PAGE FIVE THURSDAY. rEERTTAILY 17. 1938. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL (i 1 OB I OUT EMS. E. W. Keedy and v. ii'e of Ashland were visiting with their relative ;hk1 fr if nds in Union hist Sunday. Foy I'oll was a visit or in Omaha i"r over Sunday. pucst at the homo f t' his parents. '.Ir. and Mrs. Jesse Ft 11. Tony Siul'.iuth oi Wei'dns Water looking alt or some business mat te, -s in Union on Monday of this v ok. Oiihrvt Kdmonds and family were ( !: jnyhii; a vt ry nleasant visit at tho home of fli'ilifi't's parents at l'orti last .and;:;. Cliiioid llarison who has not been ir. tho very host of hen 1th was lakon to an Omaha hospital for ohsorvat ion ;.; d troatmont. Mr. and Mrs. Kail Morritt of Mur r. ;. .wo-, in Union last Sunday visit ins; with tho aunts of Mr. Morritt, ..: 'sdamos liolio and Jonnio Finns. Uiitton F. Smith of Nebraska t'ity was a visitor in Union hist Monday in. kin;; ;.;!!' sono- business ma tiers ui visiting Mrs. W. with 1 is many A. Taior. hei lleilt'S. grand- imhur. Mariorio lloback and two r.randsons. Ivan and Donald lloback ore isitii:g it. Nebraska City last Saturday niidit. Miss Aiinb;.i Koni who is at Ful ton. A 1.. bam..'1. visiting her aunt, writes s'.io is eiijoyissg a very pleas ant isii in tho s ank j.nd v. in re i.iaiu th-Te !.)V s.nro' time yet. Mr. and Mrs. Glen, iloback v. ere in Omaha last Wednesday where thoy v ore visiiiiu; frioiids ;im1 ais look ing alter some main is in Ftbraska City Friday o,' 1 ; t-1 v-eek. Ma ry I'.ock r was a visitor in (::i b.'.si Frnle.y until Monday there war- a vacation at the bank or !:;.-! Saturday v. as Lim-oln's birth ti.;y. thus allowing Cue tv.o days va cation. Aunt Mary Johnson Visits Here. Aunt Mary Johnson w h.o.-o home is t Weeping Water but who lias been miking her hi. me at Lincoln for some time, w .-he ha is Visit 1!U relatives at Fhiomfield where nd as she returned nomo iO( iii Union for a visit li i nds and relatives . before reluming to v it h hi r ma ay ': a fen day. Lim oin. Have Pleasant Time. The 11 iends to Mrs. Charb-s Land ht !d a vt ry pleasant meeting at the thiptist church one day recently when Idrs. was the guest of honor. the gathering 'i hi'AVi , where "iv. n in hojioi i;:g of a little .-membt-r of tht :eing 111 shape ot a many things w t re O:' I. lit ( x ! et t ed ci im r..:;g r whu is to bo a Land home. Methodists to Give Program. The m 0:11 bo rs ol tht Methodist 1 h'.ii'i !: are to give a program and : aje.i r at the church whi h w ill b-. ;.s; isteu tiy the Omar Faking company v ho ii! supply the treat.-, ion re coii'ts are in go for the bom lit of enure E. 11. Wcseott be t':o princip; ring. of Fialts ! speaker v. . a t mm h is to g ith Miss Anna Eauer .nna Fatter who il ior troatmont for 111. M ls at the has oesiistal ior troatmont lor a turn eince h"r n titrn boon as a general tiling te..':i:g mu h improved. How tier during the past week she was i ry s;ep and much concern was had ; to i,er illaes.;. Silt jr. feeling much ! iter l!"v. Kesident Meie Tlu.n Fifty Years. W. . T, .1- witl hi :a rot: t s .;ni!y c.-nie 1 11 a nd 1 Fuion befl mad' his u J'ehruari n- it was a hone- Jo-re 27th. over :uoo. ! t V ei n - is : re Ga to r: e 1 1 'go. While ho has not Li's of h.calth of late, t i.-diod t-i make his home s ;i host of friends. in 1 !o v. M e end h. Married at Nebraska City. 'laiit Rakes slipped quietly a v a y i t time ago and going to N". -:: ('My was uait-ed in marriage .una i:ai f that place. will ma-.o tlnir h.omo in Union he has empievm nt at the state ie'-m. The-.- are re eiviiig tho con gratulations of their many friends h. re. Hies " in Lincoln Hosnital. .in! 