f PiAiTSJIQTjjiz SEM2 - WSEKtY JOURNAL MOIttY, DJCXXBEK 19. 1938. PAGE S3 J ' HINKY-DINKY - - - - for Greater U& CHRISTMAS .assniras Thompson Seedless 2-ib. Pkg., ise SpQc 4-lb. Pkg. Ad 7 Christmas Candy Christmas ry T(oC Broken Mix, ivv irft Old Fash. Xmas UnOCOiate lirOp Mix Candy, Pea nut Brittle. 50',' Filled, Orange Slices or - t A ? J I. I I.. n ham Ik TUieviae eny ucana, jjci- iu Chocolates f.dib.a box, 17c; 3-lb, 59c; 5-lb Chocolates SETBL., . -90c Edward's peppermint Patiiies -fl ffcc Maiestv Chocolate Covered cnernes 1 lac l-lb. Box L If 1-lb. Eox Fresh Tasty Nuts 2c Mined Hints Choice Quality (No Peanuts) Z lbs., 95c; 2 lbs., 39c; 1 lb.. BRAZIL HUTS, medium washed, lb 19c PECANS, large bleached Papershell, lb. .23c ALMONDS, fancy Drake, lb . . .23c WALNUTS, Emerald, med. budded, lb. . 21c IhmrSsttBsnas TTirees Strong, Beauti ful North'n Firs 25c Up SUGAR, fine Granulated Beet. . 10 lbs., 48 C FLOUR, Coronet brand, 48-lb. sack 896 DATES, Golden Hallowii, Bulk. .2 lbs., 19c PEAS, Kuner's, No. 303 cans. ... .2 for 256 Tender Garden COFFEE, Del Monte, 1-lb. can, 25; 2-lb, 49 Your Choice Per lb a 2 Boiling BeeS Rib, Lean, Meaty. BeeS HeartS Young, Tender . . . Pork Sausage Fresh, Bulk . . . Spare ilibS Lean, Meaty. ..... .2 lbs. 25C KraUt Crisp, Tender, in Bulk, lb 4 Hamburger &AT.un 2 .bs.2Sc POrlt CllOpS Choice Center Cuts, lb HOC Frankfurters Large, juicy, ib. . . . . . igc Minced Luncheon iiiSc Oy5terS Fresh, Solid Pack, Pint 22C Salmon or Sable Fish R?ce.d.?r2 ibs.23c Whiting Fish Headless, Dressed, 2 lbs. IgC Ofottia?ffl Sweet, Juicy Texas Marsh Seedless ji. c2Jt:3JL Lame Size, doz., 35c. Each . . . JUICY FLORIDA Medium Size, Dozen Juicy California Sunkist Navels ISIed. Sirs, doz., 17l2c; Ln. Size, doz. r ranuy laano r. bislcks or w nesaos Bushel 151.79: 5 lbs Tangerines Oranges Apple Cranberries Large Red Ripe, Lb. . . . . Celery Lg. Well Bleached Stalk, Ea. .... .10C Yams u. s. No. i porto RUan, 4. Lbs. . . .19c 15c 23c 25C 19c IPScaeaippIl SUMMER ISLE BRAND, No 2i2 Can SaflasO. JDirecsaimg any may Drana 7") C Rich, Creamy, Quart Jar. TVT Marvin Brand 9-oz. Pkg . 2 for XL 1 As v V i 1 1 CHEF LEON Prepared Mince Meat 1 4 Ik I IE. I..- & C ii-. car. iav, fc iij. uai m- w Ci?ainilbei?a;sr Sauce Z3orZ3 DROMEDARY or MIN0T 17-oz. Cans CI :mvtmwLL SHOP AT HINKY-DINKY. THE STORE ..T.J THAT'S CHOCK FULL of XMAS VALUES. Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues., Wed., Dec. 20-21 So CIAL From Friday's Daily Hold Christmas Party Mrs. Edgar Newton entertained the Dinochle club at a Christmas Dartv last evening. Miss Helen Smetana won the first prize and Mrs. Charles Waters won second. Mrs. Frank Horsak was a guest of the club. Christmas gifts were exchanged. Gilmore, Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Kaf fenberger. Mrs. Newton Sullivan and baby and Miss Catherine Shinn ' were visitors. W. D. S. Club Regular meeting of the W. D. S. club was held at the home of Mrs. Earl Lancaster. The afternoon was spent in piecing quilt blocks and playing bingo. There was an exchange of Christ mas gifts which was enjoyed by all. At the close of the meeting de licious refreshments were served by the hostess. Stitch and Nibble Club- Miss Mary Swatek, hostess, and Mrs. Wm. Nelson, assistant hostess. last night at the Nelson home en tertained fifteen members of the Stitch and Nibble club at the regular semi-monthly meeting which also served as a Christmas party. Each person brought a gift, which was hidden. After refreshments were served a toy Santa, Claus handed out written clues enabling the members to find their gift. M. E. Federation The Gleaners circle of the Meth odist Federation met yesterday after noon at the home of Mrs. R. B. Hayes. There were eighteen of . the members present. The program consisted of a "Professor Quiz," with Mr3. William Baird asking questions from the Bible on Christmas. Miss Margaret Mapes received the prize for the most cor rectly answered questions, and Mrs. Hayes was second. Christmas gifts were exchanged by the members. The