The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 16, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, MAY 16, 1938.
A boy came to the home of the
former Virginia Schewe on May 10.
Eddie Craig and wife were at
Weeping Water last Tuesday, where
they looked after business and vis
ited with friends.
A. II. Ward has been assisting in
the matter of dragging the roads,
assisting the regular road man, Louis
Schmidt, who resides in Wabash.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dill
on Sunday, May 8, a baby boy. Dr.
Formanak, attending physician, re
ports mother and baby doing nicely.
We learn that Ruth Neitzel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Neitzel, has accepted a position with
the First National Bank of Lincoln.
The Nebraska Power company had
a force of workmen here last Wed
nesday placing some poles and do
ing some work near the water
Mr. and Mrs. George Miller were
at Bucklin, Mo., last Sunday, where
they drove to visit over Mothers'
Day at the home of Mrs. Miller's
A large number of eighth grade
students from the country surround
ing Murdock were here a couple of
days last week taking the eighth
grade exams.
Mrs. J. J. Arnold left Saturday
for Wheaton, Illinois, for a vacation,
to be gone a month or more. That
gives L. Neitzel a chance to practice
Edward Parriott. brother of Miss'
Tarriott, the beauty operator was
a visitor in Murdock last "Wednes
day, driving over in an auto which
he had assembled himself.
Nels Peterson has been assisting
with the work on the farm which
i3 operated by Albeit Tlieil. Nels
was assisting with the discing of a
Held for the planting of corn.
W. (). Gillespie and Frank Mel
vin have been hard at work on the
remodeling of the home which was
recently purchased by Merle Gillespie
and are getting the work well
well along.
Grant Peters of Greenwood has
been placing a new roof on the
barn of Iltiiry Gakemeier and Mri
Peters was visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gakemeier during the;
time they were here.
Mothers Day was made the more
enjoyable at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Tool, when their daugh
ter, Margaret and family (Mr. and
Mrs. George Work and the kiddies)
came down from their home in Om
aha to spend the day.
The Woman's Missionary club of
the Evangelical church were meet
ing at the church building last Wed
nesday and while they were doing
work connected with the present
needs, they were also laying plans
for the coming summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goerthey were
at Peru Friday of last week, where
they went to bring their daughter,
Miss Dorothy, home to attend the
graduation services held that night.
She went back to resume her school
work Monday as the school year does
not end at Peru for some two weeks
Attended Pastor's Funeral
Rev. G. H. Humpkin, who tor 37
years before being superanuated.
was a minister in various Evangeli
cal churches of Nebraska, died at
his home in Lincoln Saturday, May
7. Funeral services were held Mon
day, May 9. Among the pastors at
tending lus funeral were II. Piper
and C. Jannen of Elmwood and F. C.
Weber and Harvey A. Schwab, of
Attending Annual Conference
Rev. Harvey Schwab and Rev. F.
C. Weber, together with a number of
members of the Murdock and Calla
han churches which they serve, are
to attend the annual conference of
the church which is to be held at!
Milford this week, running from May
17 to May 22, inclusive. Many who
will not be able to attend the week-1
whh caiox. tha 0
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for the
Visiting Friends in Murdock
J. W. Long and wife and Mr.
Long's sister, Mrs. C. L. Creamer,
of O'Neill, have been guests at the
I. C. McCrorey home in Murdock
during the past week. As they re
sided in this community some years
ago, they enjoyed meeting various
old friends here.
Home from the Soutli
I. G. Hornbeck, who has been at
Hot Springs, Arkansas, where lie was
receiving treatment at a sanitarium,
returned home last Sunday evening
and is feeling much improved, but
is suffering from a strained ankle
which he sustained when he slipped
and fell down. The injury is im
proving rapidly, however, and he
feels he has received much benefit
as a result of his trip to the Springs.
Practice Game Friday
A season opener practice game in
the Murdock Kittenball league is
scheduled for Friday night of this
week. May 20. The first real game
of the season will be played Tuesday
right of next week, May 24. This
year promises to be a most interest
ing one in kittenball circles here.
