The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1939, Image 1

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    ffebr. State nistorica! Sooiety
NO. 95
Parr Young is
Named Head of
Farm Bureau
Officers Selected ,jat ths Meeting of
the Eoard of Directors Held
at County Office.
The annual meeting of the board
of directors of the Cas3 County Farm
Bureau, held this week, took up the
matter of the selection of the officers
for the ensuing year.
Parr Young, of Nehawka, one of
the active workers in the organiz
ation, was. named as the new presi
dent of the bureau to succeed John
B. Kaffenberger of Tlattsmouth.
Mr. Kaffenberger has served as
president for the past five years and
has made a very fine record in the
office and in advancing the work of
the Farm Bureau in the county. lie
is now a member of the A. C. P.
committee and which will require
practically all of his time in the fu
ture. The other members elected to posi
tions on the executive board were
Harry Bricker, Greenwood, vice
president; Melvin Todd, Union, sec
retary; Art Roelofsz, Alvo and Mrs.
Ralph Keckler, Weeping Water,
Melvin Beerman has been placed
in the county as assistant agricul
tural agent, carrying on the work
over the county until the position
made vacant by the resignation of
County Agent Quackenbush can be
Farmers and stockmen in Burt,
Dodge, Washington, Saunders, Doug
las, Sarpy and Cass counties will
attend the annual stockholders meet
ing of the South Omaha Production
Credit association on Friday, Jan
uary 6, at the Live Stock exchange,
according to Charles L. Yochum,
Saunders county farmer who Is presi
dent of the credit organization.
The meeting will start at 10:30
a. m., followed by a noon lunch.
Election of two directors for terms
of three years will be a feature of
the session. . A number of discus
sions for stockholders are scheduled.
Everett Spangler, secretary-treasurer,
will present the financial statement.
Since its organization nearly five
years ago, under the Farm Credit
act of 1933, the South Omaha asso
ciation has advanced more than 1,200
livestock and general farm loans, to
taling over $800,000.
Present directors of the credit "co
op," in addition to Mr. Yochum, are
J. Emmet McArdle of Washington,
R. A. McWhorter of North Bend, W.
F. Gutschow of Blair and Parr Young
of Nehawka.
A very fine group was out Thurs
day evening to play in the Recreation
Center pinochle contest under the di
rection of Clyde Jackson and some
excellent scores were recorded. The
high scorer for men was R. D. Sulli
van with 6600 while for the ladies
Mrs. Joe Kvapil was high with C360.
The following are the scores:
Lee Phillips 5170; C. Carlburg
K340; Don Cotner. 5310; Jack Reno
4710; Mrs. J. F. Kvapil 6360; Albin
Chovanec 5430; Jerry Konfrst 5320;
Edna Carlburg 4100; G. H. Manners
5830; Mrs. Walters 6070; Mary Jane
Kvapil 4820; Frank Konfrst 5430;
Phyllis Robbins 4310; Mrs. Konfrst
5400; Mrs. C. O. Carlburg 4510;
Harry Walters 5330; Frank Kvapil
5500; Betty Reno 5460; John Seitz
5750; Joe Kvapil 5730; Joe Kovblk
5340; Joe Phillips 5820; M. M. Men
denhall 5550; Glen Carlburg 6040;
"Tex" Chovanec 5260; Dooley 4630;
R. D. Sullivan 6600; Virgil Urish
5240; Mendenhall 5740.
I wish to. thank my many rel
atives. friends and neighbors for
the many kindly deeds, the beautiful
flowers, cards, gifts and visits which
have been showered upon me during
my long illness. All your thought-
fulness will long live as a cherished
I also wi3h to thank th-s carol sing
ers of the Eight Mile Grove Lutheran
church for their lovely caroling.
Wishing you all a Happy and Pros
perous New Year. Mrs. Henry J.
Melsinger. d&w
Patsy Hasselgwish, well known
member of the movie colony at
Hollywood, has been here as a guest
of Mary May Carter, an old friend.
Miss Hasselgwish has been seen in a
number of the latest releases the
past year including, "Boy of the
Street," "Romance on the Run," "Ro
mance of the Timberlost" and "The
One of her latest pictures, "Shine
on Harvest Moon," has not as yet
been released.
She has been east for the holiday
season and is now on her way west
to the coast to resume her work in
Chester Renner
Killed in River
Boat Explosion
Was Working: for Patton-Tully Co.,
on River Improvement Work
Near Hamburg, Missouri
From Saturday's Dally
The community was shocked thi
morning to learn that Chester Ren
ner, 33, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Renner of near Mynard, had
been killed in an explosion near
Hamburg. Missouri, where he has
been for some time engaged in
river work.
