The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 20, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1938.
Weeping Water
John Cole was called to Lincoln
last Tuesday evening to look after
some business matters.
Wm Atchison of Elmwood was
looking after some business matters
'in Weeping Water Tuesday after
noon. Albert Bornemeior of near Mur
dock was looking after some business
in Weeping Water on Tuesday of this
Mrs. Ellen Johnson and daughter,
Doris and son, W. O. Johnson were
over to Lincoln last Monday visit
ing with friends.
Tony Sudduth was a visitor in
Union and Murray last Tuesday
looking after some business matters
and visiting friends.
Henry Linke and Erwin Rockatus
were in Plattsmouth last Tuesday
morning looking after business mat
ters for a short time.
Sheriff Homer Sylvester was in
Weeping Water last Tuesday looking
alter some official business as well
as visiting with his many friends.
Homer Fleeman and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. T. Colbert were over to
Ceresco last Sunday, guests for the
Satisfaction in God
Psalms G;J : 1-7. O Cod. thou art
my God; early will I seek thee: my
Foul thirsteth for thee, my flesh
huigeth for thee in a dry and thirsty
land, where no water is; To see thy
power and thy glory, so as I have!
thon in tlif s:i n c 1 11.1 1'V Iter:iuse
thv loving-kindness is
better than
lite, my lips shall praise thee. Thus
will I bless thee while I live: I will
lilt up my hands in thy name. My
soul shall be satisfied as with mar
row and fatness; and my mouth
shall praise thee with joyful lips:
When I remember thee upon my bed.;
and meditate on thee in the night
watches. Because thou hast been my
help, therefore in the shadow of thy
w ings will I rejoice.
BiWc School
Sunday, January 23rd
"Ministering to Physical Needs''
Mark 1:29-4 3.
We should find in this lesson a re
markable revelation of Christ's abil
ity to meet every need, to heal those
who are sick, to deliver those in
bondage to an evil power, to cleanse
men of foul leprosy. All these powers
of Christ are available today in a
higher, deeper spiritual realm; what i
he did then to the bodies of men. he J
i now doing in the hearts and souls i
of men. Our need is his opportun
ity. It is the same day as in our last
After the service and healing
in the synagogue, Jesus goes to the
house of Simon Peter with the other
dcsriples, Andrew, James and John,
to rest and receive refreshments.
But work awaits him a fever-stricken
patient. From worship to work.
What a comfort it is to have Christ
near in time of trouble. Well, Pet
er's mother-in-law might have been
well in a few days, so wc do not
call this a "great miracle." Peter
seems to have been the only one of
the apostles to have been married;
his wife accompanied him on some
of his missionary journeys (I Cor.
9:.")). However, the perfect and
prompt restoration is astonishing,
for we note that immediately "she
ministered to them." Fever patients (
recover slowly. What we notice es
pecially is "the touch of His hand" of
which Henry P. Morton sings:
"There are days so dark that
I seek in vain
For the face of my Friend
But tho' darkness hide, He is
there to guide
By hte touch of His hand on
There is grace and power
In the trying hour
By the touch of His hand on
The hand of Jesus was as warm
as love could make it. The cooling
hand soothed the fevered brow.
The Sabbath elosedat G p. m. The
whole city is stirred, there is a great
commotion outside the people carry
ing sick children, children lead blind
parents, men bring helpless in ham
mocks all who had any sick forth
with brought them to this Healer,
regardless of what their ailment
might be, "and He healed many."
That was a hard day's work, spent
in doing good. lie's just the same
today. "Jesus is the same, bless his
holy name, yesterday, today and for
ever." In the morning, long before day
light, He steals away, to a quiet
place, to be alone with God, to pray.
Has Jesus need of prayer? Yes, he is
human, dependent on the Father, and
he must renew his strength for there
is more hard work ahead. Prayer be
fore work. What an example the Son
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Jones.
George Browne of Lewellen, in
the western part of the state, arrived
in Weeping Water last Monday eve
ning for a visit with his many friends
here. While here he has been the
guest of his daughter, Mrs. Albert
Stock and daughter.
B. F. Wiles 'who has been making
his home with his sister, Mrs. Wm.
