MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1937. PAGE TOUR TJT A TTCHTnTPTTT OVMT TTTTTTTTT V TftTTR.'WAT r John, Mary and Jack DENTISTRY and PUBLIC HEALTH Approved by American Dental Association and the United States Public Health Service PLATTSMOUTH DENTAL SOCIETY CHAPTER XXXVIII "I'm sending Jack to summer camp next Monday." said Mrs. Reynolds to Dr. Young, "and I want to be sure that his teeth are in perfect condi tion hefore he goes." "Barring accidents," replied the dentist. "Jack should have no trou ble with his teeth while in camp. He has no cavities and now that I've cleaned them thoroughly, he has no deposits or stains on them." Turn ing to Jack, he said, "But remem ber, you must keep them brushed twice a day. Can you do that when you are on vacation?" "I'll have to," answered Jack. "That's one of the things they check up on in camp. Gee. they're more strict in camp than at home." "Is that so?" asked the dentist. "In that case, you'd probably rather stay home." "Xo sir!" said Jack emphatically. "I want to go to camp this year. You see," he confided. "I've spent the last two summers in camp and I'm sure to be a squad leader this year." "What does a squad leader do?" nsked the dentist. "Oh. he has to see that' the other fellows in his squad do what they're supposed to like shining their shoes and making their beds and keeping things clean." "I see." replied the dentist. "What about personal cleanliness bathing and combing the hair and changing clothes and brushing the teeth? Dues the squad leader have to check on those items also?" "Sure," replied Jack. ."Sometimes the fellows don't like it at first, but they soon get i:?cd to it." "Supposing." said Dr. Young, "I give you a printed set of toothbrush ing insulations. Would that help you teach some of your friends how to brush their teeth?" "That would be swell." replied Jack. "I'd give one to each fellow in my squad, and after they had learn ed them, m tybe we'd get s e. : a 1 recognition from the captain." "Here." said Dr. Young, "are enough leaflets for every boy in your squad. If you want more, write me and I'll be glad to send them to you." This s what the leaflet s.:id: THE KIND OF TOOTHBRUSH TO USE To brush the teeth properly, one should use the right kind of toothbrush. Everyone should own at least two toothbrushes. He should use one in the morn ing and the other one in the evening. When the brushes are alternated, the bristles "of eachj brush are allowed to dry and re gain their stiffness before they are again used. A good toothbrush is one that contains five to -seven rows of bristles. The tufts of bristles should be set far enough apart so that they can be easily kept clean. The ends of the bristles should be of uneven length so that they will fit into the spaces between the teeth. The bristles should be strong and stiff enough to remove all the food particles from between the teeth, and yet they should not be so stiff and harsh that they will bruise or cut the gums. WHERE TO KEEP THE TOOTHBRUSH After a toothbrush is used, it should be thoroughly cleaned. The best way to do this is to allow the cold water from the faucet to flow rapidly over the bristles. Shake off the excess water and hang the brush in the sunlight to dry. Never hang the brush so that its bristles can touch the bristles of an other's brush. If you use a drinking glass as a toothbrush holder, never allow any one else to keep his brush in your glass. Never use an old toothbrush. When the bristles of a brush begin to come out, throw it away, as the bristles may be- . come lodged between the teeth or stick in the gums and injure them. (To be Continued) 1 r err r - - TOOTH hlj !: 11 Green wood Lincoln Dimmitt is feeling much better during recent days. Mrs. E. L. McDonald attended the Sigma Nu chapter house party in Lincoln Tuesday. Tom Florer of York called on Mrs. Elsie Kelly and Lucille at the office Friday afternoon. D wight and Arthur Talcott, who have been in California for some time returned home Tuesday. Mr. George McClure, who has been in New York for some time, re turned Tuesday. He is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Andy Leadabrand. Mrs. William Armstrong has been confined to her bed with illness the past week. She is some better at this writing. Mrs. Joe Brown i3 helping care for her. Mr. Garfield Dunning and Mrs. Elsie Peters motored to Tuxbasse, Mo. last Saturday to spend a short time with Norman Peters. They were caught in the blizzard before return ing Wednesday evening. Held Joint Christmas Party The Rebekah and Odd Fellows .odges held a joint Christmas party at the hall Thursday evening. Cards were played and there was an ex change of gifts. An oyster supper 'closed the