The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 03, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Elmwood News
Messrs George F. Wilson and L. V.
Davis the well man are at this time
sinking a well on the farm of W. J
Rau, the Manley banker.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene de
parted last Friday morning for the
northwest, where Harry will look
after the sale of wall paper and Mrs
Greene will visit friends.
A new roof is being placed on the
Mel Miller property ' west of the
Methodist church, which has been in
need of such improvement for a long
time. Morris Penterman is doing
the work.
F. J. Fitch, the realtor, who has
been so seriously ill for some time
past and was kept to his bed since
returning from the hospital, has
been showing some slight gains of
late and is feeling better.
James Greene, attending school at
Omaha, visited over the week end at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
jMrs. Ralph Greene. Miss Phyllis
Greene, who is attending school at
Lincoln, was also home over the
veek end.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Queale, a
cousin of Will Atchison and sister,
Ella and niece of W. O. Atchison,
arrived in Elmwood last Friday and
were over Sunday visitors at the
Atchison home. They report very
fair crops in the vicinity of North
Business called B. I. Clement and r
son Orley to Nebraska City and
Auburn and they also visited the
towns of Brownville and Peru, at
both of which places there are ex
tensive peach orchards and grape
vineyards. B. I. says he didn't think
there was so much fruit in the state
of Nebraska as they were able to
Last Sunday morning, the Bothwell
family and Uncle Oscar Turner were
surprised and pleased when Cloyd
Turner, who is an officer of the
Bank of Marquardt, accompanied by
the family arrived in Elmwood
where they visited for the day, re
turning home in the evening. A
very pleasant visit was had by the
families assembled.
Visited Friends in Plattsmouth
Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Greene and Bud Clement and wife
were visiting in Plattsmouth where
they were guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. John Turner for the day.,.
Many Attend Korn Karnival
With the Elmwood band as their
sponsor, a large number of the citi
zens of Elmwood this city was well
represented at the King Korn Kar
nival at Plattsmouth last Friday.
The band made a fine showing in the
parade, repaying the courtesy of a
visit here during our Golden Jubilee
celebration by the Junior Drum and
Bugle Corps of Plattsmouth.
Hears Sister Very Sick
Chris Backemeyer, who has a sis
ter making her home in Beatrice,
was called to Omaha where the sis
ter was receiving treatment follow
ing a very serious stroke which she
Home from the West Coast
Some time ago ,Shorty" West
was selected to drive a party to Los
Angeles, which he did, being ac
companied by N. D. Bothwell, and
while there they attended the Na
tional convention of the American
Legion, and following same return
ed home, arriving last week. They
The worst
The worst body oior
cornea from P. O
perspiration odor un
der the arms.
Take 1 minute te
use Xodora new,
amazing deodorant
cream that worki
directly on underarm
excretions. Normally
fops odor 1 to S day: Yodora also iJuce
amount of perspiration.
Made without lard Todora Is utterly dif
ferent from stirr. grainy pastes: (1) Soft
smooth as face cream. (2) Leaves no sticky
film on finders or underarms. 3) Leaves no
lardy" smell on clothes. 25 60f. Get it to
ga y money back if not delighted.
Trial size raca. Send coupon.
Send coupon for trial
size to ' McKesson A
Kobbins. Fairfield,
Conn. IepC h'-l.
had a splendid time, but were glad
to get back home, especially Norval,
but no more so than was his wife
and Jean Adair, for home was a
strangely different place while Dad
was away.
Henry Mollens Very Sick
Henry Mollens was taken with
severe cramps, dizziness and vomit
ing last Monday evening and was
seriously ill during the night and
the following day. He was put to
bed by friends, who locked the front
of the building and kept him in bed.
By Tuesday afternoon he was feel
ing considerably improved.
Improving at Hospital
Mrs. Frank Loranz, who has been
at the Bryan Memorial hospital in
Lincoln for some time, following an
operation, is reported as getting
along nicely and is so much im
proved that she hopes soon to return
Welcome Teachers
The members of the three churches
of Elmwood the Evangelical, the
Methodist and the Christian held a
rprention for the teachers of the
Elmwood schools at the Methodist
church last Friday night. A program
had been arranged and the teachers
had opportunity to make the ac
quaintance of everyone present.