home was decorated in keeping with the season. Delicious refreshments were served. The Dorcas circle members were entertained at the home of Mrs. H. B. Perry. Hostesses were Mrs. Pete Carr, Mrs. E. Sundstrom, Hermina Wind ham, Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. C. C. Wescott. Twenty-five ladies were present. Mrs. Carr presided. Mrs. James Rishel gave devotions and Mrs. J. C. Lowson read a Christmas story. The group then entered into games, after which gifts were ex changed. The home was very pretty with Christmas decorations. De licious refreshments were served. Miss Wilma Pickard entertained the Naomi circle yesterday, with Mrs. Albert Funk. Mrs. Milo Price and Miss Selma Diehm as associate hostesses. Nineteen members and two visitors were present at the meeting. The regular business meet ing was held. Mrs. Joe Wiles 'then read a Christmas story after which gifts were exchanged. Delicious re freshments were served at the close of the afternoon. Neighborly Nine Club Regular meeting of the Neighbor ly Nine club was held at the home of Mrs. Ralph Sullivan. The leaders presented the lessons on candy making and the wrapping of Christmas packages which were enjoyed by everyone. Two visitors were present, Mrs. Arthur Sullivan and Mis. Wallace Terryberry. a tiencious birtnoay cake was baked by Mrs. Donald Harris for lit tle Miss Barbara Ann Sullivan who was celebrating her first birthday. Delicious refreshments were served by Hie hostess at the close of the meeting. A get together meeting of the club was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Harris. More Christmas ideas were ex changed. The reading of the consti tution of the Neighborly Nine club wa3 voted on and approved. The afternoon was enjoyed by everyone. Delicious' refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. Entertains at Bridge Mrs. Rudolph Iverson entertained her bridge club Thursday evening at a 6:30 Christmas dinner. The table was lovely with Christmas decor ations. The evening was spent in playing cards. Prizes were won by Mrs. Iverson and Mrs. Walter Tritsch. Subscribe for the Journal. Entertain Sewing Circle Miss Mildred Kali entertained the members of the Sewing Circle at a Christmas party last night at her home. The home had been decorated with a Christmas tree and other sea sonal decorations. The circle has met with Miss Hall each December for the past three years for their Christ mas party and this year it was also a farewell party. The evening was spent in playing games and gifts were exchanged. Delicious refresh ments were served. Delta Decks Christmas Dinner Mrs. L. W. Egenberger entertained the Delta Deck club at 6:30 last evening at a sumptuous Christmas dinner. Christmas carols were heardj throughout the serving, bringing the holiday spirit to the group. The home had been beautifully decor ated in keeping with the season. The evening was spent in playing cards, prizes being won by Mrs. Henry Mc Maken. of Omaha, first;. Mrs. Frank Gobelman, second; Mrs. Lillian Liv ingston third. Social Workers Flower Club The Social Flower club held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Donald Harris. The Harris home was decorated for the Christmas season. The gifts were placed under a large Christmas tree to be delivered by Santa. The club voted to hold two all day meetings, the first in January at the home of the president, Mrs. Spangler. After the meeting, Mrs. J. L. Stamp presented a fine pro gram. Mary Katherine Mumm gave a recitation; Marilyn Warga a panto mime. A short play was given by some club members. In the contest Mrs. Martin won first prize and Mrs. Lepert second. A delicious two course luncheon was served by the committee, Mrs. LAST CALL TG.06KS If you have pure-bred chick ens of any heavy breed (no Leghorns) we can use youi flock as a Hatchery Flock! If you would like to sell to the Hatchery, get in touch with us at once, as we must finish blood testing by Jan. 15. Eggs will be needed soon after that date. Hog Supplement SPECIAL Although