'lie t h as been 111 h ltai th pest number of wee vi reiving treatment passed a. way at morning. ' t ! ii:trtu; :' ast m:iiu Mothei r-.eed the urgent advice of doctors and hospitals, do as they do; give your b3by a daily body-rub with the antiseptic oil that chases away germs, and keeps the skin safe That means Mermen Antiseptic Oil. It's used by nearly all maternity hospitals MnnH otniUejUic- OIL FERRET'S TftTDEV HfWE TWO EARS flriD wr a ....... . - - Tho funeral v as held at an under- ! taking company at Nebraska City, j Mr. Yanlhie was well known in j Union and other tfur.s in Cass eoun iv having manv friends all over tin I ,.'..,.t v nn-tber nerount ol the! life and parsing of this pioneer will appear in this paper later. i i i r- i t - t.t t.r. .-ii,,io- ; Liodern V, oocman Makes changes. i Tito Mod-rn Woodman of Amor- ica held ;i met ting during tho past week whtn they filled th" position; vhi. li war, occupied b the late E. F. , Chapman by the election t.f Stirling ! Harris. Tin y also elected to the posi tion of clerk Mr. il. W. Griffin, in j 11 j' place of tne lormer ana a long,---- ..1...I.- ,.- ill.. Mi- tiiciil! ! 1 ' ! Fantiing. Mr. IkMining was the uniti lul clerk lor many years and had proven that ho was one of the very best of officials. We are assured that ( th" new tierk will bo as faithful tUji!' - 'the trust impost d in him. M. W. A. Eecoming' Active. At the rect-nt mce.'.ug :f the Mod-.rn Woodman (amp- in Union the welfare of the camp was under dis-cus-iur.. it w;is determined to appoint a committee to look after some man ner or moans of increasing their Vt -mln rsiiip and after some consid eration of the subject in hand they concluded to appoint a committee of five tin rubers. The committee will hold a mooting in tho near luturo to try and work out means of increas ing the membership of the order. Taxpayers Hold Meeting The cit irons and laxpaye Union liold a very interesting ing at the Union wt-hool bu rs oi 1 meet- j Filing ! wilt ti tiiev ( onsHiereu a unmoor w f 1 out :u ions, oto- thai of taxes which 1 oi rvone let-Is is pltntv 1; ith. They i apnciuteii a commit it 1 to r.ieei v.ithl the board of county eommisb-ners and to get the feeling of the beard 1 1 and the much disctisod fiuestion no taxation and relief as it aft'-cts the J general public. At the prtci:t lime i there rt mains mar. y w ho are do- j :iii-;utnt 111 tne personal and property ta.s. The committee which is eom-po-t d of Mrs. Eunice Falfour. R. E. Ri.-iir. David E. Eaton. J. C. Hansel and L. F. Mougav will no ot with the! heard and endeavor to interest ih( m Hi 1 lie suojects ol ilelinqutni taxes and ! ii f. The meeting had as a guest Counlvl Ti iasu' er Joh.u E. Turner v, ho tx lamed some 01 the ti'rtUexmg olios ' S ol il e o ! t '1 Don her o o w as t ! liltl o o 1 he ii'.tm iti d was r; 1 which ,ar.o in the county. Mr. Turner rtattd that UiMress warrants also 1. . e ' il .1 11 ! l.ecu issu -d in i-.oiipie with p.ersolial ! ih linquent taxes. Visits at Home. Freda Crunk who is one of e of operators at i 'la 1 1 emou t h Lincoln Telephone and Tele company, since tho changing Miss the for for the gra ph (nor of the office ; it ! onia t io system, to Plrttsmouth. at Murray to the being transferred was iiting for ovi r 1 ho week end at tht parents. Mr. and Mrs. where they ail 'enjoyed ant visit. home of her A. D. Crunk .t very ploas- TIASHLIGHT BABY"' EOEX MAI'TIN'E., Cal. UTi This city 1101V has :: "flaslilight baby." When a main power eleetrie lino blew out, plunging the city in darkness, doc tors at the county hospital were in th'- niidst of a maternity ease. They finish', d it with a fiat-blight held by the nurse. cvbs-ribe for the Journal. a : . -. . . It gets down into skin-folds and prevents infection It keeps the skin healthier Get a