The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 23, 1939, Image 1

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    Mr. Wc Historical Sxtttj
NO. 101
Farm Home
Plans Reveal
Progress Made
FSA Man Says Great Improvement
in Trend to Livestock and
Better Farm Plans.
Many farmers will be better off in
the coming year because during 1938
they made farm and home plans to
systematize their farming operations,
improve standards of living, and ad
just their debts. 1
This statement by Leonard Hanks,
local representative of the Farm Se
curity Administration, sums up a
survey of 4 4 borrowers from that
agency in Otoe and Cass counties.
Basing his figures on a review of
193S operations, Mr. Hanks finds
that the standard borrowers showed
an average increase in net worth of
$337.39. As a result of FSA loans
made in '1938, 157 new cattle, 66
hogs, and 3430 poultry were brought
into the two counties.
"The most encouraging develop
ment revealed by the report." said
Mr. Hanks, "is the decided trend to
ward greater diversifications to meet
family subsistence needs and more at
tention to poultry and cream checks.
There is an increased tendency to
raise most of the family living on
the farm."
Although the FSA program Is lim
ited by available funds and deals only
with farm families who have ex
hausted all other credit resources, Mr.
Hanks said it was having a pro
nounced effect on general conditions
in the county.
"Farmers who are following care
fully drawn farm and home plans
keeping records of their operations,
and paying attention to better gar
dens and diversification are making
real progress toward rehabilitation,"
Mr. Hanks declared. "Their progress
in turn affects the buslnesa condi
tions of the towns and cities." Mr.
Hanks said word from the state of
fice at Lincoln indiiated little change
during the coming year in the gen
eral policies of the Farm Security
Bruce Shurtleff bid $3,000 on a
piece of Cass county land when of
fprpd at sheriff's sale, and was In
supreme court at Lincoln Wednes
day, by his attorney, asking that the
return of the sheriff be amended to
show it was sold to him for that
figure. The sheriff sold it to Sarah
M. Wortman, a lienholder, for 56,
000, but Shurtleff say3 It was a null
bid because conditioned on getting
possession. Mrs. Wortman had a
mortgage for $5,000 on the tract, and
her attorney argued that the only
Interest of Shurtleff was that of a
bargain hunter, that his Md was a
sham and that acceptance of her bid
gave her vested rights that cannot be
taken from her.
A. L. Tidd, prominent local at
torney, who has been one of the
outstanding leaders in the battle
for Missouri river improvement, se
curing the completion of the local
dock, is to address the Tekamah
Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Tidd has been asked to go
to Tekamah and tell the citizens of
that place of the river program and
its promise of a great future to the
middle west where navigation gives
promise of a large rand more abund
ant industrial life.
Mrs. Ceorge Fornoff has been con
fined to her home for the past few
days by illness and her condition
has been such that has made neces
sary her remaining undr the care
of a physician. It is hoped that she
may show some Improvement in the
next few days.
From Thursday's Dally '
Mrs. Henry Mische and little son
returned today from the Anton Kanl
hospital. Mss. Mische and little son
are feeling just fine and the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mische are
happy to see them both home.
John "Mike" Neitzel of Boise,
Idaho left January 4 on an extended
trip to Hawaii, Australia, Pago Pago
In Samoa, China, Japan and the
Strait settlements. Mr. Neitzel ex
pects to be gone around five months.
Mr. Neitzel, who Is a financier in
Boise, is a grandson of Mrs. Frank
R. Guthmann of this city and is a
man well known here because of his
frequent visits here.
Juniors are
Guests of Cham
ber of Commerce
First Meeting of Senior Body for
New Year Featured With Talks
by Younger Associates.
The senior Chamber of Commerce
held their first meeting of the new
year on Thursday at the luncheon at
the Hotel Plattsmouth and with a
very large number of the directors
present. President J. Howard Davis,
who was just re-elected to his post,
presided over the meeting.
The members had as guests of
the luncheon the officers of the
Junior Chamber of Commerce, Just
recently organized and which is now
planning on assisting in the com
munity work. The officers present
were Vincent Kelley, president; Ray
Bourne, vice-president and Ordell
Hennings, secretary-treasurer.
