MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1937. PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL To Investigate Registry of Boats on West Coast Naval Officials Take This Step as Fleet Is Aiding in Stopping an Espionage Plot. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21 (UP) U. S. customs agents said today that they were investigating the registries of every American boat in the Paci fic to search for secret alien owner ship and that the mysterious move ments of naval destroyers a 11 d launches off the coast were part of the scheme. Naval authorities hinted that the drive was directed against fishing boats that are being operated out of California ports by aliens, especially Japanese. There were other rumors that the navy's activity, which has included the halting and boarding of fishing boats in San Diego bay and a con tinual patrol of the harbor by de stroyers, might be associated with a "coastwise espionage plot." The San Franeis;o Chronicle said today that U. S. customs agents boarded the Japanese liner Tatsuta Maru just before she sailed from San Francisco yesterday and "seized a sheaf of letters reputedly linked with a coastwise espionage plot." The newspaper said that the plot reportedly dealt with operations at the Bremerton, Wash., navy yard. In Honolulu, however, Hear Ad miral Oring Mui'liii, commandant of j III. A I I 11 11.11.1 Ul.U I1IJ r VU imn I the maneuvers off San Diego and San j inspection." Admiral Murfin. the first naval of ficial to comment on the maneuvers! i except those who explained it as j "routine training," said that "the,1 problem is one which has concerned the fleet at Long Death for some time and we have not gone into the question here. ( Honolulu i." He said the question of aliens regis tering t heir ships illegally as Amer icans was "primarily one fur the commerce department." The San Fianciseo Chronicle, speaking of the so-called plot. said "it was known that in recent weeks both customs agents and postal in spectors have redoubled their vigil ance in connection with efforts to intercept letters of a susph ions na ture, addressed to undisclosed eastern dst in at ions." far . The letters taken from th.- T:)s:it.- - - i Maru were not stamped and wert sum in nave neon entrusted to an i unidentified paity aboard the vessel," j according to the Chronicle. " j A naval source asserted unnffii iallv i that there were !.()' 2 fishing boats ' operated out of California ports that were owned by aliens, and that from 400 to oOO of them were dominated by Japanese. The Nancy Hanks, a ?2.".000 f;sh- ing tmack. was seized at S;n Pedro on the suspicion that an alien Jap anese owned it. Customs agents said they expected to make other s. izuns and that one particular boat has to be taken as soon as it readied port. There was no particular implica tion that the drive was directed against Japanese, except insofar :is Japanese aliens were the main of fenders in putting their boats under American registry. Off San Pedro, destroverS were running a constant patrol in relays ' of two to each 24-hour shift. In i San Diego bay, bluojackcjs armed with machine guns have been pa- j troll in c the w:it.r in 1-mtw.lw., -.11 week. They have been halting evi ry ! lifc boat thev meet to Kainin, it i,.ni ! Lying and scrutiirTze the crew. The destroyers, farther out !n the channel, were observing the move ment of all craft. Last night one destrovor anrhf.i-i-d off the San Diego harbor entrance played a sweeping searchlight on i Coronado and North Island beaches. The launches were reported to be Mopping iruiii eigni 10 ten noats oanv outside San Diego. A patrol boarded each boat and questioned the master about the nationality of his crew and registry. Nine destroyers went to San Pedro together under emergency mobiliz ation orders the first of the week. Customs men who seized the Nancy Hanks declined the use of their names but said the navy was cooper;! ting with them. One agent said "we are going to town on this thing." The customs men had no informa tion as to what inspired the alien drive. California American Legion posts have agitated in favor of it for several years. Legionnaires protest ed that it is illegal for o foreign owned vessel to sail under dummy U. S. registry, and that in spite of the law, aliens, particularly Jap anese, were taking lish from Amer ican waters. The Legion urged that alien boats be cleared out for three reasons: to a A WAN THAT MINDS ALWAYS HAv conserve natural resources; increase employment for Americans, and safe guard national defense. Customs men said that so far as they knew, the government might be heeding the protests of American Legion men. and that any sugges tions that the drive w;s in retalia tion for the sinking of the U. S. gun boat Panay by Japanese bombing planes, or that it was directed against spies, would be "m rely guesswork." They charged that the Nancy Hanks was registered by Masaaka Kuwabara. an American Japanese, to conceal the real ow nersli ip. The boat allegedlv was buil: by the J. M. Martinac Shipbuilding corp., year for one Y. Suzuki, an alien anese. last "a in FGi'ti i repares to Battle with 7 0 f ; LabOr bTGU!S; Following- Stand of the National La bor Board CIO s Issues with Auto Manufacturer'. i v DETROIT, Dec. l'I riM Henry second major Ford pre pa rid fight with an '-'"Vol nment t si lacked by a .