The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 06, 1937, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brendel were
in Omaha Tuesday afternoon, where
they visited relatives and friends an J
looked after business matters.
Edward Morley was a visitor in
Nebraska City last Tuesday, where
he went to visit Mrs. Morley, who is
at St. Marys hospital recovering
from a recent major operation.
"While working about tthe home,
Mrs. Lester Hoback slipped and fell
down the stairs, fracturing one of
her wrists. After being set, the in
jured member seems to be getting
along fairly well.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Neumeister en
tertained on Thanksgiving day Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. F. Ruge and son Roy
Ruhge, Wilbur Stoval and wife, John
Ruhge and family and grandfather
and grandmother.
Lee Hauptmann and wife were at
the Fort George station for three
weeks while Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
George were enjoying a vacation in
southern Missouri. The Georges re
port some fine hunting while down
that way.
A new heating plant is being in
stalled at the Farmers State bank.
Robert Ottens of near Elmwood
was a Business visitor in avuih uu
Tuesday of last week and was ob
taining some building materials for
use on his farm.
Edward Shackley and daughter,
Miss Mueller visited from Thursday
to Sunday of last week at the home
of another daughter of Mr. Shackley,
Mrs. Charles Penterman and husband
and children at their home at North
boro, Iowa, returning home Sunday
W. II. Hoffman of near Elmwood
was looking after business matters
in Avoea last Tuesday, coming over
to see his friend, Fred Marquardt.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman enjoyed a
Thanksgiving day trip to Shenan
doah, where they were guests of
their daughters, the Misses Daisy
and Lillian Hoffman.
Thanksgiving Day Guests
Mrs. Rachel Everett and daugh
ter, Miss Leona, entertained at their
home on Thanksgiving day and had
as guests Silas Everett, a son who re
sides at home, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Terrell, of Avoca, and N. J. Everett
of Lincoln. A most enjoyable time
was had. That same day good news
came to the home telling of Aunt
Rachel Everett again being a grand
mother, as Mrs. Beth Schriver of
Omaha became the mother of a fine
baby girl.
Woman's Club Met Wednesday
Mrs. Harry H. Marquardt was hos
tess at her home in Avoca Wednes
day of last week, entertaining the
members of the Avoca Woman's
club, of whom a large number were
present. Mrs. Caroline Marquardt
who was going to Utica to reside
with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Hile,
during the winter, postponed her de
parture to be present at the meet
ing. All enjoyed an excellent time,
as well as the delicious refreshments
that were served.
Now Superintendent at Campbell
Jordan Kokjer, who has been em
ployed as a teacher in the schools
at Riverton, Nebr., had an opportun
ity to advance to the position of su
perintendent at Campbell, Nebraska,
due to the superintendent there re
signing to accept a position in Lin
coln. Accordingly he tendered his
resignation to the school board at
Riverton, which wa3 accepted, and
has moved to Campbell to take over
his new dutie3 there.
Attended Funeral of Brother
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCann were
in Plattsmouth last week, where they
attended the "funeral of Mrs. Mc
Cann's brother, Feter Curtis, who
was born in the old ghost town of
Rock Bluffs in 18S0, attending the
Rock Bluffs school as a boy and re
siding in Cass county his entire life
time. He was a member of the I. O.
O. F. for come time and as the years
rendered him unable to work, had
to drop his membership when he
could not keep up his dues. In 1906
he was married to Miss Sabra
French. One daughter was born to
this union, she now being Mrs. Vera
Westlace7 of Syracuse. There are fiv.
grandchildren. His wife preceded
him in death a number of years
ago. Mrs. Robert McCann, the sister,
and two brothers, Benjamin dirt's,
of Union, Oregon and Perle Curtis,
of Kuno, Idaho, also survive.
Appointed Agent at Avoca
H. M. Carr, who has been an extra
agent for the Missouri Pacific for
some -time, working wherever he
was called to go, with the departure
of Agent Hogenmiller for Brock, bid
in the agency job at Avoca and i3
liow in charge of the company's busi
ness here. Mr. Carr has a service
station and small grocery at the
point where the O street road inter
sects Highway 75 east of Union, and
has been driving back and forth to
and from work until he can com
plete other arrangements.
To Live in Nebraska City
Welford Meyers and the family de
parted Thanksgiving day for Weep
ing Water, where they are to make
their home. Mr. Meyers has accept
ed a position Avith the Standard Oil
company there, taking the position
vacated by Earl Wallace who resign
ed to go to Nebraska City.