The officers told of the form of
their organization, its purposes of
co-operation with the senior Cham
ber of Commerce in the advancing
of the community welfare in all lines
of activities. They discussed some of
the plans and projects that had been
suggested that they might start and
carry out.- The older members were
much impressed with the earnestness
and desire of the younger group to
get places and help out in the prob
lems of community development and
improvement and in which they
hoped to have a part. The member
ship is largely from the young men
who are engaged in some form in
the commercial activities of the city
and where they have vital interests.
Harold Hart, of this city, a former
manager of the Hinky-Dinky store
at Nebraska City, to which place
he moved from here, has asked the
district court to reverse a Nebraska
Workman's Compensation court or
der, that refused him compensation
for injuries which were alleged re
ceived while he was employed by
the store in Nebraska City.
Mr. Hart, who waived rehearing
before the compensation court, said
he received permanent injuries when
he slipped on a lettuce leaf and fell
down stairs in the store building.
His petition said a crate of vege
tables he was carrying struck him
in the groin, later causing a gas
bucilos infection. He asked reversal
of the compensation court order, $15
ar week compensation and hospital
and doctor bills.
Judge Charles E. Jackman of the
compensation court dismissed the
case on tne grounds that the evi
dence did not substantiate a cause of
Charles K. Bestor, who is enjoying
the winter vacation among the allur
ing scenes at Lake Worth, Florida,
and the nearby Gulf ports, has been
doing his share of fishing this season
and with excellent luck. He nas been
aoing some aeep sea nsning and a
few days ago hooked a six and a
half foot sailfi8h, one of the largest
caught this season and which at
tracted much attention. A number
of the vacation colony insisted on
having their photographs taken with
the fish to send to the friends up
north as proof of their skill.
Peter Halmes, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Halmes underwent an ap
pendectomy operation Thursday eve
ning at the St. Joseph hospital in
Omaha where he was rushed. Mr.
Halmes was able to stand the oper
ation in good condition and is show
ing signs of rapid improvement.
Legislation is
Theme at Meet
ing of Auxiliary
Judge A. H. Duxbury Speaker at
Session Friday Afternoon
Dist. President Guest.
The January meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary held on
Friday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. R. W. Knorr was devoted to
the theme of "Legislation," this be
ing the month when congress and
state legislatures all over the nation
Assisting Mrs. Knorr as associate
hostesses were Mrs. Wiley Sig-
ler, Mrs. Homer Sylvester and Mrs.
A. II. Duxbury. The latter, as the
unit's legislative chairman, also had
charge of program arrangements.
Eighteen members and two local
eligibles were present.
In the midst of their meeting, the
ladies received a surprise visit from
the District President, Mrs. Eugene
Nutzman and District Secretary Mrs.
Verner Lundbergh, of Nehawka.
Mrs. Nutzman presented the unit
with a president's file in recognition
of the "fine manner in which the
district convention here had been
carried out."
Rehabilitation and Child Welfare
committees reported on their Christmas-time
activities when food bas
kets, toys and clothing were dis
tributed, at the business session. A
Legion and Auxiliary birthday get-
together on the Legion's birthday in
March was also planned.
Following the business session.
the Program committee presented
Judge A. H. Duxbury in an inter
esting address on Legion Legislation
to be introduced at this session of
congress, principal of which is the
widow's and orphan's bill that
would provide security for the fam
ilies of deceased world war veterans
in the same manner as accorded the
families of the veterans of other
wars. Other aims of the Legion's
five point program were also out
lined by the speaker. These include
adequate national defense, a law to
the price stabilizing power of the
Universal Service Act, better laws to
give veterans preference in employ
ment and an Americanism program
to protect employment for "Ameri
cans through tightening immigra
tion, naturalization and deportation
laws. Various other minor bills are
included in the Legion sponsored
legislative program and were refer
red to by Judge Duxbury, whose
address was most interesting.
Following the address of Mr. Dux
bury, delicious refreshments were
served by the hostesses.
Among the farmers in the vicinity
of Union lives a great mule lover.
If you'd ask anyone around there
who he is they would tell you A. D.
Crunk. "
On Tuesday of last week he sold
one of the best pair that can be
found In the county this team weigh
ing 2990 pounds, and bringing him
the sum of $400. They were pur
chased by the Ash Grove Cement
plant of Louisville, Neb.
This makes the third pair of
mulea that Mr; Crunk sold bringing
him better than $400 a team in the
last two years. The mother of all
these three teams brought him the
sum of $1,275 in the six years.
A group of Plattsmouth Masons
were at Nebraska City Friday even
ing to attend the installation of West
ern Star lodge No. 2, of that place.
