The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 16, 1938, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY. HAY" 16. 132S.
Green vjood
B. M. Hanson of Lincoln was in
Greenwood Thursday.
The Brotherhood enjoyed a very
pleasant meeting at the churih on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Joe Kyles spent last week at
the Elton Keller home helping cure
for her daughter and babe.
The Woman's Home Missionary
Society will meet Thursday. May 1ft.
with Mrs. Lambert in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Shupe returned
home Thursday from a visit with
their son and family in St. Louis.
Mrs. Mattie- Armstrong was laid
up at the home of her son Charles
the past week with an injured knee.
Rex Gribble was taken to the hos
pital Friday and underwent an ap
pendicitis operatiou Saturday fore
noon. The Woman's club Indies will
Eerve coffee and lemonade at the
school picnic May 20. Everyone is
Mr. and Mrs. Blanche Foster of
Omaha, Mr. -and . Mrs. Clarence Hurl
but and family of Fremont and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Hurlbut and daugh
ter of Louisville were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. Lulu Hurlbut.
Mrs. Elsie Teters. Garli-ld Dun
ning r.nd Josephine Lewis visited at
the E. L. James home in Omaha last
Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Townsend had the misfor
tune to F.prain his ankle during the
past week and was obliged to go
about on crutches.
A large crowd attended the Dor
cas society meeting at the Chris
tian church Friday. Mrs. Stella
Burks and Joe Brovn entertained.
Mrs. C. E. Weiciiman left for her
home in Medesto. California. Friday,
morning. She plans to stop in Los
Angeles, where Fhe will visit Tom
Howard and family.
The Eastern Star Kensington met
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. H.
E. Warren. There was a good at
tendance and a delicious lunch was
served by the hostess.
Mrs. Glen Peters. Mamie Ilolka,
Lucille Kelly and Mrs. Joe Kyles
called on Mrs. Elton Keller at the
Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln
Monday afternoon. Mrs. Keller and
daughter Janice were taken to their
home in Alvo Wednesday.
Old Fashioned Charivari
About thirty young folks chari
varied Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jeffery
Wednesday night. The crowd was
taken to the Schroeder Cafe, where
they were generously treated by the
newlyweds and Mr. Schroeder set up
the pop. Everyone had a good time
and departed at a late hour wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery many years of
er. who has been ill for some time,
but was able to accompany the
daughter here and will remain in
Greenwood at the home of her sou,
Henry Kirk and family. After a
few days visit here. Mrs. Tracy con
tinued on to her home in Kansas.
Deal-a-Deek Club Meets
The Pinochle club war; entertain
ed Thursday. May 12, at the home
of Mrs. Laura Trunkenbolz. with!
Mrs. Lillian Jardine assisting. Mrs.
Mae Gribble won high prize and
Mrs. Lottie Bright held low score.
Miss Hazel Trunkenbolz was a
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Hazel McNurlin, with
Mrs. Leadebrandt assisting.
Visiting- at Home of Son
Mrs. Mary Tracy, of Columbus.
Kansas, and her inot.ur, Mrs. Kirk,
oi Bayard. Nebraska, arrived here
Thursday morning. Mrs. Tracy had
been at Bayard caring for her moih-
School Year Nears End
The Baccalaureate service was
held at the Christian church Sunday
evening. Commencement exercises
will be held Thursday night at the
Those receiving diplomas this year
are Ruth Harmon. Ruth Franks,
Ruby Franks. Carol Bachmar.. Helen
M;:her. Madeline Smith. Rex Gribble
and John Grady.
Woman's Club Elects Of icers
There was a good attendance at
the meeting of the Woman's club
last Tuesday at the home of Miss
Mamie Dowd. During the regular
business meeting officers were named
for the ensuing year.
Those elected were Mrs. Laymen,
president: Mis. M. L. Shupe, vice
president; Mamie Dowd, secretary,
and .Mrs. Frank Welton, secretary.
Response to roll call was on "Time
Saving Hints." An interesting paper
was read by Mrs. Frank Hurlbut.
A comniittep was appointed to find
a location for library books.
A program was presented by
Josephine Lewis. Evelyn Trunken
bolz and Lucille Kelly, with Mrs.
Rex Peters in charge.
A delicious lunch of ice cream,
strawberries cake' and coffee was en
joyed by all. ,
The next meeting will be a one
o'clock covered dish luncheon at
the Legion hall June 1st, with the
Library committee in charge.
A patient, obsessed with the belief
j that his doctor inoculated him with
; tuberculosis germs, killed the phy
sician with a hat' bet last night and
j then committed suicide by slashing
Ibis throat, police said today,
j Martin Griffin, 29, had been treat
j ed by Dr. Theophilus Morgan for
j nervous disorders. Griffin believed
jthat he was tubercular and that the
i C2-year-old physician was respon
sible, police said.