Ladies Hold Bazaar
The ladies of the Congregational
church of Avoca gave a very pleas
ant entertainment Saturday evening,
December 4, in the form of a bazaar
and food sale at their hall. As a
result of their efforts they were
able to clear a neat amount of cash
to carry on the church work.
To Make Home with Uncle
Since the passing of Mrs. Fred
Bartell. Mr. Bartell has endeavored
to live alone, which has not been as
satisfactory as desired, so his niece
Miss Elsie Emshoff went to care for
her uncle and make her home with
him while looking after the house
Supplementing of silage, fodder or
wild hay with some high protein feed
will pay Cass county farmers winter
ing their stock. Such was the sugges
tion made this week by Walter Tol
man. assistant extension animal hus
bandman at the Nebraska college of
"Feeding problems this winter cen
ter around the need for keeping ani
mals thrifty and in production with
the minimum of grain," Tolman
says. "Most livestock men are for
tunate in having a supply of silage,
fodder or other rough feed."
Alfalfa has long been thought of
as the protein supplement needed
with rough feeds. Probably no better
supplement can be found although
in some cases a chepaer feed is avail
able. Experiment work at the Univer
sity of Nebraska indicates 1 pound
of cottonseed cake, linseed meal or
soybean meal will take the place
though of about 3 pounds of alfalfa
in a cattle or sheep ration. A pound
or a pound and a half of high pro
tein concentrate or three to five
pounds of alfalfa hay daily for each
head of cattle will save more than
its cost in silage or other rough feed.
Tolman says the addition of this
high protein feed will improve the
thrift of cattle and produce a greater
flow of milk than if an unbalanced
ratiou is fed. Alfalfa hay will also
take care of mineral needs of cattle.
Cass county farmers who are feed
ing silage find it is relished much
more by cattle than fodder. Cattle
getting the silage will come through
the winter in better condition and if
they are breeding stock, they will bo
more valuable than those fed a less
appetizing ration.
Fodder may be ground and a limit
ed amount of molasses sprinkled over
it to make it more attractive to cattle.
It may be chopped and put in a silo
which has been emptied. If consid
erable water is added and the corn
thoroughly packed, it will produce
quite acceptable silage for later win
ter feeding.
Malaya prosperity is causing the
whole country to drink more.
Consumption of wines, beers and
spirits is increasing at a record rate.
British Malaya, the world's leading
producer of tin and rubber, is enjoy
ing a tremendous prosperity owing
to the improved world demand for
these commodities and the higher
prices they are bringing on the lead
ing markets. Malayan trade has in
creased by nearly $180,000,000 dur
ing the past six months.
As a result there has been a cor
responding increase in the liquor
trade. Whisky imports have gone up
26.8 per cent, brandy (foreign) 53.5
per cent, brandy (Empire) 4 6 per
cent, sparkling wines 78.8 per cent,
still wines 34.3 per cent, beer 40 per
cent, stout 37 per cent.
Empire brandy is now gaining
ground and represents almost two
thirds of the total of brandy imports.
CHICAGO, Dec. 3 (UP) The high
est price in history for a junior cham
pion steer in the international live
stock show, $1.10 a pound, was paid
Homer Graher, Mineral Point, Wis.,
for "Jerry." The steer was bought by
the Stevens Hotel, Chicago. Highest
previous figure was $1.05 paid for
last year's champion steer. ' 1
Phone news items to No. 6.
Theobold Hansen and wife were
supper guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Rauth.
Mr. and Mrs. David Brann were
Thanksgiving day guests at the Bud
Wirth home in Louisville.
Oscar Dowlwer and family visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle
Stearns near Elkhorn last Sunday.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
O'Brien gathered at their home last
Wednesday evening, where all had a
most enjoyable time.
John A. Stander and wife wree in
Omaha Monday, where they visited
with friends and Mr. Stander looked
after business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fleming, who
have been residing in Omaha for a
time, were in Manley and Weeping
Water looking for a house or an
apartment which they might rent.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrdanz en
tertained Herbert Rohrdanz and
daughter Janice and Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Minford of North Platte at
their country home on Thanksgiving
Charles Gade and family of Ash
land, accompanied by his father, Or
ville Gade, enjoyed a pleasant visit
last Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Flaisohman, parents of
Mrs. Charles Gade.
