The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 08, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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W. A. Ost last week purchased a
Jicw two Hoor riymouth.
Harold Meyers whs here last Sat
ui day visiting with a number of
friends and looking after some busl
lies. Attorney C. D. Gan, representa
tive for the federal farm loan cor
poration was looking after some busl
neHS In Nehawka Wednesday of this
tllen Hutlege was visiting the
wife at I .or ton last Sunday and on
Monday was at Nebraska City where
he was looking after some business
Mr. and Mrs. A. I?. Campbell and
son. Kenneth and daughter Hoverly
of Lincoln were visiting In Nehawka
last Sunday, guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Holland Sutton and
Mrs. V. II. Kruger was visiting
with friends and relatives In Ptatts
mouth over the week end and Monday
Mr. Kruger drove over and brought
the wife home, after her very pleas
nut visit.
Miss Kuth Palmer, teacher In the
Talmage schools was a visitor over
the week end at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Pal
mer, visiting with the sick mother
and returning to her school work
again Monday.
Rock Crusher at Work.
The rock brushcr which belongs
to the county which was removed
from west of Weeping Water to a
quarry on the Johnson property be
tween Nehawka and Union has got
ten to work and they are now crush
ing rock to be used on a portion of
the mall route traveled by Tommy
Delayed Thanksgiving Dinner.
A. C. Anderson and wife of Om-.
aha had planned to have the rel
allves at their home for Thanskgiv
Ing dinner, but all could not attend
Bibk School
Sundav, December 11th
"The Sin of Covetou&ness"
Kv 20:17; Luke 12:13-21; I Tim.
This tenth and last commandment 1
touches the lives of more people than '
tr.e r.rt ntne. cnours ten us mat
no other nation in the world has a
law against oovetousness. except the
Hebrews, They stood en a higher
place than the others,
"Thou shalt not covet." passes be
yond the domain of civil magistrates
into that intellectual realm of mo
tive, desire and thought, where God
alone is Lord and judge. What is
the meaning of the word "covet."
It means a delight in some object,
a sense of desire to possess, to wish
In the New Testament Paul trans
lates it "lust." It is often rendered
"desire." sometimes "covet" and oc
casionally "conoupisenoe. These
tianslations will help to throw light
rpon the word.
"Herein lies the searching and re- ;
veallng power of this last word of
the IVcalogue, The desire for that
which cannot lawfully he possessed
is distinctly forbidden; and so this
tenth wind passes much deeper in
its moral requirement than any that
preceded it. It sets up God's right
over the realm of desire." G. Camp
bell Morgan).
Ooveymsness is the root of all sin.
Kve in the temptation saw that the
tree was "good for food" and that
it was "pleasant to the eyes' and a
tie' to bo "desired."' She took of
the fruit, etc.
Unholy desires is the inspiration
to murder. So it is to adultery, and
theft thus the whole realm of hu
man inter-relation is d.sorgar.isod
and broken up by tfc dishonoring of
the tenth commandment. The ter
rible consequence that grow out of One may say: "What
great harm is a mere guilty look, a
mere guilty wish, a more guilty long
ing T" Well, are they so harmless?
Heboid the guilty look of David at
JUthsheha from his palace roof, the
guilty lor.fiing of Achan for the in
got of told, the gxii'.ty desire o:
Ahab tor Naboth's vineyard
tnMhir.g come of ttcra? In the ftrst j We are naked into the world,
case, the bad desire led to adultery; j arid uto h caked. Then why the
in the second to theft; in the third j unholy dir to accumulate much
to ruurder. j earthly More? The k-ve of mosey
In the parable that Jesus rt!ate. hrisr lcrg train or sorrow. What
he fives a wruii. TtU rcaa ia thelwiU rr.ia set da for ett;.g Go'.d!
multitude was afraid would ret 1 These catchy desire God alose caa
gtt a'.l that was comit to hia frcci j t breji Je-i tlaod. asd
the inheritance, Jesus rebuked TtiasjUct in tie soul the se-i cf risht-
f.ud gv the reopl a soleraa ,-wara ! eous-ness. tie trait of wtici is dr
iuj tht covtea wxsiU sot crid i GL 5: 22, 2i. tFIeast
tti&d theui, asi suake thi r-elitve ! read).
so the dinner was postponed and all
had their dlnnor. turkey and fixings
elsewhere, bo after getting turkey
hungry again they assembled last
Sunday at the A. C. Anderson home
In Omaha where a very fine time
was had. Among those attending
were Pan Anderson and family and
Albert Anderson and family of Ne
hawka, Fred Marquardt and family
of Avoca, Mrs. Redella Stander and
K. V. White ard family of Louisville
and Louis Hots and family of Ne
Mrs. Palmer Quite Poorly.