From the details that were receiv-
oc1 here it seems that a pressure pump
on the boat which Mr. Renner was
working exploded and the young
man was killed as the result.
The Sattler funeral home of this
city will bring the body here to
await the announcement of - the
funeral services.
Mr. Renner was born and grew up
in this community, where he receiv
ed his education and during his
school years and later after gradu
ating, he was a greai lover of ath
letics and member of the football
team here for a great many years.
A pleasant and agreeable personality
made him many friends who will
most sincerely mourn his passing..
Mr. Renner i3 survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ren
ner, a brother, Norman Renner and
a sister, Mrs. Ceasar Baumgart, as
well as his aged grandfathei , Charles
Herren and a number of other rela
From Friday's Dally
Adam Stoehr of this city received
the message this morning of the
death of his niece. Miss Vida Metz
ger, 3S, who died Thursday at her
home at Merriam, Nebraska, after
an illness of some duration.
The deceased is the only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Metz
ger, former residents of Cass county,
but who for a great many years
have made their home in Cherry
county. She is survived by the par
ents and two brothers, v Bryan and
Paul Metzger.
The funeral services will be held
on Saturday at Merriam and Mr.
and Mrs. Stoehr are leaving today
to attend the last rites.
The many old friends in the coun
ty will regret to learn of the pass
ing of Miss Metzger and extend to
the bereaved family their deepest
Miss Metzger was for several years
in charge of the home department of
the extension work in Custer county
and was well known in Broken Bow
and through the county for her ex
cellent work.
E. Glenn Woodbury, court report
er for the second district, was elect
ed to the office of secretary-treasurer
of the Nebraska Shorthand Court Re
porters association at their meeting
in Omaha this week. Mr. Woodbury
is the reporter for Judge W. W. Wil
Josephine Staska, of Murray, wno
is making her home with her uncle,
Charles Staska, at Nebraska City,
was operated on Thursday for . ap
pendicitis at the St. Mary's hospital
in that city. She is reported as doing
very well.
on the Book of TIME
Like the artist with fresh drawing paper, we can mark
the page in the year book that is 1939 with anything
we wish. Let us resolve to mark it with the best in
good will and service to others . . . and let tjs all pull
together for a better community as we look hopefully
to the coming year to bring restored prosperity to all!
w j'jftt.ririf rrrf -tr mr-
Slot Machines
in the County to
be Banished
Sheriff-elect Joe Mrasek States That
Slot Machines Must Be Taken
Out in Future.
The slot machine will have an un
welcome reception in Cass county In
the future, states Sheriff-elect Joe
Mrasek and the incoming deputy
sheriff, Emery Doody.
The newly-elected sheriff, w-ho
takes office next Thursday, stated to
the Journal that hereafter slot ma
chines if they are found operating
in the county will be confiscated and
seized as unlawful gambling devices
and destroyed as provided by law.
The emphatic vote that was given
by the voters of Cass county against
the legalization of slot machines in
the state of Nebraska is a mandate
that the new sheriff and deputy ex
pect to see is strictly enforced and
if any machines are found in the
county they will suffer the conse
quence of the poor Judgment of their
Friday was a very busy time in the
probate section of the county court
and Judge A. H. Duxbury was kept
busy the entire day in hearings.
Final hearings were held in the
estate of John Scheel, deceased, Carl
D. Ganz, executor; Paul H. Wohl
farth, deceased, Mrs. Jessie Wohl
farth, administratrix; James Gamble,
deceased, Guy L. Clement, executor.
Hearing on claims was had in
the estate of W. H. Heil, of which
Walter H. Smith is the administra
tor; Laura Brinkman, of which
Frank A. Cloidt is the administrator
and Jess Terryberry, of which Mrs.
Jess Terryberry is the administra
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speece and
daughter, Walta Jean, of Bennet,
Nebraska, are here to enjoy a visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. T.
Am, parents of Mrs. Speece. This is
the first time that the little grand
daughter has been able to pay . a
visit to the grandparents and the
occasion one that all greatly enjoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gapen are at
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where
they will spend a few days at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Glen
Lockhart and family.
Evening and Semi-Weekly Journal
Your Home Town Newspaper
w w -w
Fred H. Speck, of Sioux City, Iowa,
who is now at the bedside of his
brother, Carl Speck, ' at Rawlins,
Wyoming, has notified the relatives
here that the conditfon of Carl "is
still quite serious and one of nis
fractured legs is especially serious.