evening of fun and gaeity. I Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McDonald spent last Sunday in Columbus with Mr. (and Mrs. William Adams. W. H. SL S. Active rhe "Woman's Home Missionary society met with Mrs. Elsie Peters ; Thursday. The meeting was led by ; Mrs. John Lambert. Clothing was isent to the Mothers" Jewels home at York and packages fixed for the In idian girls at I'onca. A lunch was c n joyed by all. i TJcrcas Society ! The Dorcas society met at the 'church Friday for the Christmas 'party. There were 4 7 present. A l"ds'!K?s meeting w'as held to elect officers. All oft'ict rs wore re-elected. The nm meeting will be held on 'January 7 at the church. Everyone I is welcome. Legion Auxiliary The American Legion Auxiliary met v. ith Mrs. George Trunkenbolz and Mrs. Ada Headly for their an nual Christmas party. The business meeting was followed by an exchange of gifts. A delicious lunch climaxed the afternoon. Woman's Club Meets There was a good attendance at the Woman's club meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. Jack Gribble. The Christmas spirit was shown by the exchange of gifts and a very nice program was presented bv the school pupils. The roll call was made with Christmas greetings. A most tasty lunch was served by a group of ladies. L. C. C. Christmas Party Members of the Ladies Card Club motored to Ashland Thursday where they enjoyed a one o'clock luncheon and party with Mrs. Edna Miller. Mrs. Marie Holt won first at cards and Mrs. Francis Vant second. An exchange of gifts was a pleasing feature of the afternoon. Guests of the club were Mrs. Pauline Armstrong, Mrs. Alvin Holmes, Mrs. Orval Sandy, Mrs. Anna Hunter, Mrs. Lulu Nelson and Mrs. John Vant. Mrs. Hunter won guest prize. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Francis Vant. River navigation will open up a new industrial field in the smalier Nebraska river towns. Phone nevs items to No. G. (HONEY SAVING mmmm At Your Drug Store fl x3 Gjfgt mil I I Wabash News Business called R. L. Stanley to Plattsmouth last Wednesday. Fred Massie was shelling and de livering corn to the Wabash elevator last Thursday. H. II. Gerbeling was a visitor in Elmwood last Monday, where he had business to transact. Lois Schmidt was in Elmwood to assist with the work of overhauling a tractor for Earl Elliott. George Coatman, who resides over on the O street road, was in Wabash, coming to purchase oats from L. L-. Caygill. Glen Copperwaithe, who with his family have been making their home in Wabash for some time, recently moved to Elmwood. Parker Otte, the barber, has been feeling rather poorly and was con fined to his bed for a number of days, but i3 now back on the job. Fred "Weyers and wife were at Eagle one day during the past week, where they went to attend the fun eral of a sister-in-law, the wife of a brother of Fred. John C. Browne, who is making his home at Alvo with his daughter, Mrs. A. B. Stroemer. visited with friends in Wabash, and was a guest ... at the home of his son, unriora Browne and family. Herman R. Schmidt and family, of Murdock. were visiting last Thurs day at the home of his son, Louis Schmidt and family. They were also at Plattsmouth in the forenoon, at which place they looked after busi ness matters. United in Marriage Thursday Miss Doris Hensen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Henson and Kenneth Baier of near Avoca were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents last Thursday. Following the ceremony a delicious wedding dinner was served prior to the departure of the newlyweds on a honeymoon trip. On their return, they will make their home on a farm in the vicinity of Avoca. Ladies Enjoy Christmas Party The Wabash Ladies Kensington were meeting on Thursday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mini ford, where they enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon visiting and looking after the business com ing before them. A special Christmas program was rendered with an ex change of gifts and all enjoyed the meeting. Mrs. Orville'Niell Sick Mrs. Orville Noell, who makes her home west of Murray, has been sick for some time past and her sister, Miss Bertha Weicheidt, as w-ell as Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murfin have been over to the home of Mr. and Mr3. Noell, where they have been caring for the sister. Everything is being done for the patient, but she does not seem to show much improve ment. NOT TO MOVE SHOPS LINCOLN, Dec. 16 (UP) Cham ber of Commerce officials received assurance from Burlington officials today that the railroad had no plans for moving the Havelock shops to another city. The chamber querried the Burlington on this point after hearing reports