bottle today. At any druggist H M I I 1 E11 M Nehawka John Campbell was called -.o Ne braska City last Monday to look after some business for the day. During the past week W. O. Troop has been suffering from a severe at taok of the ilu. hut at this time is feeling much improved. Franklin Sudduth was over near Murray at the home of his uncle, Virgil Sudduth last Monday where he was assisting in the butchering I of some hogs. Hoy Crtgg was in Syracuse hist Wednesday v. in re ho went to attend the rommuiiiiy sale, having some hogs to st 11 and was as well buying other property offered. John II. St( hens and wife were in Omaha Monday of this week, called there to look after some business matters. While they were away Mrs. Albei t Anderson was assisting m the kit hew Akin who has had a lame hand lor the past live weeks is get ''" ahmg ;t'v.-jy but with each week tooling that the fore hand is show- ir.g improvements. lie c l i 'to logain ;;. tun use oi nm iuiki m . ( a s'eort time. 1 Mrs. AllKi-iaina Ost was guest ioi the dav last Sunday at the home oi 1111 uaugni. Mrs. Charles E. Mc- Carthy 1 or homo in Union where O.-l and h r daughter's family yed tho day very pleasantly, and .Mrs. McCarthy drove over : their home in Union to Mrs. Ot n thtir homo for th.o Make Trip to West. y Cromwell ana Earl Troop dt ti on last Saturday for Denver o they v. t re lalltd to look after business matters which re- ' - n some iU ireii ing u: i wet!-: to transact, tney riay 11 the middle of this week. Have Valentine Party. and Mrs. Watltr Engt Ikomeier ost and haste.- to a very pleas- Mr. .ere ! tr.t ;illnuir.g at their home north f Nehawka whtn th y tntertainod . 1 too memhers ot the pi oasant HiU the feature of ! neigh horhood club. !;ho gat k ring being the valentine p: to club ;. li co on la ic" j,.;- the numbers of the ml those who were in atiend i the very delightful gathering Wednesday night. Enjoyed Very Fine Visit. Mr. it nd Mrs. A. G. Cisney were t ! e with ih ir children guests for afti rnoon and t venin; m . ui,ua di , : at 1 Tro -'" a!u- " v the time was pleasantly n. 1. no P . n t in .in- cor vi rsation and aru ui if ; ig i'ul luncheon to climax afternon and evening. t ::i Vicitec ot Weeping Water. . and Mr:. Ray Creamer and ii-iiitti w ere visiting for the day ii t Weeping Water where v. ere guests for the orcasioli at the em-F!.-e :t. r o. Mr. and Mrs. John Friz t t ha t Mrs. Crtann r is Mr. a. nd 'ha. Frizzel 7. 1. dat: :. dd d m; asion. !fh 1 1 th enjoyment of U'-- Called to ?latt;mouth. As tin- matter 01 the estate of the kit- C. 1). Kelt nor "was being heard in the county court at Plat tsmouth tin re was called to tho county seat a number of the citizens of Nohaw- I i!.a. anions v. horn v. ere F Sturm. .... Rolterl ot hers. Ciiaj-man. Ralph Stone and Visited with Friends Here. Howard Totiii 01' lmpiriai who does a ti Milling bu-iness at ltnptrial and htiweea ih-rc and the eastern por ii': of the state, was a business visi iir in omalia last Sunday night and Monday n orning and also was visit ing and looking alter some business marteis in Nehawka. He was accom panied by Ho.- Fitzpairick, son of Charles Fitzpairick, v. Ho made his heme hero for many year:; but who ith the so.i have been making their a-ua" 1:: the west for some time. Roy visit-, d with the many friends hero whom, be knew before going west. Mr. Todd loaded with a truck load of hedge posts wnieh lie made purchase of from Thoe Nelson who also for merly resided in the west. Wonderful Horj- Sale 1 3 la rrv M. Knabe who is one of mo very successful breeders raisers of the Hampshire swine and had WE ARE THE Authorized Plymouth (and DeSoto) Dealers in Plattsmouth Make Your PJcxt Car a 'PLYMOUTH' TIM ". ' IE M'AMK