The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Weeping Water
Mrs. Bonnie LaRue with her little
daughter have been guests for the
past week in Weeping Water at the
home of the -parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Ellis.
Mrs. Charles Buell of south of
Murdock was a caller in Weeping Wa
ter on Monday of this week looking
after some business matters for the
day and as well visiting with her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Jones.
After having held a sale of his
farming equipment and household ef
fects. Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Flemming
with their children departed on
Tuesday of this week for IjOS An
geles where they expect to make
their home in the future.
Clifford Jones and family who
make their home in Lincoln were
guests for the day last Sunday at
the home of the parents of Mr. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones of Weep
ing Water where all enjoyed a very
line visit and an excellent dinner.
Eugene Ludwick. the village black
smith who does the smith work for
Weeping Water and vicinity who has
found work rather slow during the
winter, is now faced with much work
as the farmers are all wanting their
farming implements in shape so they
can get to work, as the spring is
hastening along.
Fractured Le in Scuffle.
Last Friday while Joe Christian
and Lyle Reed were in a friendly
scuffle on the street, in the fall
which occurred the leg of Joe Chris
tian w;is fractured just above the
ankle. The injury was of such a se
vere character that Joe had to be
taken to tl P.ryan Memorial hos
pital for treatment and to reduce' the
fracture. After the bone was set, al
though he was suffering considerable
pain, the leg seemed easier and he
has been getting along nicely. With
Joe in the hospital Lester Christian
Bible School
Sunday, March 20th
"Keeping the Body Strong''
Mark 6 : 5 3 -5 0 ; Judges 13:12-11;
I Cor. 3: 1H, 17; Rom. 12:1, 2. (A
personal appeal to temperance).
We find in this lesson strong teach
ing for these modern days of care
lessness and irreverance regarding
the human body. Christians consider!
their bodies the temples of the Lord,
the instruments of righteousness,
temples which are to be beautified
with everything pure and holy, will
be delivered at once from fleshly
sins, the sensuality, the coarseness
and the vulgarity of such modern
life. Our scripture study takes us to
various places and times!
The events recorded by Mark took
place in April. A. I). 2!t. The birth
of Samson 121 U. C. Father's name
was Manoah. mother's name Hazlel
poni (I Chron. 1:3 1; place Zorah.
2 miles west of Jerusalem. Paul
wrote Epistles to Corinthians A. 1).
5!; Romans within a year or two it
that time. The sanctity of the hu
man body is fully set forth in the
miraculous record by Mark, the
healing of tin- bodies. We do not
look for a clean soul to dwell in a
diseased, wrecked by indulgence and
abused body. Therefore1 Jesus heal
ed their bodies, then forgave their
sins, so soul and body would be
clea n.
When God needed a "strong" man
for his purpose. He began to prepare
him before he was born. The thir
teenth chapter of Judges should be
studied very reverently. (We have
a parallel in Luke 1:5-23). A res
cued man in later years may render
efficient service for God for a few
years, but his body bears the mark
of a long and sinful life and that
is a great handicap for which he has
constantly to make excuses or ex
planations: while men like Samson.
Joseph. Moses, Samuel. David, John
the Baptist and others who lived
clean lives from their youth up. ren
dered a whole life of service to God.
They did not labor under a handi
cap, did not have to apologize for
their wasted youth like Paul (See his
record in Acts 9:1.' 2, also Acts 26:
9-1S; Acts 22:1ft, 20; and apology
in I Tim. 1:13). We find also that
God selected the parents for some
of his chosen vessels. While no one
is privileged to select his own par
ents, the opportunity is presented to
the youth in Christian lands to
choose "whom he will serve." Aid is
offered on all sides by the God-appointed
agencies. (See Proverbs 9:
1-6). As we study I Cor.' 3:16, 17,
we know that this passage refers to
the church and not to the "body;"
but we need not apologize when we
say it means the "body" alto, be
cause Jesus said: "I i:i theai. and
thou ia me." (John 17:23). "I will
atfer seeing that Joe was cared for
at the hospital, returned to Weeping
Water and took the mother to Platts
mouth where she is staying until
the leg of Joe shall have healed.
