PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1938. PAGE TWO the Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice, Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-clas mail matter MRS. R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE 8ub8cribera living in Second Postal Zone, $2.60 per year. Beyond 600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, $3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. urray Mike Kaffenberger or south of I'lattsmcutb was a business visitor in Murray last Monday morning. John Poynter was called to Alben, Wyoming last week to look after some business, returning home last Monday. O. A. Davis and wife were visiting last Sunday at Murdock. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Eppings. Fred Duecker and wife were visit ing friends in Lincoln over the last week-end and also caring for some business Monday morning. Carl Buck and Richard Eppings of Mdrdock . were assisting in the erection of a snow fence west of Murray the early part of this week. L. G. - Meisinger from west of riattsmouth was in Murray 'Mon day morning, coming to have Ray Frederick clean some alfalfa seed for him. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis were guests for the day last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mer ritt. Mr. Lewis is brother of Mrs. Merritt. Herman Meisinger of Mynard was a business visitor in Murray last Mondya, getting material for the erection fo a garage at Mynard for his gas wagon. Frank Bugay of Omaha was a visit-tor- in Murray for a number of days last week, guest of his friend. Lloyd Lewis, the boys enjoying a very fine time flgning, getting over 50 pounds during the vacation. George Nickles who had business calling him over much of the county, as the weather was fine last Sunday took the wife and they made the trip which covered the entire county and sure enjoyed the trip. . . , Mrs. Frank Elliott of Plattsmouth who has been companion andassis ant ia the household work at the home of Sarah Young, is taking a short vacation at her home in Platts mouth beginning last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis made a trip to Hoardville where Mr. Lewis has a barber shop which he has leased to a party who is conducting it and where they were looking after some business in connection with the phop and later drove to Columbus and Fremont. Ear! Merritt who has been paint ing in Omaha for Clarence Armstrong who was recently transferred there by the Missouri Pacific, . concluded the work last week and Tuesday of this week went to Nebraska City where Clarence has another house which Earl is painting. Charles Robert Troop of Platts mouth was looking after some busi ness matters at the farm of W. O. Troop last Monday. The water ques tion has been one which has caused REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE . BANK of Murray, Nebr. Charter No. .7S in the State of Ne braska at tlio Close of ISu.siness September 28, 1938. Assets Loan ami Discounts $lf..".07R...' Overdrafts 57. 5 Honda and Securities (exclu sive of cash reserve 75,38:.'. 01) Hanking House, Furniture and Fixtures 3,688.00 lash in Hank and Due from National and State Banks subject to olieok. . 52,281.61 Checks and Items of Kxchange. 49.98 52,331.59 TOTAL. 1296.537.78 Liabilities Capital Stock Common $ 20,000.00 Surplus Fund 10,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) 1,784.82 individual Deposits subject to check. .$119,249.48 Demand Certificates of Deoosit 5,000.00 Time Certificates of Deposit 135,400.83 Cashier s Checks . . 5,102.65 261,752.96 TOTAL '. 1296,537.78 State of Nebraska 1 S3. County of Cass, T, Charles If. Boedeker, Cashier of the' above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement Is a true and correct copy of the report made to the Lnartment of Banking. CHARLES H. BOEDEKER, . Cashier. Attest: K. S. Tt'TT, Director G..M. MINFOItD. Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of October. 1938. , - W. A. ROBERTSON". (Seal) Notary Public. Vjly Commission expires Ausr. 24, 1939) 5-3 considerable concern of late and Mr. Troop is having Marion Hobson and Alvin Jones of Plattsmouth sink a well for more water. Visiting in County. Sam Cashncr, formerly of near Alvo who has been making his home at Perry, Oklahoma, has veen visit ing in Cass county for the past week and was guest at the C. E. Cook home last Sunday and Monday. j Water Very Short. The ! matter of water in many places is getting to be grave and on last Monday Mrs. Ray Creamer took the washing to Murray to do it as there was not enough water to spare for the family wash without depriv ing the stock of the needed drink. Three Babies Bring Gladness. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Flaischman was made happy last Fri day when tbe stork brought them a very fine baby boy. Sunday at the home of Llloyd Yonker a very fine baby girl made her appearance and was welcomed into the household of the parents and the other six brothers and sisters. At Weeping Wa ter a. boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark, a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wright. Three Families Visit Sunday. Some forty-six years ago the fam ilies of W. S. Smith. Vesta Robb and Wm. Hadsel all lived near where the town of Ong now is, and were very close friends. As time went on they all changed their place of rcsi denc3. Mr. Smith and wife ame to Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Vesta Robb went to Julian where they now make their home and Mr. Hadsel to Archer. The three families have maintain ed the practice of meeting in the month of October, the meeting this year falling to Vesta Robb and wife of Julian where the other families joined them for a day's visit and an excellent dinner last Sunday. Mr. Smith has not been feeling very well for some time and. had Harold Mover drive - the car, who was ac companied by the wife. Back Home to Stay Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker who have been spending some weeks in Europe, returned homo last Monday, their beat landing at New York. They enjoyed the visit very much but nevertheless the little town of Mur ray looked very good when they got home. Miss Jean Spear of Nebras ka City, accompanied them home, as she had been in Europe for some time studying music. Celebrated Passing Birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis, ac companied by J. D. Lwis, father of Wayne, who was 77 years of age last Friday, went to Otoe where Mrs. Lewis' fcthcr makes his home. He is 66 years of age. There they celebrated the birthdays of the par ents of bo.h Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewis. A very pleasant visit was had during the day and as well a most enjoyable dinner, with greet ings for both gentlemen and a wish for many more 3u;h happy birth days. Fad Stock Test Car Here. Jack Taumbaugh of Chicago, a rep resentative of the Hemphill Diesel Manufacturing company, with the name car which made the test run seme time ago from New York City to Los Angele3 at a cc3t of onlx $7.39 for fuel for the entire trip, wasin Murray last Monday morning WE POINT WITH PRIDE 8 TO THE N Tailored to g Order Suits WE ABE TURNING : OUT.'. , You'll be Proud to Wear Them $22.50 up WESCOTT'S Wh'Bre Quality Counts iSCOGOGCWOCOSOCCOOOOCOCCSV Congressman Secures More PWA Allotments Hon. H. C- Luckey Takes Up Mat ter Personally With Washing to to Secure Results. Through the efforts of Congress man Henry C. Luckey, additional ap provals of work in the PWA in this district has been secured and which was due to the untiring effort of the first district congressman. H. A. Gray, assistant director of the PWA notified the office of Con gressman Luckey at Lincoln Mon day night that approval had been made of allotments to several first district projects, among these being $9,250 for Murray waterworks; ?8, 181 for community building at Yutan; $13,019 for filteration sys tem, Pawnee City; $61,3C2 for Bea trict water plant; $9,000 for Cook community building. When Congressman Luckey had received the reports that a large part of projects in the district might be lost, his office states, he called the office of President Roosevelt at Hyde Park, New York, and fifteen minutes later called the office of Secretary Ickes, who at that time was in touch with the president, and was assured by E. K. Ballou that the municipalities would not be penalized in amounts appropriated for state. demonstrating his auto and seeking students for the diesel school. Jack was explaining to the people on the street the operation of the diesel en gine. Should this become generally used it would be hard on the service stations. Now Forty and One. That is Martin Sporer was forty one years of age last Sunday and in recognition of the passing of his birthday the wife prepared a dinner and had the other members of the family there as guests. Martin was born near Murray and has resided here all his life and been engaged in farming. He with the other mem bers' of the family, his father, Wm. Spcrer, Charles Sporer, a brother, and his wife, Chester pporer, another brother and the family, Charles Fer guson, wife and son, Mrs. Mildred Long, John Hobscheidt and wife as well as Mary Catherine, all enjoyed the dinner party and visit. ' Celebrates Birthday. Miss Notene Sudduth was cele brating her thirteenth birthday and a number of relatives and friends came in to help the little lady cele brate it properly. The evening was spent in visiting and later ice cream and cake were served. At a late hour all departed for their homes wishing Norene many more happy birthdays. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Suddiuh, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Sudduth, Mrs. Cecil Schall and son, Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wo mack. Franklin Womack, LaVina Troop, Margie Sudduth, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sudduth and the guest of honor, Norene Sudduth. Leave for Missouri Luther Womack and son Franklin and his mother, Mrs. Ellen Womack accompanied by Virgil Sudduth and his daughter, Mrs. Cecil Schall and her little son of Oakland, California who are here viisting all left for Missouri Tuesday morning. Mrs. Womack wa3 notified of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Sam Holmes so went to visit the sister who lives at Bolivcr and they will also visit other relatives. Mr. Sudduth will visit his parents who reside at Fairplay and with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mnnson. CONSTRUCTING BOATS Loc Kinnamon is one of the busy men of the community at his ship yard in the south part of the city on Smith avenue. Ho is well known up and down the Missouri river for the excellency; of hi3 work as a boat builder and there has been a real demand for hi3 services. He is now busy on a boat for C. M. Coffin, of Blair, Nebraska, and will have the boat ready in a short time for ser vice. J. Howard Davis s Attorney at Law Plattsmouth 8 Thomas Wallicg Company f Abstract! of Title 4 t f. Phone 224 - Plattsmouth 4. EAGLE HS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thomson of Palmyra- visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caddy and family. Mrs. A. W. Adams entertained the Trinity Lutheran Aid at the Trinity church on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hite of Weep ing Water spent Sunday wtih Mrs. Hite's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Oberle spent Sunday In Lincoln at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Oberle and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Max Barret of Bea trice visited Mr. and Mrs. George Trimble and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hud son last Satuday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Umland and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and family near Palmyra on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. L. W. Piersol enjoyed hav ing her sister, Mrs. Bertha Miller of Omaha, visit her several days the latter part of last week. Mrs. Donald Springer left Monday morning for Elgin where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs- A. D. Nicholas, until Thursday. Many of the parents visited school last Tuesday afternoon in response to a special invitation extended to them by the school faculty. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Gray and daughters of Rokeby visited Mrs. Gray's uncle, W. B. Hursh and Mrs. Hursh last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Miller spent last week in Peru. Last week-end was homecoming at Peru college, where Mr. Miller was a. former student. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wachter and son of Walton and Loren Wachter of Lincoln visited their .'mother, Mrs. Mary Wachter last Sunday after noon. Mrs. Rudolf Wulf was hostess to the ladies of the Dorcas society in the parlors of the Emmanuel Luth eran church on Wednesday of last week. The Eagle high school football squad went to Ashland last Friday afternoon. They were -defeated, but we'll hope they will be victorious next time. A number of the ladies from the various clubs in this community at tended the convention for the Fed erated Women's clubs of Cass county held at Alvo on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and "Mrs- A. W. Adams had as their guest , last Sunday their daughter, Mrs. Jay Busker of Akron, Iowa. Mrs. Busker and Mr. and Mrs. Adams spent the day at the home of E. P. Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyd and daughter of Beatrice called at the G. H. Palmer home last Sunday aft ernoon. Both families motored to Wabash and visited relatives there for a short time. A car driven by Lloyd Trumble col lided with a small truck at a corner two miles cast aud two miles sohth of Eagle. Several of the occupants of the cars were eut and Buffered from shock, but no one was seriously hurt. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Palmer and sons attended the funeral services for Wilmar Boyd, Mrs. Palmer's brother, at North Bend on Tuesday afternoon of thi3 week. Mr. Boyd passed away last Saturday evening at his home at Cowrie, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs- George Trunkenbolz motored to West Point on Wednes day of last week and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schumaker and son. Mrs. Schumaker returned with them that evening and visited here until the first of this week. Methodist Aid The Methodist Aid met in the parlors of the church last Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Harley Smith as hostess. The guests were Mrs. Don Sheldon, Mrs. D. A. Hursh, Mrs. Boise, Mrs. Willard Gillespie, Mrs. Glen Crandell. Mrs. G. H. Pal mer, Mrs. Ira Stall and Mrs. George Reitter. Mrs. E. M. Stewart reviewed a portion of the missionary book. Plans were made for the annual bazaar and supper. Ten new members have joined the aid since the membership drive be gan. Those who joined at the regu lar meeting were Mrs. Ted McCart ney, Mr3. Harry I Caddy, . Mrs. W. E. Muenchau, Mrs. Floyd Myers and Miss Dorothea Keil. The hostess served delicious re freshments at the close of the meet ing. Mrs. B. II. Root will entertain the aid in November at the church. Walter . Smith LAWYER Plattsmouth State Banlc Building Plattsmouth, Nebraska S0UTHBEND Buddy Long of Omaha was a dinner guest at the Chas. Campbell home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Blum and family spent Friday evening at the V. D. Livers hom - ' Russel Campbell left Saturday morning for Minataire, Nebr. where ho will be employed. Mrs. Sadie Shradcr of Nehawka spent Monday afternoon with her sister Mrs. I. J. Knecht. Miss Edith Rissness, former teach er in the South Bend school was a visitor in South Bend, coming to at tend the program presented by the school, children and their teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carnicle and son returned home Saturday after spending the last two months in Mc- Cook, Nebr. where Mr. Carnicle has been employed with a sand and gravel company. Mr. and Mrs. Merill Nanr.on moved to -Lincoln -Friday. Their many friends regret to see them leave this community. It will be more convient for them sines Mr. Nannon is em ployed in Lincoln. The Agriculture Conservation Pro gram will hold a meeting on Monday. Oct. 12, at 8 o'clock p. m. in the Fair land schoolhouse for the purpose of electing their precinct cornmittemen for he coming year .Glen Weaver and Miss De Loma Scott drove to Pilger Sunday evening Miss Scott had spent the week-end at the home of her parenls and at tended the football game at Lincoln Saturday, together with her sister Wanda Mrs. Nancy Streijrht entertained at dinner Thursday in honor of a brother and two sisters from the west ern part of the state who came tc attend the funeral of their brother-in-law George Campbell. They returned to their homes Friday. Miss Lauretta Burdick has recently heard from a sister in Long Island. She was much worried as she lived in the district hit by tho recent hur ricane and it was some time before communications with anyone were possible. She was uninjured by the storm. Bill Rocencrar.s who is attending the University of Nebraska at Lin coln vr.s very fortunate to be ap pointed an usher at the stadium dur ing the football reason. lie will work at ramp 3, lower deck. Bill is regis tered as a pre. forestry student and is enjoying his first year in the Un iversity very much!, Hold Caucuses On Tuesday evening the democratic and republican caucunes were held it the town hall to choose the candidates for the various offices. Walter Thimghan precinct commit teeman for the republicans took the chair and called for nominations for chairman, Martin Blum was chosen and Walter Thinigahn elected to serve as secretary. The candidates chosen were: Mr. M. E. Bushnell for pre cinct assessor, Clinton Jones, road overseer and William Blum as Justice of the Peace. Wm. Richards of Ashland as pre cinct committeeman for the democrat? took the chair and appointed Wm Blum to act as secretary. They chose Albert Blum as assessor, Frank Koz- ial, road overseer, Wm. Blum a justice of the peace ar.d Wm. Leddy as constable. Death of George Campbell Friends. and relatives of Charlcp and David Campbell were shocked tc hear of the death of a brother, George Campbell, who lived ?t Gretna, on Sunday morning. The brothers had been called to his bedside on Friday when he became seriously ill. and wa? taken to an Omaha hospital. Survivor? are his wife, a son rnd three daught ers several grandchildren, the two brothers ar.d two sisters Funeral ser vices were held in the Springfield Methodist church s:nd burial in the Springfield cemetery. Many friend? and