MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1937. AIvo News Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nickel spent Thursday at the Will Nickel home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mickle and Lloyd Mickle spent Thursday at the Clcnn Dimmitt home. Mr. and Mrs. John Banning went to Lincoln Friday evening. They vent in time for the Christmas' parade. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Riper and son Irvin of Clarkson were over night quests Wednesday evening at the Ben Muenchau home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muenchau drove to Plattsmouth Friday. They visited relatives and friends and also secur ed their drivers license. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nickel and Mrs. Jennie Rouse were guests at the Orville Quellhorst home in Elm wood, Thursday evening. Mrs. Orval Gerbeling and daugh ter spent a couple of days with hor parents, while her husband was em ployed in a Beatrice store. Miss Alta Linch, a teacher in the Beatrice school, came home Thurs day to spend her Thanksgiving va cation with her father, P. J. Linch. Mr, and Mrs. John Banning spent Thanksgiving with friends in Ne braska City. On their return trip they called at the W. B. Banning home at Union. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coalman. Billy Ceorge. Jesse Hardnock and son Forrest were dinner guests Thurs day at the Albert Swanson honv. where they enjoyed a turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muenchau and family enjoyed a Thanksgiving din ner with the Muenchau families that gathered at the home of Mrs. Muen chau of Elmwood to celebrate Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Fred Rehmeier and family of Weeping Water and Henry Mogensen, also of Weeping Water, enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner Thursday at the Simon Rehmeier home. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mickle and son. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Gerbeling and daughter of Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hardnock were guests at the Harold Nickel home Thursday evening, where the families enjoyed an oyster supper. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fischer and children, Mrs. Jordan and Miss Emma Jordan were dinner guests at the Joe Yickers home for' Thanksgiving dinner. Meryl and Verna Vickers. of Lincoln, were also home for the Thanksgiving vacation. Thanksgiving: Vacation The teachers and school children enjoyed Thanksgiving vacation over the week end. School was dismissed early Weduesda3'. thus giving the teachers a better opportunity to reach their various homes a little earlier for Thanksgiving. Injured When Attacked Frank Edwards had three ribs broken and a sprained knee as well as being quite badly bruised Tues t!jy evening when he was attacked by a bull when doing some chores in the barnyard at the farm where the Edwards family have been liv ing. Mr. Edwards feels very lucky to escape being killed from the manner in which he was attacked. Firemen Provide Skating; Rink The Alvo Firemen have provided i skating rink just north of the Phillip Coatman home, but warm weather came and spoiled the skat ing, at least for the present. Entertains Club Mrs. Arthur Skinner delightfully entertained the members of the Moth ers' and Daughters' Council at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Garhard had charge of a Thanksgiving pro gram. The hostess served delicious chick en sandwiches, pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee. Club members drew names for an exchange of Christinas gifts. RUNS DOWN AUTO LINCOLN, Nov. 27 (UP) Vera Eenecke,27, of Palmyra used his speed, developed as a athlete to run down a hit and run automobile driver whose machine crashed into Tcnecke's parked car early today. Benecke who has been staying in Lincoln for several days was awaken ed from his :lecp by the collision. Ahen he heard the cr.r driving away, he leaped into his trousers and set out in pursuit. He halted the driver and hi.s car after a short chase. The driver, William, of Lin ciln was found guilty of trunken driv in municipal court and was lined 1 0 and -ctr bv Judrre O. C. Wood. I iirs d rivers licence v. 113 au: pcndcJ for or.c year. AVOCA NEWS Monte Lum was called to Omaha Tuesday, where he had business to transact. Leland Daniels, coach at Avoca high school, is driving a new Pontiac car, which he purchased from Carl O. Zaiser, the local dealer. The Avoca school was dismissed ou Wednesday of last week in order that the faculty and students might en joy a Thanksgiving vacation. The family of Elmer Hennings en joyed a visit from