The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 20, 1938, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1933.
1 1
Pioneer Resi
. dent of Union
Dies Tuesday
T-Irs. Nancy Klaurens, Aged Ninety-
five Years Dies at Close of a
Long and Useful Life.
TuoFday night at 10 o'clock at her
home at Union occurred the death of
Mrs. Namy Klaurens, On, one of the
last of the pioneer residents of the
south part of Cass county.
Nancy Rakes was born in 1S42 in
that part of Virginia that was in
civil war days made into the state of
Wert Virginia. In the year 1S50 she
was brought by her parents to the
new territory of Nebraska and they
Fettled in the vicinity of Nebraska
City and Union and where in 1S61
she was married to John Klaurens.
one of the pioneer young men of that
section where he had settled in the
early fifties.
The family has since made their
home in and near Union and where
Mr. Klaurens died September 16,
1910. at the age of ninety-four years.
They were the parents of eleven children.
Whether your printing Job Is
large cr small, it will receive our
prompt attention. Call No. 6.
Poultry Uanied
Friday, Saturday
5 lbs. and up, lb 18c
Under 5 lbs., Ib 15c
Leghorn Hens, lb 13c
Death of Aged
Lady Occurs at
Masonic Home
Mrs. Sarah J. Lewis, Ninety-four
Years of Age Dies Late Sat
urday at the Home.
Mrs. Sarah J. Lewis, aged ninety-
four years, nine months and twenty-
one days, died late Saturday after
noon at the Nebraska Masonic Home,
where she has resided for the past
twelve years.
Mrs. Lewis was born March 24,
1843 in Marion county, Ohio, and
came to the west wlun a young
woman, making her home for the
greater part of her life in Lancaster
county. The family later located in
Havelock and she was admitted to
the Home from George Washington
lodge No. 250 A. P. & A. M. of Have
lock. Mr. Lewis preceded his wife in
death In 1917 at Havelock.
There is surviving two sons, Or
ville, of Anoka, Nebraska, Albert of
Aberdeen, South, Dakota, two daugh
ters, Mrs. L. N. Flansburg and Mrs.
Kate Ogden, of Havelock.
The body was taken to Havelock
where the funeral services will be
held and the interment at Wyuka
Over 25 lbs., per lb 4t
Under 25 lbs., per lb 5t
Horse Hides, No. 1, each $2.00
Sheep Pelts, each 25c to 50
Ao R. Case
Phone 268-J, Noon or Evenings
West of Chevrolet Garage
Deputy Sheriff Cass Sylvester
Tuesday evening arrested Mike John
son, wanted at LeMars, Iowa, for wife
desertion. The office of Sheriff Syl
vester received notice that the man
might appear here and he was taken
into custody at the local postoffice
while calling for mail.
Johnson is being held here at the
county jail to await the arrival of
the sheriff from LeMars.
From Tuesday's Daily
Mrs. E. H. Wescott was at Nebras
ka City today where she was visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. H.
Pitzer. old friends. Mrs. Pitzer sus
tained a fall several days ago at her
home and as the result has been laid
up with an ankle injury that has
proven very painful.
From Tuesday's Daily
The Bestors won all three games
from the Chevrolets last night.
There were not many high scores
shot in the series. Bob McClanahan
had a high of 179 and a 511 series
for the team. Hey Mays' 579 was
high on the Bestors and Ed Thim
gan wasn't far behind with a 516.
The Creamery took two games from
the K. C. club and lost the first game
by six pins. This leaves the Creamery
still out in front in the city league.
There were several good scores shot
in the series between both teams.
Clyde Jackson is no longer an au
thorized collector of dues to the Com
munity Building Club.
1 h
$7.50 value
We believe that once you
wear a Miss Today two-way
stretch foundation you'll nev
er look at any other. American
Lady, maker of these great
foundations, believes that too.
So they designed this all-in-one
that has everything
quality two-way stretch fab
rics a long, long Talon fast
ener a fine lace bust section
that uplifts beautifully. It's a
wizard ot comfortable figure
control. This definitely is the
bargain event of all time
do take advantage of it while
our limited quantities last.
Children's "Star Brand"
Values to $2.98, On Sale Saturday at
Sizes to 2
The altar society of the Holy
Rosary church held a very largely
attended coffee on Sunday afternoon
at the church club rooms. The ladies
had prepared and served a very de
lightful luncheon and which was
thoroughly enjoyed. The committee
in charge were Mrs. Frank Aschen
brenner, Mrs. Charles Fulton, Mrs.
