MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1937. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE AVOCA NEWS ert ?Cutzman lias been very 1 usy cut tiiiiT wood on the land of E. II. Straub. Mesdame-s Henry Maseman and John .Vutzman were in Lincoln last Wednesday, doing some of their pre Ckristmas buying. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Voylcs enter tained Ora Voylcs. wife and son El mer and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers Christinas da and Sunday. J. M. Kokjer and wife were visit in." and looking after business mat ters i:i Lincoln Tuesday of last week, doing some shopping there. Edward Freeman and family, re siding northeast of Weeping Water, were guests last Sunday at the home cf I heir son. Earl Freeman and lr.mily. Albert Sill, who is in an Omaha 1 . spital recovering from an opera tion is reported making good pro press and should be able to return heme in a short time. Hick Cole was shelling and de livering corn to the Marquardt ele ator in Avnca. A crib at the ele vator was also being shelled, mak ing considerable for shipment. The Christmas program presented at the Congregational church Fri-' ch;y evening was attended by a large number of citizens of the commun ity. All enjoyed the program, which i showed the result of practice. Verne Rawalt, who is a student at ; ike University of Nebraska and the' Misses Jean and Wilma Stutt were! f i ending th'ir mid-winter vacation at the home of their parents in! A .-oca. j The Avoca schools closed for the mid-winter vacation with the giving' of the holiday program which fea- tn red a cantata. A large number of the parents and others were on hand to enjoy it. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Terrell were enjoying the Christmas season at the heme of Mrs. Terrell's son. George A. Stites and family, of Union. Mr. Siiies came over after them and also brci'.clit them back. Mrs. Edward Morley who returned heme last week from the hospital at Nebraska City, following a recent maj'ir operation there is reported as getting along very nicely at present. ai..I will soon be entirely restored in health. Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Thomas and daughters Misses Aileen and Nadine arrived here for an over Sunday visit and an opportunity to cele-!day hi ale Christinas with the prandfath- I or of the voung ladies as well as with Uncle Clyde. ! Mrs. Carl Zaiser was taken with a i-ere illness last Tuesday, which ; was diagnosed as a severe attack of r ppendicitis. flw, ....... tnl-Ait r.r. I out- " a lanvil cl L unir; to a hospital in Omaha for treatment and a possible operation, far has been averted. which so Now with News-Press Miss Hazel Eaior who held a re- portorial position mouth Journal for with the Platts a vear and then vent to Tarkio as an employe of the Avalunehe. with the forming of a partnership there found her services ik) lont'cr needed. At the same timej a vacancy occurred in the staff of 1 the Nebrar-l-.a City News-Press, which the accepted and is now in the em ploy of that newspaper. Entertained for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquardt en tertained a number of relatives at their home on Christmas day. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bren de'. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marquardt and son John. Mrs. Redella Staneler, of Louisville, mother of Mrs. Mar quardt, and Mr. and Mrs. K. V. White, the latter a sister of Mrs. Marquardt. Visited Home Folks Last Week Fred Gollner, who has been with a traveling orchestra, chanced to be in this neighborhood, playing in Omaha last week, and took advant age of the opportunity to run down to Avoca for a visit with his par ents. William Gollner and wife. Miss: Dorothy, aware of his contem plated visit, came down from Lin crln. where she is employed, and cn- ycd visiting with her brother and e parents. Another son and broth- t! c; 1.' . Ki nest. :na. is playing at Tulsa, Okla- A Eeautiful Christmas Tree I A number of enterpilsing citizens! (.!' A-.o'a have secured and erected J a Ie;, mi fill Christmas tree at the intersection of Main street and the c s passing the lumber yard. The N( br.o-k t Power company which sup 1 1 1 ; .5 Avoca with electricity promptly arranged to light the tree, and sent C. W. Evirett. one of their employes ; I Weeping Water here to do the v. u ing. It has, added ri'.Kh to the Christ tpuit. i Laughing Around the World With irvin s. COBB A Martian Aspect . By IRVIN S. COBB TT WAS a beautiful night with a full moon riding high in the heavens. . Officer McCune, strolling along