Spangler for the past month or more
was visiting in riattsmouth at the
iome of his brother, Joseph E. Wiles
for the greatre part of last week, re
turning to Weeping Water Monday
evening of this week.
Mrs. Dollie Garrison who has been
visiting with some of her children
at Valentine for the past two weeks
returned to Weeping Water last Fri
day and also accepted a position to
work in Nebraska City and departed
for there last Wednesday where she
will make her home for the present.
J. Marion Stone and Walter J.
Wunderlich, both of Nehav.ka, were
business visitors in Weeping Water
last Monday evening. Mr. Stone was
also attending a farmers gathering
at the farm bureau, while Mr. Wun
derlich was guest for. the evening at
the business house of Clinton Wil
kins and wife.
Paul Ward and family were en
joying a visit for the day last Sun
day at the home of the parents of
Mrs. Ward, Jack Maple and family
near Weeping Water. Mr. Maple,
who has not been feeling well for
some time past is much improved this
wmicr, win-n is joou news io ma
many friends.
Jolly Mixers Have Jolly Time.
The Jolly Mixers of Weeping Wa
ter which number 24. twelve couples,
were meeting last Monday evening at
I the hospitable homo of Charles II.
'Gibson and wife wtiere they enjoyed
! the evening most pleasantly, first
Lesson Study!
By L. Neitzel, Murdock, Neb.
of God gives us! The more work
tho more prayer is needed.
All the old saints tell us that they
had stated hours and regular places
for prayer; that was the reason for
a victorious life and the close walk
! with God. The praying of Jesus al
j ways had to do with something im
I portant in his ministry. (The in
I stances are too many to mention at
I this time). His prayers were com
munions with his hatner. Dealing
1 with his work, they moved on the
j highest spiritual plane.
Alone with God there is the place !
"ut,t v,uu i,vatL lu I
.. -i t t : . .. 1 1 i , ,1 i
...1., , . ,1 x 1. rt
jifvrai ins u "U1 Water greatlv benefited by his stay
:f:ll us with power, baptize us withat the i!latitution.
His spirit and come forth out of the
; secret place, to run the race, wj-estlel
i with the powers of darkness, and I
i . . ... .
j come out ot the contact more than
c euiquerors.
In the morning He is missed in
the house, the crowds assemble, the
disciples go to find him and try to
bring him back, but his plan is not
to go Lack, but to go forward.
Capernaum proved to be a hard
field no converts. Others shall hear
the gospel also "for to
this end
came I forth." His. commission was
from the Father; so should every
teacher and preacher have his de
vine "call." All the synagogues were
ope n to Him. He lire-pared the ground
so that He could send 70 disciples
out two by two. and they reported at success. Jesus' powe r to cleanse
i :. demonstrated in the healing of the
1c pe-r. We dei not know
where and
when this occurred; whether in a
synagogue or in a private house.
This man's faith must have been
great, as leprosy was regarded as
incurable by any ordinary medical
treatment; therefore tho cure by
Jesus produced a deeper impression
on the people. The man puts it up
to Jesus, believing that He can help
him, for he says: "If thou wilt."
Could Jesus resist such faith? No,
the man did not have to repeat his
pleading. "I will" is his reply, and
Ho touched the leper, and thereby
became ceremonially unclean him
self. The cure is perfect, every whit
made whole. That is the Jesus way.
In His great compassion He identi
fies himself with the unclean the
sinner becomes sin for us, that by
His righteousness become clean.
What a wonderful Savior!
The charge to the cured man to
tell no one seems strange, because
we are to witness to the world the
power of Christ to heal. The man at
Gardara was told to go home and
tell (See Mark 5:19). But this man
was disobedient anil caused Jesus
Double. It is a sad thing that those
who should tell, don't. There is not
enough witnessing for Christ. We
miss the old testimony meetings that
were Euch a power in the church in
glorifying; God.
with a six o'clock dinner, after which
they turned their attention to cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Woods could
not attend and as the practice is to
notify the hostess, who supplies the
place by inviting another couple not
members of the club. This is the
practice of the club and should a
member die, another couple is chosen
to take their place, always keeping
the number at 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Boss Shields were
Mrs. John Frizzel Better.
