The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 24, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Ilciiry II. Iti-i K r xvhh in NcliriiKkii
City I.ihI M i i i i ! ; i y Imiliiiu; alter hoiih-
llf1 IM'MH llliltlllH flT ( nlllt lllIU".
A. I,. Ili'i ki r wiih In N't liiiinlia City
Mtiinl.iy ill" (IiIm week wliM'c he wan
loiiUiiiK iil'lir fuiiiK- lnmini'MH niallfTH.
MIkm t.niibw Konlcr wax HpindiiiK
llii' xviek cml in Omaha, Kiienf of
In r ynum; lady f i Ii ihIm ami siImo with
1 1 -1 " tt ii it 1 . MImm Mary K. Fouler.
Air. ami ,Mrn. I . Hay I'raliM ami
run .limmii' Here in Ncliiiotkn City
l.i I H.i I ii nl. iv IimiIsIid: niter hihih'
lui:' i notF, ami i'ii!liu; with f rb'tnlK.
.Mi'i'i Nnl.i I'.aiiiiliii: ami l.oulsi
-.( wen' kiiihIh at (In- 'al-nllm
I . 1 1 t al I In- Imnu' nf MImh Cm roll
Ni-.ihii a I N i hi awka !lv Lint Mon
thly i vniliir,.
I'li-d Chill, wax a visitor In Miir
lay I'm' (In' day hint Monday lookltw;
4 1 1 I r iuiihc IiiihIiii'sm inalliiH for tin'
iimiiiiiitv. i ( in n Iiiu willi i j ti-n
IJimIiIv at lh" noon hour.
.Mir.n Anna !:iwt who was mo
ill lor a iiiiiiiIut of days tlur-iir-.
tin- past wn U i'-i icioiIim as :
liiir. alum: mi y nio-lv IIiim wrrU
whiili ii i-ooil news lor Inr many
1 1 ii ml:'
I'nil I'.. ill. in who Ii.ih Iiiiii inaMnn
hi-i In ) imiiiIIi o" I'liion lor tin- past
xt-tr it '-onii lo move noilh of town
on Hin- ol tin- t.nimi of Mis. V. II.
will l.irm for t In
I!. I !.i n n I n r.
I.isl S.ituithiy
with I In- it i -tin-
tax relief
Poller win I e
him i n ea r .
I 'm mi r yi n a t or Y
.i ; o if to .N'rli. i w K a
w I -e'e lo- w a t meet i II I'.
; i Hi I lo re eonsiilei i n:
qmsiion w lit, 1 1 i i i.i I i 1 1 ;. niil'li in
telest al this time over 111 eollllty.
'I'll.' ee;ine svslim is to he
I I .iie-lii i id oer to the alltoniatle in earl ill M.inli and there
aie a I -o many new phom-M lu-iii; itl
.', tailed over llie iiiimher xvliicli had
hi en in ii .e with the suiti hhoaid and
a 1 1 opera I oi m.
While at woiK at t lie Pnion
ii I Ii I iii i ill Crow lord who is in
; mill' in. inner inntiecteil with the i;o -hi."''
m'. while workiim on a ladder
I' ll frai nil inr. one of liis ai ins xvhb l
will like some lime to mend before
In" ran i j n no his w 01 k .
M i Marv Ihrker was a xisitor
in Omaha limn Mond.iv cxciiiu.;: un
it! ! ties, a v moiniiu;. viitini; with
Mr. am! Mrs. II. V. C 5 1 1 n 1 1 1 tendered
111 mi ii liirthday dinner whirh was
Hhaii'd hy Mr. ami Mih. Kiish Arn
old. Mih. Arnold hHiwr a sister of
Paul. I,enter Sehiiiiiarlu'i" and family.
Mih. Schumacher heinic also a kU
tcr. and iih well MIhkch Ileilina ami
Nadino Ifooher.
Accd Woman Very Poorly.
Mrs. Harhel Pell. niiiely-Hlx yeaiHj
of fiKc and now the oldest iiHideiit
or I'nlon and mayhe of tin- county,
has heen very poorly at her home in
Cnlon ami Is cured lor hy ii uume.
Mrs. Pell has lived In this country
for a lonj.: time and has done In r full
(imta of work to hriiiK this country
into it h present telate of cultivation.
Her host of friends are hopini; her
health can he won hark iijmin.