a peaceful by-path in the park, was horrified to see a well-dressed man crouching on the margin of a still pool, peering downward into its depth a pose and an intentness which to the policeman's mind could betoken naught save a plan for self-destruction. Stealing forward, he fixed a strong grip in the supposed would-be suicide's shoulder. "Say," he demanded, "what's the big idea." The stranger turned a red and sorely puzzled face upon Officer McCune. He spoke in tones of a profound bewilderment and as he spoke, the Officer realized that the other, alas, had been drinking malt, spirituous or vinous lienors or possibly a combination composed of all tnree. "Ossifer," said the inebriated one, "look there!" He pointed down ward to where, in the water, Fair l-una war. gloriously reflected. "Well, what of it?" demanded Officer McCune somewhat gruffly. Naturally he was disappointed he hael in anticipation already seen his name in tomorrow's papers a3 the heroic rescuer of a despairing human life. "Do you shee what I shee down there below me?" "Sure I see it." "Ish the moon, ain't it?" "Soitin'ly it's the moon." "Sure being the case then, whas I want t' know is haw the hell did I get 'way up here?" John, Mary and Jack DENTISTRY and PUBLIC HEALTH Approved by American Dental Association and the United States Public Health Service PLATTSMOUTH DENTAL SOCIETY CHAPTER ? 4 When I was in camp last sum ." said Jack. "I kept my tooth me: brush in a holder with a screw top on it. When I finished brushing my teeth. I'd put my brush in its hold er and put the holder in my duffle bag." "Yes." interrupted the dentist, "and the next time you used your brush the bristles were still wet and coft. Isn't that right? '"It isn't a good plan to keep your toothbrush housed up. It needs air and sunshine and exercise just as you do. You can give it the necessary exercise twice a day by using it on vour teeth. The remainder of the it should be getting sunlight and air. You can make a very simple. practical and inexpensive toothbrush holder vcurself which you can use. both at camp and at home. Get a piece of pine board one quarter inch thick, one inc h wide and from six to twelve inches long. Place small shingle nails an inch and a half! , . ... , j V, ,- i ! jell - ail J 11 iiwr- DKjtx 1 u anu uuiin it 1 11 j some convenient place. If you are ar-j tisthally inclined you can enamel 1 1 the holder to match the bathroom decorations. If the hooks are an inch and a half apart, several people can hang their brushes on the same hold- Industrial Map Shows Economic Benefits Ffoil Production of E vs Industrisl mr.p showing ho w the brewing industry draws vpen every Gtatz in the Union for materials in the manufacturs or distribution of bscr. Raw materials and finished prod- ( benefited considerably from the t:ct3 uod in tho manufacture and distribution of beer aro provided by every State in the UniDn with a re sulting nn.tion-v.-ide distribution of tii3 hundreds of millions of dollars rpent annually by the brewing in dustry for its various requirements. Tho facts aro shown in "Beer and Lrewiag in America," by the late Vr.rrc-n M. Persons, former professor cf Economics at Harvard University, published by tho Brewers Founda tion. Thi3 industrial map, prepared rrom information developed in Dr. Persons' study, indicates that agri cultural States, identified by hop, barley, rice or corn symbols, are r.meng tho principal beneficiaries from the relegalization of beer. The brewing industry spends approx imately 5100,000,000 a year for do mestic farm products alone, it has been estimated cn the basis of Gov ernment reports. Mineral-producirig Stater, furnish- - coal, iron, coppsr, t:.-. ;v.. "'edients, etc.. ..: v. oil. :.lso 1 danger of the bristles , touc hing." i "Pay," said Jack enthusiastically. "that's p swell idea. I could make 'one of those holders myself. I know what I'll do. Ill have each member jof my squad make his own tooth j brush holder. He can keep his two brushes entirely separate from the : rest. "You have the right idea." said Dr. Young. "I can see where your rquael is going to shine under your directions." "Their teeth will shino anyway." said Jack. "What kind of toothpaste is host?" he asked. "Read on a little farther in that pamphlet that I gave you and you will fine! out." replied Hie dentist. Jack turned to page two and read as follows: TOOTH CLEANSING MATERIAL There are so many toothpastes and powders on the market that it is hard for most of us to de cide which is best. A good rule to follow in seeuring a denti frice is to choose one whoso manufacturers do not