that the shops might be transfered elsewhere. Railroad executives said the Bur lington plans to construct 600 new- freight cars and 250 new motor cars at the Havelock shops next year in addition to increased repair work. They explained the present shut down, effective since last Monday, is temporary. Definite announcement as to the reopening date will be made here in 193S. THREE DIE IN FIRE CHICAGO, Dec. 17 (UP) Three girl3 died today from burns and in juries they received in an explosion and fire at the Superior Match com pany building Wednesday night. Catherine Liski, 19, Anna Mon- dikis, 21, and Jean Lasky died in Pasavante hospital. To Rid of Acid and Poisonous Waste Your kidneys help to kfvp yott,wefl hy constantly filtering wast matter from the blood. If your kidneys spa functionally disordered, and fail to remove excess impurities, there may be poisoning of the whole system n& body-wide distress. Burning, scanty or too frequent uri nation may be a warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting- up nights, swelling, purines under the eyes feel weak, nervous,' all played out. In such cases it is better to rely on s medicine that has won country-wide acclaim than on something leas favor ably known. Use Voan't PilU. A multi. " tude of grateful people recommend uoan j. ij your nexquaorl mmmm us Alvo News Art Skinner is filling his ice house this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skinner were in Lincoln Monday to see Marvel at the Lincoln General hospital. - Archie Miller returned home from Plattsmouth Wednesday evening af ter serving on jury duty for about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hardnock who were accompanied by Henry Miller, drove to Lincoln Wednesday to spend the afternoon with Mrs. Kath erine Hardnock. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hardnock, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nickel and Mr. ana Mrs. Albert Bornemeier were as sisting Harold Nickel with the butchering Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bird went to Lin coln Thursday to visit Mrs. Kath- erine Hardnock, a sister of Mrs. Tay lor and Mr. Bird, who is quite ill: at this writing. Mrs. Hardnock is a former Alvo resident and friends regret very much that she is con fined to her bed because of very poor health. Skating on Pond With the pond in good shape and temperatures just right for such ac tivity, there has been a great deal of skating at the skating rink that has been prepared by the local fire men. It beats having the youngsters go, to some unsafe lake and run chances of being drowned. P. T. A. Meeting Wednesday evening. December 22. at 7:20 o'clock in the high school auditorium, the P. T. A. will fea ture a school program by the grade children. Much preparation is being made for the "cantata" and there is doubt but it will be an excellent en tertainment. Everybody is invited to attend. School Sponsors Fine Program The Alvo school sponsored a very fine program Wednesday evening at he school house when a benefit pro gram was given lor raising money for the Activity funds. The program ncluded twenty acts and stunts. which were cleverly given, besides featuring several musical numbers by a guest artist from Lincoln. The program was quite well attended and has received many fine com-jreaI pliments. - Auto Wreck Friday Night Orest Cook and Jack Ross had a head-on collision Friday evening on ; law the following named persons, to the road near the Albert Weiehel wit: home. Mr. Cook was taking a group of Alvo basketball players to Mur dock where the boys were scheduled to play the Murdock team and Jack Ross was coming after his sister, who teaches in the Alvo schools. None of the occupants were ser- iously hurt, but suffered from shock nnrl Tins bnd sntne cuts and bruises, The Cook car was very badly wreck- ed. As a result of the accident, Ross pleaded guilty to a drunken driving charge, and besides the sentence im- posed has had his driver's license suspended for a year. Christmas Program The Sunday school held their an nual Christmas program Sunday evening, with a large attendance. Open House on 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyle3 will celebrate their 50th wedding anni versary on Wednesday, December 22. They will hold open house from 8 o'clock until 10 o'clock in the even ing. All their friends are invited to call between these hours. Injured in Auto Accident Miss Marvel Skinner and friend after spending Sunday with Marvel's parents to help celebrate her father's birthday, were returning to Lincoln, where Marvel works, Sunday even ing, when they met with an unfor tunate accident on the O street road a few miles west of Eagle. Believing they had a low