Married Last Saturday.
Miss llesMie Copenhavi i" and Mi".
lUissell Chlnii were united in mar
riage at Plat Isinoiil h last Saturday
ami on Sunday with her husband ili
parterl for the west where they will
make their home. Miss llessie. I ho
new In Ide is one of the very lines! of'
the yniuiK women of I'nioii and vi
(inity and with her many friends the
Journal oins in extemliuK the wish
for a loiuv, happy and useful hie.
IiiijuoveMieiils Nenriti; Completion.
The coal i liutes whirh the Missouri
Pa i ill" are just now installitu; in
their yards for the hamlliiui of eoal
lor (lie env.ims of the road, are to
he model n in everv resiiert when it
(onus to rapidly haiullini; fuel for
tin- locoinol i ves. Tlu t luilcs. w hh h
are eostiiiK a niee hit of money, are
expeited to pay for themselves as
it saves hirinv; a numher of men I e
iiiired to handle (lie fuel whuh will
now he done at a minimum cost. The
coal is lu'oken to four im h sizes, andj
is handled hy the stoker process, j
heini; elevated to the top of the tower!
and loaded into the tank or tender of:
the engines. It is then handled hy j
a stoker svNtitn which are ami have
heen in use on the larger of the Mis-1
soitri Pari lie engines and other ca
nines will he so equipped. I
(Jranvllle Heehner wan called to
Omaha Tuenlay of lliis week lo look
after .some luiHiiiesH matters for the
Miss Delceii Carplir, latif;liter oT
Mrs. (Jertrudii Carper with a Hchool
friends w as enjoyitiK a visit over t ho
week end at liotjie.
Alhert Johnson and brother, llcti
nliie; John were dressing hoiiio pork
ers and as well a beef for the sum
mer's ijieat ol' these two nent lcnicn.
Donald Hire who with his family
were MiakillK their home at Norfolk,
rciently moved to N'ehasvka and are
makiu;; their home here at the pres
ent. laicean Carper of Murray was a
visitor in Nehawka on Monday of this
week. (Irivini; over and while here
visited with his mother, Ceitrude
( "a rper.
C. II. Pei k w ho makes his home
over near Avoca, although on the Ne
hawka mail route, was lookini; alter
some business matters in Nehawka
on Monday of this week.
,, t ....... i..
II. ii. I u i; w erse ii was inci ui
I'lat tsniout h and a number of other
parts of the county the latter portion
of last week posting sale bills for
tlie sale which he is to have in the
Meal' llltllle.
A. U. Dovvb r of Omaha where hi
is employed as a salesman for an
automobile company was a visitor in
Nehawka last Tuesday where he was
looking after some business for his
company as well as visiting with his
manv friends here.
Harold Kini; was shelling and de
lixciinv: corn to the Nehwka elevator
last Momlay. Mr. J. J. Pollard, man of the elevator, says deliveries
are verv slow Jm;t now. however he
was roceivini; some wheat Irom oaie
Topliir. who makes his luime west
of Murrav.
Weeping Water
Mr. anil Mia. Kruest Hates were in
Murray last Monday lookliiK after
some business matters and visiting
CeoiKe S. V'oKler and u parly of
his neighbors from south of Louis
ville were in Weeping Vv'atcr last
Tuesday, attending the Hale of Lyal
Flcmming southeast of Weeping Wa
ter Tuesday afternoon.
.Mrs. C. J. Schwers was substiut
ing as teacher in the Weeping Wa
ter stools for Miss .Marguerite Toast
who was off for the week and during
which time she was being married
to John Mahoiiey, a business man of
Palmyra. The bride is a very popu
lar instructor in the Weeping Wa
ter schools, her many friends wish
ing her happiness and prosperity.
She will continue to teach during the
present term of school. The wedding
took place last Tuesday afternoon.
spending some eight days on their
trip which was expected to be one
in which they could view the country
as they came and some needed repairs
on their car also kept them on the
road longer. They stopped last Mon
day evening at the home of Richard
Deles Dernier where they remained
for over night.
Friendly Ladies Meet Wednesday.
The Friend I y Ladies, which or
ganization has lived and been active
in the social life of Weeping Water
for many a year, were meeting with
.Mrs. S. Kay Smith Wednesday after
noon of this week. A most enjoyable
program was had as well as a social
hour, which provided a most pleas
ant afternoon, terminating in the
serving of delicious refreshments at
the close of the da v.