I J th vr Scr:c Gccd Hiiys in Used Cars R. V. Bryant Motor Go. Guy Lcn, Calc3m;n a sale last Saturday and disposed of some fifty head of very fine pure bred Iiampshires. The top of the. fifty hogs brought ?ol'0 and the aver age for the entire herd was $115. So, ! the stock going to eleven different j states, with the one going the farthest I to New York state. Mr. Knabe was J down to Topoka last Tuesday where! he delivered one of the fine hogs that! had boon purchased at the sale. Will Quit Farming. Dick Ingwcrsou who has been en gaged in farming at the present loca tion nearly fifty years, has concluded that ho will pass the farming proposi tion up and either retire or engage in soil!'1 other line of endeavor. He will hold a sale of his farming equip ment and stock near the latter part of this month. Anderson Family Enjoy Reunion. At the home oi Mr. and Mrs. I Daniel Anderson living southwest of i Nehawka was held a very delightful j gathering last Sunday in the shape of j a family (tinner ana party at which the entire Anderson tamily were present with bting Albert their families, there! uueison anu lamny. i ifrecj a .. .1 , . ,.,1 -.,, I aha. Fred Maruuardt and family of Avoca. Mrs. Pedellu Slander of Louis ' ville, Louis Ross and iamily of No jhawka and at which Mr. and Mrs. j Arthur Wolph and their little daugh- ! tor. Miss Evelyn Wolph who were i visiting here from their home in Cali-j h'ornia were also present. I t"kc;Kave Excellent Church Attendance. day. i ,i. M,ti.,)wi ;., v,.i hawka on last Sunday there was a very largo and enthusiastic group of people and with special services whhh was greatly appreciated by all attending. The very pleasant fea ture was the singing of the school girls sextette w hich was instructed i by the director of the Nehawka schools. Church Feeds Many People. The members of the Nehawka Methodist church through their ladies :j society served dinner last Sa tur day to those who came to attend th.vTll(. ,.ldit.s ar(, daUhters of Mr. and I 1.. 1. I nog saie wmci; a neia in iiarrj . . " , , , , ..1. nc. as inov served one nun- died and sixty dinners. OLD BOOK TELLS OF PRISON LASH I OSSINING. N. Y. (UP) A con-jtuty-old hook entitled "Punishment 1 - ...-,.wi 1 . ...... C'w..,v. l lti..i (...viitn. counts of prison inmates being flog - 1 al,( t.oufiIu.(i jn dungeons, ha j been found at A burn irison j of tnt. 1i2rJ prison riot. scene The New York state correction do-: partmont's publication, "Correction,"' reveals thai Warden Joseph H. Frophy came upon the worn, b ather- covered hook w n 1 1 e rumma an: through past irison records. The book contains an affidavit of the punishment to one Charles S. Plumb, whose death caused the slale legislature tw demand "all the facts" from prison inspectors. The prison physician believed that Plumb died of "bilious remitting fever" and "that the llagellation which he received had 110 positive in causing his and direct agoncv don t h." J The keeper who administered tho 1 blows described the punishment thus: "I did not count the blows, but I hink I struck him CO blows, or t heroabouLs. in all. ... There might have been more, but I do not think the number much exceeded "0. I lost the count during the souffles." Flumb was punished with a "cat" described its a "rawhide whip" with six strands, for breaking windows and destroying other property under the "pretense of being crazy." Convicts were flogged for till sorts of offenses, from "fastening a paper wet with turpentine to a convict's clothes and firing it," to "makingn noise imitating a calf and a rooster." The fundamental rule was "non intercourse among convicts." Rules forbade convicts to "speak to each other, communicate by signs, sing, whistie. dance