The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 07, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1938.
Alvo News
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Collins were
Lincoln visitors Monday.
Harold Mickle of Lincoln was in
the Alvo community on business last
.Miss Iris Miller has been having
trouble with an infection in one of
her fingers.
The Earl Bennett family are plan
ning to move soon to the Sheesley
farm south of town.
(Menu Dimmitt drove to Green
wood Wednesday to visit his father
who is ill with pneumonia.
Miss Alpha O. Peterson, county
superintendent of schools, was i
visitor at the Alvo school Tuesday.
The Carl Christensen family mov
ed to Malcolm Tuesday They had re
sided on the Charles Godbey farm for
eight fl oars.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norris and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Xor
ris were guests for Sunday dinner
at the W. L. Copple home.
Albert Swanson had two sick cows
Thursday. They had eaten too much
corn as a result of being turned into
a new field of corn stalks.
Wesley Cook has been feeling
I'adly as a result of having a couple
of teeth pulled that had been giv
ing him considerable trouble.
With the students of District 102
receiving their report cards Monday
evening, school patrons are remind
ed that six months of the school year
have passed by.
Mrs. Frank Taylor has added an
other pit her to her collection. Mrs. j brought Mrs. Taylor a little
pitcher from Mexico which adds dis
tinction to her collection.
Dr. and Mrs. Walton and family
of Lincoln were dinner guests at t lie
H. L. Boriu-meier home Sunday.
Russell Botneineier and friend were
also guests at the home of Russell's
Mrs. Roy Coalman's father, who
has ix en making his home with the
Coat man's, is on the sick list this
week. They are afraid it will be
necessary for him to go to the hos
pital for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hardnock and
Jesse Hardnock drove to Lincoln
Saturday to visit Mrs. Katherine
liardnock at the Bryan Memorial
hospital. Mrs. Hardnock, a former
Alvo lady, is in a very critical con
dition. All-Church Night
The date is March In. Thursday
evening at T:oo o'clock at the church
basement. L. M. Ilauptman will be
the guest speaker.
Having Trouble with Throat
Mrs. Walter Collins is having con
siderable trouble with her throat.
For nearly four weeks she has hard
ly been able to speak above a whis
per. She apparently does not have
a sole throat and just the exact
cause is somewhat of a mystery.
Friends sincerely hope that this
condition will soon clear up and Mrs.
Collins will be enjoying her usual
good health.
Had Operation on Eye
Mrs. S. C. Hoyles had to" undergo
an operation on one of her eyes in
Lincoln last Tuesday. Mrs. Boyles
was aware of the fact that she was
having trouble with her eye, but did
not think that an operation would
be necessary until she consulted a
specialist Tuesday.
Mrs. Boyles is feeling as well as
possible, but was unable to attend
the Aid Society meeting Wednesday.
Woman's Reading; Club
Mrs. August Johnson delightfully
entertained the Woman's Reading
club Thursday afternoon.
Mesdames 1 1. L. Ilornemeier and
S. C. Jordan had charge of a very
entertaining program.
The hostess served a very delic
ious lunch at the close of the after
noon's events.
Entertains Club
Mrs. S. C. Hardnock was hostess
to the members of the Mothers' and
Daughters' Council Friday, Febru
ary 23. A large crowd was present.
as mere were several guests pres
ent besides the members.
Mis. Ben Mueuchau had charge
of a very entertaining program. The
lesson was "From Wedding Bells to
The Omar company gave a food
demonstration and served a very de
licious lunch to all present.
Holds School Caucus
The patrons of district 102 held
the annual school caucus at the
School house Tuesday evening, March
1 for the purpose of selecting four
candidates for election in April.
The following four candidates, H.
L. Bornemeier. Lyle Miller. Arthur
Roelofsz and Ellis Mickle were se
lected, two of which will be elected
to serve on the board of education.
The retiring members are Ben Muen
chau and Sidney James.
Hostess to Aid Society
Mrs. Carl D. Ganz was hostess to
the Ladies Aid Society Wednesday
Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Ixiu
Herman. Mrs. S. C. Boyles and Miss
Bertha Kosin.