Shower for Mrs. Domingo.
Mrs. Leslie Wiles and Mrs. Jamison
Wednesday of this week entertained
at the home of Mrs. Jamison at a
showed in honor of Mrs. George Do
mingo who was recently married.
A most delightful afternoon was
spent, climaxed by a delightful
luncheon Many and beautiful were
the gifts presented to the recent
bride, tokens of the friends who
wished to pronounce their love and
high respect for the bride and her
Entertained for Sunday Dinner.
On last Sunday at the home oi
Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge Mitchell was
had a very pleasant dinner party,
attended by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Rough, Miss Agnes Hough ami Miss
Maggie Kricksen. A very pleasant
day's visit and dinner was enjoyed.
Have Interesting; Service.
Dies at Late Home.
.oh Allien who with a brother
has heen living northeast of I'nioii
I I'oi some lime, and before was !iv
!in over on the river bin torn, died
The Lev. Small, pastor of the
I'liilcd Itrethren thurch in Nehawka
and as will at the Otnrbein church
north of town gave way the time
for the regular services last Sunday
for the young people of the church
who put on a very enjoyable and will
To Make Home in West.
W. L. Ilobson, who was out in
California for a time when he ami
wife were there in the very lino cli
mate ami other alluring features, of
that slate, coif hid. d to make their
home there. Mr. Ilobson returned to
Weeping Water to adjust his busi
ness here ami late last week depart
ed for the west where he and the wile
will make their home. The people of
Weeping Water who hold this former
citien in high respect are extend
ing the wish for a very happy ami
prosperous home in the west, in
which the Journal joins.
Scud Truck From Lincoln.
The department of the government
whl h has bad the manufacturing
of the sanitary units which have been
Wedded at David City Tuesday.
At the St. Mary's Catholic church
at David City. Nebraska, last Tues
day was celebrated the wedding of
Mr. 15. O. Dill of Weeping Water,
who has made his home here for sonic
time and has a host of friends, being
employed at the government (juarries
ami Miss Irene Kucera of David City.
The romance began when Mr. Dill
was located at David City assisting
in the ion of three miles of
black top hard surfaced roadway
from Davfrl City to the paved high
way No. 10.
The newlvweds will make their
j home here for the present. The
many friends extent! congratulations
jand best wihes j'.iid in which the
i Journal joins. Mr. and Mrs. Dill
will reside in a home near that of
Mrs. Kiley in the south portion
Weeping Water.
In the Dietrict Court of Casa
County, Nebraska
City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, a Municipal Cor
poration, Plaintiff
William J. Streight, sin
gle, et al, Defendants
To the Defendants:
Margaret Jackson, single; Edward
Streight and wife, Ann Streight, sole
heirs at law of Elizabeth C. Streight,
deceased; the creditors and all per
sons having any interest in the es
tate of Elizabeth C. Streight, de
ceased; Nora Livingston Scott, Rob
ert Livingston, sole heirs at law of
Theodore I. Livingston, deceased;
the creditors and all persons having
any interest in the estate of Theo
dore P. Livingston, deceased; George
II. Falter and wife, Ella M. Falter;
Kiiima Smith and hushand, Chauncy
Smith; Elizabeth Heine and hus
band, Heine, first and real
name unknown, sole heirs at law of
Jacob P. Falter, deceased; the credi
tors ami all persons having any in
terest in the estate of Jacob P. Fal
ter, deceased; Martha R. Young and
husband. Young, first and
real name unknown; Clara E. God
win and husband, Godwin,
first and real name unknown: Ralph
G. Palmer and wife, Palmer,
first and real name unknown; Wal
ter W. Palmer and wife,
Palmer, nrst and real name un
known; Matilda Lenhoff and hus
hand, Lenhoff. first and real
name unknown; La Vaughn Nordin
and wife. Nordin. first and
real nam unknown; William Bal-
lant e and w ife. Hallance, first
and real name unknown: Joseph
Pottery and wife. Pottery,
first and real name unknown; Chris
tina Parr and husband, Parr,
til st and real name unknown; Chris
tina Parr Main and husband,
her fi ieud Mi-.s :., Mid In II ami also suddenly last Sat tird.i v. He had been
line at the Imme ot Mr. am! Mis.isnu ami was t.iUin
i a
.li (.' P, 11. telling them
lie-' of A in; ( Ka. he I Pell
Ml. .1. - I.' Pell.
of the ill- the
mot her of . ho
heart, w hich
had taken some
; strychnin
ac relief.
worth w bile program at the Ot terbein i 'onstrm tetl and distributed ovt
l t ii'ii'i n.