Very Much Improved
Wm. Hulfish. who has been the
caretaker of the Elmwood public
schools for many years and who was
injured in an explosion and from
burns, has been showing good im
provement and is able to be about
town, and is getting along with the
work at the school, assisted by his
sou. The many friends of Mr. Hul
fish are much pleased with his im
provement. Enjoyed Pleasant Evening
Guy Clements, who has a cabin on
the Platte river near South Bend,
together with Mrs. Clements enter
tained the members of their bridge
club at a most pleasant social event
there last Monday evening. Not only
did they play cards, but were treated I
to a veritable banquet dinner.
Those present, besides the host and
hostess were Messrs. and Mesdames
Ronald Schlichtemeier, Emil Rose
now, J. Elmer Schreeve, Harry Lin-
der, "Bud" and rley Clements, and
Eldon Stark.
"-' In the bridge games Ronald Sch
lichtemeier and Orley Clements were
the winners.
Enjoyed Family Dinner Sunday
Last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. E. Julian was held a
dinner which included their family,
that of their son Orville Julian and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horton, par
ents of Mrs. Orville Julian and Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Julian .Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Julian reside in Bethany.
Refcekahs Very Active
The Rebekah assembly of Elm
wood was in session last Tuesday
evening at which time they conduct
ed initiatory ceremonies. Later in
the evening a delightful luncheon
was served.
Death of Mrs. Schaeffer
Last May Fred Schaeffer died,
leaving his wife, son and daughter.
Some time later, while ritfing in the
car of her son Henry, Mrs. Schaeffer
was seriously injured in an auto
wreck. She had suffered internal in
juries and
fer a long time was a
patient at the Kunkel hospital
Weeping Water, suffering great pain
j from her injuries. Last Friday she
passed away.
Mrs. Schaeffer, whose maiden
name was Miss Martha Herman,
was 5S years of age. She is survived
by the son and daughter.
Funeral services were held at the
Methodist church in Elmwood, of
which the deceased was a long-time
member. In the absence of the
regular pastor. Homer Fintell, Dr.
Spooner of Lincoln conducted the
services, while interment was in the
Elmwood cemetery.
Rubber Stamps, large or small,
at right prices at the Journal.
Your courtesy In phoning news
to No. 6 is aoDrecIatea.
Eelco Light Plant 850 watt Genera
tor and giant Deko; Batteries nearly
new, guaranteed in fine running
order. 2.C00 feet of wire, all light
bulbs and sockets, switches, insula
tion and knobs. Also five motors,
fan, iron, radio, hair clipper and
Easy washer with dryer. All 32 volt.
First $100.00 Takes All
.Greenwood, Nebr.
Shirley Buckingham has been very
sick, but is improved at this writ
Miss Carrol Backman was able to
return to her work in Omaha last
Miss Valette Calfee of Lincoln
called on Miss Tlva Coleman last
Sunday. "
John Mefford is as well as can be
expected. Everyone wishes him bet
ter health.
Florence Burks has been quite
sick the past week, but is better at
this writing.
Austin Kyles left for California
last Sunday after a two weeks' visit
with relatives.
Alvin Anderson was operated on
at the Nicholas-Senn hospital in
Omaha Friday morning.
Mrs. Isa McLease of Salt Lake
City arrived Tuesday and will visit
relatives here and in Ashland.
Dorcas met at the church Friday
with Mesdames John Vant, G. V,
Vant and Evan Armstrong enter
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelly and son
of Walnut, 111., came last Thursday
to see her father, John Mefford, and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, of
Wyoming visited at the Frank Hurl
but home the past week. Mrs. Jones
is a sister of Mr. Hurlbut.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, of
Guthrie Center, Iowa, stopped here
Tuesday while en route to California
and visited their cousin, Mrs. Marcia
Hi'se and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hartsook and
daughter, and Bill and Dorothy re
turned home last Tuesday, after a
visit with their mother, Mrs. Opal
Hartsook in Chicago.
Lecture and pictures on the Care
of the Teeth was enjoyed at the
school auditorium Wednesday even-
ng. Musical numbers were present
ed by the Glee club.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Tidball and
family of Sheridan, Wyoming, call
ed on old friends in Greenwood on
Tuesday. Mr. Tidball used to oper
ate a lumber yard in Greenwood,
some 40 years ago.