tire, they attempted to stop, when the icy pavement caused the car to turn completely around and skid off the road, plunging down a steem em bankment. Marvel was taken to the Lincoln General hospital, where an examination revealed that she had suffered some broken bones. She was put in a cast from her neck to her knees and pWhaps she will have to be in the hospital from six to twelve weeks just depending upon how well she gets along. Friends indeed hope that Marvel will have a speedy and complete recovery. Sunday School Board Holds Election At the December meeting of the Sunday school board Thursday even ing part of the business session in cluded the election of officers for the coming year. Those elected were: Mrs. A. B. Stroemer, general superintendent; Archie Miller, assistant superinten dent; James Ganz, secretary; Kath erine Edwards, assistant secretary; Mark Nickel, treasurer; Dorothy Jor dan, librarian; Margaret Jean Stroe pianist; Mrs. Frank Edwards, ry superintendent; Mrs. Frank mer, primary superi Taylor, assistant; Grace Muenchau, pianist; Mrs. Don McKinnon, super intendent of cradle roll and Ruth Ann Ganz, pianist for the men's class which holds its sessions in the hall above the Jordan store. Whether your printing job is large cr small, it will receive our prompt attention. Call No. 6. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty. Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of William Patterson, deceas ed. No. 3268: Take notice that the Executrix of ! said estate has filed her final report j and a petition for examination and allowance of her administration ac counts, determination of heirship, as signment of residue of said estate and for her discharge: that said petition and report will be heard be fore said Court on January 14, 1938, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 17. 1937. A. II. DUX-BURY. (Seal) d20-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS r 4i, nf rv,oo rnr,. II ltd VW "ty V V f l- f J Willi , ty. Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Sarah Campbell, deceased. No. 32SC: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of Maims aeiiinst sm'rf Pstnto is Anril 4. !193S: that a hearintr will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on April 8, 193S. at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 1, 1937. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) d6-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF HEARING on Petition for Determin ation of Heirship In the County Court of Cass Coun ty Nebraska. ' Estate of David Bachler, deceased. Estate No. 3315. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, cred itors and heirs take notice, that T. II. Pollock has filed his petition illeging that David Bachler died intestate in Cass County on or about November 27, 1S6S, being a resident and inhabitant of Cass County, and estatf to.wit: I The Southeast Quarter of Sec tion 1. Township 11 North, Range 13, East of the 6th P. M. Cass County Nebraska; leaving1 as his sole and only heirs at Mary E. Bachler; David Bach ler: John H. Bachler; Phillip Bachler; Henry J. Bachler; Mary Ann Bachler; and Catharine AVard, nee Bachler. That the interest of the petitioner in the above real estate is. owner in fee simple title by purchase, and nraving for a determination of tne t!me Df the death of said David Bach ler mid of his heirs, the degree of kin ship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said HofMsPfl in the State of rsebrasKa. It i3 or(lered that the same stand for hearing on the 11th day of Jan- uary 1938 before the County Lourt of Cass County in tne umu at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at riattsmouth, Nebraska, this 18th day of December, A. D. 1937. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) d20-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Carl Sutton, 1 Plaintiff vs. 1 r Ruth Bechtel. et al, Defendants J Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree f the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Nebras ka, entered in the above entitled cause on the first day of December, 1937, and an order of sale entered by said Court on the first day of De cember, 1937. the undersigned Ref eree will on the 22nd day of Janu ary. 193S, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the Farmers and Merchants Bank. Alvo, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: Southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 11, North, Range 9 and West half of the northwest quarter of Section 3 3, Township 11. North, Range 9, all in Cass county, Nebraska upon the following terms: Ten per cent of bid in cash on date of sale, balance in cash upon confirma tion of sale and delivery