Will Organize Junior C. of C.
There wasi meeting Friday of last
week looking to the organization of
a Junior Chamber of Commerce in
Weeping Water, which is to be a
branch of the national organization
and will receive for members appli
cations of persons IS years of age
and not to exceed 35 years. At the
preliminary meeting there were
speakers from Lincoln, Nebraska City
and Omaha who came to make ex
planations of the object and scope of
the work. Temporary officers were
elected who were to officiate until
the next meeting when it is expected
to perfect the organization. The
meeting has been set for Friday,
March IS.
Pioneer Resident Passes Monday.
Mrs. Mary Ann Hopkins, wife of
I.arclay Hopkins who have for more
than a half century made their homes
in Cass county, passed away at her
late home two miles south and four
miles west of Weeping Water after a
prolonged illness.
Miss Mary Ann Mitchell was born
in June, 75 years ago in the state of
Indiana where she resided during her
childhood and and young womanhood
and when nineteen years of age was
wedded to Barclay Hopkins., fifty
six years ago. The first year of their
wedded life was spent in Iowa and
coining to Nebraska, and Cass county
in IS S3 and have made their home
here since.
Last January 1 ." t h they celebrated
the passing of their 56th wedding
anniversary which was celebrated
by their family, the children, all
the were living being present. Two
chldren preceded the mother in
death. These surviving the passing
of the mother are Mrs. Grace Iinin-
Lesson Study!
By L. Neitzel, Murdock, Neb.
come into him. and will sup with
him." (Rev. 3:20). "And they were
all filled with the Holy Ghost."
(Acts 2:l. "Know ye not that
your body is the temple of the Holy
Ghost, which is in you ...".( I Cor.
6:19). So we apply this passage to
the "body."
As the temple was set apart for
the servile of Jehovah, and no secu
lar work was to be performed in it
(See John 2:11-16; Mark 11:15-1!).
etc.), so must the body of man not
be defiled with bad and filthy hab
its, nor this holy edifice" debauched
or polluted. God will not tolerate
it; rather, will he destroy it like
the temple of the Jews.
The professcl Christian will not
wilfully mar or defile his body, al
ways knowing that it is a holy ves
sel, only for the Mastrr's use. This
slip-shod modern view of our holy
religion has no ground or founda
tion in the scriptures ". . . our bod
ies washed with pure water." Heb.
H:21 and I Pet. 3:21 tells us to be
pure, c lean, put away "the filth of i
the flesh," etc. Then we come to the
concluding scripture, which goes far
ther than those we have studied
Paul writing to the Romans, un
folding in the eleven preceding chap
ters the mercies of God. which in
clude God's love for men. the send
ing of his Son, through whom men
are justified, sanctified, glorified.
God's mercy comes first, and our
consecration afterwards. "To present
vour bodies." This term is associat
ed with gifts for the temple. (Lev.
1:3; 16:7; Rom. 6:13). In the O.
T. sacrifices were presented after
their death. Our body is to be a
living sacrifice, that is. utterly de
voted to God in the life which is
lived in these bodies. Our body is
the organ for our actions, and when
we present that body to God it means
that all our actions together with
their instruments are to be directed
solely by him. -ye are not your
own" "which is your spiritual
service." The phrase may be also
rendered "under logical service,"
that is, the service which is the
logical outcome of our position as
believers in Christ. Then such life
is eminently different from the form
er life: it is transformed, changed,
renewed. This transformation is a
changed mind, changed attitude and
changed desires, with an urge to the
better things as directed by our own
spirit, fhat will make us accept
able to God. When this comes in the
life, then man has reached the point
of Christian perfection and it is his
delight to do the will of God.
