PAGE SIX THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1923. PLATx skoiJTH SEMI . WEEKLY JOURNAL . s.. - AND DELICIOUS QUAKER OATS CUTS BREAKFAST COSTS, TOO! WHAT a blessing that one of the most nour ishing and thrifty breakfasts you can eat is so delicious, too! Children and grownups love the delicate flavor of whole grain Quaker Oats. And money-saving oatmeal IS the richest of all whole grain foods in proteins. Proteins are the vital food elements needed for building muscle, firm' flesh, and strength. Oatmeal also excels in such impor tant minerals as iron and phos phorus, and in precious Vitamin Bi for combating nervousness, indiges tion and constipation. Get Ouaker Oats From Your Hlffltt Rich in Nerve-Kot:rishing (Political A.lvert ising: (Political VOTE FOR EARNEST C. GILES For REGISTER OF DEEDS Especially Well Qualified - Republican Ticket Thanks for Your Co-Operation and Support PRIMARIES, Murray, Nebraska Democratic Candidate for run LQJ Your Support Appreciated 4 4 AC"-.. I 1 A -Ail few uuiibiiuuuuii Huuuuiiung experience s 1 Clarence P. Busche 1 s k REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE I ' I S FOR 8 Cass County Clerk I Your Support Appreciated at the Primaries! ij a. 'X --- sx- n OH!' V lito i jfiym&Auni. I So help yourself keep fit and help your youngsters grow sturdy and strong by sejving Quaker Oats often. It's very economical ... ready in only 2H minutes . . . and millions agree it's their jbesr breakfast for strength and lasting energy. Grocer Today! ATS Vitamin Bt Advertising) (Political Advertising) AUGUST 9TH Polls Open 8 am to 8 pm iRL 0. TOLEfl Democratic Candidate for Railway Commissioner Here is a man who is familiar with the needs of Nebraska as relates to the office of Eailway ' Commissioner. He will give all parties a square deal at all times. A vote for Tolen is a vote to do away with strife and dissention in this office. This ad carried by his Cass County friends. RHODEN t M. U I HI Nehawka Mrs. Sarah Brooks and son, Sam, of Plattsmouth were visiting for the day last Sunday at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cisney. Clarence Heebner of Imperial was here to attend the funeral of his brother and as well to visit with his stricken father, Kenry Heebner of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Watson who are entertainers at KFAB were spending the week-end at the home of the parents of Mr. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cisney. Carl M. Balfour of southwest oi Nehawka. was over north of Nehaw ka where A. G. Cisiuy farms on a place of Mrs. Balfour and was build ing a poch on the house. A mixup of cars near the home of John Campbell between a stone truck and the car of Mr. Campbell, damaged both cars considerably, but did not injure either of the drivers, though a woman was ctuite badly in jured. M. N. Tucker who was receiving treatment since returning from the hospital some time ago, is gradually recovering his health, although he is still compelled to return to the hos pital for a checkup occasionally. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leach and Jack Burch and their three kiddies were over to the home of Mrs. A. D. Asch Sunday, all enjoying a very pleasant visit. The two families have been close friends for many years. Grover Hoback was in Manlay last Monday, called then to attend a free weekly movie, where there was a large attendance. Mr. Hoback sought to meet the voters as he is a candidate on tne democratic iicKei for commissioner in the second dis trict. W. O. Troop and son. Thomas went to Syracuse last Wednesday where they attended a sale there managed by Robert Troop, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop. Mr. Troop re ports a very fine rain over that way, but not coming any too soon. Mrs. Lois Troop, Mrs. C. S. Sher man and Mrs. May Paymiller, all of Lincoln, drove down to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Troop where they picked up Mrs. Troop and