The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 20, 1937, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1937.
Elmer Hennings and family were
in Omaha on last "Wednesday, where
they transacted business.
John Ruge has been Bick for a
number of days, bis place in the
amusement parlor and tavern being
taken by John K. Nutzman.
Methodist church were enjoying a!
Christmas party last Thursday, with
a seasonal program and an exchange
of gifts.
Clarke Taylor and wife are look
ing after the home and farm of "Wil
liam. Wolfe while the family are
taking a prolonged vacation on the
west coast.
Mrs. Ora Voyles. who has been in
rather roor health for some time,
nnd especially poorly of late, was
taken to the Bryan Memorial hos
pital in Lincoln for treatment.
William Kilbrick was on the mar
ket at South Omaha last Tuesday
with a very fine load of excellent
cattle which he has just finished
feeding at the yards at his farm.
In a basketball game between the
teams of the Elmwood school and
the Avoca school which was played
last Friday night at the Elmwood
gym. Avoca was winner by a score
ct 27 to 2 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morley, of Ne
braska City, were looking after some
business matters in Avoca and visit
ing with the mother of Ralph who
has just returned from the hospital
at Nebraska City.
William Wolfe and wife, together
v. ith Mrs. Wolfe's mother and sister,
Mrs. Schumacher and Miss Clara
?:humacher, left last week for Cali
fornia, where they will visit for a
number of months.
Mis3 Hanford. a Congregational
church field worker and Rev. Taylor,
both of Lincoln, were in Avoca last
Sunday, conducting services here and
visiting with Rev. Hall, pastor of
the local church.
Arthur Stander of Louisville and
Mrs. Bedella Stander mother of Mrs.
Fred Marquardt were visiting in
Avoca last Sunday. guest3 at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar
quardt. where all enjoyed the day
very pleasantly.
Senator and Mrs. Fred L.
Carsten and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Carsten were in Lincoln, where they
visited at the Bryan Memorial hos
pital with Albert Sill, who has been
confined there for some time recover
ing frcm an operation which he un
derwent recently for the restoration
of his health.
Albert Sill Very Sick
Albert Sill, who has been in poor
health for some time, was taken
worse last week and was accompan
ied to a Lincoln hospital by his phy
sician. He was found to be suffer
ing from ulcers of the stomach and
had sustained a hemorrhage. His
condition was so severe that an op
eration was required. We are pleas
ed to report he came through the
ordeal in satisfactory manner and is
showing very fair improvement.
Getting on Very Nicely Now
Mrs. Edward Morley. who ha3 been
in poor health for some time past,
was able to return home last week
from St. Mary's hospital in Ne
braska City, where she underwent
an operation. Her friends trust she
will continue to improve and be re
stored to her former good health.
Will Teach Men's Voices
Miss TeSelle, teacher of Music in
the Avoca schools, has volunteered
to instruct a chorus of men's voices
which she is organizing and which
will sing at future events in Avoca.
It might be they will even sing
carols during the Christmas season.
Will Visit with Parents
Fred Gollner, who is with an or
chestra which played an engagement
at the Chermot ball room in Omaha
Inst Wednesday, is expected to visit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Gollner here during the Christmas
holidays. Miss Dorothy Gollner was
visiting with the parents over the
week end.
Visited Friends Here
Mrs. Simon Rehmeier of Alvo and
her sister, Mrs. Maddus, of Mason
City, Iowa, were visiting in Avoca
last Monday, being puests at the
home of Mrs. Gertrude Zimmerer.
Mrs. Rehmeier was formerly a resi
dent of Avoca and was much pleas
ed to visit with her old friends. in
this vicinity.
Cverturns Load of Wocd . .
John Conn, while taking a load of
v ood to Lincoln in his truck, had
the misfortune to overturn the truck
r. he turned onto O itroet Tuesday,
pilliiiK the load along the roadside
and damaging the truck slightly,
netting tho truck righted he rc-load-
d the wood and proccdei on his way
to Lincoln.