"The steps of such a good" man
are ordered by the Lord; and he
dc'.isMctli jn his way." (Pc. 27 23).
"How precious are thy- thoughts ua
to me, O God." (Ps. 139:17).
kow. Weeping Water; Alex, David,
Mrs. Carl Compton, Mrs. Edward
Steinkamp. John Hopkins, Guy Hop
kins. Chester Hopkins, Floyd Hop
kins (Thelma( Mrs. John Kuhga.
The passing occurred March 14
with the funeral and burial on March
lfi. The funeral was held from the
Hobson funeral home.
Mrs. Hopkins' life has been one of
blessing to all who have been per
mitted the privilege of being called
her friends, and will be greatly miss
ed for the kindly acts which she has
at all times done for all who needed
a friend.
Entertained for Dinner Sunday.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Art
Rough presented a merry time last
Sunday when they entertained at
their country home for the clay and
a very fine dinner, Stuart Rough of
Nehawka. Miss Agnes Rough of
Weeping Water, Ray Wiles and wife,
also of Weeping Water, Mrs. J. J.
Donelan, Guy Lake and daughter.
Visited Mother Here.
Mrs. Charles Walquist and hus
band of Hastings, Mrs. Walquist for
merly being Miss Ruth Shannon,
were guests for the day last Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Edna Shannon
where they visited with mother for
the morning and enjoyed a very fine
dinner with her, and during the
afternoon went to Omaha where they
attended a show. They returned home
to Weeping water in the evening and
the following morning departed for
their home at Hastings.
Departed for West
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rates and
children who held a sale some days
ago, accompanied y Paul Emberry
and wife departed during this week
for Arizona where they will make
their home in the future. They have
made their homes here for a long
time and will be missed by a large
circle of friends.
Move to Weeping Water.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Herringer who
have been making their home at
Springfield, in Sarpy county, arrived
in Weeping Water with their house
hold effects and are making their
home here at the present and are ex
pecting to make their home here and
find employment in the government
quarries when the work opens up.
which is expected in a short time.
Placing New Floor in Station.
The station where Albert Tuck
operates a filling and service station
as well as repair shop, is being treat
ed to a new floor, the proprietor hav
ing a new floor placed in the build
ing for his tenant, Mr. Tuck. The
work was done by Sam Raker.
Died Near Callaway.
Mrs. Mary E. Cox. making her
home near Callaway died at her late
home last week, at the advanced age
of S4 years. Mrs. Cox was a sister
of Wilson C. Gilmore and formerly
resided near Weeping Water, and
was aunt of Roy Rhoden. Messrs.
Roy Rhoden and Wilson Gilmore
when apprised of the aged pioneer
went to Callaway to attend the fun
eral. While there? they received a
message telling of the death of an
other relative. Mr. Charles Rosen
baum who died at 70 years of age at
Proken Row. They returned via
Broken Row to attend his funeral.
Mr. Rosenbaum was also a former
resident of near Weeping Water.
The gentlemen were also accom
panied by Mrs. Albert Shellhorn who
was a sister of Mrs. Cox.
Attend State Meeting.
County Agent D. D. Wainscot t
with some fifteen farmers from cen
tral and eastern Cass county made a
trip to Grand Island last Tuesday
where they attended a meeting to
hear discussed and explained the
1938 farm con tied act as explained
by those having the matter in hand
explaining the working of the new
farm act.
Late Saturday afternoon at the
residence of Rev. G. A. I'ahl, on Vine
street, occurred the marriage of Car
roll L. Christopher, of Sheldah, Iowa,
and Miss Helen L. Alleman, of Slater,
Iowa. The marriage lines were read
by Rev. Pahl and at the conclusion
of the ceremony the bridal party de
parted for their home in Iowa.
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
J. Howard Davis
k Attorney at Law &
C. F. Harris of Union was called
to Nehawka Monday afternoon to
look after some business.
On last Saturday Harry M. Knabe
shipped two very fine gilts, one going
to Florida and the other to Ohio.