Mrs. James M. Palmer has been
very poorly for the past week or more
and has been kept to her bed dur
ing this time. Mrs. Sarah Kropp has
been caring for the patient during
her illness. It is hoped by the many
friends that she may soon be well
again and have permanent recovery.
Visited Sick Father.
Miss Keemster, one of the teach
ers of the Nehawka schools was call
ed to her homo at York last week on
accounto f the serious Illness of her
father. She remained during the
week and with the marked Improve
ment of the pareut returned to her
school work hero Monday.
Celebrated Passing Birthday.
Miss Jane Kdmlnson. a sister of
Mrs. Ollbert Kdmonds of Nehawka.
who makes her home in Lincoln
where she Is employed was over to
Nehawka for the week-end visiting
her sister and family and also en
Joyed a birthday celebration party
sponsored by her sister. Mrs. Gilbert
Kumonds. A very enjoyable evening
was had with a. delightful supper
and many a fond wish for many more
such happy events to follow.
Able to Leave Hospital.
Almost a month ago. Pat Edmunds,
the youngest brother of Gilbert Ed
munds receive! a slight injury to
one of his ankles which kept him
from his work for a time. and as he
was getting well and could get out.
Lesscni Study!
By L. NeitaeL Murdock, Neb.
that an abimdanee of earthly pos
sessions would bring happiness.
We find t"ie evil word, "covet" or
"cowtousncss" nineteen times In
th N.w Testament, rrovinsr its sis-
. . j,.ii,
I 111 1H M IH . . a. . - -
a man whon Jesus uses for an il
lustration in point. "A rich man"
no name given any rich man. There
is no odium attached to his riches as
such. It is no crime to be rich.
Abraham was rich. No hint of,
wrongful ill-gotten riches; rather the
contrary! He owns a good farm; he
is a good farmer, pays his help well;
he was honest, stood well in the com
munity many, many have envied
him; the farm produced well, so
-fll that re had not room for the
harvest; even his oovetousness has
nothing repulsive about it- He lived
just for earthly things; they and
they alone filled his life and soul.
That was all. The world has many
duplicates. This man plans for the
future which was right. He spends
r.oney to build, to house the harvest
then has a monologue with his
s-oul. Note the pronoun "my" five
times the personal pronoun "I" six
times. This man was all animal
no blue sky in his universe. His
universe was a great dinner table
he told his soul that it ' would find
heaven in a Kirn. What had he
emitted in his reckoning? God!
Now God speaks to him. What a
contrast between the phrases. "I will
s;sy to my soul." and "but God said.
There comes a time when God will
say something to every soul. He has
the last word. "Thou foolish or.o"
devoid of without mind or
When God says 1 want you to
night, man cannot write a note of
excuse. Stripped naked. bare, deso
late soul, he passes from cur sight,
lc-st in tie darkness of eternal re
morse, his voice still dolefully echo
ing the oudr.mir.g voice of God.
"Thou fool! Thou fool!"
What a beautiful picture Paul
paints for us; godliness r.d content
ment is jreat gain all to be found
in Christ Jesus, How much does a
man r, es3 to sustain lif? Ww
shelter ull e'se becomes a burden.
ho thought ahe would go for a short
hunt. In bo doing with his small
rifle he slipped and fell in a field, the
gun going off and Bhootlng the young
man, the bullet entering his chest
directly In front of his heart and
striking a bone was deflected down
ward when it struck another bone
and was again deflected, passing out.
of the body after shattering one of
his ribs. This kept the young man
In a hospital at Auburn for three
weeks. He was able to return home
last Sunday and is reported as get
ting along very nicely.
Changes Station Agents.
E. 11. McConnaha who has been
the accommodatlngagent for the Mis
souri Pacific here for some time was
given the position caused by the pass
ing of James Simmons at Nebraska
City. The place left vacant here has
been filled by J. II. Trlon who has
heretofore been located at Panama.
