I PAGE SIX PIATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTJENAL sroiiDAY, june co. 192s. From Tlmrs'lay's Dally Catholic Circles Meet Circle No. 1 f tli" M. .John's aim r Fecit ty r.i' t YV (Incs.Liy ;i ftcriioon ;;t the Ion::' i.l' Mrs. ('ail Knick." with Mrs. Mr;. (! Fitzgerald amtl Mrs. Marie ilaitli as ihe asso iate hos tesses. Thi re were t we.! t y-sevcii pres- j 1 1 i'lid l';v- in lor the after noon. Tli" home was nrrjngiil will; i!( ci.ra t inns of ganlen ro'i'S to leiu! a , leasing W.lK-ll to the scene. The ladits tol'.uv. h:g the l)i:sincss session enjoyed yaints in which several prizes we re ;.v.a. :.lt d. At an appro priate honr a much n j-.y-d Inne-heen was sr r d by the hostesses. Circle No. 2 was entertained at the home of Mrs. Pangnrd Keich f tadt, v. iih Mrs. Richard Otterstein. Celia and Anna Palacrk as the hos 1 esses. The ladies had a very inter esting business session followed by the social hour. The hosi esses served a very dainty and deli' ious luncheon. Circle No. met at the home of Mrs. Henry Starkjohn on Hock street and the assm iate hostesses were Mrs. Ed lliicli and Mrs. E. J. Kkhey. The ladies after the business session in whbh plans for future activities were discussed, enjoyed a very de lightful luncheon and social time. Eat her Robert Salmon, pastor of the church, was present and Rave a short talk. PHILLIPS DELICIOUS PORE BEANS 1 Lb. Cans Glee Club Whole Kernel Golden Bantam BEEF HEARTS, 3 lbs. 25c HAMBURGE2. 2 lbs 27c l-'r-lily tUroiiml lirrf piitn PORK CHOPS, lb 22c ho I.i'ii ii SHOULDER STEAK, lb.19c 'IVmlor, .liiicv lEAlIKFURTS, lb. 15C . ritj'Mip's 4imlilv I.riNCED LUNCHEON or Ring Bologna. 2 lbs 25c COLD MEATS. Asstd.. lb. -22c l'llll-, lt)-I.V ll ITl" CHEESE. Icnghorn, lb.17c t"rt'x I'll ii - r-iiin BACCN SQUARES, lb..15c I 'line?, Sniiiir- iirril FISH FILLETS or Head less Dress'd Whiting'. lb.10c I eeieiiiiieiil. No H nlc Air King Brand Peanut Butter nr ,-. Fresh Italian PRUNES i ' Ko. 10 Can TOMATOES. 2 lbs 15c I inn, Kcil Itipo -7FAV POTATOTS. lge. U. No. 1, 10-lb. bag 25 C Yiilii-i ) i-lil. Mnificr II liilm or -x:i Iti-it Triumph CHANGES. Juicy California l KI-T I.K I s Large size. dcz. 25 1 Med. size, doz 17! 2 C CABBAGE. New. lb 2c l-'rrnh. Solid Crci-ii PINEAPPLE, large, each.lOc I ' l-'rlt. i clttiti LEK0N3. l?rge. doz 27c lilli-v -Hi. MinkiHl GEAPEIRUIT. each 5c Sl-t .1 il i la-Mis Fine Granulated Beet SUGAR 100 lbs., 55.25 STv, 20 lbs. C & H Cane, 100 lbs., rLn $5.S5. 10-lb, CI. 3ag. . Hinky-Dinky BUTTER CZfic Mb. Carton ! 3 CASCO, Solids, lb 27t Elxcello Brand MARGARINE Carton Ai OXYDOL of1 Rinso 15 lge. Pkg. il Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues., Wcdnes., June 21-22 b for 2lc Have a Fine Picnic The Woodman Circle and mem bers of the Junior Woodman Circle held a very delightful picnic on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. llarlwiek in the north part of the city. The location -as ideal for an event of tins kind and on the biufi's commanding a l,ue view of the Missouri valley made ii a most charming" spot. rj'!:e afternoon was s-pent in games .mi vivltitii? si ml takinir Diet lire:;, a j!; r;.,i number of pictures being- se-jetiie-1 of the members of the group. I The members of the party brought ! gifts for the national home at She: ':iia:i Texas, which is maintained by I the Woodman Circle and is one of ! the largest in the country, j At 1 suitable hour Mrs. Hartwick. ! assisted by her daughters, Mrs. (Hen iN'eal and Mrs. I. eland I'.riggs. of j Wah 00. served a lmuli enjoyed picnic I lunch. Tuesday Evening' Club The Tuesday Evening- flub met with Mrs. Richard iieveruge Tuesday. jThe members made the meeting- into la kitchen shower for Mrs. Rudolph ilverson. formerly Miss Eleanor Hiber. i Mrs. Uy Herring won the first prize iand Mrs. Iverson won second in the card playing. Edna Warren was a gu of the club. ; Presbvterian Circles Meet The circles of the Presbyterian (church held their meetings yesterday as follows: j Circle No. 1 was entertained by j Mrs. Sterling: Ingwerson