Walter J. Wunderlich was called
to Plattsmouth last Monday morn
ing where he was looking after some
business matters for the Nehawka
John G. Wunderlich has been very
poorly at his home for the past
more than a week and has been kept
fo his bed. While he is feeling bet
ter, he is not yet able to get out and
J. J. Pollard, manager of the Ne
hawka Farmers Elevator company,
was called to Omaha Monday of this
week to look after some matters of
business for the day. James M. Pal
mer was caring for the business at
the elevator.
J. H. Steffens and wife with Mrs.
Mollie Maguey were called to Om
aha Monday of this week where Mr.
Steffens was looking after some busi
ness while the ladies were visiting
with friends. During t he time they
were away Mrs. Albert Andeson was
assisting in the Steffens store.
Andrew F. Sturm Very 111.
During the past near a week A. F.
Sturm has been in very poor health
and was compelled to absent himself
from his place of business. He is be
ginning now to feel better however
md it is expected that during the
middle of the week he will be able to
return to look after his business.
During the time his son, Victor
Sturm is looking after the business.
Departed for the West.
Incident to the news of the pass
ing of John S. Hall at Nabton. Wash
ington which occurred last Sunday,
Mr. Hall being a former Plattsmouth
business man, his daughter, Mrs.
Herman Smith, formerly Miss Clara
Hall, departed for the west for the
funeral and to comfort the mother.
Entertained Members of Family.
Mrs. Albertina Ost was hostess to
the members of the families of her
children fen- the day and a very pleas
ant dinner last Sunday. Those pres
ent for the occasion were Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Anderson and children of
Omaha, Charles E. McCarthev and
family of Union, W .A. Ost and fam
ily of south of Nehawka.
Entertained Friends Last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson
were host and hostess to a number
of friends Sunday evening where
they all enjoyed a very pleasant sup
per and the evening which was fea
tured by pinochle. Mr. and Mrs. Nel
son Berger, Frank Lemon and wife
and the family of Ilerbie Kuntz were
He Liked to Fish Some.
H. 11. Stoll retired from active
farming operation and making his
home in town during the past week
enjoyed the nice days with his rod
and line fishing and with some suc
cess. Monday whic h was c loudy
and raw prevented him from return
ing to the creek for his pastime.
However he is counting on it turn
ing warmer and which will allow
him to try his luck again.
Wintered in the South.
Elmer M Reynolds, brother of A.
A. Mc Reynolds and sister. Miss Lanna
who has been visitnig all over Flor
ida during the winter, arrived in
Nehawka last Friday and visited for
the day and Saturday departed for
Alliance where, where he, his bro
ther. Alvin Mc Re ynolds and sister.
Miss Lanna McReynolds, postmistress
at Nehawka, own land interests,
where they grow wheat in large
amounts When he departed he was
accompanied by Albert Alford. who
will stay for a time with Elmer on
the farm.
Moved Into Town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kruger who
have been making their home on the
farm owned by the Nehawka bank
over near Union, moved to Nehawka.
living on the south side of creek.
Their daughters and husbands, Fred
Gade, George Gade and Harry Bu
cholds, living in south Cass and Otoe
county came over Sunday and moved
the parents into Nehawka.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
t'j Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John Irvin Elwood, de
ceased. No. 32D6:
Take notice that the Executrix of
taid estate has filed her final report
and a petition for examination and
allowance of her administration ac
counts, determination of heirship,
assignment of residue of said estate
and for her discharge: that said pe
tition and report will be heard be
fore said Court on April S, 193S, at
ten o'clock a. m.
Dated March S, l&SS.
(Seal) ml4-3'w County Jud$e.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Etta May Moore, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is July
11, 1938; that a hearing will be
had at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth on July 15, 1938, at
ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated March 11, 1938.