Susanne Yeiser House Guest.
The John Yeiser family of Omaha
were brief guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sturm last Sun
day evening, they being accompanied
hero by the daughter, Susanne to
visit for a few days with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sturb.
Miss Susanne has been quite ill at her
home in Omaha for some time and
has just recovered and desired to visit
here a few days before returning to
her studies at school.
Will Live Near Avoca.
Troy Murdoch who some time ago
acquired a farm near Avoca has been
moving much of the property sucl
as farming implements, chicken and
hog houses to the farm that he may
bo ready when spring comes to go
over and engage in farming.
Ladies Show Profit in Rummage.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church of Nehawka instuted a rum
mage sale last week, when they
placed on sale a multitude of differ
ent articles which had been discard
ed and thrown away by their former
owners. The goods found good de
mand and the ladies realized between
$50 and $60 for their efforts.
Frank Massie Much Better.
Frank Massie who has been sick
at his country home for the past
three weeks and a good deal of the
time very serious, has been showing
good improvement. However he is
still rather weak. He is up a portion
of the time, getting np for an. hour
or so each day in order to secure
strength necessary for his recovery.
FALLS CITY, Dec. 6 (UP) I rl
Dale Bowers. 17, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Golda Bowers, north of Bardia,
sprinkled poison on apples about 1
o'clock this morning-, ate them, and
died twenty minutes later. He got
heme abo't 1 o'clock, sat down and
ate the apples and went to bod. Hi
parents heard him in the room and
rushed in to investigate. There was
no apparent motive. He didn't ap
pear particular) worried or despond
ent. His brother rvibert w-as killed
in a truck-transport accident near
Red Cloud on September 22.
OMAHA. Doe. 6 (UP) Tom Gor
man, Notre Dame star, returned from
Chicago yesterday and signed a new
contract to act as line" coach at Creigh
ton university next year. Gorman
left for Omaha following- close of the
season and it was reported ho would
not return. He said he had decided
to come back after with
several other schools. His new con
tract, it was reported, calls for an in
crease in salary. Gorman was given
uch credit for the improved showing
of the Blue jays during- the 1SS$ cam
LONDON. Dee. 7 iUP The Duke
of Windsor will visit England for
two weeks toward the end of Feb
ruary and probably will be accom
panied by the duchess, an unim
peachable source "said today.
Phone ntw Items to Ho. L
7 tit Cevty Cevri cf Cess Cav-f-.
To all persons interested in the
etate of Paul IL Wohlfarth, de-j
ceased. No. 32 S:
Take notice that the Administrat
rix ot said estate ha fled her tnai
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of Iter adminis
tration accounts, determination cf
h;rh:p. ass:raiit of residue cf
sa:a estate na tar cw b-vajc. ,
that aid rt;tjoa and report will
be heard before aaid Court en De
oember So, 1SSS. at tea o'clock a.
iv. ted Dcbr 2- 1SS5.
iSeal) di-Sw Ccuity Juice.
DOUGLAS, Neb., Dec. 1 (UP)
Joseph WImberger drove Into his
brother Albert's farmyard just in
time to hear a shot which ended the
tatter's life.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
William A. Armstrong, deceased.
No. 336S:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is April 3,
1939; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Flatts
mouth on April 7, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated December 2, 193S.
(Seal) d5-3w
County Judge.
In the District Court of the
Comity of Cass, Nebraska
In Re Application of Lester iV.
Meislnger. Guardian of Wilma May
Tritsch. a Minor, for License to Sell
Real Estate.
Now on this 2nd day of Decem
ber, 193.S, there was presented the
amended petition of Lester W. Mei
singer. guardian of Wilma May
Tritsch. a minor, for license to sell
the undivided one-half interest of
said minor in the following describ
ed property, to-wlt:
The north half (NVi of the
southwest quarter (SV4) of Sec
tion thirty-five (35), Township thir
teen (13). North. Range twelve (12)
and the north half (N'4) of the
southeast quarter (SEl4) of Section
one (1). in Township twelve (12).
North. Range twelve (12). all east
of the 6th P. M. in the County of
Cass, Nebraska; also the East half
(Ej) of the northwest quarter
(NWvi of Section twenty (20).