Out After Many Weeks
Several weeks ago Conradt Baum
gartner had the misfortune to suffer
the fracture of his ankle, which kept
him confined to his home until just
recently, when he was able to have
J the cast removed and is now getting
I around fairly well, being able to
i drive his car for the first time since
the accident.
Files for County Commissioner
Henry C Rackemc yer, who was
named as comity commissioner for
the third district at the time of Mr.
Gorder's resignation January 1. and
who has filled the office in a very
able and efficient manner, filed last
week as a candidate for the regular
term, subject to the will of the vot
ers at the primary August 9th."
Since taking office. Mr. Backe
meyer has given much time to look
ing after county business.
Little Cora Moving
Henry E. Carson, manager of the
Murdock elevator, reports the ship
ment of two car loads of corn dur
ing the past week, despite the fact
that there is little corn left on the
farms and what there is has been
moving very slowly.
The 2, Sou bushels that went into
these two cars came from five farms,
all owned by August Ruge the one
he farms himself and those on which
Fred Cordes. Frank Rosenow, Carl
Iteichart and Fred Lau reside.
Twelve to Graduate This Year
There are twelve members in the
graduating class of the Murdock
high school this year, all of whom
have passed with high grades and
are leaving the school to take their
places in the world or enter more ad
vanced institutions of learning the
coming year.
The class is composed of John
Gakemeier, Jr., Orville Cordes, Maur
ice Earhardt, Reuber Stock, Lyle
Stock, Fern Buck, Irene Boerthey,
M. Barden, Maxine Miller. Sarah
McCrorey, Doris Cortes and Wayland
Eaccalaureate Services.
The senior baccalaureate services
were held Sunday evening. May Sth
in the Ebtnezer Evangelical church
with a large audience of parents and
friends. The graduating class with
the high school faculty, at the ap
pointed time, marched into their
places in the Murdock church, as Miss
Avalou Cooksey presided at the piano.
Marcus Rikli sang a beautiful se
lection during the program and Wes
ley Riecke and James Mills rendered
two beautiful clarinet duets.
The message, "Remember Now Thy
Creator in the Davs of Thv Youth.
presented by the Rev. Harvey A.
Schwab, urged the class to fill a large
place of service and to know the
;" "
day sessions will go over
closing day Sunday.
Wabash News
Louis Schmidt and family spent
Mothers' Day with the parents and
as well a sister, who was visiting
at the home of the parents.
During the last week a general
corn planting movement has been in
augurated and many farmers are in
the fields, but we have not heard of
any one who has finished as yet.
Guy Hinds, Missouri Pacific em
ployee who was caught in the recent
layoff and returned to Wabash to
await the time when he may be call
ed back to work is busying himself
caring for the garden and clearing
the weeds and grass from the prop
erty that had gotten such a start
while the family was away.
Spent Day in Wabasli
Ernest Underwood and family of
Eagle were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reese Mothers'
day. John Cardwell and family were
also there and enjoyed a fine visit.
Visited Daughter in Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stanley were
pleased when they went to Lincoln
to visit for the day Saturday before
Mothers' Day with their daughter,
Miss Mildred, who is employed there
and could not get away from her
employment to come home and visit
the folks on Mothers' Day.
Greatly Improved Hearing
Le Roy Stanley, who has been
inconvenienced by his inability to
hear when conversing with people,
has been seeking for some means of
obviating this inconvenience, and re
cently he found a new device which
is known as Sonotone and is in the
nature of a bone contact. This is an
electrical device that makes use of
a battery carried in the hip pocket,
and the bone contact on his head
just behind the ear.
We were surprised to note the
great change that this instrument
has wrought, as with just ordinary
conversation, Mr. Stanley was able
to understand readily all that was
being said. He is now able to go
about his business and hear the
greetings of his friends as well as
:o carry on conversation in an ordi
nary tone of voice.
