rAGE SIX PIAJTSMOUTK SEMI - V7T.7.iZLY JOTTPJIAL MOTTDAY, MAY 23. 1938. st cmi ITonino.ticr. r.t Eii-ni,M-i-; in August. ! ' :s - Ii . cf r,:-i; ; jr.-. ii'ivm ::.(! his u'' i v ::':.: i r.r. i ; :i t'i r C:a n w. da. a,: tb.e :'! . i v, b-ii. s cf tin- v,-.;.-rs at ib pri maries ai Aiii-u.-t '.Mb. Mr. 15 . is at ib:a thr cp.i :'! at the !;ai-i'v;;:v .... nf O. J. I'aakun: i ;,i l.ouhviPo. in .!ibb eky be '; ; ; ak'ep far ;b.- p-a.-t 1 1 : i r; c :i yeais ar.P fci'T'.l'lly .-ii,::;: -i with, tbe Aslttvreve C(M,:, t:t ("n.. us w . ll ;s j .i ii i i i " I IT'S .JL TSSjl.. TL... flA !,,. Ii ' 1 mi uii, qui waies dm n&j nm r -- - -- - :"jr7fvs-Ts?"'" .'' 4 " 1 p kV- 1 1 I . - T i- v '-,-'-, I . C : . r i so From Tliursilay'a Dally t!if r.tcv-I'oi's lip.f! a very niro time. y.r. ".. VI'.. i;!:c rr.f r v on first prize an-1 M-rs. Carl Ho.'sslcr of Chicago ct the con:-;olatifr,i prizo. tc ' .' Vrf-V . if v i" tiir! iwl.i v (''") wo:-.1 i:i Lin-1 :ii-;:iy ; ; v:iI : :! a l.!:"!') Iniu-h-.! (';!! t'rifK'P. cli'l) : '.s ri tin- .'. :: -.1 iu Hai l' r;: ( : ! i:;;-. '.Ira. II'. ;i ry Iu. Mi ; rric'.ic. :.'ra. 11. W. j ' !: t . . i'.M i n:-M 1. :). MfS. j . ( rmi'V,: . ' ','. ':, f'.t:-:-. j v;-s a ;;!;.-? .f t ::c 1 .lix-heon. !. .-. ; : (.; .: r:;. :- cf tl.i- 'Miia is a v. a y clu!). a1',! 1):-: :r. tin.:;- ;''; r.ir.ny yc.'rs. E?Ttf. Dick Club ';!); li 'airaK ; : cf thf Delta T"!oclc cl) went to Orr.al.a Iat cvriiiti? -.viicro '. '.' !'H t v.iili Mi-?. Ic:r.-y M -h:l-cn. M-is. l-'rank r;r.bc!r.:::n won t'ic l.rs! 'jrh'". .Mrs. l.anra Micck .-n-.-nil at:(! Mm. Lillian Livingston i'iiil-d. : ri.!'siri;rii:i!i v. oik arM ty. -Thoso Wie.snoth boys havo a well top. The crew were at tlu Andcr ;'.!.' r -; r : ; t ti.a. t :! ! j'ist a. Iicut j cn r! n.uaLM il as a net iaiui'i- ever the cnu'i-'i'i ;" n te oiL" sail a !'a rti-er t'i':;:n tl:;s --inn!'1 'mv c.'.t . eepie.e,' a!e'.- way v. aeu 1.1 ;ai Tl-c now rtinflhlr.w i; a nalive of j c ;'t ; c !. i!.iy rot-cm ly. C:v s , ciiti t y. li.;rn in '.Ma: t s?n';ii:h a:"l Ii liappcis the J.ntri:::! has nvia nor1 lor some n:'; . n y a -s ; ,.,, ,..!:.ryi:! a f :nall l-:. . . Tr i 7....l " i i v .!!.... i . i.o 11 ; i n. -1) ;-;.r (vei- ?i:ne i! was p-.: v- i .. ;: c k : li't r Ai"icr.i 1:1. cn wboe j H. l.ii.-a ao. iiiiiv 1 to ( - uir ( r.. v. fir re they rcs:;l-il n'!'.:i r'"i LoiTisvillo. ;! i'.r I be j ri.-'.ii; : al.oui a leo-i;: ::.! st:nM; ct wrt'-r M::!('ay. May .Mb. j In the j.ietMi-" v.hieh appoars 'vhli j tai ; i.-'e, t!i; i ice a;o. !