Township eight (S). Range forty
one (41). west of the 6th P. M., in
Chase county. Nebraska, and the
northeast quarter (NEV ) of Section
fourteen (14), Township fifteen
(15), North'. Range twenty-four
(24). west of the 6th P. M.. in Cus
ter county. Nebraska: and also an
undivided one-third of the southeast
quarter (SEi) of Section eleven
(11) , and the east half (EH) of the
southwest quarter (SWi ) of Section
west quarter (SWi) of Section
eleven (11). all in Township twelve
(12) . North. Range twelve (12).
east of the 6th P. M.. in the County
of Cass. Nebraska, subject to life
estate therein of Elizabeth Meisinger
and subject also to life estate there
in of Lena Tritsch for the purpose
of putting out at interest or invest
ing in some productive stock the pro
ceeds thereof, and It appearing from
said amended petition that it would
be beneficial to said minor that said
iuterest in said real estate be sold,
and it further appearing that an
order should be entered requiring all
persons interested to show cause why
a license should not be granted for
the sale of said interest of sail minor
in said real estate
It is therefore Ordered that all
persons interested in the estate of
said minor and th next of kin of
said Wilma May Tritsch appear be
fore the undersigned. Judge of the
District Court within ar.d for said
County of Cass. Nebraska, on the
27th day of December. 193S. at 9:00
o'clock a. m.. at the District Court
Room in the Court House in the City
of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebras
ka, to show cause, if any there be.
why a license should not be granted
to Lester W. Meisinger. guardian of
Wilma May Tritsch, a minor, to sell
the undivided interest of said minor
ii. the following described property.
to-wit: The north half (N-i of the
southwest quarter (SWi ) of Section
thirty-five (35. Township thirteen
(131. North. Range twelve (12).
and the north half (N-jl of the
southeast quarter SEl of Section
one (11. in Township twelve (12).
North. Range twelve (12). all east
of the th P. M. in the County of
Cs5. Nebraska: also the oast half
(EH 1 of the northwest quarter
tXW) of Section twenty (20).
Township eight tSI. Range forty
one (41) west of the th P. M., in
Chase county. Nebraska, and the
northeast quarter INE11 of Section
fourteen (14). Township fifteen
(15), North. Range twenty-four
(2 4), west of the th P. M-. m Cus
ter county, Nebraska: and also an
undivided one-third of the .southeast
quarter (SEV 1 of Section eleven
(111. and the east half iEi of the
southwest quarter (SW1,) of Section
eleven (111. all in Township twelve
(12), North. Range twelve (12).
east of the th P. XL. in the County
of Cass. Nebraska, subject to life
estate therein of Elisabeth Meisinger
and subject also to life estate there- !,rict Court cf Cass county. Nebras
in of Lena Tritsch. for the purpose ka Srainst TCU and each of you.
of investing the proceeds thereof M Lnnse appears in Docket on
provided by law. Ipasre 12. Number 9701 of the Ree-
It is runner orcerea izs. a copy
of this order be served upon the next
or kin and all persers interested in
the estate of the said Wilma May
Tritsch. a minor, by publication of
this order for three successive weeks
prior to said time in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a newspaper printed and of
general circulation in the County cf
Cass, Nebraska.
Ey the Court.
Judge cf the District
d-Sw Court-
Walter H. Smith
PU.ttsm.cxti Stale Bixi ErUiirs
PUttsmcuth, Ri&raiskA
In the District Court of Cast
County, Nebraska
City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, a Municipal Cor
nnration. - -
Plaintiff NOTICE
Nels Steel, et al,
To the Defendants:
Nels Steel and wife, Mrs. Nels
Steel, first .and real name unknown;
Patrick Connally and wife, Mrs.
Patrick Connally, first and real name
unknown; The Vinyard Development
Company; Lucille Vogler and hus
band. Vogler, first and real
name unknown; and Milford B.
Bat es and wife, Bates, first
and real name unknown, sole heirs
at law of R. A. Bates, deceased;
Verna Bertha Hatt; Ina Hatt South
and husband. South, first and
real name unknown; Paul W. Hatt
and wife, Hatt, first and real
name unknown: Ralph W. Hatt and
wife, Hatt, first and real
name unknown: Sterling F. Hatt and
wife. Hatt. first and real
name unknown; and Genevieve L.