or run." The book recorded showers with buckets of cold water for laughing and talking. See the goods you fcuy. Catalog descriptions are allurir.q enough, but how about the goods when you net them? Don't Neglect Your Child's Cold Common colds often settle in throat and chest; at the first sniffle rub on Children's Musterole. Children's Musterole is just good old Musterole, only in milder form. It penetrates with a warming tingle and gets such marvejous results be cause it's NOT just a salve, but a " counter -irritant" helpful in drawing out local congestion. Musterole has been used for 30 years. Recommended by many doc tors and nurses. All druggists'. In three strengths: Regular Strength, Children's (mild), and Extra Strong. Weeping Water Ferry Wright and G. It. Finger, were in Flattsmouth last Sunday where they were visiting with their friend, Ed. W. himgan and other friends for a few hours. Paul Ward and family and the parents of Mrs. Ward, Jack Maple and wife were visiting for the day last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Maple near Syracuse. Gardner Finger was called : Lin coln Wednesday where he had some business matters to look after and was also visiting with his son, Ralph Finger who is making his homo in the big town. Jack Bolz was in Flattsmouth last Tuesday looking after some business matters and as will was bringing a truck load of sanitary units to Weeping Water where a new factory is being established which charge of Perry Wright. Ill . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolph and , uehier. Miss Evelyn who were call-!101' on account of the passing ofi Arthurs mother, .Mrs. ueriruut Wolph and to attend the funeral, do- , ,. t .(E a ,.....!..: I a st v.-eek. making the 1 trip via t heir auto, i Lieutenant Powell who was here j for many months but w ho lias been ,at Scottsbluft in charge of a povern Jment camp, arrived in Weeping Wa ter for a visit of ft few days with tho wife and also making arrange ments for moving the family to the west part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Max Richards of Omaha where Mis. Richards is a nurse employed in the ("larks,. a hos pital, were visitors ovor the week end at the home of a brother of Mrs. Kb hards. L. it. Lane and other mem bers of the family. Mrs. Richards I was formerly .Miss Margaret L.ane. Visited Here Sunday. j Virgil Sudduth and family from, east of Murray" ml Mr. and Mrs. Guy j i:u hanan (if near Nehawka. made a very happy party w ho were guests ; at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Edward j Askew ot" Weening Water Sunday. ; : ,.t Atkt w- 1 Married Somewhere Valentine Day. A very appropriate time lor the celebrating of a wedding. Mr. George Domingo, living a ft w miles north east of Weeping Water and Miss Marv Henegar. also of the same . .. . . . netgnnoriioou. tinuing t no easiosi w ay i i... , nv,,,-!,., onietlv aliened waj and drove to some convenient oour.iy seat where they secured the It-gal permit and wore united in marriage, returning to take up their residence or. the farm of the groom. They ha vi both been residents for their of the lifetime. j Weeping Water The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ii. Honegar and was born near Wet ping Water, receiving her education here where she has a host of lriends. The groom is a farmir who has boon engaged and in this pursuit and well know the art of getting a living and keeping a fine home. The Journal extends congratula tions to this happy couple and wishes them much "happiness, health and prosperity. Patient Some Better. Neill Snoll. son of Mr. and Mrs Albert Snoll of Kiverdaie in tho west ern portion of the state, has hoi n ir. poor health for some time past