his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hennings and family, who reside south of Louisville. Miss Dorothy Gollner, who has a position working for the government at Lincoln, came home for a Thanks giving A'isit and remained the rest of the week. William Wolfe and wife and Mrs. Celia Wolfe were in Lincoln last Tuesday, going to see Dr. J. W. Thomas, who is treating the eyes 01 the latter. A party of Avocaites made a trip to Lincoln last Saturday on busi ness, among them being Henry Mase man. Stuart Maseman. Roy Ruhga and Dwight Baier. Henry Maseman and family have moved from the home they occupie-'l in the northwest part of town to the Kuhlman or Price property in the eastern part of town. J. J. Cullan and wife departed last Monday for Reliance. South Da kota, where they expect to visit for a week at the home of the parents of his father. They made the trip via auto. Mrs. Emma Rawalt visited in Lin coln last Saturday, where she was a guest of friends and attended the football game despite the very cold and disagreeable weather, enjoying seeing the Cornhuskers defeat the University of Iowa. We are under obligation to Carl O Zaiser, accommodating garage man at Avoca for taming our auto which refused to work properly as we drove into Avoca last week. Carl knows his "P's and Q's," as printers say. in the automobile line. The Elmer Hallstrom family were Thanksgiving day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Zaiser. Yesterday they went to Plattsmouth. where they enjoyed a second Thanksgiving day visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall strom. Fred Carsten and wife, Albert Sell and wife and Mr. and Mrs. "Marion Pittman were in Nebraska City on Tuesday of last week, where they visited Mrs. Edward Morley, who un derwent an operation a week ago last Saturday, but is getting along very nicely now. Among those who attended the Nebraska-Iowa football game at Lin- 1 coin a week ago Saturday were Su perintendent and Mrs. Jensen and Coach Leland Daniels and his moth er, the latter visiting with friends in Lincoln during the afternoon in stead of going to the game. Ernest Gollner was a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. "William Gollner a week ago Sunday, enjoying the opportunity of a short visit among the home folks. He re turned to Omaha where he was ap pearing with the Joe Hart orchestra of Kansas City at the Chermot ball room. Fred Wildrick and wife, former residents of Avoca and vicinity, ac companied by their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. William Duskin. all of Alliance, arrived in Avoca Tuesday and visited here for a number of days, looking after the farm which the Wildricks have in this vicinity. Entertained for Dinner Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Kokjer were host and hostess at their home in Avoca last Thursday, having as their Thanksgiving dinner guest3 the fam ily cf Henry Maseman and Rev. and Mrs. R. D. Hall, the new minister of the Congregational church and his wife. A very pleasant gathering was had. Enjoyed Passing Birthday At the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Staack on last Sunday all the members of the family were gather ed for a visit and a splendid birthday dinner in honor of the birthday ot Mrs. Staack. Gave Their Friends a Dance Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carsten who at the time of their marriage last February were twice charivaried. planned to entertain their friends nt a dance at some future date, and this past, week concluded the time had conic to do so. Accordingly they gave a free dance for all their friends last Saturday night. Mrs. Morley Improving Mrs. Edward Morley, who has been in poor health for some tirao past and was at the St. Mary's hos-4 pital at Nebraska City for some time under observation and receiving treatment, underwent a major op eration last Saturday and Bince that time has been showing good im provement. Mr. Morley was at the hospital with the wife during the trying ordeal of the operation. Dur ing the time he was away, Hilbert Nutzman, who operates a produce station just across the street from Mr. Morley's service station, was looking after business at the service station. Attended Brother's Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCann and son Leo were at Plattsmouth Tuesday of last week, where they attended the funeral of the late Peter Curtis, a brother of Mrs. McCann, who pass ed away on Sunday. The funeral was held from a Plattsmouth funeral home and interment was in Oak Hill cemetery at Plattsmouth. To Make Home in Missouri Mr. and Mrs. George Shackley do-1 parted early last week for a point in southern Missouri, where they visit ed a