Hatt, sole heirs at law of Johnathan
Hatt. deceased: Charles F. M. Guth-
man and wife. Guthman,
first and real name unknown; Henry
A. Guthman and wife. Guth
man. first and real name unknown;
Erick Anderson and wife,
Anderson, first and real name un
known; John R. Denson and wife.
Mrs. John R. Denson, first and real
name unknown; Minnie E. Parker
and husband, Parker, first
and real name unknown; Elizabeth
G. McKinney and husband.
McKinuey, first and real name un
known; Julius E. Strohfus and wife,
Strohfus. first and real name
unknown; Fred Jess and wife.
Jess, first and real name unknown;
the creditors and all other persons
interested in the estate of Mary E.
iKhoden. deceased; the creditors and
all other persons interested in the
estate of George W. Rhoden. deceas
ed; Grace M. Fullerton and husband.
Fullerton. first and real name
unknown; William Guthman. Jr..
ard wife, Mrs. William Guthman.
Jr.. first and real name unknown;
Edward Guthman and wife. Mrs.
Edward Guthman. .first and real
r.ame unknown; Ida Guthman: Lou
isa Guthman; Anna Good and hus
band. Good, first and real
name unknown: Mary Krecklow and
husband. Krecklow. first and
real name unknown; Herma Lemm
and husband. Lemm. first
and real name unknown: and Fred
erick Lemm and wife. Lemm.
first and real name unknown, sole
heirs at law of William Guthman.
Sr.. deceased: and all persons having
or claiming any interest in. right or
title to. or lien upon the following
described real estate, to-wii: Com
mencing at a point 353.7 feet west
rf the southeast corner of the S. W.
Vi of the S. W. i of Sec. IS. Twp.
2. Range 14. east of the 6th P. M..
running thence north 190 feet,
thence west 73 feet; thence south
190 feet, thence east 73 feet to the
place of beginning, the same being a
part of Lots 27 and 2S. of said Sec.
IS. Twp. 12, Range 14. east of the
6th P. M.. aforesaid. Cass county.
Nebraska: Lot 74 of the S. W. ; of
the S. W. U of Sec. IS. Twp. 12.
Range 14. east of the 6th P. M.. Cass
county. Nebraska: Lot 9 arid the
"West i, of Lot 10. Block 9. City of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska; Lot 12, Block
30, City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska:
West - of Lot 4. Block 3 4. City of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska: West 36 ft.
of Lot 2. Block 50. City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska; Lot 4 and the
West -i of Lot 5. Block 25, Young
and Hayes Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska; Lots 1. 2. 3
and 4. Block 4 2. Young and Hayes
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth.
Nebraska: Lots 7. S. 9. 10 and 11.
Iwoelr 4 Duke's Addition to the Citv
of plattsmouth. Nebraska; West H
of Lot 3. and all Lot 4. Block 11,
Dukes Addition to the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska; Lots 25 and 26.
Block 9. Thompson's Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska; East
5i ft. of Lot 47. and all of Lots 4S
and 4 9. of Wise's Outlots to the City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska; Lot 1 of
Streitweisser's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska: Lot 12.
Block 167. City of Flattsrnouth. Ne
braska: Lots 9 and 10. Block 152.
City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska: West
3 ft. of Let 4. and all of Lot 5.
Block IS. City of Plattsmouth. Ne
orcska; North 9 ft. of Lot 12, Block
1 r-tv n f rMatTSTr!ri5th- Nebraska:
U a"nd tie xortfeea5l n feet and
3 inches of Lot 3. Streitweisser's
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth.
Nebraska, and Lots 5. and 7, Block
13. Townsend's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, real names
unknown. Defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on October SI. 193S.
the City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska,
a Municipal Corporation, plaintiff
hert'i flvfJl it rwt it ion in thi His-
. . v - ,v- rirt of tfc-
District Court of Cass County. Ne
braska, the object and prayer cf
.hich petition is in accordance with
a resolution adepted and passed by
the City Council of said City of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, and which is
for the foreclosure of the separate
tax liens on each and all of the fol
lowing deribed real estate, o-wit:
Ccmmencirg at a point 352.7
feet west of the southeast cor-
ner cf the S. W. of the S. W.