Birthday Dinner at Home '
Harold Richards, who works out
of Lincoln, was a visitor on his reg
ular trip to Wabash last Wednesday
and spent the dinner hour at home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Richards, enjoying at the same time
the passing of his 20th birthday.
Home for Mothers' Day
The family of Orvil Gerbeling,
who is farming a few miles from
Wabash, were guests last Sunday at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. II. II. Gerbeling. His sister,
Mrs. Lloyd McCoy, with Mr. McCoy
and the children were also present
at this Mothers' Day gathering.
Overhauling Road Tractor
Road Patrolman Louis Schmidt
has been overhauling his road trac
tor and has been assister by Earl
Elliott, John Lytle and A. II. Ward,
getting the road machine in fine
working order. A. II. Ward of Mur
dock has been assisting Mr. Schmidt
in his work on the road, as when
the rains came the work piled up
on him and it was necessary to
have assistance in order to keep the
highways in good condition.
reality that comes to one, when God
io remembered and followed in the
paths of service.
The Rev. F. C. Weber assisted in
the services.
The junior class, under the able
direction of the class sponsor. Prof. E.
M. Miller, had the chancel of the
church beautifully decorated in the
springtime flowers and potted plants.
Good Luck Gardeners
The first meeting of the Good Luck
Gardeners was held Saturday, May
7, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
L. W. Race. Four members were
present. Each member got a Ne
braska Boys' and Girls' 4-II Mem
bers' Book and a Garden Record
Book. George Buell was elected
president, Wayne Thorns secretary,
Herbert Klemme news reporter.
Onr motto is "Make the Best Bet
ter." The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Thorns. Tuesday, May 17- 1938. 1
Herbert Klemme, Reporter.
J. Howard Davis
S Attorney at Law
8 Plattsmouth 8
British ship was set afire and sunk
by a bomb during three air raids
between 11:30 last night and 3 a. m.
today. Twenty were killed and 18
wounded ashore during the raid.
The name of the ship was given as
Greatland. (Lloyds does not list a
Greatland but lists a British ship
called Greatend.) The raid was one
of a renewed series being carried
out on loyalist cities on the east
coast. Two intensive raids occurred
in Barcelona at midnight and 1 a. m.
today. The extent of casualties or
damage was not known here.
OMAHA, May 14 (UP) Charles
R. Gardner, 59, manager of the con
vention bureau of the Omaha Chamber
of Commerce and for many years
secretary of the Ak-Sar-Ben died sud
denly of a heart attack at his home
here today.
Gardner probably contacted more
persons during his career than any
present day Omaha man. After leav
ing Ak-Sar-Ben he as manager of
Hotel Fontenelle before becoming
connected with the Chamber of Com
LINCOLN, May 14 (UP) The
supreme court today announced it will
hear Attorney General Richard C.
Hunter's quo-warranto action seeking
removal of Lieutenant Governor Walt
er H. Jurgensen during the week of
June 6. This was the date requested
by council for both sides. A hear
ing of the case at that time will per
mit the decision before the high court
recesses in June.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass J
To Charles Barrows. Non
Resident Defendant:
Notice is hereby given that pur
suant to an order of attachment and
garnishment issued by A. H. Dux
bury, County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, in an action pending be
fore said County Judge wherein
George E. Nickles was plaintiff and
Charles Barrows, defendant, to re
cover the sum of $1S944 plus in
terest at the rate of 61 per annum
from April 15, 193S, plus a reason
able attorney fee and costs of this
action, a writ of attachment and
garnishment was levied upon the
credits due you from Loretta Naeve
on a certain promissory note in the
amount of $500,00 plus interest,
dated September 14, 1937 and due
March 14, 193S. which said credits
were paid in to the said Court upon
the order of the said County Judge,
and the said case was, on the return
day of the summons issued therein
continued for trial to the 11th day
of June, 1938. at 10 o'clock a. m.
By J. Howard Davis,
His Attorney.