(Seal) ml4-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of George Oberle, Jr., tleccas-
ed. No. 332 3:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased.
and for the appointment of Ida
Oberle as Administratrix e. t. a.
thereof; that said petition has been
set for hearing before said Court
on the 1st day of April, 193S, at 10
o'clock a. :n.
Dated March 2, 193S.
(Seal) ni7-3v County Judge.
State of Nebraska
! ss.
County of Cass j
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ixdg
way. Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on
the 16th day of April, A. D. 193S,
at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day
at the south front door of the court
house in said County, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate to
wit: The North Half
of the South
Section Ten
Ten (10),
east Quarter of
(10). Township
North Range Nine
(9), East of
the 6th P. M., in Cass County,
Nebraska ;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Minnie
Roelofsz, et al. Defendants to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by Libbie Wood Curyea, Plaintiff
against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 9th
A. 1). 193S.
Sheriff Cass County,
ml0-5w Nebraska.
In the District Court of
County, Nebraska
Laura Etta Ilendee.
Fred McElvain, et. al. j
Defendants J
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, entered in the above entitled
cause on the; 20th day of December.
1937, and an Order of Sale entered
on the 31st day of December, 1937,
the Sole Referee will on the 21st
day of March, at 10:00 o'clock a.
in., at the south door of the court
house in Plattsmouth, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, that
is to say, lo r'c on the day of sale,
and the balance when said sale
shall be confirmed by the Court, the
following described real estate, to
wit: Lot 30, in the SW'4 of the
SEU of Section 13, Township
12. Range 13. East of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska. Sale will be held open for one hour.
Dated this 11th day of February,
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass J
By virtue of an
Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg
way. Clerk of the District Court
within and for Cass County. Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on
the 16th day of April, A. D. 193S.
at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day
at the south front door of the court
house in said County, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate to-wit:
Commencing at the South
west corner of the South Half
(Vj) of the Northwest Quar
ter" ( ) of Section Thirty-two
(32), Township Twelve (12),
Range Nine (9), East of the
fith P. M., thence East 26 rods,
thence North 80 rods, thence
West 2 6 rods, thence South SO
rods, to the place of beginning,
containing Thirteen acres (13
A) more or less;
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Stella M.
Gomerdinger. et al. Defendants, to
satisfy a judgment of said Court re
covered by Emma Sherraaa, riaintiff
against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, March 9.
A. D. 1938.
Sheriff Cass County,
. Nebraska.
Attorney for Plaintiff. ml0-5w
See the goods you buy. Catalog
descriptions are alluring enough,
but how about the goods when
you set them?
In the District Court" of
County, Nebraska
City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff
William J. Streight, Bin
gle, et al, Defendants
To the Defendants:
Margaret Jackson, single; Edward
Streight and wife, Ann Streight, sole
heirs at law of Elizabeth C. Streight,
deceased; the creditors and all per
sons having any interest in the es
tate of Elizabeth C. Streight, de
ceased; Nora Livingston Scott, Rob
ert Livingston, sole heirs at law of
Theodore I. Livingston, deceased;
the creditors and all persons having
any interest in the estate of Theo
dore P. Livingston, deceased; George
II. Falter and wife, Ella M. Falter;
Emma Smith and husband, Chauney
Smith; Elizabeth Heine and hus
band, Heine, first and real
name unknown, sole heirs at law of
Jacob P. Falter, deceased; the credi
tors and all persons having any in
terest in the estate of Jacob P. Fal
ter, deceased; Martha R. Young and
husband, Young, first and
real name unknown; Clara E. God
win and husband, Godwin,
first and real name unknown; Ralph
G. Palmer and wife, Palmer,
first and real name unknown; Wal
ter W
band. -
Palmer and wife,
first and real name un
Matilda Lcnhoff and hus-
Lenhoff. first and real
unknown; La Vaughn Nordin
and wife,
real name
Nordin. first and
unknown ;
William Bal-
lance and wife,
- Ballance, first
unknown; Joseph
and real name
Buttery and wife.
first and real
name unknown; Chris
tina Barr and husband. Barr,
first and real name unknown; Chris
tina Barr Hain and husband,
Hain, first and real name unknown;
W. K. Fox, sometimes
known as
name un
- Fox, first
the credi-
Kelly Fox, first and real
known, and wife.
and real name unknown;
tors and all other persons
in the estate of W. K
Fox, deceas-
ed, first and real
nanie unknown;
Joseph K. Kelly;
and husband.