Elmer and Bernice Leadabrand
and Mrs. A. J. Leadabrand and son
Jerry left for Oklahoma City Wed
nesday, to be at the bedside of their
sister, who is very ill. They were
accompanied by another sister of
Red Cloud.
John Weimer, 53 years old, died
at St. Joseph hospital in Omaha at
4 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 24th. He
lived in Greenwood for several years.
He is survived by two sons, Walter
cT Omaha and Donald of Weeping
Water. Funeral services were held
at Hoffman Chapel in Omaha Mon
day with burial in West Lawn ceme
tery. Deal-a-Deck Club Meets
The Deal-a-Deck club met with
Mrs. Mae Gribble Thursday after
noon. Mesdames Ben Howard, Ever
ett Cope and Henry Brehm were
guests. Mrs. Mildred Comstock was
high and Adeline Newsham second.
Mrs. Ben Howard won the guest
prize. Next meeting will be with
Mrs. Lottie Bright.
American Legion Auxiliary
The monthly meeting of the Amer
ican Legion Auxiliary was held at
the Legion hall September 26, with
a good attendance.
The "meeting was called to order
and the regular business was trans
acted, with quite an extensive dis
cussion of activities for our fall
Plans were made for the Auxiliary
to hold an all day Kensington on
October 4, with a covered dish
luncheon at noon.
The meeting will be devoted to
piecing a comfort top and getting
our Christmas assignment ready to
be sent to the Gift Shop at the Vet
erans hospital at Lincoln. A stork
shower will also be a part of the
afternoon's entertainment for a
Mrs. Comstock, county president,
told of some of the plans for the
county convention to be' held at
Weeping Water next month. Fur
ther plans will be announced later.
Mrs. Mae Gribble was appointed
Child Welfare and Rehabilitation
chairman and Mrs. Jay Dee Bauers
Poppy chairman for the year by Mrs.
Music being the theme for Sep
tember, Mrs. Collins made a few re
marks and we sang "Star Spangled
Banner" as written by Walter Dam
rosch. A very delicious lunch was served
by the hostesses, Effie Gustafson and
The October meeting will be a
joint meeting with the Legion, the
theme for October being "Membership."
In a football game between the
Avoca and Otoe teams, the latter
won by a score of 20 to 18.
Oscar Gapen of Plattsmouth visit
ed his old friend, Robert Nickles, a
short time last Tuesday evening.
Henry Maseman was unloading
and storing a car load of bridge
plank at the lumber yard early
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Timer Corbin were
visiting a number of days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean
of Murdock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Dye of near
Union were guests last Sunday after
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Terrell.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Thomas and
the young ladies, Nadine and Ailene,
v. ere visiting in Avoca at the home
of Postmaster .
George A. Stites of Union was a
business visitor in Avoca last Mon
day and also called on his mother,
Mrs. Edwin Terrell, for a short
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maseman
were over to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Ost, going to console the
parents in the death of their son,
Keith Ost. Mesdames Ost and Mase
man are sisters.
Monte Lumm was a business visi
tor in Nehawka last Monday and en
joying calling on his old friends,
Senn Waddell and wife. The Wad-
dells and Lums were neighbors in
Pawnee county years ago.
Matt Midkiff and family were vis
iting at the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Midkiff at Union,
being accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Freeman and son, last Sunday.
Mrs. Freeman is a sister of Matt.
Has a Very Sore Foot
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Terrell were
at Plattsmouth last week, where
Mrs. Terrell was assisting with the
canning of peaches:' To cleanse the
jars in which the fruit was to be
placed, they were using a solution
of concentrated lyn, and Mrs. Ter
rell accideutly spilled some of the
powdered lyn which lodged on her
foot and inside the shoe top. She
thought nothing of it at the time.
but the perspiration of her foot set
the lye in action and caused it to
eat into the flesh, resulting in a
painful foot. To further add to her
discomfort a wasp stung her on the
same foot, causing a great deal of
swelling. - We are pleased to report
that it is getting better now.
Enjoyed Picnic Last Sunday
A party composed of Jesse Voyles
and family, Fred Meyers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Voyles and the
George Wessell family went to Ar
bor Lodge, where they spent the day
ast Sunday, enjoying the outing and
a fine picnic dinner and supper.