Air Mail Week
to be Observed
in Plaitsmouth
Cass county has no tsonded In
debtedness, as, like the stale, we
have paid cash for our hard sur
faced roads and other improve
ments as we went.
K-iaurJ' , lA- Fisft in Trees x J j, vrv , tov i
i fT'rr I' s big bjsress t t On the Warpath-Ce'cr-d, O-no-(Left) In h'S f.-s' ! lItJ K
jJQ tnst Les-r U( U PHV3 Cl le 19-year- 3 1 ' SttfM
' f f U B ore I c3r e St L,- B-c- 3tQ In Ke'-re-, rocLie j..' .W fK
:I 1 :-y.noe-S-:e ' b3-n o t. J - X ' V J 1 S
s. I 'h.y s "f d d --' . rf"i-V-e Hr3 is T-,J?Z ' -i r y V . - f SJ
f SSAJk P fP?sh3r.-U-s ilr, w p' - : 'Ifr
1 I 55.' i?V 1 1 Uon hvt o rpwk?- 8.s&&;yg
I - Ir-Mif .l5 bide 7ne famous"
I f f -Iff &?& AT?M go'er is shown wvh A
Lrj U S M f? ZJ & Betty Hapworth.
Til 1, :iA - ? - -''j-lf
...:.VJfe ana wnos an
in Newl V: I riJWX
Streamlining the Farm Consumers
Information recendy obiamed tn:s
picture of a. giant old tractor, still in
occasional use on a Texas farm, and
compares it with the modem stream
lined variety to show how industry
has been helping the farmer. The
old tractor burned wood and straw,
but the new one has a high-compression
engine using regulargrade
gasoline and is equipped with rub
ber tires and lights. It develops
9D0 more power per pound.
Mrs. Moody Tunes Up Mrs
Helen Wins Moody, form
g;jeen of the world's te
courts, pictured in practice
York, just before sailing for Eng
land, where she will play in the
Wightman Cup matches and at
Nol No! Gene Sara
zen hasn't a new
bnde. Tne famous
golier is shown with
Betty Hapworth,
who has been
celled the best
magazine cover
model in the world,
and who's all
dressed up to grace
the front of a June
issue. Miss Hapworth. Sarazen, Rex Stout the
mystery writer, and ethers featured in the cur
rent American "Magazine are now appearing as
the first "living edition" ever to go on tour.
Problem at 19 Months Nineteen eld Car
lene Roberts, daughter cf Mr. end Mrs. William
Ccltcn Roberts of Richmond, Calif., presents her
parents witn the problem of trying to keep up with
ner. She counts and draws and has a reading
vocabulary cf 25 words.
0 -r N.
P 1
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Gives 24-Minute Sentence Cicytcn,
Mo. Justice of the Peace Louis L
Hicks, of Clayton (above) sentenced
George Jamerscn to twenty-four min
utes for stealing J2 from a Llhng
station. Hicks based his sentence cr.
the term given Richard Whitney
former president cf
Stock Exchar.rte.4,
the New York
Two's a Crowd Kitty, it seems,
just horned in on Chickie's par
ty. Tsk, tsk how unladylike!
Sun Attire Com
bining demure
ness with daring,
this sharkskin play
suit is cf beige
color with shorts
and new bodice
top with short
puffed sleeves.
v ' ' ' I I V I
4, ,,..,,, ? , . .:. -. s i
I :Vv .v..-.,. . ' ' If : . . : :
Sri f .
i-Sf s'
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l.'f . .
Don't Risk Your Life On Thia A. L Vile3
president Rubber Manufacturers Associa
tion, gives a private warning to Motorist
Anne O'Ccnnell of New York, as the nation
prepares to ooserve National lire
Safety Week, May 14-21.
f V
Two Bantams Miss Ronnie Beck, wearing the original costume used
I by Maude Adams in "Chanticleer." is shown seated on the tonneau
I of the Bantam car in which she rode in the World's Fair Parade.
Legs Paralysed,
Drives Car Mr.
Robert Young of Fife. England, is para
lysed in both legs, but by means cf two
ingenious extensions to the clutch and foot
brake pedals, has driven thousands of
miles, using only h's hands.
Establishes Unofficial Glider Record Nash
ville, Tenn. Lieutenant Lewin Barringer
(above), established a new unofficial Amer
ican altitude record Jor gliders recently,
when he reached 6,300 feet, surpassing the
old record of 6.2C0 feet.
Plattsmouth to Have First Airplane
Pickup of Mail Next Thurs
day May 19.