Elmwood News
The family of R. M. Dennis were
in Lincoln last Tuesday, where they
did some Christmas shopping.
Joseph Parriott and wife were in
Murdock early last week, where they
visited their daughter, Orland Par-
Mr and Mrg' N. D. Bothwell were
in Lincoln Tuesday, where they look-:
ed after business matters and secur
ed additional goods for the store.
Mrs. Guy Clement was assisting
at the Bothwell store Tuesday while
Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell and daugh
ter, Jean Adair, were in Lincoln.
Novemter Court Term Ends
With the conclusion of the last
jury case to be tried at the Novem
ber district court term in Platts
mouth. W. A. Atchison, long time
court bailiff, together with Walter
G. Box and Roy Rhoden, who were
members of the jury panel from this
vicinity, were dismissed Tuesday and
returned to their homes here.
Mr. Atchison was presented with
two boxes of cigars by members of
the jury panel.
Visiting Daughter Here
P. H. Walker, farmer, of
Swea City. Iowa, is enjoying a
at the home of his daughter.
George W. Blessing. Sr., in Elmwood.
He has been away from home for
several months, visiting first at Los
Angeles and other points in Cali
fornia, and later in Texas and Old
Mexico, and will remain here over
the Christmas season before returning
to his farm home in Iowa.
Met a Drunken Driver
While Orest Cook was driving
home last Sunday evening and was
not far from home, near the home
of Mrs. Thomas Stout, a car driven
by Jack Ross of Louisville ran into
the car of Mr. Cook. Both vehicles
were badly damaged. Mr. Ross was
arraigned at Plattsmouth and plead
ed guilty to a drunken driver charge
being sentenced to thirty days im
prisonment and having his driver's
license suspended for a year.
Met Former Wabash Man
While visiting in the northern part
of the state at Dakota City. George
W. Blessing, Jr. met a business man
there in the latter's general store,
and upon conversing with him learn
e that he was Buck Wickhard. a
former resident of Wabash, who had
worked as a salesman in the store of
E. E. Day there. It will be remem
bered that Mr. Day conducted a
general store and elevator in Wabash
for many years, the elevator which
he operated having since been torn
down to make room for the present
Farmers elevator at Wabash. Mr.
Wickhard was greatly interested in
the town of Wabash and asked about
a number of the older inhabitants
there, hut Mr. Blessing could only
give him a part of the information
he wanted, as many of the old time
Wabash people had dpearted before
Mr. Blessing came to "Elmwood.
Children Home for Holidays
Mrs. Bess Streeter Aldrich is look
ing forward to a most happy Christ
mas season, when she will have the
different members of the family at
home for a short visit. James, who
is in New York, will arrive but a
short time before Christmas and will
bo compelled to return to his work
soon after the Christmas meeting.
Charles, who is located at Los An
geles, will come earlier and will also
be able to remain longer. Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Beechner and family of
Lincoln will also be with the moth
er, making a very happy family
Visiting in California
Mrs. George Hall writes that she
is enjoying her visit in the state of
California, where she is visiting her
son Stanley at Los Angeles. She ex
pects to remain for some time.
Married Last Sunday
Miss Inez Lane and Myron Boyd
were married last Sunday at the
home of the bride's parents, the
marriage lines being read by Rev.
Hawkins, pastor of the Christian
church. Only the immediate members
of the two families were present.
The bride and groom departed for
an unknown destination, expecting
For Quick Removal,
Reverse Calls to
The Fort Crook
Rendering WorZis
Market 3541
Prompt Service We Load
to enjoy their honeymoon in seclu
sion. Best wishes are extended and
upon their arrival home they will 1
undoubtedly be greeted with a vocif
erous greeting.