Genevieve Sanders
Sanders, first
unknown; Leona F.
Andrew Burns Tay-
Taylor, first
unknown; John B.
and real name
Taylor, widow;
lor and wife,
and real name
Taylor and wife,
and real name
Taylor and wife,
Taylor, first
unknown; Carl C.
Taylor, first
and real name
unknown; the credi-
tors and all
other persons interested
in the estate of Mary Theodora Tay
lor, sometimes known as Theodora
Taylor, deceased; William H. Tuey
and wife, Tuey, first and
real name unknown; Jennie Ehler
and husband, Ehler. first
and real name unknown; William
Schwab and wife, Schwab,
first and real name unknown;
Charles Allen and wife, Doris Allen;
Jessie F. Schomaker and husband,
Schomaker, first and real
name unknown; Central States Land
Company; Mike Dohnansky and
wife. Dohansky, first and
real name unknown; John Fitzger
ald and wife. Fitzgerald,
first and real name unknown;
Michael E. Bannin and wife,
Bannin. first and real name un
known: Alice E. Hazzard, widow;
John Edward Hazzard and Ann
PaVr, sole lieirs at law of John E.
Hazzard. deceased; the creditors and
all persons interested in the estate
of John E. Hazzard, deceased; andjoit
all persons having or claiming any
interest in, right or title to. or lien
upon the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots 5 and '6, Block
Block 36; Lots 11 and 12,
Lot S. Block 37; Lot 9,
5: Lot 4,
Block 16;
Block 41;
all of Lot
the East 2 of Lot S
9, Block 45; Lot 9,
4, Block 99; Lots 1,
111 ; Lot 9, Block 122
122; Lots 1. 2 and
14 of I.fil S and
Block 62; Lot
2 and 3, Block
; Lot 10, Block
3, Block 123;
Lots 9 and 10. Block 13S; Lots 2
and 3, Block 152; Lot 4, Block 152;
Lot 5. Block 172: Lot3 1 and 2,
Block 46, Young & Hays Addition;
Lots S and 9, Block 3, O'Neill's Ad
dition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 3
O'Neill's Addition; Lots 7. S, 9, 10,
11 and 12. Block 2. O'Neill's Addi
tion; Lots 7, S and 9, Block 2. Don
elan's Addition; Lots 7, S, 9, 10, 11
and 12. Block 22, Duke's Addition;
Lots 13 and 11, Block 7, Thomp
son's Addition; the North half of
Lot 6. Block 1, Stile's A'ddition; the
West 'i of Lots S and 9 and the
South of the West of Lot 10,
and the West 2 4
of Lots S. 9 and
feet of the East V2
10. Block 31; Lots
55 and 56 in the SWU of the SW U
of Section IS, Township 12, Range
14. East of the 6th P. M.. Cass coun
ty, Nebraska; Lot 9. Block 149; Lots
3 and 4, Block 41, Young and Hays
Addition, all in the City of Flatts
mouth. Nebraska, real names un
known, defendants.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 5th day of No
vember, 1937, the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska, a Municipal Cor
poration, plaintiff herein, filed its
petition in -the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, against you and
each of you, which cause appears in
Docket S. page 219 (9591) of the
Records of the Clerk of the District
Court of Cass County. Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which petition
is in accordance with resolutions
adopted and passed by the City Coun
cil of said City of Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, and which is for the fore
closure of the separate tax liens on
each and all of the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Lots 5 and 6, Block 5; Lot 4.