Mrs. Archie Miller had charge of
the devotions and the president. Mrs.
Muenchau had charge of the busi
ness part of the meeting.
The hostesses served very delic
ious refreshments at the close of the
pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Ganz had
some very pretty articles to snow
the ladies that she had brought from
Flower Club
Mrs. Carl D. Ganz will be hostess
to the S. O. S. Garden club Tues
day. The event is to be a covered
dish luncheon and each lady may
bring a guest. This will be the first
meeting of the year.
A committee composed of Mes
dames Joe Vickers. Timblin and
lanz are planning the programs for
the year. The ladies truly hope that
limatic conditions will be such that
gardening will be more of a success
this year.
John, Mary and Jack
Approved by
American Dental Association
and the
United States Public Health
Back in school, after an unusual
ly strenuous summer in camp. Jack
went in for athletics with an even
greater interest than ever before.
'Unfortunately." said Dr. Young
as he cleaned and examined Mrs.
Reynolds' teeth one day shortly af
ter school opened and they were dis
cussing inferior complexes among
certain children, "most adults for
get how eMremely sensitive youth
may be. The average high school
child has not learned self-sufficiency:
consequently, he is easily in
fluenced by others. Very often a
child's unaccountable actions are
nothing more than the reflection of
influences exerted upon him by his
"Kvery time two individuals come
into contact, they influence each
other. Also, they form some opinion
of each other. Xaturally. their con
duct toward each other is influenced
by the opinion formed. It is a psy
chological fact that the conduct of
one individual toward another often
alters the hitter's estimate of him
self. Thus, the possession of certain
characteristics by an individual may
cause certain reactions in others,
which, in turn, may effect his own
"The psychologic effect which den
tal deformities have on the high
school child is little understood by
the average parent. The child who
i affected by a pronounced case of
irregularity of the teeth is often the
innocent victim of the reaction that
his appearance creates in the mind's
of others. For instance, it is a com
mon, although erroneous, opinion
that a receding chin denotes a weak
character. Undoubtedly, many a
high school child afflicted with a
receding or 'Andy Gump' chin has
developed a weak character because
he is conscious of the fact that oth
ers feel that ho has a characterless
"There is no doubt that the phy
sical contour of the face does affect
the opinion of others. Whether this
opinion is justified does not matter
it is commonly held and therefore
it affects us all. The 'Andy Gump'
features may mean nothing to the
trained psychologist. l,t they do in
fluence most observers and "most of
the observed.
"Who would deny that a set of
good looking teeth is a source of
pride and happiness to any individ
ual? In fact, such teeth are fre
quently a decided economic asset to
their owners. If more porents were
like yourself and Mr. Reynolds and
realized that fact, I am sure they
would take better care of their child
ren's teeth.
"It is sad but true that many
young men and women of high school
age develop a decided inferiority
complex of their unsightly teeth or
because of facial deformities brought
about by irregularity of the teeth."
"I do not believe." said Mrs. Rey
nolds, "that anyone could accuse
Jack of having an inferiority com
plex. If he does have one. I'm sure
it wasn't caused by irregular teeth."
"That is true," replied Dr. Young.
"Jack is not affected, but if you will
observe closely, you may find one or
two of his friends who are."
(To be Continued)
LINCOLN, March 3 (UP) At
torney General Richard C. Hunter
informed Mayor Dan Butler of Omaha
today that he hopes to make his cur
rent campaign against horse belling
in Omaha so effective that such bVtin;
v. ill be "stamped out for all times."
H. H. Gerbeling was a visitor in
Elmwood last Tuesday, looking after
business matters and visiting with
his friend. George Eidemiller.
Miss Marylin Schmidt, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmidt, has
been ill of whooping cough, but is
reported on the way to recovery.
Louis Schmidt, road boss of this
vicinity, was called to Alvo last
Wednesday on business matters con
nected with the maintenance of the
county roads.
Wm. Sporer, of Murray, was a
visitor in Wabash last Wednesday,
calling on his old friend, Lester Bos
worth. The two men have been close
acquaintances for more than sixty
years, from boyhood days on, and en-
joved recalling incidents in their
early lives.