Joseph Holly, Mrs. Kate Hiber, Mrs.
C. F. Janda.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridgewater
were Sunday visitors at Brownville
and Auburn where they spent the
day with relatives and old time
friends. The Bridgewater family were
residents for a number of years of
Nemaha county and have many old
time friends in that section of the
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kennedy are
announcing the birth of a son, John
David Kennedy, on Friday, January
14 at the St. Joseph hospital at
Bonneville, Missouri. The baby
weighed six pounds and with the
mother is doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy are spend
ing the winter months with Mrs.
Kennedy's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Peniston at Booneville.
The Boy Scout troop held their
regular meeting on Monday eve
ning at the high school and a good
turnout of the scouts were present.
Dow Armstrong, had charge of the
meeting in the absence of Scout
master Ray Larson, conducting the
business and play session.
iReady-to-ServJko: SS7B
iga Roj,...s.m fr-plffi'jfft- ?"YYr -
Soup 16 ounce of T1 If 1 I I J T J " . 1 "JK $
. Jom open nd hc! jSpSjRS" t Kjj
P & G
Soap qc
10 Bars for
Cleanser Qc
Cleaner 44c
3 for a-""
Crystals Ec
Wedium Size, 2 for. .
Soap Chips
5-lb. Box
Lux or Lifebuoy Toilet
Soap ffjc
3 Bars
Granulated Soap
Giant Size 59c
Medium Sizo 9c
Large Size 21c
Spinach Offr
Not 2 Can 3 for
Tomatoes 4f)c
No. ZYz Can --V
Pine Cone White Kernel
Corn 4fic
No. 2 Cans, each
Grape Juice OQc
Quart Bottle
More Valise
A blend of six high grade
coffees combined to give
the perfect cup of coffee
regardless of the' method
of making you prefer.
Price Only .iQ Pound
Drip - Regular - Pot
Fruits & Vegetables
Carrots, green top, 2 bunches . . . 9c
Lettuce, Ice Berg, large head. . .6c
Radishes, 3 bunches 10c
Tomatoes, red ripe, lb 15c
Bananas, per lb .6c
Rutabagas, per lb . . .2c
Grape Fruit, doz., 35c; each. . . 3c
Oranges, Sunltist, med. size. . .17c
Oranges, large Sunltist, doz.: . .25c
Lemons, 300 size, doz .29c
Golden Sun
FLOUR fl .50
43-lb. Bag
Pancake Flour
3-lb. Bag
Baker's Cocoa
Best for All Uses lAo
!2-lb. Tin . ..... .
CoSee ecp
Lb., 28c; 2-lb. tin. . . J
Santos Peaberry
Coce flfc
Per Ib i
3 lbs., 49c
Bisquxck 2QC
Larqe size. Each...."
Makes Delicious Biscuits.
Corn Flakes 4Qc
Large Size.. ..2 for -J
Smith's Fancy
Sauerkraut Ar
No. 22 Can lv
Peaches or
Apricots arq
No. 10 Tin
Heinz Catsup
The Finest Sold! Aa
Lge. 14-oz. Bottle . . A
Butter Sfin
Solids, Ib S)'
2 lbs. for JSt J0
Dog Food Rc
Hills. Per can
12 tins, 59; Case of 48, $2.29
Meat Department
Shoulder Bee Roast, lb 15c
Round Steak, per lb. 25?
Sirloin Steak, per lb.. . . . 20c
Pork Roast, per lb. . . 15c
Fresh Pork Liver, lb 10c
Bacon Squares, per lb 15c
Not Sliced or Cut
Neck Bones, 3 lbs. or 15c
Wisconsin Bulk Kraut, lb 5c
8 lbs. for 35c
Heinz Bulk Dill Pickles, 3 for . . 10c
Boston Pork Butt Steaks, lb. . . . 21c
Fresh Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. or. . .29c
Glazer's 4A Weiners, lb. 23c
Fish - Oysters
Used Round Oak Heater
No. 16 size In good condition. Sale price....
Jus-t O.N'R Don't wait till It's trone and then wish you'll com sooner!