-!'t lo j a Vie::e;i.. l:r"ilo r Jo??1. WcLt-v So1? !: (; It S t'i' ' h o I ;:!' 1 lasary Altar --.( !-ty a vtiy ciM i'-!:! ii.' v. t. incr rea ,;t i i.-t ( . ;. i ;;' a l An!!,:! .ai::!a !'::v;.i 0:1 iho Coikir Crec ! load. Tic. re v.o;- an r.n-p'e -p:.py 1 : thr So;l !!:i!;e;s t car a'!;', vbi--h v.-;;;- k rij.iycd to t'.-." i:'n::;si by the ,m-o.r.p ! of tW! n,y-j':!i1- !a. !ia.-.. T!:;; n!e:nbet' jeiijfve.-l the ). a:: 't '.(:! I -! '.r '.ith Mr. aa! rr. C. L. Wilts :in r1 !:'' the cap-; eciiK and ap ; i( ae'iiiiT;' nv'i i-ia.e-' of ti! i;- (!au';i; Alice ".nr.bara Wil-:-. to Mr. played and prizes won by Miss Fran cos Gamblin and Miss Joan Moore. AH the Kiilc; wrote the ir' advice to the bride in her book. Delicioiu re froslnni ni;" wore served. Visit at South Bend Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Kerr are at tending a weekend party at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Axel Zaur near South tbr.d. It is the annual get-together parly of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Zaar and .Mr. and Mr.;. J. C. K i inc. iVcis'Voorhood Club Meets "'!:;; MM.hborliooil o!ab was en tortr.Iaed I-'riday e veiling by Mrs. Ausiiata lianp: at the koine of Mr. Tho-.r.-.-e '". GrcH-h:' !':. s--f.n of Mr. andjaad Air.-. John Woest and a very do Mr1--. ICarl ( 1 os::!;a n cf tkis city. I'!it!i i-f t!ie yn;ii';:; poop,!o are a'.itr: :i of lie1 I'la 1 snion i h l.i.ub :-!:o:ii. the .m-ooi;i-ti-bc of ilie chlF?! of M" 1 una Miss Wl'cr. of t!:e class of 1: 'is-5 i:cs bus been c 11- : , haed in Oote.ber. by O. C. (Jack) farm th w !! i.. ha at'!l: J-e M aval:, j . : , c' a . a o "or; !. Ii!!1. lo n. c::e of tin1 ';'i!eis. a:iil A. (k CJaii;) - iii-;s of Their old ko;a" land. i"!t of tovva :t vi'- Mr: M r. i'tisa he is A :", a a :i i 'vi.t ua ipops in I.-::is- Viesi!' th. Louisvilb1 pi ma. rr n ".. ! is : a:-! daughter. :iily i-oinprisi.;-; a v. ii a;i v. e ( h"i -d up on oa;r j ov. ;e-r of the ru- i . 1 ik-.-r aa:li . I .! i.i Droe- .e. wl: :i is a lion itoinnv i:?r--..e. of I.tl 0. l t i i. .0 mm i - - -. n'-ii- t ' : C- TYPvo Pir-Tne T.tre v,.;-.- i!:t;-. i ' aiiy -Xiv vratcf. 'r.no.i.h "''midday -n 1 onto to Omaha 1 -'.ai,-; -1 ia urn hinn- iu the ounty sihools for ike past tb.roe Vf-ars. School IT P." plClU2 Vkur. -!av afi: i -ieon the rtndonts of tb.e tirioij and fuuitb. f;radrs of the i!:t:-.;i bni'-iiu. i njovi d a p.ic-nii paiay at Carilol ;:'ik, one of tin lie-;:1.;,- events ef the. sohool year. li'Mitful time entjytd at ?rda. In tb.e pi;:ocb!e playing Mrs. John Alwin v.as the winner of first prize and Miss