I Miss Doris
of the
e i
which Is tleadiv poison when taken
in sutiiiient u n.i n t it ies but a tonic
when taken in small doses. Whether
he took an over dose by mistake or
otherwise is not known, hut be was
Tied in Game Sunday.
The Model n Wood men of Aincr
i t ol I Hien had as their guests for
.i. i ..- . . . ii . i !. .. . ...
i in- n n i.e. i Mitiiiav m a Packet ha 1 1 ; 1 ocau. i no Mineral was m hi at,
game, the Mmlei u Woodmen of Amer-j'ho St.right tumral home in Plaits--b
a of isinoiil h. In the game,"ionth last Mond.iv afternoon. D !
j ;
wbii b was ci iloso! contested, it; Kay l-'rans ami also Miss Augusta I
came out even. 1 he tie will he pla cd , Kohb were over to attend the funeral
"i M.u Ii 17. Si. Patii. k's tla at jsinging at the services.
IM.itt-niouih. Let us watch I his game'
witii mn.h nti ami si who the! Home From Southern Visit.
j Miss Augusta Kobb who has been
i at Foley. Alabama, where she has
Creamer had charge of
the exercises. The Fitch sifters,
daughters of Mr. ami Mrs. Eugene
;l-"itih, gave a verv pleasing number
ion the mandolin ami accompanied
J hy other instruments. Another very
i pleasing number was that of Tommy
Troop singing "The Ib-lls of St.
I M. ry's." accompanied by Johnnie
i Murdock. jr.. on the piano.
county, with the changing of tin
lory Irom Plattsmouth to W
Wm I el h v , . . i , -i l- f ,. I i t
........ .....v .-,t, ,1LIVI II, '111 1.111-
coin to distribute the finished units.
Ferry Wright has charge of the
manufacturing and distribution of
the units, the work being done by
WPA workmen.
Jolly Mixers Meet.
On l;Tst Momlay the social society
of Weeping Water known as the
Jolly Mixers were being entertained
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Llovd
epmg . Woolcntt where thev enjoved a verv
pleasant party and as it was the day
before the birthday of our first presi
dent, the decorations represented the
colonial davs.
w inner is to be
Krfi iterator.
w h i, h li.o
i i i
lor t heir i eft igi r
heen visiting ;ui aunt, returned home
M'oml.iv of this week after having
enjoyed a very line visit in the south.
Iutallod New
T ll e Mollis j
hi I toloi e ll-.e,l i. e
alor. whiih cost mm h ami also ; Poring the time she was away Miss
laused a l.iii.e amount of work, it j pal GiilViu was looking alter t Vir
was i on. hid. , lln would do awayll'(, ofliee lici t- and h.;s proven lit r
ho double and last week had!po' x,'r competent post misl it ss.
1 a Hi l.ttge c'eidic rctiig-! -
"n all their! WOULD 'TLOW UNDER" CARS
Much Interest in Tax Relief Meet.
j I'll ill ii 1 1 n- I. . I I ' I 1 I 4, II 11 H II II il
held at the Nehawka auditorium last
! Saturday attcrnoon. the matter was
the chief topic of ion for a
i number of days sime. Attending the
nu t ting trom out of town were (un
jty Treasurer John E. Turner of
Pla 1 1 smoui h. Hon. W. P,. Fanning of
t'nion. Senator Fi cd L. Carsten and
E. .1. Halsldom of Avoca and other
! prominent citi.ens from over the
i count v.
:ut sis
Enjoyed Fine Evening.
and Mrs
at th
In the Count! Court of Cass Coun-
I t-j. !)'! s-A a.