To Prudential Insurance Company
of America, Newark, New Jersey;
Cassius C. Conn: Castle, Roper &
Matthews, Lincoln, Nebraska, and
Drs. Thomsen and Ferciot, Lincoln,
Nebraska, creditors of the estate of
Edna Conn, deceased; and to all
heirs, devisees, legatees, and others
interested in said estate:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Cassious C. Conn, Ex
ecutor of the estate of Edna Conn,
deceased, has filed a petition in the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of
which is to procure authority to
execute a mortgage for the sum of
$4,750.00 upon the following de
scribed property:
North Half (N) of the North
east Quarter (NEU) of Section
thirty-two (32), and the North
east Quarter (NE',4 ) of the
Southwest Quarter (SWi) of
Section twenty (20), all in
Township twelve (12), North
Range nine (9), East, in Cass
county, Nebraska, containing
120 acres,
to pay the first mortgage, debts
against the estate, costs of adminis
tration and loan costs. The hearing
will be had on said petition at the
court house in the District Court
room on the 31st day of May 1938,
at ten o'clock a. m., or as soon
thereafter as the same may be
Executor of the Estate of
Edna Conn, Deceased
Attorney for Said Estate.
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Educational Lands and
Funds or its authorized represen
tative will offer for sale at public
auction on the 6th day of June, 1938,
at 2 o'clock p. m. in the office of
the County Treasurer of Cas3 County
in Plattsmouth, Nebraska the fol-
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
lowing educational lands in Cass
County upon which the contract has
been forfeited or canceled, the said
public auction to be held open not
less than one hour:
Lot 4 or SEi NEi SW4 of
Section 16, Township 12 North,
Range 9 East, containing 10
acres more or less.
The Board of Educational Lands
and Funds reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, May
10, 1938.
ml2-4w Secretary.
In the County Court cf Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Ronald Baker, deceased.
No. 3332:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administra
tion of said estate and appointment
of Dick Baker as administrator;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
27th day of May, 1938, at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated April 25, 1938.
(Seal) m2-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Village of Alvo, Nebraska, a
Municipal Corporation,
The Heirs at Law, and all
other Persons having any
Interest in the Estate of
either Thomas W. Barry, de
ceased, or Carrie J. Barry,
deceased, real names un
known, et al.
To the Defendants:
The heirs at law, the creditors
and all other persons having any
interest in. the estate of either
Thomas W. Barry, deceased, or Car
rie J. Barry, deceased, real names
unknown; Carrie Muir and husband,
Muir, first and real name un
known; Cora Snavely and husband,
Snavely, first and real name
unknown; Amanda Snavely and hus
band, Snavely, first and real
name unknown; Nancy Snavely and
husband, Snavely, first and
real name unknown; James H. Wood
and wife, Wood, first and
real name unknown; Anna R. Wood
and husband, Wood, first
and real name unknown; Furst and
Thomas, a co-partnership composed
of Frank E. Furst and Fred G.
Thomas: Frank Tappens and wife,
Tappens, first and real name
unknown; Savilla Bird and husband.
Bird, first and real name un
known; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon the following
described real estate, to-wit: The
north 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 2;
Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 4; Lot 5,
Block 1. and Lot 9, Block 2; Lot 5,
Block 2; Lot 6, and Lots 14 and 15,
Block 2; Lot S. Block 2; the north
24 feet of Lot 3, Block 4; Lot 14,
Block 5; Lot 15, Block 5; Lots 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 5, Munger's 1st
Addition, all in the Village of Alvo,
Nebraska, real names unknown, De
fendants: You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 1st day of April,
193S. the Village of Alvo, Nebraska,
a Municipal Corporation, plaintiff
herein, filed its petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, against you and each of you,
which cause appears in Docket 8,
page 275, No. 9647 of the records
in the office of the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, the object and prayer of which
pennon is in accordance with a
resolution adopted and passed by the
Board of Trustees of said Village of
Alvo, Nebraska, and which is for
the foreclosure of the se; te tax
liens on each and all of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit:
The north 20 feet of Lot 10.