of referee's deed dl land free from encumbrance except lease on said lands to Febru ary 2S, 1939. with 193S rentals to be assigned to purchaser. Abstract VtA fn.nlda1 niipfliQoar shnwinf1' merchantable title. Said sale will be held open for one hour. Dated this 10th day of December, 1937. ,W. L. DWYER, Referee. CARL D. GANZ. Attorney. . d20-5w SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska County of Cass 88. By virtue of an Order of .Sale issued by C. E. Ledg way, Clerk of the District Court with in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 22nd day of January A. D. 1938, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the soutn iront uoor oi me Luunuuuac at Plattsmouth, Nebraska in said County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing real estate to-wit: Lots 12, 16 and 17 except the West 50 feet in a parallelogram of Lot 17 and a strip of land 13 feet wide along the south side of Lot 17, all in the South west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 31, Town ship 12 North, Range 9, East of the 6th' P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska and Lots 25, 26, 27, 2S, 37, 38, 39 and 40, situated in Jones' Second Addition to the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska; The ' same being levied upon and taken as the property of Fanny Sayles, a widow, et al. Defendants, to satisf- a judgment of said Court recovered by Carrie M. Armstrong, riaintiff against said Defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, December 13, A. D. 1937. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, dl6-5w Nebraska. NOTICE OF PROBATE In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in the estate of Henrietta Lawton, aeeeas- fa - u. ooxo. I Take notice that a petition has 'been filed for the probate of an m- strument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased. and for the appointment of Homer Lawton as administrator, with the will annexed thereof; that said petition has been set lor Hearing oe- fore said Court on the tth day of January, 1937, at ten o'clock a. m. Dated December 10, 1937. A. II. DUXBURY. (Seal) dl3-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Theodore I. Livingston, deceased. No. 330 1: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is April 11. 1938; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Tlatts mouth on April. 15, 193S, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad- jjujsting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 7. 1937. A. II. DUXBURY, (Seal) dl3-3w County Judge. NOTICE Whereas. Robert L. Whitfield, con victed in Cass county, on the 22nd day of August. 1936, of the crime of forgery, has made application to the Board of Pardons for a parole, and the Board of Pardons, pursuant to law- have set the hour of 10:00 a. m. on the 12th day of January, 193S, for hearing on said application, all persons interested are hereby notified that they may appear at the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln. Ne braska, on said day and hour and ifchow cause, ii any there be, why sai application should or should not be granted HARRY R. SWANSON. Secretary, Board of Pardons M. F. KRACHER. Chief State Probation Officer 13-2w NOTICE Whereas, Joe Altschaffl, convicted in Cass county on the 26th day of June, 192S, of the crime of shooting to kill, has made application to the Board of Pardons for a commuta tion, and the board of pardons, pur suant to law have set the hour of 10:00 a. m. on the 12th day of Jan uary, 193S, for hearing on said ap plication, all persons fnterested are hereby notified that they may appear at the State Penitentiary, at Lin coln, Nebraska, on said day and hour and show cause, if any there be. why said application should or should not be granted. HARRY R. SWANSON. Secretary, Board of Pardons M. F. KRACHER. Chief State Probation Officer 13-2v SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska 1 ss. , County of Cass j By virtue of an Order of Sale is sued by Clerk of District Court with in and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 9th 'day of November, A. D. 1937 at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said Coun ty, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following real estate to-wit: Lot 361 in the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Ne braska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Ray E. Frederick and Claire M. FrederlcK, ; i a. - a. : Defendants to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by State Secur ities Company, a corporation. Plain tiff, against said Defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7, A. D. 1937. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff Cass County, o7-5w Nebraska NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun' ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of Joseph A. Everett, deceased. No. 330G: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is April 4. 193S; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on April 8, 1938 at ten I o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated December 3, 1937. A. II. DUX BURY, (Seal) dG-3w County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of F. G. Fricke, real name Frederich G. Fricke, deceased. No. 3303: Take notice that the time limited for the filing and presentation of claims against said estate is April 4, 1938; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts- J mouth on April S. 1938, at ten o clock a. m., tor the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated November 30. 19 37. A. H. DUXBURY, (Seal) d6-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of two executions issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, both of which were delivered to the undersigned Sheriff on November 13. 1937, on two judgments entered in County Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, and transcripted to said District Court, in actions in which Nebraska City Federal Savings and Loan Associa tion, a corporation, is plaintiff, as assignee of Securities Investment Corporation in Tr. No. 170, and as assignee of Fred W. Rottmann and Nebraska City Building &. Loan As sociation in Tr. No. 175, and E. Dewey Iloback is defendant. I will, on December 20, 1937, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the South door of the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, offer and sell at public auction the following de scribed real estate taken under said execution as the property of defend ant E. Dewey Hoback, who is the same person as Dewey Iloback and Elmer Dewey Iloback, to-wit: An undivided one-fifth interest in the South 29 ii acres, being Lot 11 in the Southeast Quarter of the South west Quarter, and the South 30 acres, being Lot 12 in the Southwest Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 34, in Township 10, Range 13; Lots 5, 6. 7, S and 9 and the West 05 feet of Lot 10. all in Block 9, in the Village of Nchawka; and Lot 37 in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23. in Township 10, Range 13, all in Cass county, Nebraska. Dated November 13. 1937. H. SYLVESTER, Sheriff of Cass County, Nebraska. WM. II. PITZER and MARSHALL PITZER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. nl5-5w LEGAL NOTICE To Masten W. Riden: Martin Riden; Martin W. Riden; Mastin YV. Riden; J. P. Casady & J. D. Test; Henry Shewell; John B. Boulware; the heirs, devisees, legatees, person al representatives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Mas ten W. Riden. deceased, real names unknown; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the North east Quarter of Section 2 2, in Town ship 10, Range 12, in Cass county, Nebraska, real names unknown, Defendants: You are hereby notified that Lena Betts, Cynthia M. Betts, Herman F. Behrns and Joe F. Behrns have filed in the District Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, their petition against you claiming ownership in said real estate in fee simple in the said plain tiffs Lena Betts. Cynthia M. Betts and Herman F. Behrns, in each an undivided one-third interest, in the South Half of the Northeast Quarter and the South 5 acres of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, and in plaintiff Joe F. Behrns the North Half of the North east Quarter of said Section 22, ex cept the South 5 acres, and praying for the decree of said court barring and excluding each and all of you from having or claiming any right, title, interest, estate or lien in or to said land and quieting the title to said land in plaintiffs in their said shares and interests against each and all of you and all persons claiming through or under you; cancelling an'l discharging a Deed of Trust and all lien which might be claimed there under given on said land by Masti'i W. Riden to J. P. Casady & J. D. Test, securing payment of notes amounting to $300.00, recorded in Book "A" page 138 of the records of Cass County, Nebraska; cancelling and discharging a mortgage given on said land b- Mastin W. Riden to Henry Shewell securing payment of $636.40, recorded in Book "B" page 152 of the records of Cass County. Nebraska. You may answer said petition in said Court on or before January 1", 193S, or otherwise the said petition will be taken as true and Decree entered as prayed there in. LENA BETTS, CYNTHIA M. BETTS. HERMAN F. BEHRNS and JOE F. BEHRNS. Plaintiffs. By WM. H. PITZER and MARSHALL PITZER. Attorneys.