The meeting was very largely attend
ed by members of the orders from
nearby points. Plattsmouth and Ne
hawka lodges had very large groups
Raymond C. Cook, of this city
deputy grand custodian, was the in
stallation officer while Henry Carson
grand tyler of the Nebraska A. F. &
A. M. served as grand marshal.
Following the installation the mem
bers of the party enjoyed a fine lunch
eon and short talks by many of the
visiting Masons and officers.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Two of the members of the Wescott
family were operated on Friday, one
at Chicago and the other at Omaha.
Miss Alice Louise Wescott was oper
ated on at the St. Francis hospital at
Evanston, Illinois and Mrs. E. H.
Wescott at the Methodist hospital at
Omaha. Both of the patients stood
the operations in fine shape and are
reported as doing as well as possible
under the circumstances.
Employes ! Hold
Gala Evening
Dinner and General Good Time in
"Hard Time Whoopee" Party
Staged at Hotel.
Prom Thursday's Dally
The employees and members of
the Live Wire club, of the Iowa-Ne-brfeska
Light & Power Co., enjoyed
a "hard time whoopee party" at Hotel
Plattsmouth last evening, where a
delicious dinner was served, after
which the group was entertained by
Supt. of Schools Lowell S. Devoe and
his feats of magic. Mr. Devoe also
led the group singing, ably assisted
by F. I. Rea and Chaa. Ault. Mrs.
Devoe accompanied at the piano.
All dressed In appropriate cos
tumes for the occasion. Mrs. Kea
won the prize for having the best
ladles costume, Chas. Ault won for
the men. The balance of the eve
ning was spent in playing cards and
Chinese checkers, after which all
present were given the opportunity
of winning a prize. Warren Sharfen-
berg won the grand ' prize, a ten
pound ham.
Hark! Listen! what is that
sound I hear?
'TIs the tread of marching feet
as homeward from work
they go.
Do they know him who came
to save,
That they might miss the grave?
They could know
If only they could bear
One little moment to spare.
To think of Him, the all pow
erful! To adore Him, the victorious!
And to thank Him, the right
eous !
But do ye do it?
Lift yourself to a higher power.
By observing the Quiet Hour!
By a High School Youth.
Ordell Hennings, William Farney,
Vincent Kelley. and Cecil Hennings
were at Weeping Water Tuesday
evening, January 17 where they were
guests of the Weeping Water Junior
Chamber of Commerce at their
regular semi-monthly meeting held
at their club rooms.
The main speakers of the evening
were Dick Winkelmann, president;
and Carroll Sherman, secretary of
the Nebraska Junior Chamber of
Commerce who gave interesting and
helpful suggestions to the organ
izations of both towns.
Following' the meeting the group
indulged in oyster stew served by the
A trucker coming into the city
Friday made a rather unusual find
for this time of the winter season.
A large bull snake was seen crawl
ing alnner the highway and was
brought on Into this city. The ex
tremely warm winter and particu
larly the springlike atmosphere of
Friday had evidently lured the snake
out irt the belief that the winter rest
was over.
In the Rural School Playground
Equipment Contest, participated in
by the Plattsmouth merchants, free
votes are being given on all produce
brought here for sale and offered at
the participating stores or. business
places. Three votes are allowed' on
each penny's worth that is sold. This
includes cream and all farm products.
Platters Take
a Thriller from
Nebraska City
Whirlwind Finish Nets Locals 26-24
Victory as Reed Sinks Two
Free Throws.
From Saturday's Daily
The Plattsmouth high scliool bas
ketball quintet of Coach Bion Hoff
man last evening for the second
time this season, turned back the
Pioneers of Nebraska City 26 to 24
in a real thriller for the fans.
While but a few seconds of the
game remained. Warren Reed. Plat
ter guard, tossed in two free throws
that gave the blue and white this
margin of victory.
The Nebraska City "five" which
had been pointed for the Plattsmouth
game were rangy and in the first
half of the game started to go places
and to acquire a margin of 18 to 13
at the half time over the blue and
The Platters in the closing stanza
of the game began their attack on
the Pioneer lead and were able to
tie up the score and gave the fans a
real thriller in the dying moments
of the contest that ended in the
dramatic and tense gift shots of Reed
for the final tallies and the victory.