the party visited with many old time friends of Mrs. Lois Troop which she knew when she resided on the farm north of Nehawka years ago. They! en- i joyed a very pleasant visit with their many friends. Laverne Steffens, son of J. H. Steffens was feeling quite poorly most of last week and was taken to the doctor late in the week, who upon giving the found man an examination found he had a serious case of ap pendicitis. Laverne was hastened to the Clarkson hospital in Omaha where an operation was performed. He Is now reported as doing fair. Miss Ruth Palmer, who has been teaching school for some time, has since being on her vacation been troubled with repeated attacks of ap pendicitis, was taken to the Clark- json hospital in Omaha last Sunday where an operation was performed from which she rallied nicely and has been getting along very well I since. The mother. Mrs. James Pal mer, has been with the daughter at the hospital. Dies at Clarkson Hospital. James Warden Heebner, son of Henry Heebner of Murray, who has been making his home at Wayne, was taken first by a very high fever which was diagnosed as rheumatic fever, which seemed difficult to con trol and which finally ran into polio. iThe young man passed away at the hospital early Sunday evening at 7:15. He was born February 22, I If1' III I 1 : 1904, near Nehawka and grew to manhood here. He was married to Bessie Middleton February 12. 1937. One child, a daughter, came to bless the home about three weeks ago. The funeral was held at the Meth- odlst church in Nehawka, of which he was a member, conducted by Rev. W. A. Taylor. Interment was at the Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Besides James Warden Heebner there was also an other son, Clarence Heebner, who makes his home at Imperial. His mother passed away several years ago. She was a sister of Hugh War den and Miss Kate Warden. James Warden Heebner was a young man of great promise and his death caused much sorrow to family, relatives and friends. No Services Coming Sabbath. The services at the Methodist church in Nehawka, have been can celled on account of a very serious accident which occurred at Casper. Wyoming, to the husband of a daugh ter of Rev. W. D. Lenker, pastor of the Methodist churches at Weeping Water and Nehawka, necessitating the departure of Rev. Lehker for Casper, answering a call from his daughter to come immediately as the injury to her husband was very severe. Visiting With Sister Here. Bernard Swanson of Los Angeles who is brother of Mrs. Herbie Kuntz, accompanied by the wife, having left there about three weeks ago, visited on the way with their father, Alfred Swanson at Aberdeen, South Dakota and relatives at York, Nebr, being a Poultry Market DEMORALIZED PROSPRCTS FOH PIRTHKB IlKd.lK AKXT M'KKK- Friday and Saturday We will Pay in CASH Hens, 5 lbs. and up, lb.. 140 Hens, under 5 lbs., lb. . . 12 Leghorn Hens, lb 100 Springs, 4 lbs. up, lb.. 130 Springs, under 4, lb.. .110 Leghorn Springs, lb 110 Cox, per lb. . 80 Use our truck service it's free. If you haven't about 100 Chickens or more, see yur neighbors. Get' three or four together; Call us and sell in your own farm yard. We pay Cash. Cream - Eggs - Poultry Phone 2SS-J, Plattsmouth West of Chevrolet Oarage '-REGATTA & : TOES - Sun., Aug. 7 LAKE PARK SOUTH BEND, NEBR. Races Begin at 1 : 30 P. M Thrills . . Spills . . Chills Prize winning speed boats are entered for these daring races! A 'Free for All' Race for Service Boats CASH PRIZES GIVEN Gate Admission - - 150 Each OF THE NEBRASKA SUPREME COURT Jon-Political sister of Mrs. Kuntz, Mrs. A. A. Barr, seeing much of the country in their travels, are here and will remain for the week and wil make their home in their trailer cabin. Property Being Sold. The property where Mr. and Mrs. Lyie Kruger make their home on the south side of the Weeping Water creek, has been sold to a nephew of C. W. Schneider with possession to be given about September 