La niv. M( iain'Ci r, second, while for ike r.ien Mr. Alwin was tb.e winner of hiu;h si-ore and L. W Xiil, second. Refreshments were r-erved at an ap-proiriat- liour by the hostes-i. PEAISZ3 GARDEN CLUB The IMat tsir.outh Garden club has received a fine oomi.ieiidation of their work from Frank Mebonoush. editor of Litter Homes and Gardens fi" m"mbers of tiie party enjoyed' .. . ... ra ( suixFr.isr old ije 1 ! A r !!r-l!:'T oi ye, X. a: - :- .. - s ; ' - y ;. ; : -.-n-v-.. a ti-.- 1 i Jik;.:-c v. ; 'ra ; - : a rpai --. a her ( 1 ; si';--u . The aft rro.-m . i'lr and ; 1 rkipa ..ml re--: ' : - a a: - : :- i : i a ! : ;.. I '.!'::: !!! i . y f l rs. ; . - ij.'a . 1 h - a 7 1 1 . ale to aa t a pso v.d drll'in (row -on tarai 2 ivM-s art h of V.'f eyi-r; ! k 't fa!! a:-. '!.: Hy ven t '.'r.i ' o". -a :"i;aa ihr-!i!;.h w-;.- ! :s a, a a ! 1 ! i v.' 10 :. i : a i he !-.-'. el t 1 t !'i a1 1. 1 ( :' la-' . r. .,:in f ji! have !:is ad c.T.tii!i;ed t kVoi--a ; ,., ,, y..st r-k:v at tinhorn of u;d .lu!y, and sta:.d ka !:a ; - m vi I!.; since key;tv the ria cra-a-a. i . . 'An 1 r :! has oral - s t ; j ";; 1 :"a!-l-ea. Liail i-' 1 eka!. w i t !i -S la.. mb ;:-a s ami a haseballs.-u:ne un 1 a joa-'-ji-ia; e hour wlmn th" f.;( via lum 'soiai was .'e-rvrd to r-otr.-ek t a very line time. 1 ae . ' : - - Pi the V.-.- ;;iaa V.a 1 .i I a O. . a; Ivai b -. t v. s y. i va-i by ' ri.r : r (k ti - a 1 a. a a ' 1 1 a e ?!.- !l ' a. ' a , ;s ;- ': r ;. .., 1 - i ( ' t rreat 10 ... . 1 . . , . . 1 ih .1'- a.o : a-, ef . (-f ! !.": b: ma e; .Mr. ; Y:e v e.: ; . v '. :. r:'(-n-j -. v , re j M Mr.--, r "P'attstia.uth Garden Club: "I join my staff in yenning our best wishes for a successful flower show. "Flowtr lover:; everywhere are .r.-.imns: tue f uoressful v.(Jrk you ; inexpensive Journal Want Ads are cointr. "FRANK MoDONOFGII." 1 i From Thursday's Daily Mrs. J. A. Donelan and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Brown of I'apillion spent last evening- iu Nebraska City with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thygeson. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Jr., and little daughter, of Omaha were here Wednesday to spend a few hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, r. From Saturday's Daily Mrs. Fannie Grosser attended the meeting of tb.e club at Murray Thurs day. Mr. ami .Mrs. O. A. Davis of Mur ray were in riattsmouth yesterday attending to business. Attorney I. N. Bunoe, of Omaha, was attending to professional busi ness in the city today. Jesse Dysart. or Union, was in tb.e