relatives from South Bend at tended te funeral. The community expresses their sympathy to the be reaved family. Enjoy School Program The South Bend school and com munity are very grateful to Mr. Wm. Stoncr of Lincoln for the very in teresting program presented Friday Mr. showed and explained pictures taken on a trip through the South Sea Islands, South America, Panama Canal , and other points of interest. , This and the program pre sented by the school children and their teachers Miss Burdick and Miss Saunders was greatly enjoyed by all. j The ladies sold lunch after the pro gram, proceeds will be used to buy playground equipment of the school. Carol Streight received the 1st prize a box of candy for selling the most tickets for the program, Wanda Nunn, second and Jean Thissen third. JUDGE GRAVES KEPT BUST The marriage department of Judge C. L. Graves was kept very busy late Saturday afternoon and Sunday as he was "called upon to perform the mar riage ceremony for two out stato couples. Saturday afternoon as the court was preparing to call it a day, Dean Omar Dixon of Hampton, Nebraska, and Edna Irene Deitch, of Lincoln, appeared at the city hall and request ed that Judge Graves perform the ceremony which he did. Bernard Wurl and Michael Kerns were press ed into service as the witnesses. ., Sunday morning shortly after 8 o'clock Joseph Albert Barnell of Lin coln and Hazel Louise Jones, of Grand Island, requested Judge Graves to perform their wedding and which he did in his usual impressive man ner. Frances C. Addington and Gil bert Baker, of Omaha, friends of the bridal couple were witnesses of the ceremony. OMAHA BEAR BITES KEEPER OMAHA, Oct. 12 (UP) John Tra w;icki, animal caretaker at River view park was severely bitten on the right forearm by a large black bear as he was feeding the animals to day. The bear reached through the bars, grasped Trawicki's overalls and pulled him close, sinking hi3 teeth In the caretaker's arm. ' We can Turn's?! 'you wUh num ber Stamps made to order at a price considerably below that you have been paying. Prompt service. If you need stamps, see us. NOTICE OF ELECTION , Notice is hereby given that in re sponse to a Petition filed in the office of the County Clerk of Cass County, Nebraska, on July 2 6th, 19 3 8, bear ing the number of signatures of "Farm Operators" in said Cass Coun ty required by law; there will be submitted to the Voters of Cass County, Nebraska, upon separate Non-Political Ballot, the following question, to-wit: "SHALL AN APPROPRIA TION v BE MADE ANNUALLY FROM THE GENERAL FUND OF THE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION AVORK?" Said question will be submitted to the Voters of Cass County, Nebraska, at the General Election to be held in Caes County, Nebraska, on Tuesday the Sth day of November, A. D. 193S. Dated at Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, this 10th day of Oc tober, A. D. 1938. GEO. R. SAYLES, County Clerk. Cass County, ol3-4w Nebraska. 1938 GENERAL ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given in accord ance with a proclamation by the Governor of the State of Nebraska, that a.General Election will be held in the several voting wards and pre cincts throughout Cass County, Ne braska, on Tuesday, the Sth day of November, 193 8, as provided by law, for the purpose of electing the fol lowing officers, to-wit: One Congressman, First Dis trict; One Governor; One Lieutenant Governor One Lieutenant Governor (To Fill Vacancy); One Secretary of State: One Auditor of Public Ac counts; One State Treasurer: One Attorney General; One Railway Commissioner; One State Superintendent of Public Instruction; One Chief Justice of the Su preme Court; One Representative for the Third 'Legislative District; One member of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Ne braska Public Power District; Three members of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Ne braska Public Power District (To Fill Vacancies); One County Clerk: One Register of Deeds; One Clerk of the District Court; One County Treasurer; One County Sheriff; One County Attorney; N One County Surveyor; One County Assessor: One County Commissioner, Second District; One County Commissioner, Third District; One County Superintendent of Public Instruction: One Justice of the Peace. One Precinct sscssor, and One Road Overseer for each of the Pre- . cincts in Cass County. The following question will also be submitted to . the voters at this election: "Shall an appropriation be x made annually from the Gen eral Fund of the County for the purpose of Agricultural Ex tension work? The Polls at said election will open at 8:00 o'clock in the morning and close at 8:00 o'clock in the evening of the said same day. .