claim that it will do more than clean teeth. No toothpaste can cure decay, pyorrhea or other mouth disease. In selecting a denti frice, choose one that does not contain any ingredients that are so harsh that they will in jure the enamel or irritate the gums and lining of the mouth. A half month's supply of teothpowdtr can be made by mixing a level teaspoonful cf table salt with a level teacup full of ordinary baking soda. This dentifrice may not taste as pleasant as a more expensive and highly flavored brand, but if properly used with a good toothbrush, it will help to keep the teeth clean. (To be Continued) .eer A. 3i brewing industry through its use of fuel, machinery, trucks, bottles and cans and other equipment, chiefly where steel is the basic metal. Tho great wave of construction initiated by the brewing and allied industries with the return of beer more than four years ago has also drawn heavi ly on these mineral-producing States. The map also identifies some States with the tree symbol, indicat ing that they are producers of tim ber, chiefly white oak for cooperage. The brewing industry has spent ap proximately 535,000,000 for wooden barrels alone, without considering vats and tanks which come under the cooperage classification. Tho chemicals indicated in tho map represent compounds used in the exacting processes of cleansing and sterilization of brewing equip ment and containers. The truck is the proulable symbol in Michigan. Bretvers have spent up ward cf ?25.000.000 for the purchaso cf trucks and cars, exclusive of au even larger amount for naulics by private trucking concerns lor without MANLEY NEWS Aaron Rauth of York v.' as a busi ness visitor in Manley last Satur day. Oris Fchliefcrt and family spent! Christmas day at the home of Mr.; and Mrs. August Jochim. Mr. and Mrs. John Stander. Jean;t.nts of Mrs. Wood at Rattle Creek, and Nancy paid a visit to Santa ! Nebraska. Claus in ihittsmoutn Saturday. Robert O'Rrien. Sr., returned home ( c Elizabeth hospital in Lince '. - re-i year was declared in order. Those Thursday from Plattsniouth. where mains in serious condition according elected were as follows: Leonard he had been visiting his daughter, j m latest re ports. Kleme, president ; Kenneth Hest, vise Mrs. Ealtz Meisinger. j yY. and Mrs. C. I. Long of Mur- j preside ".it ; J. Elmer Shreeve. se:-re- Ered Ra tiers has purchased a newj(;Ki- visited friends in Elmwood lastitary; Morris Penterman. treasurer; radio, from which members of the Tuesday and as well were arrang-jTed Rrinton. chief; Ralph Gamble, family expect to derive mueh pleas- fur a number of orchestra pieces. J assistant chief; Milo Frisby, foreman lire during the winter. j Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenow were i hook and ladder wagon; Cloyd West, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mockcn-; guest-; in I. incedn over the week end. j assistant, and Don Parish, foreman haupt. Rilly and Anna Marie and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth were shopping in Plattsniouth Saturday. Fred Flnis'hman and wife spent Christmas at the home of their daughter. M Mrs. ' naries (jade antiiM. I,. Gnllshi r 1:1 Grand Island on family, and also visited with Mrs. Rachel Cochran and family. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Harms and Junior were at Talma ge Christmas day where they visited Mrs. Harms' mother. Mrs. Henry Peters and the litter's daughter. Miss Evelyn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt Council IiluiTs. entertained at Christmas dinner Mr.! Mr. and Mrs. C. Degser of Omaha, 1 and Mrs. John C. Rauth and daugh-;oii rout? home from a business trip ter Miss Anne, of Omaha, and their, sister. Miss Lilv Tighe. of Omaha. Cli orm 1 n llit'inviv of n on r T'ninn was a visitor in Manley last Mon - da v. coming to look after business matters. He also took the remaining Moore's parent. Mr. and Mis. L. F. goods lie left here at the time lie Laughorst. on Christmas day and moved away. i ovc r the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William Sheehan. ' Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Listen and Mr. Sr.. had the pleasure of entertaining 'and Mrs. Ralph Greene were in Lin their entire familv at Christmas col-i Sunday evening, where they cn- v.ith the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reynolds, of Kansas, who were unable to be rrcsmt. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kreck low and snn Keith ai d Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiles and son b ft Thursday for Milwaukee. Wisconsin. where they will spend the holidays as guests of Louis Kree klow and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mockenhaupt of Lincoln spent Sunday afternoon at the Walter Moe -kenhaupt home. Harold lienor and sifter. Miss Claudia, of Omaha, are spending a few days with relatives in this vi- cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sheehan. Sr.. Miss Catherine Sheehan and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheehan and children were among the larte number from this community who went to Platts moutli Saturday. December IS. to see Santa Clans en his annual visit there, and found him with his arm in a slinu: as a result of his airplane accident in Kansas. To Spend Winter in West Mrs. Emma Andrus. who lias been living here during the funnier and fall, left last wo k for Los Angele: whe re she will make her home dur-imoier of near Murray were visiting j the families of her two sons, making ing the winter, enjoying the milder in Elmwood Tuesday of last week. a very happy family gathering. Ver climate the section affords. 'guests at the home of their son Ron-J tier Periy and wife from the west Program at CMlson School ;the day. The children e f !:ie Chilsoii s; he :1 Rev. E. M. Hawkins, pastor of the under tho able direction of the Christian church, and his wife, cle teacher. Miss Dorothy Hi ester, pave', parted last Wednesday for Fairfield, a very fine Christmas program at Nebraska, where they spent Clirist- tlie school Tuesday evening. After! the distribution e f presents a nice. lunch was served. j Entertained Chiistmas Day Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stande r e n-j tertained the members of the I'ala- e ek family at a one o'clo; k dinne r on Christinas day. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. John Pa'aeek of Chi-j eago, John alace l Miss Co-el i 1 a sr. and daugiite rs. d Anna and son Frank of Plattsniouth and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stander and family. ! Guest of Hcncr Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Brien en- tertained at Sunday dinner in honor dicitis. was able to return home late of Robert O'Brien, home on a fur-(i;.st week and is feeling greatly im lough from the U. 3. navy. Those : provc-d. gaining strength daily, present we re Robert O'Brien. Sr., j Mrs. Flora Buell entertained at her Walte r O'Brie n and family. Hugh j c. untrv home on Christmas (lav be- O'Prien and family and Miss Lena ' Stanele r. c t .Manley; John Murphy , and family of Wabash. Harold and ; Miss Claudia Honor of Omaha and the guest of honor. RECEIVE JAPAN'S EEPLY WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 (UP) The ta'e clunaitment r-j-jcivecl fiorn j Ambassador Joseph Crew in Tokyo' the te::t of Janan's replv to the United; iriatts ltgareiiiig the attacks on the1 Panay and other American vessels: in the Yangtze. I Oahdals said copies would be i-t .!!-! ce! by appropriate oiliculs of the p;ov- Montgomery. There were also a 1111111 - ernriienL before any comment wouM.bcr of guests from Weeping Water be ma do or any division rem hod tic- to tlii.s guve rnmi rt'i. attitude. After' a first lvauin-;- of ti e rerdy S'f'.Ttlary ; cf fc'tte Hull said there would La no' official statement concerning the Jap-, anese reply until tomorrow. Elmwocd News Uncle Louis Uley is recovering in splendid shape from a recent stroke 0f paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood spent C hristmas at the home of the par- Mrs. Guv Lake who has been at i celebrating Christinas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dick er t. W. W. Coat man and wife enjoyed :a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. i chrir.t da 'Christmas day The two ladies are Mrs. Gollihe r is sieter of Mr. Coat man. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorenz had as Chiistmas day guests the family i t Arthur Lorcnz. residing south of Ehnwooi! and Miss Catherine of to Lincoln, stopped in Elmwood for short visit at the home of Mr. and Mr tlmrv Grecno i S. J. Moore and family of Om- aha were ucsls at the home of Mrs. joyed a show at one of the leading! theatres of the capital c ity. j i Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wood ! spe nt Christmas day at the home e f their son. Walter Wood and wife and other members of the family, over south of Cedar Creek. j spe-r.t A. W. Seiker and family Chrisnnas at the home of Mrs. Min- Seiker. mother of Albert. Mr. and Mis. Ed Seiker were also guests at the home of the gentlemen's moth - Jo Abrahams, of Weeping ater. mr.nage 01 the Lineedn Telephone and Telegraph company in western Cass county was looking after lmsi- j Charles West and Herman Flaisch l:t.Ss in K3m wood last Tuesday af-jman have: been in the habit of ctle i rnoon. j brati'ig Christmas together and this J. Elmer Shreeve and wife enter- ear they gathered at the home of tair.ed the "More Intelligent" bridge club at their home on last Tuesday ! two sons of Mr. West. Kenneth and eveninsr. After the usual spirited j C.'oyd. and Miss Kathryn West, who session at card- a delicious luncheon i has been making her home in Lin-v.