Long Chimney Oil Stove j&ld Q
with High Back. New. Rea. price, $22.50, now.. AffaV
It hasn't moved, so we're putting an ?S discount on it a 37 rer cent cut.
with Large Size Tank o Gas
Fully insulated Ivory color Range in one of the latest
table-top models. Four economical top burners. This com
plete SKEL-GAS outfit will be installed Of 6
with large tank of Gas for special price of 3 rfvlw"
Ext. large Electric Toasters 4 g
Regular price was $2.49 only three to sell at. . . v?'Jir
Will toast four slices at one time. No danger of these not movinpr.
Sis cup Electric Percolators 4 QfJ
complete with Cord. Regular price $1.49 now. . VP
Onlv FIVK of tliese bargain. s Come early before tliev are all fo1 out.
1-burner Electric Hot Plates 2c
Regular 9Sc sellers only 4, and they're going at
Just the thins? for use in the siik room, luatintr milk at nini.t for
Laliy and many other uses. tMld everywhere but here for nrounl $1.
Coleman Mantle Lamp &ffo
Special Trade-in Offer Any Old Lamp and f
First we reduce the price to $7.1S. and then on top of4hat allow the
full J3 trade-in for an old lamp. These are the new stVle with genuine
Olasstex shade, decorated in white and sold and with silk cord attached.
4-tine Forks, 4-cot handle gQc
Regular Manure Forks for Spring, $1.29 value at. ...
Twenty in stock and we feel sure this 40 cent reduction will move them.
at Prices that are Lower than
Rock Bottom
We are cleaning out every item of "short-lot", merchan
dise in our store at prices that offer you plenty of op
portunity to save. We urge you to look over this list
containing only a few of the many super values that will
be found on display in our store, all plainly marked at
great reductions. Only a few, at most, of any of the
items quoted, and of course when they're gone, there
just can't be any more at these prices. That is why we
urge that you come early to avoid being disappointed.
Sale Starts Saturday, January 22nd
20-in. Circulating Heater ft
MONARCH, 10,000 Cu. Ft. Capacity One only. sP-WaV
lAiine enough for the average six or seven room house. Jleular price,
$ now reduced $1'C. Only OXK, so if you want it, pet here iiick.
18-in. Circulating Heaters &A& Aft
MONARCH, 8,000 Cu. Ft. Capacity Two, each.
Same as above only smaller. The rlsrht size for a a or C-room house.
Heffular price was $71. "i0 TWO of them to ko at above reduced price.
Double Tub Dexter Washer $f 9 (f
USED, but in excellent condition. Belt drive...
Kxtra heavy wood tubs. We're Koin? to ive someone a real bargain!
Universal Electric Cooker Qg
Cooks your entire meal. Regular $18.50 value. .
The cooker you don't have to watch just put in your meat, vegetables,
custards, etc. and tliev will be ready at meal time. Once you've used it,
you would never do without it. We only regret we don't have a dozen
of them instead of ONK for we could sell them back to the wholesale
house at this low price, llrand new and fully guaranteed in every way.
Dexter Electric Washer AZ SJ)
Latest type selling regularly at $54.50 NOW. . )?Tfi,? V
Your chance to save $11 and pet the machine you've wanted. The Dexter
washer m eds no introduction. ONK only to ko at this bargain price.
Dexter Gasoline Washer SO
Has Briggs & Stratton engine. $94.50 value. . . 3?J
- $1." reduction on this farm washer and like the Dexter above, there's
only one. It's brand new and carries the manufacturer's rep. guarantee.
Used Majestic Range 14.09
Will give you a lot of service at small cost
We're telling: you and you'll agree when you see it this is a good buy.
Used Combination Range giJQ
Gas and Coal. A mighty good buy at this price. W
Tf vou're necilintr a "m (inn t ion Stove, don't f i 1 to lot.k this one over.
Also Included in This Sale
This Electric Mixer with its powerful motor and wide
variation of speeds is the outstanding mixer on the market
today. It does the job thoroughly and makes baking much
easier and more pleasant also many ether uses. Thous
ands of them have been sold at the regu- A F
lar price of $19.50. One only, going at s&iiot)vir
Scores of other items in our stock all being offered at
large reductions. Look for the yellow price tags that
mean savings of one-third or more from the regular list
price. Larger items in this sale can be purchased on
payments at a slight additional cost of financing same.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
433. Main Street
, :
Phone 151
r S