with Mrs. G. I.. Meisinger, Mrs. I,uke Wiles and Mrs. J. C. V.'arga as assistant hostesses. A short business sessiem ! was hehl by the circle chairman. Mrs. John II. Bishop became a new member of the circle yesterday. The missionary lesson was very ably pre stnted by Mrs. Leonard Stoehr and was very much enjoyed. There were 22 members present at the meeting. Delicious refreshments were served. ' Circle No. 2 met at the home of Mrs. James Hulin with Mrs. Earl I!ecker and Miss Margaret Bauer as associate hostesses. A fair attend ance of members was present. After the business meeting a fine program was given by several girls. Marilyn illennings and Shirley Ann Hudson presented a little Hutch tap dance in : costume. A recitation. "Mama's Hired Girl." in costume, was given by Mary Lou Becker. ! Circles 3 and' 4 met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Addie Perry with f. i. FfigeE & m. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA 75 pound size MODERN CHARM Cold Cream 49 5 e'T'fftn.... .ifil'ht. Fine Quality i::;,.!;;,.;i!:ii!arna:&Lall 1 THP PFVA'I STQgE Big Money-Saving 49tfia ck WO Purefest Aspirin Tablets 49 pint size Mi 31 Antiseptic Solution 49 1 pint Size Purefest Rubbing Alcohol h.ii.'h.miiiiiii'ilh.., PEKftll PRODUCTS'1 L Pack 500 sheets Klenzo Facia Tissues Soft! Tough! I . Lintless! Stock up now and save FREE.9 Batfirocm HeMer with 49cP,htstzcMi3l Antiseptic yj (V Mouth VashZffiJ 0e pack 700 Puretest. Yeast Tablets ConUini ViUmint BAG II MltlllUH I II. 25c 4-oz. size Rexall Foot Powder 19e 25t pound size 'RuneteSt Epsom Salt 25 1 yuaity Kfenzo Tooth Brush 4 pint size pam orcompouteff a Agarex Laxative 07 Miss TTelene Perry as hostess to No. .1. assisted by Miss Pearl Ktaats and Miss Clara Weyrich, and Mrs. Perry as hostess to No. 4. She was assisted by Mrs. Oscar (iapen and Mrs. Fred Rutherford. About 30 members attended the meeting. Mrs. S. A. Wiles and Mis. P rtha Shopp had barge of the program. Mrs. Shopp guv the d-.n'ot ior.als. Mrs. P. T. Litineman gave an out line of the contemplated work for the next year, as this meeting will be the last to be held until Septem ber. Mrs. Minnie Nolting entertained circle number yesterday, with her daughter:; Mrs. Fred licit zha u.en of Montana a::d Mrs. Everett Spangler assisting her in serving. There were 2(i ladies present, nine of whom were guests. Mrs. Clenn Vallery had charge of the missionary program. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. From Friday's Dally Methodist Federation The Naomi circle of the Methodist Women's Federation met yesterday afternoon at the church. There were sixteen members present. Mrs. Wil liam Baird led the devot ional.s. A short business session was held in which plans were discussed for a pic nic to be hehl in July. The program consisted of two vocal solos by Stephen Devoe and two piano solos by Mrs. L. S. Devoe. Delicious re freshments were served by the hos tesses, Mrs. Jenny Whalen, Mrs. Nel lie Carlson. Mrs. M. Buttery. Mrs. Hallie Perry entertained the Dorcas circle yesterday. About 2o ladies attended, two of whom were guests. Mrs. V. T. Arn had the de votionals. Mrs. R. B. Hayes and Mrs. E. W. Thimgan sang a duet ir. connection with the tlevot ionals. De licious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Mrs. Howard Wiles, Mrs. O'Donald. Mrs. Moore, and Mrs. Perry. The Gleaners circle held their meeting in Garfield park yesterday. Mrs. Kay McMaken. who is com pleting the term of Mrs. K. R. WaUon as chairman of the circle, presided over the meeting. Mrs. William Heinrich gave the devotionals, using for her subject "Friendship." After the meeting a picnic supper was en joyed. Several guests were present. Used cars, livestock, household goods all can be sold through inexpensive Journal Want Ads. Cream Jar So ffi for CASA NOME BEAUTY J TRYOUT AND COUPON Enjoy using lest size $2.00 Cara Nome Face Powder purse size per fumes: both for 25c and coupon. Name Address . 