Plattsmouth as well as thousands
of communities over the United States
will join in the observance of Air
Mail Week, set aside by the postal de
partment as a recognition of the
twentieth anniversary of the establishing-
of the first air mail line.
Post office patrons are urged to
send as much of their mail as possible
by air during the week and to aid in
the proper placing of the city before
the world, special envelopes have
hen arranged at the Journal that
will carry a message on Plattsmouth
to all to whom the mail may be con
signed. The week will open on Sunday.
.ay 15th and will continue through
the week, ending Saturday. May 21.
The first flight of heavier than
air craft, was made by Orville and
Wilbur Wright at Kitty Hawk. North
Carolina. December 17. 1903. but
the first air mail flight on regular
schedule was between New York and
Washington. May 15. ISIS, a dis
tance of 218 miles, taking two and
a half hours. Mail is now handled
from Omaha to Chicago in less time
than that.
The mail pickup here will be on
Thursday noon, the plane arriving
here from the south at 12:20 and
remaining until 12: Cl. The plane
will land at the Stull hay meadow,
north of this city on the east side of
highway No. 75. No one will be al
lowed on the field but one border
v. ill be designated for prrking for
those who wish to witness the pickup.
Those wishing to have mail go on the
first flight, may mail their letters
anytime during the week, marked
"First Flight." All mail for the
first flight must be in the postoffice
by 11 a. m. on Thursday, May 19th.
Postmaster Cummins has secured a
special stamp to use on the mail,
"First Air Mail Flight From Platts
mouth, Nebraska. May 19, 193S. Na
tional Air Mail Week."
Plattmouth Ph. 230 O-K Garage
Five or six Durham cows, red and
roan, fresh soon. Guy Stokes. Platts
mouth. ml2-2tw
Choice prairie and alfalfa hay in
splendid condition. Inquire of liar
old Hull. RFD No. 2, Plattsmouth.
ml 6-4 1 sw
One ten-month-old thoroughbred
black and white male Cocker Spaniel,
eligible to register. Call at 709 Ave.
A, Plattsmouth, after 5 p. m. ltw
first list of about one hundred books
which from now on will have to be
barred from the libraries of all
schools in Nationalist Spain, has just
been published. Among them is
Elasco Ibanez' "Four Horsemen of
the Apocalipse."
TORONTO (UP) - Thieves who
took 50 shoes from a local shoe fac
tory no doubt thought they had quite
a haul until they tried on the shoes.
They ".vere all for the left foot.
Subscribe for the Journal-
e "i
FINANCE COST whan you buy
a new or used car 2t . . . .
You will find the largest assort
ment of New and Used Cars in
Cass county there.
1938 Buick
1938 DeSoto
1938 Chevrolet
1938 Ford
1938 Plymouth
1937 Plymouth
1937 Chevrolet
1936 Chevrolet
1935 Ford
1934 Plymouth
1933 Chevrolet
1932 Chevrolet
1929 Ford
1928 Chevrolet
Rosen-Eiovak Auto Co.
0-K Garage Building
Washington Avenue
Telephone 230 Plattsmouth
Morton House Baked
No. 1 Can
Garden Patch Whole
Kernel Golden Bantam
12-02. Vacuum Can.
Wheat Flakes
err r'lTTS
BEEF HEAF.TS3 lbs. 25 C
FCSK E0CKS 3 lbs. 25?
KEAUT in Bulk3 lbs. 10
'rl. Trmler
SAUSAGE. Bulk 2 lbs. 23c
HAMEUEGEE 2 lis. 27c
I"r'li!y (.roiinil !l'f Cum
I.rl.ll, Menlv (Ii
Eing Eologr.a 2 lbs, 25
CHEESE. Eobert's. lb 13c
Full Oram Iunx liorc
l"rt-t!i In nlk
FISH FILLETS cr Eeadlcss
Brersed vliiung, lb 10c
clean, smooih. IO lts..23c
l . S. . ! I.oiiiNiauii
Hi" 'I'riuiiipliM
LEJICNS. large, doz 27c
Juicy vlif. unkikt
PINEAPPLE, each l212
I'uncy ulian. i:xlrn Large
LETTUCE, per head 10c
l.&tru I.arur, Solid 1 1 rutin
GEAPEFEUIT, 4 for 25 c
APPLES, Washington
Winesaps, 4 lbs 25c
I'xtra Paltry
Freult, Solid
P & G, Crystal White or
Omaha Family
10 Giant Bars
l-lb. Carton
CASC0, Solids, lb 27
Excello Brand
2 for
Pure Strained
5-lb. Pail
Farmer Jones
No. 5 Can
Sunrise Sweet, Mild
3 lbs., 45 l-lb
Dole's Crushed
.... 3 for 2DC
Ad for Plattsmouth, Tues.,
Wednesday, May 17-18