Was Taken Very 111
Theo. Thimgan, who has not been
in the best of health for some time,
was taken suddenly worse about a
week ago, and has been confined to
his bed at his home here. This past
week he has been feeling some bet
ter and hopes are entertained that
he will soon be on the highway to
Stricken with Pneumonia
When the A. H. Race family and
Mrs. Race's father. R. M. Dennis,
left Los Angeles a fortnight ago, for
their home here, they did not antici
pate running into the extremely cold
weather that prevailed here about
the time of their arrival. Without
a heater in their car and only light
wraps, they ran into extremely cold
weather as they entered the state of
Kansas, and although chilled after
leaving the mild climate of the west
coast, they hurried on in order to
get home as quickly as possible. The
day they arrived in Elmwood was
extremely cold and they suffered the
effects of their exposure. The follow
ing day Mr. Dennis was stricken
with pleurisy, which later develop
ed into pneumonia, from which he
was very ill for several days. He has
now passed the turning point and is
improving slowly, but still not com
pletely out of danger.
Held Profitable Bazaar
Members of the Methodist Ladies
Aid Society held a well attended ba
zaar at the church parlors last week.
As a result of their hard work, they
were able to secure a neat sum from
their entertainment for use in pro
moting the church work.
Eebekalis Enjcy Good Time
The Daughters of Rebekah of Elm
wood held a very pleasant Christmas
party at their hall last Tuesday. An
exchange of presents, a program, a
Christmas tree and Santa Claus all
combined to make the occasion a
very enjoyable one. Due to the foggy
weather making night travel hazar
dous, a number of the members were
unable to attend.
' n-u U winsimas rany
The Eastern Star members of Elm-
.... ... ,
wood and vicinity gathered at the
j-v f- r. 11 '-A .
their annual Christmas party last
Wednesday. The hostesses were Mrs.
G. R. Eveland, Mrs. Herman Penter
man. who accepted the offer of Mrs.
Gustin to hold the meeting at her
home which had been specially dec
orated for another Christmas gath
ering next week. The ladies
enjoyed a very pleasant time, hav
ing an exchange of gifts and various
other features, climaxed with the
serving of refreshments.
Married 44 Years Ago
Tuesday, December 14, marked the1
4 4th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Wood, an occa
sion that was fittingly observed as
mprr.bprs cf Ihp familv irnthprprl at
the home. Thev are both well and
happv and look" forward to many
, .- r
uiure pitiisaiH auiu ei sui it's ui men
Hid I 1 iclfeU.
q!.-, wAnr tvt
Wood recalled that is was fine and
warm, but that the following day,
December 15, LS93, a howling bliz
zard swept over the state.
They find much pleasure in life,
surrounded by their children and
heavy, burglar-proof vault under the
state capitol building, the state in
surance department holds more than
$40,000,000 worth of securities
and $1.56 in cash.
OTTAWA (UP) The total mem
bership of all classes of trade unions
in Canada at the end of 1936 was
322,473, according to the 16th an
nual report of the dominion depart
ment of labor.
We will appreciate phone calis
of news items from our readers.
Authorized Plymouth
(and DeSoto) Dealers
in Plattsmouth
Make Your Next Car a
Till-' H TIIT
R. V. Bryant Motor Co.
Sales and Service
Business called Villiam Sheehan
to Plattsmouth last Wednesday.
John Rohrdanz delivered corn to
the Manley elevator last Monday.
Oscar E. McDonald was looking
after business in Murdock Thursday
of last week.
Herman Dall was called to Platts
mouth Wednesday of last week on
business matters.
Mrs. Lawrence Krecklow enter- j
tained a number of ladies at her
home last Thursday. .
Miss Teresa Rauth was a guest J
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and '
Mrs. Frank Bergman. j
Edward Sheehan, of Falls City.1
spent the week-end with his parents, j
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheehan, Sr. j
Mr. and Mrs. John Stander and
niece. Miss Rosemary Stander, were
shopping in Omaha last Thursday. !
Miss Katherine Sheehan returned
home Friday after spending a few
days with friends near Plattsmouth. I
John A. Stander and family were j
guests last Sunday evening at thei
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riester, ac
companied by Mrs. Scheel. Sr., drove
to Lincoln on a shopping exposition
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mocken
haupt took the children to Louis
ville last Saturday to pay Santa
Claus a visit.