Mrs. John Frizzel who has been
very sick at her home in Weeping
Water for the past two weeks or more
and has been cared for by her daugh
ter, Mrs. Bay Creamer of Nehawka,
is greatly improved and was able to
be up and about on Wednesday of
this week.
Enjoy Fine Program.
The Weeping Water Woman's club
held their meeting at the pleasant
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olive,
where they enjoyed a very pleasant
afternoon last Tuesday.
The feature of the very worthwhile
program was an address of Mrs.
Hunt, wife of the pastor of the Con
gregational church of Weeping Wa
ter. Besides this address there were
several more very appealing num
bers. Are Working: in Kansas.
Art Johnson and Seward 1
who have been employed with the
WPA for some time past in the con
struction of several bridges depart
ed eaily this week for Golf. Kansas,
where they are assisting in the
building of a bridge.
New Son Graces Home.
The heme of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Stratum was gladdened last Friday!
by the arrival of a very fine nine and i
a quarter pound son. All are happy J
over tho arrival and the son and his
mother are getting along very nice
ly. Suifers Fractured Arm.
Iloelien Johnson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Johnson desired her
father to allow her to accompany
him to a basketball game which he
did and she and the father went to
the- game and in the roughness of the
playing one of the players jumped on
the little four year old Miss with
the result that one of her arms was
broken. The member was set and
she is getting along very nicely, al
though it will be some time before
the fracture amends.
Returns Home from Hospital.
Edward Olander who has been at
the Vetera ns" hospital at Lincoln rc-
- .,,.,,. tr,.afnient aml has fJCon UIUier
observation, has returned to Weeping
Entertained Knickerbockers.
Mrs. Arthur H. Jones was hostess
to the Knickerbocker club at her
home 011 Wednesday of this week
where the? club enjoyed a very pleas
ant meeting with a delightful
luncheon and the evening at bridge.
Enj'oyed Eanquet in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oldham were
guests last Monday evening at a
;delightful banquet at Omaha sponsor
ed by the company making Wayne
feeds, which Mr. Oldham sells at
his station. They enjoyed the ban
quet as well as meeting the retailers
over the country.
Duane Harmon Better.
Duane Harmon who has had so
serious a time with the infection of
his wrist, is reported as gaining in
his condition, while not as rapidly as
desired he is steadily showing im
provement. Antone Jourgesen Better.
Antoiio Jourge-se-n who has been
at an Omaha hospital for some time
is reported as being some better. It
was thought that he would be able
to return homo this week, but while
ho has been forbidden this, still the
report comes that he is steadily im
FALLS CITY, Neb., Jan. 19 (UP)
As a result of the murder in St.
!' l-JCf ,i.rhf P V 1. CATil.-'
11431 VIA. 1-. X-J.
Mason, for many years oprator of
"Mike's Camp" a night resort at
Rulo, a $10,000 alienation of affec
tions suit in district court will be
dropped. Last October Mason lodged
the action against John Niedecken.of
Falls City. He charged Niedecken
started paying attention to his wife
in 193 (J and that on several occasions
hs had taken her to St. Joseph. Prior
to Mason's action his wife had di
vorced him, alleging cruelty.
Cass county has no fconded Ln
debtedness, as, like tho state, we
have paid cash for cur hard sur
faced roads and other improve
ments as we went.
Heads Bar
Supreme Court Names Grievance Com
mittees for Each of Eighteen
Judicial Districts in State.
LINCOLN, Jan. IS (UP) The su
preme court today appointed griev
ance committees for each of the 18
judicial districts in Nebraska to sift
complaints of "unprofessional con
duct" on the part of attorneys.
The committee will form a part of
the new machinery for disciplining
attorneys under the "integrated" bar
of Nebraska.
Previously, complaints were sub
mitted to the attorney general who,
if he found merit in them, filed a
motion for disbarment on tho dis
ciplining in the court. The court then
appointed a referee to conduct a
hearing and the entire expense was
borne by the attorney general's liti
gation fund.