and , wit h the couple who vcre eclebrat ing has been at the Fryati Memorial bos- j thHr ,;.j, Nodding anniversary. Mr. pital in Hin-oln whore ho has been,.,,., Mrs yv;!.. .Marshal! also visited receiving treatment and has boon 1111- dor observation. The young lad who is ten years ot ago. is grandson 01 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snoll of this place. Word from tho institution a low days ago tells of the patient fooling quite a bit better. Ernest Jamison Some Better. Frnest Jamison who has been sick at his home in Weeping Water and a n- inii HKl IUU Q E? ONLY A 74 MEN because thoy are men can never understand a three-quarter wife a wife who is all love and kindness for three weeks of the month but a hell-cat the fourth. And make up your mind men never will understand. There are certain things a woman has to put up with and be a good sport. No matter how your back aches no matter how loudly your nerves scream don't take it out on your husband. For three generations one woman has told another how to go "smiling through" with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It helps Nature tone up the system, thus lessening the discomforts from the functional dis orders which women must endure in the three ordeals ol life: 1. Turning from girlhood into womanhood. 2. Pre paring for motherhood. S. Approach ing "middle age." Don't be a three-quarter wife. Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and go "smiling through." Over a million women have written in re porting beneht. Why not give this world-famous medicine a chance to help YOU? Laughing Around the World j I I S W ith IRVIN A Competition Which Was Open To All By IRVIN S. COBB rVO gentlemen connected with the cloaking and suiting trade went to the Catskills on their vacation. Shortly after their arrival they took a tramp among the hiils. 7 TSfc W "I wish," said one, 'that I owne'd that tallest mountain yonder and :hat it was all solid gold." . ..c0,. vi-P "That's a lovely thou Jt," said tho other approvinglj. Saj , ike, if that mountain was solid p-M and you owned it all by yourse.f would t :. 1...1 "" you give me su;:jo oi i.. nuii . 'Certainly i wou.dn t . saiu live. " man' weeks so critically in tnai his i t c:v ry was rt gam-, d as a more chance has lor some time n tot ling much better and was able last week to be out 0:1 the street during K( nl" o: tne nno warm nay.- anu 1 'that lie 1.-. Ultimately going 10 t i Union Brotherhood Meets, i The iut rdeiioininatinmil Frotlior ! hood wh.ich was be. tor known as the iMcthidist P.rot ht riiootl. but which, fotently became a brotherhood ' I both th- Mt thodit and Congrega 'tional churches, h o! their m'.-eting last Monday evc:.iag at lh' parlors 1 of the Mi t'nodist church, v ht re they ! enjoyed their get-together with a ! phasing musical program, as some ' of tile p. -opto which aire expo -tod to be sjieakors. wtie 1 1 Ilea rsi n g for a Iminstrtl show which i.- to be given 'at the American L'gioii rtoms in j the 10 ar fi!turt The Frotherhood ' arranged to hoicl their m xt met ting 'at the parlors of the Congregational 1 church when in connection with the ; program tin y are expected to have. ; an oyster supper. Attained Fifty Years Monday. On la--t Monday, which was valon- line dav and w hich w a piu'opr la t o- lv colohrntod ovor the country. .Mrs. Ralph Koeklcr roeeived a valentine, , a real one. lout liLty years old. Vmi a 1 real live one in the person of her ! husband. Ralph Keckler himself, as it was his birthday. Ht- anil the wife ; were ( lit ert a ined bv their son Rich- ,. , a 1 11 Ivockhr at a vi ry line which was enjoyed by the gus. t of; honor and wife as well as the many j friends assembled. Again on Mon day