111 'ill l...,l i ...-.c-, ,wl C O. n
i -ii. - inn irsiru in iiie
OI llie Order ; i;,,.,,...., it ...,
v . v , . i -iciiii ii , iifi 'tlt u.
of Eastern Star which was meeting; No. .'i:::.'!:
at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Wool-1 Take notice that a petition has
tott. who t iitei tair.etl the members i 111,(1 101 "' protiate ot an in-
of the order, and which is reported;
as being one of the most successful j
sotial events of the season on last1
Haiti, first and real name unknown;
W. K. Fox. sometimes known as
Kelly Fox. first and real name un
known, and wife, Fox, first
and real name unknown; the credi
tors and all other persons interested
in the estate of W. K. Fox, deceas
ed, first and real name unknown;
Joseph R. Kelly; Genevieve Sanders
and husband, Sanders, first
and real name unknown; Leona F.
Taylor, widow; Andrew Burns Tay
lor and wife, Taylor, first
and real name unknown; John B.
Taylor and wife, Taylor, first
and real name unknown; Carl C.
Taylor and wife, Taylor, first
and real name unknown; the credi
tors and all other persons interested
in the estate of Mary Theodora Tay
lor, sometimes known as Theodora
Taylor, deceased; William H. Tuey
and wife. Tuey, first and
real name unknown; Jennie Ehler
and husband, Ehler, first
and real name unknown; William
Schwab and wife, Schwab,
first and real name unknown;
Charles Allen and wife, Doris, Allen;
Jessie F. Schomaker and husband.
Schomaker, first and real
name unknown: Central States Land
Company; Mike Dohnansky and
wife, Dohansky, first and
i real name unknown; John Fitzger
ald and wife, t ltzgerald.
first and real name unknown;
122; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 123:
Lots 9 and 10. Block 138; Lots 2
and 3. Block 152; Lot 4, Block 152;
Lot 5, Block 172; Lots 1 and 2,
Block 4 6, Young & Hays Addition;
Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, O'Neill's Ad
dition; Lots 6 and 7, Block 3,
O'Neills Addition; Lots 7, 8, 9. 10,
11 and 12, Block 2, O'Neill's Addi
tion; Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 2, Don
elan's Addition: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12, Block 22, Duke's Addition;
Lots 13 and 14, Block 7, Thomp
son's Addition; the North half of
Lot 6, Block 1, Stile's Addition; the
West M of Lots S and 9 and the
South of the West of Lot 10,
and the West 24 feet of the East
of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 31; Lots
55 and 56 in the SWU of the SWi
of Section 18, Township 12, Range
14, East of the 6th P. M.. Cass coun
ty, Nebraska: Lot 9, Block 149; Lots
3 and 4, Block 41, Young and Hays
Addition, all in the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
That all of the above real'estate
above described was subject to taxa
tion for State. County, City, School
District and Municipal purposes, for
the several years set out in the peti
tion of plaintiff and the Exhibits
thereto attached and by reference
made a part thereof; and that un
less said taxes are paid by you, or
any one of you, on said real estate,
respectively, a decree will be entered
in this court foreclosing and bar
ring you and each of you of any and
all claims upon, interest in, right or
title to, or lien upon or equity of
redemption in and to all of said real
estate described herein; that the
same, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy plaintiff's lien,
together with interest and costs,
shall be sold in accordance with
law. and fr such other and further
relief in the premises as may seem
just and equitable to the court.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 4th day of April. 193S,
and failing to do so, your default
will be entered and judgment taken
as prayed for in plaintiff's petition.
Nebraska, a Municipal
By Plaintiff.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
Tuesday evening, and featured
Washington birthday affair.
ei a I oi
'i, vimhc vniiiiug.
' ' i O. k.n I- i ans has been doing
ionic untiling and has been assist
ed b some ot her neighbors and Mt -dames P.,i!e and Jennie
1'ians weie oei assisting as well as
Mi - I, l Pitch and Mis. . A. Tav-i barred from the sde
2 tPPi A pro-
tbat the federal government
under" automobiles more than
live c.u s old was approved today by
t lit' city ctnin. il. j
Councilman John A. Kronk sug-:
gestti! that outmoded should be
i ts and junki d
tor this tioup getting
with the woik.
:i ess Adr.unist rat ion
Enjoyed Kirthdav Dinner
ilong nicelvjas a Works Pre
project .
"If the federal goveinne.Mit
spt ml millions of dollars to pay f.nm-
Ee Careful With Your Letters.