J. Howard Davis
Attorney at Law
U of Sec. 18, Twp. 12, Range
14, east of the 6th V. M., run
ning thence north 190 feet,
thence west 73 feet, thence
Bouth 1D0 feet, thence east 73
feet to the place of beginning,
the same being a part of Lots
27 and 28 of 6aid Sec. 18, Twp.
12, Range 14, east of the 6th P.
M., aforesaid, Cass county, Ne-
Lot 74 of the S.W. of the
S. W. U of Sec. 18, Twp. 12,
Range 14, East of the 6th P.
M., Cass county, Nebraska;
Lot 9 and the West Vt of Lot
10, Block 9, City of Plattsmouth,
Lot 12, Block 30, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
West Vz of Lot 4, Block 3 4,
City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
West 36 ft. of Lot 2. Block
50, City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska; '
Lot 4 and the West of Lot
5. Block 25, Young and Hayes
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4. Block 42.
Young and Hayes Addition to
the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska; - v
Lots 7, S, 9. 10 and 11. Block
4. Duke's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska;
WostH of Lot 3 and all of
Lot 4. Block 11. Duke's Addi
tion to the City of Plattsmouth,
Lots 23 and 26, Block 9,
Thompson's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska;
East 55 ft. of Lot 47, and all
of Lots 4S and 49. of Wise's Out
lots to the City of Plattsmouth,
Lot 1 of Streitweisser's Ad
dition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lot 12. Block 1C7, City of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska:
Lots 9 and 10. Block 152, City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska;
West 3 ft. of Lot 4. and all of
Lot 5. Block IS. City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska:
North 69 ft. of Lot 12. Block
15. City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska; Lot 2. and the Northeast 14
feet and 3 inches of Lot 3.
Streitweisser's Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska:
Lots 5. 6 and 7, Block 13,
Townscnd's Addition to the City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
That all of the above real estate
above described was subject to tax-
at ion for State. County. City. School
District and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the
petition of plaintiff and the exhibits
thereto attached and by references
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or
any one of you. on said real estate,
respectively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and barring
you and each of you of any and all
claims upon, interest in. right or
title to. or lien upon or equity of
redemption in and to all of said real
estate described herein; that the
same, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, to satisfy plaintiff's iien.
together with interest and costs,
shall be sold in accordance with law,
and for such other and further re
lief in the premises as may seem
just and equitable to the Court.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 30th day of January.
1939. and failing to do so. your de
fault will be entered and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's
NEBRASKA, a Municipal
Plaintiff's Atterney.
In the County Court cf Cast Cc
ty. Nebraska.
and for their discharge; that said
State cf Nebraska
J Couxty cf Cass
. ,
. . " . .
Order of Sale issued by C E Lodg-
cash the following real estate.
The east half (EH of the
southeast Quarter (SE"-) f
Section twenty-three (..
Town.ship tea (If. Ranjre thir
teen (13). East cf the th r.
M., in Cass county. Nebraska
The same reir Uxi3. trM ar
iu " ll s,us '"'"I- v ia rr 5 unknown: David Remick. Mrs. IUv:i
ate of Almaretta Buckingham, d-jReirt. frM tt, trlrr;
ceased. No 2: Charles Hendrie: Mrs. Charles K-
Take notice that the Admmistra-1 frpx reA, t vec
tors with will annexed of said ; Ua ForS. yr vri r5t
tate have fled their final report .and I t&l atl:Bm; iri v
a petition for examination and Ftrd. cifv ceoeaed. rral names nn
lowance of their administration -,. tif Kf(mr, cf
counts, determination of heirship. , ru;;-:la Ferrr eomr.arv rI
J Cou. T IVc1r " 'having or claim.rc arv intZ-e n
193S. at ten o clock a. m. xi to Let ,T( - . 'T -
Dated November 15. 193S. hi c' W i l'c' i- H
. it ni-vprpv ; c - es. e c. e.gnt i.
eal nl-3w (Jut'r J-'w lsi of the west
way. Clerk of the District Court xerraska. en XcVe-ir Sj""
within and for Cass County . Neit?liw. 4x4 ck ;vr v,
braska and to me greeted. I " vJf ra STfi -
the th day cf Novem.-er. A. IV i$ (,v.i;!! 4 ,
1S35, at 10:09 o'clock a. n. of saad I ,-, ,y . .. -.. C,T , - ; . 'j
cay at the south front dr of the ) if VAXltl "4
nto,.S-;f;fti & - z
mouth, tn said cou-ty. .l at rrt.te vw rrfi cr .y, t:r t ;T.