All that is possible is being done for
the young man but it .will probably
be some time before the outcome cf
the case can be determined and if
possible to save his legs.
Weeping Water
Seeks Funds for
Sever System
File Application for $112,997.50 at
Nebraska City Office to Aid
in Public Improvement.
The city of Weeping Water made
application on Friday to the WPA
office at Nebraska City for an ap
propriation of $112,997.50 to con
struct a municipal sewer system and
sewerage disposal plant.
Homer Gausman, WPA engineer,
said the plans will be sent to Wash
ington this week. Weeping Water
has no sanitary sewer system at this
The plans as submitted, call for
36,300 lineal feet of sewers and a
?9,500 aeriation sewerage disposal
plant for the city. The disposal plant
includes three tanks. Sewerage is
dumped into the first and settled by
injecting air into the tank. Then the
liquid is run off and the sludge
dumped into another tank.
The city will contribute $20,000 to
the project which amount will be
paid by general taxation and not
assessed against property owners.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sinkula, of
Cleveland, Ohio, have been spending
a short time here with their son,
Father J. R. Sinkula, pastor of the
Holy Rosary church In the west part
of the city. They report that snow
fall has been heavy in their home in
the east, altho this part of the west
has had only slight moisture.
From Thursday's Dally
The application blanks for the
examinations for postmaster at this
city, were received today at the local
postoffice and are. n6w available for
the applicants. The blanks must be
filled and in the hands of the civil
service commission at Washington
by January 17th.
Accept Our Best
Wishes for
. - -
Death of Mrs,
Jackson Barker
t at Louisville
Passes Away at Age of Ninety-four
Oldest Resident of Louis
ville Community.
From Thursday's Dally
Mrs. Jackson Barker, 94, oldest
resident of the Louisville -community,
died last night at her home In
Louisville after an illness of some
two weeks, altho she has been in
falling health since a fall a year and
a half ago when she fell and sus
tained the fracture of her hip and
which has since caused her to be a
partial invalid.
Mrs. Barker came to the Louis
ville community when a young girl
and has made her home in that com
munity for many years, being a loved
and honored figure and who possessed
a very large circle of friends.
Mr. Barker, a veteran of the
civil war, preceded his wife in death
a number or years ago ana since
which time she has continued to
make her home in the family home
stead. She has in recent raontbs
made her home with a grandson,
Donald Barker.
Edward Barker of this city is a
son of the deceased lady.
In loving memory of our dear son,
Weldon Stoehr, who passed away Dec.
30th, 1935.
Gone is the face we loved so
Silent is the voice we loved
to hear.
Too far away for sight or
But not toe far for thought
to reach.
Mr. and Mrs.
and Family.
Adam Stoehr
The annual meeting of The Farm
ers Elevator Co., of Cullom, Nebr.,
will be held at the Becker school
house on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1939 at
two o'clock p. m.
j2-d&w Secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Gobelman
are enjoying a visit at Decorah, Iowa,
where they are guests of relatives
for the remainder of the holiday
week. They will visit several of the
interesting spots in that portion of
Iowa before they return home.
Mrs. James Nowacek, Sr., has re
turned home from Atchison, Kansas,
where she has been visiting with
two of her children who are now
members of orders of the Catholic
church. Her daughter, Sister Mary
Matthew (Pauline Nowacek) who
is teaching at St. Joseph, Missouri,
in one of the parochial schools, came
to Atchison for the meeting with the
mother. At Atchison they visited
with Father Leonard of the St.
Benedict's college (Faustine Now
acek), their eon and brother. Father
Leonard is completing his studies and
will enter the teaching work of the
St. Benedicts when ordained.
County Attorney
Holds Appropria
tion Didn't Carry
Initiative Measure Submitted at the
November Election Failed to Re
ceive Necessary Majority.
County Attorney J. A. Capwell at
the request of the board of county
commissioners has handed down an
opinion in the matter of the legality
of the initiative measure voted on
at the last general election in Novem
ber, "Shall an Appropriation be Made
Annually ior the Support of Agri
cultural Extension Work." The prop
osition received a majority of the
votes cast on this proposition.
The county attorney In Investi
gating the authority in the law on
the question of "the majority of votes
cast," holds that this means the ma
jority of the total vote that was cast
at the general election in November,
following a previous opinion from
the office of the attorney general to
that effect. Mr. Capwell gives cita
tion of several cases where courts
have held in similar questions as to
the majority of votes.