eity today, visiting his friends and attending to some business matters. Miss Olive Jones and the Misses Harbara and Mia Goring spent yes terday in Omaha with Mrs. Marjorie Agnew Ilastain. Mrs. J. M. Kishel and Mrs. M. S. Kerr wore at Union yesterday attend ing the picnic of the- school taught by Miss Louise Kishel. Used cars, livestock, household goods all can fce sold through .tceribe fcr tiie Journal. 1 1 n n :(' VV.'e --im : : 1 a- : : I ail! 1 .-. ! . . 1 f a a va :: v : f. : a. :!:: la ! v. i'l 1 e glad k ,r:i'-e a ii : ' , t ( ; -1 o; : i-:: v-:-'- .n.L-' ' v. 1 : . : ai r. ': '. 'Pi .e. ".'.-a !-. Mr-. W-i M ' :-:,:,::. :; -a. A: a. I'i - .:. . .at. ra Ti ,- ' ' "i ' - r . t-. ,a raaeral i-. .1 !.;( . hei w; -, :. t v ruou.l at i a a :": ' ! ! a t Fe " 1 a a a . . 1 1 ' 1 1 t la:.;, .;"!:( :i. vt - '1-'v:l - .. 1 are iTuiai ( . ;a.- iri Hi.baar! b'bi-' r ?en t . flay fard. S C. A. J'..bi. pas-.cp of i! a ay J4i!l, S i v Kl be t , -; ; e. t .r-.:ii .: I .e-.-e ha.!- 1 a a a1.. at kr era ' ei'. -Mb, S n. n:.. It!,: Mav 2Mb. S i )a! :i- M;iv fail. S r. ' . ,t-c. Oi . t .. r . 1 i tie ! ' a a- of k a e re-l fa aa a i - ': 1 a t hi .; .Miao --rv d ef tb.e b f!-; .ah a r . Gc- a,', a 1-v- C '" I C i Ti 3 z r1 r - l U ( a . 1 . ."a,,. f-f e ' f ' : 1.1 .-( -.- IfVi r' iTa .-.V. Ujy -j -s . ra ; a i.i t i-1 i ! i-o'.l 0 f t 1 1 ' T e ! .! " -y . r - . v S ( 1 ik (.,'.;' t 1 r 1 1 . , r i 1 ;;--as ; '. .: . t" ;i :a v( r. ". a : : a -: . r a tr.i ff ie I ' . k : 1 ! a !-a a k i 1 . i a. a . Tiie . om-M'b.e-' !i ! wif v ci r c ! iea- v. ; . boa i lie ' 1. "::,.'! ; a . 1, ,. ! , : . ke ' ra . r i 1 ::!.i :i -: "! :k (: ... : 'i'i r a v.a r. :-. :-r,i '::v.-. e t a.i ; oi'.y. ' ( a. a -ion k, ;.- 0 . c'.f: i-. aa 1 ;k ! 1 . T';e J Ike . .1 , . e - , e . , ! 1 a -1 -;d:-a e .M. t ::...:! - t Worn- ' :;!' " y; ft-; relay ai'ter ai liak v.:-i v.-i'.h i I V -, i -.. Tin : v. re p' P.t . The la : k;: --. a s he? 1 , a ft or ki ." a i a ii-.I y ve a iaih r: -''or-f Mrs. a -v.. . t i aaaaire c:t ah::; . -! : a vera si rvod e -;.,..-:t. :.:-a. Ik.ai r Mi--. W. II. Savkort -aa I t!a . 1 , . 1 . . . . -,t -a e:y , f tl:e r. ia-ka : a 'a k i: u ia ". et k a:.1 a- !k : no-a ia-. a-' a :: : b I !'ai k:;-! r (1 to t'1 ilii-'Vi. 1. ; ty n -r.'bei a 1 ... t. Mi' s Fh von 1 ., . fa Ciraba Mo. a. L" Ai i.i-Ikiakk- red viHr't her--;. 'a-d oha---' .1!-- r Kaao", r on:; rtainad 'ki1 (iioar.orj oir. !-a. Five ear b-ada. of k'r'ios na t a::-! vain out 10 the farm or p.-- for tl: :ie.-tin!T. Ti: rcriikir usim -as si a: o 1 Vfaltte: th::- k ia;! v: ;-e vor; T " ee ! I : ,1 , : !.