Block 2; Lots 13. 14 and 15,
Block 4; Lot 5. Block 1, and
Lot 9, Block 2; Lot 5, Block 2;
Lot 6 and Lots 14 and 15, Block
2; Lot 8, Block 2; the north 24
feet of Lot 3, Block 4; Lot 14,
Block 5; Lot 15, Block 5; Lots
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Block 5, Mun
ger's 1st Addition, all in the
Village of Alvo, Nebraska.
That all of the real estate above
described was subject to taxation
for State, County, City, School Dis
trict and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the peti
tion of plaintiff and the Exhibits
thereto attached and by reference
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or
any one of you. on said real estate,
respectively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and barring
you and each of you of any and all
claims upon, interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon or equity of
redemption in and to all of said real
estate described herein; that the
same, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, to satisfy plaintiff's lien,
together with interest and costs,
shall be sold in accordance with law,
and for such other and further re
lief in the premises as may seem
just and equitable to the court.
You and each of you are hereby
further notified that you are requir
ed to answer said petition on or be
fore Monday, the 27th day of June,
1938, and failing to do so, your de
fault will be entered and judgment
taken as prayed for in plaintiff's
a Municipal Corporation,
Plaintiff's Attorney.
of Hearing on Petition for Final
Settlement of Accounts
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Guardian
ship of Sophia Nielsen, Incompe
tent. To all persons interested in the
matter of the Guardianship of Sophia
Nielsen, Incompetent:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Henry A. Tool, Guar
dian of Sophia Nielsen, Incompetent,
has filed in the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, his final report
as Guardian of said Incompetent, to
gether with his petition for the final
approval and allowance of his ac
counts since his appointment, not
already approved and allowed, and
for his discharge as Guardian and
for an order of Court accepting hip
resignation as such Guardian;
You are further notified that the
said petition prays for the appoint
ment of a suitable person to replace
the said Henry A. Tool as Guardian
of the person and estate of the said
Sophia Nielsen, Incompetent;
You are further notified that a
hearing will be had upon said mat
ter on the final report, together with
all other matters pertaining to said
guardianship, and upon said petition
herein filed as aforesaid, on the 3rd
day of June, 1938, at the hour of
ten o'clock a. m. in the County Court
room in the court house at Platts
mouth, in Cass county, Nebraska,
at which time and place you or any
of you may appear at said hearing
and make objections to said accounts
and petition, if any you have to said
You are further notified that the
County Court will on said day of
hearing make Buch orders as may be
for the best interests of said incom
petent person.
1 By the Court.
(Seal) m9-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way, Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Nebras
ka, and to me directed, I will on the
18th day of June, A. D. 1938, at
10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day at
the south front door of the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth,
in said rountv. sell at Dublic auction
to the hiehest bidder for cash the:
following described real estate, to -
Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot 4. Block 36, City of Platts
mouth Nebraska;
Lots 11 and 12, Block 16, City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot S, Block 37, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lot 9, Block 41, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
The east one-half of Lot 8, and
all of Lot 9, Block 4 5, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot 9, Block 62, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lot 4, Block 99, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 111, City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot 9, Block 122, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lot 10, Block 122, City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 123, City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 9 and 10, Block 138, City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 2 and 3, Block 152, City
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot 4, Block 152, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lot 5. Block 172, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 1 and 2, "Block 46, Young
and Hays Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots S and 9, Block 3, O'Neill's
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth Nebraska;
Lots 6 and 7, Block 3, O'Neill's
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska:
Lots 7 to 12, Block 2. O'Neill's
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 2, Don
elan's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lots 7 to 12, Block 22, Duke's
Addition to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska;
Lots 13 and 14, Block 7. Thomp
son's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The North of Lot 6, Block 1.