John Wood, the trucker has been
kept pretty busy hauling crushed
rock for use in improving the secon
dary of farm-to-market roads in this
part of the county. Under WPA as
sistance the county has been having
many of these roads rock surfaced.
having a large crusher of its own
which has been operated throughout
the central part of the county for
nearly a year and a half.
Make Many Moves
When Gerald Smith and family
moved from the farm just south of
William Renter's to another farm.
the place they vacated has been oc
cupied by Iva MclSride and family.
Oris McBride and wife have moved
to the place east of where Fred
Wendt lives and Xeil Dorr and wife
are moving to a farm some three
miles southeast of Klmwood.
Visiting- Friends Here
William Otte and wife, both old
time residents of Wabash and vicin
ity, visited here and at Lincoln for
a short time during the past week.
Mr. Otte is national secretary of the
Protective Association of Postal Em
ployees and has been in the west on
business, accompanied by Mrs. Otte,
who was formerly Mis.s Faye Rich
ards. Mr. Otte addressed a large
gathering of postal employees at Lin
coln Tuesday of last week, that be
ing one of the engagements which
called him to the west at this time.
While here they enjoyed meeting a
good number of forme r acquaintances
and also looked after land interests
which Mrs. Otte still has near here.
She is a sister of our townsman.
Warren Taylor Richards.
Fifty Years in Cass County
Back in the spring of 1SSS. long
before the days of automobiles and
other modern days conveniences, the
parents of L. R. Stanley came from
Indiana to seek their fortune in Ne
braska. At that time Roy was eight
years old. but he remembers how
they shipped their goods in an emi
grant car. consigned to the town of
waverly. rrom there they moved
their possessions to a farm in west
ern Cass county, some five miles
from the railroad station. They con
tinued to farm there, with partial
crop failures, until 1S9 4. when there
was a comple te failure and they had
to drive to Mauley, Wabash and
Weeping Water to get corn to feed
their live stock. The folowing year,
1N95. there was a good corn crop
in the vicinity of Mauley and Roy.
who was then in his lUth year,
amo to Manley to take a job pick-.
ing coin. When that work was com
pleted he accepted a job for. the rail
road and the next seven years was
a resident of that vicinity, working
on track maintenance. Ile then
worked for three years on the farm
of C. M. Andrus. While there he be
came acquainted with a man who
had bought a lumber yard and grain
elevator at Otoe, just over the line
in Otoe county and accepted em
ployment there, remaining for seven
years. While there he concluded it
would be better to enter the mer
cantile business than to continue to
work for others. He became ac
quainted with Wm. Staten, who was
telegraph operator at Otoe and also
had a store at Wabash, which he
offered to sell to Mr. Stanley.
A deal was made and he came to
Wabash in 190S. thirty years ago.
The town was much larger then, but
in spite of its dwindling population.
Mr. Stanley remained and paid at
tention to his, business. As a result
he has acquired considerable prop
erty, including a farm adjoining the
town. Some seventeen years ago he
became associated with Sherman
Hardaway and they are getting on
nicely together.
Mr. Stanley says that although
there might have been greater op
portunities in larger towns, he has
been well pleased to continue in
business here year after year, and
feels that the many friendships he
has made with the passing years are
equally as important as any increas
ed nuancial success that might
come to him elsewhere.
Green wood
B. M. Hanson of Lincoln was in
Greenwood Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm. Armstrong is improv
ing, but is still confined to her bed.
Lincoln Dimmitt, who has been
quite sick, is some better at this time.
Mrs. Joe Brown has had the flu
the past few days, but is feeling
better now.
Gus McNurlin has been confined
to his home with an infected foot
the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and family
of Ashlond called at the John Yant
home last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Sandy of Ash
land visited Mr. and Mrs. John Yant
Wed net clay even i ng.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trunkenbolz
and son of Eagle called at the
George Trunkenbolz home Thurs
day. Willis Lambert came home from
the Bryan Memorial hospital last
Saturday. He is feeling much bet
ter now.