-1: labor relation-; cd a c-nfeiviKC : or ge his of th; fe. ,1 as 'an ion . -!ed i oers. national reouest- IotM- Co. oard ruling, wi-.h Ford ?. oil lc F to promote .r.dusti ,i :ce. i i-on. com routed !; a ia,r hoard declaration that his cmpanv was .guilty of "savage anti-union r.etivi '.):.. . ..1 1. .... .... . , , , i e; i rectei eeiei: nis a.iurnevs lo tile :!- a.iurney a.-k the !,.,., i ... ,,. ,.,.,.,.. i,. ; I ; oral courts io overrun the deci.ior. er denounced winch one company law "wrong and uiijust." The manufacturer, long a c-itie of i. , ,. ,,r j unions and of federal i eg-.ilation -ine.-.-, was acr..s.-d bv the boaio laving instituted a "ivientie.-- earn- g!t" again.-1 the United Aul- one the i;:a- I V uo!,:ers cnion. an a 1; hate I CO! naittee for Industi ial .tier, j Home dent of j p!e- teil Ma: tin. international ) tile union, immediately i conference "at vour :esi-rc-c n- ; vtnicnee" v.-li Hai ry D iinett, t r- : ni.e! director of tie Ford company, j to promote "inde.strial peace ard p'ro;er rcl.Uions" bttv.cvn the : facturcr tind his workeis. SLAY BECAUSE NO TOYS KKND.MA'ILLF, ImT., Tn c. (Wt I.'onald Laniz, a youir didn't waiit to live throu.d n:a.; because his two-venr would have no toys. S he 1 baby and attempted to take 1 a rmer Christ-! old son i .Hied the- Hi, l:i.s i own on a -pital bed, r.dmitted to Coroner Myn-ifC. Ilutch ins last night that he bludgeoned t he child Wednesday "to make thing.; all ri ,h He toid of h s an no money t t buy le .v I .-ecu use presents. h e nai ,t "i: l day. Christmas came real er. We h.-.. it," he STEADY JOB .1 "o money and 1 couldn't stand ; rolled in a ur.ion organization cam said. "I wanted to kill mvself i t..-J;mi i?.v at i ,..,. and take my 1 with me." ody Was foU!:d at rue cnnu s Lantz' poverty-stricken home. Lnntdpaign was in charge of It. E. James, was nearby, his throat slashed. They A. F. oi L. organizer from Kansas were found by hi; estranged wi"e a.-; City. Permanent organization work the returned home ! band on Thursday to be with her ha.-;-! is being completed by Organizer Wil--his 21th birthday liam Laude, of Denver, in the west- STEAL CHRISIivIAS FUNDS Ni:W YORK, D(c. 24 CUP The executive committee' .f the- Paul K. Santagelo Association, a Tammany Hall club, of which former Governor Alfred U. Smith once was a no-iuber, as. cmbled last night to receive ?,2, 000 collected for the purchase of 1,000 Christmas baskets for th? poor. Five gunmen walked in while Morris Solomon, c 1 u b secretary, counted the money, lie pleaded for the needy and the spirit of the kindliest holiday of the year but the gunmen picked up the money and fled. Their leader callfd back over his f.houider "we need a Christmas t Jo." CANNOT THREATEN DEBTORS LINCOLN. Dee. 21 (UP) Attor ney General lib-hard C. Hunter to day warned a Lincoln collection agency it cannot threaten debtors with legal action. In a letter to the Co-Operative Merchants association. Hnnter said. "Your business is limited solely to attempting collection without any threat or mention of legal process. "In event of failure to collect ac counts, your duty is to return them to the individual creditor who must employ his own attorney to bring any legal proceedings if they are to be instituted." The attorney general said the use jot" the threat of legal action consti tuted illegal practice of law. Pope Pius Scores Treatment of the Catholic Church Religious Persecution by Nazis in Germany Touched by Pon tiff in Address. VATICAN .CITY, Dec. 21 (UP) IVpe Pin-, at a reception to his card- nais today, bitL polie; urch. !y attacked the Cor toward the Ronnn i man Nazi Catholic eh in Ce I'itian v there i real, actual cution despite efforts contrary impression," leii-ious pei to pre: (.nt a the pejie said. Cardinals leaving the ceremony said that the pope spoke frankly and bitterly about Ike church situation in Germany. His x ks were made in response!"11 lliese marks ot nientincation, me c '-Meetings, which Card- -.risur.a (ir.ijiito Pign Di P.eimonten 11 dean o; the college (if cardinals ex-1 - ':'''l t- the cardinals" name. olle: nals J w i :i : y The p 1S tr.L'.; n ne c rei als were present. ilenn 1 in p ! that litical ilu ctivities in v I. 11 I l 11 German .i .,.v; i ;, ,. I. VI an 11 , iCU l b.LL lift W 1 K vas i.iuvlv reli'.'i lie :efac,l his re in a rks regarding persecution with the statement: We want t- say a few important plain words before the whole world i regarding the situation of the churcl n ! in ( lermany. I Then hi' :i - tbv-t f loLl- frii: per- ; secution in Gtrniatiy was ! and gi uvc" htful! . i THURSDAY NIGHT'S EASKETBALL RESULTS Py United Press State Colleges Indiana 4:'. N braska 42. Wist State Teachers Z'J, Creigh- ion Nebraska High Schools Auburn 27, Sacred Heart, Falls City, 24. lu ll w ood Dunc an 1U. Wymoie 21, Parnston 1H. Wilcox ?., Franklin IT.. P-ladeii Hidstein 11. Prat tori Union ;;:, Stella . Chapptdl 2:). Julesburg. Colo. 13. Valentine 2 0. Chadron IS. Thedford :,:. Mullen 21. Chappell '.)'