Under the new plan, complaints
will lie submitted to the grievance
committee which may refer the
the charges directly to the supremo
court. The court may appoint a
special mayor to conduct a trial for
the accused lawyer. The entire ex
pense, including payment for services
of the attorney to prosecute the case
will be paid by the Nebraska Bar
association. Every lawyer in the state
must join the bar assoc iation and pay
dues of .r annually if he is engaged
actively in practice.
The committee consisted of three
members of all except Lancaster and
Douglas county districts where the
membership is five. First mum d mem
ber in each group ij committee chair
man. The committee include:
Dist. No. 1. John 1 1. Wiltse, Falls
City; Kenneth S. Wherry, Pawnee
City and Lee Kelligar, Auburn.
Dist. No. 2, W. A. Robertson.
Plattsmouth; Ralph Nickorson,
Pa pillion; Thomas E. Dunbar, Ne
braska Citv.
city of Kearney which owed more
than $1,000,000 in 1924 is now out
of debt.
The last remaining debt 4.0'.0 in
waterworks bonds was paid today
out of surplus from plant earnings
Water Commissioner J. S. Bowker re
ported to the city council.
Even the new swimming pool for
whirh ?3r,009 in bonds were issued
for its construction last summer was
paid for soon alter the pool was open
to the public.
The municipal tax levy this year
In the Comity Court of Cass Coun
ty, Ncbrnska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Clara Mumm Twiss. do
ceased. No. 3317:
Take notice that a petition has
been filed praying for administration
of said estate and appointment of
George R. Mumm as Administrator:
that said petition has he-en set for
hearing before said Court on the
2Sth day of January, 193S. at ten
o'clock a. m.
Dated December 30. 1937.
(Seal) j3-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, N bra ska.
To the creditors of tho estate of
Henry Greer, deceased. No. 3307:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation eif
claims against said estate is May 2,
193S; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Platts
mouth on May 0, 193S, at ten o'clock
a. m., for the purpose of examining,
hearing, allowing and adjusting all
claims or objections duly filed.
Dated December 31, 1937.
A. 1 1. DUXBURY,
(Seal) j3-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska )
f ss.
Cass County J
By virtue of an
execution issued by C. E. Ledgway,
Clerk of the District Court within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, and
to me directed, I will on the 29th
day of January A. D. 193S, at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day at the
South Front Door of the Court House
in the City of Plattsmouth in said
County, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, for cash the following
real estate, to-wit:
South y2 of Southeast U of
Sec. 15, Township, 11 North,
Range 13, East of the Cth 1'. M.
in Cass county, Nebraska, except
3 910 acres deeded to David J.
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property tf Albert A.
Young, et al., Defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by Fred T. Ramge, Trustee, Plaintiff
against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Dec. 22,
A. D. 19 37.
Sheriff Cass County,
d23-5w Nebraska
Is 11. 3S mills, the lowest in many
years, City Treasurer Frank Ilollings
worth said.
Sec the goods you buy. Catalog
descriptions are alluring enough,
but how about the noods whenj
you get them?
In flic District Court of tltc
County of Cuss, Nebraska
Katie Schliclitomier,
et al, Plaintiffs
Edward E. Woolsey,
ct al, Defendants
To the Defendants:
Edward E. Woolsey,
Gates, William H. Swan,
liam 11. Swan, first real
Sarah A.
Mrs. Wil
name un-
known; Elizabeth M
Elizabeth Buyers.
Boyois, Susan
Boyers. lirst
real name unknown; Simeon B. Swan.
Henry Swan, trustee, Lizzie S. Boy-
iers, Boyicrs, lirst real name
unknown; William Piggoth, Mrs.
William Piggoth, first real name un
known; John T. Caldwell, Mrs. E. E.
Card well, wife of John T. Cardwell,
John Ie-nger, Mrs. John Boenger,
first real name unknown; John Lun
ger, Mary Bunger, Peter Hunger,
Mrs. Peter Bunger, first real name
unknown; Cora W. Child. Lester llo
back, Mrs. Lester Hobaek. lirst real
name unknown; Nettie Hobaek; Net
tie Hobaek Doo.-John Doo; tho heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons interest
ed in the estates of Edward E. Wool
sey, Sarah A. Gate3. William II.
Swan, Mrs. William H. Swan, first
real rami' unknown; Elizabeth M.