-Mrs. Elton Keller has been
the home of her parents the
ill at
two weeks. She was able to return
home Sunday.
Harry Marloff and sons. . Walter
and Wayne left Tuesday for Love
land, Colo., to attend tile- funeral of
Mr. Marloffs lather.
Jesse Olson underwent an appen
dectomy Monday morning at the
Nicholas-Senn hospital in Omaha. He
is reported getting along fine.
Mrs. Harry Marloff, who has been
in the hospital-. 'returned home Wed
nesday. Mie is i 111 Orovi t) !' Mm- i:nv
friends wish her a speedv reeoverv.
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Cameron.
and Mr. and Mrs. James Bright and
Shirley spent Sunday in Fremont at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
A shower was given for Mrs.
James Brown at the Christian church
Tuesday. She was the recipient of
many nice gifts and ih. nin,mr.,n
was enjoyed by all.
i :ie i.iiiKi win lie ente-rtained at I
flic church Tuesday bv b, eim-,,-
Baking company. The Don-as ladb-s
oi the Christian ilioieli will i,.,
uests. Everyone is invited.
The Dorcas met at the church on
Friday. There was a good :ittn,i-
uieo. Mrs. Kav Rouse and Mrs.
Clyde X'ewkirk entertained. A de
licious lunch was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Julia Bethel had the mis
fortune to fall while- uptown Tues
day. She received bruises, but was
not hurt seriously. Mrs. Bethel cele
brated her Slst birthday Thursday.
Andy Leadabrand and George Mc
Clure attended a banquet and even
ing of entertainment at the Corn
husker hotel in Lincoln Thursday
evening put on by the Goodrich
Tire company.
Little .Miss Deloris BUCk was tak
en to the Nicholas-Senn hospital in
Omaha Thursday night, where she
underwent an operation for appendi
citis. She is getting along as well as
can be expec ted.
Deal-a-Deck Club Meets
The Piiio. hle club met Thursday,
Marc h ?.. with Laura Trunk, nbolz.
Mae Cribble won high, prize and
Hazed McXurlin held the low score.
Mrs. Elsie Marvin and Miss Hazel
Triinkciibol. were guests.
The n. -xt meeting will be; with
Mrs. Layman.
Woman's Club Meets
The Woman's dub no-t Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. Margaret How
ard. There was a good attendance
and eight guests were- present.
The program on China ware proved
very interesting. Some pieces shown
were 15n years old. Mrs. Churchill
of Ashland gave a very interesting
talk on the subject. A dclie-ious
lunch was served by the hostess.
The next meting will be- held on
April f! at the Legion hall with Mrs.
Frank Hurlbut entertaining.
Many Attend Funeral
Relatives and friends who attend
ed the fliner:il si.rvii., K-..,, 1,
..... , i I I I 1 ' II I
Marshall Sunday were; Mr. and .Mrs.
T. J. Marshall. Mr ;m,i n,.,,
Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mar
shall. W. A. Marshall :nid da mi; b I er
Lois. Francis Marshall. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Bastion. Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Bybe. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drum.
0. A. Drum, Mr. and Mrs. Morris,
Walter H. Smith
Plattsmouth State Bank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
J. Howard Davis
5j Attorney at Law
Chester and Stanley Rung, Mr. and
Mrs. X. R. Swacker. Mr. and Mrs.
Ernst Frain and children, all of
Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Star
key and children, of Columbus, Ne
braska; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skin
nor, of Alvo; Mr. and Mis. Robert
Swacker and children or Wavcrly;
Miss Loretta Davis, lluey McNeal,
Mrs. Wm. Travel- and Miss Nell
Montgomery. of Omaha; Walter
Burks and Mr. and Mrs. George
Roekenbaeh. of Eagle; George;
Burks, of Elmwood; Mr. and Mrs.
Crover Rhoden and daughter, Bon
nie, of Mauley; Mrs. Viola KiiKkie,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert lleckman and
son, of Friend; Mr. and Mis. Gerald
Kuskie and children of Ore-te, and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and
daughter Maxine of Dol e lu ste r.