In Cass county at the last elec
tion there was a total of 7,167 votes
cast, the initiative proposition re
ceived the favorable vote of 3,422, a
majority on that proposition, but un
der the ruling of a majority of the
total vote cast would have to have
3,584 and therefore was short 162
of the necessary majority to make It,
Under the opinion and that of
the state attorney general, which is
expected later as a resume of the
Stanton county opinion, the county
board will probably not vote the an
nual appropriation.
The Plattsmouth Business Men's
Ad club held their meeting Wednes
day at the Hotel Plattsmouth dining
room where luncheon was enjoyed
and the business session followed.
The next meeting will be the an
nual election of officers for the club
and the nominating committee made
the nomination of candidates for the
officers and which will be acted on
by the members. For president, E. J.
Richey, the present president and
F. P. Busch, a former president,
were named. E. A. Wurl and C. C.
Wescott wree proposed for vice-president
and W. H. Puis was offered as
the sole candidate for treasurer of
the organization.
The members of the organization
voted to have their places of busi
ness closed at noon on Monday, Jan
uary 2nd, as an observance of New
Year's day, which falls on Sunday
this year.
Otto E. Trilety, a member ot the
staff of the U. S. department ot Jus
tice, .who has been here over the
Christmas holiday, visiting at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Anton J. Trilety, departed Thursday
for Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. Trilety is
going by train as far as Amarillo,
Texas, and from there will go by
auto to Phoenix where be is engaged
In special governmental work.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Pries, Jr., of
St. Louis, Missouri, who have been
here visiting at the home of Louis
and Miss Minnie Kissling, are to
return home soon, Mr. Pries being
ready to report for duty on January
Platter Rally
Fails to Gheck Tech
Omaha Team Wins 37 to 29 After
Fine Bid for Victory by Locals;
Hayes Leads Local Offense.
The basketball fans had a few min
utes of fast and furious play Friday
night at the local courts as the Plat
ters paced by Captain Hayes, made
a drive for victory after a rather one
sided first half of the battle with
Omaha Tech.
The visitors showed a fast break
ing offensive that netted (hem many
baskets but which In the last
moments of the game had taken toll
of the veterans that had borne most
of the fighting.
In the opening half the Platters
garnered 4 free tosses while the
visitors annexed nine points. In
their free tosses the blue and white
looked good and made almost all of
their gift shots count against the
The second quarter showed the
visitors again showing their fast
breaks and drives down the floor that
penetrated the local defense for
scores to make a 15 to 8 margin at
the half time. Hayes scored the
first field goal for the Platters In
this portion of the game.
It was not until In the last of
the third quarter and the fourth
period that the Platters hit their
scoring stride and for a few moments
victory seemed Just around the cor
ner, that mysterious spot where pros
perity has long lurked, Hayes and
Rebal being able to ring the basket
for score after score and at one time
had. drawn the margin separating
the tw teams to 25 to 24 for Tech.
The fast work of the blue and white
warrlons brought the capacity crowd
to a frenzy as the Maroons wavered
in their heretofore uninterrupted
march. It was the work of NIsley,
Tech forward in the last moments of
the game that robbed the Platters of
the chance of victory as he was hotter
than a red wagon and but for his
shots that seemed ticket fop sure
scores the Maroons were slowly giv
ing ground against the local offense.
Hayes led the blue and white with
12 points, Rebal had 11 and Reed
five. Coach Hoffman retained his
senior starting lineup for the entire
game while Coach Kennedy of Tech
sent in some eleven during the game.
Nisley led the visitors with his ten
points. Young and Kamp had 8 and 7
Coach Hoffman Is seeking a game
for next Friday night for the local
court as the next game on the
schedule will be here with Valley on
Tuesday, January 10th.
The box Bcore of the game:
Plattsmouth (29)
Jacobs, f 0
Rebal, f 3
Hayes, c 5
Reed, g 1
Wall, g 0
9 11 3 29
i (37)
.10 12
.5 0 2 10
.0 0 0 0
. 0 0 3 0
.10 0 2
. 2 0 2 4
. 0 0 0 0
. 2 0 2 4
. 0 0 0 0
18 1 14 37
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Grosshans re
ceived word Thursday morning that
their son, Thomas, who Is living in
Long Beach, California, received a
broken leg while at work at Seal
Beach for the Ansco Construction
company of Long Beach.
"Tom" was operating a caterpillar
at the time of the mishap. He was
pushing piling out in the ocean when
a wave came in and forced the piling
back against him. He is In the
Seaside Memorial hospital, 1401
Chesnut Avenue, Long Beach, Cal.
Mrs. R. W. Knorr is confined to
her home suffering from an attack