Boyers, Susan Elizabeth Boyers,
Lovers, first real name unknown;
Simeon I!. Swan, Henry Swan. Trus
tee. Lizzie S. Boyicrs, Boy
icrs, lirst real name unknown; Wil
liam Piggoth, Mrs. William Piggoth,
lirst real name unknown; John T.
Cardwell. Mrs. E. E. Cardwell. wife
ei .If 1I1 1
T f'-.nUvell .T,.hn Tieen-er
Mrs. John Boenger, first real name 1
unknown, John Bunger, Mary
: r, Peter Hunger, Mrs. Peter
ger, first real name unknown;
W. C'hiH. Lester Hobaek. Mrs.
ter Hobaek. first real name unknown,
Nettie Hobaek. Nettie Hobaek Due.
John Doe. Stephen B. Hobson, Fred
Shoemaker. C. Earl, first real name
unknown; C. Earles. first real name
unknown, Nathaniel H. Barnes, each
deceased, real names unknow'n; Tho
Trustr-es of tho Mt. Pleasant M. E.
Church of Cars County. Nebraska,
real names unknown; the successors
and assigns of Henry Swan, trustee,
rnd the trustees of the Mt. Pleasant
M. E. Church of Cass County. Ne
braska, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to the
southeast (juarter (SE'4) of Section
thirty-three (33). Township twelve
(12). north. Range twelve (12); the
southwest quarter ( SV U ) of Sec-
tir.11 tliirfv-fmir ('M)
eleven (11). north, Range thirteen,"" on too 1-1111 cay 01 i;ecemoei.
e 1 ?. 1 Hie north w.v-t nnnrter ( X v i . ) ! 1 3 7, the undersigned sole referee
if Section three (3). Tenvnshin ten!wi11
I 111) north l?iii'-f V "!
the west half (W'L-) of tho south-
eiirht (S). in Township ten (lO).iurt house, in the City of Platts-
north, Ranc
thirteen (13).
south half SU) ot" tho southeast
quarter (SE'i) of Section five (3),
the southwest quarter (SW'j) of
the southwest quarter (SW'i ) of
Section four !). Lot sixteen (l(i),
being the west half lVU) of the
southeast quarter (SE1,) of tho
southwest quarter (SW'i) of Sec
tion four (1). the northwest quarter
I.WV'i ) of the northwest euiirter
(NW'j) of Section nine ( !) ) , all in
Township ten (K). north. Range
thirteen (13. all of said land being
east of the Cth P. M.. in the County
of Cass, Nebraska, real names un
known: You and each of you Is hereby
notified that Katie Se-hlichtemier,
Clara Sehliohtemier. and Pearl Wad
dell filed a petition and commenced
action in the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, on the 10th day
of January, 193. against you and
each of you. the object of which is
to obtain a decree of court quieting
title to the southeast quarter (SE'i )
of Section thirty-three (33), Town
ship twelve (12). north. Range
twelve (12); tho southwest quarter
(SW'i) of See-tion thirty-four (34),
Township eleven (11), north. Range
thirteen (13); the northwest quar
ter (NVi4) of Section three (3),
Tenvnship ten (10). north. Rnge
thirtee n (13); the west, half ( V." ' )
of tho sruthwest quarter (SYYVt) of
Section eu'ght (S), in Township ten
(10), north. Range thirteen (13);
tho south half (S'i) of the south
east quarter (SE'i) of Section five
(o), the southwest quarter (SW'i)
of tho southwest quarter (SW'i) of
Section four (1): Lot sixteen (10),
being the west half (WVL-) of the
southeast quarter (SE'i) of the
southwest quarter (SW'i) of Sec
tion four (1), tho northwest quar
ter (N'Wli of the northwest quar
ter (NW't) of Section nine (9). all
ia ten (10). north. Range
thirteen (13), all ef snid land being
east of the fith P. M., in the County
of Cass, Nebraska, and for equitable
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said
Monday, the
petition on
2Sth day of
or before
1938, or the allegations contained in
said petition will be taken as true
and a decree rendered in favor of
plaintiffs and against you and each
of you according to the prayer of
said petition.