HASTENS, Neb., March :: (UP)
City council last night voted to close
beer taverns he-re at 10 p. ni., on all
week nights except Saturday. On
Sunday sales of beer are barred al
together. At present Sunday sales
are allowed until S p. in., and on
week days until midnight.
flic Comity Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of John L. Smith, dee-eased.
No. 3322:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in-
istnmieiit purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Walter
.1. Wunderlich as Executor thereof:
that said petition has been set for
hearing before said Court on the
25th day of March. l!t:js, at 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated February 2X. 193S.
A. 11. DUXBfRY.
(Sealt m7-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of George; Oberle, Jr., deceas
ed. No. ::::2:::
Take notice that a petition has
be-n filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and te-stainent of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Ida
Oberle as Administratrix c. t. a.
thereof; that said petition has been
set for hearing before said Court
on the 1st clay of April. 1 : ; S. at 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated March 2. 193s.
(Seal inT-uW County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, N liraska.
To all persons interested in the
state of J, din L. Smith, deceased.
No. ::22:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Walter
J. Wunderlich. as ExecutoV thereof;
that said petition has been set for,
bearing before said Court on the
25th day ef March. 193S. at 10
o'clock a. m.
Dated February 2S. 193$.
(Seal) 12s-3w County Judge.
In the Comity Court of Cass Coun
ty, A'thraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Oliver E. Sayks. deceased.
No. :! 1 ! S :
Take notice that the Adminis
trator of said estate has filed his
final report and a petition for ex
amination and allowance of his ad
ministration accounts, determination
of heirship, assignment of residue of
said estate and for his discharge;
that said petition and report will
be heard before said Court on March
IX l!t.!S. at ten o'clock a. in.
Dated February 1C, 193S.
(Seal! f21-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Laura Etta Hendee. "
Fred McElvain. et al,
Defendants j
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 20th day of December,
1937. and an Order of Sale entered
on the 31st day of December. 1937,
the Sole Referee will on the 21st
day of March, at 10:00 o'clock a.
m., at the south door of the court
house in Plattsmouth, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, that
is to say, 10 on the day of sale,
and the balance when said sale
shall be confirmed by the Court, the
following described real estate, to
wit: Lot 30, in the SWU of the
SE'i of Section 13. Township
12. Range 13. East of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Ne-
Sale will be held open for one hour.
Dated this 11th day of February,
1 9 3 S
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaiutitf.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff
William J. Streight, sin
gle, et a I, Defendants
To the Defendants:
Margaret Jackson, single; Edward
Streight and wife. Ann Streight, sole
heirs at law of Elizabeth C. Streight.
deceased; the creditors and all per
sons having any interest in the es
tate of Elizabeth C. Streight, de
ceased; Nora Livingston Scott, Rob
ert. Livingston, sole heirs at law of
Theodore P. Livingston, deceased;
the creditors and all persons having
any interest in the; estate of Theo
dore; P. Livingston, deceased; George
II. Falter and wile. Ella M. Falter:
Emma Smith and husband, Chaune-y
Smith; Elizabeth Heine and hus
band. Heine, first and real
name unknown, sob; heirs at law of
Jacob P. Falter, deceased; the credi
tors and all persons having any in
terest in the estate or Jacob P. Fal
ter, deceased; Martha R. Young and
husband. Young, first and
real name unknown; Clara E. God
win and husband. Godwin,
first and real name unknown; Ralph
G. Palmer and wife, Palmer,
first and real name unknown; Wal
ter W. Palmer and wife,
Paluu-r, first and real name un
known; Matilda Lenboff and hus
band. Lenhoff, first and real
name unknown; La Vaughn Nordin
and wife. Nordin. first and
real nam. unknown; William Bal-
lance and wife. Eallance, first
and real name unknown; Joseph
Buttery and wife, Buttery,
first and real nam unknown; Chris
tina Barr and husband, Barr,
first and real name unknown; Chris
tina Barr Hain and husband,
Hain, first and real name unknown;
W. K. Fox. sometimes known as
Kelly Fox, first and real name un
known, and wife, Fox, first
and real name unknown; the credi
tors and all other persons interested
in the estate of W. K. Fox, deceas
ed, first and real name unknown;
Joseph R. Kelly; Genevieve Sanders
and husband. Sanders, first
and real name unknown; Leona F.