Postmistress Miss l.anna Mt Reyn
olds who has received a number of
letters recently with no address, some
wiih stamps on ami others witli
neither stamp or address, wants to
remind the patrons of the oft ice that
sin is not a mind reader ami has no
wax of knowing where the letters are
to go and so lcunests all xxho mail
letters to have a good dear address
on them and as xvell sufficient post-
Otherwise they xx ill have to
a dip to the dead Utter office
shington. 11. C.
Celebrated Anniversaries.
On February l',5 last year. Mr. and
Mrs. IKnnie O'.dhar.i were united in
marriage and on J- bruarv 24. lldi
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Oldham were J
united in r.-arriago. Ti.ev have since'
both gone to I,-?
thc'.r hoims ami i:i commemoration!
,,r i,., .,..;.. , .., . i i. . . estad
I i'1- "iiiuiii oi ii. e io coiities
j -Messrs. and Mesdames Oldham this
i week are i elohrating t lie passing of
ine ci si a:; .; secerni anniversary ot
their weddings. Mr. ami Mrs. Earl
Oldham here sen i t or.g: amotions and
well wishes as , r. as gifts, in re
membrance of the anniversary s.
strument together with codicil there
in purporting to lie the last will and
testament of said deceased, ami for
the appointment of Henry Trunken
bo!' as Executor thereof: that said
petition has been set for hearing
before said Court on the ISth day
of March. at H o'clock a. m.
Dated February
a. ii. nrxnniv.
t Seal i f21-3vv County Judge.
In the Comity Court of Cass Co
. age.
, at Wa
On last Sumlav was ih, passing of ,,s f'' not growing things, can
the biithd.iy anniversary of Fauljl,s lo create higher pvbes and
tJiifiin xxho was then nineteen, ami ; ,H cerlain crops plowed nude
tu lienor of ibis (-vent bis parents
i an
r. it
DO you foci so nervous that you
want to scream? Are hero times
when you are envss and irritable
times when you sooM those who are
lca rest to you?
If your nerves are on pel ire, trv that
world-famous LYP1A F. MNKHAM'S
l elp Nature calm your quivertr.e
nerves and gixo you the strer.sth ami
mercy to face life with a smile.
For three generations one woman
l as told another how to go "smiling
through" withiLydia 12. Pinkhani's
Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature
tone up the system, thus lessening the
discomforts from the functional dis
orders which women must endure in
the throe ordeals of life: 1. Turning
from girlhood to womanhood. 2. Fre
parirg for motherhood. 3. Approach
ing "middle age."
Don't be a three-quarter wife, take
roJiroUNT) and Go "Smiling
Through" wit h this reliahle.tirne-testecl
medicine made especially for tvo!n
from wholesome herbs and root. More
than a million grateful women haxie
written in repcrtiug benefit from
Fnikham's Compound. Ihy not give
it a chance to help YOU?
i ought to lie aide to spend a little
money to scrap automobiles that have
! become a nuisance to v.imo. wi . m.i
pedestrians," Kronk said.
Visited Friend Near Cook.
' . i-co . ; i .. .. .. i
iii .liit.
oxer near
t Sand ax-
To all persons interested in the
of Oliver E. Sayles. deceased.
No. :!i:ts:
Take notice that the Adminis
trator of said estate has filed his
linal report and a petition for ex
amination and allowance of his ad
ministration accounts, determination
Michael E. Pannin and wife,
Pannin. first and real name un
known; Alice E. Hazzard, widow;
John Edward Hazzard and Ann
Parr, sole heirs at law of John E.
Hazzard. deceased; the creditors and
all persons interested in the estate
of John E. Hazzard. deceased; and
ail persons having or claiming any
interest in. right or title to, or lien
upon the following described real
estate, to-wit:
Iots " and 6. Block 3; Lot 4,
Block 3: Lots 11 and 12, Block 16;
Lot S. Block 37; Lot 9, Block 41;
the East U of Lot S and all of Lot
ft. Block 43: Lot 9. Block 62; Lot
4. Block 99: Iots 1. 2 and 3, Block
1111; I am 9. Block 122; Lot 10, Block
jl22: Iits 1. 2 and 3, Block 123;
I Lots 9 and 10. Block 13S; Lots 2
liinil 1 Tll.t.-l- K,')' I ,-, J IJInrlr 1
Lot a. Block 172; Lots 1 and 2,
Block 4t. Young & Hays Addition;
o! Iicirsliip. assignment nf residue ori'-w aim isiot k a. o .veins Ad
said estate and for his discharge: j dit ion : Lus 6 and 7. Block 3.
that said petition and report williONoills Addition? Ixxts , 9. 10
l 1 m.