Dated this 17th day of January,
and PEARL WADDELL, - -Plaintiffs.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate
of Henrietta Lawton, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
e mai ine nine . nuutu
lor the filing and presentation o(
claims against said estate is May 0,,
IOCS; that a hearing will be had at j Xotiee is hereby given that under
the County Court room in Platts-(an, ov vjrue of a decree of the Dis
mouth on May 13, 193S, at ten j t,.ict tMurt of Cass County, Nebras
o'cloek a. m., for the purpose ft'ika, entered in the above entitled
examining, hearing, allowing and'cause 011 the 20th day of December,
adiusting all claims or objections j 1 037 .,,,,1 nn order of sale, entered
duly filed.
Dated January
(Seal) j!0-3w
r. 193S.
County Judge.
In tho Matter of the Trusteeship
of the Estate or William H. Newell,
deceased. Trusteeship No. S3 3.
In the County Court of Cass
County, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
above entitled matter:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that W. A. Robertson, Trus
tee under the terms of the 1-fst will
and testament of Willjam H. Newell,
deceased, has this date filed a peti
tion in thi:- Court alleging that he
has oomph ted tho trust created under
said last v. ill r.nd testament and that
said trusteeship proceedings should
bo terminated, and praying for ap
proval of his final re-port herein filed
on Dt comber , li'"7, together with
all prior reports-here in tiled, and for
an order of Court distributing tho
remainder of the property now in his
possession or under his control as
trustee of -said last will ami testa
ment, and for his dis. barge;
Yon are further notified that a
hearing will be had upon said peti
tion together with all reports of said
trustee before this Court on January
21, 193S, at the hour of ten o'clock
a. m.
! All objections to tho allowance of
...... .,...1 , 1. , , : .
, .-ani icjiona .nm me .umns o, un
prayer of said petition should bo
filed in this Court cn or before said
hour and date of hearing.
Dated this Coth clay of December,
19 3 7
' (Seal) j3-Cw
County Judge.
In thv District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
John Bond, ct al.
Plaintiffs, j
John Bond in his Capacity
as Guardian, et al.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a dec-roe of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
entered in the above entitled cause
on tho 17th day of November, 1537
fin'l an order of sale entered by said
:ell at public auction to the
best bidder for cash, on the 4th j
of February. 193. at 10:00
m.. at the south front door of the
mouin. wass county, -eurasiva, ine
following described real estate, to-
The west half of the north
cast quarter, and tho west half
cf the southeast quarter of Sec
tion 3-". Township 10, North of
Range 12. East of tho Cth P. M.,
Cass county, Nebraska.
Abstrai t will be furnished and pos
session of said real estate given
March 1. 193S; 10 per cent of the
amount of the bid to lie paid at the
time of saie and balance on con
firmation. Dated this 3rd day of January,
Sole Referee.
the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Carl Sutton, 1
vs. f
Ruth Bee-htel. ot al,
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a decree of the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebras
ka, entered in the above entitled
cause on tho first day of December.
1937, and an order of sale entered
by said Court on the first day of De
cember. 1937, tho undersigned Ref
eree v. ill on the -'nel day or Janu -
ary, 193S, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at
the front door of the Farmers and
Merchants Bank, Alvo, Nebraska,
soli at public auction to the highest
oic.ciei, ene iiiiiuniiis uv.-m i i ucu '"'
estate, to-wit:
Southwest quarter of Section
Township 11, North, Range
9 and
West half of the northwest
quarter of Section 33. Township
11, North. Range 9, all in Cass
county. Nebraska
upon the following terms: Ten
per cent of bid in cash on date of
sale, balance in cash upon confirma-
j tion of sale and delivery of referee's
) deed of land free from encumbrance
except lease on said lands to Febru
ary 2S. 1939, with 193S rentals to
be assigned to purchaser. Abstract
to be furnished purchaser showing
merchantable title. Said sale will be
held open for one hour.
Dated this 10th day of December,
Want ads sell all kinds of odd
household goods.