-,s ,.i-ved jcc'ln. completed the partv who were L. F. Lansihorst is enjoying the j celebrating at the West home. Christmas season at home, having a j va-at:on that extends from December Mother Guest at Cook Home 2:1 tei January when he will re- j Mrs. W. A. Ceek was hostess to a turn to his work for the state as an , number of guests at her home on inspector. Mr. and Mrs. Erank Shlichte- !a!d Heh!i ktemcier 1 ma::, at the home of the parents of , tained at their home in Elmwood on Mrs. Hawkins. j Christmas, having as guests Bud Roland Thimgan had the misfor- j Clement and wife. Guy Clement and true to get entangled in a buzz sawjwifeand family anil Alley Clement of 1 while cutting up wood for the stove, While he was cut some and had his clothing torn away, lie escaped with- out severe injury. R. M. Dennis, who has been so ill following his return from California j is reported as getting along nicely. although still feeling the effec ts of the attack cf pneumonia he suffered after arrivinsr home. ! I Bill Zoz, who has been a patient j Lincoln and Union. At a hearing be nt the St. Elizabeth hospital in Lin-j fore the State Railway Commission coln sinee his operation for appen- sides the members of her immediate i::mi!y. her mothe r. Mrs. Lucy Lyle. md the family of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stark, which made a very happy family circle. George W. Blessing. Jr.. linotype epe rator for the Leader-Echo, was under the weather the fore part of the week and unable to work, his the week and unable to work, his place at the keyboard being taken) I y Mis. Dressing who is also a very apabk operator. j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green and i the children were in Lincoln Christ-j mas day, where they were guests at, t lie home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank there and all enjoyed the day. Dr. R. W. Tyuon and daughter of Murray we re gucots i'l.r Christmas at th home cf the parents of L'r. Tj ton. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson of Elm .vood. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mc- Mc and Fire Department Elects Officers At the meeting of the Elmwood fire department which was held last Monday, at the conclusion of the regular business and the co-opera tion with the city and Commercial club in their Christmas activity, the i ' election ot officers lor the coming . of the truck. Here for the Holidays Charles AldrKh. son of Mrs. Dess Stioetcr-Aldrich. who resides in Los visit his mother. Shortly thereafter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Reochtier of Lincoln arrived t 1 be guests of the mother. Still later. James Alelrich. who resides in New York, arrived, thus completing the family circle which gathered about the festal board on Christmas day. Chiistmas at Williams' Home I The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry , A. Williams was the s'-one of a very. ; pleasant family gathering on Christ- j 'mas day. These present included Mr. and Mrs. Russell Reeder ami their ! twin daughters of Plattsniouth, Carl! Schneider and wife and Miss Anna Williams, who is teaching at Brock. Christmas Observance The town of Elmwood. together with the Chamber of Commerce and the Eire Department held a very e n joya 1 Ie and worth-while gathering at the community building on last i Thursday. Resides a fine program, ; baskets were prepared for the poor well as more than l.rt sacks of j treats for the kiddies, all of which , w,'ei given away. That is our idea i i" the true meaning of Christmas. "iving useful gilts to those not able I to provide for themselves. Of course j 'here are always some injustices, but on the whole a great deal of good is ) uoi:e. Celebrated Together Mr. and Mrs. West and with the i Christmas day. among them her I j mother. Mrs. Catherine Perry and Croiey were also guests, Mr. Crorcy being a daughter of Mi Mrs. L. A. Tyson. ern! family forjern part of the state were also quests during the early part of the week. Hcd the Family at Eome !r. and Mrs. P. I. Clement entcr- i Elmwood. S. L. Clement and family j j of Peru and