Rudolph Bergman and wife took
advantage of the time when Mar
garet could be home and look after
business at the store, by going to
Omaha Saturday, where they looked
after business and also visited with
August Krecklow was called to
Plattsmouth Tuesday of last week to
secure information regarding a truck
license. Being unable to secure the
information desired there he went to
Lincoln Thursday to see what he
could find out there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rauth went to
Omaha Tuesday of last week for a
6hort visit with their daughter. Miss
Anna. They were accompanied by
Miss Mary Murphy, who has taken
an apartment in Omaha and will re
side there during the winter.
Entertained Friends Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haws enter
tained a group of friends at their
home Sunday evening, the six o'clock
dinner preceding an evening which
was most pleasantly spent at cards.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Keckler; L. R. Wiseman and
wife of Weeping Water, R. Bergman
and wife. Oscar Dowler and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth, John
F. Carper and wife of Manley and
Mrs. Edward Murphy and son Lloyd
of Lincoln.
Visited with Folks Here
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Minford of
North Platte arrived in Manley last
week and visited here several days at
the home of Mrs. Minford's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrdanz. They
also called on numerous old friends
while here. They returned to their
home in the west Sunday.
Enjoy Christmas Party
The members of the Friendly
Farmers Ladies, an organization for
entertainment and intellectual ad
vancement, held a party on Wednes
day of last week at the home of
Mrs. Reuben Grosser, who was as
sisted in entertaining by Mrs. Her
man Rauth and Mrs. Lloyd Wood.
An enjoyable program was offered
and a general good time had, with
plenty to eat provided by the hos
tesses. At the social hour, an ex
change of Christmas gifts was car
ried out.
DAVENPORT, la. (UP) Graceful
Hilda Louise Ralfs, 19, is one of the'
best dancers in Davenport, although
she virtually is unable to hear a note
of music.
During a childhood illness, Miss
Ralfs suffered almost complete loss of
hearing. But that did not affect her
cheerful disposition. She made the
best of her situation and learned to
read lips with such proficiency that
now she has no difficulty under
standing others if she can watch them
as the talk.
Athletically inclined, the girl be
came a member of the northwest
Davenport Turner society, where she
has won several medals for excellent
gymnastic performances,
Recently Miss Ralfs enrolled In
dancing classes at Friendly House.
Within six months she became so
adept that she was made a member
of a choral group in a recent review
staged by the school.
The girl catches the rhythm of
the music through vibrations.
Miss Ralfs teachers say she also
shows unusual ability in her other
classes, especially sewing.
Subscribe for the Journal.
Lee Norton spent a few days at
the Goohart Vant home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eaton Keller moved
into a house south of Alvo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Pollard and sons
called at the Glen Peters home Thurs
day evening.
Lyle Anderson had the misfortune
of cutting his knee while helping cut
wood Thursday. '
Jack Nichols returned home Sun
day after spending two weeks in a
Chicago hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peters called
on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Borakhaga
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Keeler and sonof
Lincoln were guests at the Glen Pet
ers home last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Trunkenbolz
and family spent last Sunday at the
Albeit Frohlich home in Eagle.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bingham of
Omaha called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Etheridge Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Blanche Kammerer, Ashland
postmistress, called on Mrs. Elsie
Kelly at the postofTice Friday morn
A large crowd attended the bazar
and chicken pie supper at the church
Saturday, sponsored by the Guild
Guild met Thursday at the church
a lovely lunch was served by Mrs.
John Grady, Mrs. Bernard Grady and
Mrs. Loyd Grady.
Miss Josephine Lewis spent last
week-end in Verdon with her parents.
Mrs. Elsie Peters and G. Dunning
went after her Sunday evening.
Dorcas met last Friday with Mrs.
Elsie Marvin and Mrs. Lulu Clymer
entertaining. The next meeting will
be a Christmas party on December
Mrs. Marie Halt entertained the
L. C. C. at a lovely one o'clock lunch
eon at her home Thursday. There
were four tables of players. Mrs.
Frrancis Vant won high and Mrs.
Lulu Landon second. Mrs. Edna Mill
er of Ashland will entertain at the
next meeting December 16 . This will
be the Christmas party.
Everyone enjoyed themselves at the
Pinochle party given by the Legion
at the hall Thursday night. Mrs Elsie
Marvin won high for the ladies and
Mrs Elrod low. Mr. Phillip Reece
won high for men and P. O. Clymer
low. Mrs. Rehmyer of Alvo won the
door prize. A tasty lunch was serv
ed to 63 people wh' .attended.
Ernest Smith Succumbs.
Ernest F. Smith passed away
his home in Greenwood at 2 p.