.. Venango 21. Dawson 2o. porn Prep IS. Shubert 22, Verdon 14. Kockxiile De.atur 2",. Decatur 27, Watcrbury 10. Dubois 2.",. Honey Creek 19. Fairfo-M 27. Lawrence l'.. Kepuldican City ID, Bloomington Plymouth 22. Diiler G. FarweM 21, Thomas, Kearney Candy 20. Arnold 10. O-Uallons .'17, Sutherland 17. North P.end 20, Klkhorn 25. flolhenburg 22, Kustis IS. Crafton :'.;. M Cool Junction lici t inutoti Crnl'ion 21. Konnard 12, Craig 12. Lev. iston 20, Dun hard S. 1C. EEET WORKERS ORGANIZE CP.AND P'l.AXil. Dec. 1 (UP) :bollt. 1 .01)0 of t lu ",0rt workers em- nioy d in Nel.-raska's eight largest 1 e(t siik'ar factories li:ivo been n- 'the Nebraska Federation of Labor, Said tnd.lV 'Dir. liri.liminnrv f.-im. n section of the state with brewer in charge at Grand Island. BRIDGE TRUSTEES MEET C ) MA HA, Dec. 21 (UP) The Dodge .Street bridge board of trustee i meeting litre last night decided to call for bids for construction of the span linking Omaha and Council Dliiirs to be opened at 2 :. m., on Jan. 2". The :;tyle agreed upon is a self-anchored suspension bridge. Plana were drawn by Dr. II. P. Steinniaii, New York engineer. It was estimated the; bridge i would co.,t about :l,r,0i),0l)0. It is to bvcome free when paid for in toll.i. Your courtesy in phoning news to No. 6 is appreciated. Panay Officer Tells Deliberate Bombing of Boat Report Transmitted to the Naval De- partment at Washington by Commander J. J. Hughes. WASHINGTON, Dec. 24 (UP) Japanese planes that bombed and sank the United States gunboat Panay gave every appearance of de liberation; the planes machine-gunned the small boats taking the sur vivors, some of them wounded, from the sinking ship to the shore; a Jap anese surface boat machine gunned the Panay as she went down. These facts Commander J. J. Hughes, commanding officur of the Panay, transmitted to the navy de partment in a report made public today. The report revealed both the de tails of the attack on the Panay, and the individual acts of heroism by members of the crew. In the view of officials here, Hughes' report supported the official belief that the Panav was first board ed by Japanese military officers, then deliberately sougt out, attack ed and sunk by Japanese bombing planes. The report was the formal state ment required by law of every naval commander who loses a ship. It revealed that the attack jkvas made at mid-day; that visibility was excellent; that the Panay was prac tically covered by huge American Hags, both horizontal and vertical; that the ship was painted with dis tinctive markings; that, in spite of Panay was the principal object of the Japanese aerial attack. ailtl 1L w-s i't'ai -..., jthe Sunboat must sink, Hughes' re- i pori siaieu. mu uie aiiaciviiig piaueo trs 1,10 1uuay was convoyin: and destroy them. Hughes' repent was considered by :;tate department e.fficials to support in full details this government's for mal protest, and to justify demands that the Japanese government must, in addition to making full indemnifi cation and a formal apology, give ade quate guarantees that American na tionals, their rights and interests in Chian will be assured of freedom from attack or interference in any manner whatsoever from Japanese armed forces or other Japanese ele ments. Hughes' reports made these points: 1. The Panay was identified as an American vessel by two large hori zontal flags, one spre-ael over the for ward top deck and one over the after top deck, both clearly visible from the air from any ani;le. Each flag measured about IS feet in length and 14 feet in width and had been freshly repainted. In addition, be cause of the emergency condition existing, the Panay had been flying her largest ensign at the gaff . both day and night whether underway or at anchor. All ensigns, both hori zemtal and vertical were brightly il luminated at night. 2. Four hours before the Panay was bombed, she was boarded by a Japanese army officer and boarding party. Her nationality, destination and mission were fully established. 3. When the attack was made, the Panay was anchored in a broad reach of the river. There were no Chinese or other ships in the vicin ity, except the American ships she was convoying. 