-vioert .Midi rson
son. Kenneth w,i,
in Otoe county la
their j
Cook i
xv lie re I
they weie tiinii,!" guests at the home!
el' .'. niece ot Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. En d j
M' i. . i
' "oi ami lnisli.inu ar.d xv lu re th
Here From the Coast.
l'.-'iirri -xinn ami John HmiKii
x ho have N ui in the west for
past three months xvhero they were
enjoying a very pleasant time at Los
lAngiles ar.d other !ei:its in the I
he heard before said Court on March
IS. at ten o'clock a. m.
Hated February 1. lf3S.
Seal! 121-
; xx"
County Judge.
i r.esda v t
en jox cc
a x cry
line visit and
southwist. arrived home
this week and v. t re surprised to see
the en'tcts of the fire whuh destroy
ed the five b:sims houses. Mr.
-Munii lepoits having had
ful time and saxs that li
j In tic Com.ty Ccurt of Cass Coun
ty. AYf.rnsKvr.
Ti all persons interested in tfte
estate of Etta May Moore, deceased.
; No. c.Uf:
a xx oia.t I'
ll and 12. Block 2. O Neill's Addi
tion: Lots 7. S and 9. Block 2. Don-
J elan's Addition; Lots 7, S. l. 10. 11
and 12. Block 22. Puke's Addition;
Lots 13 and 14. Block 7, Thomp
son's Addition: the North half of
Lot 6. Block 1. Stile's Addition: the
West l-2 of Ixits 8 and 9 and the
South 2 of the West of Ixu 10.
and the West 2 4 foot of the East
of Lots S. f and lo. Block 31: Lots
5 3 and 36 in the SW, of the Sr'4
of Section IS. Township 12. Kange
14. East of the tUh P. XI. . Cass coun-
In (lie District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Laura Etta Hendee,
Fred McEIvain, et al.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, entered in the above entitled
cause on the 20th day of December,
1937, and an Order of Sale entered
on the 31st day of December, 1937,
the Sole Referee will on the 21st
day of March, at 10:00 o'clock a.
m., at the south door of the court
house in Plattsmouth, in Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash, that
is to say, 10 on the day of sale,
and the balance when said sale
shall be confirmed by the Court, the
following described real estate, to
wit: Lot 30, in the SW'i of the
BEU of Section 13, Township
12, Range 13, East of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Ne
braska. Sale will be held open for one hour.
Dated this 11th day of Februarv,
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
a xv t n e
lX i effects of the rari storm xxh.ieh vxas
ty. Nebraska: Lot 9. Block 149; IjOts
ALLIANCE. Neb . l-b. 2 (PIM - t
Robert president of the Ne-
I !
I biaska Stock Urowers association: IMNT'IV d
died at his home here this morning. 1 machine fr.ii of
Graham was widely known in live-' cviev.i cf salvag
stock circles throughout the coun-
t ry.
tor several years. . i f ho family
. t r v i a
wo: cK-.thes
xxasi-.iiig I
! reported as
J fornia coast
j streets of L
o: t h
having swept Iht
and xv e.s j nr. g
s Angles to the
! jes: toyed the Ck:
lie had headed the association : It "was fotnsh sneer
1 .-v.. I 1
., ...lis. i J
.ci a file which i
Knolg-es home, j
-t ix e home xx hi,, h i
Ca -i-i
ii t h e
running boards m the anto-
,;moh::ts. Mr. Munn vomhes for this
said the water stood over a
:oet tfet ; because it could not dr.. in
.ixvjv e::!y slow.v xx huh
The p.s! t di-ov t- iron;
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administra
tion of said estate and appointment j 3 and 4. Block 41. Young and Hays
oi Arthur T. Harsen as Adminis-j Addition, all in the City of Platts
trator: that said petition has been ; mouth. Nebraska, real names un
set for luaring before said Court ! known, defendants.
c. '
Now. you can g,ef a habv powrfpr
that wvl! keep your bibv SFER
against ( arili ,n ntee
tions It's Mormon Antiseptic
Poxvder Your 1ccTor will tell
you that whenever yrvu buy a
baby powder it surely txubt to
be Mermen Because is
more than justacfiisfin poxder
-it's antiseptic' And it costs no
more' So. mother, buy a tin
from your druggist, today ft
on the 11th day of March. 193S. at
ten oYlivk a. m.