Thursday afternoon. Mr. Smith be
came ill in August and although his
recovery was greatly hoped for his
condition grew rapidily worse with
much suffering until death released
Mr. Smith grew to manhood at Ash
land, coming to Greenwood about 20
years ago, where he started up in the
druggist business. While here he made
many friends who grieve at his de
parture. Funeral services were held at the
Greenwood Christian church Saturday
2 p. m. with burial at Ashland.
He is survived bv his wife Elsie,
two daughters, Dorothy and Madeline,
his mother and three sisters two
brothers and many other relatives
and friends.
See the goods you buy. Catalog
descriptions are alluring enough,
but how about the goods when
you get inom?
In the County Court of Cas3 Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Sarah Campbell, deceased. No. 3286:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is April 4,
1938 ; that a hearing will be had at
the County Court room in Plattsmouth
on April 8. 1938, at ten o'clock a.
m. for the purpose of examining,
hearing,allowing and adjusting all
claims or objections duly filed.
Dated December 1, 1937.
(Seal) d0-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
guardianship of Lillian Seay, insane.
No. G-1020:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that William Seay, Guardian
of said insane person has filed herein
his final report as guardian together
with a petition praying for final set
tlement and allowance of his guard
ianship accounts heretofore tiled and
for a complete exoneration of him
self and bondsman of all further lia
bility in the premises;
You are further notified that said
petition alleges that said insane per
son has no property, either real or
personal, after payment of debts and
expenses, and that by reason thereof,
said guardian has completed his trust
as such guardian, and that said
guardianship proceedings should now
be terminated and said guardian dis
charged; You are further notified that a
hearing will be had upon said peti
tion and final report on December
18th, 1937 at the hour of two o'clock
p. m. before this Court, in the Court
House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska; all
objections thereto must be on file on
or before said date and hour of hear
ing. Dated this 6th day of December,
(Seal) d6-9 County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Joseph A. Everett, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is April
4, 193S; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platfs
mouth on April 8, 193S at ten
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated December 3, 1937.
(Seal) d6-3v County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
F. G. Fricke, real name Frederich
G. Fricke, deceased. No. 3303:
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is April
1, 1938; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on April 8. 193S, at ten
o'clock a. in., for the purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
fdiusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated November 30, 1937.
(Seal) d6-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass j
By virtue of an Order of Sale issued
by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will on the 14th day of December,
A. D. 1937, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south front door of
the court house, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, in said County, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate to
wit :
The South Half of the North
west Quarter and the Northeast
Quarter of the Northwest Quar--ter
and Lot 3 in the Northwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quar
ter, all in Section eighteen (18),
Township Ten (10), North,
Range Fourteen (14) East of
the 6th P. M., in the County of
Cass, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Roy F. Becker, et
al, Defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of said Court recovered by Hattie I.
Keedy. et al, Plaintiffs, against said
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, November
10, A. D. 1937.
Sheriff Caes County,
nll-5w Nebraska.
To Masten W. Riden; Martin
Riden; Martin W. Riden; Mastin Wr.
Riden; J. P. Casady & J. D. Test;
Henry Shewell; John B. Boulware;
the heirs, devisees, legatees, person
al representatives and all other per
sons interested in the estate of Mas
ten W. Riden. deceased, real names
unknown; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in the North
east Quarter of Section 22, in Town
ship 10, Range 12, in Cass county,
Nebraska, real names unknown,
You are hereby notified that Lena
Bctts, Cynthia M. Betts, Herman F.
Behrns and Joe F. Behrns have filed
in the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, their petition against
you claiming ownership in said real
estate in fee simple in the said plain
tiffs Lena Betts. Cynthia M. Betts
and Herman F. Behrns, in each an
undivided one-third interest, in the
South Half of the Northeast Quarter
and the South 5 acres of the North
Half of the Northeast Quarter of said
Section 22, and in plaintiff Joe F.
Behrns the North Half of the North
east Quarter of said Section 22, ex
cept the South 5 acres, and praying
for the decree of said court barring
and excluding each and all of yon
from having or claiming any right,
title, interest, estate or lien in or to
said land and quieting the title to
said land in plaintiffs in their said
shares and interests against each and
all of you and all persons claiming
through or under you; cancelling and
discharging a Deed of Trust and all
lien which might be claimed there
under given on said land by Mastin
W. Riden to J. P. Casady & J. D.
Test, securing payment of notes
amounting to $300.00, recorded m
Book "A" page 138 of the records of
Cass County, Nebraska; cancelling
and discharging a mortgage given on
said land by Mastin W. Riden to
Henry Shewell securing payment of
$636.40, recorded in Book "B" page
152 of the records of Cass County,
Nebraska. You may answer said
petition in said Court on or before
January 17, 1938, or otherwise the
said petition will be taken as true
and Decree entered as prayed there
Tlaintiffs. .