Attended Religious Rally
Rev. Robert D. flail and Rev. J.
M. Kokjer were at Plattsmouth last
Sunday for the religious rally that
marked a fitting climax to the four
days' King Korn Karnival and at
which Rev. Hall, a former pastor
here, was one of the speakers. A
large number turned out to partici
pate in and witness the parade, and
remained to hear the program from
the platform at Fifth and Main.
Hurried Home for Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nutzman,
who went to Los Angeles to attend
the Legion and Legion Auxiliary
convention, remaining for a longer
visit in the west, were reached by
telegram Monday, following the
death of Keith Ost the evening be
fore and hurried home to attend
the funeral of the young man on
Thursday afternoon.
With the continued dry weather
that has prevailed for several years,
there has developed a water scarcity
in the well at the Avoca school and
it ha3 been found necessary to
have n new well sunk. The Board
of Education has contracted with a
well company at Nebraska City and
the work of sinking the new well is
jroing forward.
Enjoyed Book Review
The ladies of the Avoca Extension
club met at the Avoca public library
last Tuesday afternoon, where they
enjoyed a book review and as well
coffee and other refreshments.
Rubber Gtamps, prompt deliv
ery, lowest prices. All sizes at the
Journal office.
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Mrs. C. L. Greene and children
were guests at the Harry O'Brien
home last Sunday.
Miss Margaret, Murphy who makes
her home in Omaha is visiting for a
time at the home of her two broth
ers, Joseph and Paul, on the farm
near Manley.
Elmer Salberg and family of Om
aha were guests at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Harry Haws Tuesday of
last week, where all enjoyed a very
pleasant visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Schliefert were
looking after business matters in
Omaha Monday of last week, driv
ine over to the big town to do
some shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Heil of near
Louisville were visiting at the home
of John Rohrdanz, where the guests
and host and hostess enjoyed a very
fine visit and a delightful supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Stander
and daughter Lillie of Omaha were
in Manley for the funeral of the
late Mrs. Vera Johnson. Mr. and Mrs
Balrz Meisinger of Plattsmouth were
also here for the funeral.
Lorraine Dall, who is teaching
school near Plattsmouth, and Frank
Dall, who is attending Plattsmouth
high school, visited over the week
end at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dall.
R. D. O'Brien, who has been visit
ing for the past two weeks-at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Baltz
Meisinger, in Plattsmouth, returned
Manley last week and is again stay
ing at the home of his son, Walter
O'Brien and family.
Howard Johnson, who has been
employed on the farm of Mark Wiles,
resigned his position last week and
has moved from the place. Harry
Dehnning accepted the position and
moved to the farm to begin work
there immediately.
Mrs. Vera (Rockwell) Johnson
Miss Vera Rockwell was born at
North Bend, Nebraska, in December,
1SS1, and with her parents came to
Cass county, setling near Manley,
where she made her home during
the greater part of her life. She was
united in marriage to Howard Jolm
son June 21, 1906. To this union,
three children were born. She also
leaves three brothers, one sister and
five grandchildren. Mrs. Johnson
has been in very poor health for
several weeks and was at a Lincoln
hospital for two weeks prior to her
death on Friday of last week. The
funeral was held from the Christian
church in Weeping Water and bur
ial was in Oakwood cemetery there
Visited Mrs. J. J. Meier
Rudolph Bergman and wife were
in Lincoln last Tuesday, going to
secure goods for the store, as the
truck strike has pretty well tied up
deliveries. While in Lincoln they
visited at the home of Mrs. J. J
Meier, aunt of Mrs. Bergmann, who
formerly resided in Weeping Water,
Enjoyed Pleasant Afternoon
Members of the Altar Society of
St. Patrick's church gathered at the
town hall Wednesday afternoon for
an enjoyable session at cards as well
as refreshments. The gathering was
sponsored by Mrs. Frank Bergman
and daughter, Mrs. John Bergman.
Visited at Hennessey, Okla.
Miss Helen Kerb, of Omaha, has
been visiting for a time with her
mother, Mrs. Anton Auserwald and
family, enjojying a very fine visit.