19 19 rIMS JULY 1.1938 CoshVolueXo-f U J DRUGS JSanitar-y 1 ; Napkirvs I ' 351 size JDairity 1 j Deodorant Powder 50c pack IOoV (Yeast Tablets as siieV ( MilkofMagnesicfV. ( Tooth Paste 1 1 HM h From Thursday's Dair Phil If. liil-ii of Union was a vizi tor in Plattsmouth yesterday. Miss Marion Olson left Tuesday evening for Rochester, New York, where she will spend the summer visiting with her father r.:id other relat ives. Miss Rosemary Sf under returned ye.-terday to Weeping Water after a visit here with the John Palacek fi.mily. She is a granddaughter of Mr. Palacek. I,. B. Fgenb. iger and Mrs. L. W. Fgeubcrgcr were- in Omaha on busi ness yesterday. Mrs. Karl MiMdock of Weeping Water was a business visitor in Plattsmouth yesterday. Mrs. Silas Thompson of Rock ford, Illinois is spending the week visit ing her brother, Charles Pease. 1-'. G. Kgeuberger, who has been vising relatives here, left this morn ing for his home in Long Beach, Cali fornia. Mrs. E. P. Stewart and son Don went to Springfield, Missouri yes terday where they will visit with i via fives. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lester and family have left for Alliance, South Dakota where thev will spend a two- weeks vacation. ' i Lawrence Farrell of Lincoln, ap- praiser of the HOLC, was in the city today to look after some business for j this governmental activity. i i YOUTH CLUB TO NEHAWKA From Saturday's Daily About twenty members of the local Modern Youth club went to Ne hawka last night wiere they at- tended a party for prospect ive mem-! hers and their friends of the Ne-! hawka area. There wi s a ve ry large j attendance. The evening was spent in playing cards and in rille shoot ing. VISIT AT LOUISVILLE Thursday evening County Treas urer John K. Turner. Frank A. Rebal, Fred Lugsch and E. O. Vroman mo tored out to Louisville where they enjoyed the evening visiting. They attended the meeting of the Louis ville post of the American Legion anel had a very fine t'.me with their service men associates. RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS From Saturday's Dally Ilex IJouino v.-as loun in the busi ness section of the city today for the first time in the past week. He lias been suffering from an attack of bronchial pneumonia and is still quite weak. His many friends were pleased to see himout and trust he may soon regain his usual good health. V7ILL VISIT PARM From Saturday's D?"y ?dr. and Mrs. Henry Starkjohn de parted today for Gothenburg. Ne braska, where they will spend a short time looking over farming interests in that section of the state and visit ing with friends. o svs ALWAYS TOP PRICES for Your Poultry! See us first ! Conveniently located at 5th and Main Streets V III ewtd You need not W A RY the torments of nching feet. No matter what common foot trouble you may have you will find right here, in our store, the way to quick, safe relief through the use of Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliances and Remedies. -This is Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Week. You are Invited to come in. Have Free Pedo-graph Prints made of your stockinged feet and learn how easy and inexpensive it is to have happy, comfortable feet. DtScholls Foot Comfort FETZER SHOE CO. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA NOTICE The annual meeting of the Cass County Chapter, A.R.C. will be held June 27 at 8 p. m.. at Murdock, Nebr., in the school gymnasium. Re ports, transaction of regular busi ness, demonstration of use of in halator in first aid, with film, "Why Not Live?" will b given on the program. Every m'-mber of Red Cross in the county i? expected to be pres ent and the public Is invited. Our swimming" pre: grain begi'ns early in July and it is expected an ollicr thousand persons will receive training under tiie best, instructors procurable. The executive committee of th' chapter will nvet the same afternoon at 4 p. m. at the home of the secretary-! re -.'surer. MISS AUGUSTA ROBB, Chairman. MRS. HENRY A TOOL. Secretary-Treasurer. TO GIVE PROGRAM The Turkio college mal- quartette will present a musical program at t h e