the family of L. D. j , Clement of Lincoln. This completed the family circle for Christinas day. Want Bus Service Continued There has been a great deal of j speculation as to whethe r the Mis-1 i seuiri Pacific will be given a permit to discontinue bus service between! List Monday numerous persons from ; Lincoln and towns along the route, appeared to protest the discontinu-: cf the service. Those who went from here were George Blessing, B. j I. Clement. Edward Earnest and, I Fred Ktintz. The commission teok the matter under advisement and; will not announce its decision until i ; later date. The railroad claims the j bus is being operated at a loss. Aj prior request to discontinue it was I made some months ago Entertained Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parriott, who. reside cast of town, entertained on j Christmas day, having as guests at. their hospitable home their daugh-i ter. Miss Orland. wluo conducts a beauty shop at Murdock, J. M. Par-j riot t and family of Auburn and Mr. j land Mrs. E. F. Hook, of Lincoln j Cass county has no fconded in c'cfctcir.css, as, like tc state, wej have paid cash for our hard sur- i faced reads and ether improve-. mcnts as we went. Phone news items to No. G. Greenwood Lincoln Dimmit is feeling much better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Knolle spent last week at the L. C. Marvin home. Clyde Newkirk. who is working in Columbus, spent Christmas at home. Miss Wilma Mays spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mays. Miss Virginia Newkirk spent last week at home, returning to school Monday. Mrs. William Armstrong some better. Everyone wishes her a speedy ree-eivery. Miss Dorothy Leesley spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . E. Leesley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kirk and fam ily moved intej the O'ftourke property last week. Miss Marjorie Newkirk spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Newkirk. Miss Am el Cope re turned home Friday evening to spend the week en el with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cope and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Cope of Waverly. Martin Shupe and his brother from Omaha leased the North Ser vice Statiem last week. Ralph Palmquist. of David City, spe-nt Christmas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Palmquist. Mr. and Mrs. John Hartsock spent Christmas with relatives in Albion r.nel expects to return this week end. Miss Irene Kelly returned home on Friday to spenel a few days with her perents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and Lucille. Garfield Dunning left Wednesday morning for Denver, where he will enjoy a ten day visit with his sister and brothers. Mrs. Edith Gribll? and Mr. and Mrs. George Brindenball of Beaver Crossing spent Christmas at the Jack Gribble home. The M. E. church Guild will meet at the church Tuesday, December 2S, with Mrs. Walter Woitzel and Mrs. Elmer Mathis. Mrs. Mat tie Armstrong returned home last Saturday. She has been with relatives in the state of Wash ington for an extended visit. Kenneth Marshal and Otis Hickey are in Nie holas-Senn hospital in Om aha from injuries received while at work on the rural electrification pro ject. A Christmas program was held for the little fe.Iks at the M. E. church Monday evening. They all enjoyed the evening and sacks of candy were received by all. Mr. and Mis. L. C. Marvin left Sunday for San Diego, Calif., where they will visit their son Neil. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Clymer, who will visit other friends and relatives. Delta Deck Club Meets The club met at the home of Mrs. Ray McNurlin for its annual Christ mas party. The afternoon was spent playing pinochle. Mrs. Travis Cam eron won high and Mrs. Everett Recce held the low score. The at tractive Christmas tree was loaded with gifts which were opened at the close of the party. A lovely lunch was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Mae Gribble will entertain at the next meeting. Used cars, livestock, household goods all can be sold through inexpensive Journal Want Ads. for Your Insurance Business It has been a pleasure to be intrusted with the Insurance of an increasing number of patrons during the past year. I.Iore and more, people are com ing to realize that it pays to have good insurance purchased through a local agency capable cf exj editing settlement should a less cccur and that, after all, is the only time any form of insurance is put to the test. PB01IPT SETTLEMENTS WHEN YOU BUY FROM Phone- 16 PLATTSMOUTH TIMES INSURANCE- bond s-n 15