year ago, and will make their home there for the greater portion of the winter. They have relatives and friends there and are looking for ward to a very pleasant winter in the milder climate of that vicinity. At Home in Avoca Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Corbin. whoj have a farm Lome just across the j road from the North Branch church, j where they have resided during the summer, last week moved back to their home in town to reside dur ing the winter, bringing with them their cow, a number of chickens and a hog or so. They are now nicely lo cated and are pleased to again be back in town for the winter. Kuch Stock Being Lost During the early part of last week twelve cattle in this vicinity died from the effects of the so-called cornstalk disease. Louis Gorthey lest four, Elmer Wessell two. L. H. Car sten four and John Mohr two. That is certainly a heavy loss to the farmers named, but it seems it cannot be helped and there have been scores of cattle and other farm animals lost in this county during the fall. Attended Brother's Wedding1 Elmer Hennings and family were over south of Louisville last Sunday, where they attended the wedding ot Flmcr? vonrtfrpr hrnthpr Prnost Hen - I nings. who was united in marriage to Miss Gladys Shelhorn. They will reside on a farm near Murray. Guests at Brendel Home Dr. and Mrs.- J. W. Brendel enter tained a group of relatives and friends at their home on Thanks giving day, when a splendid dinner was served. The guests included Fred Marquardt and family, of Avoca. A. L. Cockle and family and Miss Selma Marquardt, all of Omaha. All enjoyed the opportunity of visit ing together during the day, as well as the fine dinner that was served. U. S. EXPRESSES CONCERN WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 ( UP) Secretary of State Cordell Hull said today the United States has made representations to Japan expressing American concern over possible in terference with the Chinese customs system. American concern was expressed specifically over any changes which might interfere with the present sys tem of collecting and distributing Ihe customs revenues pledged in large part to payments on China's for eign debt obligations. Hull declared that at least two or three other powers were making parallel representations to Tokyo. The United States is exchanging in formation with the other powers, he! said. The representatiens were made to the Tokyo government by American Ambassador Joseph Grew at the in struction of Hull. The AmeTTcan views were present ed as Japanese officials in China pre pared to take over the administration of the bulk of Chinese customs or ganization. There has been no indi cation that Japan proposed to divert customs revenues from the channels to which they have been pledged by China. CAN'T BRINK AT HOME. SO JAIL IS WELCOME! UTICA. N. Y., Nov. 27 (UP) ' Raymond Lux. 49, says "If a man! can't drink in his home he might as well be in jail." i Lux appeared at police headquar'-l tors demanding that he be arrested.! Police accommodated him. j In court. Lux said his wife refused: ty let him drink "in his ow n home," i so he might as well be in jail. J PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL MIRDOCK ITEEV1S Miss Pauline Kroh enjoyed a very pleasant Thanksgiving day at the Herman Schweppe home. Mrs. Wilhamenia Baur, who was very poorly for some time at her home, is reported much better at present. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Amgwert and Jack spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. George Kruse of Clay Cen ter, Nebraska. Mrs. Hannah McDonald has been visiting in Sterling, Colorado, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Eastman and family. I. G. Hornbeck and Miss Elsie Eornemeier were dinner guests last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hornbeck in Lincoln. Mrs. Fred Klemme, who has been in poor health for several months, although she has been receiving the best of treatment still remains very poorly. Jesse and Harry Stock were busi ness callers in Plattsmouth Saturday, taking time while there to attend a hearing at the court house in which they were interested. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winkler and daughter of Elmwood enjoyed a fine Thanksgiving dinner at the Louis Schmidt home in Wabash. Edward Ganaway was in Lincoln Wednesday forenoon, where he was looking after business matters and .purchased some supplies for his shoe repair business in Murdock. Mrs. Fred Stock and son. Faul, moved to Murdock from the farm on Tuesday of last week and are now very nicely settled in the home that Mrs. Stock purchased last spring. Herman Bornemeier, of near Alvo, who is administrator of the Eorne meier estate, was in Murdock last Wednesday afternoon posting bills for the sale of some notes due the estate. Mrs. Glen Ilarger and the son that was born to her at the Bryan Me morial hospital in Lincoln, returned home last Thursday and are pleased to be home again and all are feel ing fine. L. Neitzel left last Wednesday1 for Kansas City to spend Thanksgiving 1 herd of cattle to an Omaha firm that day at the home of his daughter, j v, ill have them eared for and fed ou Mrs. Clara Hartung and daughter, j the former McCrorey farm w hich has He was expecting to prolong his visit just recently been purchased by John to Sunday. . j w. Gamble of Omaha. G. P. Gerhart, Eloise Pool, former, teacher of the'vho is farming the place will have Murdock schools, w ho now makes her charge of the feeding operations. home in Lincoln, where she is en- gaged in teaching, was calling on old j Church Women Active friends here a number of days dur-' The various Womens organizations ing the past week. of tno Murdock church have been ac- Ifonrv P Rafkpmpvor r,f near of near Greenwood was a caller in Murdock and was lookinc after some business matters last Wednesday and as well was meeting many of his friends here and sure he has a lot of them. Albert Schroader. who was taken to a Lincoln hospital some ten days ago seriously ill is 'reported making good progress and indications are he has an even better than fifty-fifty chance to recover, although he is still a long ways from being a well man. Henry A. Tool and wife went to; Ackley, Iowa, to visit over Thanks giving day and the balance of the week with Mr. Tool's aged mother, now in her 9Cth year. Bryan Mc Donald looked after business at the bank Friday and Saturday while the Tools were away. As a part of the Thanksgiving day celebration at Grandpa Dehning's in Elmwood, the Rev. Harvey Schwab had the privilege of baptising nine children, the four children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dehning of Cedar Creek, and five children of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amgwert were at Barneston last Sunday, where they enjoyed a very pleasant visit at the home of Prof, and Mrs. P. T. John son. Mr. Johnson was formerly su perintendent of schools in Murdock, but for the past few years has been superintendent at Barneston. The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klemme, who are stu dents at Nebraska Wesleyan Uni versity, spent the brief Thanksgiving vacation at the home of their parents and their friends here, returning to Lincoln Sunday night in order to re sume their studies Monday morning. Early Monday morning, November 22, Mrs. Carl Schlaphof and Alfred Rikli started for Tucson, Arizona, where they will spend some time with Doretta and Elmer Schlaphof. Thev were accompanied to Enid. Okla., by RICHARD Architect BIdg. Modernizing Store Fronts Latest Farm BIdg. Design Erick Work - Con-rrete Work - Plastering Telephone 2G0 Brick Porches - Fire Places Plattsmouth Roland Rikli, who will spend the winter months there, employed in the Rikli stores. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luetchcns and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. William Witte at Clay Center. Nebr. After visiting for sev eral days with Mrs. Luetchens' par ents, they returned home on Monday. The trip was made in their new car, which was bought to replace the one damaged in their recent accident in Chicago. Alvin Oehlerking did not sln.i e in the general enjoyment of the Thanksgiving celebration at the Wal ter Oehlerking home at Elmwood. On Tuesday he made a trip to the dentist where he had a badly im pacted wisdom tooth removed. As a result he has been spending most of his time in bed during the past few days. Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs". A. J. Tool in cluded their son, Douglass, who is superintendent of schools at Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. George Work and two sons of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Meyer and family of Sioux Ciy. I Mr. and Mrs. Meyers and family al-j so visited Mr. Meyers' mother, Mrs August Panska, while here. The fathers and sons of Murdock i 5lir-v at the session of the district are to have a banquet at the Mur-U'ourt in Plattsmouth. were home on dock high r.chool on Tuesday even- j Thanksgiving day and over the week ing. December 7th. This was made 1 end possible by the work and interest Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moore of Om 3hov.11 by Lacey McDonald, who i.3 aha spent their holiday and a num president of the Fathers' and Sons' j ber of days follow ing in Elmwood as organization of Murdock. Mr. Mc- guests at the home of the parents of Donald has secured Mr. Troy Davis of Weeping Water, who will be the prin cipal speaker for the occasion. A large group of relatives and old friends enjoyed a happy fellowship and a bounteous dinner at the Wm. Rikli home on Thanksarivinz da v. Thnsp nrpspnt w ere Crandma Rikli. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rikli and family, the Rev. and Mrs. Harvey A. Schwab and Very, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johan- sen. the Carl Schlaphof family, Ken- neth Peters, the Misses Alvina and: ing the time Mrs. Nelson, the pro Polly Kuehn and Edgar Kuehn. Later ! prietor, was spending Thanksgiving in the day the Herman and Reuben 1 Dierkson families of Drummond and I Enid, Okla., arrived for a pleasant visit. Sells His Herd of Cattle Jesse Stock has disposed of his "vc ill raising luuub iui me ' church work, particularly missions. Just recently the tiny tots of the Bible stho1- under flection of Mrs. Harvey A. Schwab gave a program to raise funds for this work at which they were very successful. At one of the recent programs. Misses Martha and Marie Schweppe sang a most beautiful duet. Red Cross Roll Call Here The result of the Red Cross roll cpll in Murdock has been most grati lying to those who have collected in the money. The list of members and contributors turned over to the Jour nal for publication includes Henry A. Tool, Mrs. Henry A. Tool. Mrs. Frances Gillespie. W. O. Gillespie, Mrs. Frank Buell. Henry Meierjur gen. Mrs. Johanna Panska, M. H. Briggs, Eerdine Hansen, Conrad II. Baumgartner. Mrs. Bertha Heineman j (contributor 1. Chas. Haertle (con tributor). H. F. Schweppe, Rev. Har vey O. Schwab, Mrs. Amelia Rieck man. Mrs. Otto Miller, C. T. For manack (contributor), W. H. Zabel (contributor), L. Neitzel. Eddie Craig (contributor). L. B. Gorthey, A. J. Tool, E. E. Ganaway (contributor) and Mrs. Hannah McDonald. LEAVES LARGE ESTATE CHICAGO. Nov. 27 (UP) The late Louis F. Swift left an estate of approximately $4,000,000, an inven tory on file in probate court showed today. Swift willed the bulk of his estate to his son Louis F. Swift, Jr., Wheaton. Illinois, a daughter, Mrs. Ida Swift Minotto of Phoenix, Ariz ona, his widow, and three children of another son, Alden. Principle foldings of the estate, the inventory said, were mortgage notes $1,000,000; real estate, $800, 000; life insurance, $444,429; ac counts receivable. $176,742; and Swift & Co. stock $263,176. L. KING and Builder Sl r munnn mpwc Louis Langhorst, who holds a po sition as inspector for the state, was touring the county last week look ing after his official duties. Albert Alford has been under the weather, suffering from an attack of the flu. At latest reports he was considerably better, however. Lawrence Race is employed in i Elmwood at the garage of Elmer j Stevens, since disposing of his busi-j uess in this line in Murdock. Mr. ana ivirs. w . t opp;e. no reside west of Alvo, were visiting! and looking after business matters j in Elmwood on Tuesday of last week. Fred Pratt, who formerly resided at Tobias, departed for that place! lyst Wednesday, where he is visiting with relatives and friends for a fev.' weeks. Eldon Stark and family spent a part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Miller, who reside south of Lincoln, where they enjoyed a line Thanksgiving dinner. I Roy Rhoden and Walter G. Bot, J who have been serving on the petit ! Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Langhorst. Mrs. Emily Gonzales and son Don ald, who is a student at the Uni versity of Nebraska, were guests on j Thanksgiving day at the home of a sister of Mrs. Gonzales, Mrs. James; ! Mills and husband, north of Mur dock. John Wood was working at Alvo several (lavs last week, lookins: after business at the Nelson Grocery dur-1 1 and the balance of the week at the home of relatives at Jensen. Carl Schneider, of Lexington, was here for an over Thanksgiving visit with his wife at the home of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wil liams. Miss Anna Williams, a sister of Mrs. Schneider, who is a teacher in the schools at Brock, was also home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene and son James were at Weeping Water Thursday of last week, where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keckler. who were en tertaining for Thanksgiving. In ad dition to the Greene family, those present included the parents of Mr. Keckler, Ralph Keckler and wife of Weeping Water and Mr. and Mrs. Max Campbell of Lincoln. Mrs. Bess Streeter Aldrich, well Known Nebraska authoress, spent Thanksgiving day at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Milton Beechner, at Lincoln. This left to care for the household, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cobb, who Quietly enjoyed the occasion at home. The Beechners and Mrs. Aid- rich went to Exeter for a visit at the I home of Milton's parents. Rev. and. Mrs. Samuel Beechner. Rev. Beech ner is pastor of the Methodist church j tit Exeter. Visited at Wichita " . : . t rawood telenhone pifhanire. 