of IhH week Mr. and .Mrs. Law-' renoe A. Wiseman entertained and another very lino crowd was pre;. out. Tho t veiling was splendidly enjoyed and wishes txtended ior nn.ny more happy years. i Celebrate 63th Anniversary. ! Faul Marshall and wiie of Hlm ; wood wore last Monday ct ielii a t in g 1 the passing of their sixtieth wedding : anniversary a? tney were united in l marriage on St. Valentine's day. Ft-b-i ruary 14. lM'.S. and have hem mak j ing their home in Cass for most of the entire time. Thoy lived on a farm I northwest of Fin: wood until some fif teoi: years ago when they moved to iHlmv. ocd to make their home. 1 Wm. Marshall and wife, parents of j ! Spencer J. Marshall id' Weeping Wa- j j tor who make their honm at Itoug-j Uil were over -t Mondav to visit ; j j,, Weeping spencer J. Wat r w ith their son. Marshal and wife the same nay. Hears Sister Had Died in South. Thomas Fdg niont . living north of town where he has boon farming for some time, rtceived a message telling of the passing of a sister at a small town iu Arkansas, and (be-. siring to :th 1 d lie funeral was STAR Z AT BAT! Dependable hitting li m makes him a star Vf liZ'k performrr at bat! l 15'- K Dependable edpes v - make Star Single- y 'A edfre Blades star per- Ff formers on jour W ypt3 fare! Made by the gp inventors of the original safety razor. .11 uiiii mmm.Kmi.wmjnmw S. COBB 4 , . '.ir iii j uu; u " talking Wl.O VI: end the to his friend, anteert d to tal funeral. Peter Milbr e him to at- Entertained the Knickerbockers. Mis Acio'S Keiih en i erta ined h-r ielj(;v inemi'ers of the Eniekerbo. l.( r ai the Laural hottl at a six o'lbul: dinner alter which they ail en.ioytd a program and a session if ards. Attend Meeting- at Ashland. The Oddlillows of Sarpy, a portion of I.ancaswr and ("ass counties were eat.'ored at Ashland lor a d ist 1 it t meet ing, v. here they had an ox. -client time and put on much of the ';ik of tho different degrees. Those attending lrom Weeping Water were Frank E. Weed. C. II. Gibson. Roy i!a. 'am end Emery Marshall. : Attends Mother's Funeral. . Harry Schafter received the sad ; tie s of the passir f f his mother, who has been maki.ig her homo with 'another son. living in North Dakota. win ih occurred late last week and .with the wife and son departed to attend tho burial which occurred last ' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Schafer have j the sympathy of thtir many friends i in this their hour of grief. Woman's Club Meeting. The Weeping Water Woman's club was meeting at tht In. me of Mr. and Mrs. Ranney Tuesday whore they en joyed a line program. A delightful lunch was served. Beginning the Building. Weeping Water is to rise out. of the a.-dies of the groat lire of some woo ago and will be lugger and titer than ovor. Eimer Michelsen I who sufio ed a loss ing some s 10.(1(1(1 or more has boon very busy since the fire and getting in shape for rebuilding as far as ho is concern ed and is ready now to begin the erection of a room for his business, the Weeping Water Variety store. Workmen have been clearing away the debris for a number of days, and work wi'M begin immediately in erecting a modern bri k building. Mr. Miehelsen is endeavoring to have the building complete and stocked bv Faster. AFRICAN TAX DODGEES LASHED J () II A N N HS F 1' K( ; in the Johannesburg cer.tly boon whipped M'l'illli'i' tax recoil. li; t FF I Nat ives aria haio rc for failing to and for iihii- j payment of taxes. The punishment j has been brought to the notice of the (authorities by native leaders. It will pay you to get our rates before you write or renew you Automobile Insurance. .Special Rates Strong Companies Agency Service CALL OR SEE INSURANCE- "TZ-ci DiTTS MOUTH