-! f; i :ida ;i Joe : : .-at kod ai " - V Ikr'ba ! to -.-a.-;, i-ii I o!" ae (b-.-,a ;( -m'. !ha t a :1 n- ! '".,!; I pi M!! !ia- ;!.e , ; ia c-ri . a.,,. .... 1 ! F T i T t Martin -ae;.', Mk;s ; -k ( ba Mr. and : c!-e. N-. " p-. - -a!': Mrs. 1 ear ga.v - aio' lob: ataa: 1 ' 1 ei a to 1 oar a at a. r.- i ;.:::". ( f tk :; ".'iv, -' r . . e . i. - . f . "a . 1 :t. e. hf r.t Va s.-q 41 .O .-V .f rr i 1-. a a a : ra. i ' i ':; rii ;- -.; ' -. a ad faaa. ;:rcpt a .v c: oDO n. : a k. Clavtcn an:! : .'e-. ir -. F'-o:' Murvn. vi'ati 1 (' Sp. nal'-r and : -v et i Ik-hair;:;.-;, Far- 'k- rial L-i-j. 'r-;:v ' i a ' '11: ia bean a ad M : Web-' vv ;.r-e.e.'.. b Thar- 0 - r 1 f. i niet.ikv! s a ; 1 :-; ' ' e ! . . i'-ev the hot-!"' -ar- b :a;i, 1! ' i a -a. : -'! ! : i'-a v.; ; rli Mr:- r-i. Mr. ai'd f k-a. Ceo-.-g:; Mr.r-.r.i. t ;?. . . . . -!.!.' C ill:.;- J V. I....J -;: C S I w.-r. he!.!. Mr-?. K. P.. SVe ; i'1; !-i :! d i U g - mm it afa-i d. Mrs. c'.a.j....;, v- a. talk on :( vi i to ib- !ka-s Strea;fr A'a'.rioh '''.-o ! i K!::wood. Ik fra -b.m -nts vi ra '"i v! ii am: a tin:-1 r;'etit socially. Ti-e ihreas eir le va.s ea . . r!. a i nod by Mrs. Wk'iam livers yes'"r(k:y. There . ore -7 me;:-' a:-- pre-eut. A :.;.- ka - aa-k;i was held, dis- i i" : ays -. f ma! leg money. The . ie;e i v,- :--..!' t la ir r-p". r! i-aaimm t fi M-.y v:l Jaa . Mrs. Grace Ferry ied r!;:a-! " ( !" ;,-o pro'; ra. ill. It oo.n :;!'!' of a tr ' ;. v. ard pur ?.h Made ap of ,:;b!e taitae;,. worked by the e-o;.a. Mra. Wekaiimci-. Mrs. Ilnrlon ..ad M Appb by vi re arsMant bes t . r - - ".--V-r.: -i- ,v j.-V-.- je.-'-fjf v-fa iV.orrcil 5 BevEed Meat S...;. 2 for e Dunnes, Roberts or MILK T-M f.T.r.s. a? -CUrT5 . $ "-ae - j -j. . ttVt S'' 1 c 5c 0c "r-: v.--:y CiaATIS. Hi. ?IL7 HEARTS, lb ll 'ie. Tciuli .- Z'i2:T"SGZ2. S lbs..27c fresh i.-i lEAHSIUPiTS. lb. 5c l.firv.t Ii.-y jirirly r-HKCES LUNCHEON or Eirs Eoloppa, 2 lbs 25 i Si !cMt t! EACCIT. Bchs. Ib 19c Scilies. lb. 23p PISH IIILETS or Headless Bres?cd Whitir.s. lb 10c SALLY HAY ATTEITD CUflEUATION i 3 id " f3 Pbc.nc 2SC-J, F.'altsir.s-jth ev : ;'e r- !"-.,m Prion v'v, fi;,i d o a !. -o ( (' ? h a-taieed a Mrr. . i e a. a ; ' !e"- .a'r:-s .-i.:i the pr.-t ;.ri:: ra; I : v. aa.t ...is. J. Lr- so;i j.n-'i l and Mra. '-.err-a-i Tia.att.r v.-on t!a ' - . d--a a i; i.er:-. naa ia C: ra--c.) yes-t erday ;!; ;1 pi iz. h-a ; a i 'irdiag the era d'--. t ion re-rci n j r ' .- ... h i J" '".! ?'"! :li-.