Drug Company
Highest Quality School Votes
RummePs Conoco Stat'n
Buy Where You Get School Votes
Fricke Drug Store
Bexall Store School Votes
Plattsmouth Creamery
Triple Votes on Produce
Cloidt Service Station
School Votes and Service
Gobelman, Paper, Paint
Car Glass Installed as Tou W'ait
Egenberger's Grocery
Buy Where Tou Get Votes
Wescott's Clothing Store
We Want to Help Tour School
Kroehler Hardware
If It's Hardware We Have It
The Style Shop
Headquarters for Teachers
CarPs Market
Get Votes with Each Purchase
Ofe Oil Co.
Insist I'pon School Votes
Richey, Lumber, Coal
Build Now Help Tour School
Tidball Lumber Company
Ilepair and Help Tour School
Hild Service Station
Quality Products School Votes
Gamble Store Agency
We Want to Help Tour School
Warga Hardware
School Votes with All Purchases
Kroger Paint Paper Store
Votes on Work and Purchase
Iowa-Neb. Light & Power
Good Pupils make Good Citizens
""""l Playground Equipm't Plan Copyrighted by Mrs. N. E. Jackson