Dated February f. 193s'.
A. H. lU'XIU KY.
( Se a I f 14 -3 w Con n t y Judge.
Ccnrt of Cowt-
You and each of you are
hereby i Nc-br.
To Ben Root. Clarence
Root, Charles Root, Theo-
dore Root, Stella Fridle j
and Lester Champlin; and j
to the heirs. devisees, j
legatees, creditors and all j
persons interested in the i
estate of John Root. De-
ceased: and to the heirs.
devisees. legatees, credi-
tors, and all persons in- j
terested 'n the estate of
Emma Root, Deceased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 21st day of
November. 1935. the County of Cass.
Nebraska, purchased at public tax
sale for the years 1932, 1933 and
1934. the following described resl
estate, to-wit: Lot 16. in the X. E.
Quarter of the S. E. Quarter of
Section 20, Towr.ship 10, Range 9.
Cass county. Nebraska, for the taxes
for the years 19S2. 1933 ar.d 1934.
and that said real estate was taved
in the name of John Root: and that
on said 21st day of November, 19S.s
(the County Treasurer of Cass cc-ur.ty.
Ka. cuTy issued to the Ovmr
'notified that on the Mh day of No-j of Cass, Nebraska, a County Tress-
vemler. l.r3.. tr.e t sly ot riatts
mouth, Nebraska, a Municipal Cor
poration, plaintiff herein, f.led its
urer s
for a
Walter H. Smith
riattssosth State Sank Building
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
! In tic Coni.t
f'. Xclrmla.
To all persons i..t crest e.1 ra the
estate of Arr.a Kathe-rir.e Me:
vie. eased. No. S3:
Take notice that the Executors of adopted ami passed by the City Conn
said estate have filed their final re-icil of said City of Plat tsmouth. Ne
per! ar.d ft petition for examination j braska. and which is for the fore
closure of the separate tax lier.s on
tax sale certificate ior the
that on January Si. ifSs.
valuable consiceratic-r:. said
j petition in the Distrut o.irt of lasSjtav sale eertifkate was culy tsslgn-
County. Nebraska, against you andjed ar.d transferred i:cto Jchn A.
each of you. wnwh cause arpeai in Roet. ito is now the eTir r o .
fcolcc-r of the same.
You are further notified tht iv
and a'loxxanee of their administra
tion accounts, ion of heir
ship, assignment of residue ot
McMM5M C7frMujd.c- POUJbER
jx T IT 1 r b estate ar.d fvr their d.schaie: that' Lots 5 and fi. Block J-: l,ot 4.
iS J, nOWarCl LclVlS JJ said petition and report x ill bo heard ) Block S 6 ; Uits 11 and 12. Blo k If.;
IV . S before said Cuit on March 4, lf,"S.lvCt S. Block ST; 1a 9. Block 41;
IS Attorney at Law x at ,e" n'" !,tf i:st of s and a;i
jO ri t "l DiTd Jiuuavv SI. 15 Ji 5 B!o-. k c. Lot 9. E!ok 2: Lot
jS rlalUniOUih O A H DUXBIKY. Block ff'. Lots 1. 2 and Block
rCrzzrzZCOZOOCCCCcSl tti f,-Sr County Judfe. 1 111; Lot ?. Bkxk 122; Let 10, Block
IVcket s. pase 213 (atf-?.?!) of the
Records cf the Cletk of the District
court o: i ass lour.ty. .Nerratka. tr.e time of redemption cf s:d rr.-l
.singer, i object ar.d prayer of which ret it ion j tate from said sale, will expire i:,
j is in accordance w ith resolutions j three months from ihe date ef ser
vice cf this r.ctice. after which time
the ur.dersigT.ed will app-lv to rLe
Wunty Treasurer of Css countv.
Nebraska, for a lax ted to all cd
said real estate.
Dated this Tth day oi February,
1 S .
Ow tier and llclcler cf the Above
Named ai;d lVs.guatea Tax
t7v 5?oifc vVi't;tckte.
eat h
and all of the following de-
real estate. to-:t:
Phone rew ftems to IV. .