Mrs. Rudolf Bergman was in
Weeping Water last Tuesday, where
she attended a meeting of the Order
of Eastern Star.
Robert O'Brien who is a member
of the U. S. navy, arrived home this
week to
spend Christmas with his
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
L. V. Davis and George Wilson,
of Elmwood. are sinking a well on
a farm three miles southwest of
town and are staying in Manley dur
ing the time they are engaged in
the work.
John Rohrdanz was shelling and
delivering corn last Monday to the
Manley elevator, thus getting the
grain off in the early portion of the
winter while the roads are in good
Mrs. John Mockenhaupt and Miss
Mamie Maher entertained for St.
Patrick's Altar Society on Wednes-
tuaj, . - v . . . . ......
. jnochle la enjoyed the after-
noon. Prizes for hzh score went to
"uu"- 1 -
Mrs. John Stander and for low
store to Mrs. Fred Bauers.
Attend Funeral at Murray.
Oscar McDonald and family were
at Murray last. Saturday to attend
the funeral of the late Mrs. Etta
Moore, aunt of Mr. McDonald. Their
son, Robert McDonald, together with
five grandsons of the deceased lady,
acted as pallbearers.
' Entertained at Bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler en
tertained at their home last Monday
evening, having as guests a group of
Irriend3 at a delicious 6 o'clock din-
Tier followed by a session at card3.
These present included Messrs and
Mesdames Rudolph Bergman, Oscar
j Dowler. Harry Haws, Herman Rauth.
of thiS vicinit': Mr" and Mrs- John
F. Career and Frank Taylor and
n-ifo tf 41vn r n 1 1 Mr nnH Mrs L.
A. Wiseman of Weeping Water
Will Give ProgTam Thursday
The Manley schools have arranged
to give a Christmas party and pro-
If you own anything . . .
what you have Today!
Dcn't put it off
Phone- 16
i r i iw - - -
gram on Thursday, December 23rd.
Patrons of the school and residents
of the community are invited to at
tend. There will be a Christmas tree
and treats for the children. This will
also mark the closing of school un
til after the holidays.
Enjoyed Family Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schliefert
entertained at a dinner at their
home northwest of Manley. Those
present besides the host and " ostess ;
were Rev. T. Hartman and son Tvd j
and wife, with their young son. Ted. '
Jr., Andrew Schliefert and family.!
Oris Schliefert and family and liar- j
old Schliefert and family. j
Enjoyed Christmas Party !
The No Name club of Weeping
Water and Manley met last Tuesday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Knude Jensen, where they enjoyed
the annual Christmas party with a
fine program and an exchange of
Christmas gifts. The event opened j
with a one o'clock luncheon and !
during the afternoon social session
that followed Christmas songs were
Will Hold Elections
Arrangements have been made for
the holding of a meeting of residents
of Plattsmouth and Plattsmouth pre
cinct at the district court room in
the court house at Plattsmouth to
day (December 20) to select a num
ber as members of the central com
mittee of the A. C. P.. while on
Wednesday, December 22, a similar
meeting will be held at the Manley
hall for the naming of the quota to
represent Center precinct in this or-
ganization. Similar meetings are
scheduled for different dates at the
various townships or precincts in the
county. Those interested should take i for iics and John C. Rauth among
notice and arrange to be there toug men.
have a part in the naming of mem
bers of the contral committee that
will have charge of the affairs of the
A. C. P.
Center Froject Club j
Thirteen members of the Center 1
Project club met with Mrs. Lawrence:
Krecklow Thursday afternoon. I
Mrs. Riester, president, presided '
at the business meeting. Mrs. Oris
Schliefert and Mrs. Lawrence Kreck-;
low presented the lesson on "Plan-!
ning the Leisure Hours." After the
meeting a most enjoyable social hour
was spent in exchanging Christmas
Refreshments were served by the
hostess. The next meeting of the
club will be held on January 13th,
with Mrs. Oscar Dowler.