Stile's Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
The West of Lots 8 and 9,
and the South Vt of the West V2
of Lot 10, and the West 24 feet of
the East of Lots 8, 9 and 10,
Block 31, City of Plattsmouth,
, Lots 55 and 56 in the SW1,; of
the SW4 of Section 18, Town
ship 12. Range 14, East of the
6th P. M., Outlots to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
Lot 9, Block 149, City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska; .
Lots 3 and 4. Block 41, Young
and Hays Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of William J.
Streight, single, et al, defendants, to
satisfy a judgment and decree of said
Court recovered by the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, a Municipal Cor
poration, plaintiff against said de
fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 14,
A. D. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
ml6-5w Nebraska.
Rubber Stamps, prompt deliv
ery, lowest prices, All sizes at the
Journal office.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Ethel Dill, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Administra
tor of said estate has filed bis final
report and a petition for examina
tion and allowance of his adminis
tration accounts, determination of
heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and, for his discharge;
that said petition and report will be
heard before said Court on June 10,
1938, at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated May 14, 193 8.
(Seal) ml6-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Henry Greer, deceased. No.
Take notice that the Executor of
said estate has filed his final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of his administration ac
counts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for his discharge; that said
petition and report will be heard be
fore said Court on June 3, 1938, at
ten o'clock a. m.
Dated May 4, 1938.
(Seal) m9-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Verna Baker, deceased. No. 3300:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is Septem
ber 6, 193 S; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on September 9, 1938,
at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose
of examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated May 5, 1938.
(Seal) m9-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Amelia Schroeder deceased.
No. 3333:
Take notice that a petition has
j&een filed for the probate of an in
Btrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Albert
Schroeder as Executor thereof; that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before said Court on the 3rd
day of June, 1938, at ten o'clock
a. m.
Dated May 6, 1938.
(Seal) m9-3w County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that pur
suant to an Order of Sale issued by
the Clerk of the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, under the
terms of the decree of said court
rendered in an action therein pend
ing wherein Vincent W. Straub, re
vived in the names of H. J. Req
uartte and Max Straub, Jr., Admin
istrators of the Estate of Vincent W.
Straub, deceased, are plaintiffs, and
Ole Olsen, doing business as the Cass
County Quarries et al, are defend
ants, I will at ten o'clock a. m., on
May 28, 1938, at the south door of
the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, offer and sell at
public auction in the order herein
after stated, the following described
real estate in Cass county, Nebraska,
First, that part of Lot 1, also de
scribed as Tax Lot 1, in the north
west quarter of the northeast quar
ter of Section 19, in Township 10.
Range 13, lying south and west of
the middle of the Weeping Water
river; all that part of Lot 2, also
described as Tax Lot 2, lying east of
the ravine or ditch running north
therein in the northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of Section 19
in Township 10, Range 13, subject
to a road 40 to 60 feet wide run
ning ea6t from ledge of rock there
in; Lot 14, also described as Tax
Lot 14, in the northeast quarter of
the northeast quarter of Section 19
in Township 10, Range 13, describ
ed as follows: Commencing at a point
2 rods north of a stone at the south
west corner of the northeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of Section
19, running thence east 15 rods,
thence north 10 degrees vest by
magnetic meridian 12 rods, thence
north lS'i degrees west 12 rods 7
links, thence west 12 rods and 4
links, thence south 24 rods to the
place of beginning, containing 2.1
acres, more or less.
Second, shall be sold Lot 2, also
described as Tax Lot 2, except all
land east of the ravine or ditch run
ning north therein, in the north
west quarter of the northeast quar
ter of Section 18 in Township 10,
Range 13, together with the right
to a road 40 to 60 feet wide, run
ning east irom ledge or rock across
that portion of said Lot 2 lying
east of said ravine.
Sale of said last described prem
ises to be made only In the event
that it is necessary so to do in order
to satisfy the lien of plaintiff, all aa
in said decree provided.
Dated April 22, 1938.
Sheriff of Cass County,
Wm. H. Pitzer and
Marshall Pitcer.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.