Taylor, widow; Andrew Burns Tay
lor and wife, Taylor, first
and real name unknown; John B.
Taylor and wife, - Taylor, first
and real name unknown; Carl C.
Taylor and wife, Taylor, first
and real name unknown; the credi
tors and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mary Theodora Tay
lor, sometimes known as Theodora
Taylor, deceased; William II. Tuey
and wife, Tuey, first and
real name unknown; Jennie Ehler
and husband. Ehler. first
and real name unknown; William
Schwab and wife, Schwab.
lirst and real name unknown;
Charles Allen and wife. Doris Allen;
Jessie I- Schomaker and husband,
Schomaker, first and real
name unknown; Central States Land
Company; Mike Dohnansky and
wife. Dohansky, first and
ileal name unknown; John Fitzger
ald and wife. Fitzgerald.
first and real name unknown;
Michael E. Bannin and wife,
Bannin, first and real name un
known; Alice E. Hazzard. widow;
John Edward Hazzard and Ann
Parr, sole heirs at law of John E.
Hazzard. deceased; the creditors and
all persons interested in the estate
ot John E. Hazzard, deceased; andjOle Olsen. Bertha M. Stone
an persons naving or claiming
or claiming any
interest in. right or title to. or lien
upon the fcdlowing described real
estate, to-wit:
Lots and 0, Block 5: Lot 4,
Block 3: Lots 11 and 12. Bloc k 1 ;
Lot S. Block 37; Lot 9, Block 41:
the East :, of Lot S and all of Lot
9, Block 45; Lot 9. Block 02; Lot
4. Block 99; Lots 1. 2 and 3, Block
111; Lot 9. Block 122; Lot 10. Block
122; Le.ts 1. 2 and 3. Block 123;
Lots 9 and 10, Bloc k 1 3 S ; Lots 2
and 3, Block 152; Lot 4. Block 152;
Lot 5. Block 172; Lots 1 and 2.
Block 4. Young &. Hays Addition;
Lots S and 9. Block 3, O'Neill's Ad
dition; Lots and 7. Block 3,
O'Neill's Addition; Lots 7, S, 9, 10,
11 and 12. Block 2, O'Neill's Addi
tion; Lots 7, S and 9. Block 2. Don
elan's Addition: Lots 7, S, 9. 10, 11
and 12. Block 22, Duke's Addition;
Lots 13 and 14, Block 7, Thomp
son's Addition; the North half of
Lot ;, Block 1, Stile's Addition: the
West of Lots S and 9 and the
South Is of the West '2 of Lot 10,
and the West 2 4 feet of the East J,i
of Lots S. 9 and 10. Block 31: Lots
55 and 5(5 in the SW'i of the SW'i
of Section IS, Township 12, Range
14, East of the Cth P. M.. Cass coun
ty. Nebraska; Lot 9. Block 149; Lots
3 and 4, Block 41, Young and Hays
Addition, all in the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska, real names un
known, tl e fen da n t s.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 5th day of No
vember. 1937. the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, a Municipal Cor
poration, plaintiff herein, filed its
petition in the District Court of Cass
County. Xeb'raska. against you and
each of you. which cause appears in
Docket S. page 21,9 (9591) of the
Records of the Clerk of the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which petition
is in accordance with resolutions
adopted and passed by the City Coun
cil of said City of Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, and which is for the fore
closure of the separate tax liens on
each and all of the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
Lots 5 and 0. Block 5: Lot 4.