In the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
i Laura Etta Hendee,
. . , , , ,
v Defendan
on the 31st day of December, io
the Solo Referee will on the 7th day
of February, 1938, at 11:00 o'clock
a. m., at the South door of the Court
House in Plattsmouth, in Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, sell at public auction,
to the highest bidder for cash, that is
to say 10 on the day of sale and
the balance when said sale shall be
confirmed by the court, the following
described real estate, to-wit:
Lot 1 in Stadelman's Out
lots in the NWU of the NE U
of Section 30, and also Lot 30,
in the SW'i of the SKU of
Section 13, all in Township 12,
Range 13, East of the 6th P.
M., in Cass County, Nebraska.
Sale will be held open for one hour.
Dated this 3rd day of January,
1 9 0 S
Sole Referee.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Iii tl.c District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Carrie J. Kalasek, 1
vs. r NOTICE
Joseph Harper, et al. I
Defendants j
To tho Defendants:
Jcseph Harper, Jane A. Harper,
John W. Young. Mrs. John W.
Young, first real name unknown;
John W. Marshall. Mrs. John W.
Marshall, first real name unknown;
W. R. Cranney. first real name un
known; Mrs. W. R. Cranney, first
real name unknown; Margaret M.
Marshall. Marshall, first real
name unknown, husband of Margaret
M. Marshall; William II. Harper.
Mrs. William H. Harper, first real
name unknown; Robert T. Maxwell,
Mrs. Robert T. Maxwell, first real
name unknown; William Stadel
mann. Mrs. William Stadelmann.
first real name unknown; Samuel
U. Hitt. Mrs. Samuel U. Hitt. first
real name unknown; William II.
Martin, Mrs. William II. Martin,
first real name unknown; Sallie
Wright, Nellie Wright, Emma
Wright. Allio Wright. John Wright,
Alice S. Lauhead, John Lauhead,
Alice S. Lawhead, John Lawhead,
Lewelly Moore, Mrs. Lewdly Moore.
first real name unknown; A. W.
Osborn. first real name unknown,
Anna Osborn; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives
and all other persons interested in
the estates of Joseph Harper, Jane
A. Harper. John W. Young, Mrs.
John W. Young, first real name un
known; John W. Marshall, Mrs.
John W. Marshall, first real name
unknown; W. It. Cranney, first real
name unknown, Mrs. V". R. Cranney,
first real name unknown; Margaret
M. Marshall, Marshall, first
real name unknown, husband of
Margaret M. Marshall, William II.
Harper, Mrs. William II. Harper,
first real name unknown: Robert T.
Maxwell, Mrs. Robert T. Maxwell,
first real name unknown; William
Stadelmann, Mrs. William Stadel
mann. first real name unknown;
Samuel U. Hitt; Mrs. Samuel U.
Hitt, first real name unknown; Wil
liam II. Martin, Mrs. William 1 1.
Martin, first real name unknown,
Sallio Wright, Nellie Wright, Emma
Wright. Allie Wright. John Wright,
Alice S. Lauhead. John Lauhead,
Alice S. Lawhead, John Lawhead,
Lewelly Moore, Mrs. Lewf-lly Moore,
first real name unknown; A. W.
Osborn. first real name unknown,
Anna Osborn, John D. Tutt, Maggie
Tutt. and Sabina Wright, each de
ceased, real names unknown, and all
persons having or claiming any in
terest in and to Lots seven (7),
(7), eight (S) and sixty-seven (G7),
in the northeast quarter (NE'i) of
tho northwest quarter (NW'.i) of
Section thirteen (13), Township
twelve (12), north. Range thirteen
(13), east of the fith P. M., in the
City of Plattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Carrie J. Kalasek, the
plaintiff, filed a petition and com
menced an action in the District
jCourt of Cass County, Nebraska on
December 31, 1937, against vou 'and
each of you; the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a decree
f court quieting the title to Lots
seven (7). eight ( S ) nnfl
seven (0.), in the northeast quar
ter ( N E 1 i ) of the northwest quar
ter (N'W'i) of Section thirteen
(13). Township twelve (12), north.
Range thirteen (13), east of the
Cth P. M., in the City of Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and
for equitable relief.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 21st day of February,
1!3S. er the allegations contained
in said petition will be taken aj
true and a decree rendered in favor
of plaintiff and against you unci
each of you according to the prayer
of said petition.
Iated this 4th day of January,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Daily Journal, 15c per week.