-c, irom vrhu-n ; :Tcjr.i:!;?:.oril Cllili t'rran S.: f a v'ri -' J;ii'v k P. t I a : f. 3 T. vi r1. -1 0 -E ? A'iaa .Tac:;".-'.: te C. r;a-:aa! n entcr faini d :t a 'bover lr.t ivo'iiag for Mis Shk b y ki ck, who is scum to bo merri d to Mr. Tom Krb by. The ! ride 'n-be re; a iv( d many useful and ';. ' t 1." ! !- daugiitor I-"lor-aioe ia gradu- Tbe X' i-;b.! o: -bo: 1 (h ad c!;:k met. . ica-itii!:; ifts ("ror.i the larga nu in VI St ' ;y v.-ith Mrs. k'ai Ferktk All r a f fr:-"-n(b; pre e:it . Ckamos were f - m BOTH COMPANYS COMBINED arc Paying ia' v. si Pile kk IV i .a , WT KALPH; HAZEL AND THE -McOVEN sisters if i'i A D ! - J vl Irbrl lVt'' e, :n r-; n. -i to. vUCvo iil L-.J i.CtS T- s. r r tj5 A ?fit"i7!5 r r t V i V A u L .. L E i ' J i i-' 4 t 4 EIGHTS ONLY STARTS s-i i One Lady Free Opening Night With Each Paid' Adult Ticket for Wednesday and Thursday ' . AS i Tliese are the last days for a t-ki vu Special Rooster Prices ! See us 'sJ : rst befcre selling Hens or fj I Sorlnrs. Alwavs top prices!, ? i f r . v t. rr tr w-s & l r V 1T3 P E G P E Pint Jrr, l!rc C . . C 1 1 Till DFL KOWTE 1- lb. Car.. 236 2- I. Can -t . I?f EAi-riE, Iarg-2 Size I'IM v KHK1! OI It N Each i2y2n Ca.c of 3G 52.S3 i:-.-i l!"iit f.n- Cannii-.:". GRAPEFRUIT. 4 for2SC Sin'd, .. ivy, l'iri;)i Ii:rli Se-lltK, I:Mi:i LiiPKi" KEW CA2EAGE. lb 4c l ri-.li, S' liil ;r--.- CUCUBEHS, 3 for 106 I'rt-yh ;r- ti TruiM fr CAR2.0TS. fancy, bunch. Sc I'rewlv. (Jrcrii 'I-ijm CEIESY, per st:k L0 Illc-iiclK-d, Tciutrr Del "i'lonto Sliced or Half PEACHES H 2Io. 2i Cans 11 0 Tins Granulated Beet ICO lis., 55.25 ;JC Black &19hite Wed. Specials 3 Gallon Fsuit ILACKBERFJES-1! No. 10 Tin C H ET A CKBERI1IES R AEEICOTS PEACHES y CATSUP 7 -r-. -Ci T,..14. PEACHES J -vis No. 10 Tin. Crushed Pineapple "io. f0 T W Sturnscn Bay Red Pitted .g Cherries ;H ITALIAN &3c t'O r-m H Wo- 10 (Gaf.) -f-y DEL WICNTE ArS2-st No.""a Tin c Ccl .a"c-.tc Vacuum Packed .--!?. Can J 1-!b. Can, 25c HOSTESS E?P if 1-lb. Cello Pkg. asige Juice PAR HOLD . . . A" 12-cr. Tin 1 2 for . . c I Touts a So Juice 5C-or. A ji. X , - iip; Convciiicyitly Located 5th and Main Center of Business Section 15 lb;. Big 4 White Naptha SOAP '-fl S Giant Ears Ji 10 Kc3-. Ears, 19 Ad for Plattsraouth, Tuesday, Wednes., May 24-25 10c Co Rich it Whips w Cmail Size, S for . - Flow $149 4-lb. ban y Every Sack Warranted! I1ta Department PIONEER 5-I. Rox r.TCCK Chicken ILecs Delicious, Try them. Each Steak ps c er lb -Xj-S?" Per firmour's Star cr Wilson's Laurel Leaf Lard 2-lb. Carton . . Armour's Smoked Picnic Hams Sbankless, 5 to lAf 7 lb. avg. Lb.... iLU ZW