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Henry Greer, deceased. No.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed for the probate of an in
strument purporting to be the last;
will and testament of said deceased,
and for the appointment of Vernon
reer as xecuiur meieui. iuai bam
petition has been set for hearing be -
iuj e siinx vuui l un me i ill uay ui
cember 1937 at 10 a. m.
Dated November 20th 1937.
(Seal)n22-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty Nebraska.
To the creditors of the estate of
Caroline Mitchell, deceased. No.
Take notice that the time limited
for the filing and presentation of
claims against said estate is March
21, 1938; that a hearing will be had
at the County Court room in Platts
mouth on March 25, 1938, at ten
o'clock a. m. for th,e purpose of
examining, hearing, allowing and
adjusting all claims or objections
duly filed.
Dated November 15. 193 7.
(Seal) n22-3w County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of two executions issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of Otoe
County, Nebraska, both of which
were delivered to the undersigned
Sheriff on November 13, 1937, on
two judgments entered in County
Court of Otoe County, Nebraska, and
transcripted to said District Court,
in actions in which Nebraska City
Federal Savings and Loan Associa
tion, a corporation, is plaintiff, as
assignee of Securities Investment
Corporation in Tr. No. 170, and as
assignee df Fred W. Rottmann and
Nebraska City Building & Loan As
sociation in Tr. No. 175, and E.
Dewey Hoback is defendant. I will,
on December 20, 1937, at 2 o'clock
p. m., at the South door of the
court house in Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, offer and sell at
public auction the following de
scribed real estate taken under said
execution as the property of defend
ant E. Dewey Hoback, who is the
same person as Dewey Hoback and
Elmer Dewey Hoback, to-wit: An
undivided one-fifth interest in the
South 29J,2 acres, being Lot 11 in
the Southeast Quarter of the South
west Quarter, and the South 30 acres,
being Lot 12 in the Southwest Quar
ter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec
tion 34, in Township 10, Range 13;
Lots 5, 6. 7, S and 9 and the West
65 feet of Lot 10, all in Block 9, in
the Village of Nehawka; and Lot 37
in the Southwest . Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 23, in
Township 10, Range 13, all in Cass
county, Nebraska.
ta . i x - l r , n n -. I
Sheriff of Cass County,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass J
By virtue of an Order of Sale Is
sued by Clerk of District Court with
in and for Cass County, Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the 9th
day of November, A. D. 1937 at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day at the South
Front Door of the Court House at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
Lot 361 in the Village of
Greenwood, Cass County, Ne
braska; The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Ray E.
Frederick and Claire M. Frederick,
Defendants to satisfy a judgment of
said Court recovered by State Secur
ities Company, a corporation. Plain
tiff, against said Defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October 7
A. D. 1937.
Sheriff Cass County,
o7-5w Nebraska
In the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska
Louis G. Meisinger. William G.
Meisinger and Ed G. Meisinger,
George A. Salsig, Mrs. George
A. Salsig, first real name un
known; W. W. Ferryman, first
real name unknown; Kate Fer
ryman, John T. Lytle, Mrs. John
T. Lytle. first real name un
known; T. M. McDaniel, first
real name unknown, whose true
'name is Thomas M. McDaniel,
and wife Josephine McDaniel;
Andrew AV. McLaughlin; Wil
liam Smith, Mrs. William Smith,
first real name unknown; John
Scott, Mrs. John Scott, first real
name unknown: John Scott, Jr.
and wife Eliza Scott; Myrtle P.
Atwood, Nellie P. Agnew; Mrs.
Thomas E. Parmele, first real
name unknown; Jack Parmele.
Mrs. Jack Parmele, first real
name unknown; Ruth Parmele,
Mary Catherine Parmele; the
heirs, devisees, legatees, person
al representatives and all other
persons interested in the estates
of George A. Salsig; Mrs. George
A. Salsig, first real name un
known ;W. W. Ferryman, first
real name unknown; Kate Fer
ryman, John T. Lytle, Mrs.
John T. Lytle, first real name
unknown; T. M. McDaniel,
whose true name is Thomas M.