4. At the time of the attack, 1:27 p. m. "the weather was clear with good visibility and no wind. The planes were clearly visible in spite of their altitude which may not have been as high as reported to me at the time (about 4,000 feet)." 5. The bombing attack continued t'er about an hour, with the attack ing planes diving to within 100 to 200 feet of the Panay, from which distance the American flags should have been clearly visible. "From thf-n (1:27 p. m.) on the plants bombed us continuously un til about 2:23 p. m.," Hughes' re port said. "TTley appeared to be at tacking us In relays of two or three each. The first group that came over bombed from a considerable altitude which kept them beyond range of our Lewis machine guns. Later when the Panay was visibly smashed up, they came much closer and not only let go thir bombs from low altitudes, of perhaps one or two hundred feet, but also machine gunned our decks, llrlng as they came down, diving." 0. "It should be remembered that Hie attacking planes concentrated almost all their efforts on the Panay during ut least the first half hour," Huglii-H said. 7. The planes attacked and ma chine gunned the small boats in which the Panay's survivors, many of them wounded, escaped to shore. S. A Japanese surface boat ma-I chine-gunned the sinking Panay, be fore a boarding party of Japanese soldiers went on board. Rock surfaced roads are put ting Plattsmouth in closer touch with a rich farm territory. Whether your printing Job is large or small, It will receive our prompt attention. Call No. 6. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested In the estate of George P. Meisinger, de ceased. No. 3274: Take notice that the Executrix of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examination and allowance of her administration ac counts, determination of heirship, as signment of residue of said estate and for her discharge; that said peti tion anil report will be heard be fore said Court on January 21, 1938, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 20, 1937. A. II. DUXBCRY, (Seal) d27-3w County Judge. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of Educational Lands and Funds or its authorized representa tive will offer for lease at public auc tion on the 2Sth day of January. 193S. at 2:00 o'clock p. m.. at the office of the County Treasurer of Cass county, in Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, the following educational lands within Cass county, upon which the contract of sale or lease has been forfeited or canceled. At the same time and place, all movable improve ments on such lands will be sold ni public auction. Said public auction is to be held open one hour. The right to redeem the within described lands ceases to exist upon the com pletion of this advertisement. Description Sec. Twp. Rge. NW4NR'; 3G 10 10 LEO N. SWANSON. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. d27-3w NOTICE OF HEARING Inlhe County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. To all persons interested in the matter of the Trusteeship of the Estate of Caroline Williams, deceas ed: You and each of you are hereby notified that a hearing will be had before the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska, in the court house at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on all re ports filed in this court by C. II. Longacre and Augusta Longacre, trustees under the last will and tes tament of Caroline Williams, de ceased, on January 22, 193S, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.. at which time the Court will examine all re ports of said trustees, covering the period of time from January 7, 193 5, to and including the date of the filing of the sixth annual report herein, namely December 20. 1937, with a view of passing upon the cor rectness of the same. All objections, if any. to said reports must be made on or before the day and hour of said hearing. Dated this 20th day of December, A. D. 19 37. By the Court. A. H. DUXBURY. ("Seal) d27-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska ) SSk Cass County J By virtue of an execution issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 29th day of January A. I). 193S, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: South y2 of Southeast V of Sec. 15, Township 11 North, Range 13, East of the Cth P. JI. in Cass county, Nebraska, except 3 9710 acres deeded to David J. Pitman; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Albert A. Young, et al., Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Fred T. Ramge, Trustee, Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Dec. 22, A. D. 1937. II. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, d23-5w Nebraska SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska County of Cass J By virtue of an Order bf Sale Is sued by Clerk of District Court with in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 9th day of November, A. D. 1937 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said Coun ty, Bell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: Lot 3 61 In the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Ne braska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Ray E. Frederick and Claire M. Frederick, Defendants to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by State Secur ities Company, a corporation. Plain tiff, against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7, A. D. 1937. H. SYLVESTER. Sheriff Cass County, o7-5w Nebraska NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of William Patterson, deceas ed. No. 326S: Take notice that the Executrix of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examination and allowance of her administration ac counts, determination of heirship, as signment of residue of said estate and for her discharge: that said petition and report will be heard be fore said Court on January 14, 1938, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 17, 193 7. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) d20-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska ss. County of Cass J By virtue of an Order of Sale issued by C. E. Ledg- way, Clerk of the District Court with in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 22nd day of January A. I). 1938. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South front door of the Courthouse, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing real estate to-wit: Lots 12, 1C and 17 except the West 50 feet in a parallelogram of Lot 17 and a strip of land 13 feet wide along the south side of Lot 17, all in the South west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Town ship 12 North, Range 9, East of the 6th P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska and Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 38, 39 and 40. situated in Jones' Second Addition to the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Fanny Sayles, a widow, tt al, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by Carrie M. Armstrong, Plaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, December 13, A. D. 1937. II. SYLVESTER. Sheriff Cass County, dl6-uw Nebraska. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determin ation of Heirship In the County Court of Cass Coun ty Nebraska. Estate of David Bachler, deceased. Estate No. 3315. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons Interested in said estate, cred itors and heirs take notice, that T. H. Pollock has filed his petition alleging that David Bachler died intestate in Cass County on or about November 27. 1S6S. being a resident and inhabitant of Cass County, and died seized of the following described real estate, to-wit: The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion 1. Township 11 North, Range 13. East of the Cth P. M. Cass County Nebraska; leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to wit: Mary E. Bachler: David Bach ler; John H. Bachler; Phillip Bachler; Henry J. Bachler; Mary Ann Bachler; and Catharine Ward, nee Bachler. That the interest of the petitioner in the above real estate is, owner in fee simple title by purchase, and praying for a determination of the time of the death of said David Bach ler and of his heirs, the degree of kin ship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the State of Nebraska. It is ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 11th day of Jan uary 193S before the County Court of Cass County in the Court House at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this ISth day of December, A. D. 1937. A. II. DUXBURY. (Seal) d20-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Carl Sutton. Plaintiff i Ruth Bechtcl. ct al, Defendants j Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebras ka, entered in the above entitled cause on the first day of December. 1937, and an order of sale entered by said Court on the first day of De cember. 1937. the undersigned Ref ovuo will on the 22nd day of Janu- the front door or tlie f tlm V:irm(i-! fltlll Merchants Bank. Alvo. v-l ol-r. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: Southwest quarter of Section 2 8, Township 11. North, Range 9 and West half of the northwest quarter of Section 33, Township 11. North. Range 9, all in Cass ' county, Nebraska upon the following terms: Ten ner cent of bid in cash on date of sale, balance in cash upon confirma tion of sale and delivery of referee's deed of land free from encumbrance except lease on said lands to Febru ary 28. 