PAGE SIX PLATTSKOUTE SEJH - VTEE&2X JOTJLUAI TittJRSDAY. BiCSJG&Efc 1. 1928. "Socjal From Monday's Daily Omaha Guests Here Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trilety with Nancy Jane and Bruce, of Omaha, spent their Thanksgiving vacation at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Poultry Uanted Get Our Prices Before You Sell Your POULTRY HOME DAIRY Conveniently Located 5th and Main Center of Business Section Trilety of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wiles at the farm home west of the city. Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Egenberger of this city observed the past week their forty-eighth wedding anniversary, the event being quietly celebrated by the members of the family at the home here. Dr. and Mrs. John S. Egenberger and son, John Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carter and family were here from Omaha to join Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Egenberger ' in the celebration of the anniversary of the parents. Dinner at Murray Friday evening Miss Bertha Nick les and Mother entertained at a C:30 duck dinner at their home in Mur ray. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Dora Crosser and her son, wife and daughter of Wood River, Nebras ka. Mrs. Crosser is a sister of Miss Nickles. Other guests were rM. and Mrs. Glen Todd and son, Mr. and 'Mrs. Perry Nickles and son, Mr. and Mrs. Alvedor Nickles and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson and daugh ter, Mrs. George Ray all of Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nickles of Omaha and Mrs. Fanuie Crosser of Platts-mouth. Gather at Cole Home The home of Mrs. Caroline Cole of Mynard, was the scene of a pleasant gathering on Sunday, when Mrs. Cole bad as guests at one of her splendid dinners the following: Mrs. W. II. Venner, Mrs. Will Porter, of Platts mouth; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Cole and Richard, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiles and Clarke of Mynard. Old Pals Alaska 1 Lb. O Tall Cans, A for Ad for Plattsmouth, Fricday, Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3 PORK & BEANS Phillips Delicious .. b for 2f&c 1 Lb Cans. TOMATOES Kuner's Fancy Quality 2 for tSc No. 303 Cans Corn Meal Victor Vhit or Yellow lb: 11 flnC Sack dL hd Cudahy's Pure Rex Brand, in Bulk 10 lbs., 78. Per lb Pork Roast JsSt KL...1IC Butt End Pork Roast, lb., 15c Beef Roast HTZi iSi.5Tf.l4c Hamburger "?hi'u.? Steak yvte'u?" 18c Round, Swiss or T-Bone, lb., 19c Choice. Lean Lb. (2 Pork Steak oif0-.Lean....17c Minced Luncheon i"t : p.'Kc Bacon Squares cu?.Tib.'l5c Salmon s ,bSs.""l...25c Whiting Fish BSSKwlSc TPAB5EIBIIE3I Sweet, Juicy Florida . . Easy TT to Peel. Small size, each. . . . Jy OratlHCS Sweet, Juicy Florida Large Size, Dozen, 23c T()n Medium Size, Dozen X'yl CALIFORNIA SUNKIST NAVELS Large Size, Doz., 27c; Med. Size, Dcz.. . GrapeSruit iST!iSLEss SCtSS 35c Each ... 3c Onions 5c Cabbage PaIamv? Fresh, Tender, California 36iery Large. Well-Blchd. Stalk . . AUL. Vor U. S. No. 1 Louisiana H SoMlS Porto Rican, 4 lbs JtyC U. S. No. 1 Idaho Yellow 50-lb. Baa, 99c; 3 lbs vl WHITE ONIONS U. S. No. 1 Selected r.uality. Per lb..... Fresh, Solid Wisconsin Holland Seed, lb A Chef Leon Brand Mince Meat l-lb. 4jfp 2-lb. Jar. JL!i' Jar. 2l Big Rf Brand Grapefruit Juice fnr No. 2 Cans & I"! CHRISTVAS CARDS crJ2L tr,mtlfmkmvU,) Omwr twuui turn valus 6 t FOR OMLY 25 Witk BAB-O Label Fidelity -SEES Pancake Flour Ola II to l-'nctorj ) 3-lb. Sack. . 