Block 36: Lots 11 and 12, Block 16;
Lot 8. Block 37; Lot 9. Block 41;
the East of Lot S and all of Lot
9. Block 45; Lot 9, Block 62; Lot
4. Block 99; Lots 1. 2 and 3, Block
111; Lot 9, Block 122; Lot 10, Block
Lots 1, 2
9 and 10,
and 3, Block 123;
Block 138; Lots 2
and 3, Block 152; Lot 4,
Lot 5, Block 172; Lots 1 and 2,
Block 4 6, Young &. Hays Addition;
Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, O'Neill's Ad
dition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 3,
O'Neill's Addition; Lots 7, S. 9, 10,
11 and 12, Block 2, O'Neill's Addi
tion; Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 2. Don
elan's Addition; Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12, Block 22, Duke's Addition;
Lots 13 and 14, Block 7. Thomp
son's Addition; the North half of
Lot 6, Block 1, Stile's Addition; the
West Y2 of Lots S and 9 and the
South V2 of the West of Lot 10,
and the West 24 feet of the East Vz
or Lots S, 9 and 10, Block 31; Lots
55 and 56 in the SW U of the SWU
Section 18, Township 12, Range
East of the 6th P. M., Cass coun
Nebraska; Lot 9, Block 149; Lots
3 and 4, Block 41, Young and Hays
Addition, all in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
" That' all of the above rial estate
above described was subject to taxa
tion for State. County, City, School
District and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the peti
tion of plaintiff and the Exhibits
thereto attached and by reference
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or
any one of you, on said real estate,
respectively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and bar
ring you and each of you of any and
all claims upon, interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon or equity of
redemption in and to all of said real
estate de-scribed herein; that the
same, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy plaintiff's lien,
together with interest and costs.
shall be
law, and
relief in
just and
sold in accordance with
fr such other and further
the premises as may seem
equitable to the court.
You and
each of you are hereby
notified that
yon are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 4th day of April. 193S.
and failing to do so, your default
will be entered and judgment taken
as prayed for in plaintiff's petition.
Nebraska, a Municipal
By Plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John L. Smith, deceased.
No. 3322:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Walter
J. Wunderlich. as Executor thereof;
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court
25th day of March, 193S,
o'clock a. m.
Dated February 28. 1 938.
(Seal) f2S-3w County Judge.
Application by Administrators
Revivor of Action
and Judgment.
In the District Court
County, Nebraska
Vincent W. Straub,
Olsen. Bertha M. Stone I
and Carl Stone.
Defendants J
To Carl Stone. IVfendant:
You are hereby notified that on
the application of the undersigned
administrators, the following order
has been entered in the above en
titled cause:
"On due consideration of the
suggestion of death of Vincent
W. Straub. plaintiff, on Sep
tember 11. 1937. and of the ap
plication by 11. J. Requartte
and Max St rati b. Jr.. adminis
trators of his Estate, for revivor
of this action and the judgment
herein rendered in their names
as such administrators, it is
"ORDERED: That this ac tion
be revived in the names of said
administrators as plaintiffs, and
that the judgment rendered
herein in favor of Vincent W.
Straub. plaintiff, January 24,
1934, for the recovery of the
sum of 13.337. SI and interest
and costs as therein provided, be
revived in their names as such
administrators, as plaintiffs, un
less sufficient cause be shown
herein by the defendants against
said revivor on or before April
11. 193S.
"On further consideration of
the affidavit of the said admin
istrators filed herein, it is
"ORDERED: That notice of
said application be given to the
defendant Carl Stone by publi
cation of a copy of this order in
Plattsmouth Journal for four
consecutive weeks."
That unless cause be shown to
the contrary, a final order reviving
said action and judgment, as applied
for, will
on April
after as
be entered in said cause
11, 1938, or as soon there
said application can be
Administrators of the Es
tate of Vincent W.
Straub, Deceased.
WM. 11. FITZEil and
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have no bonded in-