1939. with rentals io be assigned to purchaser. Abstract to be furnished purchaser showing merchantable title. Said sale will be helil open for one hour. Dated this 10th day of December, 1937. W. L. DWYER, Referee. CARL D. GANZ, Attorney. d20-5w NOTICE OF FROBATE In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Henrietta Lawton, deceas ed. No. 3 313: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an in strument purporting te be the last will anel testament of said deceased, and for the appointment of Homer Lawton as administrator, with the will annexed thereof; that said petition has been set for bearing be fore said Court on the 7th day of January, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 10, 1937. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) dl3-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cans Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Theodore V. Livingston, deceased. No. 330 4: Take notice that the time limiteel for the filing and presentation of claims against saiel estate is April 11, l'.)3S; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on April 15, 19 3 8, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose f ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad jujsting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 7, 1937. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) dl3-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of two executions issued by the Clerk of the District Court ef Otoe County, Nebraska, both of which were delivered to the undersigned Sheriff on November 13. 1937, on two judgments entered in County Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, and transeripted to said District Court, in actions in whi.-h Nebraska City Federal Savings and Loan Assoeia tion, a corporation, is plaintiff, as assignee of Securities Investment Corporation in Tr. No. 170, and as assignee of Fred W. Rottmanu and Nebraska City Building & Loan As sociation in Tr. No. 175, and E. Dewey Hoback is defendant. I will, on December 20, 1937. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the South door of the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, offer and sell at public auctiepn the following ele scribeel real estate taken under said execution as the property of defend ant E. Dewey Hoback, who is the same person as Dewey Hoback and Elmer Dewey Hoback, to-wit: An undivided one-fifth interest in the South 29 12 acres, being Lot 11 in the Southeast Quarter of the South west Quarter, and the South 30 acres, being Lot 12 in the Southwest Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 3 4. in Township 10, Range 13; Lots 5. C. 7, S and 9 and the West 65 feet of Lot 10. all in Block 9, in the Village eif Nehawka; and Lot 37 in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, in Township 10. Range 13, all in Cass county. Nebraska. Dated November 13. 1937. II. SYLVESTER, Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. WAT. If. PITZER and MARSHALL PITZER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. n 1 5 - 5 w LEGAL NOTICE To Riden; Riden ; Henry Mast en W. Riden; Martin Martin W. Riden; Mastin W. J. P. Casady & J. D. Test: Shewell; John B. Boulware; the heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives and all other per sons inte-rosted in the estate of Mas ten W. Rider., eleceased, real mimes unknown; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the North east Quarter of Section 22. in Town- ship 10, Range Nebraska, real in Cass county. names unknown. Defendants: You are hereby notified that Lena Betts, Cynthia M. Betts, Herman F. Behrns and Joe F. Behrns have filed in the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, their petition against you claiming ownership in said real estate in fee simple in the said plain tiffs Lena Betts. Cynthia M. Betts and Herman F. Behrns, in each an undivided one-third interest, in the South Half of the Northeast Quarter and the South 5 acres of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, and in plaintiff Jo? F. Behrns the North Half of the North east Quarter of said Section 22. ex cept the South 5 acres, and praying for the decree of said court barring and excluding each and all of you from having or claiming any right. 'title, interest, estate or lien in or to said land and quieting tne title to said land in plaintiffs in their said shares and interests against each and 1 11-nllL' 1 () 1 lllR'l .MH1, luiiraiiu and discharging a Deed ct l rust and all lien which might be claimed there under given on said land by Mastin W. Riden to J. 1'. Casady & J. D. Test, securing payment of notes amounting to 53O0.O0, recorded in Book "A" P-igo 13 S of the records of Cass County, Nebraska; cancelling and discharging a mortgage given on said land by Mastin W. Riden to Henry Shewell securing payment cf $636. 4o, recorded in Book "B" page 152 of the records of Cass County. Nebraska. You may answer said petition i'i said Court on or before January 17, 1938, or otherwise the said petition will be taken as true and Decree entered as prayed there in. LENA BETTS, CYNTHIA M. BETTS. HERMAN F. BEHRNS and JOE F. BEHRNS, Plaintiffs. By WM. H. PITZER and MARSHALL PITZER, Attorneys.