1 - companied by her daughter and fam fly, Mrs. Florence Buell, made a trip to Wichita, Kas., last week, where they were guests over Thanksgiving day and the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hanke and family. Mrs. Hanke was formerly Miss Gladys Lyle. Return to Home in Plattsmouth On Friday of last w eek, Mrs. J. R. j Reeder and tw in daughters, who have j been staying here with Mrs. Reeder's J parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wil-j liams, returned to their home in Plattsmouth. Mr. Reeder coming forj the family and Miss Hilda Friedrich. j who has been acting as nurse for Mrs. Reeder and the twins during their stay in Elmwood. Mr. Coiburn Very Poorly C. L. Colburn, former agent for the Missouri Pacific here, who was recently retired on a pension, and who has been making his home with the famiiy of B. E. Sumner, who suc- WE ARE THE Authorized Plymouth (and DeSoto) Dealers in Plattsmouth Make Your Next Car a 'PLYMOUTH' thi: K THAT SIAXUS 11' BUST H. V. Bryant Victor Co. Sales and Service PAGE FIVE J ceeded him as agent here, is report ed m very poor health and unable to ! get about. He is being cared for bv Mr. and Mrs. Sumner. Spent Day at Marquette Oscar Turner, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bothwell and their daughter. Miss Jeanne Adair, Orest Cook and family and County Treas urer John E. Turner, wife and daugh ter, of Plattsmouth, were Thanksgiv ing day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Turner, of Marquette, where they enjoyed a splendid visit and a most sumptuous Thanksgiving dinneri complete all the trim- miugs. Visited at Roca Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Cook were enjoying the holiday which comes to i.iail carriers on Thanksgiving day, I spending the time at the home o' j their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Emory J McDowell at Roca. They drove over j in the morning to spend the day j anu enjoy a fine dinner at the Mc Dowell home. Injured Folks Some Better Mrs. Bert Reber and the family of Jchn Box, all of whom were more or less injured in an auto wreck two weeks ago. are showing good im provement at the present time. Mrs. Reber, who was confined to her bed for some time, was the one most ser iously injured, and Ehe was able to be up a part of the time last week. Will Farm the Coming Year Word comes from Los Angeles that Alfred H. Race and family, who re cently moved to the west coast, are returning to Elmwood to reside dur- ! ing the winter and early in the spring will move to Leon. Iowa, where Mr. Race has purchased a farm. R. M. Dennis, who has been in the western "ity at the home cf his daughter. Mrs- Race' win return with theni ami ngain make his home here. They are expected here the last of this week. Entertained for Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bornemeier entertained on Thanksgiving day at their farm home, having as guests a group of Mrs. Bornemeier's relatives. Those present were Fred Ostertag of St. Louis and Daniel and Frank Ostertag of Wichita, with their re spective families, and Mrs. Bertha Ostertag. the mother of Mrs. Borne meier and her brothers, who resides in Jlmwood. It was a most pleasant family reunion. Visiting in Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Herman Flaisehnian, who have been accustomed to serv ing a Thanksgiving dinner at their home each year, this year drove to Illinois to spend the festive holiday at the home of relatives of Mrs. Flaischman, Mr. and Mrs. Grant and Elmer Kendall who reside in that state. To Spend Winter at Falls City Leo Horton, who has been making his home here, keeping house by him self, left last week for Falls City, where he will spend the winter at the home of his daughter Mabel, now Mrs. Fred Rothrox. Entertained the Entire Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wood en tertained the remainder of the family ion Thanksgiving day, all the child 1 rcn and their respective families be ing at home for the holiday and to enjoy the sumptuous dinner that was served. Insurance We will be having snowy, slippery roads and frosty windshields for the next few months. INSURE FOR PROTECTION If you own or drive a car, you need good insurance. Call or See PHONE- 16 Plattsmoutm mmmmmmmm m v mm mm mmm mm m INSURANCE- "CL