.The Platters in the opening of
the game were on even terms with
the Pioneers as the score was repeat
edly tied but in the second quarter
Nebraska City pulled away to7 their
halftime lead.
In the third quarter the Pioneers
continued their drive, long shots be
ing effective in gathering In the
points and at one time a six point
margin was separating the teams.
The last quarter was all Platter
as a determined 4live was . sustain
ed and in which the great floor work
of Rebal served to check the threat
of the purple and gold. With the
game slipping into history John
Jacobs tossed a free throw that tied
up the game and with seconds left
Reed was spilled by a Pioneer and on
the foul throws won.
Reed led the Platters with ten
points while Metz, forward of the
Pioneers was out in front with eleven
The box score of the game was as
Plattsmouth (26)
Smith, f 0 0
Jacobs, f 2 2
Rebal. f 3
Hayes, c 2
Reed, g 3
Wall, g 0
Minor, S 0
10 6 9 26
Nebraska City (24)
Metz. f 5 1 1 11
Ryder, f 10 12
Carpenter, c 3 0 3 6
Boucher, g 10 12
Williams, g l l 4 a
Miller, g 0 0 2 0
11 2 12 24
In the curtain raiser the Junior
Platters were the winner by the score
of 32-22 over the young Pioneers
and showed real class in their play
Friday evening very much to the
surprise of Mrs. Earl Meisinger a
group of friends and relatives ar
rived with well filled baskets to help
Mrs. Meisinger celebrate her birth
day. The time was spent In playing
cards and Chinese checkers. Mrs.
Meisinger received some very nice
Dainty and delicious refreshments
were served by Mrs. Henry Meisin
ger. assisted by Mrs. Earl Hardlson
and Mrs. James Eden.
At a late hourall departed wish
ing Mrs. Meisinger many more happy
returns of the day.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Anton Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Tschirren,' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hardl
son, Mr. and Mrs. James Eden, Mr
and Mrs. Earl Meisinger, Miss Cath
erine and Miss Nola Meisinger.
For the tutting and burning of
all brush and limbs, at my farm east
of Burlington Tracks, Plattsmouth.
See T. H. Pollock. J18-3d-2aw
William A. Robertson, past grand
master of the A. F. & A. M. of Ne
braska, was at Omaha Thursday eve
ning where he attended a banquet
given by Right Aogle lodge No. 303
A. F. & A. M.
Mr. Robertson made the presen
tation of a past master's jewel to
W. T. Bailey, past master of Right
Angle lodge, who was retiring from
his work as master.
Death of Pioneer
Resident of Ne
hawka Saturday
Mrs. Sarah Young, Resident of Cass
County Since 1856, Dies After
a Long Illness.
Mrs. Sarah Young. 84, widow ot
the late Lewis H. Young and a pio
neer resident of the Nehawka com
munity, died Saturday night at 8:45
at the family home where she has
been seriously ill for the past two
months. Mrs. Young suffered a
stroke in November and since that
time has been gradually failing un
til death came to her relief.
Sarah Shryder, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George S. Shryder, was born
In Peoria county, Illinois, in Decem
ber 1854, and while an infant was
brought by her parents in 1856 to
Nebraska, they settling in Cass coun
ty near what was then known as
Three Oroves. Here in the pioneer
surroundings the deceased lady grew
to womanhood and on April 9, 1873
was married to Lewis H. Young, a
member of one of the early families
of Cass county. After their marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Young made their
home on the farm near Nehawka and
where they were numbered amonin
the highly esteemed residents and
by their thrift were most successful.
Three children survive the passing
of Mrs. Young, John Young of Mur
ray; Mrs. C. Y. Perry of Los Angeles,
California; Parr Young of Nehawka.
There also survives one sister, Mrs.
Ida Young of Weeping Water, ten
grandchildren and twelve great
grandchildren. Mr3. Charles Troop
of this city is a sister-in-law of the
The family circle was broken on
January 19. 1933 when Mr. Young,
the husband and father passed away.
Mrs. Young was a member of the
Otterbein United Brethren hurch of
Nehawka, being one of the organ
izers and charter members of the
church fifty-two years ago when It
was organized.
While definite arrangements have
not been made for the funeral, it Is
expected that It will be held Wednes
day afternoon at tne Otterbein
church if the daughter is able to
reach here from her home In Cali
Robert H. Wall, 81, died at his
home, 2308 South 16th street, Lin
coln, at 8:06 a. m. Sunday morning
after an Illness of some duration. Mr.