Last week Mrs. Auserwald and her
two daughters, Miss Kerb and Miss
Millie Auserwald made a pleasant
drive to Hennessey, Okla., where
they visited at the home of a sister
cf Mrs. Auserwald. Mrs. Barbara
Pipla and family. The visitors en
jojyed not alone a very fine visit,
but a trouble-free trip both going
and returning.
Will. Make Home in Avoca
Robert McDonald and family, who
have been residing in Manley for
some time will move soon to Avoca,
where Mr. McDonald has been ef
fered employment.
On Friday of last week the ladies
of the Royal Neighbors of America
gave a very pleasant farewell party
to Mrs. McDonald. Cards were fea
tured for the afternoon and a very
delicious luncheon was served.
All wish Mr. and Mrs. McDonald
success in their new home.
See the goods you buy. Catalog
but how about the aoods when
descriptions are alluring enough,
vou oet them?
J. Howard Davis
jj Attorney at Law j
8 Plattsmouth b
irecn. now Ob, wno was nailed nearly
40 vears aco as the "Samson" of the
University of Minnesota, still scoffs
u iuni u it:
al "1C aucs"u" "c wings
My ancestors lived to Ie 100,"
Freeh said, "and I don't think I'll
spoil that record."
In 1900, Dr.
J- ooK r tne
pnysicai training1 department oi the
University of Minnesota conducted
a country-wide survey to compare the
strengtn oi students at tne university
t l A 1 A M A 1 . 1
with that of at other schools
It seemed as thoujrh every school
..nPAvonu) "Stmnr man" vL-ith ihn
... A ' .. ,
exception oi Minnesota, untu rrecn
walked into the gymnasium and asked
for a trvout.
Freeh broke all strength records
ever made at the university.
At the time he was a law student.
Today he is president of the Min
nesota Federation of Township and
- i
Municipal Officers, Inc., and has trav-
led 1,500,000 miles in his occupation
as an engineer.
A recent strength test showed his
powerful muscles nearly as strong: as
in his youth.
L1TSCOL..N, bept. .ju tLi'j w'e
Jackson of Neligh, republican state
chairman, todav asserted that "the
united front of the republican party
in Nebraska, the split in the opposi-
tion caused by Mr. iiryan s nnng
will insure the election of Charles
J. Warner as erovernor and the re-
mainder of the republican state
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on
the 5th day of November, A. D
163S, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said
aay at tne soutn rront door or tne
court house, in the City of Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate, to-
The east half (E4) of the
southeast quarter (SE4) of.
Section twenty-three (23),
Township ten (10), Range thir
teen (13), East of the 6th P.
M., in Cass county, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Edward E
Leach and wife, Jessie D. Leach,
end D. Ray Frans, defendants, to
satisfy judgment of said Court re-
covered by L. A. Kropp, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, September
30, A. D., 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
o3-5w Nebraska.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg-
way. Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County. Nebras
ka, and to me directed, I will on the
5th day of November, A. D. 193S, at
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, di
rectly in front of the United States
Post Office, situated on Lot 6. Block
4, in the Village of Alvo, Nebraska,
in said county, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash,
the following described real estate,
North 20 feet of Lot 10. Block
2, Village of Alvo, Nebraska;
Lots 13. 14 and 15, Block 4,
Village of Alvo. Nebraska;
Lot 5, Block 1. Village of
Alvo. Nebraska;
Lot 9, Block 2,
Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 5. Block 2,
Alvo, Nebraska.
Lot 6, Block 2,
Village of
Village of
Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
Lots 14 and 15, Block 2, Vil
lage of Alvo, Nebraska:
Lot 8, Block 2, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
North 24 feet of Lot 3. Block
4, Village of Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 14. Block 5, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
Lot 15. Block 5, Village of
Alvo, Nebraska;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 5,
Munger's First Addition to the
Village of Alvo, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
tanen as iue pjuijchj ui ucua v
law, tne creditors ana uu oiuei
yriouu" AMij ..... ... j
estate of either Thomas W. Barry,
.To,wi rorrio j narrv rtPPAna-
deceased, or Carrie J. Barry, deceas
ed, real names unknown, et al, de
fendants. to satisfy a judgment and
decree of said court recovered by
the Village of Alvo. Nebraska, a
Municipal Corporation, plaintiff
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September
29, A. D. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Frank A. J. Miller, deceased. No.