auction to the highest Trader tor i RwV -rT.,- tJ .w .1
teaea a i-c r:.. iw . iri t-. tti tr4;T.t ? os ar.d ea.h rf m
Lach and wie, Jessie D-. Leaca.?r tf ti, tve IrvJrr rf:
aid D. Eay Frans. teiexattss te'tsj.
aausry :crst c: sa:i C.-urt re-i
coverea cy j-. a- jvrofi, taam
againsj said Cf :nitrts.
Plattsmc-cth. Ny.rasi.a. Se?tembe.r:
xt. a n. ifs$- ;
Siertt Cass Canity, ;
c-S-Iw Nehraaia ;
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Henry G. Soennichsen, de
ceased.. No. 3370:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an
instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointme'nt of Ruth
Soennichsen as Executrix thereof;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
23rd day of December, 1938, at 10:00
o'clock a. m.
Dated November 25, 1938.
(Seal) n28-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Edna E. Binger, deceased. No.
t T J .
Take notice that the time limit-
i for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is March
27. 1935; that a hearing will be
Lad at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on March 31. 1939. at
ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated November 2. 293 S.
(Seal) u2S-3w County Judge.
In the Coun'y Court of C Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the titate of
Martin G. Stava. deceased. No.
Take notice that the time United
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is March
27. 1939: that a hearing will te
had at the County Court roora in
; Plattsmouth on March 31. 1933, at
ten ociock a. m. for te purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
fdjusticg all claims or objections
duly led.
Dated November 22. 193 S.
(Seal) n2S-3w County Judge.
In tkt County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate cf
J-ta A. Linch. dec-eased. No. 3 3 59:
Take notice that the time l:m:te-d
for the filing and presentation cf
claims against sail estate is March
20, 1939; that a hearing will b had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on March 24, 1939, at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose cf ex
amining, hearing, allowing and ad
justing all claims or objections duly
Dated November 14. 19Sv
(Seal) n21-3w County Juire.
In the Dittrict Ccvrt of te
Cor.ty cf Cass, Nebraska
Frances Brown, formerly
Frances Meisinger.
Plattsmouth Ferry Co.. et
al Defendants
To the Defendants: Tlattsmoutb
Ferry Company: W. S. Wc-rley. frst
real nam unknown; Mrs. W. S.
Worley. first real name tinkncwn:
David Remick. Mrs. DaviJ Remici.
! f rst real name unknown; Char'es
Hendrie: Mrs. Charles Hendrie, fin:
real nstse unknown; Mrs, WiULara
Ford, frst real name nnknewn:
Samuel M. Ford; D. Remick 4: Co.. a
co-partners-ip composed
cf David
Eemirk and Charles HenSrie: the
heirs, devise. legatee, personal
representatives and a:i other persons
interested in the estates of W s.
I Wcrley. frst real name enknown;
Mrs, W. sv Wcrley. rst real ntme
U C " V ' V-
,sxrveTi :n ire C:tv of PUttf-
i mouth, Cass oouxty. Nerri.ka. real
T.arr.e stljfin.
Ycva and ;Ja of yra are leriry
tot if ed tin Fnixre "Srown. .---
serly FraT.oos Meisinrer. fd a 7f:i-
itjor. o.-tr .mes;-od an
m FUtrstnowtlt. Cass rotrty. Nrbra-
ka. ard for ecn:isy"e r"iff.
i You arfi each cf a-r fr.rtfr
rrf.led ya are reru:re t? an
swer said Tet;:i-.r ci or before l.:-r-
;cty. tie Ir c. cay cf Jir.tikry. It'.
jor tie a1"e.c,tK-'ti ir. u;3 e taken as trt iti a
cfcroe rer :ered it ;tver e t.:4 t 2
rated this Iftk day ti W-vrmher,
FTvANrr? J!JJxy.
rsjLXcrs 3ce:s:n -,t:k
:. :
aru.-n :a
, ltf TV1! lO 1 J- - j-
. - ...... i . ir v .
xll - lw