Block 36; Lots 11 and 12, Block 1 ' ;
Lot S. Block 37: Lot 9. Block 41;
the East U of Lot S and all of Lot
9. Block 45; Lot 9. Eloek hi; Lot
4, Block 99: Lots 1. 2 and 3. Block
111; Lot 9, Block 122; Lot 10, Block
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 123;
9 and 10. Block 138; Lots 2
!, Block 152; Lot 4, Block 152;
r,. Block 172: Lots 1 and 2,
Block 4C, Young & Hays Addition,
Lots S and 9, Block 3, O'Neill's Ad
dition: Lots 6 and 7, Block 3,
O'Neill's Addition; Lots 7, S. 9, 10,
11 and 12. Block 2, O'Neill's Addi
tion; Lots 7, 8 and 9. Block 2, Don
elan's Addition; Lots 7, S, 9, 10, 11
and' 12, Block 22, Duke's Addition;
Lots 13 and 14. Block 7. Thomp
son's Addition; the North half of
Lot 6, Block 1. Stile's Addition; the
West '- of Lots 8 and 9 and tne
South Vn of the West of Lot 10,
and the West 2 1 feet of the East
of Lots S, 9 and 10. Block 31; Lots
55 and 5C in the SW'i of the SW'i
of Section IS, Township 12. Range
14, East of the fith P. M., Cass coun
ty. Nebraska; Lot 9. Block 149; Ixts
3 and 4, Block 41, Young and Hays
Addition, all in the City of Platts
mouth. Nebraska.
" That'alPof" the abc)Ve (nU"est"aTe
above described was subject to taxa
tion for State. County, City, School
District and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the peti
tion of plaintiff and the Exhibits
thereto attached and by reference
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or
any one of you, on said real estate,
respec tively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and bar
iingyoii and eac h of you of any and
all claims upon, interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon or equity of
redemption in and to all of said real
estate deseribe-d herein; that the
same, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy plaintiff's lien,
together with interest and costs,
shall be sold in accordance with
law, and for such other and further
relief in the premises as may seem
just and equitable to the court.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 4th clay of April. 103K,
and failing to do so, your default
will be entered and judgment taken
as prayed for in plaintiff's petition.
Nebraska, a Municipal
Ly Plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
In the Comity Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of George Maurer, deceased.
No. 3 321:
Take notice that a petition has
been liled for the probate of an in
strument together with codicil there
to purporting to be the last will and
testament of said dee-eased, and for
the appointment of Henry Trunken
bolz as Executor thereof; that said
petition has been set for hearing
before said Court on the ISth day
of March. 193X, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated February 16. 193S.
(Seal) f21-3w County Judge.
Application by Administrators
for Revivor of Action
and Judgment.
In the District Court f Cass
County, Nebraska
Vincent W. Straub,
and Carl Stone
Defendants j
To Carl Stone. Defendant:
You are hereby notified that on
the applicat ion of the undersigned
administrators, the following orde-r
has been entered in the above en
titled cause:
"On due consideration ff tlx;
suggestion of death of Vincent
W. Straub. plaintiff, on Sep
tember 1 1. 1937. and of the ap
plication by 11. J. Requartte
and Max Straub. Jr.. adminis
trators of his Estate, for revivor
of this action and the judgment
herein rendered in their names
as such administrators, it is
"ORDERED: That this action
be revived in the names of said
administrators as plaintiffs, and
that the judgment rendered
herein in favor of Vincent W.
Straub. plaintiff. January 24.
1934, for the recovery of the;
sum of 3. 337. SI and interest
and costs as therein provided, be
revived in their names as such
administrators, as plaintiffs, un
less sufficient cause be shown
herein by the defendants against
said revivor on or before April
11. 193S.
"On further consideration of
the affidavit of the said admin
istrators filed he-rein, it is
."ORDERED: That notice of
said application be given to the
defendant Carl Stone bv nubli-
cation of a copy of this order in
1 laiismouin Journal
consecutive weeks."
tor four
That unless cause be shown to
the contrary. tinai or(ler rt.vivin,
said action and judgment, as applied
tor. will l, etl,orel in said cause
April 11. ma nr nn
as said application can be
Administrators of the Es
tate or Viment W
,, Straub. Deceased
WM. H P1TZER nn,i
f2S-4w Attorneys.
and ;
SebUdnVlS n bna6d ,n-