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is January
3, i3; mat a nearing win uo
In Platts-
mouth on Ja rv 6. 1939( at ten
o'clock a. m. for the purpose or ex-
amining. hearing, allowing and ad-
3u8ting a11 clairas or objections duly
I icu.
I Ti I art
Date(j September 2 1938.
(Seal) s5-3w County Judge.
In the Countu Court of Can Coun-
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Edward H. Spangler, deceased. No.
Take notice that the lime limlted
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Janu-
aT 23, 1939; that a hearing will
Le had at the County Court room In
Plattsmouth on January 27, 1939,
at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose,
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
Datea September 23, 1938.
- (Seal) s26-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Arthur M. Copenhaver, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Decem
ber 12th, 1938; that a hearing will
hp had at the County Court room In
plattsmouth on December 16th, 1938
at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting an cianus or vuju.uu.
. :,, , 9t, ia,8
(Seal) al5-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Peter Mumm, George R.
Mumm, Clarence Mumm
and Carlton Mumm,
Charles Sulliyan, et al,
To the Defendants:
Blanch Snyder, Asa Snyder, Alice
Towle, widow; Gladys Standeven,
Standeven, first real name
unknown; Mary Sullivan, widow;
Stephen Kerns, Mrs. Stephen
Kerns, first real name unknown;
Joseph S. Kerns, Mrs. Joseph S.
Kerns, first real name unknown;
A!exander Kerns, Ellen Kerns,
Jane Utterback; James. P. Utter
back, Albert Cumings, Mrs. Albert
Cumings, first real name un
known; Hannah Morton, Charles
Morton, Robert Cumings, Mrs.
Robert Cumings, first real name
unknown; Jonathan Cumings.
Mrs. Jonathan Cumings. first real
name unknown; Sarah Letitia
Hubbels, Wassie Hubbels, Pru
dence Cumings, Edna Cumings,
Mary Alice Cumings; the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other persons
Interested in the estates of Steph
en Kerns, Mrs. Stepnen Kerns,
first real name unknown; Joseph
S. Kerns, Mrs. Joseph S. Kerns,
first real name unknown; Alexan
der Kerns, Ellen Kerns, Jane Ut
terback, James P. Utterback, Al
bert Cumings, Mrs. Albert Cum
ings, first real name unknown;
Hannah Morton, Charles Morton,
Robert Cumings, Mrs. Robert
Cumings, first real name un
known; Jonathan Cumings, Mrs.
Jonathan Cumings, first real namo
unknown; Sarah Letitia Hubbels,
Wassie Hubbels, Prudence Cum
ings, Edna Cumings, Mary Alice
Cumings, Jonathan Kerns, Jona
than Kerns, Sr., and A. N. Sulli
van, each deceased, real names un
known, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to
the northwest quarter (NW4) of
the southwest quarter (SW'i) of
Section twenty-nine (29), and
Lots twenty-four (24), twenty
five (25), and fifty (50), all in
Section twenty-nine (29), Town
ship twelve (12), North, Range
fourteen (14), East of the 6th
P. M., in the County of Cass, Ne
braska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Peter Mumm, George
R. Mumm, Clarence Mumm and
Carlton Mumm, the plaintiffs, filed a
petition and commenced an action In
the. District Court of Cass County.
Nebraska, on September 3, 1938,
against you and each of you; the
object, purpose and prayer of which
is to obtain a decree of court quiet
ing tne title to the northwest quar
ter (NWJi) of the southwest quar
ter (SW',4) of Section twenty-nine
(29), and Lots twenty-four (24).
twenty-five (25), and fifty (50), all
in Section twenty-nine (29), Town
ship twelve (12), North. Range
lourieen iii), tast of the 6th P M
in tne county of Cass, Nebraska
clliu lur equiiauie reiier
y . .
ou and eacn or you
are further
notified that you
are required to
Z f"J .1" on or Defore
a no u' At ei M waAXaX
"l"a' "1C ,aav r October,
""V0113 contained in
Petition -will be taken as true
" ueu ienaerea in favor of
osamai you. ana each
of you according to th nn.
said petition. ' ' w
1938a.ted thlS Sth f SePten-h-.
C. E. Martin and intifr.. ,
W. A. Robertson.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Take notice that the time limited