McDaniel, Josephine McDaniel;
Andrew W. McLaughlin; Wil
liam Smith, Mrs. William Smith,
first real name unknown; John
Scott, Mrs. John Scott, first real
name unknown; John Scott, Jr.
and Eliza Scott; Calvin H. Par
mele also known as C. H. Par
mele, each deceased, real names
, uninovvn and all person3 hav.
j ing or clainiing aliy interest in
and to the northwest quarter
(. U) of Section twenty
nine (29), and the north half
( N b ) of the north half (X'2)
of the southwest quarter
(SW',4) of Section twenty-nine
(29), all in Township twelve
(12) , north. Range thirteen
(13) , east of the 6th P. M., in
Cass county, Nebraska, real
names, unknown.
To the Defendants:
George A. Salsig, Mrs. George A.
Salsig, first real name unknown; W.
W. Ferryman, first real name un
known; Kate Ferryman, John T.
Lytle, Mrs. John T. Lytle. first real
name unknown; T. M. McDaniel.
first real name unknown, whose true
name is Thomas M. McDaniel. and
wife Josephine McDaniel. Andrew
W. McLaughlin, William Smith, Mrs.
William Smith, first real name un
known; John Scott, Mrs. John Scott,
first real name unknown; John Scott,
Jr. and wife Eliza Scott: Mvrtle P.
Atwood, Nellie P. Agnew; Mrs.
Thomas E. Parmele, first real name
unknown; Jack Parmele, Mrs. Jack
Parmele, first real name unknown;
Ruth Parmele, Mary Catherine Par
mele; the heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal representatives and all oth
er persons interested in the estates
of George A. Salsig. Mrs. George A.
Salsig. first real name unknown; W.
W. Ferryman, first real name un
known. Kate Ferryman, John T.
Lytle, Mrs. John T. Lytle, first real
name unknown; T. M. McDaniel,
whose true name is Thomas M. Mc
Daniel. Josephine McDaniel, Andrew
W. McLaughlin, William Smith, Mrs.
William Smith, first real name un
known; John Scott, Mrs. John Scott,
first real name unknown, John Scott.
Jr. and Eliza Scott; Calvin H. Par
mele also known as C. H. Parmele,
each deceased, real names unknown,
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in and to the north
west quarter (NWU) of Section
twenty-nine (29), the north halt
(N) of the north half (N1,) of
the southwest quarter (SW'.i) of
Section twenty-nine (29), all in
Township twelve (12), north. Range
thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M.,
in Cas3 county, Nebraska, real name3
You are each of you hereby noti
fied that Louis G. Meisinger, William
G. Meisinger and Ed G. Meisinger,
as plaintiffs, (led a petition and com
menced an action in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, on
November S. 1937, against you and
each of you; the object, purpose and
prayer of which is to obtain a decree
of court quieting the title to the
northwest quarter (NWU) of Sec
tion twenty-nine (29), the north
half ( N V2 ) of the north half (N)
of the southwest quarter (SW?i ) of
Section twenty-nine (29), all in
Township twelve (12), north. Range
thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M.,
in Cass county, Nebraska, and for
equitable relief; and to cancel of
record a mortgage to Andrew W.
McLaughlin, on the north half of the
northwest quarter of said Section
29. for $1,963.68, dated June 30,
1SS4, and recorded in Book Q at
page 4 62, and to cancel a mortgage
to Calvin H. Parmele on the north
west quarter of said Section 2 9 for
$3,500.00 dated April 15, 18S7, re
corded in Book V at page 43, and
lo cancel a mortgage given to C. II.
Parmele on the north half of the
north half of the southwest quarter
of said Section 29 for $900.00 dated
July 3, 1SS5, recorded in Book S
at page 134, all in the mortgage rec
ords of Cass county, Nebraska.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 27th day of December,
1937, or the allegations in said peti
tion will be taken as true and a de
cree rendered in favor of plaintifis
and against you and each of you ac
cording to the prayer of said peti
tion. Dated this Sth day of November,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
nl5-4 w
Take notice that Harvey B. Koop.
Plaintiff, Assignee of Home State
Bank, Louisville, Nebr., has this day
commenced an action against you
and Ivan L. Thomas in the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which is to
foreclose mortgage on Lots 206, 207
and 20S in the Village of Louisville.
Cass county, Nebraska, dated Nov.
1C, 1926. to secure note of same date
for $1,065.00 on which there is a
balance claimed to be due of $71S.-
You are required to answer said
petition on or before January 3rd,
1938, or the prayer of said petition
will be taken as true and foreclosure
granted as prayed.
D. O. Dwyer it W. L. Dwyer,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
You always get fairest treat
ment from your home town merchant.