Wall was well known over the west
ern portion ot Cass county and the
old friends of the family will regret
to learn of his passing.
Surviving are six sons, Robert C.
ot Unadilla; James T. of Eagle; Ray
of Elmwood; Voyal of Eagle; Rich
ard E. and Frank C, of Lincoln; one
daughter, Mrs. Zella Divens of Cen-
tralia, Washington; two brothers,
James D. of Lincoln and William O.
of Eagle, and one sister, Mrs. Elea
nor Dixon of Berkley, California.
Funeral services will be held at the
Methodist church at Elmwood at 2
p. m. Tuesday, Rev. F. E. Sala, offi
ciating. The burial will be at Elm
Mrs. Dan Reichstadt returned to
her home from the Clarkson hos
pital where she has been recuper
atlng from a serious operation per
formed several days ago. Her many
friends In this city are glad to know
that she won a complete recovery.
District Judge W. W. Wilson has
notified Clerk of the Court C. E
Ledgway that he will be here on
Thursday, January 26 th to hold
session of the court. .
Votes Pour In
for First Week's
School Prize
To Complete Count by Wednesday
Winner and Standings will
be Published Thursday
Throughout the past week, school
votes have been pouring in at con
test headquarters, second floor of the
Plattsmouth State Bank building. On
Saturday teachers brought in bun
dles of bread wrappers, butter car
tons, sales slips and duplicate "paid-on-account"
receipts to help pile up
votes for their respective schools in
the Rural School Playground Equip
ment Contest, sponsored by Platts
mouth merchants and the Journal.
At the time of going to press it is
utterly impossible to hazard a guess
as to what school heads the list for
the first weekly award choice of a
$25 teter-totter or outdoor basketball
set and $5 worth of beauty work for
the teacher.
It will probably take till Wednes
day to complete the count, and the
winning school and teacher, as well
as the vote standing of all partici
pating schools will be published in
Thursday's Semi-Weekly Journal.
In the meantime, the schools are
all busily engaged in the collection
of votes to be turned in on the sec
ond weekly prize. There are ten of
these prizes, and no school can win
more than one. All votes turned in,
however, will also count on the grand
prize awards ($250 in playground
equipment) to be made at the close
of the contest on April 8th.
Double Votes Each Wednesday
From now until the close of the
contest - every Wednesday will be
double vote day. Sales slips or other
vote mediums bearing a Wednesday
date will be worth double the usual
number of votes. For example, one
vote to the penny (two if merchant's
signed ad i3 attached to the sales
slip) every day in the week but Wed
nesday, and on that day two votes to
the penny (four if merchants sign
ed ad is attached).
Journal subscriptions paid Wed
nesday also carry double the regular
number of votes. For example, three
Votes to the penny (six if our sub
scription ad is brought in for sign
ing at time payment made) all days
of the week but Wednesday, while
on that day new and renewal sub
scriptions turned in will earn six
votes to the penny (twelve if signed
subscription ad attached).
Payments on back accounts also
bear double the regular number of
votes if turned in Wednesday.
Teachers must segregate Wednes
day sales slips and vote coupons be
fore turning their votes in to contest
headquarters in order to receive the
double vote allowance. Sales slips
must be dated or show definitely
that they were issued on Wednesday,
otherwise they will be counted only
as single votes.
Teachers are requested to assem
ble and keep all double and triple
votes separate from regular votps.
when turning same in, to expedite
the work of counting and avoid
error or poEsible failure to receive
full credit for the double and triple
Saturday Treasure Hunt Day
Saturdays will be known as Treas
ure Hunt days. Ask the merchants
about details.
Remember, from now until end of
contest, it's double the usual num
ber of votes on sales made or accounts
paid under Wednesday date line. The
sales slip or vote coupon must clearly
indicate the date, however, as double
vote allowance applies this one day
of the week enly.
The many friends here of Rt. Rev.
Monsignor Adolph M. Mosler, former
pastor of the Holy Rosary church In
this city, and now pastor of the St.
Patrick's church, Havelock will be
sad to learn that he is quite 111 in
the St. Elizabeth hospital at Lincoln
where he was taken after he suffered
a heart attack while assisting In,
forty hours' devotion at the Blessed
Sacrament church.
Today Monsignor Mosler's condi
tion was said to be Improving and
he is said to be resting well.