-- In Witness Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the Stal of Cass County, at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, this 11th day of October. 1938. , - GEO. R. SAYLES, . County Clerk, Cass County, o!3-lw Nebraska. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT , In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons Interested in the estate of Amelia Schroeder, deceas ed. No. 3333: Take notice that the Executor of scid estate ha3 filed his final report and a petition for examination and allowance of his administration ac counts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of said estate and for his discharge; that said peti tion and report will be heard before said Court on November 4, 193S, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated October 7. 1938. A. H. DUX BURY, (Seal) o,10-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Conn- ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Frank A. J. Miller, deceased. No. 3345: - Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is January 3. 1939; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on January 6, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and sid justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated September 2, 1938. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) s5-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cans Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Edward II. Spangler, deceased. No. 3352: Take notice that tbo time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is Janu ary 23, 1939; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room In Plattsmouth on January 27, 1939, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated September 23. 1938. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) s26-3w County Judgo. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska County of Cas 88. By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Lcdg way, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cas3 County, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on the 5th day of November, A. D. 1938, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south front door of the court house, In the City of Platts mouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to wit: The east half (E'z) of the southeast ' quarter (SE',4) of Section twenty-threo (23).!' Township ten (10), Range thir teen (13), East of the 6th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Edward E. Leach and wife, Jessie D. Leach, and D. Ray Frans, defendants, to satisfy judgment of said Court re covered by L. A. Kropp, plaintiff against said defendants. v Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September 30, A. D., 1938. If. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, o3-5w Nebraska. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebrask 88. County of Cass J By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ixdg way. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebras ka, and to me directed, I wilTon the 5th day of November, A. D. 1938, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, di rectly in front of the United States Pest Office, situated on Lot 6. Block 4. In the Village of Alvo, Nebraska, In said county, rcll at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Ncrth 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 2, Village of Alvo, Nebraska; Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4, Village cf Alvo, Nebraska; Lot 5, Block 1, Village of Alvo, Nebraska; Lot 9, Block Alvo, Nebraska; Village of Village of Village of Lot 5. Block Alvo, Nebraska. Lot 6. Block 2. Alvo, Nebraska: Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Vil lage of Alvo, Nebraska: Lot 8. Block 2, Village of Alvo, Nebraska; North 2 4 feet of Lot 3. Block 4, Village of Alvo, Nebraska; Lot 14. Block 5, Village of Alvo, Nebraska; Lot 15. Block 5, Village of. Alvo. Nebraska; Lots 1, 2. 3, 4 and 5, Block 5, Hunger's First Addition to the Village of Alvo, Nebraska The same being levied upon and taken as the property of the heirs at law, the creditors and all other persons having any interest in the estate of either Thomas W. Barrv. deceased, nr Carrie J. Barry, deceas ed, real names unknown, et al, de fendants, to satisfy a judgment and decree of said court . recovered by tne vuiage or Alvo, Nebraska, a Municipal- Corporation, plaintiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, SeDtember 29, A. D. 1938. . H. SYLVESTER. Sheriff Cass County, o3-5w Nebraska. Deeds, Mortgages and all sorts of legal blanks fcr sale at the Journal office.