Murray United Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening. June 21. at S o'clock. Their many frb-nels in this part of the- state will enjoy hearing their splendid singinc once more. AM are cordially invited to attend. A free-will offering will bf taken to help defray their expenses. The program is being sponsored by the Y. P. C. U. society of the chur; h. AN APPRECIATION Gratefuiiy we wish to take this j opportunity of expressing to the 'many kind friends and neighbors our (appreciation of the many acts of kind j ness and words of sympathy in the hour of our bereavement. We wish to thank all those who assisted in the funeral services. These acts of kindness will always be a tender memory. Walter Gouchenour, Mr. and Mrs. George Moreland and Fam ily. LUCKY THIRTEENS The Lucky Thirteens held their third meeting at the home of Mary Alice Auit. Dorothy Uayley gave a measurement on a tea spoon. They each told how much fruit they ate. Joan Trout scored first. Their next meeting will be held next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Worth. MID-VALLEY LEAGUE STANDINGS VT L, Pet. Greenwood 5 0 1.000 Davey 5 0 1.000 Plattsmouth 4 0 1.000 Waver I y 1 3 .250 Eagle 1 4 .200 Ashland 1 4 .200 Alvo 1 4 .200 Memphis 1 4 .200 VISIT AT RED OAK From Saturday's realty Mrs. Edna Evans of Lincoln came here last night to visit with her sis ter. Mrs. M. S. Kerr. They will go to Red Oak this afternoon to spend the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Maude Preese. and help her celebrate her birthday. RETURN TO DENVER From Thursday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. Harold LaChappell and family, who have been visiting here and at Glenwood with relatives and friends, departed today for their home at Denver. RETURN FROM CAMP From Saturday's Dally Miss Jean Hayes went to Colum bus, Nebraska today, bringing back the members of the Methodist Ep worth League who' have been spend ing the week attending Summer In stitute at Camp Sheldon. you hurt all over" Say: DR. SCHOLL suffer another day Or. Scholl's Foot-Ejxr Slops foot pains. Eases feet. Re lieves tired, ach ing feet. 93.50 pr. Or. Scholl's Zino-pads for corns, cal louses, bunions end soft corns 25c J5 Week CONTRACT FOR NEW ROOF ON TEE COMMUNITY BLDG. The American Legion tru.-.tces i.ist night let the contract for a new roof on the community buildin; leaks the last few months have per -I mitted water to come through the! ceiling and stand on the maple floor! in certain spots be of pound The new roof is to roofing applied with five- inch cemented overlap; and "blind"' nailing. The roof i. to be applied by Hernia n Tickotter and carries a ten-year ma iut n.';iice guar antee. It will be laid over the pres ent two-ply built-up roof that, was place-el on th buiidi:;': when it was opened in 1!27. The new roof is to be completed about July 1st. Interior painting and other im provenients had added to the appear ance of the building and the trustees have been directcel to consider in staliati&n ef gas heating units in the main auditorium before fall, replac ing the present furnaces that were a gift from th" Masonic lodge at the time the building was ejpened, be ing removed from the Masonic build ing at that time to be replaeed by a more- modern heating system. A few years age) there was grave danger of the building being lost to the community and transformed in to a garage building as payments on building indebtedness lapsed. As a result of Community IJuilding club membership, delinquent payments have not only bee-n caught up, but a very size-able reduction made in the outstanding amount and improve ments are being made as rapidly as coiul it ions warrant. Legion officials say the organiza tion still stands ready to turn the building over to the city any time it may de-sire to add the second story with no strings tied to the offer, ex cent a place provided for holding regular Legion meetings. DEATH OF FORMER RESIDENT Mrs. Charles Winscott, CG, a for mer resident of Plattsmouth, died on Tuesday night at