price advances this week, we will still book orders to meet your requirements the next sixty days at the old price $2.60 per Cwt. $51.00 per Ton Take It as You Need It and Pay as You Get It! Drink Hatchery Phone 107333 Main St. PLATTSMOUTH K I "Eat Flelschmann's Yeast for Health" i M Here are foods for fancy menus ... foods you need for "ordinary meals ... foods for snacks ... and, .lor a last-minute surprise for your friends, foods for gifts.. All good foods ... all priced right. IGA FANC EASTERN ( OYSTERS 5 oz. Cans & for 23 Holiday r.iiXEonuis lb. ap AD .FOR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY CANDY & NUTS Peanut Clusters'!! Per Ib OLD FASHIONED Chocolate Drops. Per Ib Peanut, Brittle Per Lb. ...r. Christmas Mix Candy Pop Ib. 10c English Walnuts Per Ib 23c 19c Papep Shell A9a Pecans, lb.. .MtS Brazil Huts Pcp Ib. Fancy Quality Almonds, lb Jumbo Roasted Peanutslb Eureka Green or Wax Green Beans No. 2 Can 2 fop OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry Sauce 11 4 c 17-oz. Tin Ji'V 2 for 27c IGA or TASTEWELL Pumpkin ifQc No. 2 Vz Can ...... AW Dates Fancy .'2 lbs. Thompson Seedless Raisins 'P0c 2 lbs., 15c; 4 lbs W J SQUARE DEAL FLOUR 48-lb. Bag Guaranteed 0c 55c IGA BRAND Flour 48-lb. bag Guaranteed Quality $1.19 IGA Cake Flour Large Pkg IGA CONDENSED tic Honey 5-1 b. Pail Comb Honey, each. 20 WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHRISTMAS TREES MEAT DEPARTMENT Choice Pork Chops, lb. 19 Sugar Cured Bacon Squares, lb !5 Wilson's Pure Lard, 1 lb. package ..... 8c Kraut, bulk, lb .5$ Corn Fed Sirloin Steak, lb 290 ORDER YOUR POULTRY NOW WE DELIVER PHONE 23 AND 24 'Eat Flelschmann's Yeast ror Health"! 21c Mince Meat Qc Per Pkg. Tomato Soup Campbell's 5C 3 Cans for Salad Dressing SHURFINE Full Quart Jar. . 3?- POWDERED Sugar 2 lbs. for BROWN Sugar 2 lbs. fop b This Ad Effective from Tues., Dec. 20 thru Sat., Dec. 24 h 35c, 69c and 75c ...... 25c Tie Sets . 29c matched 59c TIES Men's . , TIES Boy's . KERCHIEFS Men's and Ti TOWEL SETS Fancy 3 piece i 8 LADIES BOX HDKFS, 19c, 25c, 40c & 50c 8 LADIES SILK HOSE, . . 49, 69c, and 79c MEN'S DRESS SOX, ..... 15c and 25c Men's, Women's, Children' House Slippers jj f! A Pull I inn Phirctmac Harric Qoalc B. PanPr R A Complete Assortment Xmas Candy & Huts OMAR FLOUR 48 Ib. Bag .$1.25 SUGAR, 10 ib. Bag. . . . . . 48c 8 OATS KAM0, Large Pkg. . . . 17c RAISINS, 2 lb. 15c, 4 lbs. . . .29 8 COFFEE, Butternut or Floger's' lb: Can 25c SYRUP Kamo or White Swan 10 lb. . 49c MEAT DEPARTMENT S KRAFT'S 8 h CI&G6Q6 American jj 5 lb. 0 t - a or Brick, 2-lb. box AUG Dox QCc S Cut It?. 10c 8 s, lb. . . IQc Minced Ham, 2 lbs. . . . . 25c Bacon Squares, lb. . . . .14s jj I Highest Prices Paid for Eggs k HIT ft BRUBACHER g MURRAY, NEBRASKA R0B-SEE-C0 TOR'S "6" DVDQIDS The Corn in which the Nebraska State Husking Contest was held. Louis Korte, the Nebraska champion, says' "The easiest corn I ever picked." Buy a 'Weather-Proofed Hybrid" for Your Farm Oob-See-Co Funk's "6" Hybrids PRICE LIST Large Flat $7.00 a bushel Regular Flat. 7.00 a bushel Medium Flat .... 7.00 a bushel Regular Round 6.00 a bushel Large Round 5.00 a bushel These include the following types: Funk's G-8, G-23, G-32, G-49, G-53, G-62, G-207, G-212, G-235. G-244 and G-244T . . . all Ne braska and Iowa grown. We will have limited quantities of Illinois grown seed of Funk's G-55, G-60, G-66 and G-94. These are hybrids that have shown exceptionally well in Nebraska this last season. Rob-Sec-Co Brand Certified Hybrids Large Flat $6.00 a bushel Regular Flat 6.00 a bushel Medium Flat . 6.00 a bushel Regular Round 5.25 a bushel Large Round 4.50 a bushel These includes Iowa 939, Nebraska 110, Nebraska 252and Ne braska 238. In this group we are also including Funk's type Illi nois 960, the highest yielding hybrid in Nebraska this last year. Listen to WAAW, 8:15 a. m. and 12 O'clock Noor. Liberal Discount for Early Orders FOR DETAILED INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE LEONARD C. STOEHR Telephone 2722 R. F. D. 2 Plattsmouth, Neb. i