F. D. E. Pinochle Club
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riester cn-
Toilet Sets
Incense Burners
Cedar Chest Stationery
Tie Racks
Playing Cards
Black Boards
Block Sets
Card Game
Laughing Around the World
Stylish Language Indeed!
pOR YEARS, a certain worthy and highly intelligent old colored
woman did our family Ore Saturday nijrht she sat in the
kitchen of our home favorir.'.' hc-r
door to chat with her a little while.
Aunt Milly, al thou eh very crvout. did not seem to care deeply
for the present pastor of her church.
"Mis' Manie," said Aunt Milly, "I'm coin' to tell you how I put
that there biggoty preachin' man in his place. Ycre yestiddy cvenin'
jest fo' suppertime, I wuz scttin' on my front po'ch w'en the Rev-n
Rogers come alog, by. He sees me settin' there an he stops an' fum
bles with, tho gafe latch, an' he scz to me he sez, 'Sist' Carter, 1 would
have speech with thee' jest lak that.
"Now, I ain't aim in' to let no nipgor whatsoever use mo' stylish
language whut I kin. So I scz right back to him, I sez, 'Rev'n, draw
nigh an' yo' shall be heard!'
"Cut no sooner do he start in to speak 'en I know whut 'tis he's
fixin' to say. He fixin' to ax my sympathy on 'ccunt of th3t tore-down,
limb of a onmarried daughter of his'n havin erot hcrse'f mixed up in
a scanda'.izm' an' bein' tawked about all over the neighborhood.
"'Kev'n,' 1 sez, 'Hold! Ye re lat fall,' I sez, 'w'en rr.y husband,
Isaigh Carter at the age of seventy-fo', w'en he should a' knowed bet
ter, wuz mekkin' hisse'f kind of promiscuous by har.gin' around two
of the lady members of the congregation, an' I went to you,' I sez, 'an
axed you, as the pastor, to 'monstrate him, what did you do? Jest
because he'd done give you five dollars fur the new rgan fund, you
to!e me to shet up my black mouth an' go on home an' 'tend to my own
" 'Rev'n,' I ;cz, 'ex ye sows, so shall ye reaps! Rev'n, pass on'!"
(American Xcw3 Features, Inc. )
. tertair.ed the F. D. R. Pinochle club
at a Christmas party at their home
j Sunday evening. Some spirited play-'
jng yas indulged in and at the close'
'0 tne games, prizes for high scores ;
! were awarded to Mrs. John C. Rauth '
The consolation prize went to;
Walter Mockenhaiipt and he needed ;
it, for his usual good lu:k deserted!
him at the very beginning of the !
evening. j
Harry Haws won the traveling;
prize. j
Delicious refreshments in keeping ;
with the Christmas season were'
Eerved hy tne hostess, assisted by j
ber daughter. Miss Dorothy, after
wnicn Mrs. Riester. in the role of ,
ganta Claus. presented the gifts'
v,-hich had been placed by the mem- j
bprs at the foot o tne gaily decorat- j
ed Christmas tree. The guests linger-
ed until a late hour, as all were
loathe to leave this hospitable home.
The next meeting will be held on
January 2. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank J. Bergman.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Manicure Sets
Nail Polish Sets
Box Candy
Hot Pads
Book Ends
For fclie
Key Cases
Smcking Sets
Pen and Pencil Sets
For the Children
Erector Sets
Indcor Croquqet
Marble Game
Taken for Any and
My mother came to the kitchen
MARION. O. (UP) A 409-foot
smoke stack, reputedly the tallest of
its kind c ast of the Mississippi river,
has been put into operation at a
Marion power plant.
Pictures, Mottoes
Powder Boxes
Pen and Pencil Sets
Cigarette Lighter
Comb and Brush Sets
Ash Trays
Desk Lamps
Teddy Bears
Wooden Airplanes
Table Tennis
Paint Books
All Magazines!
i . t f ' 'jif . ftST1
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