an Omaha hospital following an illne-ss of some duration. The deceased was formerly Miss Hat tie E. Knee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Knee and was born in Plattsmouth in 1S72 and was mar ried here to Charles Winscott. The family have resided in Omaha for the past forty years. Mr. Winscott being in the employ of the Union Pacific. Mrs. Winsteitt was very ac tive in the affairs of the Olivet Bap tist church. There is surviving the husband, two daughters. Mrs. Rebecca Wet more and Mrs. Verda Pass, Kansas City. Missouri; three sons, George, anel Sherman of Omaha and David of Council Bluffs; niece, Jesse Powers of Council Bluffs: brothers. Floyd Knee, Exter, California and Orin Knee of Lincoln. VISITS WITH OLD FRIENDS From Saturday's Dally Dr. Clinton B. Dorwart. of Sid ney, Nebraska, was in the city today for a few hours to visit with o'el time' friends while on his way east. Dr. Dorwart is going to Cleveland, Ohio, where he will be married soon. He has been very successful in bis pro fessional work in the west and has a very large practice. RETURN HOME From Friday's Daily Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Fridlund of Craig, Neb., who have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Mc Clusky the past week, returned to their home yesterday. Mrs. Fridlund and Mis. McClusky are sisters. Subscribe for the Journal. Wednesday and Thursday will have I SCO Austro Whites The fastest-grow ing, quickest-matur-;ing Chick you can buy. Extra heavy i egg producers. A Leghorn type of I Chicken. Specially priced it Per 100 $6.50 j Less than 100. 15 for $1 Also 500 Bu Rocks A heavy yellow breed that mature exceptionally large. Price Per 100 $7.50 Less than 100, 13 for $1 , I can use unlimited amount of SPRINGS or HENS at full mar ket value. If you have a good bunch, get our prices. I will send the truck out and get them. No extra charge for truck service! A. R. A SE Phono 2SS-J, Plattsmouth West of Chevrolet Garage NEW TEAMS IN LEAGUE Two new t.-ams have been ab!-d to the Softball league which has In -tofore complied four IMaUsnicnh teams, the IIKEX-Norfolk. CY. Uethodi.-its and Independent; The i if:c li v. coiners are teams I ret"! Wa- thi : .1 1: ie t ion and Wecpw.u nd who a:'" to play h r. eve;iiti: at S:'!o as the op-siim their .--as-o'i. The m-w r.-anis n ,i : ix teani ieagu - and w ill ;;ic ; d interest to the g:.nii- as b-.ilh i are well balan eil and will inak iiit !i".st ing compel i' inn I'm- ill,- i, metiib.- r:-;. ak dd -: 111 ' HAVE NEW EAUGHTEI t-'rom Saturday's iJally This morning a tine !i;tl- diT'h ter was Lorn to Mr. and Mrs. icing" Winsiott. Jr., at the I'ar-iiiy ln.me here. The- moih.er and litiie oae i.re doing niceiy and the- adv. nt u" the little one brought gi'(al pleasure to all of the family circle. Mr. Win scot t was formerly Miss i-'iaine:; Griffin of this fit y . ICE CREAM SOCIAL MynanT Coniniuniiy club will haw a home-made ice cream social. Fi i d:iy (veiling. June 4t!i, cotntni-ncing at 7:". Hegular business session and pro gram will be held as usual. Your presence will be appreciated. d&w PV !!-, 3& Wed. Specials Qur Special Santos Peaberry eo--.ee Per lb 2 its., 29c Miller's Cora Flakes Rq Lge. Size, 3 for Toilet Tissue '-V MITE FIR 0. Rolls fcr &J? Pkg. of 50 Napkins Free PURITY American or Brick Cheese 7c 2-lb. Box GOLDEN SUN Flour $ .19 43-lb. bag SKURFINE Oatmeal f q Large Tube Regular cr Quick shurfine Hoot Beer Q&c 12-oz. bottles, 6 for. Case of 24 Bottles, 93c Plus Hot I Hi Deposit SANDWICH SPREAD or Ssad Dressing TASTE WELL 02 Full Quart Jar zP Porh Beans FINEST ffoQ No. ZV2 cans, each..--? 3 for 29c Pork & Beans TASTE WELL No. 2 Tins 3 for California Bartlett Fcas? Compote No. 2'2 Can, 15c AlQ 3 for Fresh Beets Fine for Canning! 7IC Per Bushel I. cave your lU'iler. aB-MHHHMHBMa Meat Gspartmcnt Cudahy's Puritan Flank Steaks Special, per Lb. 27c Wilson's or Armour's Star Pure ILard ffg 1-lh. Pkg MINCED HAM or Ring Bologna f Kc Per lb MOCK Chicken Legs Delicious, Try Them Each 5c n nil 1W i Tli 23UZ35S3J--S