21c Sunrise Sweet, Mild COFFEE I fffC Mb., 150; 3 lt.1l? Hinky-Dinky Rich, Tasty COFFEE, 1-lb., 18c 2 lbs. . ...... Ml Cofelt's Perfect COFFEE, 1-lb., 22c AXg 2 lbs WL Cet a Pym inm Cntrr Maker, 6 or 8-cup size. $2.25 value for only and 10 Kmpty Sunrise, Hinky-Dinky or Cofelt's bags. 17 QERBER'S Strained Foods Assorted Varieties 412-02. Cans.2 for iLP 6 Cans, 45; Dozen, 89 Sunsweet Prunes LARGE SIZE 2-lb. Pkg IT C?rnm B,Q 4 white naptha CJCIftipl Giant Size Bars .10 for DSnrA ALL-PURPOSE SOAP J Giant Package, 59c; Large Package LiSelmoy VSti?& Salad Dressing gES".1? . . . . . Shredded WEieat DAir Sailor Sliced or State Fair PRUNES ET,cltit L (in Syrup). No. 21A Cans 2 for SUgar Fine Granulated Beet. 10 lbs. 33c 21c 25c 33c 23c 25c 40c l?flrftff CORONET BRAND. 48-1 b. Sack, S9c gr f fiUUr HINKY-DINKY, 24-lbs., 65c; 48-lbs.. ttylLmlZz Bread ESVffi CED. W.H,.TE &c Prunes ifl.Ks?2fcLARiA0i,Kx40:50 .s,ze 79c Candy Christmas Broken Mix, 2 lbs.. . . . -U9C Cracliers SlsrsJg. .114c DateS Golden Hallowii Bulk, 2 lbs QC Grape&ruit DROMEDARY BRAND f- No. 2 Cans 2 fori 2) C Van Camp's ii nimati Sunip 9 Oz. Cans A Tissue Linen-ized for Softness 4 '.:. 25e Specially Mellowed Regular or Drip Grind 1 Lb. Can "or Glass Jar. Bom Tuesday's Dally Have Birthday Dinner Mrs. E. B. Thomason of Union held a dinner Sunday in honor of her son, Ross, who celebrated his twentieth birthday." Those present were Miss Josephine Campbell of Plattsmouth; Miss Betty and Kenneth' Hostetter of Murray; Paul Tudor of Lincoln; Marie Thom ason of Plattsmouth and the guest of honor, Ross Thomason. All enjoyed a lovely day. . Henry Meier jurgen, of Murdock was In the city today to attend to some matters of business. From "Wednesday's Dally Entertains at Cards Mrs. Val Burkle entertained her card club yesterday afternoon. First prize was won by Mrs. W. H. Puis and Mrs. John Schutz won second. Entertains Burlington Auxiliary The ladies of the Burlington Vet erans' Auxiliary spent yesterday with Mrs. D. E. Waller, also a member of the auxiliary. There were eleven ladies, all of Omaha." They came with covered dishes which furnished a de licious dinner for the group. The day was spent in games and in visit ing. , "v Honor Rev. and Mrs. Pahl The Misses Emma and Elizabeth Hirz entertained the St. Paul Sun day school teachers at a six o'clock dinner Monday evening in honor of Rev. and , Mrs. G.; A. Pahl, who are leaving the city. Guests were Marie j. M. Quacken bush Resigns as County Agent Resignation to Take Effect on Jan uary 1st When He Will Take Up Other Lines of Work. J. M. Quackenbush, who for the past several months has served as the Cass county extension agent, a part of the Cass county form bureau activities, has notified the directors of the organization of his resigna tion to be effective on January Jst. - Mr. Quackenbush is to enter the service of the Skilly interests, who handle a large amount of farming lands in Gage and adjoining coun ties, representing a large English and eastern syndicate. The residents over Cass county will regret to learn of his decision to leave the service of the extension department, as he has been very popular with the general public and showed a high type of ability in handling his part of the extension program in air parts of the county and in especially stimulating inter est in the 4-H club activities. Nolting. Martha and Winifred Kaf- fenberger, Mrs. Helen Meisinger, Mrs. Freda Stibal, Mrs. Elizabeth Kiser, Leona Meisinger and Rev. and Mrs. Pahl and daughter, Carol. i Phone new items to no. 6. mm Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat, Dec. 2 and 3 PHONE 95 WE DELIVER Y COFFEE Butter-Nut" Reg. or Drip.'S lb. Tin or Jar 47 : DfiriflfirrC Ciniin National Seal rtiiiufiiiK. r BaV u it 3-1 b. Bag 10c nn rr rrm Tan cans. 250 tiiViii iiaiuw 3 Small Cans 10c CRACKERS White Sodas 2-lb. Box ... 