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Kruger are thus compelled to seek unother place to reside. Celebrate Anniversary. Lyle Kruger ana IIlss Sarah Ann Hohan were united in marriage at Plattsmouth August 3, 1904 by the then District Judge Harvey D. Travis and last Sunday at their home at Nehawka the children and other relatives of this happy couple after thirty-four years of married life to gether came to do them honor. An all day's gathering was enjoyed and a very fine dinner served. Among those present to assist in honoring this couple were W. H. Kruger and family of Nehawka; Harry L. Kruger and family of Plattsmouth: Fred Guade and family of Unadilla; Lawrence Kruger and family of Otoe; George Bucholz and family and Harry Bucholz and fam ily of Avoca. The occasion was made the more enjoyable as Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kruger were also cele brating the passing of their welling anniversary as they wf re wedded ten years ago on July 28th. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Doubt Kentnrr The Jonni Knmlly In 'A Trip to Paris' rt'f more fun than Koins: yourself. It- Rmcrrii mil Smiley lluruette in 'Under Western Stars' BrinK a new Action Star from tlif wide opt-n spaces. Also KiichtlnK Ievll Doicn Serial-. Matinee Saturday at 2:30. Adults 25c Children. . .10c SUNDAY - MONDAY I.oulxr Kalnrr. Meivln Doniclnx nml Hubert Voiiii't In n Itljc I'leture 'The Toy Wie' The Academy Award winner's finest triumph, (lur tannic t'omed.v. Carton arid Arivn. its worth coming miles to see Hl'SBAV MATIXKK AT 2:: Matinee, 10-25o Niohts, 10-30c TUESDAY ONLY ( IMk lln r train I)n-,)hovr Vletort Mel, ait l-n, llrlan Donlevj, I.uulne Hortrlt In 'Battle of Broadway A lauirh riot from start to finish. Also (iimnly and Novelty Krrln. Matinee it 2:30: Night shows at 7 and 9 o'clock All Shows, 10 and 15c WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Double Fenture AVaruer Ilaxter and Freddie Ilartholnmew In 'Kidnaped' Ilonltn Granville Doloreiv C'oHtello In 'Beloved Brat Drama that sticks close to every Amer ican home. Our regular low admission. SCOOOSOOOCOOCQOOOOCOSOCGO BSWMtlBfflHMIg!MamilBaBEHHE VOTE FOR JUDGE r FOR VISITING IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. James G. Mauzy and son, James, departed the last of the week for the west coast where they are expecting to visit with relatives and old time friends for a short time. They are planning on meeting many of the old time friends who resided in this city. On their return they will be ac companied by lilr. and Mrs. Robert Mauzy of Los Angeles, who will visit here with old friends, Mr. Mauzy being a former resident of this city. HERE FROM MISSOURI Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smetana and Gene, of St. Louis, Missouri and Mr. and Airs. Joe Smetana and Cetty EXPERIENCED TEACHER Do you want a County Superin tendent who has had supervisory experience? Then vote for Emma Marquardt' Rawalt. the only candi date who has had experience as superintendent of schools and who, for six years, directed the work of teachers in both High School and grades. Pol. Adv. TRY DOUD'S SOAP at Soennichsen's, Rice's Wintersteen Hill Store, Maytag Sales & Service and Hiatt Furniture Store, Platts mouth. Also Hull's Store, Rock Bluff. (Political Advertising) (Political VOTE . i' ! ' I . '.';' 1-7 i ? I - $ 4 I ' ' ' - - 4 t k s y -1' ly r f . -; - ''j s" , , s -t j - ; s 4 - t f a FOR oseafiieral Legislator Practical Farmer Who Understands Needs of Agricultural Communities c c of Sedalla, Missouri, are here va cationing, visiting with their par ents Mr. and Mr?. Alois Smetana and family. A The Best ESMURET for Your Cream is your home market. It gives employment to home people. Therefore, when you help your neighbor, you help your self as well. Bring Your Cream and Poultry to Us. PLATTSMOUTH CREAMERY Lower Main St. Phone 94 y Advertising - ) (Political Advertising) FOR flnOZGE'R I goOOOCOOOOCOOOCOOOQOOOOOCOCOOGOOOSOOCOOCCOSi occooooocS