15c SUGARl cookies Gran. Beet Full IO - lb. -Net Wt. Cloth Bag 4Cc Fancy and Plain Per lb. 15c nnnrilPCO Medium Size Sunkist Per Dozen 15c caudy sasr nMs,.",.b...ioc & isc POTATOES! CELEDIY Pascal Fine Stalk . . 11c Red Triumphs 100-lb. Bag v 15-lb. peck. 23c Raisins Br. or Powd. Sugar, Macaws ronl or ' Spag.; 3-lb. Cello Bag flfinM Tomatoes or Green Beans 00a vUllll No. 2 Cans 4forUC MATCHES Caro 6 Box Carton 1 Co SYRUP Karao 10 lb. Pail ... 49c Sauerkraut goayndTnloocan.10c SALAD DRESSING 5 and. .33c JCOFFEE Chase'& Sanbn. Drip or Reg. 1-lb. Bag A BEANS Great North'n 100 lbs :$3 10 lbs 33 5 lbs. 17 A COFFEE Paxton's Gas Roasted, 1-lb. Tin or Jar, 23o 2lbs.45c Fancy Bulk Hallowii 2-lb. Cello Bag .... DATES TISSUE 5c Holls, 7 for SALMON Trolling 2 lb. Cans . FRUIT COCKTAIL Windmill Brand No. 1 Tall Can.. 25c 25c 23c .15c Christmas Trees All Sizes . -25c up 1 DLLEnvS MEAT DEPARTMENT BEEF! BEEF! BABY BEEF SHOULDER STEAK, lb.. . . . . . .17y2 BEEF ROAST, tender, juicy, lb 16 HAMBURGER, fresh cut, 2 lbs .25 BEEF STEW, cut, no bone, lb.. . . 15 PORK! PORK! PORK CHOPS, choke Center cuts, lb 19 PURE PORK SAUSAGE, lb 15 FRESH SIDE PORK, lb .20$ PORK BRAINS, lb. 10 PORK BUTT ROAST (Fresh), lb .10 MONEY-SAVERS OVEN READY BISCUITS in sealed tin, only 10 CHEESE, American or Brick, 2-lb. box .43 SLICED BACON, '.54b. box 70 Gem BACON SQUARES, cello-wrapped, lb.. .... . 16 FRESH OYSTERS, Solid Pack, full pint . ... .23c J I "Eat Fleiscfimann's Yeast for Health"! ill DT'S TOAE TO D O YOUR KOLI&Ay Come see us for all your baking needs! inn . i w -'- -jrr ' rm THIS All FOR FRIDAY . XD SATIRDW SClHllivil "FINEST QUALITY MARGARINE1 Price O 2lbS CmK SQUARE DEAL Flour 4S-lb. Bag Cluaranteed IGA Brand QAp 1-lb. Tin AUW IGA BRAND Corn or Gloss Starch Ac 1-lb. Pkg IGA BRAND Cake Flour Large Pkg. ...... Butter Coolaes SUNSHINE tyRC 2 Pkgs. for A- S 96 Cookies 2ic 17c IQA or TASTEWELL Pumpkin jf Ac No. 2Vk Can GOLDEN Hallowee Bulk Dates UCc Fancy 2 lbs. IGA VANILLA Extract 2-oz. Bottle . . .20c SNOWDRIFT Shortening AQc 3-lb.'TlnT. . CHOICE CORN FED Shoulder Bee Roast, lb. FRESH (8 to 10-la. Average) Picnic Hams, lb CHOICE BOSTON BUTT Pork Steaks, lb. ....... . WILSON'S KING KORN Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. . . 2-lb. Pieces and up Sliced or Piece. FANCY WISCONSIN Bulk Kraut, lb. . . . : . 10c 15c ...20c ...25c gc Wisconsin Red Skin CHGDDER CHEESE rtni chic oiTIIRnAV AT PER LB. The party guessing the nearest to the weight of this Chedder will receive ONE POUND of Cheese FREE. 32c GLAZER'S SELECT QUALITY 010 Weiners or Chili, lb A" WILSON'S or ARMOUR'S Pure Lard, 5 lbs. ....... WILSON'S FULL CREAM Longhorn Cheese, lb. . . . FRESH, SOLID PACK Oysters, ull pint ... Fresh Cat Fish 45c 16c 25c IGA DEUCIOUS Grimes Golden Apples 27c E lbs. for. Bushel, $1.98 Sweet Texas lblrXJiyiU GrapeSruit 4Qc BumrEK' Bfor x lb. Jar 2 lb. DOX SODA NAVEL Oranges Largo. . doz. . . Well Bleached Celery Per Bunch iQc CRACKERS' Head Lettuce Large Iceberg Per head Broccoli Per Bunch . . 15c 7z "WV. 1 WE DELIVER PHONE 23 AND 24 I Eat Flelschmann'a Yeast Tor Health" I Shurflne Light or Golden Syrup AQq Per Gallon Pancake Flour SHURFINE 4 AC 3 y2 -lb. Bag SHURFINE I Regular or Quick Oatmeal Large Tube